IT 11 said thAt Ad1m1 wr.1 the onl7 man who was ne\'er jealous. A woRD of ridicuJ., will makfl nn editor a 11fe-lon~ enflmy, whiie a hundred fnora aud~p11fl's are quickly forgottl·n, "fell icc wAr·led.-.A liberal roward will be lJa id to 1my party 'vho will produce a of Liver, Kidney or Stomach! complain' that l!:lectric Hitters will not speedily c11rn. Bring them along, I\ · will cost y·o u nothlni for the. m c dfoi>1e if it fn.ils to cure. and you wlll be well re\Yarded forl yn11r trouble beeldee. All Blood di~eases, lllllonsnP-88, J 1rnndice, Constlp· ation. and general debility are quickly cured. Sa·isCl\ction :<Uaranteed or mon.,,. refunded, I'rice only flrt:r cent11 per boUle, !!~or 1111.le h:r J. IIi~!nbotham & Sons. On Tnesday week a 'hr,kema.11 namerl J oha Pym , 111 residAnt of Por& Hopi., f!!ll oil' a. box l·ar at W 1rn ha.u1hene, and the wheels ran over his arm Sbll~h·~c:., .. ~""'l'Uont: nrc.-Thls Is b<.yond q1rnRtion the most sucoos~ful Cough Medicine w e have e v1>r ~old, a <losM lnvar!nbly cure the wol'lll oas<is of Cou~h . Uroup, an<l Bro11· chitis. w hile its wondl'rful succes 1n the cnro or Consnnn>1ion I· without & P'rnll Pl J., th-. history of meul!cine . >1i11cc it'e first <li"<:oTery it ha~ heen Hold on 11. gnraatPe, a ttst 'Vl'h!ch no ether medicine can Rtand. If ;ron hsve,. OOnllh we earneetly ""k yon to try it, Pl'ioe 10 conte, 50 cent· &nd $1.00. H ynur Lung& are sore,CheRI or Bt\C !t. JAme,. n·o 8hil·ik's Poroas·.l'1·ut'!r..J. Hi;.(Q'inll<>thain &, ::lon, Wholesale and netall &ice n t3. SULPHUR IRON BITTERS AND plai.11t. a.Mi other wastwt; d~ lar U.., kidney di~e, )iTef' co- District News. OSHAWA'S OimAWA now rate for 1833, 19 milis. lms a rifie Msociation. Hon. Sidney Swith, Q C., has return~ from Europe. , Tuo~. MARTIN, of Osha.wa, is ill of feu wi11 cure dyspepsia, hearthum, - a.' R.:1~11111., N. W. 'l'. E. MORGAN, Oshawa, h·d 'i'OO shep on the wrecked steamship V·iking. John Archer, Port Hope, is in 11:aol hr . thirty days for abusinii hi8 family . . n. Mn, E. B . MnRGAN, Oshaw11, is ma.khg largf! shipnumts of 11heep to England. SrULPHUR AND w - 4U.TAIU&· ·F Tiit: nL,\PDt:ll.-STJNGINllr ritation, intlan11n&lion , a.II ],(idney an<l Urll~rv Complaints, cured by "B~ch11paiba." Sl. · Mn. N. VARNER , Sydney, a.ged 'i5, Ml from a waguu aud broke his nec k bt r,.,., 'BITTERS enriche5 the hloo<l anrl puril-;"" t h1 euer~y, ~c. ~IRON . sy5te1u ; cure:i wcaknes.-, l·e:t. t.l Try a. Lottie. "·eek, The Standa?'d s1 \ys thBt Dr. Vl ivlr, Nt1wtonvill.-, ~1iiu~11 of moTing to P<r' Perry. John ~Iillt!r, CQbonrg, W' tin ta Purt Pery to J.tivtt h i1u a bonus to starL a woolhn faotcry. The G .>Yernor General anrl Princ·s L · h6 · d · OU1A0 "'6 been luvite to Yiali C\JbOtri duriug the, MR. Ronr. EASTON a11d family. of Ci. ;- -1-- !!'Al.1 t!. of ~~~ d!~~~=~pT rn~~ltci~ho:ii~ ;; ,,81· ~e~ ~a~b :c~~ije~ ~~~~~~~:!1i·J;"O~~~~·~f.~: ~t' 1\1.luTopn ·th·m i..:n vll l h t' 11.ww·dM. tu a iatr :fl imfa.:·1h1.llm,1:1~ie:d,,l' ~<1m~lit·h·ti ~ 1m·-cn :t.L tJw Festi.1 1 ~t~!ui~tt ~~tl~!l~~~;!!~,f:'~UrL ~~i!