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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1883, p. 3

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,, ~~~~~~*P'~ffi~·~·~Ml~~FB~O~@~<N~~~f~~~-~Sl~d~~,~~~~Q~@~RWI~. ~~~~-~a~~S!~Y.·~·~~Bieg~~,....~~-~p;e-~""""~~.............,~~~~v·~swa~-~~-~·~~~~@~-@Ml~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. "*·WA·+w SU sq "PMfit" _WWWMWliitW.iR!i!ia::-n1·agg &mlilltllHlllrniiid§'"MIMW'it311WWWJIJ9!11llb&.W!MWIM!~ll\dlWJMil&IJWWW\W plantar · su;face of the feet. Addi tiona.l Wha.t the Law All<:iws Su11dlly. Bli:.\U'I'IES OF AUTUMN, cruelly was sometimes practised by the vicFrom the earliest times there have heen tim Leing seat<'d on a ~nike or "horn" laws in .J<~nglantl An Hom· Among the Flowers, eniorcing a proper r1·s;iect I. (.Justin Martin), though at.timts apfoce of fo· the Sabbath. The most ancieut. of these, The lovely autumn da.ys are here, S orn thou the weakness of the soul w9od wa.s so placed t11at he might rest on it which is still presened, was mad" by Alfred the flowers 1 1xe cloLhed in their prettiest '!'hat contravenes thy self-control; The naih, aided by "intense heat, soon ·pr()· the Great in the ninth centary. The second garments, anrl mother earth seems to have Beo-s t 0 ti t b 1 - · d L" l '!'here is a source <luce gangrene. Although the culprit writnM datee from the time iif Fleury VI. Another donned her·t robes . ~ome of our b' announce la e · :ias again secure a icense anc is now pre~ t.strength unfailing, in agony tcir so1ne ti1ne, it is d,;ubtful whethe1; Seek thou that force any long-continued activity of the body w.1s passe.d under ,Tame< I. The fourth, garden fav?1' ites droop their heads nnder pared to furnish the public with strictly first class Unadulterated which is now t'ie law cit England, was made the warm k1aaes of Old Sol, but the fl.Jwer Which all prev._ai(in~ could bemainta.ined. The weight of the in· Will rr.ake thee master in thi; way, Thia fairies sprinklt1 them with. s~eeteat dew , Liquors, and respectfully invites the inhabitants· of 'fO\Yn and Oou.nb·l'7 ~estines, gravi~at_ing <lo"'nward, produced by the Parliament of f)harles IL . . . " And keep thine enemies at bay, mtussusceptiou. '1'11e circulation was im· latter law has been made the model of Sun· afte~ he has sun~ to .rest, revivmg them and · da.v laws in.all the.States except Louisfana, cau,ma: tbe'l'.1 to look _fresh and sparkling to give lnm ·a call when they re.quire any of the followina- a-oods, eith.ei.r IT. peded, the viscera pressing on the veins. The 0 0 · . . . . lungs could not be emptied. Insects got in- aud the rlecisioos made unde1· it now form when Old Sol shall agam catch a glimpse of Resistence of the wrong is part put of the c JlI)ffiO!l law. The law of them. It is not ohard to imagine these ~'fodrcinally or as a Beverage, VIZ. : tu the eyes, nose, earti, and wouucls. At a Of thy good work, be brave of heart, iJharlei II, ren<ls as fo.lows: · merry sprites, singing and dancing. among · · , , z:i&htfall the bones of the legs of those still The tides of ill "No tradesman, itrtificer, workman, or the flowers, smoothing the wrinkles from Prue Jamaica Ram. . . John Bu:l Bit.tars in quarts and pi.uts. l! v10g were broken, ostensibly to hasten. Roll deep and surging; death, but, in reality to gratify the specta· laborer, or other person, wha.taoever, shall the road·bud, causing them to ·open, and De Holla.nd Gin .~n drau'ght and Raspberry, Strawberry and LemonSyrupa In God's good will in bottles. do or exercise any worldly labor, business, gladden. our eves in. the early morn, or tors, who wel:e becuning sated. Thy pathway urginl{, · Scotch and Irish Whiskies in bottlem. work of their ordinary callings-works of breathing sweetest porl'ume into the heart of ·· .. Death generally resulttd from e:angrene of or Thyself thou only canst defend ; necessity and charity ..lone excepted-on the some favorite, and methinks they must Bernard's Ginger Wi~e on dra11ght and in Bass & Oo'e. Al~. in qua.rt and pint oof;tf.:tL c ement of