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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1883, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PlTBLISlIED E~ERY Caledonian Mills. Formerly ::mown as the "Soper Mills. ') ROBBED IN THE ROC.IUES. An ll.'xcittng Adventure In the Yoserulte Valley-An Episode of Stage TraveJ. PERSONAL :PARAGRAPHS, A bout more or less Prominent Feople. FRIDA.I MORNING, -BY- UGHLY renovated and put in order, under our own special supervision, for the purpose of grlsting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we are now prepared to reo<>ive A'I' THE OFEICE, orders from all our old cudtomers and others <lhlltf>Sue Block, King St.,Bowinanvllle,Ont for work, and we gurantee to give them who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken In exchange for TERJ)l.[8: Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow· ,; .ia....-.n iPlllll' 11nnun1,or $1.00 tr:11:1ltl ln'11dvu nee man ville. 227. h,yment atiictly in advance required from ' ·r1bcra outside of the county. Orders to · e the paper mu~t be accompanied by u:nt due,or the paper will not be stopped. ~'llbltrlbers are respon~ibleuntil full payment is }v'_[, A. JAMES, T HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR- DOMINION ORGAN & PIANO Co" WAREROOM, ~Ml.e. .. " One quarter .. . . .. . . 20 001«> z:-' Ullllt Column Ontl year...... .. ...... ' 30 .. " Half year .............. 20 00, .. . " One quarter .......... 12 501Qm>,irlel' Column onl· yeer .. , ........ 20 00 ·· .. Half year .. . .. .. .. .. 12 50 _ 5 " " One quarter...... .. 8 00; ::;b; Hines and under, first insertion .. $0 501[= ' Eaicln subsequent insertion...... 0 25 _ fllnm sU: to ten Jines, first inRertion, 0 .!Eaeh 1rn'bseque??-l ins~rtion .. .,... 0 35 -10 :Wm- len linllS llrst msernon,per line 0 10 .· Each subs~quent insertion, " 0 03 1 _ fte 1mmloer of lines to be reclrnned by/·loiht1 IL!PIM'e ocoupied, measured by a scale of lll!W<i'I Nou:Pareil. -15 'Wlmle Column one year ..... ·· · · · · · · $50 001~ ~..; "' " Half year .. .. .. · .. .. . ilO 00 "'"" !!1 Jl:A.'l'E ' F ADl'llltTISl:NG I I~~ ooi=-- BIG- 20, BOWMANVILLE. = -W.RUSE, Agent Highest Price Paid for any quantity ot 751·- ~- ----- - --·-·-· WOOL & BONES. A FULL SUPPLY OF L. l'OT'fEU, 'M,D, 1ruu.nUATE ot Queen's CollegtJ, Kingston·; '-:J' end M1>mber of Ooliea:e of Physicians and l'Sroi.~ons. On tarfo. ll!lf' Oiliue and Hesidence, Ennis~~~l!_· --~ Stoves &Tinware AT HOT'J'Olll l'RJCD;S, Dr. A. n£ITH, :RADUATE OFTHI£ TOH.ONTO UNI'VERW Sl'l"Y. Physician, S1irgeon, &c. Office King :S'.ln.e1.MORR18' BLOCK, Bowmanville. G All kinds of farm produce taken in exchange for goods. LEWIS QUICK, 2!17 n., J CKN'l'IATE OF THE ROYAL COLI.·EGE L of I>hysicians and member or the Royal J. \V. lllcl.HU:;t.Un, 111. Bow111n1n·tllc. 0Blleg.e of Sm·geons, Edinburgh, OOl:»i: MORRI::l' BLOCK King-st., Bowman11ille. .M sel\uence of Self· as loes of meI)1ory, uniD. UUllKE SflUl'SON, v~i .sal lassitude, pam m the back, dimness of int ARRJS'rEH, SOLICr.roR, &c.. MORRIS v1s1011,_ P· emature old age, and many other .J"~ :BLOCK, up stairs, King .-itreet, Bo·vman- diseases that lead to ins .. nity or ocnsuroption ll11>. Solicitor for the Ontario Dank. and a premature grave. S!·nd for cirnulars with testimonials free hy 'Plrllwate ~Joncys loaned at the lowest rates, mail. T~e JN VIGOHA'l"OR is sold at $1 per b~"; or six b,oxes for $5, by ull druggisLs, or Jolan Keith 4iul1U"alth, wll, _be sent free by m1t1l, securely sealerl, on D AR ltl l:) 'l'E R, SOLICrroR. NOTARY tece1p~ of price, by add1·essi11" J . .F. CHENEY, UI 'ptH:iLlC, &c. Office-Reed'· Block, over Hruggist, 178 Summit St., 'loledo Ohio sole ' ' '5)'_:11llnt1ings atom, King Street, Bowman ville. .-I.gen ts or the Unitt::d Stutes. ~:&1uiy to lend For sale by STO'f'l' &:: JURY, Rowman ville Dlt· .J. C. :Ul'fflDIJ:LL, EMBER OF COLLEGE OE' PHYSICIANS ~nd Surgeons, Onttl.riO, Coronor1 etc. 1 which positively ant! permantly cures ImpoWice and He81dence. Enni8kille11. 74. tency (caused by excesse~ of any ki ud) Seminal Weakness, and all diseases Lhat follow as a t h e use of the great ROBBED D -Thousandaofgraves ar" annually robbed of their victims, .lives · pro'"nged, happrness und health restored by GERMAN INVIGORATOR, ..,.