~t ~caJ:.~';A;i~r'W;/o~~j~t~tt~~>;\~-~"~:;;Y!I,~::~ 1)~·~~~~·.d · n\un~~.,.~pt ror ~4Wh "f Yt·urtcul.>tter i bet , 4.iao 1t~tm. for y our f;$:o uf)lt.i. fo l'~9i x Mo u t h:i11 !;.uh"m f µUoJ1 , ruu l t.ber.v!1J1 "t" " <' ·!hi~1 ·W'Ollt">t :t1 1ll·rf~1 1· 1.he pr ...,.. "*'-·n t<IS. OUft pn(:'1 FIT wiillJI' lu T OU f'\1l~ rn Qatronn..ql'!, 1 \11 WWbf'l!& v.-you w!ll lfk.e QU :" }>i\\MW well thoLti:yvn \" ill,.T,.; a··i nwJ n..-i.111ub:-:·: rihe. 11 uuuu'l.rwlll hn p ;·c...,..ut :u.1k..,-til:l"- ~B<> C.IDNTY \tht..h ;rot1 PO:')..i luiLtt1.,. 1 1-.Yo!'tll11.r·riri1..-e AXD .FlJCK.·IDl~ .n ..1e cl")'" ""......1 ·UY t I , ..ti.. """t~ ll pteii~·u· d wHll IL I fhtd ti 4~ I rcrf.'IT~;~~~:.:!t-C:heA;.f·R'J: ~.;i:::D utU·' JI:. H. H.t.Y.E._ MJJ!XJCO,,Jnnt&t,.<Jo.,Pa.,.Jwl:r llM, 1893. I hef'll!tWlil·t!llf.of y l tQ l~nt . ~;1'~t~\!>On~/!B!h1 ~e~ ;:~'~h~)~A~M~dFt1'f?L'D"A'ff1"i) ;;i'~i· . 1~£u;<>~"bi;1:::r;~,'!ui3 r.o ~~.(',:~~'i ~.·~·-t!_··w-:::: !.~;b'!: !'~:::::r.~;r:~ ··>.···nn.t ev~a·y t'arwer ea.fl re·el v ., ·Ueh ne a.,dt. """'·e··lbe ... '" i;...., FAKH. ·r1F.LD A~n Jl'l'RE8lD.E, wlaloh I ·e-.-..d In l· ·Mt. h~ll ... ........Y ··h·Ukl·. :a. L. li.lll.i:H..a.~. 80'l'TH 1J!lt"IOX, 1':y., ,Jnly JD, lf!!l'.'J. .!~!l· ~~~~~n 1ria!!':a~r,·~.1>·::.r 1..:~ -:~,-;.~:r ; llhutraoed. .E. L . HUT& '.IT..l)::=JHTO:V, O~'T.. !J, 1888. tile ~ . . ...... "V.~i~,- MUU-4 t:HIUl·:RH with·~ an·.l w e w iJl ~ttn..l· I 21'11.t~( rfptkn~I t,T'.">1v~-mhtil'\'·d r~;p·~. -.,":· crl .· ;:,1~s &<\rl::-· "Ullll>.' .,.,..,.. · u"6<.'l'ipt .,,. ""100,000, ........ Wl>tll<i a.dTI..· " "" Mel ~ focwa;'1 o'1·· "7 or fln.·e· CATARRH. C ATAltRH, - A new Treatment wh11re"bv a perm·rneM cnrA ii· totf"cted Jn from one to thr&e treatmeMa. ParticularA. nnd Tro:\tiRe f?'e8 ·en receipt of ·tamp. A. H . DIXON&:. SON, :..,7 King Street, West, 'l'oronto, WHA T 'l'l!R Riff, E, B. 81'RV RX80)i', R.A., A CLEHGY~IAN' OJ' THE Lmmo:-i Co:sl'};1tElHlR Ol· ' T·1rn M&Tl!01HS1' Cuunc a 01" CAJ(ADA, H.~s TO SAY IN RKGfARD TO A. II. Dute.· & 80N'8 N!:WTRIUTMUNT Jo'OR CATARRH. ~~~~~·i:rw:i~b;~ AND takin" up ·hoir 0.lKL.\NO, ONTARIO, 1lfe ss1 ·s. A. II. DiJto», C.U~.. ,f> Son. March 17, 1883. IRON 'BITTERS' is the only iron preparation that does not color the teeth, an< l will flot cnu!le hendache or consti~·atiou, u olb~r ll'on prcpara1io1i. wi:· 1. ' 9¥8 14th inst. Eiuht cl11'ldr·n and ur·nd ch1'ldr .' AIU of 19 ~ ~ -are chr1st~n '\~ _....M ·r · J·1ne· .. ~ Thoma· QI"'"' a "' " 'av Por' ~Vhitoy S8 pt~ 1 bar ___,,...../ "'\ ~ ...,.-A RllAL old fashioned- camp meetin~ :i,s ~0 b ~ h~Id u· · sc4 r boro. 1t bAgins · on 1 , 11;1 Mit, W, H. FrNNuMoJrn ha ' s iol'>.f ia o -..a:. flourmg mill in South Oah&wa t6 ~feil . 1 S a·m d ere & Edmoodsou. :· .. 0 n ~h~hl~t P · lson~ nkf..,.te<IJ>od i°Ami 'y and .>.grk ttlttoml· ~l'<'>'S. I t "'m talna tWMlty h>r)i, 1=~n>I CBi~h~~do"f'I" ·t~ Ull."lt1 ttlnif t!lt':fltint ... n,·e1+, Wuntl, ":itc.'-1·><1 ..m·l itut.. AnJ.1111\.w b..:u ~ ' -ir cuJ ..t ion uf f}t:J_,0<)0 »' lfE FARM, FIELD AND FIRESIDE PlllOPRfE.T (j~'4f4.'Ut·!il\. ~t ~lltll.