.4 NOTED BUT UNTITLED W01'1.1.N. ~ The "Great Ea.atern"-A Costly and P' [From the Boston GloDe.) ~ Canadtaas. · tTnsuocessnu Experiment. Joaquin Miller, the poot of the Sierras, is 'OLD SAUCE FOR PuDDINClS.-Four ounces For many years nothing has been heard of travelling .through Canada as the ~J?eoial of butter ~reamed, six ounces of pulverized the once famous leviathan . steamship, the correspondent of the New York Star. In a white sugar, white of one egg, and a glass Great Eastern. She was fot a, time the letter to that journal published recently of wine. Beat the sugar and butter till wonder of the world. The building of the No other complaints a,re so i11sidieus i:n their be says : I have discovered a land here less veiy white. Beat the eg11, and add the huge vessel that wail to revoldtionize the attackas thos.. alfeotJug~ethroat and lungs: known to Americans than the remotest parts wilie slowly by degrees. Season with fresh carrying trade of the sea.a WI!'! commenced none so trilled with by t.h ajority of suJferof Europe,.and to their shame be. it said. lemon juice or orange j:uice. Note: ouiit on the .Ist of May, 1854. .,The iron that ers. The ordinary cough 01· cold, resulting WITH TEETB. Will'HOUT TEETH. Verily, in the lan~age of Solomon, " the wine if you choose. perhaps from a trifling or liilC01iscious exentered into the construction of her hull· eyes of the fool !I.re in the ends of the earth." BA'ITER Po.DDING.-Seven eggs, fourteen . weighed o:ver eight thousand tons1 while the posure, is often but the begi1Uling of a fatal A hundred mites down the noblest of all table-spoonsful of fl.our made into a batter entire weight of the vessel when complete<i. sickness. 'AYER'S Olll!lltRY PEC'l'ORAL has rivers lies the ruins of the first stone and with one quart of rwh cream (if you have exceeded twelve thousand tons. The numPRACTICAL DENTIST, well proven its efficacy in a forty yeo.rs' tight mortar house ever built by white. men in with throat and lung diseases, and should be not cream, substitute one quart of_milk and . her of iron plates employed in the construe· NEARLY TWENTY YEA,RS EXPERIENOE, America.. · Here, as I write I look down two ounces of fresh butter), and a teaspoon- tion of the hull was over \;en thousand and taken in all cases without delay. Ntireus Oxide Ga f! .A.cbulnistcrcd for Painless upon modest little Notre Dall!e, a church ful of salt. Bake quickly and eat with : these were secured by three million rivets. Oper1ttious. . A Terrible Cough Cured~ that was reared full half a century befo.re sauce. Her length was 692 feet, and her breadth .Meo·rs. Editors."In 18B7 I took a severe cold, which sctl'ected OJIF.ICE 1JICCLIING'S B:LOcK. the famous old South of Boston. How ht~ Tho above is " good likeness of Mrs. Lydia. E. Pinko BA.T'.l'ER PUDDING, ·No. 2.-~ight eg~s; ' eighty-three feet. The depth of the hull my ltmgs. Inad a terri!Jle cough and passed tie we know of this tr11ly great land ; great fou_r tablespoonsfu~ of fl.our; a pmt .of milk'. ! was sixty feet, and the weight of the' vessel . · ham, of Lynn, Mass., who above all other human belngt night after nig_ht without sleep. lrhe doctors gave me up. I tried A YJ,;.tt.'8 C.!;!ERRY PECin history, comparative antiquity, natural This makes puddmg enough for eight per· · }Vhen .fully laden was not less than twenty- may be truthfully called the "Dear Friend of Woma.n,'0 as st>me of her com;spondents love to ca.ll her. Bhf 1'0RAL,. wb!ch relieved my lungs, in1luced advantages, material progress, culture and, sons. ' five thousand tone. Her engines represent- Is i'ea.Jl!Ualy clevoted to her work, which Is the outcom· sleeph and &fl'orded me the rest 11ecessary in truth, all that makes a · country truly . EVE~Y·DAY OR PLAIN CAKE. l?lmDING,_; ed the power of elev.en thousand horses. for t e recovery of my stre11gth. By the of a life·study, and ls obllged to keep ol:x Jad1' great and desirable to see, contiuucd use of the PECTORAL a permaFive pints of fl.our; four cupsful· of sugar; , Accommodations were provid,ed for four uslstants, to help her a.nswerthelarge correspondence ·nent cure wa,s e!fected. I am now Bi years Canada, Ka.nata, an Indian word signify. a cupful of butter ; t~o nutmegs or a table- ·thousand passengers. · She carried twenty which do.Uy pours in upon her, each bearing its 3P"Clal old, hale and hearty, and am satjstled your ing a village of huts, is literally a land of spoonful of ground cmnamon ; fiv~ eggs~ ' lifo'-boats and two life-preRerving steamers, burden ~f sutrer!ng, or joy at relewie from it, Hef C1rnmi Y PECTORAL- saved rne.