------;:~~O:lUUl ~lo LmTH, lEU1RRl S1'l<~US ATTOR:N'EYS, SOLIClTORS, D ConYe)'01lce1s, Notaries. &c. Ofttce :-;-~lc ~llmg's Huililing-s, King Street, Bowmanvillc. ~ lllU:S>\El.L LOSCOMB~. A. H . LEl'l'H · ~~.:_~ie~_o_f_i_ n_ te _i_ ·c _ ··_ t_ ._ m~swy to 1.onn.-~" and other funds at _ _ _~.-~~~ i\'J", JOHN ll. llli'rl'UDESOX, "'1>l.1J:I BISTER1 & ATTORNEY. &c. .!l:Jl.N o::rARY Pu1n,IC. MONEY TO LOAN· 4)rYlt;:E-0VEH t3T.i;Tl<BMAN 0.FFICE_ ._- -Jr.OllEJtT A:ll!llOlllt, 0 UNDERTAKING! -:B'Y- DJ!.tGJ!:ITRAR WES1' DURHAM ISSUER Jn. o f Mari·iage Liceuaes, Barrister and~Attor· MORRIS~ ~"'1/f ll>t .Law and Solicitor in Chance!Y· Money ~I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on lit:-"m>tl 0 11 Real Eetate. Office on Krng street, shortest noti?e, M the lowest possible rates. ~llla.llville. _ _ the C~skets and Burial Cases ready on sho1·t notice. Jfirst·ciass hearse on very moderate terms. ~~ n. 1'. 1:1u1.1.u·s Shrouds and Collins couel.antly on hand. Fun· ..,..., l C:ENSED AUGTI(-tN'EER for the County eral cards suppiled at once. Furniture Shop & of .Ourh~m Sales promptly attended. ::3how Rooms-Bounsall'sNew Block · .ftiiild;i;ess--Haropton l'. o. 59. All furniture sold by me ts made by the U. C Furmtur~ Co. of Bowruanvilla. I do not bny slop furmture and represent it to have been Jt. llUTCJUISON. made by the U. C. F. Co. or this town. 7 JCENSED AUCTIO:l\EER, CON'VEYAN..i!U CER and Cummssioner in D.R. Sales at- Also agent for the LI-QUOR TEA tor this town ancl v~cinity, ' It is cheap and as goo<!. as can be lliimded to promply and at reasonable rates. got rn the market. A Yaluable prize given B'Addre·s-.U:nni&kUlen P. O. . with every pound. L EV I t.J 0 ·J--OllN HUGHES.-Licensed Auction- - - - ----- - -~er. Valuator and Arbitrator, Fire and Life 1ln~11rllnce, Notes and Accounts Collected, JONES & COBBIE, ll14lllf'Y to Lend on reasonable terms. Addi iss i::ul"rigbt. Ont. 47. BANKERS, KING . A ~ . R. YOU NI', V. S., J-as removed to A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS residence d!,reetly the DriU D l'01"1;ner\y pccupied by C. Himes. His transacted. Drafts issued and collections t.!Hl .MDltY SYL'VESTER. Enniskillen. opposit~ every man who buvs his Licen~e trom 198tf. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO STREET, Bol;VM:ANVILLE. BANKING. libl>d, P. «tmoo will be 1..rMr. John l\1cMurtry's Grocery made ~hrough S\.me. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to o ~· England. Short Date, Commercial and Farmers' Cottage con taintng six rooms, celiar. pan try papers discounted at bank rates,, Longer tttc.,.quarter acre land, st.,.ble, wuod·shed', hard "llld llvH water, and other conveniences. · For periotls than three monthA at best rates 1'1llrt.ber Information apply to S'l'.A'l'ESM.ANofllc~. obtainable. ~Wl.llaDYi!le, 918-tf, Advances made on SaleNotes and specPfanos'.l'uncd & Repait·cd. ial attention given to fJOllection of sq.roe. Sundays excepted. 228-tf, all Branches of the Bank of Montreal, in Canada, United States and S NUG HOME FOR SALE.--A Brick --- - - R'l'IES WISHING PIANOS Saving's Department. PA 'L"nned or repaired can have them attended leaving word at the ORGAN THEIR ik>'b.r Cili'a 'ID"W 'ARRIACE LIGE N8Es IBSUED BY l)OMINION FOUR PER CENT l:'AID on DEP0~()~"'ICE, Bowmunville. A flrst-clas llian 1TS of $4 and upwards, withdrawal on .ooing in their mploy. demand with hterest t J date. 1 BROKERAGE. ~--~··--- ~---------------- BANK, BUILDING SOCIETY AND Insurance Co. Stocks, also Bouds and DeU:rvwll-- 'l'own Hall Iluildin~s.Bowmanville . bentureR bought at i%, commission either in Montreal or Toronto. W.R. CLIMIE. ISSUED l3Y MARRIAGE LIGE NS ES .&. J. L 0 CK HAR rl', ORONO, ON'f. INSURANCE AGEN1'S lroR NORTHERN Oll' E:-<GLA ND, capital at1d invested funds-$27,600,000. The City of London Fire Insurance Co. of London, l~ni?land, Capital £1,000,000, sterlinl!', Deposited w!Lh Go'·'ernrnent at Ottawa Sl00.000. F11·e Insurance of c ery Description effected, Lowest possible ra&es on all ~las8os of risks. Onty 1 wo Dollars. !So J'ifl)! Genue11ien oCl"asJ1 ion, not so fast. '!'.hll>I you can find me ~till at home, ~ l!