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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1883, p. 3

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' . P .lSSING WIT. Goss1p, . "Don't be frightenerl, Miss Lord," I whis· I pered, still keeping hola. of her hand, " but "Really," mid a bright-eyed woman the .Lleats awl-the shoe machine. . ..,,_ . come out with me to 'the 'carriage; because other day, " if we are never to talk about ' Cousin Tocn's .hJ.lrt, but\ not very ~ad, only . our friends, c<>nversation ·will go begging'for COUSIN TOM'S WEDDING. 1\ ,pen picture-a litter of pigs. he ca.n't stand up long enough to be mar- subjects." The fact that we all more or ':.l' wo for ascent-A pair of balloonists. 1~ed yet, andBut 1'11 take · you to him less do discuss our friends, their foibles, llY · MANHE1W WHITE; JUN. Begs to a.nnounce that he has again secured a License and is now preA rough calculation-Betting on a fight. right away." their exoellenoes, tl:ieir ways and means, is It was to be in the church, with music a.nd Well, she didn't scream nor say she was one about whioh we think very little, Yet Farmer : " Going? Thought the · air pared to furnish the public. with strictly first clasl! Una.dulterated flowers, and my brother Claude aud I were going to faint, but just held on to my hltilld agreed with your wife." Husband : " Yes ; to walk up the middle aisle and lead the tight, and Jet me lead her out in the dark. we are fully . agreed, and if a vote could be but the doctor says she'll live many years if Liquors, and respectfully invites the inhabitants of Town and Country taken at this moment from everybody . who procession.. · . We found Claude on the sidewalk, holding I keep 'er here," .· : "Kow you mus.t both put on your best the door of the caniage open ; and ordering reads this, the (\pinion would be un: When a man drop! a. dollar out of his poc- to give h~m a call when they require any of thQ following goods, either behavior,"· said mother, after ·we had wor- the coachman (who looked as if he thought a.nimbus,· that it is mean and ·unkind to ried ourselves into our new clothes on the we were eloping with the bridej to drive to talk in an imfrien\Hy way about other peo- ket he doesn't make much of a. time; but Medicinally or as a Bev~age, viz. :all-important night.; then she kissed 'US just the drug store, We all three got in, and ple. Criticism to a certain extent may be when he looses a collar-button worth 5 cents l'rus Jamaica Ram . as if we'd been going to bed, and sent us oft were off before the people in the church had pardonable, but critic.ism when applied to the he goes on like a madman. John Bull Bitters in quarts and pinM!. actions of private inqividuals, is very apt ' . Mr. Tralala {to barber after enjoying a to the church au hour before the time, a chance to think. of ariything else ·but the We found the sexton just opening the darkness into which they had· so suddenly by a swift descent to degenerate into haircut and hi~ first shave and receiving hie De Kuyper.11 Holland Gin on. dra'u ght and Raspberry, Strawberry andLemonS:yraps in bottles. · thoughtless or satirical comment. The "check"): "I think you've made a mistake, doors, and he let us go round with him been plunged. Scotch and lrieh Whiskies in bottles. honorable meaning which the word " goR- Isn't a shave 20 cents?" Barber (depreciat· Bernard's Ginger Wine on draught and in while he lighted u,p and then I proposed "But-but did the electric fluid put on t sip" itself once bore, referring to one's sponBas11 & Co's. Al~ in quart and pint bottlel, iitgly): "Really, I couldn't think of chargthat we should stand outside and watch the -the lights in the church ?" asked Miss Lor·1 bottles. . Guinness Port er " " " people come. . ·· after we had explained to her .about Cou&11- s.ora in bapt!sm and signifying relation by ing for that, sir." W. F. Lewis & Co's Year Old Rye, very religious obligation, is an il'ustrd.titn of the "I wonder if Cousin Tom feels nervous," Tom's shook, Labatt's Ale " " " A vigorous old fellow in Maine .who had fine. · way in which the thing referred to suffers said Claude, as we walked down the steps "Oh no ; I turned off the gas," said decline. We begin by a gentle deprncatory la.tely buried his fourth wife was accosted O'Keefe & Co's.Ale on draught in 10 galGooderham & Wort's Old Bourbon Old under the awning. "I shouldn't think he Claude, promptly. by an acquaintance, who, unaware of his b.c" Don't you 'think it loT.1 kegs, 30 gallon barrels and in hoiis· would, though, for you know doctors- But was a good way to keep people from staring reference to somebody's infirmity of tempe-r, reavement. asked, "How is your wile, Cap'n Rye and Old Malt Whiskays. heads . . I say, Bert, what's tb.e matter down the at yon and gossiping when they found the and we find ourselves specifying a particular Plowjogger ?" To which the oap'n replied Cockbµrn's Old Port Wine, very fine. time and scene, which straightway the one O 'Keefe & Co's. Porter in 10 gallon kegs. street there 1 See all that crowd? Let's groom didn't come?" with a perfec.tly grave face, " Wall, to tell who hears tells · again to some one else with Sandeman's Pale Sherry do do run and find out." ye the trowth, I am kinder out vf wives just "Yea;· I see now, an:i I am sure I am very Hennessy Brandy on draught and U. Alclaute Wine. "Come on," I cried; "I'll beat you there," much obliged for your thoughtfulness; but additions; slight perhaps but material. Be- naow." · bot tles. and forgetting all ab9ut our good clothes what will papa arid m!lmma think has be- fore we know it we have stirred up a horChinese ingenuity has invented a new 811.cramental Wine. net's nest. This may be done without any Martell'a Brandy in bottles. a.nd "best behavior," we both started off come of me?" · more potent motive than the love of fun, of prntecti!l~ carrier _Pil;leons from birde S. Joy & Co's Nat ive Wine. down the block. · Jules Robin & Co's. Brandy in bott lea. "That's so I" I exclaimed; "We forgot of prey. A whistle, coninstrng of ten small "Oh. somebody's been run over, or soine· all about that part of it. Stop the carriage; ' and half the gossip in the social world is of bamboo tubes, is, by means of a thread which Canada Vine Growers Native ' Vine. SazeracBrandy on Draught a.nil in bottlea; the unthinking kind indulged in merely thing ! ., I exclaimea, as I won the race and ;i,nd 1'11 run back ;" which I did, a.nd found p'l.Sses under the wings, fastened to t.hepigeDeMullin ll, Co's. Brandy on draught. found a '.nt·of people bending over t!Je form the church lighted up again, a bigger crowd from a spirit of drollery. Far worse is on'~ tail. In flight the rush of air through Buri;:undy Port Wine. I .. , of a mau ,lying on the gras1:1 in front of the than ever inside, and Mr. and Mrs. Lord that other · sort 'of t alk: which ends in t he tubes pl'Oducea a shrill sound, and it is Ohaoopa.gne in quarts and. pints. slander and begins in malice, and which Baptist church. · rushing about in every direction in search separa.tes friends and sunders the ties of said that birds of prey are thu~ kept oft'. 'Ve beth stood still for minute, and I was of their daughter. years of intercourse with its .ahp.rp and jarWhen the late Col. Isaac 0. Barnes boardtrying to lietell to what a gentleman next to I was a little frightened a.t first, but re- ring discords, · ed at the Bromfield House, his jokes and me was i;elling a policeman, when Claude Upon the whole, it is best not to make our quaint remarks afforded llreat amusement to pulled me by ~he sJ.eevc and whispered that membering how much the bride had been it mi!(bt be the :very case Cousm Tom, who spared by our plan, I walked boldly up to associates the stock subjects of talk at the his fellow-boarders. One Sunday morning, 1 had just .gradn'a.tei at th,e Model School, the " distracted parents," and began to ex- table or in the household. There are other just as the congregation came out from plain the whole thing. This took' eome time things, and plenty of them, if only we go church at the next door, the sidewalk b;iing ._ t;§ was wa;~ing for. but I told the story as quick as I could, and through tne world with open eyes and hearing 'c?ve;ed with ice and very slippery, a large, "-~ tell him about it ? '! , I cried. I had scarcely £ni6hed when back came the. ears. man came down on his back quite dignified "Quick, 'before they get somebody else ; " The newspapers ·a nd magazines furnish suddenly. The Colonel :i.nd a facetious and then we both tore off tt> his lodgings, carriage with Cousin Tom and