I An incalcnlable amount of sicknfs'l, suf· Tra;r.io :;<cene!l a.t tbe In an f.orine11\ud ,.rematur<: cfoaths "'ould be avoided Thimble's Last Runt. ·Elsie knew there was no sight any more Ill Engllsti Lu~a.ti~ Asy. ·~ every ye:i.rii W6 coulrl be indttced !O heed the the eyes. South~ll Park~ which is adp,otnt to .the premovitioos which kin1l nature givef< of the , · Y MARIA LOUJSE POOL. vY\th a brolrnn cry the girl bent her head Great Western line, ten m1leR trom ~arlrling· com nit on of the great enemy, <l:sease. (CONCLUDED.) down ou the pony's neck. She did not, know ton, ,.·as recently t: e ocene of a terrible firn. l\Ianv ;i, mother ·has lost a .darling child, to Begs to announce that he has again secured a License and is now pct> her motller's arm was over her shoulders. A private luJlatic asylum, kept by lJr. She could not see him, but she heard him Presently stronger arms were pllt around B~y. wa~ totally destr?yeil, anrl the pro· her I°ifo·long sorrow, .by failing to o,bserve in son:ie unnsuitl of disease th& a.ppro:ich pared to furni1:;h the public with strictly first clasib Una.ciultera.ted cantering along abreast of her as ·he rode, her . hei· father had come and he took ht:r pnernr, hid bOn, two patients and a cook lost and the sound gave her courage. She must up. ' ' their liv~s, whi!e _three or four, other iuma.tes act or circumstance connected with her off· 11 Liquors, n.nd respectfully invites the inhabitants of Town and Coun.t.ty spring. . trust all to her pony anc! her dog, for . Not until they had reached Bill Karter's ~eae serrouq~y mi11red. Mr. K. ~ody, bemg I. If an arlult or child wa.kes up thirsty human instinct could guide her in such a -which wa& thouaht tu be the nearest m a room with a ·pnng lock, Jumped out in the morning, however appuently well to give him a call when they require any of the following good;,;, eith.er time as this. house-did they fiZrl thero was bloocl on of .the window, thll:~ e ..caping with a b roke_n Leaning over from her saddle, she spoke E lsie's dress-he1' own blood mmgled with thigh and a cut face. JJr. Boyd .saw h1" for the momeut or the preceding evening, Medicinally or as a Beverage, viz. : to Max, who was nosing around among the Thimble's-and then, on being ask.ed, E sie dau~hters safely on to the lawn, whic~ the~ there will be illness before noon al ways, in· stubb!e. Then she drew .o~t a silk hand: became con~cious that her side was sore. attamed by means of a fire escal)~ th1H s:-ood fallibly,if not averted by remaining warm in Prue Jamaica Rum. J John Bu!! Bittl'rs in quarts and pint*'kerc,h1ef ,f rom her pocket, .1t was ~er ~ot She had been stooping over in such a way . perman~ntly at the west ~nd of the butldm~: be1t; in a cool, well· ventilated room. eating nothing, hut drinking plentifully of some De Kuypers Hulland Gin on dl'aught and .Raepberry, Si;rawberry and Lomo11Symp!> ther ~; she had only taken it from er t a that the same bullet that had killed Thimbie and, with the observation. "I am af~a1d hot tea, all day; a little.may be eaten in the in bottles. Scotch aud Irish Whiskies in bottle111. mornmg, had giYen n. flesh wound to his mistress. they do not understand the ren.I danger. he afternoon by a child. But as long as a per· The dog smelled of it.. . "l et it Cl< mfort ou to know that you returner! into the house. A serva.n·t who son wakes with thirst in themorning tht.re is Bernard's Ginger Wine on draught and in Bass & Co's. Al'OI in qua.rt and pint 1 ootfll.e ! "Find her," crie? Elsie, n.nd there was a saved your mother's life," the doctor saio.I to escaped says that sub8quently. Dr. Boyd ab·ence of health-there is fever. bottles. Guinness Porter " " u pathetic e~treaty m the co~mand. Ma_x the girl after l1e had drc,ssed her wound and his son app..ar.:id to be foll»wmg her to· 2. If, wheJ. not habitual to him, one is W . F. Lewis & Co's Year Old Rye, very LabaWs Ale " " " snu!fed agam, .then gave a quick ~a.rk, as if I and she' was lying on her own bed. ,, .Sh~ ward a wi?