l'uRHS :- $1.50 P:n AJomJl. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY Jl'IRST: THE, WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1883. !J'.!!C2!!!51...-Si( . -- VoLuxE XXIX. Nu:unR 10. MRs. LrTTLB ret urne from E ngland on Mondl\y last . · WE a.re instruct ed by the Clarke Agricultural Society to forwi\rd au extra. copy of th e STA1'&SMAN t o each m ember. Be sure to send it to your friends. We will send the STATEft\lAN t o any address t ill New Years for 15 cents. MRssns. McCLUNG BRos'. millinery opening was a spleudi<l success. Their s'ore wr.s th ronlled with the good, the true and t.he beaut.ifnl. The show ·room was very tastefully arranged and the displ11y of pattern bonnets, hats and fine feathers, flowers 1md ribbons. The styles 11r0 ·hat we c,.,11 s1msible this aeMon and there w11s a splendid variety at t]1e "Popular Honse." L&die~ will do well to ca.U llnd see the mr.ny fine things now on exhibit.ion 11t McC l1111g Bros'. lNDUHTinuEunnmoNNOTB.-Gra.nd· fl.\ther B&Xters tihirt was 11.dmired by thousands who .. lstted tho FAir and pronounced by all to be the largest shirt in the Dominion. B 11t a greater attraction will be the Youn!! Alderman Baxt er ; he is not three year· old, weighing nearly 2000 lbs, being extraordinary fat. This TYRONE SCHOOL REPORT. Young Aldernun will be on exhibition at Young,. Cawker & Co.'s Ch riaimae display CLASS IV-Mitud Emerson. of meate. He was bred by R. M ...l!ory, CLAS:! ITI-SKNIOR-J. Frazer, W. Eaq., Darlington and is being fed by F razer, R. Cade, P. Collicott, J~ McFeet- Young & Cawker. lie it young, but-ere, A. D'nay, M. Bin(lham, A. Stott, E. o my ! Werry, L. Bell, M. Hodgson, W. Gardner. FooT.BALL.-A keenly contested match Cuss III- J uN1on- W . Doney, R' was played here on SaturdAy between the Brown, R. W alters, M. L9wis, N . Bell, .Eizllnton Footb1.ll Clnb and the Unions, W. Branton, Alb. Clemens . of this place. The Eglin tons placed the Cuss II-L. Carle, C. Gardner, E. followin~ team on bhe field :-8. 1. DongCade, L. Lew!R, H.Colllcott, N. Bingham, las, go11l: W. Douglas and W. Brown, l\L Branton, T. Hoidqe, R. Borland. b11.ek!!I; E. Pennick and J. Wiliiaoo1, h~lf· The names aN nll in order of. merit. backs; and F . Norris, D . McArte'r, E. Eo. T. SL11KoN, Teacher. Norris, .r. Brown, A. McArter (cap\1 tain), and A. Brown, forwards. The Unions were represented by Foster, goal ; ___ Rowe and Ward, backs . McCullough and .b ald , h a If - b ac ... " s .' Mn. GBO CocKBUitl'I' of !Saltimore a t· A r eh 1 , B urd en, All" m, tended We~t Durham Moses, Hooper, Brown and Ca.rseadden, . ·. for·warda. Both teams showea good play THBRll will bo an Open Division at the ·hr 1 "h ut F th Uni· ·u s0011 · H a II on T uesd a.y llll? · ht · o i, o . or e one messrs. · Ward, McCullon!lh, Allin, Efoopar and .I.:_i:o;-. E. BLAKE &n d lady attended the M oies displayed fine pl~y; a· 11.lao did S. exh1b1tlon he'e on \\7edneeday. .r. D ouglas, H. Brown and F . Norris for Cooou RG F alt Fe.ir is 'on T11e11day a11d the Eglinton Football Club. The game Wednesday, Oct 16th aud 17th. ended iu fa vor of the F11i11Q!lS h.; two uoall\ · . ·; "'""-'-" :·· ·· · ' 1 · Iii ..... Mn.. AND M RS. A. F.ANSON, of Torooto1 tQ !'