·cdt.1\1'hC1 . . fnh1! 1 V. edAu.rrCl:ihl <;ar"111"nwtrn~11Jo1, w\1oal ·wai1t b&YodoTiea11, thel')"'n.Cf"'~ . An-'om·JlQ~l"L~ J.ona ..!!y . THO&I!. W l-'l ' itu.m\·~i:1 t ~·:\JJh'"'1 ioc"-l'r" Q11:. ~uu.t fu 1.u. 1 f~, ~b~ l i!tf+...J· n..:.!.r r,,)tt.~r ..... , uul'."'. 11ULk··. Alr.l.rd.s aua.o.ifPr~"f'-1" · l·; o-1=' ~TTEIJJO l'H:? FS:.:;,TIVAL ._.e w i!l 1 i1-..d M. v ri.ut4!-·IJ... L- , o C tlle t!11s.i::K,.·~tau'1.l> J,of.,,w"'"~n;.kleroul ·-· 11··~· w. nllr U7wuw"o""""'"" T ta ur<>t" reuwh'·~e 100,000 "' t ho tirt .. """ aud fut> <llau'.ib uti <>Jlool v..._.. .. W\I1 .... k~ i) \!·~·rt><·l:i' Storltia, Sketchee,- Pos~ry, Fu r m, Card" nl H·:ouaehotd and Ar:·c.utturn1 a_!!lt'rtmenta t.>y the beat Contrlbuto~ .~ Of tho aay, '"' we. '" \W lllu·aratecr ~:G f.i:°.fTRB ~ent. Noe d ·e and limbrolderr Wor'<· llm·tr·titon· o[ cli lfunoit pu.r !<I of t h. Y.111.i~ ·~,}l ...,UJ h1Ln~st~t .BiogrnploMl ir..c.atehe· ,of l?n,-ii·J1ent Mon and. Wome.n. In WI.Ur&, H.uQnkiu.s .. ~'!~f~a.~~ r,::!1a;.1;,,:.:;~.~haa,a..d r:;,t..!~~: l'tNbs~rlptJol't, I hav~ lat -ly ~ Q i;a "" ··b·4'ri~~·4 r tt 7nnr &Ud }arttll 'WO W66k8. oNL.Y & Pe11bt:.crtptifl· Rfltld.iWred. ~J)I )lonoy1fl ~W~ DE~R Srns-Yonrs of tho 13th lnsl'lnt to hand. It se1Jms ul 1uost too 1(001~ to be true Jhut I am cured or 0 11.tarrh. but I know that! am. I l\aTe h a d no return of the diso11.~o and never felt better 111 m y !ift1, I have tried ~o many things for catarrh, auff<>rerl AO much and for RO many years. th;ot It lo hard toriue t<> reallzo thaH am really better· · I c onsider that minA was a ,-~ ·1 bad caso ; h .va~ a11graT..ted a1:1d chronic, ln\' the throat a e well a11 the 1111s&.1 ll1M1Sa11:es, and I thought I would r6quir0 the three lreaunonbt but feel cured by the two Mont J:llO, nnd I am thank·t11 llt~t I was ever ind11ood to wnd runr -" Yot1 are at libert.y to u~e thfa lotter ~t.atlRlf that 1 havtt been curetiat t1M tr"eatmenta, and · I sha ll glad I}' recommend vour remedy to &0me of my frie11d· who l\J'{} sutferurs. Yours wlt.Q many \hanks, REV. to· you. .SULPHUR ·if RON AND..,..~.. - E. B. 8TRVAl(SOl(, 'l.'ono~. April 2-1, H!S'J, A . H. Di<so,., F..·q., 305 King St., West. · DEAR Hm,-W" take pleasure in. stating lhl\& om· .i nnior l!(j.rtner, who had' for roars been troubl<ld with c..iarrh, was succe11&fn!ly cured by throe trcatmenh of your r&med:r. 'l'hfl CatltJ.rrll was m11oh a1t!4'rarn1od, with.co11tlnaal drooping Into tlt<1 lhroat. 1Micom11 ,nied b7 loes . o f voice, h&wk!ni;: and ~pitting a11d block up of the nostrils, l\ll or which ww are plell66d to _ say di·"ppeurcd almo~t iiuinediate!y afl0P the remejy "'"" apvlierl. Your remedy 1e oer&1ilnl:r an invaluable one, tmd vre l1ope .n l't'ho n1"y be !>Utfcring frofll thi8 diS41(l't'A 11.hl.i ·ll·ewie will give i i a tri ..l, ,., we are aa1is1led lhe:r wlll tlnd a eom11J ...t;i 8\'ICf.1111&. Youl'A Yery trnly, 'VN. Nonnrn II;; So>r, 'Vhole~ale .l:'lanllf an4 On;rans. No. R .Adelaide tit:, ~~~~~-~~~- h\)gia, hy1Jeri.~, ·aud l1ndr<>l COIU· plaints will find it .,,.ithuut u "<iual. a12d ail sutrer~n ft,.iu 11"1 BITTERS~~· . . ...,. -~-.