<low, but they never appen.r~d wakerl up early in the morning b r an io· askmg a .question, Oh could not possibly have borne a long expo· there. It is sui:posed that Dr. Boyd went clinatiou t" E>tool, especially if there is a fine. O'Keefe & Co's.Ale on draught in'. 10 !l,'3ll 0 "She l!! lost:-?ere ~ the fiaJsf es.1,, ' siue. you did well to take the dog vnth hack into the-fiirnee, either in solicitude for feeling of rlebility afterward, it i~ the pre. Gooderlrnm ),):; Wort's Okl Bourbon C'ld loT\ kegs, 30 ({allon lmrrels and +n h.cugll! Max, I sh~ll .die .1f we ao not n ier . you." the s11fety of the whole of the inmates, or, Rye and Old Malt Wbisktlys . hearls. monition of dii~rrhce:., summer compla.int, ~h!l dogs mstmcts had been e?ar{e~ec~ ~y "Your father say~," s:iid Marion to her, being assured of their safe:y, to secure some dysentery or cholera. There a_houlcl .b~ pet·· Cockburn's Old Port \Vine, very fine. O'Keefe & Co's. Porter in 10 gallon keg& tram!Ilg, apd he would sbfl'ow nEO l'~ oh w h. ie a few day a later as she sat by the big chair valuable rlocument~, and his son accomp'l.~Y· feet quietude, etc:, as a.hove ; Ill add1t10n. a was made. He started o · sS1' e h eafilt t1hm where Ftsie w·. ' s reclining-" your father ing him, they both perished. \Vhen the . Ill· Sandeman's Pale Sherry do do Hennessy Brandy on draught and in r ustling in the brown grass e e e says ' he is " coing· to sell that J crse,· cow, and h a b"t t f th e a d )om.rng · · · '11age, a roused piece of warm, th wk woollen fl rnnel should Alciante Wine. t. 1 an s o v1 bottles. bo wrapped tightly around the abdomen p_ony qu~vermg, under her, .ie to". wal'I ge et you an~the'r Texas pony from Mr. Nolan by the screams of the mmates; got to the Martell's Brandy in bottles. . tmg excited. Far away on his native ~tx~n ~hen he comes North with another lot in Southall Park about thre' o clock, they (belly); the dl"ink should be boiled milk ; Sacramental Wioe. plai~s he .ha.d hunted many a day~ an t e the spring." · found flames issuini? from ~!most ev:ery or far better, eat pieces of ice all the time, S. Joy & Co's Native Wine. Jules Robin & Co's. Brandy in bottles. ?aymg ?f dogs a~d the crack of ufies were ,, No! 00 I" cried Elsie, with energy, "I ~indow at the fron.t of the ancient n:ans10n. an'tl thus keep the thirst perfectly subdue l; Canada Vine Growers Native Wine. SazeracBrnndy on Draught ar..<1. i~botttea· eat nothing but bo;led nee, corn shrch, lD~J?Irat1~ns .to ~i~. . k' f h never want another pony. There was bnt lhe rnreams are fa1d to have been frightful. DeMullin & Co's. Braudy on dra ght.. ..; ·Go! said Els~e, not tb~n mg o er own on" Thimble." .<\,s a gentleman who witnessed the ecene ob· sago or tapioca, and continue all these until Burgundy Port Wine. 1 salety, remembermt.? nothmg but that her H · b k h fill d Marion served ""Vhen you hear the scream3 of an the tiredness and thirot a.re gone, the mother. '_'l'ho was so far from bei_ng st~ong, beiitero:~~cean~o t~~c~~dey~:r c;e;k gently, insane 'person in a state of panic ypu do~'t strength returned, and the b::>wels have was on thi~ desert., buffeted by this merc~lees not saying at·ythrng. easiiy torget it." A 5reman states that m been q[![et for t1velve hourd, returning storm, vamly trying to get on, as. one rn a the nflection caused by the fire just as the slowly to the usual activities and diet. 3. If a child is silent, or hangs around its nightmare struggles, to fiI\d the nght way. I --· brigade was abo11t to start for the conflagra· ·.L'himbie leapeu acrnss the narruw d1tc!i FR·\NCE AND C'CUNA, tion a newspaper. might. have been read at mother to lay its head on her lap, or is un· that ~eparated the march from the .