!Qth~r.,H, this be111g their fourth 'ifoii Tl.eited th!} F11ii~ Q!.)rl} ':'!! W«}\l!:!9~g~y. match this Ber.son >lnd the fir9t oief~at for T1rn a\.!ii:iUiil meetln~ t>r l3ownliii:ivitle :~: cf~!tct~ni. ~~ ~· l'hillt~11 ' of 0 Rifle Club to-mor.row. Big shooting. d Me. ~ , Mna · ·. H.0 · 'k~a.s re c:ree, an esjri. oys~ ann up ms umpires. BETW.IIIJN 30 and 40 new subscribers Our citizens should try ~o encourn" e the have bffln added to the STATESMAN li1t b0 · th" d" 11 ~ ~n I Y spor t b Y a tt"' · · Y.· m en mg ~.4L.4NCK of thts y~e.r free to new sub- their matchea_i,£1 greater number~. r !!cr1bers to the STATESMAN for 1881. Only Auction Sales. $1.00. PROP. N. J. DBGALLES "ill be here A list of Mr. Phillip's sales a.re kept at next Thursday and conduct hie c1"8sea in the STATBS~AN office, vrhere arrangements d~ncing. W11 11end a half sheet of the STATRSliL&.N' can be rn1.d0 for sales without going to 4 pages-to every brmer in Clarke this Hampton. SATO'RDA.Y, Ocr. 6.-Th0 Taylor .Farm, lot week, free. 22, oon. 9 , Cartwrig;h t, 150acres, will be TnE rEigula.r edmon of the STATESMAN sold by public auction at H oh'a Hotel, ie now 1820 copies, besides a large numWilliamsburg, a t 2 o'clock. J'ohn ber of extras each week. Hughes, afictioneer. MR. SAMURL GILBERT'S ea.le is on S&turdny, Oot, 13. He ha.11 &lot of good stock FRIDAY, OOT. 12.-Mr. W. H-.r, lot 7, con. 8, Darlin~ton , is giving up farming In good condition. See large post ers. and will sell hi1 farm st ock,implemente.. W!! have aiven up 'JUr local and editorial furniture, etc. without reser'l'e. His 1paoo thts week to Fair matter which is of stock and hnplements :i.r11 good. Sale special interest to our readers jnst now. at 12 o'clock, shar See post ers. R. ALWAYS buy railway and stEiamahip Hutchison , Auctioneer. tickets from W. R.Olimle, at your leisure, SA.TO'RDAY, Oc:r. 13.-Mr. Samuel G1lb"rt, and eave trou ble when ln e. hurry starting. lot 22, con . 8 , Darlington, hav1ng sold A BLACK be&r was shot by Mr. J oh his farm to Mr. Luke Potter, will sell Virtue on the farm of Oounclllor Dyer, his valuable farm stock. , impli!ments, near Enfield, on Thursday morning. He &c., &c. Sale at one o'clock, sharp. See weighed 105lbe. posters. H. T. Phillips, auctioneer. '\Vn will send the STA.Tl!ISMA.N to any l'oESDAY, Ocr. 16,- Mr. C . .T. Bellwood, addreee frQm now to New Years for 15 lot 34, con. 3, in the to1rnship ot· ~en ts . or from now t o January 1885 for Clarke, will sell by public a.untion the only one dollar. whole of his Talua.1.ile farm stock, implements, etc. For pariiculars "ee posters. THE Lindsay W a.rd1w has been enlarged H. T. P hillipa, Auctioneer. to 5G columns. It is a. good local papei', but its Reform contemporary the Post is WEDNESDA.Y, OcT. 17.