· water. r find thousands of lakes here net two teaspoonsful of so.da. Bake like any the smaller of which was larger than any of Vegetahle Compound is,. medicine for good and nol HORA.Cl!: FAIRBUOTJIER." eTiJ " purposes. I have personally investigMed It and: ltocklngbam, Vt., July 15, 1882. laid down on any map, lakes which are long other cake, and serve wit~ sauce. the vessels whicth constituted the fleet of am Guaranteed Cure for Gonorrhoea and Gleet; satisfied of the truth of this. and tortuous, deep and cool and clear, and PLAIN CAKE No. 2.-Six eggs ; four teaColumbus. When under sail she could spread Safe, pleaeant and reliable, No bad effects On ~ount ot its proven merlts, lt Is recommend:ed C1·oup. -A Mother's Tribute. hiding fish efong their woody banks by the cuptuls of fl.our, two teacupsful o~ sugar·. a nearly seven thousand yards of canYas, She and prescribed by the best physician· in the country, from Its use. Does not lnterfere with business '"While in the country fast winter my little basketful. I find lakes, like rivers in their teacupful of buttermilk ot sour milk, halt a had ten anchors and nearly a thousand fath· One says: "It works like a. charm and fi&ves muoh or diet. Price $2 per box, or three boxes .for $5. boy, tl1reo years old, was talrnn ill with croup; length and clearness and purity; nvers that cupful of butter or ~ood la.rd, a teaspoonful oms ot chain cable, The expenses attending pa.In. It wllfonre entirely the worst form ot taJl!ntt it seemed as .if ho would die from stt-anguWritten . g11arantees issued by every · duly la.tion. One of the family suggested the use are like seas in their vastness and of soda. Flavor with a nutmeg or a few her Jaunchin11; amounted to over $600,000. of the uterus, Leucorrhooa, irregular o.nd po.tntut ·authorb·ed agent to refund the money if three of AYlm's CHERRY PECTOitAL a bottle of all Ovarian Troubles, Jnttammatlon and. strength. In fact, this is a land of room, blades of mace pounded up fine. . The cost"of the vessel resulted in the bank- Menstruation, which was always J<ept in the house. This boxea fail to cure. Sent p!>stage prepaid on Ulceration, Floodlngs, all Displa.cementa a.nd the con,. a.nd it is to be filled up in time entirely with WmTE P~'.l'ATO PUDDING.-Ha.It a pound ruptcy of the company that undertook her sequent 'Vas trle1l in small and frequent doses, and spinu.l weakness, and 18 especially ctdapted to rece!p~ of price. . people-a land of tremendous possibilities. of potatoes finely mashed; half a pound of construction. to our delight in less than hal:f; nu hour the She was launched in Jan- the Change of We." DR. FELIX LE BRUN & CO., 81 &. 83 King little patient was breathing easily. Tile docFor reasons r have not space to explain, I sug.ar, half a. pound of butter, six eggs, the : aary, 1858, but did not make her trial trip It permeates every portion of the ·yste!ll, and gives tor said th:tt the Cnmmv PRC'l'ORAL had count it forty fold more desirable than Mexi· whites bea~e~ separately. Cr~am ~he but· : till nearly two years afterward. She was new llfe and vigor. It removes faintness, lln.tulency, St. East Toronto, Sole Proprietors. Sold ·by save1l my darling's life. Can you wonder at co, toward which America has set her face of t~y. and mix all toget~er, beat1~g till very ; designed for carrying passengers and frei~ht destroys n.11 craving for stimulant s, Md r elieves weak.. _ our gratitude? Sincerely yours, all druggists in Canada. Mus. EMMA GEDNEV." late. · light. Use any fiav:ormg you hke, nutmeg . to and from India and it wa.i the intention ne~s ot the stomach. It cures Bloating, Heo.al!.che81 159 West 128tll St., New York, May 16, 1882. · 1 have been roaming industriously up a.nd ·and. 