- · , ....... .,; .. ~ Tl.e Sona of England excursion fnm ., ME ME.tor, · o., ..,.,...," ··<i.i.. er Exp,._, (Jll:eDtlon TAJ.a l'»PH.1 Port Perry to Liudaay weak wn1 a r:i. E ~ . , " · ';R theee are Presente to our S1.1bscrtbers @;lven to them absolutely Pree. '" n "'"T fi'I a out and ahowto frtendo, acquaintances and neigh bore, as It will notapgrand 8UC0681!, pear nc;atn, a.,<f iB tha l:t:JtOP'.'Cttuntty you wm ttave 'to tak0 advantage of tttle ex1\'Ir. B. J. Font er, connty of Haltin traordlnarY ofter. Two·cent Poatage Gtamps tnkon In sume l easthatn s 1.00. t<aY· ht1 ha· inveuted a machine whichh~ The FARM, FIELD AND FIRESIDE, 89 Randolph clainu 1mt.irely meets the question of pirpe-tnal motion , . People in the vicinit.y of Rama ~re being nctimir.ed by a conpltt of foll1ws ci who a1k them to aii:n orders for a oatllnt 0 churn, which aft6rward ·nrn out to lbe Emporium of Fashions in Cloths 0 note· of hand. I .o anct'F'urnishings. <l) Mr. Joseph Monkho 1 1~e, Pickering, ::; ·"d __, :::::i a nilM'o four years old which has had irnr ~ ~ colt&- twins last year aud this. _..c:: The corporation 11f P»rl Perry haa mco:!.~ ceaded in eellmg their $12,000 so~00ol · a~ -OPE.rrED Cl) Ii:! debeuture at one per ctint. bel·11" par. Q.~ BY THI8 STYLISH HOUSJ!i, Cl!r:t:J. P LEASE . The Whi\by G"utt-6 say11 the" County Fair n111at ""·" a11d addR t:1as \he lnous· \Vhicb goos to prove that old fo~yit!un is 0 ~ .... 0 ~ arial imd th;i township fairs ar., enoul(h. gotting played out, and that the peop)., !:: ~ "KOi/Gii OY B4T~" - Cle&ra out n.t.a, llllce-, appreciate the uew departure. roacbeii, t!ie1', anti, bed-b\11(8, iilmnk:M, '.!hljp . . s~ A .OOor l ~ fl.<.Y \>a ...,,...,rr·"'-·· i<1tw-" r·f"r f.--,·A.,Wk ~l6""llMY~· W..f'·llol ·J1 f"r' ;,. r;;,;,.. e._ tr'lutiR 01 '\11nar;r_l~·l 1"4r a.t .."·T'""s"'Q.:..~.."". ~E!~~:Ei'.~"~"1~'£.~.-.FX:A.E!S:a:>E -1" 1~ Sl;x lh1nU1M, IU.Uh '. tm 1 lfow.t·· .... a.a. ebn.ltt.~~· f'·t" one Hl'"1he S'l ...\ lfiY prP-· ··N t11 tba.lD. tOr anythlns t"ontnluetl In the pn~f'r ; In·' I ~.d!':::.:;t::1~i:. ~·1i'~:e!!:r: o11r In &;htt · ...,, pluec, ll'lttre to hl"l't'O 11. ,V. P .A.ISLE'l'. er u-..,.. u1 he rl ...1 med p t. Tl lCI IH\PU ,.·0 1·th d.ont.>Je our rfi'k. tari;cr ~ "1t1o.1Wd be 11ent by Street, Chicago, Ill. THi;ECLIPSE HOUSE, .... .... S. MASON a SON. n as I .. - IMMENSE STOCKOU1'.' 72 Suits of Clot~es Sol~ la~ wee~! f ' NEW FALL GOODS IN.SPECT. munks, itophers. 15c. Druirll'i~ta, The p ..tato rot I· causing the Jli!O\lld of W'1itby t" commence div.giog tht>ir po-· «~ FANCY C L 0 T J.J S of all deecriiJ)'tions arriving daily~ . · ' ca ta,oe1, tun they might lus" sheir .. uirfl' THE BARBER -- .. SHOP. ~ l'..r Olol at11cl 1'08'111(, ffllhl ~uol t'e1111lle. lt:R. IT repair& N<l,l'YOtt~ w..