viscera, regur~ita· Lord's Da.y." wounds, displa, Hold firm the battle to the end. · touc~1 the p~nsics with ·t heir 'magic wand, bottleii. · Guinness Porter " " « hon of blood through the valves of the III. .All agreements forbidden by this law are m~kmg !their velvety faces so bright and W. F. Lewis & Co's Year Old Rye, very beart, pericarclitia, and paralysis of heart La.batt's Al~ . " " " void. If, for example, a horse-trade is made saucy. They are Flora's servants, helping fiue. · Move on against the towers that etnnd and lungs. "In mn.ny cases death · was ao· on Stmday anCl the horse is warranted sound, her care for .her great king· lom, and good Defiant of thy Lord's command ; celerated by hunger and.thirbt, the viccissi· no action can be tustaiu.e d by the purch:i.ser, servants they are, too; never slighting even Gooderham ·~ Wort/s Old Bourbon Old O'Keefe & Co's.Ale on draught in 10 gdThe world hath need lon kegs, 30 f{a)Ion barrels and in ltoP"" tucl'es of beat and cold, or the attacks of if the horse goes lame. the tiniest. Rye and Old l\:Ialt Whiskays. Of souls undaunted, heads. · ravenous birdR and beasts and' in others de· A note made on Sunday is worthle,s, in Fl?w:erd ha~e habi~s as well as people, Oockburn's Old Port \Vine, very fine · .A.nd Chriet shall' Jen.d signedly accelerated by burning, stoning, O'Keefe & Co's. Porter in 10 gallon ~ Till he hath plMted do d~ suffoca.tion, breaking the bones, or piercing the hands of the first holder, but if sold to and it ls "ery mterestmg to the true admir- Sandemau's Pale Shei·ry Hennessy Brandy on draught and ia er of nature to study their peculiarities, and His stn.ndard on the walls of time the vital ore:ana" (Adam Clarke, "Com· an innocent person, it is g 'od. .A. stable-keeper can not get his pay for watch them · through ea9h. stage of t.heir Alciante Wine · bottles. . And it shall bring the rnng sublime. mentary on Matthew," chap. xxvii. v. 35). Martell's Brandy in bottles. IV. Accordiug to Origen, Timotheus and hor3es let on Sunday, nor can he get damages growth. Here is tbe morning glory, which Sacramental Wine. is such an ear)y ri~er, its lovely velvet balls S. Joy & Co's Native Wine. Maura, a married pair who suffered about if his -is destroyed by an accident. How weak it matters not to thee, Jul'es Robin & Oo's. Brandy in bottles. But, where the bargaining is done on so fragranM, where the tiny hummiog bird tho year 28(), under Diocletian, remained for How 'desolate thy Jot may be, Oanada Vine Growers Native Wine. Suuday and the c0ntract iA finished on a comes for her morning feast of honey dew, SazeracBrandy on Draught in bottlec.; nine days and nights on the cross, exhorting Thy birthright clann ; each otller, and expiring on the tenth day. week-day, it is valid. Piiblishing a news- and ba.thes her bright pluma,ge in the dew .Burgundy Port Wine. DeMullin & Co's. Brandy on draught;. Hi~h thrones are waitrng, J By order of the E llperor Maximian, in the paper 011 the Sabbath is a1.1ainst tlie .law. drops a~ .the winds shake them from the Champagne in quarts and pints; A royal name, year :?97. seven Ohristhns at 8amosata were The publisher can not get his pay for <1odver- dark green leaves, but they close th11ir eyes At. thy translating. tisements. · · before noon. The little portulacca seldom ·iml>j~cted to long.and varied tortures ; th rte Shall be thine own with joy to w~ar, Works of necessity and charity are per· opens her rose·like fi"Jwers until kissed of tnem were hken down from the cross And princely honors thou shall bear. usual~y while) et ali·e. and the Emperor hearing of mitted, For ex~mpl!l, a will may be made open by Old Sol; while the sunfhwer keeps on Sundn.y. The law considers it a work of her face turned to his the whole day, and this, ordered hnge nails to he driven into e against death which the sensitive plants fold their leaves and Thy toil may be se.vere and grpat, their headc.-.lJr. Oo<>per, iii .N. Y. Medical neces>ity to provid_ may corne at any moment. sil'entlv go to sle'ep with the da.)' king. And burdens press thee long a11d late, Journal. A "marriage contract made o~ Sllnday is The foor o'clocks open their pretty fi·.