'fine or le~on_and mace are'suitable for to place sa,fficient' coal on board of ,her to Nervous Prostration, Generel Debility, Sleeplessness, Depreooion and Indigestion. That feeling of beai1Dl!I .. I have nsed AYER'S CHERRY P ECTORAL down Canada now for two weeks, a.nd as the purpose.. : last during the round trip. It was expected down, causing pain, weight and backache, ls alwa.yll · in my family for several years,. and. do not one of the genera1 results of my observations, · AN ExCEI.LENT PUDDING.-Take two tea· , while the vessel was building that otners of ,pcrma.ncntly cured by ita use, It wlll at all times, a.nd: hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual I am bound to bear testimony that there is cupsful of fl.our, one teacupful of butter, one ' like or even la,rger size would be speedily IUlder all circumstances, act In llarmony With the la'if remedy for coughs and colds we have ever ITTLE tried. ' A. J. CRANE." more solid happiness to the square mile in teacupful of sugar, one teacupfu1 of raisins uonstructed. . 'that.soverns the fe;,,olo system. Lake Crystal, Minu., March 13, 1882. · Canada than.in the United States. Itco!l1's only 31. per bottle or Blx tor $3., and ls sold.bl' or any other fruit, well floured (.in a pa.rt of, . Th_ e Great Eastern, whicii mighc have IV~ER l ~ 0 "I"snfferod for eight years from Bronchitis, These sturdy Canadians, it seems to me, that.me~ured out); five eggs well bea~en. been appropriately called "Great Expecta- drngglsta. .Any o.dvice requJred as to special cruieo, and. and after t ryiug m~~ny remedies with i10 sucthe names ot many who ha.ve been restored to pm:!eot !:ave read a. n d well understood that the ' .. ,, L_ et it boil two hours, and prepa,re for it a ·· tions," never realized the anticip·... r.10ns of health cess, l was cured by the use of A YRJt'S CHERby the use of the Vegetable Compound, C8.D be Creator of this earth took six whole days to moe sauce when sent to the table. · the proj:ectors. She r emained idle for nearly obto.lnod by ctddressing lira. P., with stamp for replt, ttv PE("l'OltAL. . JOSEPH WALDEN." complete it, and that He rested on the Byhaliit, :.V!iss., April 5, 1881l. DRIED·.API'LE TARTS·-Beat five eggs very two yea.rs after she was launched wh"Il she at her home In Lynn, Mass. se,·enth day, -well content with his work. light aud ~dd them to a pint of apples, was bought for a sum about equal' to the ex. For Xldney Complaint of 6'tker eeJt this C""1pound._ I cannot say erlouglr in praise of A1:.ER's And so the honest and industrious Canadian stewed until pe:fectly tender, mashed,, and pense of getting her from the yard where 'OllsurplU!Sed wi abundant t est!moll1als show. C1rn1<RY PEcTortAL, 1lel!evlng as I .do tha.t . but for its use l should long smce have died "Hr s. Pinkham's Ltver Pills," says one writer, ·4are is not particularly ambitious tp surpass his run throu11;h a sieve. To these ac1d a gill of she was constmcted into the water. She from lung troubles. 'E. BRAGDON." the best in the world for the cure of Constlpa.tloni Maker in achievements of toil, But I ven· cream, a q~rter of _ a pound of butter, and made hec first trip to · this c ountry in 1860, Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. · · and Torpidity. of the liver. Her Blood ture to say that if it had·been possible to let any fi~vonng. you prefer. H~ve read~ bringing but thirty-six passengers. . The BllioUBllees Slc1t "!Icndnche :nnd relleve all the trouhlee ·incl-· works wonders 1n lta special !lxie and bldo fall! No case of an affection of the throat or out creation to the average New Yorker he plates hned with puff paste, pour m the bat· voyage was hi){nly succ.,esful so far as speed Purifier del\t ~a bilio.us atate of the system, such. as Diato eo.ua.J the Compound 1n its popularity. lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved aiu~.