\m not golle away. kind o~.J. i·iends may come, Alla all the young on1is, too, ·Ln-n gci thell' garments nicely made li'Zl f&Shions that are new; . i:Jo.e:re old and you11g, d6Str friends. may meet .\welcome "'""Atin". bv R. Pl!:ATE Jll h11ve written these few lines A "Llil all I have to say- INVESTMENTS. A LARGE AMOU:\TT OF PRIVATE' FUNDS for investmcmt at 6, 7 and 8% . according to ee curity oJfered. ' · ~)! );i.llmy MUSS lMcTAVISH lfas received her new stock of GOODS., invites the Ladies of Bow:!-~1'nville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern . B ONNETS, HATS, and assortment oi TRIMMINGS io>'Toll.%U: :-Second Doo1· \Vest of \Vllllan1s I!Qldf'ller Stall. ,· An English rublica.tion has ~ngaged penCounty Clerk George II. Webb tell" a cil sketches from the Princess Beatrice.,Jt is i and;~;.Jl scrofi1lot1s diseases, So,r~s. Erysi11ela.eJ Ec.1.e1na., Blotches, l\.lngwor111, 'l'uthrilling story ' of how himself and wife uud said, and agreed upon a price for them. u101·:i;, Carbuncles, Boils, auil En.11>tions five other passengers were robbed ou a The portrait by the Princess Louise in the of the Skin, are the dirccL result of au California stage coach a few weeks ego. picture·gallery of the Foreign Ex:hibition in Mr. vVehb bad just returned from the tar Boston is said to be an excellent work, and w1pure stitte of the blood. west, whither he had gone on a hridal tour. '.l'o cu1e these diseases tlic bloocl must lJe one of the best there. The was on its way frnm ' Ma.der..ia. to p:1rirled, aml restored lo a l!calll!J' aml un· E. A. Harris of Fitchburg, Mass., a re· the Yosemite valley, a two.days' ride ovH tural conJ.ition. AYE1t'::1 S.\ lt:-; 'I'ATIIT..LA has the mountains. The passengers, besides ligious worker amoIJg railrqad men, has sent f or ovel' forty years been rocog11ize d by enliout a circular asking for $18,000 with which Mr. ancl Mrs. ·webb, were Culpt. Murray, of nent rnedicHl nntllm·i1i es a;; tho most powEagland; a ·Mr. Ray and his ~ister, 'ff to build and equip a misHion car for use m erful blood' pllritier in cxi;tcncc. Jt Jrees railway missions . .Buffa.lo, N. Y.; and Ca'pts. Clayton apd the s ystem iton1 all fo u l llmno1s, e11richcs Johmton, of Fort Smith, Ark.,-seven perOf thirty marriages hPtween American f!..nd s tre11g t lic11~ the blood, removes a.11 t.1·nccs suus in all besides tha dn ver, a man named i:il'ls and 'titled Germans, Consul Putter (al o f rnercur1.1J trcn.tme11t, and l)l'(nes i tse lf a Bill SteveD~, who had made many a trip be· Crefield) assurea us at that all but one ha,·e co·.1ple Lc mi!stcr of an s'cro1ulo11s c.h::;eascs. fore without ever being compelled to 'throw resulted in abandonment, separation, diA Rece1it Cnt·e of Scrof'11ln11s Sores .. up hil hands " About 11 o'clock in the vorce, or some other disaster. · ".Somo rnn11tl 1~ a;to 1 "as troul)1etl with morning of the second day out, and when ~erofu!ons ~on:·s (ulce l'~) on rnv leg~ . Tllo The Flintshire ~onstab:xlary who arc on the stage was nearest to Yosemite valley, guard ' over Mr. Uladstone while in ·Har. limbs w el'c hn.1lly swollen nud nlflarnc (l, and the 8orcs <llsch<irgod large <1 ua11tltles of the horses attached to the vehicle had just warden have all become proficient woorl· otl'ens i,·e m r 1tirr. Every re111edy I tried succeeded in pulling the lumbering waggon f a ded, until I usod AYRH"s 8ABSAJ>AltlLJ·.-\ 1 cutters. Complaints are made that they ate to the top of what is known as the highest cutting down trees in every direction. of which 1 11ow taken tl1ree bottles, with tho t·esult tll:it the ~01es nre 1iertled, pl)int in the road, being an elevation of six 0.1111 rny gcnc rnl henltb gre a L ly irnsroved. thouiand feet and overlooking a tremendous Mrs. A. T. Stewart, although more than :11 e~i'~\ 11 e"f,';;~ ~~~t1 ~eJ1~~~. for Lile goo your a1 ·y88, Th!l passengers, little dreaming of threescore and ten, believes the better part Yoms l'OS[)e<Jtfnlly, l\IJt8. ANN O'BJHAN." what was in store for them, were comment· ot her life is yet to come. She has cleanly 14;; Sulliva11 St.., l\ow York, JuB~ 24, 1882. ing upon the grandeur <>f the surrounding cut and refined features, and long silver t'ir' J\11 1wrsm1s int<J1·cste<l a1·c btvited scenery, when just as they made n short br~ids ()f hair. She is fond of the society of to call OH J\[l'S. O'll1·h\n; also nvon lhe turn in the read they were confronted by yonng people, ll··v. z. I'. 