-W. .Brown , Esq., pre-eminently so. lot 14, con 6, Darlington, will sell t h e whole of his very valuable grade stock, THE inside pages of the STATESMAN this farm implements, turnips, hay, etc. week will be found very interest ing. A Sale at 10 o'clock, sharp . See large n ew 11tory will belo(in next week. Ask your post ers for particulars . H. T. Phillips, neighbor to snbsoribe, al,l.ctioneer. · l\fa. LYO N, the Liberal candidat e de· feated Mr . .Plummer, Conservative, in W EDNESDAY, OcT. 17. - Mr. J ohn Y. Cole, Hampton, will offer for sale at the Algomit by about 150 maj orit y. M ow&t H ot el, Col umbus, 70 acre· of land, being positiTely will not " go. " pa.rt of lot 9,con. 5, East Whitby . Good l\tR. Tnos. W ERRY is olll' ag ent in Ca.rt. soil, well water ed, and oon.,euiently u1ii;chi. i$r the o 'L'AT£8M"-N. Up is 11olro 11huail9Et. Good grt.fn a nd ·iook urai. special agent for the W eelcly Glr>b~·. . SubA.t the 1ame time ,.nd plaoe he will sell scribe now and get bale.ace of this year two lots in Brooldtn Village. See larg.e free. 271-tf. po1tera for ps.rtiou lars. Sale at 2 o'clock. J ohn M cGill, Auct ioneer. Ma R. MoYSE, Hampton, is prepared to boot ·he "hole commlmity with home- SA.TURDAY,OcT. 20. -Mr. G eorge Gil bert, lo t 30, con. 2, Darlmgton, will sell the made or ready made boots Bnd shoeewhole of hie farm stock, implements, best m"kee and low price~. Give ltichard etc., without reserYe. S11le at 1 -0'clock, a call, friends. sh11rp. See billa for particuiars. H .T. THE Bowma.nville Ohornl Union will Phillips, Auctioneer. meet in the Trinity chttrch school room on Monday evening next , at 7 .30. Every THUR:'\DAY, N ov. 1.-Mr. S . W. Sanders, lot 23, con. 2, Darlington, will sell his member of the first term, and all others valuable farm 3tock, implements, etc. wishing io join, Ye roqMsted to r.\ten~ . 311Ie at 1 o'clock, sharp. L ook 0 ~1 t for Tx:it oalf plaee in Bowmanvine whfJ'l'e poeters. H. T . Philllp1, Auctioneer. you can g1't throu~h tickets to all part11 of .P"'Notlce ot sales will be published Canada, the United S tates, Manitoba and t he North-west, Great Britf\in, En rope, free in th(l ~TA'.CESMAN when the sale bills and Anatralia, Is ai the office of W. R. are ptlnted by us. Climle, Town Hall block. M y daughter has takeh the medicine faithAT the r egular meeting of Victoria fully.. according to directions, and her health Lodge on Fr1dr.y night a unanimous vote and spirits a.re now perfect. The humor is alI of thr.nks was pMsed to Misses Ta.peon gone from bar race. I wieh every anxious aud Cole, and Messrs. Peckh&m and Mur- mother might know what a blessing .Ayer's d off for their assistance on the pro~ram at Sarsapar1lla ia in suoh c1tses. the recent dedicatory exercises. W. E . Pethlck, Secretary. M. MAYER wishPs to remind his numer0Al"l'· .T. ALLIN, of Oshawa., and son 0 11s customere and friends that the cold Alfred, were drowned last Sa.tnrdBy nl~ht weat her is approaching and all part ies off the I da W alker, nel\r C;s wego. The wishing to b&ve their furs altered aud reformer w11o1 knocked off the cabin by the paired should brin~ them in early before boom and Alfred J·nmped oft to rescuA the busy sea.son commences, ae the custom. . him and both were drvwned. · Capt. Allm ers will receive the benefit of beiog well w&111t. brother of Mr.R,Allin of thls t own. clone