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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1883, p. 1

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' ' · TERMS: $1.50 P:irn. .Ali:iroK. · OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD A~'ERW.ARDS. M.A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PitOPltl~TOR~ NEW SERIES, NUMBER 265. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. -AUGUST 24, 188~. VoL UME 4. XXIX. NU.MBER w .. I A.T " I OC>ST says one. . . · ' AT LESS THAN COST I I I j cries a ~econd. A TREMENDOUS SACRIFlCEJ! ! · -proclaims a third.~ The parsona,ge of St. Joh,n's'church was burnt on Mouday morning, 13th inst. The inmates of the h ouse beingrou&ed by ti. cat, noticed tht1 lire about 3 o.'dock. Hardly anything w~ saved, not e ven neces3ary clothing. Mr. Wm. Laing, of the village, deserves especial mention for his q 11icknees in getting there and in res· cniag aome .valuables from th_ e devo'u ring flames.· Nn insura.nce. ' . The two Crosareans, Wa~shn and Thom· \Bon, have just commenced their se11son's wo_ rk at Mr. -John Forder's threshing his. fall wheat and barley, which ha got ' well saved. It ia delightful to hear the pros· perous hnm of the steam thresher, and We anticipate for the tw·o a good seaso:i, confident.that thev. will reoei ve their µsual patronage owing "to cheir experienc:i 1:1<nd the skill which they have displayed m the past, also t.hat c!ose · atten~ion to duty· which bas been characteristic of them. Om.·. ).".e.nLi.l vil)jqAr, T. Swain, has not stayel at P-arr, but is nQw a.~ a premium. with Hill. .Aux,, 1 · Er~ -AND-- LE!\VlNG · BOWMANVILLE.~ Our nume1:ou~ patrons in Bowmanville and vicinity will ple&Se· . GRO.CE_RIES,~RO~VISIONS,CROGKERV, CLASSWARE,&c, -BY TI-IE- accept our thanks for the patronagi3 so libemlly bestowed since w~ commencefl business~ · - We also beg to inform them and the public generally· that w;e have. decided to sell our entire ---stock of'--- 15th of October next·, Our stock is very large and as the .time 0 after which date McC!ung Bros. , '\\' ill occupy th~ premises. . · · l' 1· · J.Of ( f th 1sposmg () . e same is so limited we' lia.'v e decided to offer' SPECIAL BARGAINS. , . ?"*.~··Note , the followfo.g reductim1s in TEA: rt~ . ~· w · ·· · __ · -we·wiU E SAY s~ll J[[RB Y. Barley h ·rvest is· ended. Threshing machin11s a.Te bnstly at work ridding the b1un11 in order to make room for other Our TEA, excel lent 'value at 40 cents, we w~ll sell at 2~ cents, Our TEA excellent value at GO cents, we will sell at 4,J cents. Our TEA: excellent Yalue at 7 J cent::<, we will sell at 60 cents. · · . · you- We will not sell in quantities less than 5lbs. at above prices . · Our Larize stt·ck of Grar;ll:fe Tea s'et~, Toilet Sets, China Tea Sets, Fancy Jugs, Fancy crops. Your road.-rs "re all probably acquaint· ~ d I fi ed with the story o~ the wolf aud the ' lamb. But our story involves pnly the latter_.:..the sheep. 1'wo -of these Rhaggy Millinery·Goods, · · . Dress Goods, Staple Goods, ' Or any other good .i~ the. trade at a~ low . prices as any ot~e·r house ~c~n poss11?ly offer· th,e m. at---and live. · · l' . ' CARPETS ANQ .. HOUSE-FU· RNISH'INC coons, MeG-LU ' ' B OS. bJ) ai ~· JUST TO HANOl ~, 10 Cases '.1 pint Gem Jars. , ~ · 1. 5 Cases 1 quart Gem ·Jars, rn. <t.I 5 Cases 2 quart Gem Jars, 0 s:I 7 Cases Glassware, ....... a Hoghsh~ads China~ ·etc. 0 ........ Q) , c£ H A ....p J.-4 ,,.cl .. r-1 <D r.IJ. (IA ICALL 11.s IsoL1c1TED I BEFORE IPURDHASING.IJ ! . . ~ "We have stiil a few boxes of those ' ,..Q <D ·...P ~ A · ~ CHOICE SELECTED RAISINS : le.ft. · Yo~ A should haye a box. .