Miss Lord · material for such intelligent and intallectu- boarder saw the fall from the window where around the corner, and pulled the bell as if both in it. I jumped as if I had seen a ghost, and in- al interchange of thought, and if 'we were they were sitting. "I say,'. colonel," observthe house was I tell you the girl to the door in a deed Tom looked likem1e, but declared that not so blind to the beauties that Nature ed his companion, " do you believe that man . ~ hurry, and withc.ut waiting for her to an- he was ev,e ry bit strong enourh to go scatters in our paths, we should find much is a member of the cb.urch in good standing?" nounce us we bolted up-stairs to Cousin through witlt the ceremony. Miss Lord food for talk in every change of the changing ··No," replied the colonel, "I should say was alre<1dy in her mother's arms, and 1 was seasons. Gossip is of necessity dwarfing to he was a ba·:kalider." Tom's room, and rushed in to find him just awfully afraid we'd have a scene, after all, those who indul~e in it, and froni an educa~-............~ ~--~-~ putting on his white satin neck-tie .. but luckily everybody thought it was ,betional point of view it is utterly unfit for the Prince Bismarck. " Oh, do come .quick ! " we poth fairly cause the gas had gone out, and ~n ten min- young to listen to or take part in. It ha.s shouted. "Such a-" . The July number of the European Mes" Why, boys, what's the matter?" he ex- utes they were sately married, and nobody been called a womanly sin, and tea-parties senger, one of the most reputable of Russia.n claimed, making a muddle of his cravat. out of the family the wi~er.-Harper's and sewing-societies have themselves been magazines, and one which has generally 11landered as centres and fountain-head11 of . "Has Alice fainted, or the dressmaker for- Young. People . gossip and malevolence. But we have never written of Gt>rman affairs in a friendly and - - - - - -(o ) - - - - gotten to send her dress home, or what?" found that woman were more addicted to it sympathetic tone, contains the following in"No, 110," cried Claude. " Ther~'a a man Fussiness., teresting rt!fiections on the German chanthan men, and we have no doubt that the liurt, and an awful crowd, and-" cellor. However difficult it may be to define fussi"Quick, how far from hei;e?" interrupted ness, everybody knows 'what. it is and masculine club funiishes quite as congenial To follow the withered and benumbed Cousin Tom, leaving the ends of his tie most people have at one time or ot her been an atmosphere for its growth as the ladies' p olitical life of modern Germany t!\kes us hanging, and snatching his pea.-jacket. " ·I affiicted by those who were tro.ubled with kettledrum. The way to get rid· of it is to stamp it into an atmosphere almost reminding one of cit:D. spare just twenty minutes." th.e County for PURE DRUGS, DRUGGISTS' 8UNDRIES, DYE it to such an extent that it could be looked out; if it has made its appearance to frown tbe oppressive air of an hospital. The great "Why, it's only around the corner, in chancellor has been long ailing, and his illon as nothing but a disease. What an ado it down severely, and never to iqdulge in STUFFS, TRUSSES, PERFUMERY,&~. front of the Baptist church," I replied, to be sure· they make about · ness is reflected in the domestic state of the a nything and ing around the room in great excitement ; everything in which they mav be engaged or it even in its moat specious aud innocent· entpire, as is always the case with a system forms. Proprietors of BINGE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF HOREHOUNDand then we all three raced .off. , of purely personal government. It is long in which they have any intex·est. They are · "Where is he, boys ?" cried Cousin Tom, alway~ up to the very eyes in work, and yet since he cut himself adrift fro in the mo,jority the Standard Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, &c. Seduction. and Claude pointed inside the railing that they never seem. to accomplish much after of the upper and educated classes in Ger· ran in front of the. c:hu.rch, and agaiust which, ROSE GL YCEROLE for any roughness of the skin. Another case of "oman's trust and man's ma.ny, without completely iden~ifying him· all. It is actually painful to hear ROW busy strange