~oaJ, Ha,nwell, a mile and a half away . . When usual 'y fretful, or takes no interest in its and tlie. next moment ~ls1e felt ag !I she the Hanwell volunteer bri5ade, which was formn amusement, except for a fretfl}l mo· were .fiymg. through unlighted spa?e, th~ The Wolk 'rhey Have net·oro.Them. the·first to reach the place, arrived iu the ment at a time, it is certainly ill, and not salt au· cuttmg he~ face and thra8luog hex parK about four o'clock, the mau2iou was slightly so, Send at once for u. physician, wet, unfastened hai: about her, . A Paris tele,iram to the London Siandard enveloped iu one great blaze, while the flames for you can't tell where or in what form the She <!,a~e~ not tlunk. of her mother; she sa.ys :-··It l1~s often 'been said of late th~t were at the same time playing havoc along malady will break out; and in children-fS· must banl:-hirom h~r mrnd every memory of China is conscions of her weakness and will the wings. "It was a fearful blaze," was pecially, :;ou can never ~ell where any p:ir· that tenderness which made hei· mother ~o make any sacrifice rather thau go to war the description of a fireman. Mr. ·webber, ticula.r ailment mil end. 4. 'Vhen there ia little or no appotite for dear to her. 'Vas it yesterday th::it she h&d with France. 'Vhat I was told to·da.y by a farmer, two sons of Mr. Abbott, the sun11; with such a care-free heart, a per,;ona,ge who must ctrtainlv know the famous bee·keeper, the resident constable, breakfast, the contrary having been the 'l'he blintling mist came down and hid the opinion of the official Chinese world would and other inhabitants had meanwhile been case, the child is ill, and should be put to land i go far to prove th.:i,t Pekin id not so ala.rmed distmguishin!!; themselves by attempts to bed, ch-inking nothing but warm teas, ea.ting We~beg to announce that our stock of Dry Goods and Cloth~1g noW" not an atom till noo!J, th'en act acconlinl{ ·1o The words went like a kiaife. " Oh, mother ! at the idea of hosl!lities with France as is rescue the ioinates. developments. Full and Complete m every department. ·we are openmg he mother !" she moaned aloud. generally supposed. Firstly, with regard 'l'HE PATIENTS. 5. Ii a child manifests a most unu~ual Farther off Max barked, aud Thimble to 'l'onqr1in, tbe gentleman to whom I re!er Heartrending sceues were witnessed in the season with a splendid assortment of the newest and most made longer leaps, splaRhing in P?Ola ~f i~ co,, viuced that if China were at wn.r with wings devoted to the patients. In an upper heartiness for supper, for se\·eral nights in salt-water, the sl11i.rp, stiff grass cuttmg his ~'ranee she could 'sweep thee irrench out of window the Abbot ts and others engaged in succession, it will certainly be i!l, within a · Fashionable Dry Goods, and an immense stor:k of legs, his chest wet with his own foa~ and the delta of the Red. River.' His a.rgu. rescue saw . a p ,jr of scared faces. The week. unless.contrclled. 6. If there is an inatantllneous sensation \'l.ith tfie chilly water. But he did not ment was th:tt China is much nearer Ton· fiame 3 were stPa!i11p; rapidly in their dirocMens' Youths' and Boy:;' Clothing, which slacken nor pant, hardy, long-brn~thed quin tnan li'rance, and that before the tion, and those who were p'1ssessed of reason of ~icknes~ at stomach Lluring· a meal, ear. not a particle more; if just befor., a meal, we intend to offer at pi-ices that will fellow that he was, French forces could be reinforced tu any cried piercingly for help, while those who Was that the report of a gun, dulled, very consiclerable extent the Chinese hosts were pat.ieots stared mutely at the destruc- oo out of door~, and keep out in active ex. deadened by the dampness? The sound gave could literally overwhelm by their numbers ti on around making no etf0rt for their rnlease. ~rci~e for several hours, and omit the next a new terror to Elsie; she did not think that tho present small expeditionary corps. It They were got down by means of ladders, meu.l, for all things indic;,,te an "xcess of it mip;ht be a signal. She knew that, earlier may be a rather optimist view for the the Abbott~ handing thaH1 down ; but it was b!ood, or bile, and exercise sli.ou Id be ta.ken . We are right in earnest in saying that in the season, men prowled ab1Jut for coots Chinese ; Lut that it exists in China is un- only by the exercise of force that some of to work it off, and abstinence, to cut off an imd geese, but why should they s~oot ~l fortunate for Frn1ice and Eu·ope generally; them were got out alive. While the patients additional supply, until the healthful eq11ih· we MEAN BUSINESS, and that we will offer such a time as this? Such a shot might hit I prevailed upon my interloctuor to assume were being got out of the wings greater brium is restored. 