-, Na.usen, Drowsiness~ Distress after eating, would haye completed not only the earth, ·ter, and bake. Little strips of quince mar· and safety were concerned, btlt tba second All must respeett>r.., a.n An1;eJ of Mevey whose sold :Pain In lite Side, &c. While their most reinarlii· by the us" e of AYER'S OIIEMY PECTORAL, . but the whole ,planetary system in five days, m~lade d~tted over the top, and ~hen strewn trip was not made till nearly a year after- &mbltlonis to do good to others. ;1 an<;l it will always cure when the disease is put up a stock job on his neighbor on the th1ckly with granulated sugar, improve.the ward. . She subsequently made two trips Phllade!p'h!a, Pa. (2) :Hrs. A. ?IL I>. 'l not '!-!ready beyon~ the control of medicine· . sixth and twisted the very buttons off him, taste and appearance of these really luscious across the ocean. On one she brou11;ht two PREPARED BY and finally have gone to Loni;i Branch and tarts. thouoand solgiers to Quebec, and on the Coney Island on the seventh day and had a . MINUTE. Punmmi ,-Ten table~poon~ful other four hundred paasengers. On this Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co.,lowell, Mass ·. Beadache,wct Curtcr'oLittle Liver Plllsare equally champagne dinner at each place. And just of fl.our, six e_gJl'S, one quart of rich milk, occasion she was disabled in a gale anci com· valna.ble In Ceustipittion, curing and preve11tlng Sold by all Druggists. as likely as not -he would have even then m~e tablespoonrnl of butte;. To be eaten pelled to put .into the harbor of Cork. She ·&hia·annoying·complaint, while they also correct been dissatisfied with his work and com· with J!'rer.ch .sauce. Bake lll cups or muffin was employeq in laying ooean cables in 1865 ·all disorders :of the stomach, stimulate tho liver and regulato.the bowels. l!:ren i! they only cured Rl~ST AND 4JO~IJ10RT TO TUE (SlJ.t'FEKING plained that he was not doing mucli. rmgs ma quwk oven. . . and 1866. .After that a ·Frenoh company But while · the Canadian is a little slow POOR MAN'S PUDDING ..- Etght ~ggs; four chartered her for a. ain11l.e experimental voy· ·· nrown'M HouseJiohl J·anaeea" .has rio d h e kept in min t at ~poon~ful of fl.our, one .Pmt of ~tlk. 13ake ager Since that time her ownership has equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex·. comparatively, let it b. ternal. lt qnres pain in the Side, Back.er Bow- ·he is sui'e. LE.t us not forget the fable of m a dish, and serve with any suqple. sauce. changed twice. .And now we are reminded els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, the ·tortoise and the hare. And yet. lookAche.they wou14 llc11lmost priceless to thole who Lnmbngo and any kind of l=>ain or Ache. ··It ing away out yonder to the grea.t ·North.' you prefer. The same proportions answer of the sad woi:ds of Hamlet: "To what BOWMANVILLE. euJl'erfrom this <listressing complaint.; but fortu- will most surely quicken t.h"' Blood and Heo.l, h b 'ld' ·1 .1 for a boiled pudd~ng, if you like better that vile uses may we come at last." The report nately their gooctnees.docs.not cndJ;icrc, a~1d tbooa as its actinfl power ls wonderful." -"Brown's· west, .t ey are Ul mg a .ra\ roau mode of preparation. . comes that the grand vessel is to be e mploy. who once try them \v1U find tile·e little p1lle y11lu- Household Panacea." being . acknowledged a.e with a speed that far outstrips our swiftest WHITE POTATO Pa~DING .wrm?i;T ·P~· ed to bring coal from the Frith of Forth.for o able in so many ways thnt theyWilll)Ot be w1ll1ng the greot Pain Reliew,r.' 