to say, nobody was leaning. they have been and are. They literal- perfid)(. '.l'hese cases are becoming of almost self with t he mass of the working people, CORN EXTRACTOR-the . best remedy for removing any kind. of Then, not waiting to hunt up the ~ate, ly been " driven," ol.nd: ip is a positiYe cruel- daily occurrence, the fate of one failing, ap- but neverthele8S he firmly clings to his post, our cousin, who was a great strapping felcorns WITHOUT PAIN. ty:to spea'k to them and thus increase their parently, to warn others. Can it, be that without troubling himself a.bout the everlow, shouldered his way througji the crowd, labors. They have been here, they have female . morality is falling below the iucreasing number of his foes. He will not CONDITION P<?.,WDERS-our own make. DICK'S BLOOD PURIand without paying any attention to the been everywhere. Tired? We should just staQdard? And if so, what is the cause ? let the helm pass out of his own nervous efforts some of the people made to hold him think they were. " Tired" is no word for At any rate, such cases are of far too fre- hands, and so the ship of state moves hea- FIER. HAGYARD'S CATTLE SPICE. THORLEY'S FOOD for back, he placed his hands on the top rail of the state of exhaustion .in which they often quent o~currence. As J·ong, however, as vily and with effort, sometimes remaining the ience to vault over. Cattle. OIL CAKE in any quantity. seduction is looked upon-110 far ab the man quite still, and again swiftly drifting to t he find themselves. They have had scarcely The ·next instant he gave a spring backtime to take their food. The world will is concerned-as a pardonable peccadillo ; rear. Prince Bismarck no longer trusts ward instea,E of forward, and fell against never know till they are in their /(ffiVeS all as long as girls are silly enough to believe an; one; he relies upon himself and upon Claude, who 6t_ course fell against me, and that they have done and borne and been. all the soft nonsense whispered into her the obsequious executors of his will, as if we all three went down one after another Then to see them actuaUy at work one would ears by " admirers" who have nothing in uneonscious t hat confidence is no longer rePharmaceutical Chemists like t1 row of bricks, while the people 1oet up think there really'was something in it. What view but the gratification of their sensual posed in himself, that his own stre_ugth is such ~y~ll~-OU-mi.ght :ve-1thought a. sputter, to be sure, they make I 'Vith what passions, sb long will Hocd's " Bridge of f:\.iling him, that age is beginning to assert they h d all turned into wild Indians on the a thump they bring down a bale of goods Sighs" be a sad reality. · · ' its right, and that without s.trenuous pub· war-p h. Social ostracism is the only way in which upon the counter, and how they litter everyco.operation he . is no longer equal to · Being boys, and quiteu sed to hard knocka, thing around· in their hurry, and .zeal for to meet t he seducer. Mete out tv him the lie tasks that are ever becoming more i;ompli- · · neither ,Claude nor I was hurt, and we showing that they cau put thiugs through. same punishment qealt out unflinchingly, cated. Around himself he hEts. created an e sprang up as lively as ever when Cousin How diseasedly hospitable also they are, and unfeeliugly, uurelentlessly, to his unfortun- artificial solitude ; he has dismissed his best · . . . ' Tom was lifted off of us. But there was what an amount of fuss they can put into -ate victim, If a young girl falls-though and most independent assistant a, and is now --MANUFACTURER O F - not much spling about him, aud we were even the simple process of hand-sl:iaking, e:ver so innocently-she is(j thrust out of so- l eft With devut ed nonentities. He has reawfully frightened when we found that he One sometimes finds his hands seized upside ciety, ormhed down into outer dai·kness, pulsed all those who made no.secret of their couldn't even speak. and down by the two of a not very intimate utter despair, without a whisper of hope, indepennen t opinions and drew his attention Then they explained the w4ole thing to acquaintance, and almost expects to ob- without a, word of pity. Let tb.e man who to t he possible errors of his ways. He has us, which was something like this: there serve