'WHtls of 78 :East. 54tlt Street, three masked men, armed with shot guns, New Yorl( City, who will tal<e pleasure Sarah Bernhardt's husband, M., in teFiOtif'yjng to the ·w onderful e1ficu,:y of p1sto 1 s, and dirks. has not found soldiering .i. congenial occupa· Aycr's Snr!-!n.pa1·illa, not only in tllC ctu·c "Throw up your hands. eYery d--one tion. It was to him irksome and arduous, of thl8 ht.tly, l>nt in his own G1S<" and of you !" ordered the leader of the band of H1 a 1ly others " 'ithin his knowledg·e. and he has returned to seek an engagement robbers. As if by instinct, Bill Stevens once more in the Comedic Fcancaise. Would The "ell-known write·· on the Boston llemlrl, dropped the reins and up went hie Hands in not M.'s episode or matrimonial ad· B. W. BALI,, of Rncheste1', .; \ '.II., writes, Jnne the air. .The ladies screamed, when one of Vtnture, together with his _ E gyptian expedi7, 1 88~: the robbers eaid ; "Scream away, my tion, make a capital comedy ? "Hnvi11g. suffcred severely for some years p1etty, nobody'll hear you up here." wltll leczem1t, J\ml lwvl11g falk1l to lind relief George vVebh, raised m Kentucky, and Lord Dufferin, when at Harrow, always frOllJ othel' 1·emejlfcsj l 1.ia,\e made u~e 1 during t he pn~t t hree n1011t 1s, of AY RH'S SAHSAPA· well accu\Jtom·d to the use of firearm~, went relied on a school·fellow to write his Latm Ht 1.LA, wl1tcll hns etrec. tcd a complete cw·e. ba1 k to his Jiip:pocket, when looking back verses for him, and Mr. Labouchere says J consirler 1t !1. mag11itlcent remedy for all at the hind end of the stage coach he found that at Eton there was a vast collection of blood d1senseB." gun levelled at his head. went the verses and themes among the boys written pistol into George's pocket and up 've1>t his by their predecessors, and that he himself, J band8, \ "Now, theu, we will just take you as many others did, relied on these, and one at a time . . This way, my Ji , tle daisy," never wrote a copy of verses or a theme Btimulates and reguhitcs the action of the said one of the villains, as he seized Mr. while at school. <ligest1ve antl assi1nila..tivo organs, i·enews aJHl st,t·e11gtheu8 tlie Vila1 forces, nud t;pce dily Webb by the arm and jel'ked him out of thf.'l Remarkable women are in abundance in cure~ Ilheu1nat.ia1n, JS"ouralgin, Rheu1na.· coach, "J1ist stand still a few mom<nts London. The wife of the blind P1>stmastertic Gout, Cntnr1·h~ General Debility, :uuJ. an1 i we'll fix you in a hurry)" Mr. Webb General, Mrs. Millicent Garret Fawcett, a n.ll disea ses ::trisiug fr01n nn 1m11ovel'ished or 1 -ubmitted quietly, for there' was no other great student of pohtica.l economy, is per· alternative, unle8d he desired to the ltaps the ablest. Miss Jane Cobden, <laugh· corrupteil coudiLion of the b:ood, and a weaktop of his head blown uff and his body ter uf Riobard 0obden, is an active membtir tmcd vjlal ity. thrown over the cliff. vVith his hands refs· of a Liberal club. Mrs, Jo.cob Bright, wife l t 1s incomparnhly th o cheapest l>loo<l medied high in the air and a gun at bis head, he of the member from Manchester, isa woman cine, 011 n.ccou11t of ils co11c cmtrated streugth, allow<.'d himself t.o he robherl of all his vulu- of "earnest" purp JBe. Lidy Haberton is aud great power over d1sca.8e. ables-a gold watch and $800 in ca$h. at the head of tne Dees· Reform Associa· Pl11~PARl~ D DY "w·a'll take the old 1<,nglish gentleman, tion. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co. 1 Lowell, Mass. with cream colored para·ol under his arm, ....... ·~~~··---next," s~id the lead~r d the band. "Step Sold by all Druggists; price $ 1, six bottles USEFUL RECEIPTS. for $5. this way, please," and Capt, Murray, who had fought in several WllfS and knew uo CRF.AM CAKE:s.-Melt as much butt-er in a rnch tbinq as fear, sh'J'ped o,ut and sub· pint of milk a· will make 1t as m:Hi as cream . n~itted _weekly to the 1die\'ing proces<. Sift a light quart of flour and make it into a Two hundred and fif ry dollars au~ '.f' gold dough with these just aR soft as will admit watch was the extent of the captarn s lu~s. 1of rolling, Add a tea.spoonful of salt. :Ju~. ~~~-..