>wers But let thy heart .... ·~· ... also a work of necessity. A . barber may ar four o'clock, and the roaothera, o,r even· Be strong for duty, G·.ggl!ng G rls. l.Jring 91tit and get hi~ pay for shaving a man ing primrose, bursts suddenly open at sun. God will impar~ Giggling. says the New York Graphic, is on the Lord's D<iv. A contract to go for a set, tilling the air with their ricl1 fral(raur,e, Both strength and beauty : slid to be exclusivdy an American accom· physician OD Sunday is valid. Repairini;: a but closing the next morning. u.,Jike the Writ on the Lord, nor wait th<Ju Jong, Perhaps it is. \Ve do not pul:>lic road on Sunday is sometimes a work ro~e, · it does·not open slowly, petal by petal, r r thou shalt hear his voice, " Be strong.' 'plishment. oi nec:essity·. · · but one moment It is a bud, and tne next know. .., The rule is that th,e agreement must be to the fs filleJ \\lith a rare perfume, and ......~~---What i~ a giggle? Scieuti-;ts-that is to l>EATB BY CRUCIFIXtoN. say, anatonii··d, professor~ of faciology, do something whiah it is not proper and the bud is a .full blown fl>wer; it is a. very 't'he escholtz"a and The Mosi l'a1nfulMode of.Execution-Ir· p'lrenology, physology, and some of the fitting to do on the Sa.bbath. Driving a interesting plant.. · . a:istory. other ologie>-llli,.(ht exp' ain the cause of i.t meat-cart on Sµnday i~ not valid. Hoeing cacaiia. also go to sleep at sunset, aud ~here garden crop~, though eel'iously needed, is are many other peculiarities in the floral from their severn.l too ex0e~~ively practical "Man's inhumnnity to man" has been pre. points of vi.,w. They might ·explain why a not a necessity. Nor fa gathering sea-weed family. Some.c )mbine rich colors, beautiPminent in 'all a~es. In ancient times it hen produc~s eggs and why butter is an ex. on the sea·shore for manure such a necessity ful form~ and rare frigrance, while others !mattered little whether it was the law to be tract of cow. hut the giggle is a very dif- as the law will provide for, though iu a few are only painted cups, a~d others are dl1ll in color, but beautiful iu form, and still satislied or perso~al vengeance to be gratifi- ferent thing. The giggle i· a cross between ho·us it may drift a ·ay with the ti<le. .___ _( , o)--Clearing out a mill wheel on Sund1iy i~ not others can only. ha admired for theil' per· ed; the punishment which would cause the n sore heart .and an active and bounding np · utmost physical pain seems to have been in preciat,ion oE fon. Your giggler i~ never a necessity, though hundre<ls of people may ~ume. I often find that. the human fa111ily the greatest demand. But with the ad1,erit demoustl'··til·e. He can not bert~monstrative he kept out of employment on a week day ismuchthesame,forwhiletherearenotwo . . . · · '. of Christianity the modes of inflicti11g capital -it , i,1 not in his nature. Be is the slv it it is not done. A man once broke his leg ' flowers alike, neither are there two persons punishment has become modified an'd i11· joker. though he thoroughly e1·j :iys the roa1'.. while doing this for a mill comp!!.ny, and alike. Aud while we admire one for her finitely inore merciful. By gradations, the 1n,;: earto<m. He is conservative. . l:fo ex· thcugh it was 1 rJved that he did it as a heautifol form a.ud features, n.nother fo1· In ' the Courity for PURE . DR.CJ GS. D . RUG GISTS' '-', 'UNDRI -Ei . >J majesty of the law has been vindicated iu presses himself in few wcrds when, at long favor and not for pa.y, it wa~ d·cide<l that his .wit n.nd great mental -powers, another all lands, c Without the terrors of ailcient intervals, ho finds it necessary to do that he co11lcl not get damages for his inju1ies. for great .g oodness an<l kind acts, it is STUFFS, TRUSSES, PERFUM.ERY, &c. barbarisms, until, in this nineteenth century darling thing. li<sides declaring these agreement8 void, with .them as with the ihwers, we prefer of grace, all civilized communities