of joy trickling down the cheek wrought her ruin be treated in the same np worthy helper, and he has trained no KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, was an electric light in front of the store in token of the intense satisfaction caused manner. Let matrons ~hun him, let maidens s uccessor. l;'arliament, as the legal expres- Has now on hand a number of veJ;licle3 (and is 1!1-anufacturing a great many mol'e) of the new-. ~ 8 next the church, and in some way the stuff by such an interview. Ill-natured 'people ignore him as they ignore their poor fallen sion ot the popular will, he has converted pattern!! and best finish, which I am offermg fol' sale "t tho lowest prices consisten t with due regard to WC?rk!nansbip. and quality. The following is a list' of -the electric fluid or whatever it is-had no doubt say that whenever these two hands sister .a~ they · .Pa.~s them in the street, Let into a powerless instrument bhai; has no real the prmcipal vehicles m!\nufai;tured by me : got oft the trapk, or the wires, and run into raise up and down the other between them even.handed JUBtice be dealt out to both influence on actual affairs. The ta.leoted the ferice, and so whoever touched it got a in rather pump handl~ fashion, there is sinll'era, In nine cases out of ten the men and the energetic characters have all mo·t tremendous shock. That was· what almost sure to be somethiug sinister on the woman is more sinned against tnan sinning. grac'lually quitted the ungrateful arena of Double Covered Carriages.· .. . .. .... ............ .......... ....... . . .. .. ...... . $200 Upwarda. was the matter with the man inside, and the tapis. We don't think that there necessarily Why should she alone sutler the sorrow and public life. Prince Bismarol has apparently Single Phootons . . ...... .......... :............. . ... : ....... .. ......... ......... .. 100 II crowd had tried to warn Cousin Tom, bnt is. It is just one way of fussiness expreasrng shame, while her seducer.goes free to seek achieved his aim ; he hw:i annihilated or II Open Buggy................................... . .............. . .......... . . . .. .. .. 70 he was too excited about getting an interest' itself. new victims, and boast of his conquests? paralyzed a.11 opposition to his personal Top Buggy... . .. ... .................... ......... .............. ......... ....... .... 90 II · in g ~ase to listen, · · policy, but, at the same time, has al.ii paraII It comes to be rather unpleasant, howDemocrat Wagon. ......... ............ .. ...... ............. .... ... .... . .. ..... .. 65 ··Oh, if he's killed, it's all our fault ·for · ever, when it is held as a a.u re sign of "want lyzed the life which this policy was mEiant II Lumber \Vagons. .. .. . .· . . ... ..... .. .... ....... . ....... .. .......... ..... .. . ... . . .. 55 · a ules cor SpoUl.Dg PupU.s. telling him about it !" moaned Claude. to serve. "\Vhile seeking to ~ree himself of heart," if a ll this ado is not responded to II Light Wagon ..... .. .. : ......... ,.... ......... ....... .... ................ .. ....... 4,0 " And he was going to be marlied in half in a similar fashion, ; or, . when a person is 1. Be suspicious oi all" their motives. 2. from the apparent inconveniences of a pubII Exp ress .Wagon............................... . ........ .... ........ .. ... ......... 75 an heur," I added, despairingly. "And accused ot being unfriendly because he is When fighting occurs among your pupils, lic opposition, he has evoked against himself Skeleton.. ....... ... .......................... . . ......... . ......... ..... ....... ...... 50 II Miss Lord '11 be in the church waiting for quiet, and i!I said to have no sympathy be- punish all engaged in it with equal severity- real aversion among the most honest eleII Sul~y ........................ .. .......................... : ....... ... .. ; ........... .. 