<IL ~ Murdoch Bros. ,PORT PERRY ., ) . s· I PlOW Alblll't IJnivn~Uy «Jolie;("· Courses for )\'[at· The above works are running full blast to Cham.pion Ing e , rlculatton In Arts, Law and Medicine in Albert !keep.up with orders. Some very large ordel'S · a nd· Port er.,..,. Gang Plow « to1·1 muum· School. «.:nmmc .rclal «Julhave bees receive~ lately, including a hand, .,, ' Iexc flrst-c!asR. Diplomas In Music. Alcxau. H orse Rakeclrl\ C0 U e 11;e for L!<dies, a vem;:e tot11l expense aome Gray Monument for the 'J'aylor Estnte, Sulky · Cartwright; and a Gray Monume1.1._t for Mr. J . j (with Boord), $3.211 per week, . Terms open J<'reeburn,Cartwr1ght. Wi: EMPLOY No Aoo~·rs, warranted to be the best 1 Sep, 6, 1883; Jau. 3, 288t. For partlonlars, a.d· and are sell}ng 'fomb Stones, Monuments, etc .. d~·s> President J , R. JAQUES, D; D., Belleat lo.war prices In c.onaequence. Our cu·t!J· .Hore Hoes Reapers ville, Ont. · mars get 'the comm1sslon themselve~. It will " ' -----------~---· pay any person who intendA erecting a. monu-. . ·and other Implements. D I VORCES.- No publicity; residents of any p. MARBLE ___ WOR·KS __ 1. W. H. PIPER , . ' ' ALBERT COLLEGE; IlELJ.E'\' U,LE. AGEN'l' FOR THE I , (Opened 1857.) Undei'gradnate Cou~s011 in I '/ their order. I R'narantee :first class 'vor at I ~ ' ' · ~ ' lowest possible prices. , · nnvi i l e, wllcre snmplc8 may be seen. nt to the memory of a depa1·ted friend . to . . __ . State. Desertion, Noq-Snpport. Advice mc_ write me or see me versonally before" plak omg.1 lll'SIIU':NC'F.f·--TI'eUin"ton str eet B-0,,... and applications for stamps W H ·Lee'y 2., 9 B' ay N y · · · ' w ·- · · _ . - - - -- -- - -- - - -~ l!5Hr. daae W. SHAW, ' 1\hnBLJ!llWOJUCS, Pon> PtmM: If rariners wanting Plows or Rakes w ill send DVERTISt:acs I send for onr Select List of Local Newspa_pers. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., a pos card I will deliver them at their re& ldences, 2SL 10 Spruoe . ~t. N. Y. A ol three 1l.ret Boys 1mdyoutbs ready made clothing esp col· outtere, Elllson& Co. · allty. Ellison & Co. We ue exlleildlng the·iailoring dept. El.Uson We will sacr.-iftca tho proflts to il'ereue th .&.Co. sales.· Ellison & Oo. . ~;to~;~ choose either -Nearly all who go to the Nor th.·west, or any foreign pulnt, f rom this district, get tipket8 from Cllmie & Allen, Bowman ville. 'fhev o1ell tickets by raihv& y ol'·boot to al.l pointe, at loweat_ poesible rat~. '. iill. from rn<;:<"fif@ nb l~Mthet} but frorn -J · , ,~- . "· w"v ", ..... _,., ,.. ___ _ . ~ --. · .. ,. .. ..... ,,.. '" · --.·. · ...;~ -~- \l-u!'lrn,~rt ~eat of art AugtH~t ii5t)nday - -- -- - .- - - - --. - - - - -- -:~·andere<l rnto a yard by thf! way ftlde in IN .WHOSE INTEREST 'l WHITBY PRESBYTERY. m qnest of a shady rook, Soon after· wards the master of the premises eff3nced . A very interesting meeting ·wa~ held in t~at way end took pity upon fhl~ poor To the Editor of the Statesmm1. · l b E Dunbarton ou Tuesday the 14th mst., for ; · t" · S.ome t Im~ "mnocents" thus encumbered ·with their ago a pe itloo, signec Y · the ordinati.,11 and i'nductiou of Mr. R. burdensome coat, · Ile grasped his ·hears Prou~ and 41 other~, wa~ _preee11ted to· M Craicr. This charge has been greatly and soon had one di&bt1J"dened. T~ the hpnorable body compr1smg our ffown· h' d"'" "I K ' 1 f o· b k' c l\Dge emcu ~' r . . ennec.y e t lm ar· . C · other is placed in a similar positirin, anil eh tp OU?Cll, as mg that a road be op.ened ton. About the same titue J\.' fr. Beat t ie the clippers are at .their terrible work, for public travel and for the convemence I 'ft Cl t · 1 E k' I h E ahremohn anc , r s · 1 °~ c 1;.i rc 't r· when lo there rushed madly on the scepe of neighbors living in the immediate ek. 1 1 · · 't A 10 · t k f · s · m~ c urc was on y " m1 1 es rom a laddie- the servant of a noted E:xhibi. vi~mi Y· ct .n was a en S? ar ~s to ap- J Dunbart1n-when both wer-e vacant they tor and claitns them a.s his' employer's pomt a comimttee to ex1m1'.me said road, 't d b ti p b t · · C . . were u01 e y . rn rns y ery ; irn d ·s t' l ll property. 