demaud Ile 10 the man who in every procession the Sa.hbi>th breaker is pllnished criminally. the fragrant f10V1·ers, the good people, as Proprietors Of BINGE'S COMPOUND SYRU.P OF HOREHOUNDthat a life to be sacrifice(! shall' be sacrifice l Lrings 11p the rear, and who never bas a Pe1·sons present at places of amusement on companions, both give us the grea.te$t pleathe Standa'r<l Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, &c. swiftly and without needless pain. True, friend to walk with him. Ho is the odd Sunday may be fined. Hotels and resta.ur- sure. We should feed the eye with beauti. Yarious nations have different opinions as t r> mau itt the di1.1ner which requires partners. <>nta are forbidden, nuder a penalty,. to fut forme and colors, the ears with sweet ·ROSE GLYCEROLE for any roughness of the skin. He ne1·er dances. , He do··su t swear becau&e .mt~rtaio anybody exctlpt travellers, s ra.i:u:(ers sounds, the mind with great thougLt>, t\:ie 1 how this may,best be accomplished; but tht· American and Epglis\i Governments hav" that ·ul·l a~t.ract attention. He is white· and l~ilv.<:rs on the L ·rd's Day. They ca.n heart with good deeds; for it is the heart CORN EXTRACTOR-the best remedy for remov;ng any kiwi of aecided that hanging is · the must mercifnl faced and p1 u sionless, though i of course, he not legally permit people to spend their time that guides the mind, the mind that influ. corns \VIT HOUT PAIN. As compared with the Hpanish metrument of gives wa.y 10 violence when he is alone by drinking and lounging in their public houses enoe our every act, and causes us to see and death - the garrote-it is questionable tearing his hsir, on ~unday. hear the beautiful in nature, while the CONDITION POWDERS I DICK'S BLOOD l)U.oE vVrits and other civil suits can not be heart makes us to appreci:l.te it all. So let · · , -our own ma {e. ·' .u. whether OJ,' not hanging is the most merciful. We omitted to mention the someHAGYARD'i3 C.i,\.TTLE SPICE. THORLEY'S FOOD for A buvglmg ~xecutioner mu.y, in either case, what important fact that no man gig!(les. served on the Sa.bbath, but warrants iu us gather the sweetest of life, the beauties F1ER. cause unnaceseary tortures. With these Your giggler is, after all, a girl. Not often criminal cases may be, for this is a necflssity. of nature, the perfume of gocd deeds a11 we C ttl OIL CAKE in any quantity. a e. subjects, however, this paper has nothing to a; woman, for your woman laughs and doesn't Rude anrl indecent behavior in a church on pass along the rough road of lite, that our .crown of roses may hide one of thorns. our do, The writer desires &imply to set forth care who . hears it, She has "lived long Sunday is also punished. Fishing and huntinl{ on Sunday are apples ·of gold be but dead sea fruit. For if the various modes of crncifixion as adopted enough to know that she had better have by the ancients, and to show what terrible her entire fun, or let the·fuu entirely a.lone, offenses against the Jaw, Keeping g1mhling the road is rough we· are ~ure to find fle>wers Pharmaceutical Chemists sufferings the wretched malE\factor h~d to It is only the girl who giggles. It is merely tools to be used for hire on the Sabbath is growiog between the rocks, and soft mosses, nature's green, growing over them. 1f we undergo before , death came to .his ~lief, that bone which has not matured; that severely punished. J;l.ailroad~, however, may run trains on only stop to look for them, there is sure to · ~ Hours and days of unmitigated torture ; a _ thought which soars only to the bonnet, that thirst which wa!l unquenchable; a prolonged beauty which has not become conscious of Sunday, ii they have special permission to be' roses among the thorns, fruit among the suffocation; a horrible gasping for breath, fact that it is beyond criticism, that doubt do so. This exceptien-is made on the ground briers, A friend wrote the following beau ti· ful lines in my album this summer: intensified only by a moment's respite; the which is nursed only bv the girl who has that the