'and of double the achievements in this tremendous depa.r~ment TRY. - One q,ua.rt of boiled milk mu:ed with the supply of London. After remaini11g idle .to do · without them. But after all sick !1ead stren~tb of. another F:Iixir or Liniment in the of progress, while only to-day is announced a quarter of a pound of mashed potatoes, most <lf ·he time for thirty.years,' it i· pro· world should be in every f1>mIIY hlmdy for use the most remarkably short passage of the At- the sa.n_ie .of fl.our, and two ounces of butter. posed to make her pay: Years ugo it was when wanwd, "as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cram11s in the Stomach, and !antic ever made : Four day·ii and seventeen W~en it is cold add three e~~s, we~! boaten. proposed to bring her .to a w~terin&·Pl.ace, pains and itches of all kinds," and le for sale by hoµrs ; a Canadian 'ship, Allan Iiae : so that B:i:ke half an hour, aJld eat with W!lle sauce. excavate a hole in "tne beach m which the Is the bane of so many lives that here io where we all Druggists at 25 cents a bottl~·--~ 84-lY'._ I do not quite know which we shall call the MocK-APPLE Pms _(for a season when ll<P· hull might.rest, and convert her int o a homake our grea& boa~t. Our pills cure it while tortoise. " les are scarce). -Tw~ soda crackers rolled, tel.. .A F rench vessel that won many vie· Hotllers! llJothcra ! ! lllothers ! ! ! .others do not. · A.re you distnrbed at night and broken offY<?Ur one cup of white suga~, one cµp of tories is now engageLl in the guano trade ; Carter's Litt.le Liver Pills are very email and "'Very easy to take. One or two pills mnl<e n dose. ·r ost by a sick child suffering and ~ylng with water, two eggs, juice and rind of one lem. the Mayflower was employed after cl1te ·'Tiley arc strictly vegetable 1md do not gripe or the excrnlatinit ·pain of CJJt.ting teeth 1 Han, '1' .tMPER4.NCE NOTES. en. Let . the crackers be first soaked ~n the brought the pilgrims to Massrwhuset te ~o of MRS. WJNS· pitrae, but by their ge1lt.le net.ion please all whD go at once ani! !let a bottle " H E, Bl!ING DEAl), YET SPEAKE'.l'H !" w:a ter, and af&erw~rd add the oth~r mgre· bring slaves to the soutli, and the craft m ot1sethem. In vialsat25 cents : five for.$1. Sold LOW'S -~OCl'l'HJNG SYR UP . It will relieve the poor little Ruff'er immediately-depend upon ob.r druggists everywhere, or sent by miul. Hon. William E. Dodge, the fate honored d1ents, prepared with the usual care. Bake which Captain Cook sailed round the world it · there is no mistake about it. There Is not a · m p~stry. . · was at last devoted to carrying coal. It will -OARTER MEDICINE CO., mother on earth w ho has ever used it. who w'll president of the National Temperance soct· BROWN PUDDJNG.-Five eggs, one . cup of not answer to wast e sentimentality. over a t ell you at once that j t 'Vl'.ill re1<"1118+, ·:,na . New York City. not ety, in his excellent pa.per on The Church . m ola~ses, one cup of sugar, one cup of butvessel from which much was expected and bowels and give r ei1t tn the motller. nMh~·t >1.nd health to t.11'1 child. operating like · ma1n o. nd 'fempera nce, read before the Pan-Pres- tee, five cups of fl.our; one tablespoonful of little realized. The Great Ea.stern was a It i~ perfectly safe tn nse in all cases, and -plesa by el'ian coul:JCil · i.n Philadelphia in 1880, ginger, one tea.spoonful of soda, one t eacup· very costly and unsuccessful exp eriment. an-t to the taste, and is the prcscriJnlon of one said: CT fu1 of cream. Beat the eggs separately, of the oldest and best female physlcia." s and THE BIG U . . P LU G "The trut_ h,is, dear Christian fri~nds, we stirring m gradually the sugar with the nurses in the Utifff\d States. Sold everywhere a· 25 cents a bnt tle. 18i-ly. have n o reahzmg sense of the .magmtude of yolks, and beating, together thoroughly. Wit hout Batr, :NMls, or Teeth. · this evil, We pro~e~s ~o believe ~hat the Cdea:n the butter, and mix flour · wit h it There is .a 5entleman in Ql!eeu Anne ir1;111ka_ r d cannot mhent eternal ltfe, but, until it is too stiff to work ; then moisten Couuty, Md., who was born without t eeth, dyma: ::is an.oh, ?'mst be lost eternally; do we with t he whites of egg, and add more fl.our, hair, fipger or toe nails, an(! to t his day he act as. if we believed that drunkenness was then put in the sugar and yolks, last ly ad.d ha.s neither , and he has no fuzz on his hea d. .,... carrymg 100,000 ~o.