7. A k{ad of glimmer before the eyes, TemptinO' Barcrains in every department. We are her motheq the girl never thought that it that the Chinese were n\Jt so successful; scenes of horror were transpiring at the 0 0 might hit herself as well. . but even then he could not under any cir· mansion. High up, and at the very top of making reading or sewing an effort, however Cutting Down the Prices at tlie beginning instead of the FAr off she now' heard Max barking fra.u. cumstances admit that hostilities vith the western tower, two women could be dis· well you may feel, will certainly be fol. tically, l<;rance must necessarily entail the submis.· tinguished in the fitful light of the Hames, lowed by headache or other discomfort, for end of the season. 'J'A1LOR£NG ·AND CLO~HI~G T~~ ·· 'l.'nimble, '(O on!" she shouted, and the sion of China .to the dictates of her which were making greedy p!iossage toward there is too much blood, or it is impure ; brave little animal needed not to be told a adversary, He considered tha.t in a. war them, ·Their doom appeared oertam. ]from exercise it off in the open air, and omit a LEADING DEPARTMENT. Child.rens' ~nd Youths ~u1ts ~ sprralty second time. He dashecl on like a wild with China, to have any chance of success, the windows below them the fire belched meal or two. 8. If you are not called to stool at the ac. thing, straight over se~ge an~ pool, ~nd France would have to send out from thirty forth, smoke curled up to their very feet N. B.- Parties asking for Bargams will not be d1sappomt+:i. · Elsie's breath came heav'i ly, for m the wmd to forty thousand men, and he argued that and a light east wind fanned the blaze that customed hour (except when travelling, that rushed by her face she still heard con· an expedition of that sort might not be very was gliding along the roof. Beneath . them then let things take :care of themselves---do fusedly· the sound of the dog's fur~ous ba~~· popular. Moreover, the difficulty of tran· every avenue of escape was cut off, arid there nothing), eat not an a.tom until it is done, ,An exultant throb was now ID Elsie s sporting it to the extreme east would be they stood on a piece of n asonry, the sup· for loss of appetite, or nausea, or loose pulses: Already, in her mind, s~e had immense, especially as England, as a neu- port~ of which they could see were being bowels. or biiiousness, is certainly impend· slipped from her seat and was holding her tral power, would be obliged, it she acted consumed. The situation seemed hopeless. ing. Exercise freely out of doors, and drink mother fast and close; a sob rose in her as such, to close her coaling stations agafost The firemen had not then arrived ; there was co1d water or hot teas to the fullest desired throat. Not yet must she gi vo way to snch the French. As for the idea that to insure none to handle the apparatus for saving life ; extent. 9. If there is a most unnatural disposition imaginings; yet longer she needed her the submission all France would have to do the only thing availat>le was a ladder, and . strength, Wild__and _ high came-tke r ar of would be to blockade her ports, he scouted that only reached to the height of the lower to ex;ertion, you need rest, quiet, and ab· the sea. it as absolutely ridiculous. It would be a wing. Women wept, and men ran aimlessly stinence ; exercise in weariness never does Was :r;_~imble moving? Would he never serious matter for more than one European hither an<l thither in their distraction. A any good, always harm. But if ca.uselessly get to w ere Max barked in such a victori· power to · have the Cninese ports clos<d bright glare from the ignited roof of the deapondenr,, or there is a general feeling of ---M.ANUFAC'l'URER OF--ous note 'ft<.... a~ainet their merc:intilo ~hipping, but 1~s main bmlding told that aid must be on the discomfort, tile blood is bad; warm the fe.,t, 1 Elsie rose in her s'.irrup, her fine-ers cliug· to the l?s~ of reveune 0.hina would s,uffer instant, if at alt The