-t~~-\be;i came Mr. H,.1y, who was held_ up for' out into biscuit Do not let the cakt>s $.32;:iar.d a gold watch. The ~wo cap tarns from be more tha.n a quarter of an incll thlck, and Having bought Mr. R. SYLVESTER'S MA· Arkan~as came next. Tht1r valu1.bles con- bake on a gnddlt:, CHINE SHOP and FOUNDRY we are pre Flsted pnnc1pally of dr.,1 ts and checks. TollATO SouP FOR LENT.-Have ready pared to do all wo1·k in this department in a The~e w"re taken and shovecl rlown in a big satisfactory manner. 'Ve shall continue to poukHt of th<> leader's eoat along with the one three-pouna can of fine tomatoes, and manufacture l\lr. Sylvester's celebrated add to them half a teaspoonful of soda. Let te't of the plunde.r. Up to this time the ladies had not b een the tomatoes stew thus gently until molested, but while the meu were bemg thoroughly cooked. Have ready two quarts sP,arched Mrs. Webb slipped off a valuable of new unskimmed milk, let it come to a and shall spare no pains to keep up thei1· pre diimond pin unobserved anrl placed iG in boil over a bri.k fire, and as soon as this is sent reputation. her bosom, She w~s as cool as a refriger- the case pour it hot over th" tomatoes, stirator and exhibited more real, genuine brav- ring well. Let all boil together about fif. ery than all of the male passengers put teeu minutes. Season with red pepper, salt, long 8'1d favorable known-wiil be carried on and one tablespoonful of butter. Just be- and with the assieLance of our Machinery we together. Their work completed, the robbers turned fore pouring out 'f the kettle thicken with hope to lare-e!y increase r.he business in this their a.ttention to Bill SteHns. "Now, my a pint of pounded crackers. department and give our ct1stomcrs increased hearty," said one of the gaug, "j·i>t cut POTATO SALAo.-0110 quart of potatoes inducements to purchnso from us. .A. large them thar hps·es loose and net 'eri. a.driit." cookea until soft, peeleu and sliced, six stock of Cnrriages Rnd Ploughs now ready. Bill was slow about comp!~ ing, for he had tablespooasful of vinegar and the same q uan- All work warrented satiafuctory, Spe0111l at an ol>ject in view. He knew that the ~tage thy ot water, a little salt and a little u1t of tention gi~en to Eu;rine, Mil and Agrlcnlttua comiug from Yosemite valley was almost onion ( -,t up fine, and two tablespoonsful of Machinery, due and, hy· "killing" time, aaaistance fine olh·e oil. :Stir the liquid well tog.ether, might arrive, and the robbers overpowtored and mix: in th"' potatoes while they are still and captured. warm. This recipe is German, haviDg has had a large experienc!l in "Uut them bosses looee, and be d-- been so much relished by an American stuquick about it," repeated the leader ot the dent that h.i got bis landlady to give him Jlllach-ine,Agricultural andCarriaqe Work, bi-.n<l, "or - - - - you, there, won't bP the recipe, that his friends at home might having worked in the largest establishments in enough left of you t:J make a mince·meat have the benefit of it. the Domimon, which will acd largely to the pie !" Bill saw that they meant business, interest of the new firm; FRIED SOFT CRABq,-Take off the backs, and commenced unhitcn_ ing, but so slow was R"Giveour HARD 1\1ETAL PLOW POINTS aud remove the dead fies!\ from the crab . ,he abo·1t fo tnat two oi the gang drew their dirks and slashed the harness right a11rl left, Heat some lard or butter in a trying.pan, a trlal. lhng ! bar>g ! went a couple of pidtohi in the and when very hot put in the front part of natds of the villains, 11.nd away went the the cr4b, an.d fry until done. Then remove, tour horses at a break-neck speed around rub witn a little sweet butter in which a BowmanYille, March, 8 188.1. 2H the curve and down the road. There is xio tnfle of cayenne has been mixed ; fry the telling what a terrible collision might have back part of the crah, unite the t1vo parts, occurred with the up coach had not two of< and plaoe as tastefully as possible on a fancy the runaway horses fallen down, thus stop- dish. OYSTER SouP.