~ls annually to the grave the ginger and soda, dissolved in the cream, lt is impossible to find a single hair on his for any quantity of . Cinnamon with the head . after removing his black w;g. His Having bought Mr. R . SYLVEST~R'S MA· and te eternal rum. 1 which must he s our, "Think. you we should stand _ b y and see 1 ginger. is considsred an improvem ent by toes and fingers have· no Ri~n of nails, .CHINE SHOP and F OUNDRY we are pre pared to do all :work in this department in a 100,000 die annually of yellow fever w~en 1 many. Bake in a moderaite but steadily · through perfect in all r espects. His face is w er_to prevent It? heated oven as soon as possible after mixing as clean .a~ an infant's, even t he eyebrows sat isfactory 'ma nner. ' Ve shall continue to we knew we ha.cl the po_ H ow long would a law remam on our statute· , the ingredients manufact nre ·Mr." Sylvester's celebrated being wanting. His health has been good :A!FULL SUPPLY OP books which perrn.itted people to sell the ' since childhood. He is now a bout fifty-t wo - -- - - - - - - -- - - --,.,.,.,... germa of tha.t dread disease ? years of a ge and a. natural genius, having in· "We talk of one hunqred thousand True Success vented several useful a rticles for t he . house· .A true understanding of the connection hold, and shall spare no pains to keep up their pre drunkards dying annually, but have we any A.T COT'rOltt l'RICES. just col).ception of what that · means? Did between earnest, effect.ive labour and real sent r ermta tion. you ever s~and and watch the passing regi· success is essential to a people's prosperity. All kinds of farm produce taken ment on some great day ofparade,and " id you We should speak of the two as synonymous · ACARD.- To all who are sufferingtrom the long and favorable known-will be carried on not tire as you stood seeing the apparently rather than as connected. It is in the value errors and indiscretio11s of youth, nervous in exchange for goods. weakness, early decay, loss of manho od, &c and with tile assietance of our Machinery we never-ending ranks of the military as they of the labour itself that success lies rather I will send a recipe that will cure you, lfREE hope to la.rl!"ely increase the business In this marched? · Yet 'it is not probable that tha".1 in the rewa.rd which a man reaps from OF CHARGE. . 'l'his great r emedy was disnest effort of head covered by a missionary in ' South · America. 247 Bowntauvllle. department and give our customers increased twenty thousand ' ever · passed before you. it.~ The worker who by eara self-addressed !Onvelope to t he H.~v~ ------- ··-----inducements to purchase from us. A. large Suppose these one hundred thousand poor or hand is constantly enriching the world is Send JOSEPH 'l'. INMAN, Station D , New York · City. G-R.E.A.T stock of Carriages and Ploughs now ready. drunkards should pass in procession before in the truest sense a successful man, wheth· All work warrented satisfactory, Special·at you on the. way to the grave- what a strange, er he rise to afliuence or sink to penury, for men are sent into the world · not to get but I I -4-rCU'B.ES~ tention given to Engine, Mil and Agricultura sad sight 1 11 "They w.:iuld come from all classes of so- to do-not to get much but to do well. The ' Maohinet'Y. 1 ciety, from the highest and the lowest. See man ·who heaps up millions by speculation those poor degraded .w omen among them, or fraud, benefitting no one, not desiring to , _ ,,,,_ and for ·t he entire day, you will see them benefit any oae, is not a success-he is a dis· bas had a large experience In Soiatioa, Neuralgia, ' Ve have now opened pass. Then remember there are the same ma! failure, and goes his way to the grave Lame Ba.ck, Lumbago, Machin e, Agricultural a,ndOari·iaqeW ork, number prepaHu~ to fill their · plac~ for with a consciousness of being such. l'his is Oontraoted Joints, . · not the current belief, but the t ii:ne 'vill having worked in the largest establishmentsin each succeeding year. -0 ~'"Consider, further, the half-million more doubtless come when it will be. Jfl'JW .w e Ora.mp in Musol. ., the Domimon, which will a<'!d largely to the of wives and' children made miserable by measure success by what is· 11;ained, but we Spra.ins. interest of the new firm. the ruin of husbands and fathers, and you are coming slowly, but certainly , to measure W Giveour H ARD METAL PLOW POINTS will obtain some idea of what this accursed it by the true standard- what is given; not DR. E. 0, WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREA E Tb.e cheapest and best OSTRICH .l! ' EATHRS ever a. trial. busine&s is doing to destr.oy body and. soul the reward of labour to the worker but the MEN'I' a guarnteed specltlc of H ysteria, Dizzin- offered t o the public. SATINS, VELVETS, :f!.IB· ess, C~n vulsion. Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headand to fill our land with unuttera ble misery, outcome of the labour to other s will be the .A.ONS. FLOWERS, LACES a.nd FANCY GOODS JUSt I11 Llrp B(lff/u- 25&· &ull. Nervous Prostrat ion caused by the use saying nothing of the worse than waste of rule of measurement. Already we hold in ache, asche«p. of alcohol or tobacco, W akefulness, Ment~l D_ehundreds of millions of dollars. higher rAgard the discoverer and inventor, pression, Softening of the Brian, resultmg m Please call and inspecrt our stock. No trouble Bowmanville, March, 8181i3. 241 " As I have said before, so let me r epeat, who rossibly have all they can do to make Insanity and leading to misery. decay and to show goods, a nd we ar e bound to sell a t t he that professing Christians have it in their ends meet, than· the speculator whom lucky death, Pre mature Old Age Barrenness' Loss lowest pr ice's po ssib~c . of power in either sex, Io. vohmtary Losses and STRA W HATS and BONNE'l'S CLlt t\.N ED and power almost entirely to r emove the source investments make immensely rich, The Soermatorrhrea, caused by oYer-exertion of RE -SH APED in a ll t he latest styles. of this fearful destruction. Vanderbilts have t o· build their own mem- the brain, self-abuse er over-indulgence, One REJlEURElt THE STAND:-4 door s 'vest u-e recent cases. E ach box contains " Let it be once',understood by t he men orials. W e are gett ing more and more clear. box will c1 one month's treatment. On" dollar a box, or of lllnrt.y n's G-.·ocer y Sto1·e. who manage our politics that, if Christians ly to see that success and usefulness are in· six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail preps.id will no longer support .men for office who t erchangeable t erms, that we are successful on rnceipt of price. Wo guarantee six boxes will license the traffic in intoxicants, there just so tar a.s we are useful. Even our own to cure any case. With each or der received by K ing Street , Dowmanvil!e, would be no difficulty ,in obtaining the personal welfare is st r ictly depend ent on our us ror six boxes, accompanied with five dollars will send the purchaser our writ ten guaranadoption of the princip)e of prohibition. volue to others. The exceptions to thi.q are we tee to refund t4,e money if the treatment .does "May God help us tc:> exam.ine. ~arefully, such only ap parently, not r eally. An iq le not effect a cure. Guara ntee issued only by STOTT & J URY, sole agents for Bo w m anvil~e, as ministers and men, ou r md1v1dual reman, an untftithful man, may seem t o r eap Jl,0 ,. · · 1 ~\\ tb:e ; JOH N C. 'vVES'l' &; . CO., Sole Propriesponsibility, and to resolve t o do all in our the fr uit d enied t o honest industry . But iu Ont, \)~eu. -~ll<l. tors, Toronto, Ont. power to oppose ·t he progress of t~e evil t he end things a lways come righ t . The DENTISTRY! AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. T.BE POET OF THE .SJJ&B.KAS, HOUSEHOLD BECEIPS. A FAMOlJS VESSEL, What Be TblllkB or Canada and the s11me Toothsome Dlahe. ror the Dinner · Table, · J.M. BR IMA COMBE, OR. FELIX LE BRUN'S c _ c~c U" :Fl. El' CARTERS ! . PILLS'\ ; F . ~ . ·CURE 0 ~··-slC"K DOMINIHN ORGAN & PIANO Co,, WAREROOM, HE· AD BIG- 20, W"~RUSE, Agent. ·ACHE SMOKE. · < %> TWIN-NAVY ·lf N1 Wfl-tlM--!