public necessity requires it. Another exception is made bv our law for "Let actions be the autograph, bites d the vultures of tlie air, and the not had several engagement,, and accordingof Jews, Seventh-Day Baptists And thon where'er 'you're roaming t)le benefit · stingo and burrowing c.f insects ; the burning ly is not convinced that her reputation as a and others who keep Saturday instead of '.l'rue cenotaphs they'll be when life by the rays of the noon Gay rnn, and the charmini;: person is established. --M.ANUFACTURER O F - Fades in the misty gloaming.' We find, accordingly, that the giggle is S unday, They are allowed to attend to cold, clammy dews at midnight-,-tell us, in awful lan'(uage, ot that dies irce, from a unbaked dough, undeyeloped art, uncooked the;r usual work on Sunday, and their DON'T, repetition which the pres1>nt day..ia happily veal, incipient laughter, It belongs never contracts are valid. Don't go to bed with cold feet. These acts are not against the law, unless delivered. ln comparison, our present ta man or womap ; hut merely to girls. It KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, capi,tal punishments most mercitul·, .and ·is pulseless, but not .soulless. The fun which they are done within the hours set apart by Don't sleep in the same undergarments the vindication ofjustice most humane. -inspires it has been driven hack by timidity law fm: Sunday. I<'rom twelve o'clock .on that are worn through the day. Has now on hand a number of "<"ehicle· (and is J?lanufacturing a great many more) of the newe\!tCi patterns Rnd best fimsh, wlJJch I am offermg for ,..t tho lo1Vesr. prices consistent !n the Orient, that was considered an art as with a sledge-hammer, but it is there. It Saturday night till twelve o'c'. ock on Sunday Don't sleep in a room that is not well with due regard to workmanship and quatit.y, 'l'he is·a list of whereby the greatest aud most prolonged has no sinew, but it promises, like the ten· night is tho Lo1·d's Day, ventilated. · the principal vehicles manufactured by me: These rules as to agreements const!lntly tortures could be inflicted on the culprit. derness o± the young willow, to dev-elop·, for Don't sit or sleep in a draught, appear in the courts, but the criminal Jaws It ·was in the East where the victim was it is full of sap· . It is the brief eollg of a Don't lie on the left side too mu·:h, Double Cfovered Carriages ............................ . ....................... $200 Upwards. smeared with a sweetened syrup and tied to bird in the nignt. It sometimes discourages against breaking arc seldom enforc· a tree, there to be left a prey to the myriad the one who would win laughter, but pres.' ed. Single Phootons . · , . ... . ...... . ... . : ·.. ... , ...................................... 100 K Don't lie on the baclr, to keep from snor· In the Western States the . Sunday Jaws ing. ently it will spread its wings and shake its of ants which were speedily attracted. Open Buggy........................ .. ................................... . . .. .. .. 70 11 The term " crucifixion" was a general sides, knowin\l what it laughs for, and hav- are neglected, but in New Englaud the law D;m't try to get along with lees than Top Buggy...................... . .................... .,............................ 90 u one. All modes of ·execution were ~ermed ingJ.ittle thought.of what the world thinks i~ more '.larefolly ob5erved, and while rarely seven or. eight hours' sleep out of . t wenty· Democrat Wagon .. : ... ........ ....................................... .... ....... 65 " enforced, its enforcement is rarely needed. four. crucifixions by the " ancients. Thus, wh.e n of the pretty sight and sound. Lumber vVagons .......... .. .. . . .. ........... .................................... 55 " the Persian Haman wa~ hanged, the custom It is to our having such laws 11.nd occasfonDJn't get out of be<l immediately on Light Wagon ......... .. . . ..................... ............ -.............·... .·.... . 