-Take one quart each of ping the other span. After the horses had been cut loose, one of the robbers, whose rich new milk and <'ystero ; d1 ain the latter dialect indicated that he was a. Mexican, at least au hour through a colander, eo as took a oosit10n at the tongue of the waggon. to have all the liquor from them ; put 1t to Mrs. Webb and Mies Hay were sittiul( on boil, carefully slumming until clelr, and ~et the driver's seat. The greaser noticed that aside to keep hOt until it is needed. Jn Mrs. Webb had a. handsome satchel on her another saucepan boil the milk, with a, very arm, and thought that it containeu valuables. small onion (which m:J>y ·be omitted if pre· "Ab, senorita," said the Mexican, ' ·hanJ forred) and one head of celery chopped fioe, for abuut twenty minutes. Strain it,. add out the bag." Dn. E. c. vVEST S ~ERVE AND BRAIN'l'REAE "There, take it, you old villain," said the oyster liquor, hi>lf a cup of best butter, MENT, a guarnteed "pccirtc of Ilyoteria., Di~zm. ess, Convulsion. lfits,NervousNeurnlgia. Head· Mrs. Webb, as she ·pitetully threw the and the same quantity of powdered cracker; ache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use satchel at the r<Jbber's head. He picked it allow 1t all tu bubble once, put in the of alcohol or tobacco, \Vakefulneso, Mental Deup, and then the trio of highway men bade ·oysters, a speck of cayenne, sah an<l black pression, Softeninl'C of tho Brian, resulting in the pas·engers adieu, and wer" off lik,e a pepper to ti<ste, and a scant teaepoonful ot Insanity and leading to mise.ry. dccar and Premature Old Age, Barrenness· Loss flash. 'When the coach, from the opposite Worce~tershire sauce; cook three minutes; death, of oower in either sex, In \'oluntary Losses and direction arrived, a search was instituted for serve very hot, and, ignoring etiquette, S ocrmatorrhoon, caused by oYer-exertion 01 the brain, self-abuse or over-Indulgence, One the robbers, hut no trace of them co11ld lie allow a second helping. box will cnre recent oases. Each box contain· found. Mrs. \Vebb's satchel WM, however, one m ontn's treatment, Ono dollar a box, 01· found in ·the woods, cut and slaehed all six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid Food an.d Work. to pirnes. The rob r ers had been uuable to on receipt of price. \Ve guarantee six boxes get a~ the contents o! it. in any other w_a.y. It .An organism which is doing work as to cure any case. With each order received by us ror six boxes, accompanied with five dullar· c.onta1ned nothing but some ijmall at t1~les ?f well as muscular work requires hiDher and we will send the purcha8er our written guartJ.nlittle value. George Webb says that it will better food than an organiom in which the tee to refund the money if the treatment does he_ ma11:17, a. coo~ day hef?re. he takes au?ther brain is comparatively idle ancl only the not etfect a cure. Guarantee isRuerl only by & JURY, sole agentafor Bowman ville, tnp to Ca.hforma.-Louz.svtlle Commercial. low·er centres and the muscles do much STOTT Ont. ; JOHN 0. WEST & CO., l:lole Proprie· - - - -.......-..... w01·k. Undoubtedly the effect of braia tors, Toronto, Ont. The London Flunky, work is to strengthen the brain and to ren· W. J, Stillman says in "Oharaoteri<tics of der it less li,k ely to become abnormal in its London," in the October Century: "In the structure or disorderly in its activity thau rntonati'ln of the low toneJ 'command is the if it were idle. Such exel'Cise as the brain Having the utmost confidence in its superiorhighest exp1ession of that incommunicable, receives in oducation, properly so-called- ity·over' all others, and afte1· tboueands of tosts sf the most complicated and severei,t case:; we indescribable, and, txcept by generations of that 1s, development of tne facultieafind. we fee!justifted in ofl'ermg to fol'fe· oultivation, unattainable quality we call stimulates nutrithm, and in so doing in· could it one thousand dollars tor any case of coughs, '/iigh breeding. In the rep y to it is that creases the need for food. Excesaive acti vi. colds. sore thl'oat, influenza, hoarseness, con· perfect antithe;i, in breeding, which we ty with anxiety is not good at all, andought sumption in its early Rta.ges. whooping cough, all diseases