4'0 him, and when he don't come she may have cause, he has no gush. Far be it from 11s to the timid boy·who was forced into it in self- ments. of public life in Garmany. To escape a fit or something, and oh, Claude, how can thirik that fussy people are either usually or defense as severely as th.e lubberly school- the necessity of reckoning with the wiahes Po8sese1ng euperlor facilities for manufacturing· carrlagee, I intend to sell very cheap for cir.ab or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Would we tell her ?" always insincere. Sometimes they may be, yard bully who picked the fight for the of tbe people, he had qbstructed the r~gular sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of bu11:11:ies ironed. By this time they had picked Cousin Tom often they are not. It is their · nature or avowed purpose of whipping him. 3. Never course of legislative business, and based his up "nd carried him· into a drug store a few they have got into a bad habit by aasooiat- seem to believe a pupil unless you know his own schemes on combinattons as temporary dous off. They told UJ> he was only stunned in,e; with some who are a lways working at statements to be true. Regard all a.a liars, and to-ttering as they are arbitrary. In and would probably be able to sit up in the high pressure, so that tliey cannot dust a and you will soon succeed in making many order to weaken parliamentary cont:rol he .At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. cuu '.·se of half an hour. As he hadn't lived room or drink a glass of water without mak · of them so. 4. When requests are sent you has overthrown the only party on whosE' in town a week yet, nobody in the crowd ing a~ great an ado about the enterprise as i from parents, ·no matter how reasonable they help he could have counted, and which in A· the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Cir cle, Band or SOl'Oll 8awa, and prepare all klnds of lumber !or carpenters and others for building purposes · knew who he was, and so the burden of car- they commanded the Channel F leet or led may be, don't grant them if you can avoid it. the first few years after the foundat ion of Ornamental and Plain Pickets !or !ences in every style required, made to order. · m rying the dreadful news to the wedding the House of Commons. They could not be Give the.children to understapd that for good t he empire rendered him so many solid serparty fell upon Claude and me. happy unless the~ were making a racket and sufficient Plasons you have suspexid.e_d vices. What has the German chancellor -2225 ......llU± W5i-"It's five minutes to eight now," an- about something. Still the result is disagree- the old Jewish rul«!- " Honor thy father and gained, and what could he gain, from all nouHced my brother, nervously, as, having able, if not to them~elves at least to those thy mother." Nothing adds so much to this confusfon into which he had thrown left word with the druggist that we would who have to associate with them, so that one your importance in the eyes of your school th!' domes tic affairs of the German people? somi be_ ~~ck with ~ friends aud a carriage, feels often tempted to whisper in tneir tlar, as to be able to disrega rd the wishes of their Prefening to act upon his own personal conwe hurri(d off to the Epi.c·>pal church: " Don't fuss." ~arcmts. 5, Be constantly on the watch 'to victions, instead of according to t lie views find something in your pupils' personal pecu- and feelings of the whole nation, Prince "Cvusin Tom ·was to be in rhti vestry by liarities that you can ridicule. You can well Bismarck has thus infrinjl'ed one of the main thi8 time, and, oh my! won't it be awful to ----~ ..~~~··---Pure Water·. afford to wound the feelings of a child in conditions of normal political progress~ ha'" Miss Lord walk up the aisle on her fatb"r's arm, and then fad nubody to marry It is one of the primary necessities of life this way for the sake of the boisterous laugh Where the affairs and mterests of many her :·" tliat a full and constant supply of pure water it will cause among the others.