~10. RejuTenate· tne Jaded Intellect, 8trenl\'thuns tne. Enfeebitid Brain and Ht1..torea ::lnrpr!eln11. tollJI and: , ' Vig~r to the gxhnnated GeneraliYe Or,ia11s tn either sex. W\V!lh each ord"r ror twelye·, ..ocompanled with fl 1'e dollars, wawU! &end OUl' W"rhtoll g11arnte.. to reru11d th& great 111uce1e. money 1r the ireatnumt dooH not otr..e\ a 111tre-~ Laei '.L'liursday Mr. Garbutt, of the It is thn ChAapeet anrl Be~t l\fodicine lu the· ma~ket· .IM'Fnll p1t.rtl'l11l .. ,. lu our vnmpblet Royal Hotel, w1111· tined $40 and cosh, - -. ·. -.---.------~--------------~ ----_..- - - . - - wMcn we cl<J·irt1 te mall to any a,,.droes. · mal..11,11i a.. tot<ll of f15>, for eelliul( liq uoi----,.. ~ --.. Mllek'M !Un1n1etlt: Jlfldfohte ls 1o!d by Oruir.l. lit'!f ·N A l>llt&: §TORE. iiet at 56 cl>!. par box, or 6 hons for $2. 50, o~· withiu the ho11r& prohibited by l..w~-· 'Never was such a rnsb ma<le tor BJ?Y Drug will be mallec11 tree or po·taj(e, on rec.,lp\ or· the money by ndrlr.,11~lnit. 'Store as Is now at J. H!;;ai1nboihem fc. Son's for named Levi Salmrm,, [ : ; · · · MHDltJUIH ~o., a Trial Bottle of Dr. 1t n g's Now Dlnoonry for . Jll..U ;K'8 111..&.GXllTlt: ' '\l°lndHr Ou& .. C:UJUUIOI wif" and family, living about 30 mi!ea ! Cons11mptio11, Oo1111ha a.11d Colds. All pul'!!Ons nor'h of Cobott<l'll~ viehed town Qn Tues- l affected with Asthma: nroMhilis, lio11.l'>'(!n68B, day. Thill ia· the- first ·rip 'he old g"n~ i The best thing witlil which to oool ot!t*hi1 Seve re (';0ugh1 or QliY a:tl'ection of the '.f hroal has paid here foir f!Syee.n.-Smtinel-SW.r.. -hot wea.ther lsand L, ungs, can get a trial bottle·of th!a gre..t The pb.ce to get the best nTue in .sof<11~,. i r e majy tree. br calling at abon Drug Store. lounges, mattre!!&es and eprin~ beds, l'ideRegular eize ,l.00. boarde, centre ta.bleR, common chairs,. ---...l..l.--~ . and the beet place to g-t>t · the Ice ~eam vVITAT .AltE · SCRA3:CIIES!. .l!:or horses beds,ellda, &o~ ,, ts ai L~vi Morria'. Calli -ll!iBt thothat & re troubled with tho diseA9e called scratand see prices &nd 8lyles. ches . Dr. n., .....H S-turge on Oll L lhfment.' Jll'OYetl a s ure cure , as witness the tollowmg : Last · Dr. Flowar'il EJttrac· of Wild St~sw April dur!nir the wet sea·on, both of my berry will never fail 'you when ta.ken t~ · ho rse~ wer<i tM·r1bly bad with sm·o.tehM. 'l'hey cure Dy11entery, Colic, Sick Stom11och, or w ere both· quite leme and t.':··«lnally gro wlni& busine~s. w orse. I tried varlo1111 horse tinlmonlli. bnt all any form o:fi Summer Complaint. Relief. cf n·) avail, 11ntil ff, friend reoomme11c1ed highly is almost in&tant~neous; a few doses c1u·e gre~tly Dr. Dows ::1turgeon Uil L in inw11t. I bon1tht a Ir :ron want Jee Cream ror Parties or Picnloo bot t(o 11.·d my horacs vreNJ wull In two days, vhen other remedies fail. 267 .-. I i: evur ~uw it.~ eC'fuol for horse fle..·h, jUS~ call and leave your order and :ron can lil'et .Any SEWING 1\1.A.CHINE until yo11 see the For a dny'ii hard wol'k Mr. John Boyd, 81i.0ek, J . N. }J&¥aui, Clunlotl.-Otown, P, E . .t. of lot 12, .Ullll eou, of Hope, takes th4 cake. pack6di In Ice so· th11.t H will keep BoHl and nice, NE'VV .R O Y A L .A., Try !ti. once and yon '\Till ne.