or the throat and lungs, except ought to call low-the profound, unquestion- to have no place in the educational process. and for which we ouly claim relief, that iog, and unhesitating prostration 01 self of vVorry is fatal to good work, and to worry Asthma, we can't cure with West's Cough Syrnp, when the traditional hered·1tary 'flunky,' dis- the growing brain of a child with work is to taken accordin11: to direction. Saruplo bottle ciplined like a soldier, who, as his master maim and cripple its organization, doing ir- 26 and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Geu· uine wrappers only in blue. Sold by all drugnever permits hirn~elf to express a disturb· reparable, because structural, mi~chief, the J<'ists, or send by expr!'s on rec.,ipt of price ing emotion, never allows him8e/l an ?xpres tJ!l'ccts of which must beJife.lung. "Tensioa" JOH:-/ 8. WEST & Co., 81 & 83 King St. l!;a8t, siun of surprise or a word ot comment; in work is not a proof of strength, but of '.roronto. Ont. Sold by STO'.rT & JURY . 1 whose self command is as great as his mas weakncsa. A well developed and healthy ter'd-perhaps greater-a. well apparelled grown brain works without tension of any statue, save when an order is giveu; whose kind. The knit brow, straining eyes, and \Ve will pay the above reward for any case bows and deference for bis master's 1:uests lixed attont.ion of the scholar are not tokeue of Liver Complamt, Dyspepsia, Sicklfoadache are graduated by the distance at which of power, but of c tfJrt. The true athle·e Indegestian, Constipation or Const1venes we they sit from the head of the table ; a hu d<>e· not strain and pant when he puts forth cannot cure with West's Vegetable Livn Pills man creature that sees nothing, knows no- his sttength. The rntelle!Jtual n1an with a when the directions are strictly complied witl1. thing, and believes nothing which his mas· stroug rnirrd does his bmin work easily. Tiley are purely Vogetable, and never fitii to sstisfacr,ioo. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes ter does not expect him to see and k11ow Tens10n is friction, and the moment the toil give con taming 25 Pills, 25 cent~. For sale by all and believe ; who, if he thinks of a heaven of a gro11:ing brain becomes laboriom it Druggists. l~ewareof counterfeits and irnitaat all, never dreams that it can be the same should cease. We are, nufortuLately, so tio11s. '!'he genuine manutactmed only JOIIN thing tor bis master and himself; he hopes accustomed to see brain work done with ef. C. \'\TETT & Co., "The Pill Makers," 81 & 83 St. E\, 'l'oronto. Ont, ]'ree trial packto meet his father and grandfather and fort that wt: have come to associate work King nge sent by mail prepaid on t·eceipt of a 3 cent great grandfather in the bt1rvants' hall of with Effort, and to regard "tension" as some· stamp. lfor Sale by ST01"1' & JUUY. that ceJeHi;i,l abode where bis ma.ter and all thing tolcr.. ble, if not natural. As a matter the family for countlees geuerations will .if fact no- man should kmt his brow as he The King of Dahomey is one of those dwell in their mundane state; his brains thinks or iu any way evince effort as he sable potfmtates who recoguiz~ clearly could no more take in the parable of Di,·es works. The best brain work is done easily, enough the Gla.detone distinction.between a and Lazarus than the laws of Kepler, and with a calm gpirit, an equable temper, and suzerain and a soverei~o. Hearing that the the most insensate chartist or radi0al could in j iunty mood. All elbe is the toil of a Portuguese garrison of 'Vhyda.h intended to never impire in him any ambition to be we..k or ill·developed brain straining to ac- cede the place to the English, he promptly anything beyond butler in his master's mau- comphsh a task which is relatively too great imprisonecl tbem all until they promised not aion." - for it,-Lancet. to do so. SCROFULA Codd & do;· : Bankers Successors to Agen-cy or Dominion Bank, HOW.MANVILLE, an'd 439 11'.Iansion House .J:', Lc·NDON, ENGLAND. Tranoact a general Banking Business tt11011 the same 'J'crins and Principles adopted by the J o·int Stock Banks. INTEREST ALLOWED 0 N DEP 0 SJ TS· withdrawal on demand, at the rate