hapless girls, in their ing round the pommel. the stat1st1cs. pro~e that 1& must coust1tnte position vf mortal peril, clung togeth· rand twelve 1 "Mother! mother!" she called, "are but a smo,ll Item rn the revenue of the em· 1 turned 1o lor,k aghast a~ their approaching rn::-<G STR:ET, BOWMANVILT:E. t ' yo:1 there?" . . pire. :For a.11 these reasons and many fate. From the obscurity of the surround· sp!2ial "Is it you, El de?" reFponded afalnt voice others, the P~kin c~binet, l a.m assured, d?es ing fields they coald be seen from afar, out· cannot slec>p, .or if rou do, it 10 dreamy, 1 n hand a nnmbcr of vehicles (and is manufacturing a great many more· ) of the newed. from out the mist, and there came the sound n?t contempl11te with. aaythme: appl'oachi_vg lined, in their white clothing and dishevel!ed disturbed or d1stressmg, you have eaten tvo Has no":'.to r rn f nd best finish which ram offorin!<' for sale ,..t tho lowest. peices eonsisteat pa e ~i~h due regard to workmanship and " qnality. 'l'he following is a list or dismay the eventuality of open war with hair, ag!loinst the sky. They flung forth their much, or are on the verge of some i!lne~s. of some heart-felt thanks. the principal vehicles manufautured by me: Trembling, and i1ow at las.t .panting, the France," arms, and a~ked, in wild and hysterical Tako nothing next day but hot drinks and toasted bread, and plenty of out-door ex. pony made the little remamrng d1boance The Stan,/ai·d, in a leading editorial, tones, for mer~y. between the daughter and mothei" says :-"It i~ becoming more and more cevi· THE REsr.uE. ercisi:. In all these cases, a thorou!!hl Double Covered Carriages . . . ............ .. ........ ... .. .................... . . $200 Up~· with soap and hot water and v1g· . 100 u Just as Elsie slipped from the sa.drlle an· dent that th1;i oppositicin with whicn the Aid was at hand. Webber, the farmer, washmg Sin"le Phootons ....... . ........... .. ............... . .. ..... ,............... I · · · · l ' d' other shot sounded, and this time olo~e to French government has undertaken to <;Je~l and Doughton, the constable, vo.luntee_rcd to o;ou~. bod1iy friction, great y expe 1te re· Ope°n Bucr«,.y .... :.::::... .. .. ................ ............... ..... . ....... ........ 70 t' them-not the shot of a gun. A prick, as is as composite as it is vague ; and that i~ is ascend the tower, and they ilid so ID the s ora. 10n. Top Buggy....................... .. ..... .... .. .. .. ................. . .............. !)~ " of a needle going through her flesh, Rl8ie neither with Tonquin alone, nor yet with only way that was open to them: They _ got Democrat Wagon . ........................ ··· .. ····· .... ······· .. ······· · .. ·...... 60 " felt in her side, but forgot it instantly. She the successor of l't1 Due and the kmgd(:-tn on to the roof of the lower wmg, whwh, A. Generous Giver. Lumber Wagons ...... . ... .. ... ... ............. ,. ................ . ... ... .. ..... ··· 55 did not notice that the pony swervto.I oddly of Anam that the camµaign will have to be happily, still hekl good, and, drawing the It would seem that there 1s no Li.,.ht Waaon ..................................................... .. :............. 40 " to one side as she withdrew her fooL from fought o~t. 1'hose who ought to be ~he ladder up after them, with the e~ercis~ of e b « to the liberality of Senator Express \Vagon ........................................ · ..... . ................... 75 the stirrup, She was groping in the fog for best informed upon the snbJect have mau:~- great personal ~trength they placed it ag~mst end Skeleton .......... ......... . .... .. ............................. :. .................. 50 " the owner of the soft voice that now called tained undeviatmgly from the first tha.t tf the ,tower, restrng the bot to~ of the uprights McMa.ster in the matter of theological Sulky ............................................................... ................ 