-er hnv.e·a. pa.rt:r e·N ·rnlM'l'l' IUl'S' 'J'JU.u ·· Just out, combining nll the best qutditll'f! of the On the 25th ult., he bouod 15 11.cres of without Ice Cream. T H iil 'V OLT.. lTC B11:r:r Co., :Ma.rsl1all, Mich.. wlll Old ltoyal.(a. machine which hasKlven unlvers- heavy im nine honrR, withe. Dundas send Dn. DY1t'sCELRDR A'rF.o Et.E CTRO·YOL'rAIC al satisfaction), with new "'nd orh(inal improve- Cord Binde1t, one pair of hor11e11 doing the F ANIDY BISUITS, day: Ba:r.TS AND ltLEC'rRIC APPLIANUF.S on trial for ments found In no other maohlne. A.1ucng the CANNED PEA.CHES, ~pan11e t o hear from thirty day· to men (ymrng .ir old ) wllo are a.f- man:r impre~ements, it 1111s a High and J.o~ entire ,..011k. PEARS, illete d with Nervoue Debility, Lo 6tViwlitra.nd .Arm, maltini: It specla.lly adapted for Dress- ·hose of 01u· 1teader11 who can beat this. Manhood, and kindred troubles, gua.ranteelnir making and Tailoring, It Is " Tery light rllll!.S.ALMOM~. MOTHERS. DoN'l' KNOW.-How many speedy a nd cornpl<Jt,e restor atio11 of het·lth and nlng, almo~t noiselell8, Self-Threading, adlnst· SA>RDll'l'.InS, ot,e, manly vigor. Address M, N. D.-No risk able in all its p11.l't~. the 9fn1plest and most childcrn are punbhtid for bein>e uncouth, always in etock.. complete Robbin Wlnlier made, Now Scl!is incurred. as thirty days tnal Is allowed. 'fhreading Shutt.le, all m aite ot nr·t quality willful, snd iudifferent to instructions or S'Wl>:i!IT and< BE!lT Al!!SOtlt'l\)H~lf,T o(' I mater1nls. In a. word placing It head and reward11,. ll(bl'.llply bflc1rnee they are 011t of nucklen's Ar·tca Sahoi.-The best Salve shoulders superior to all c..n ..dlan and equal health! An, iutelligent lsdy of a child in the werld fnr Cuts. Bruises, l'oree, Ulcer!!, to tho best .A.merlc1m. JOHN S, DONEY, Tyrone, Special and Sole of this kind : "Mothers shculd k11011.Vthat Sa lt R1'e11m, Fenr Soros, Totter, Chapped if they wi;mld give the litt le ones moderate .A;&ent. Hands, Cliilh\11.ins, Corns, and all Skin ErupIN BOWMANV.TLLE. I also sell the R.l YMO~n and WHJTH MA- doses of' Hop Hitters for two or three tions, t.nd Penlti,."lJ' tm:-es Pile~. Ii ia guran- CHINP:S a.nd the world renowned \\"Al..THAM W6eks tbie: childern wuuld be 1111 a ~rent Also & tine stook oC teed r;lTe pnrcet ·atisfact!on, or mone7 'WATCII. BowmaaviUe, J111y 11, 1883. We call special attention to our General could de11iire." refunded. Prlee 26 ceutll per box. For 'Sal· hy Cheap Cash ,;tore, which is stocked with only EGE!! J . Hig~i11botha>l4 le Son. tlrsL-class KOOrle, we do a big business, and sell W.J Cnppy druggist, of Newbury, as chc1t.p and in la.r~c !of,q cheRper than many others can .. tforrl to, as vre mak0 no bad rlobts. writes;-' ' Dr. Flower's \Vild Strawberry At the GRAND · KINGSTON. N. B,-::lend me a card or lettor and I will 111jnst the ihing for St1mmer Sickniees. I oall on you. sold out my 8tock three times la~t 1111m- 1\'htra'er y!jtt wuii an easy l'OOTe, As g:ood 11:1 Barber <1vt>r ~ave. ; ust call &t ,f_!ithi~k 's Sal ~n, , At mominlj(, e vo or busy rioon. He'll cut 11.11d comb your hair with graoe, to suit the COIJtour of your face; His shear<& are sharp and i:aizora keen, . Hie ~hop is neat and clean, An<i everything, W9 think , y ou'll ti.nd-, J'0 suit th~ \Mtf ~i:i<l pl~Mo the mind. UAL l'l~OS J<...or'!Ol!i, NlGlJT l::lW£.ol.U, ~ 'NRRIHKA. LBtJOOHftllOU, BA1UtBNN1'111111:11:1o11llf~L ~VXAKlOl@ll, AN'IJ . GBNKRAL Loss ·J' Po~ '""·AK: >leetti~IT 8\ll'M s ! 