40 '" was borrowed from the Babylonians, and ally enforcing them, that we owe our quiet, awaking, Whitewashing, Express \'Vagou ....... . .......... : ..... . ................ .......................... 75 '" termed a crucifixion. But the earliest orderly· New England S1bbath.-Youth's So Louis XC. of France, is another of Companion. Don't forget to rub yourself well all over .Skeleton.: ............. _................ ........................... . .............. , 50 H example of crucifixion on i:ecord is that with crash towels or hands before dressing, Sulky ............................ ........... . ............. ...... .. ,................. 40 .a of Pnaraoh's chief baker, said, in the those maligned angels who have suffered so earliest English version of the 'Bible, ~o dreadfully at the hands of history. M. Don't forget to take a good drink of pure Possessing superior facilities tor manufacturing carriages. I intend to sell very cheap for er.git. Survivals. Lafitte lately d" id the agreeaQle for the or approved credit. and by so doing I hope to greatly inc:rease ms number of sales. Wou.ld-' water before breakfast. · ha1e been hanged (Genesis xl. 16 22), but The two little splints in the horse's foo~ sell the wood parts only, or the gearings qJ buggies ironed. by ;Josephus to ,have been crucified, afllicted gentleman, . who will no doubt Don't take a long walk when the henceforth take his place with Froude's oould never be accounted for on the principle (' Whiston's Josephus,' vol, i. pp. G5, 66). is entirely empty. . . Herodotus states that Darius " crucified" Henry the Eighth, aud other saints. So the· .that every part of an animal is now as it was Don't eat anything but well-cooked and three thousa.nd Babylonians, · ~hoµgh it is white-washing goes on, till one is not able from the beginning and has its uses, They nutritious food. . At the Shortest Notice, Painted and 'frimrned if Desired. by no means probable that very many ·Of to know what he really ·ought to believe a1·e perfectly useless but they are the last Do~'t. eat what yon don"t want just to At tl;rn Factory I also do Planing. Matching, Tnrriing and ·sawing with Circle, Band or $el:()!! them were actually placed upon a cross. and what not. If things proceed at this remains of toes that were ve:ry useful to the l::iaws. and prepare all kmds· of lum bee for carpenters and others for building purpooeis. · So, also, when the robber Sinn~a bent two .rate there won't be left a titled or crowned ancestors of the horse, The world is full of save it. m Ornamental and Plain Pickets ror fences in every style required, made to order. pine trees to the ground, and to the inter- blackgu!hrd either to point a moral or adorn such useless organs, each replete with his· Don't eat between meals nor enough to Ha.a Th~odore of Abysaii;tia got a torical intere8t. The muscle that mol'es the cause uneasinesi at meal·times. a tale. IQ.A ~ lacing P!lrtions bounq_his_ victirq, t he . t rees were then unbound, and, springing back, touch of the whitening brush yet? . It is ear in a ll uadruped is present in ·man; but, Don't eat the smallest morsel unless hunsettled in the · stimi>tion of some tbat Guy a.s a rule, he cmnot use it, and it would be the victitn was · di.memb~red: this also was gry, if well · termed crucifixion, as was also the punisb · .l!'awkes was a pretty worthy gentleman; useless to him if he could. Of what use are Don't try to keep up on coffeeor alcoholic that King John was not nearly so bacl as he the two buttons upon the back: of a coat? ment inflicted upon Pr1 metheus, on Caustimulants, when nature is calling you to was called; and it iH thought Yery nearly None; but in the day3 wheu it was the mark . casus, and Andromede.. sleep. . The Greeks seldom· re~ orted to crucifixion; pro\·ed that the crooked- back Richard was of a gentleman to carry a sword they served D on't stand over hot air registers. really a very presentable character with a to secure the sword-belt. the Carthaginians never · . But the Romans Don't inhale hot air, or fu1ries of any were most artistic in carrying out this form straight spine