40 " her aga.in. France proce~tlbd to car:y her. threats in the .leads, so that there might be one more education and the support of the Baptist "Dear Elsie! It is you who have found aga.inst Anam mto ooerat1on, China. would chance for th~m .should the roof beneath college in this city, He has already expend· p easing superior facilities for manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell very cheaµ for e&e!l me !" indirectly and unofficial!y _len~ tho latter all give way. So exc1tmg w~s the moment th~t ed fully a quarter of a million of d->11..i.rs ~~sapproved credit. and by so doing I hope to great.ly. rncrease my. number of sa.les. ..Ii sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. · Now her mother's arms held her, and the help in its pow·e r. Thi~, ~t woul~ see~, the spectators of the darmg act he~d their upOJl. the ha.LI, and has now undertaken to Ebie could hear the chokine: in her breath, is what is oecurring. It is unposs1ble, m· breath, Only the roar of the fire disturbed pay the salaries of three of the professors knowing that the work she had aet out to do deed, to assign any limits to the territories the silence of the night. Throug_h the black while all but supporting a good many o~ t~e was done, whose population has heen roused to angry and eddying smoke, Webber, with Do.ugh· students during their summer evangelistic At the Shortest Notice, Painte~ and Tri~med _if D~sired" In a moment she said, "I will put you on cudositv or vindictive vigilance by the ton, made his way, now lost to sight, work. All honor to the worthy Senator. Thimble and I will go by his hea.o.I; the dog operations of the French forces, The latter and anon disclosed to it by a burst of _light. His liberality seems growing a.s age creeps At the Factory I also do Planing, Matchmg, Turning and Sawing with Cir.cl~, Band J.or Scroll ::saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber foi· carpenters and other~ for buildrng purlfoses:.. on and as he marks the sign in the .l:Ieavens knows the way home even if the puny does are evidently viewed with jealousy and At length the top was reach~d, and smewy Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fen~es .m every.style req u1red, made to order 243 not. If you are only not ill aftei: this! !f alarm in districts of which perhaps no brown arm~ were seen to encircle one of the which tells him to gather up his sheaves Nothing, it would you do not have pneumo~ia agam ! , Here is Parisian has ever heard so much as the name. girls 1md place her on the ladder, · She while he may. Thimble noblest fellow m the worid ! He It is a.n empire or indefinite extent that descended i;wo or three steps, and, whether seem to us, can be more delight· shall ha;e sugar and apples all his life, You France has rea.llv challeuged, and it may she was stifled by the smoke or whether her ful than for a wealthy man to have ~no't know what a darling he has been.- reasonitbly be do11bted whether the Cb.inese nerves failed h!!r is not knowu, but she lost the heart tj!> give of his riches for the adOh !" authorities could control the rising and her hold and fell with a crash on the roof vancement of good and beneficient objects. The last word }Vas uttered with such hor- European sentiment thus far and wide call· below. A sickening sensation pervaded the [f all wealthy men were following Mr. Mc. rifled shrillness that Mrs. Chapin started ed >into activity even if they wished. to do crowd as they heard be: wail out, "I a~ Master's plan there would be a sweeter, and grasped her daughter's hand more so. This is .exactly the danger which all dying." The second girl was got d~wn m nicer J?leasanter world all round. Even as the best informed persons foresaw when safety, thP. ladder was iowered, and. m t~e a m;tter of selfish enjoyment the Senator closely. But be~he could speak Elsie had flung the French government tirst took in hand next minute both were handed <iown to solid has the best of it. May he long live to be away from her, and was down in the mud an adventure of whose final proportions they earth amid heartfelt cheers. The effo.rts of his own executor, and t.o continue what he by the side of a white shape that lay on the seemed so stt'angely ignorant. Yet they the firemen were direct,ed to the