'l'he secrst is soon told. They an d a rep~rt laid b.efore the ounci! at 1 .tR later Highland Creek congreg11tion was had been shorn in e~rly winter, in order ladt meetmg, which report was uot m 't d D b b I s d f un arton · Y i 1e yno P to !lgain win laurels at the lea.din~ exhibi- favor of opening' suid road. How did they um 0 to . . ·. . . . : Toronto and K111gstou as one pastoral tions. Letters of "demand for damages" arrive at such conc!us1on I (m wl~~se mtet- llharge. There are few better fields the speedily follow, but at this juncture we est 1) Waa there. a 9ountE·r pet1t1011 l If church than this united charg · d f re, an . h prefer to "let up." To the exhibitor we so ho:w many signatures ? or was the .ace.d· agams · t 42 tunate1 y it · ·a, procured the services .' d om of t wo or t l1ree p1 would 1·espeotfully dedicate the nur,ery · w1s u R of Ma. · · · · . C verv young man-.a.1.r. · h ave fe It· -the mconvemence rhy1n~. · arisrng ·. prom1smg h d d .1 · l . d. wh o · 1 d 1 w !cl ., ra1g, w o was or a1ne anu 1nc ucte .. Jlf. li-ke little Bopeep, vou've lo·t your sheep, f com said ruadb . emg ~ ose , . ou . i , 1 hers on... Tuesday ·la st, llcnd who enters ; And can't tell where to find thelil,no.t have been bett~r. to have .giv eu t tnHI I upon his work with brightes t prospects. Let them' alone' and when they come home for a counter ' petthon, and 1£ non e was ,.,,. E t h d M Ab They'll uot have th6il' tl~cc&i upon tb.ein. ,., h · l f ;ur. as man prc>ac e , r. ram pre· t h f orcommg o ave granteu t , 8 wis 1 ~ sided and ordained Mr. Kenned · ad· S1..:ouT. those who aaked for s.uch pubhc convem- d · d h · · ' d -... D y ence ¥ A Uouncil is a body elected to do rea~e .t. e mmister a n mr, rumm~nd . . . . . . addressed the people. All the · aerv1cea '1.'YBONE. bustmteas Ii~ the fmtertestthof .the maJ~r1t.y, ~ were appropriate ana deeply in teresting. no o p e &- ew o e 1nconven1ence ·At h' t ' · tl p b · d rhe young people of Tyrone have or . of · R .: t 1s mee mg ie res ytery agret> to ganiz~d a Union Improvement Associ&tion many. · ATEPAYER. i 11.sses11" the congregations at the rate of 10 with a m&nuscript paper-Ow; 11-. rn.tual ·----· : cents per member for Presbytery, Synod Fri-end. The President ia Rev. T. Ferrier, WINNIPEG NOTES. I and Assemblv Funds. It was also agreed and the Vice Re,·. S. T. Barc!Att; bo~h -·!to cito Mr. Spenser to appear at the next names that inspire us with great hopes of Henry \Vard Beecher was here a few; quarterlt . meeting in October, to shew the uhima.te success of the unaertaking. daya ago and delivered a couple of lee- ; reason why he has not complied with the The concert held in the Sons' Hall tures. He was haunted by the 11su11! I instructions of the Presbytery and given Miss .Galbraith's music class was a g d number of newspaper reporters, and freely: over to the Clerk the sess1on recocds, the succeaa, The performance of the v1lla"'e gaTe his opinions on the questions of the · Treasurer's books, th~ key of the church pupils was remarkab!e. 