- Jowa Nor· millions of men are concerned, nothing en" But, Claude," I proposed, a bright idea should be available at all ~easons, but this ,,naz Monthly. .during can be erected on the basis of the suddenly striking me, " if we can only get is especially necessary in warm weather, At opinions and impressions of one aingle 'perSleeplessness. to the church soon enough to see her drive many 9onaiderable places there is something sonality. Even a great genius changes with What is to be done in oraer to get enough up, w:e can tell her then, and h1we the approaching a scarcity of this necessary. time, and is subject to involuntary illusions begs to inform the public that he has leased a store in the Observw of hillh pressure and self-deceptions ; but the nation as a coachman keep right on to the drug store." The fault lies in the.fact that we have not of sleep? In · these days _ Block, ·where he has opened, ont with a splendid assortment of "The very thing!" cried Claude. uLet's yet generally perceived the wisdom of mak- when every one is doing his beat to get first whole, obedient to certain well·rooted inin the race, insomnia is becoming quite a stincts and ideals, inherited from generation run for it." mg- water ~upply a business of the State or Gl~ssware, Aud run we did, but, alas ! arrived at the municipality. It is strange indeed that common and formidable disease. T here are to generation, lives aud develops in the which he offers for sale at low prices for Ca1:>h. chmch just in· time to see the bride's car- · throughout the cities and towns, with very those who on an .average don't sleep more course of centuries. The state will receive riage drive away from the awning-empty. few exceptfops, of this great country, the than two or three hours out of the twenty. an abnormal and harmful direction, if its WFarm Produce taken in exchange, for which the highest mar:IM We could hear the organ playing and the ·population is dependent for water on the four. OI course this is ridiculously too littl~. interests, which concern the future no l ess people whispering that the proce~sion would commercial enterprise of public companies. But what is to be done? If the drowsy god than the prerent, are subject to the limits price will be paid. ~A special line of Tl~AS of excellent fl.av~. soon begin to move- tQward the altar. lt may be argued that we are pre~isely in won't come, how is he to be brought? Doc- of transitory personal impressions without ~Also a choice lot of SUGARS. WCOFFEE in Cans. WCanned " Oh, why don't they· make.sure Cousin the same position with r egard to our food tors tell us that everybody should have a any conne_ c tion with the mind of the whole Goods in g~eat vai:iety. ~A Call is respectfully solicited. Tom's hero first?" I exclaimed in a whisper, supply, yet no one p roposes to make tha~ a ·regular time for going to sleep, and tha't nation. This personal policy is not bearin~ "Perhaps they will," returned Claude. _ municipi.l duty. 'l'he conditions of the two should be as soon after s unset as possible. its intended fruits. The affairs of Germany Explalnl.n g. The Whistling Fish of Nevada. "At any rate they ought to wait for us to cases aT0 not·identical. F,.. od is in a broad Don't go. to bed at 10, sometimes are paesing into the hands of zealous noA strapping son of Ireland, from Geddes, Ona of the 1~ost singular of the fish family lead off ; but, stop, l've got a plan, and and practical sense a maim factured article. at 12. and' sometim<;ls at t wo or three in the bodies, a.nd are monopolized in the press by though it's a kind of desperate one, i t'll save It is true also that .water is '· mauufactured" morning. Tbat sort of work . will issue in a crew of flatterers and hypocrites. Row is doubtless the whistling suck er, which is called on a leading surgeon of Syracu~e, N. Then don··t long sM,h an abnormal state of things 'is to Rome times caught in Walker 'l'he Y., the day after the Fourth of July. He Miss Lord having a sceue before everybody. in the sense t hat :lt needs t o bf! filtered, but great damage before l ong. Don't eat continue' it would be difficult to say. In fish , when caught, emits a plaint ive whibtle had a big lump on the side of his jaw, which l'll- " and he spoke th~ rest very softly t hat i.s 0 ._.iefl.y beca,use the cost of procuring strive a.gainst sleeplessnesa. Don't bother generally present circumstances, that will always de- which will almost persuade an angler with he r equested the surgeon to examine. W hen in my ear. _ water from its legitimate sources-llamely, heavy suppers. "Why, Claude, d are you ?"' I cried under the deep r eservoirs in the . ear~h's crust- is with exciting things immediately before pend on the health and temper of the chan- any tenderne~1s of heart to throw it back into asked what had happened to him he said: ·· Oi was out fur a bit av recrea.tion on the my b~eath. "And -do you how to do