savrng of has already been for a long time, one of ground, She g;athered the lovely hti"d into migl:tt have learni; by the very good-n~ture the wings, but they are much gutted. The Tononto's most influential and honoured her arms · she felt again the soft dark nose displayed by.the European powers, !Ind also mansion is a mass of ruins, which w~s partly citizens. After all it is only noble to be she had ~often kissed. The pony's breath by the United States, how great a r1~k they caused by some of the walls havrng ~e~n good and to act accordingly. Any mere begs to inform the public' that he has. leased a s~ore in the Obserw . came'diatressfully ; he was lying on his side. werti running of rendering the relations of pulled down for safety. The panell1?~ Ill outward honors in the wa.y: .of titles and stars Block, ·where he bas opened out with a splendid assortmen\of At that moment the fog was pierced ,by the other communities with China precarious the mansion and the many wood partitions bestowed upon such a man as Mr. McMaster ras s of a. lantern, and footsteps were heard and full of danger, The Chinese popula.tiou in the asylum made the premises very com· would be only as the baubles which amuse Glasswar~, children, but only weary and repel those of among the sedge. do not draw nice d1stinotions between bustible. I which he offers for sale at low pnces for Cash. . riper years. The only ~an~er t.o th~ Bap· "Hullo, here I I say, I gue~s 1,'ve got Frenchmen and Englishmen, between the Queen Victor;;,;a~·---'-P-la_t_e-.tists from havmg such a liberal giver IS that you l" cried a man's voice. "Don t shoot Russians and American3, In their ignor· WFarm 'Produce taken in exchange, for which the highest ~a.rk:et any more or I'll use my own pistol!' ant but intense imaginations all foreigners No monarch living, European or Asiatic, others may be tempted to rest on the Sena.· A special line of TEAS. of excellent flavor·. Elsie heard, but she did not care to look are lumped togeth~r as barbarians _who are not even the Czar of all the Russias, can tor !Nnd button up their pockets on the price will be paid. up from the head she .held, and which she attempting to force themselves, their wares, boast Of such a service of plate as thn.t plea. that there is no need. We do not ~Also a choice lot of SUGA.RS. ~C~FFEE m Cans. WOanned could now see by the light of the lantern, their ways, their commerce, their customs, owned by Queen Victori!L, to whose guests know if this is to any .extent th:i _case. If Goods in great variety. ~A. Oa1l 1s respectfull;y sohc1tefl. Mrs. Chapin, without moving her eyes upon the Celestial Empire, whicb. for so it is eften exhibited on huge buffets at either so it is a great pity. The one g1vmg large· from her daughter, a.eked, "For whom are many hundred ~ears prospered with<?ut end of the banqueting tn.bJe of St. George's ly ought to be only the greater induc~me11t you looking?" them. By dint of a successtul ~ar carn~d Hall-vases, plateaux, cups and candelabra, and stimulus to others to seek according to "That fellow accused of murder over on jointly by the powers, and with the aid all wrough in 11;old, the ue~ "'.alue of w~ich their means to vie in similar liberality. there in Norley. Of course ~ ou'\ e heard of much dexterous diplomacy since its close, ie sa.id to extend two millions sterling. If the Senator has really given and equipp· --.a.T-about him. We've tracked bim all the China has been induced to extend her hos- Conspicuous among the trophies arti the ed McMaster Hall what are all the rest of afternoon, and got him to this horrid place, pitality to foreigners, and to tolerate their mimic lyre-bird anc1 tiger's head taken from the denomination about? T\Jere ought not It was he that fired. I declare I l::Jas he presence, not only on her seaboard, but in Tippoo Saib eighty odd years ago, and pre· to be a pastor not liberally paid and not a killed that little horse? Lucky he didn't some of her inland towns. 