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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1883, p. 6

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ROYAL CHILDREN Girls of the Period 'V\i nh a piernrng cry the wretched mn 1 hurr Ad out cf the door Jn this mannur Mr L!!.bouchere n London Truth thus The Intere 9 t ing Famtly or the .Prince of A Berhn telegram to the ondon S'tandard Mr L"'mpo1 t bt1de an eternal farewell to his gossips about t he girls ot to day ·when I Wi.lea says The ba ptism of th second son uf home and servants Prmce \.V1lbarr took plac m ti e S tadt mentally enumer ite the ) iung women T11ere is luck Ill odd n imhers That 1s Schloss Potsda n with 11 the pQmp and By a at1 atagem VI orthy of his reputat1ot"l married and smgle of my acq uamtance I ed b\ his royal ceremony usual rn such fest1v~ o "f the Inspector Knabman had brought Pandofilll find them all gmlty of flagrant self con the expresa1on mvar1ably u& to Mr L"'mport ~ho se sc10usness They succeed soCJally To highness the Prmceof Wales when refe ring Hohenzollern family The Stadt Scnloss is 1 need not dl'lell upon the trial whwh fol undervalue their own good looks to be to his five cluldren-1 is two boys an 1 three closely connected with nu erous memento"'s !owe l Buth v.ere fo un l guilty Eitch uuaware of the r own good points, would girls He1 royal hiffhness the Princess lof l!redenck the Great Almost all the was t1ansported tor the remnant of his far be a social error '[he taste of society is so Louise is th emost amiable of the three and rooms still retam the 1de ical appearance spent life Mr Lamp01 t died w1thm a ) ear vile that 1t prefers the flauntmg sunflower is 1 immature copy of her motl er The they had m his time Eo to day s so em of his sentence but Pandofim survn ed "is or the self assertive hollyhock to the rose Prmcess V1ctona her fathers pet has a mty the library of Freden k the Great has deportation to the antipodes for several veiled m moss to the fragrant Jowly mig temper of her own-impetuous ardent, hot be~n changed mto a bapt1s ~y while toe so years nonette or to the quiet, pmk tipped da.1Sy sm1hng through tears hke a sunbeam m ca.lled bronze xoom wa~ pr pared for the re Of vastly more mte1 est to me was the fate I differ from society and 1t calls me cymc showers while M aude whom Queen "\ 1c cept1on of the E nperor a d the royal and of the poor lady whose life I had happily Let me mtroduce you to the women I know toria idolizes has a d1spos1t1on somewhat prmcely guests be ore t e ceremony the saved In spite of all my p recautions, the and then dub me cymc if you 1.:an hke that of her r ght royal grandmamma tea room bcmg reserved fo the deft, ir cour arrest of Mr Lamport and the disrupt10n of hen the christen There is Nerera, wnose ha.1r 1a of that None of the princesses fear the q ieen al before .Prmcess W ii helm the household had serious consequences love y tmt between brown and gold and so though everybody else has a wholesome rng was over to be finally f !lowed by a gala Imn e 1ately For a time I feared the worst Even Dr plent1ful that when she shitkes it loose it dread of her most gracious maJesty, who rs dmner m th.e ma.rble saloo Dawson agreed that M 58 Garston had been fallsm glorious npplrng masses to her knees as exactmg as she is severe '.lhe dauo:hters after the Emperors entranc mto the b ronze m a more ser10us cond1t1on than he had sup Nerera l~ always railing at the fash10n of of the Prmce of Wales after the first formal room the august assembly rooeeded to the First walked the EmpQ ror posed But the recuperative povrers of false hair People who ha1 e abundance deep courtesy down to the ground is made bapt1stry youth ate enormous and good nursmg can of their own get no credit for it she says romp with the r grandmother as they would wearmg the chalD and a ar of R, worh wonders Three months after my She loves pnvate theatricals and wo11ld with one of the gom ernantes , and it is a and conductmg the Crow Pnncess