and at once. Mr. A. V. Scott Is buildin~ a very fi ne house which may surpass M r. John· Oke's. Mr. Sam. Stuey I& both 11.rchltect and carpenter. Mr.S.Oochrllne's colt " The Rifleman" is being tr11ined for Oshawa r aces by his son George. The latter Is a very skillful d river, · d no d on b t "The R"fl " AO 1 ama.n will give a goo<I 11ccou11t of himself. M r. J ames D evit · t 1s · pnymg · h 111 ' re1atIvea in the United Stl\tes 1.1. visit. M' L' · Gor1ey, of Pennsylvania, Is 11111 1,..z1e visiting at Mr. John Penfonnd'e. Miss Bals&m is expecting friends from the U . S. to pay her a leng\hy visit. Mr. Harry Salter is workinl? iu South Oshawa. Some boy11 were rude enoul(h to cut the t&il off Mr. John Steward's driving mllre, Ginney, which Bpoils t he looks of her. Boys will be boys. Mies Jan e Ph"ir Is at presen t very ill. Mr. John Oor nieh intends remodelling hie houee in th!\ spring. Harvest not yet over. Potatoes rtJtting a little. PBTl!R. CASH. WEST DARLINGTON. oCLUNG BROS'. is the Popular House for ---· 0'.NB DOLLAR will pay for t he STA.T.1!8~ KA~ for 1884 And all new sul:ecriber11 get the papal' free for the balance of 1883. We will furniah the Wuldy Globe, Western H:OSIEJ:<.-Y ! Just opened out a very choice assortment of Cashmere, Fancy French and Heavy Canadian Knitted Hosiery. Also, in great variety, Men's Half Hos~ in Cashmeres, Merino, Scotch Wool, etc. McCLUNG BROS'. is the Pop-q.lar House for .Aaf>H'tuer or Mail on same f;erms. Sub- l!crlptioni muat be sent to M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Ont. - __ .,,_____ _ _ __ · - - ---- CORRESPONDENCE.. ORONU. 'fhe name of Miss Edith Simpson through a mtstake was left out of t he Orono school report last week. She eta.nd11 2nd in the 1l8nior 3rd class. Mi88' Tena Squair ls n ow apendin{{ a. holiday at Whitby with friends. With ecarci~y of fruit comes an ab1md· ance of thieves ; t wo little boys were oaugM atealini;c orab apples in broad day· light. No doubt ·hey 'houi;:ht there would be too many thieves at the t rlile in the night. I never heard of the1m little fellows ste&lmg before, and I trust they will now rf.nounce the trade and iue ~hemselve1 from being "run in." ~ome other party or parties worse ihan thiev1>a ba.v.i a.irinu~ly marred M r. Brown's e k if~ TheY Cal'.c ke' 0 fen' · w1.th Pl Ci! a P o n v. talnly deserve running in. Mi111 Elizr. Kirkland, milliner and dre~s maker, and the.eeconq dau~hter of.David J ?hn, was ~arr1ed la.st week to a. widower with Re oneLchild. c E h k d hi v. · · mes ~ 8 pac 0 up 11 hou110hold efft1cts and will 11oon remove. to Toronto. ·l .Mr. G_eorge Rae has remoYed ~o; the p lSAce wh.rnh. he vacat~d. ~r . R11e s ·,:infe lll npw vi111t~ng h?r fr1?nd11 m FleshePto~, a.nd George rs tryrng Ins hand 11.t bachelor ll ha.Sil; ·b t f t M D , k . . mce · e 1a e ros rs. e.vey ~ nth· ing machine has been k ept constantly ru n nin2. M aster . Jamee Hallett is very 1 11 ; hie reooVt.>ry 18 fl maLter of !