1oar,.,I.oa. o;m ll><..L.l.J<-.[!o i.u rn. l!lsr- r..arYOlllilllCB m all l&S litllllH' .P11terhoro'· Co110cil miteti11r: 1'4·t weal.c: are the most Fancy in iown, ki all 0 ...., is call"d "circus by th;, Exc iminer. From1 ihe New Shadea. 't:l ;.a \he report th.,,.. "'=leJJM ·o h&ye btteu aever~ al na11iihty acton. : We have a fine 1111sortml!11t of the 0 ~It is r11mort!d, says the Warde·r, th·'- ~ Newe11t Styl68 lu 0 o the Linda1·7 pttper mill h ·! ll llOlll' in10> · ' "O ~ 1,'llli~~..-ud..µi_at \h1t company int 1ud!J> ~~I guw~ ou.t of b1111lne111. . ~ Arrangemt1nt9 for .&be Liodsa.y 0d~Yral j .. , ~ ~ are, say11 the Pos.t, pt"OgreHin.,c finely iu 1 ~ tile hauds of a ea.pal>le an i en&erpriaing· · j Ca.JI a' t.he ~~Rouee and.. youu yJJ! tl committee. Th& ah»w protnisea to he I\. have &he beat &tock of goods to pick from. ~ i S "'O ~~ ~~ ~ - ~ '. ' Never Better Value or Choice Offered to the· Public. ')ur N obby Ties & ShlrtS -51 El: l- Hundreds of Yards of all Classes of Goods Almost G !VEN AWA Y. I C!TR A _ .-W-..;aATS. 19 -a= fr"" Po~tn~;:e ~;::~ · HOT w EAT . HER CREAM, W· H. IVE S. l ZZ - class style by Mr. 'C.UTTING in fh:st. Mitchell. Newt Cloths and Tweed in Latest. Patterns. -G-RE..A..T- CLEARING SALE! AT THE ]! C' E GLASGOW HOUSE. I>ON'T :BUY! fliiiNiilCENTRAjJ 'Fhe undersigned. being about to retire from is now selling· o.ff.a.t reduced prices. w., I is one of the largest in the Count), Th.e consisting mainly of Staple Goods. suitable to the everyrequirements of the public,. a:nd will be offered at pries g.iving inducements to buyers. to purchase liberally. 1 CONFECTIONARYI 0~NTF.AL. This being A REAL CLEARING BALE preparatary to th!:' clusing of the business, purchasers will find it to their advantage to make an early calL THOS. PATERSON. OICARS AND-TilBACOOS 1 - - - - - - · · -- ·---- -··----~-1 WOMEN'S MEDICAL G 0LLECE. Profe~~or1;; ~;~~~;~!~~~~~;~:;~~~~::::::~:~ pectu@. \Viii bf' opened Ocbober 2d, .,.hh or Nino all'lliatecl with O·tMn'" Uni ver·it.y; JOHN S. DONEY, 1')'rone. Roard · M. LAVfCl,L. :vr. D., Pre·l<'le n& of Facnlty · A. P. KNI&II'r. ne.<'i~trnr, KG·GS-1 TON. ONT.A.RIO CANAD · Writ,c tor Pl'Ot!· READY CA s·H ' · mer. There was & i.tood deme.nd Sor it." Dr. Fl ower'~ Extra of Wild S1l'awberry ia infal11ble for Dysentery, Col!ic, Sick Stomac h and Bowel Compll.\int. 26i" TO FARMERS OF WEST DURHAM! E n dorsed hr the French Academy ofModiclne Mal'ket House and am prepared to pay the run J' or l nfiumma'1on or the trrlnarT OrgnnB, Mark et Value In Cn11li. ror FA.RM and DAIRY caused by Indiscr etion o;r Exposure. Hotel ·pnoo ucir,. I am. sure e..