not ,incurred by trading companies, as it going to bed. Jn other words banish, the cellor, with whom the aged. emper01· will the water., Cha.rley Kimb:J. ll has one which was ca.ught in a net when young. H e keeps Foarth of July, an' Oi got hit wid a shoe in it?" might anq would hi"> by public bodies acting causes of aleeplessness. Aye, that is the hardly part as long as he lives. the j aw." j ij in a tank, and ha.a- taugllt it to kuow him " Yes, I noticed the place whrn we woce solely for the public good. Pure water is only thing, but it is eMier said than done, and whistle -when it is hungry. Wben i ts · "Get hit with a shoe I" exclaimed the docin here with the sexton. Now do y'ou think only to be obtained from natural sources. .... ~~-----The other day a fiend in human. shape Why is it that a chicken wil wander master approaches, the fish. pushes its nose tor in amazement , as he examined the ja.w you can get up close to .Mills Loni before I Nature has provided a vast ·system of the count twenty slowly?" most perfect filters and reservoirs, and she went into tho hat-room of the Rossin House around and never begin to scratch in dear znd mouth barely out of the watel', and and found that it wa~ fractured. "Yis, docthor. Oi got hit wid a shoe, I nodded · and hurried into the church, main ta.ins these in action. If each com- during dinner hour and folded strips of news- earnest until she get9 on the bed containing making a pucker with its lips which the human puck«r do.,s not nearly Equal, whis- But do ye moind, there was a fut inside uv leaving Ciaude to take up his station in a munity would adchess itself directly to the papers inside the swe:.t-banda of ever y hat th" mo~t expensive fiuwers in the garlen ! ' " Has t he colonel been around t:1is ~or~~ tles some sb.dll notes. It app~ars to have it." dark ~ner of the vestibule. 'l 'he proces- task of tapping one or more of the reservoirs on the rack. Every guest insis~ed tf1at somesion was evidently waiting for- us, and as which everywhere lie within . fairly easy body had stolen his hat, and the exercises ing ?" 'inquired a guest at a · summer hotel.- some of the parrot c:haracteristios, und KimThe nearest to heaven of any ·Sunday fast ·as I could I squeezeet a way through reach,. there would be an end forever of the wound up with forty-two scrapping mat ches " Colonel, what colonel?" Mked the bell- ball thinks that in time he can teach it to boy. "Why, thE> .boss ; the man who rune whistle part of some simple t une.- Walker school in America is the one renently organizthe crowd to my place in front of the complaint of our imuflicient supi:ily ; and the and a free fight. ed at Hancock, Col. I t is eleven thousand bri<l.e. She smiled when she caught sight water obtained would be both pure and In the place where the murders were com- the hotel." "Colonel, Huh I He ain't no Lake· Bulletin. feet above t he sea. o! me, and p ut out her hand. Then just as good. .I' mitted in Phoonix Park, Dublin, the . grass colonel." " Everybody about here calls him "That's nonsense. He had so l t pleases some people to have a match for several yards is trampled out, and the colQP.el." I took it ever,11 light in the church went out, ··~·-~·· Kingst on firemen attended by the Salva· antl I knew Claude hacl succeeded in his An inside waist of the same shaie should two deep crosses, dug by pious hands, are many corns one year that someone callf!d broken off, but never the smoker, especially tion Army band went to Cape \,~incent on him 'kernal' in fun, but he'tnoco~onel, _' . if he looses the business end of it, almost effaced, plan of turning off the gas, always be worn'undertheJerseys, the 15;h inst . OUR YOUNG FOLKS. ---J.B. MARTYN .A.nd Everything rusua.lly. kept in a First Class Grocery, Crockery a:rid Liquor Store. ., Drugs & Medicines! CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS. · t ...... J.HIGGINBOTHAM&SON LEADING DRUG HOUSE In GE RG 'E 0 .. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, · c HAINE s CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &G., All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired T .~: ·aw~sToaa. Groceries, Crockery, GROCERIE&I. a~w coons. J AS_ ELLIOTT:1 Flour, Feed, &c. ----·· I . . . . .-.. . . ·

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