(rave doub t. ·b"""t· · ·t . A man OAP~ble of '"~ mg an mnocen wife, preaentmg her with ll P!'fl." of heavy boots nhd then shutting her otJ.t in t he rain, bids fair himself of being ehut out into " outer darkness " at th~ final reekoning ; and what is to be s&id of a magie· trate who ·urna a deaf ear to the complaints of an abuaed wife, while he ia capable of prosecuting a small boy su1· peeted of stealing a few little pigeons 'I Is he any better (;j_ua1ified for hts offic~ than a brnto is q ualitied to fill the 11acred position of husband 1 · THE CurnK. Kirby post office was re-opened last Monday with Mr; H. R. Thornton a· P. UNDERCLOTHING! Men, Boys, Ladies, Children. The Ladies', Misses' and Children's department comprises Shetland, Lambs' Wool Vests, Fleecy Vests, Merino Vests, Combination Suits, etc. Also a wellassorted stock of Cuffs, Gaiters, Infa:g.tees, Bootees, etc. · Local and Otherwise. Fr.ir ' In Men's and Boys' Wear:-Scotch,Canadian and various other descriptions of Shirts and Drawers in all sizes, from small Boys' to 0. S. Men's. The Right Thing at the Right Price at the Right Time at the POPULAR DRY COODS HOUSE -OF- j I °· 1V.LoCLP-NG- EROS:7_ STRICTLY CASH. CASH. CASH. FARMERS . W"ho pride themselves in raising l.,ine Stock should consult their own M. interest an~ buy a sack of the -THE BEST We 'discovered another honest man in Orono laet wee k- Mr. W. S . Ga.msby 11.d·ertisee a.n u mbrella found. · Revs. Addison, Pattyson, Rich&rd and Simpson roet on Frid1:1y and arranged to hold union prayer meeting~ on the first Thursday evening each month. Some Sons left the minister's garden gate open last Lodge night and the cows .rot in a.nd ate the corn, cabbage, ete. Mr. Wyman Andrus is expected home shortly from his base ball to ur in the u. s. NEW PROCESS OIL CAKE I Crawford Peaches · ~IVING DAILY .ol.T Tllll- Rev. Mr. Chaffee, of Perry Town, conducts s~rvice in the Temperance Hall every alternate Sabbath . Service next Sunday, Oct. 7th, .at 10 a.m. The at · ~end11.nce is mcreasing. All are welcome. A large quantity on hand and a Car Load on the way. GR~INIDCEIN!TIRIAIL? KIRBY. Farmers marketing grain. Yield below the a.veral:(e'; prices ditto. Our free and Independent farmers l1ave lost all confidence in the N. P. Mr. C. W . Bunting is wanted here to e xplain. The N. P. was to i;?'ive us 15 cents a bushel more for our barley. We used to get 80c. to $1.00 for barley before we got the N. P . , now we can hardly get 55 and 60 cents. Price11 for other grain are correspon'1ingly loiT. Mr. Shaw h ln cltargti c.f ou ~ achooi during Mr. H · ..Chapple's absence a.t the Normal School. Mr. C. returns at New Years a.t all increase of salary. The P . O. was re-opened Monday. Mrs. Purdy fell from a plum tree the other day and r eceived injuries, from "hich she has nearly r ecovered . Mr. John Brown is slowly recoviiring from hie late sickness. We're all glad of it. SCOUT. 11URDOCH 111-,. ·~~-·=-== I - BowMANVILLE, September 28, 1883. 8 l .R-·o--T--H--E--R-·s--.. ~~~!~!i:o():~;~:~ J 1 I for preaenin~. I wlll Call and leave:ronrordersltyonwantPeachee !live them to yau at a. very small protlt. The beat 11took of CONF.E0in .,.,......................................... ·_/ :::!