and a very commendable re· . The articles man makes present on every . ' of punishment. Pliny writes tha.t Tarquin·· cord. · It is quite too bad ! The villains hand these survival~ from .previous fashions. acids · 1 ins Priscus invented it, and that it came will soon have all been 'turned into saints, Sham laces on boots, buttons down fronts Don't fill the gash with soot, sugar, or into generaJ use between \;!60 aud 160 :s. c. and readers ot histo.ry both old and y oung 1.hat do not open, buckles on bands that sre anything else to arrest the hemorrhage when ; will have no. blood curdling stories worth fiAed, neckwear i.Q. the form of ties but 7 The culprit was entirely at the mercy of the you cut yo'lrseli, but bring the parts to· executioner; th.e judge, having pronounced looking at. In very desperation some who secured by other methods, are cases in point. gether with strips of adhesive plaster, begs to inform the public that he has leased a store in the Obserwr judgment, was uever present when tQe have hitherto passed muster as respectable, Natnre works in the same way that man Don't wear thin hose or liuhtsolccl shoe~ not to say saintly, will have to be turned does; or, rathe.c, since man is pa.rt of nature Block, where he bas opened ont with a splendid assortment ·of Bll!ltence was carried i.n to effect. in cold or wet weather. " . ln Rome, all culprits who were sfaves over to the other side. If John Howard he works by nature's methods. Changes are Don't strain your eyes by reading, or se'>' . were crucified, as were.also traitors :md in- cqnld but be a blackguard or Hedley g~·adual; one of a series of bones, muscles, surgents. The specific ·charge which made Vicars or ~ome of those folks. It is very teeth, etc., that is useri more than the other~ ing at dusk, by a dim light, or fiickerin&, . which he offors for sale at low prices for Cash. Pilate order Jesus (.,'brist to be crucified certain if they are not well blac_kened it is increa11e11 in bulk, while its n~ighbors dimin· candle, or when very tired. Don't sing or halloo when your throat. is WFarm Produce taken in exchange, for which tl1e highest market was the accusation of insurrection made not for want of somebody wlli} has been ish and , perhaIJS finally disappear, If an against Him, and Pilate hoped' that, by· rather annoyed than otherwise at their animal acquirrn added in one direc· sore or you are ·hoarse. price will he paid. ~A special line of TEAS of excellent fla vor.. everlastingly called iust. tioh because of circumstances that press it killing the Jewish Messiah in the most being _ Don't drink ice w~ter when you are very in that d1re9tion, it loses it in another. It is Also a choice lot of SUGARS. WCOFFEE in Cans. ~Can~ ignominious manner, he would thereby ----~ ~--------~ so with mind also, Do we not know that warm, and never a glassful at a time, but . Goods in great variety. ~A Call is respectfully solicited. obliterate the .most dangerous Jewish simply ~ip it slowly. Pointed velvet · yokes are usei on silk after long a,pplication to 011e c.lass of subdoctrine, dresses which have Vandyke pointed trim· jects-probably the most useful to us-we Don't take some other person's medicine The most primitive form seems to have mings, · lose much of what we previously knew?- because you are similarI y afli"icted. been an upright tree, to which the victim Don't bathe in less thM two hours after Mr. D.u Maurier's name is George Louis Philadelphia Record. --.AT--' was either bound or nailed. In E1.ra vi. 11, eating, it is ordered that "w hosoeveraball alter th~s Pa,lmella Busson du Manner . . li1s grand· pa[ents were French, his mother was Eng ·The supposed manuscript copy of an old Don't eat in less than two hours after word let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let. hlm be hanged lish. He was destined for scientific pureuits. and oldest Deuteronomy three thousand bathing. He Jost the sill:ht of one eye and impaired thereon, and let his house b,e made a. dung· years of age, for which the modest sum of Don't call so frequently