ofFOult per cent per annum. NOTES l 0 JSCOUNTED Bills received tor collection and advances made thereon at moder ate rates. DRAFTS ISSUED, payable at all points in Canada a11d the United States. STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, &c.,&c. bought and sold. MONEY L'.)ANED on 1\fortgage Securityprcscnt rate from 6 Lo 7! per cent. N 0 TICE. ' · posits heretofore made with the Dominior. Bunk, uan be withdrawn at any time upon demand and without charge, at the p1·cmises latel; occupied by the Dank, now the l:la11k:fug House of Codd & Co ~KTEREST Rt the rate of '!'HHEE per oent will be allowed so long as the ru oney lies with ::ie Dominion Hank. MILLINERY ----'-<»·---- MRS. ANDERSON Is now her ·plendid new stock ot Enghsh, French and. American Millinery, l'eall1crs, Flowers aiul 1t·a1u:y Goods, Her numerous friends and the ladies' o! Bowman ville and vicinity are confldentlyin vited to an Inspection. 1'hegreatest eoGnomy consiste.nt with quality has been -made a specitt.l study,-'.A splendid stock or _ , Aye r's Sarsapari Ila FAMILY MOURNING always on hand, HATSaR..·~ '00NNETS made over in the Newest Styles. WHO IS U"IACQUAIN TED WITH THE OEOORAPHV' OF THIS COUN Tqv WI L L SF ~ av F' X AMIN I NG THIS MA p TMA T T4 ~ I ----· N!W rtaM t· CHAMPION PLOWS, OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS;:, ·· ri~;~sotl1 ~t;ti~~~~~~;~~~~~~~t:h! w~t. CHICAGO) ROCK ISU1rn & PACIFIC R'Y by the shorteat route, nnd orn:rymg pnsaenf'icr s . without ohaugo of cni·s, between ChicClgo and Kan- ment l::J uunva led anll ma.gnificoui, being couiposcd M~u;~~~·ol~~~°u°dl ~~cij~~o'iJ f'ii~P~~i1~~\~ca~n\~cL£~in~~~~1~~i1b~e~~~~aM:et~~~Z: 1\1.[ R. :OAR CH ma!l's Frett.teat :Palace Sleeping Cars. u.ncl tbe Bost Line ot Drn1ng Cars in the World. Three Trains between Chicago an'd l\:1issour1 River :Po1nta. Two Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, vio. the Famous ~aZ:1~U~c~~f1~~~~!~ R~~1~~~~t18h1a~aba.;s~a~~rr~ "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Dh'oet Line, via Seneca and Xanka.~ kee,haB recently been opened botween Riehm.ond , Mc~lUNG &OARGH, Trains. f~~i:u~;~il~in~d t°a~!;~iff;; ~idiO~~~o..0:l~~;:~~: 01 !\'11a¥gr~~Jia.i;~~~~~~;:i;li';~~~~t~if~\~1::Expres_ Norfolk., Newr,ort News. Chattanooga, Atla.nto., Au- tl!§t~~1~ O:n~l~~~J~~al Ticket Offices 1!1 La~~~· detailed information. get the and Foldet'S ot' the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Office, or address R.R. CABL.i:::, E, ST. JOHN, VJoo·Prcs. C; Gco.'l 1tf'g'r, Gen 'l Tkt. b. Pass, Agt. Bagg·age checked through and rates of fare o.l · ways as low a.J competitors that offer less ad van ... HealthisWealth! CHICACO- 0 $1000 FORFEIT ! This Great Household Medicine ranks amo!lgst the leading necessaries of Life~ These famous Pills puriry the BLOOD, and most powei·fully, yet soothingly, act on the Liver, Stomach, I<i"ct?zP-vs, and ROvYF.lJS, g1vmg tone, energy, and vigo1 o those great MAIN SPRINGS OF Lll!'l!J, They are recommended as a never failmg remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatover 01>, has become impaired or weHk· ened. They nre wonderfully efficacious in all ailmcnt·i11cl<lental tol~emales of all ages; and ao 1.1. Gfrn.J<:RAL FAMILY MEDICINE ummrpassed. · $500 REWARD! Hollo\ivay's Ointment, Its Scm·c11tJ1g u111l lleaUng P1·011m·ttes arc known throughout the \l'urld. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts. Old Wounds, Sores and UlceJ it is infallible remedy. If etfoctually rubbed on the neck and chest. us salt into meat, it cureM SORlJJ 'l'HRtJA'r,DiotttheritL,Broncbitis, Oo11gh Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular S welllngs, A bsccsses Piles l!'istulas Rheumatz'sm, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been kowu to tail. 'l'he Pills and Ointment are Manufactured onlyat533, OXFOHD S1'HEE'l', I,<1l,,'WON, and are sold by all Venclors of Medicine$ throughout the Civilized World; with directions for using in reost every language. ii21rPurch1.1.sers should look at the Labe1 on the Posts and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. The 'l'rade Marks of my said Med.wines are cgistered in Ottawa. and also at Washington.

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