-ery former will admO Dieu Hospital. Parie, Treatment, Positive the advanti\gee of a Cash 8)'8tem, you can then trado where 7ot1 please and will be able to Cure in oue ~o threo days. Local Treatment !IAYE at least to r1>1t t:l\NT on :rour puronly reqalrlld. No nnueeous does o! Cubebs or chaees. am tho nrst to ln\roduoe thle system. Give It a trial and :rou will be oonTincod it 111 Copa.loo. t he best a11d on::r sat!efactor1 vray of dolns lnfalllb!e, Hyg!e11ic, Curative, PreTentlve. P rleo $1 . ~0. includlng Bulb Syringe. Sold b:r b11al1111&S. ' Thanking you for past faYors and sollcltinit all Druggists, or sent free by mail, securely sealed, on teceipt or price, DescrlpUve Treatise aa Increased ·hart1 of roar patronags, Yonra tnil:r. free on app!ic11.tlon. .AMERICAN A GENCY WM. BBITT.A..lN, "66" MEDICINE 00., Detr~it. }tI!cb, WindllOr, 0 Ma*d Sqrim'e. I The politic"l contest being over, the popuhr vote of the people is now cnst in fe.vor of Dr. Flower's Extraet of Wild Stra\'rherry-tha.t matchless l'li)m1;1dy for The undersigned havii:>g purchased a Cholera Morbus and all S11mmer Com· bottom figures. a h.r~e amount of the plaints. 267 above meDtioned articleB for ----~-~-GENTLll!Mtil!I' : -1 have been nppolntod agent --NearJya11 cash, i11~end as ·n inducewho go to the Nuvlh·west, or 11.ny by TWO of the principal house11 In Canl\da !or foreign point., from this dislPiet, get. tickets mem t to offer it dF.>.nxPnonucs. Iha.Te, there- from Clim!<' & .A.lien, BowmanTlll~. 'rheT ..en ticll:ete by railway or boat to all points, a t lowfore, leased the premises formerl:r used as a est posBible ratee, llm. - woOo~UiMBER.:!ol EAR~B SA LE BOOTS d: SllOES CA.SH STORE. He is now offering his whole · stock of --·GR E ..A..T-- . " DISCOUNT OF THREE PER CENT CASH. Ont. I sow-a...nle. Kuc· a. 198. u1. olf the J~ter· nn all orders accompanif>d by the na.tional 'l'hroai and Lung in~titute. 173 Cll11oh sireet, Toronto are-n1a.klng so many woncterful c11res of catarrh, catarrha.l deafness. E concllitie, ·asthma llnd con·umption are: They ha.Yo POSITIVELY NO ATTENTION none but skilled and bn&lifled medical men connected '"ith thA inst;tute. 'l'heJ' adhere will be paid to ord~rs unless accomstrictly to their spQoialty _and they use \he splrometer Invented by M. SonTlelle, ex-side panied by· the cash or speolallJ suegeon of the French army, and instrument arranged for. which conve7s tho medicines in tho torm ot eo!d inhalations to the parts diseaseid, wbloh is the only wa:r theee diseases oon be curecl. They are trea.ting hundre.! le or J;llltient ever:r . month, having twelve surgeons engs.ged In 'heir work in Canada alone, Send a three-oent '·tamp for a oop:r 1>f thek International Nowa 'llllblished monthl7 a· 173 Churoa Stroel ~lllaDTllle, Aug. ! ;' 1883, Z6Hw. ·roro11to. !&i-tf. ~nrgeons rho rea~on why the SPRING & SUMMER' GOODS I amounting to nearly $5000, at W H .0 L E SA J_J E PR I CE .. S F<>:EI. CA.SEE C>NLV. M~CLELLAN ~ c~ Boots and Shoes made to order a~ usual, from the best of stock nnd by first class workm~n. Do not fail to call, on him at. once antl secure bargains. STAND :-Neads Block, next door east of Lee&. EdsaWi Hardware Store., King Street, Bowmanvill~. ··