on your sfok YOU CAN BUY hill for this." Titus had no time to add a that of the 'o ther by hard w,:>rk: He is of four millions of dollars was wanted, turns friend as to make your c.ompany and con· middle height, wears mustache Md imperial, out to be a foolish and clumsy forgery that versation a bore. · horizontal beam, when crucifying 500 Jews D · k a day for months. He simply drove a pole usea glasses, and has a humorous face and would impose upon no expert in these mat. ters. Evidently the man who manufactured on t ma ea practice of relating scandal, into the ground, to which the victim was genial manners. the thing must have face for anything. It or stories calculated to depress the spirits of "~ lashed, and he was left to die, Srr:NDAY CLOSING.-The Irish Sunday is as well k . __ ______ ...,_ __ time,that he shoul'd take a rest for a . the sic_ _ SJa;ves were generally punishQd by having Closing .Bill was passed by the Imperial Par· short a "furca" (fork) slipped over thei~ necks to liament in 1878, and so .strong was the op· Miss Lydia Poet, having gone through a which their arms were tied, 8nd this was position to the measure and· so timid were An elegant edition of his Holiness's poems reg'ular examination, ha.i. been admitted as a hoisted to the top of a pole, and secured its friends in regard to it~ actual success is published by the Protectory, printing of- lawyer to the bar of Torino, Italy, with 8 there by a rope fitting into a groove. This that it was only passed for four years, and fice at Udine, His Holiness has given the votes a!(ainst 4. After her admission to the device evidently suggested tha more .r ecent even then the four leading cities were ex- privelege of printing his poetical works to· bar two members of the Council, Mr. Span· crms to save time, and as being more artis· t;mpt from its provisions. Last year an act this charitable establishment. This first togati, M. P., and Mr. ·Chiaves, resignedic. . was passed extending the law for another edition is jadged a very pretty book by the President Grevy mav often b'e seen in his CA.LL .AND EXA.lUINE. It was usual to nail the hands but to bind yell,J', and this yea,r a similar measure was Milanese press. A second edition has been the feet. It is erroneous to suppose that a adopted for still another year's extension. issued, not·so elegant, that can be had from kitchen at Montsoua·Va1idrey, in a biiz blue apron, skimming "preserves," which he deA great variety of Fly Slrnets, Netts and Lap Dusters onihand whfof11. single spike secured both feet to· the.cross, Probably next year the Act will be made per· the same Typogrnfi,a del Patronat.o, Udine, one foot in front of the other., A spike was manent, but ~hat an amount of pottering for two dollars. The second edition is sold lights to make. are offered at Low Figures for Cash ilriven through each foot, sometimes to a there is about a measure of such national im·, for the benefit of· the Catholic poor schools In Norway a first-class dinner costs only suprort fixed on the cross just beneath the portance. of Rome. Opposite Darlington's Grocery. 25 cents. BY DWIGHT WILLIAMS, "Be Stro:ng.·· J.B. MARTYN l v. And Everything · kept in a First' Class Grocery, Crockery and Liquor Store. · -'-----·· ··---- ----·· Drugs & Medicines! CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS. s, ny· r,· . J HIGGINBOTHAM & so·N LEADING DRUG HOUSE J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, GEORGE C. HAINES, of CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS; &G., All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired J GROCERIES. n·a· w~sToar. J.AS_ ELLIOTT naw coons. , 0 Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Feed, &o. .. W MAY'S Harness Emporium , Team Harness.............·..$20 00 ;arid(upwards Carriage Harness, double .. 26 00 " " single.... 12 00 " Team Collars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 " ,, Halters ..................... . 50 Trunks ...................... . 150 " . . W. H. MAY.. ·

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