'l'he playing 7>f day. ' · . jl and whatever other records or property he Miss Jackson, ot Bowm<inville; · was much .The amount of bullding for this year in may have in hie poasess~un that belong to admired, as was her siagiug. Mr. Malcolm Winnipeg up to date is estimated by the thecengregation of St. Andrew's, Ds:rlin gGalbr~ith, by way of variation, related F1·ee Press at about $1, 700,000. · P erhaps ton. Assessors were appointed to act with some excellent anecdotes in his best style, these figures are above the mark, but the session. 'l'he followiu"' is a copy of putting so:ne old friends of our childhood there ie no reasonable doubt that the the resolution sent to the0 Post Master 'into a fresh garb. Mr. J. S. Doney pre- amount will ·be exceeded before the close General anent the post office work on sided, and we know that under him no 'of the season, Against half a million for Sabbt1th :meeting can be felt tedions. He occa.· the present year 'in Toronto this spe11ks "In ·as Hlllch as infractions on the sac· aionally entertained the audience, well for the na~ure of hard times in the redness of the Sabbath are being made by ing some pointed and witty anecdote . North ·west. · the running of extr& train! or-cars on cer· Miss Galbraith descirves the thanka of the The new Methodist church , with a seat- tain of our railroads, by the travelling of village for the excellent entertainment iqg capacity of 1,5_ 00, will be opened in steamboats for pleasnre or excursion pro vided, and it is to be hoped that sha two weeks. Holy Trinity and Knox parties, and more especially by the rec.,nt will favor us with au'o ther ~s eilrly as ·pos- churches will be completed later in the orders from the head of the post office aible. · year. department, requiring the making up and l\'Ir. Werry, we are happy to learn is Thi) first Methodiet Conference for the despatching of additional mails by the fast recove1·ing from h;s severe and pain- ~orth-west mu held in Winnipeg last employees of the department on the line ful accident. · . ~ week, with Dr. Young as President. of the G.T.R.R., and inasmuch as it is a ' Mi.s s Charlotte Cole is ill-measles , l\lain street has boen paved with tamarac day sacredly set apart by common con_ s ent Mr.. J . S. Doney has had anot re- north of the 0. P. R. depot, but the job for the worship of God, who has instituted laps. e of the bee fever. He was progress· has not been well done. it. . 'fherefore resolved, 'l'hat- we, the in~ favorably, but the gre'l.t yield of honey. There is n~ore tr~rnble brewing ab?ut · P resbytery of Whitby, in conn: ction with has produced most alarming sympto s. the_ office pf city engrneer, Wassell havmg the. Presbyterian Church _of Canada, do We trust that with he will recover· resigned. · : earneslly prnlest against all such secularOur tespected teache' and friend-Mr. Mr. Sn:ale and w~fe (nee Buri:is), of ization of this sacred day as te!!ding to Guy Andrus, of Orono - paid us a flying C~ystal. 01ty1 h~ve paid a. shor t v 1s1t to destroy a precious boon, bestowed on al[ visit last week. · We are gla.d to see that r1ends 111 'Vmmpeg, · -' VAN· 1 our people, as well on the empl oyees of he has not forgotten his ll,lany old friend I post uflices, railroads and st.,amb(lats, as here . . Vital Questions! I on other citizens, and tending to bring We congratulate Miss Mary > Manning t · h · · f 1 down upon us the displeasure of the Al.Aek ·h upon passing the recent non-professional 0 · e mos em1mmt P ysi.c ian. any mighty. Resolved further, That we re · examination. She ha.a captured a second school, wha~ 1~ the best tlung m . th_ e j spect.fully call on the Hon. J ohn Oarling. '.' B," not bee. wo~ld for. qmetmg and nlla~mg all irri- Post l\'Iaster General of the D ominion of Old "John" ha9 skedaddled- his own· tatlon of &h., nerves. and c~rmg ali fornu Canada, to revoke his recent orders re· er is scourmg the country 1n quest of him. of . n~rvoue con~plamt~, givrng natural, quiring the making up and dispatching of There was a raspberry fe;.tival at the ch1ldhke refres~mg sleep always? . mails on the Lord's day as a grievai;ce to Sons' Hall 011 Thnrs1ay evening of last And they will te1 ll yon unhesitatm15ly all in this Province of Ontar io who venerweek1 .