1t would be a sented to her Majesty'~ grandfather, King church scheme but as prosperous and efficihit any'tbing else!" . . grave error, however, t('] suppose that the George III. The lyre-bird's body and tail ent as money and prayer can make them. YOU CAN BUY The ba.rkin~ of Max had by this time old jealousie&, the ancient. anti~athies,, have are composed cf solid gold, richly studded How is it? Not that Mr. Mcl\'.Caster should given notice to. others on t~e marsh w.ho been laid aside, and the aggressive act10n of with brilliant rubies, emeralds and pearls. give less, but that all others giv!l m?re. were looking with Mr. Chapm for his wife France has come at a most innopportune The tiger's head once served Hyder Ali's And let the wealthy of other denommahons Io another moment two more men with lang moment to fa,. the smould<1ring ashes of mastertul son as a footstool. It is a life· go and do likewise. "~ terns had come, but E[sie 11either saw nor Chinese fanaticism. ~hould thtd burst into sized model, fashioned in solid silver, richly heard them. She was sitting in a pool of a flame it will not be France alone, French ~ilt, its tusks of rock-crystal, _and ~ts ton.gue In the recent meeting between Bismarck water, the pony's head held fast, but gently, commei:ce or French capital, that wili suf· of pure gold. Like the lyre-bird, it fell rnto tenderly in her arms, while her gaze was fer. We' have a far hea,,ier stake in Chinese the hautls of the British at ~he storming of and the Prince of \Vales, the Solei! says the watching the light go out in the brilliaat seas than Fm.nee, and we ma.y, almo&t be- Seringapatam, where Tippo, its v:.lorous outspoke" C11aucellor remarked: "vVe and our friends would not only not oppose your eyes that looked up at her. fore we ha.ve time to look around, find our· owner, met his death. ~ annexation of Egypt, but would a:pprove and In the heaving, muddy side was an ugly selved in complications for which w~ shall evun abet it iE needed." 1'be Prmee replied bullet-hole' which dripped blood. be indebted to au ally the rnconvemences Will Carleton, the popular ballad-wri~2r, It see~ to her that plainly the pony of whose friendship are beginning to be as who succeerus better than most poets in that Mr. Gladstone was alone entitled to CA.LL AN"D EXA1'1I:NE. asked her to helt> him. Did he repro11ch marked as those of it avowed enmity, touching the hearts of the people, has the spt:ak for Euglaud on thi~ subject, . VV'hereher for the pain he was suffering ? Did he appearance of a well-to-do young cler~yman upon Prince Bismarck expressed himself so A. great variety of Fly Sheets, Netts and Lap Dusters on~han which tell her that he had done all, given all, for on a vacation, He is six feet tall,. slender, disrespectfully on the ~ubject of th~ English her, and why did she not help him? New York clubs are famous all over the has an acquiline nose and blue ey~s, and a~ Premier's want of patr10t1sm and .Judgment are Qffered at Low. Figures for Cash Elsie felt her heart bound tightly with wodd.-New Yor·k Exchanqe. More especi· though his face is youthful, his hair is that the Prince of Wales abstamed from repeating the Chan~ellor's words. Opposite Dal'lington's Grocery. ate! band1l. She could not breathe, She ally those in the hands of the plice. lightly gray, · OUR YOUNG FOLKS. MliUf ~~i;f~~:rwt~~e s:li~p~7/ ~.t~ft°:' fo!i~hoi~;~ saw tho spiritH;·,.yes glaze, but their blind·) 0 A BlJl'ttUNG MADHOUSE. Recea~uFl~e Warnings, J.B. MARTYN j I .:f I .. · .i . I , I ::~··;::;;~~~~~·;~sual~~ kept in aFirst d1ass Grocery, Crockery and Liquor Store. New Dry Goods & Clothi g FOR ~ F A '.L L, 1883. if D EJFY ALL C 0 MPE T ITO~S I I E L L I S 0 N 8c CD. I . GEORGE C. HAINES, ' SLEIGHS GUTTERS WAGONS I ~~~~~~ :~~ ~~~:~~s~fesio!o~tii~.:.or ;'ai~~i~~ouu~ar~n;x~~~~~i;1;~~~i1es~: I I ICARRIAGES &c. I . I I I " I r cmld All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired r I , GROCER'IE --~. J AS_ ELLIOT , " Groceries, Crockery, Flour, Feect l , &c .. I 14 e- MAY'S Harness Emporijrr Team Harness...............$20 00 iandiupwardLCarriage Harness, double .. 26 00 · " " single.... 12 00 "' Team Collars ........ · · · · · · ·. 4 50 " ";,r Halters .......... · .. · · · · · · · · · 50 ·. Trunks;...................... 1 50 " W. H. AY.