____ ___ ~ I Highest Price Paid wool·& BONES. Stoves &Tinware LEWIS QUICK, CHAMPION PLOWS, OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS, Ol 1~TURGEONll1 L LINIME11" 1 ' HealthisW"ealth! &~~~~@~l1Qlli 1 T0 LADIES. $3,0QO RHEUMAT/8M. 1\1.1: R. :OA RC H WORTH , BEST HORSE LINIUNT. FRENCH & AMERICAN MILLINERY'J ~ arr~'*' ·----- McCLUNG &DARGH1 Mrs. DONNELLY. Year JOI-INSTON'S ' SARSAPARILLA Q ~ . cheat is discovered, character is sifted, jus· ~ tice is fully indeTTlllified for her dishonou red cl aims. Patient and fait hful work for t he Ha.v ing the utmost confidence in its superior· benefit of t he race is the true r oad t o per- ity over all others. and after t houm nds of tests sf t he most complicated and severest cases w.e sona l prosper ity, and t he success which could tlnd, we feel j us L ifted in offering t o forfeseegis t o follow quicker and .easier met~ods it one t housand dollars for any case of coughs, Crit ics. is " like·vapour which appearet h f9 :i, little colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarse.ness, conW hat ever y ou do, never set up for a and then vanisheth away. ·· sumption in its early s tages. whooprng cough, and all diseases of't hc t hroat and luug~. e x:ccpt critic. We doh't mean a newspaper one, Asthma, for which we only claim relief, that -----·-~-· ~---but in privat e life, -in the domest ic circle, in we ca n't cure with ' Vest's Cough Syrup, when society. lt will not do any one a~y go?d, Thrown Up .b y the Waves on t o a Strange taken according to direction. Sample boLLle L and. 26 and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Genand it will do you ha.rm- if you nnnd bemg The ladies and ~entlemen. who were watch· uine wrapper s on!;,. in blue. Sold ~y all d1·ugcalled disagreea?le. If you d~n't. !ike an7 gists or send by cxpr1>s 1Jn 1·ec~ipt of price ing the breakers from the Ocean House ~a ,~ one's nose, or obJeCt t o any one s cnm , don,t, JOHN s. WEJS'r & Co., 81 & 8? King i:)t. East, .put your feelings into words . . If any, one s vilion observed a ge1ltleman of broad white Toront o. Ont. Solrr b:v S1'0T'r & J U RY . ~aistcoat and b n evolent mien strolling manners don't please y ou remember your own. People are n ot all ma,de to si:it any a.long the sand close to t he water's adge, H e one taste; remember t hat. :rake t lnngs as was seen to diLrt for ward as the waves re· We will pi>y tho above rowa1·d for n.ny case you find t hem, uniess you can alter t hem. ceded o.n:i t o grasp at a keg. H e miased it of Liver Co1npla iut, DyspeNitL. Sick Headache ~ Even a dinner after it is swallo wed, can not and r ;tn back just in t ime to escape the next Indegestia n, Con3tipation or Constiven el3 w e ,.A.) be made any b~tter. Continual fault-findin~, ·breaker . Then the keg was tossed up again, · cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li '·"r P il ls continual cnticism of the conduct of this and again t he stoui; gentleman pursued it. when tho direction$ are strici,ly compiieel w ith. one and t he apeech of that one, the dress of This time he all but got hold of it, and in '!'hey are purely Vcgntable, arnl never fail to satisfaction. Sn gar Coat.ca. Large Boxes t he ot htir, aud the opinions of t'other, t he excitement of t he moment failed to notice give contu.iniug 25 P ills, 25 con ts, For sale by all will niake home the unhappiest place u nder a qr eat white-~appe.(l. b~eaker which rol!ed . nraggists, Beware of cou11&erfeits and imita· n d ~ar!1ed tions The a:enttine manufactm·ed only JOHN t he sun. If you a re never pleased with any iu upon him, k nocked him over! a. O T'l' & Co., "The P ill Mn.kers," 81 & 83 one, n o one will eyer be pleased with yo_u. hi m out a. r od be£9re he regamed his feet. C. W b ing St. lihst, Toronto. Ont. F ree ~rial packAn.:l if it is known t hat you ar e har d t o smt, ·' '!'hank God I am on terracott a once more," K age s ent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent he gasped, and was-led awa y, few will 1;!!.ke pains to suit you. statnp. F or Sa,!e b.V STOT'l' & J Ol:tY. which more t han all ot hers stands m the way of the success of t~e. Gospel and the re· viva! of the Roly Spm t t hroughout our · land." $.1000 .FORFEIT ____ .... . ,. ................. ---=-- $500 REvVARD ! 0 ·