~hen the Son's and daughters had some form of Hops· 11te tbe sacred day, Q;nd as especially inter a very pleasant and en joyable time. CHAPl'ER r. fel"ing with tbe rigr1ts and privileges of SHILOH, Ask a ny or all of the most eminent those christian people who are in the : ' _ service of the P. 0. department, which ' physicians *Dr. S. B. Brittan sa ys: As a rule physicians What is the best and only remedy that above all others requires trustworthy do not, !>Y their professional methods build up ' can be relied on to oure all diseases of the officers, and who we believe will usually the female constitullon, wb.lle they seldom kidneys and urinary organs ; such as be found among_thoi:.e who fear God and cure tho diseases to which it is always. liable Bright's disease, dia.bates, retention or observe His Sabbath." · _ in our variable cllmate_ and under 011; imperfect Some other business, not of general civilization, Special remec1ies are orten re- .inability to ret!iin urine,. and all tha dis· quired to restore organi6harm6ny and strengt· eases and ailments peculiar to women- interest, was disposed of, and the Presbyen the enfeeble powers or' womanhood; and and they will tell you explicitly and em- t ery aajourned t o meet at Oshawa ou . Tuesday, October 16th, at 11 o'clock a,m. for most of tllese we are Indebted to persons pha.ticaHy "Bnchu." Ask the BalJl.!:l i:>hysic!iins, wha t is the I A. A. D1WMl\IOND, outside of the medical profession. Among the Preebytery Clerk. very best of these remedies I assign a promin· mast reliable and Si:1res"t cure for all liver . . . e11t place to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veget- 'diseases or dyspapsia ; cunstipat_ion, in~ 'l'he best med1c1le authorities acknowledge able Compound. · digestion, · bilionsness, malarial fevea, ag ue, &c., and they will tell you: M an- tl~e great value or Ayer:s Cath~rtic !'ills. and Nothing known to medical science can drake ! or Dandeline ! H ence, when fr e~ue n tly prescribe th~1r use with t;1e utmost surpass tho healing ,prowertiee of Dr. the!!& remedies are combined '"ith others con dence, well knowrng that they are th e Fowler's E x tract of Wild Strawberry in equally valuable and combined into Hop moat effectual remedy over devised for diseases .-.. BtlC h a t! c . a used Chold.ra Morbas,, Colic and all B I tt ll·o, db by l derangements of the stomach, ll ver (Oonoluded next week.) _ an owes. " Bowel Complaiuts. ' , "~ 162 - -- - - · :w.e take..gxocel!s' dµe bills aa 011.ah. Ellison. J~)ii'T om IX TUil llOl!Sll.- ' rtongh on j & Co. Try the Balls -Corled Spring Ela.stio R&ts.' Clears out rats, mice,roacll. es.bed-tmgs, I Onr Spring Stock ls thorongbly complete. Section Corset, a-t S. Mason & Son. fiiee, !Mite, 111oies, cblpmtu:iks, gophere. loo. Ellison &. Co, fu~~d:~xe:~;;~e:i~~~:r:f :;~1~:~1!~::~ l ~ 0 .B ~hot, Cups, Gfass\,.nre, Lamps, etc., will be o~·ere at very ow igures. . · This i~ a GENUJN~ Qu:ARING SALE. Call early and 2ocure Ba1·gams. . N & ·~ w ELL J !§ -", ___ ·~ ___ ..,, _" ~· __ ~ in ° ! j I ·

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