~~;~~~~.A~J:;?;n~~~~~f:z~ · ~taA-fH> fll.GtJIVQ.:!.L. !f~:~::~~;~ ~I~! P . S.-81ne your monoy I shall soon tulvo 0-YSTERS_ HATS! ~!t3-4. FURS ! ROBES! 83-4. I>ON'T E3UY! .A.ny SEWING MACHINE until yoa see tbe NE'W' ROYAL A, ~AYER,. !.Manufacturer and Dealer in !fink, S. S. Seal, Persian 4mb, Russian . LRmb, Bee.vet, and Otter Mutfe, Bows and Capti. . :l.adies Capes, Fur Lined Circulars and Astrachan .rackets, and Gents' Coon Coats a specialty. MITTS and GLOVES in Beaver, Persian and Russian Lamb, Kid, Wool acd Hair Seal. ROEES.- Buffalo, Coon and Black, White and Gray Jap, Robes. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 'White, Regatta., French, Cambric and Wool Shirts, Ties, Braces, Silk JORN S. DONEY, ~dkerchiefo, Colla.rs, C1dfs, also over 25 choice lines of Fancy, 'l'yrone, __ .._ ___________ __I Plain and Ribbed Under Clothing and Cardigan Jackets. Justo11,, oomblnlng n.11 the be3t qn&lHIM of the Old Royal,( a machine wb!oh h&s given unlTcre· a l aatisractlon),with new &nd original improvements found in no other ma.chine. Among the many lmprC!>vements, 1t h&a a. High and LQni;i Arm. 111aldug I\ soeot·llf ad&pted for Dress· tna ldft# and T&tlorlng. n Is a Ter7 lllfhi ru11.niuii, .imoa;t 1'10!,sleM, S<1lf·Th·B&dln1t. adillo!li· ablo h1 'all its E"'rte. tlio s!mt1h1st and mofti complete Dobl:> n Winder made, New Seit'l'hreading Shuttle, a.I! ma.de of .llrst que.llty materials. In a word placinl{ ie bead and shoulders saperior t.o all C&nadlan &nd equal 'e the llest American. A~~!P' s. DONEY, Tyrotte, S1>ecial and Sele I also eel! the RAYM01'D and Wmrn MACHINES and the warld renowned W .ALTH.!.M W \\7:~;.u · special attention to our Genera.I Cheap Gash ::'I t.ore, vrhiob is siocked with onl y :tlrst-olnes goods, we do a big bnslneee, and 5ell as cheap and in large Jot~ cheaper than many others can afl'ord to. as we makfl no bad debts. N, 1:1,- Send me a. card or letter &nd I will call on .:rou. NEWCASTLE. Tlle mia19teg of the v1triou.e ev&Tllt1elical d ,.,, -:~ ennm11111ttons ift Vl&Tke town,hip ·nd N<!1FM&tle villlgo me\ at tko Mantel here M d d f d ti "Cl k on on ay 811 orme le ar e Mini8teria.1 Association," which is to meet 'on the lirst Munday of each month. The next meeting will be held in the Method!st Parsonage, Newcastle, when Rev. A. Kennedy is to read a paper on "The Mint!Jter's Work." Clarke farmers seem to be prospering, for ,.,-e notice that Mr. Thoe. Little, 5th con. , has taken ht prizes 011 horses and honey, and hia worthy spouse proaent~d ~ ~~ v h im the other day with a fine plump daugher, which would cer~ainly carry off the ht prize a.b any baby ahow in the Dominion. :P. S.-All kinds of Furs altered &ml repaired. paid for Raw Furs. Highest CtLSh price ONEY TO LEND. - Loans can be Those unhappy persons wbor ·eufi'er from obtained through the subect:iber 11.pon nerTousness an!1 dyspepsia should net- Carters F&rm Pro])erty at an nnusna.11.:r low ratil of Lit.tie Nerue p11le. which are m&de expressly lnteie11t. Fixed oh&rgee t~ Solicieor'e feee. '1!, for sleeplcas. nervous, dysptic eu.tl'erera. Price CUBIT'r, Bowmanville, . . a.tt. ~cents, all druggists, M I · I