who tirst acquambnce with Miss Garston she w1llmgly take up questionable acquamt matter of apprehension to the dowager wore a robe of white satin itn a diadem of was convalescent a.nces rather than Jose a chance of play ng marchioness of Ely who with the excep diamonds Next cime th Kmg of Rou In the meantime, the crms which Mr m a charade or posmg m tableau v1vant 111 t10n of the late duchess of Sutherland-the muma wearmg the uniform of the 9th Prus Limport s recklessness had made mev1table, a back hair part If anyone else s hair grand d 1cness-is most rnt1rnate with the s1an dragoons with the ms1gma. of the burst furiously upon the house of Garston is said to be of a beautiful color :Nerera is sovereign when the young prmcesses pounce Order of the Black E.i.g\e Hrn MnJosty es and Lamport The arrest and connct10n of 111 humored tor the rest of the day She upon the queen and dare to pull about the corted the Duchess of Al any lhe next the surv1vmg partner prempitated the dis hates the bonnet of the period because it ruler of an empire upon which the st n couple were the Crown Prmce and the aster But m Mr Sleigh Miss Garston had covers the bead so closely and detests the ne er sets The Princess Louise is the most Duchess of Schleswig Ho! tern mother of You had better stay for a httle while, a devoted servant and a shrewd man of bus1 hat of the day, because it hides the hair talented the Prmcess Maude the smartest Prmcess W1ll!a.m the Du e of E lmburgh, at any rate, I said Mr Lamport is ness It 1s not the pur!)ose of this story to Her maid arranges her lovely locks m a All three have a talent for languages and Ill the umform of a Pruss1·n gA neral with m1 ch behmd his usual time of returnmg dwell upoa the terrible struggle that ~n great coil or plait which goes tVI ice round are always delighted VI hen their uncle the the hereditary P mcess axe Mern ngen, !rom bus ness W1U you not sit down? sued to mamtarn the house from utter col her pretty head People s1ttrng m the pn crown Prince of Denmark 1s with them as and the Duke of .Alban\ m an Eu!!11sh I qui e1ed with excitement nor could I lapse, ar.d the eby to save son ethmg of va e boxes look down at her Ill her stall and then they chat m Damsh He is said to he costu ne 'II Ith Pr ncess Vw oria Then fol c~nceal it Instead or takmg the chair I Miss Garston s fortune Several busmess say what a beautiful head I She never their prime favorite and as they dearly love lowed Prince V\ 1lliam '"I d Prmcess of offered the man glared at me and made for friends rallied round the tottermg firm ; and wears a flower o diamond m those $hmmg a. romp the good ten perect uncle indulges Hohellz?llern, amt P l!l" I denc C'larles the door ' No no ' thank you I cannot by Mr Sleighs skill the h11b1ht1es of Lam folds she thmk s and rightly that they them with the clan of a lad of fifteen Ihe and Pr ncess C.i.rohne Mat ii le As they CH.APTER IV -(CONTINUED) stay port were d1sentangli d from the estate of need no bush Nerera 1s self consc ous princesses arc all musical 1nheritmg this entered the baptlstry th Emp es· m a " ill you not leave a message for Mr his former partner I am not skilled m I reached home m a species of frenzy lhen there IS my Lady Juno Hardware taste from their mother who 1s a superb white satm robe with a st ..ll diadem and commercial affa rs, sud cannot fully realize Her figure is magn ficent Sir Simon fell p1amste but who never plays outs de of her the Order of the Black itgle appe ared w hich alarmed my mother ar.d sister exceed Lampo t? I cried !ol owin~ him No , thank ~ ou I w ll call agam to the immense service rendered by the book m love with her at a dance You never own 1mmed1ate family circle The f)rmce from the opposite s1 le ereu pon P nnce mgly I am not of a demonstrative nature thus my agitation was the n ore distrcssmg mor ow and he shuftied quickly a.cross the keeper It maue !um famous on Change saw such shouluers- so white so smooth so is no musician I leave all tha t sort of \Vilham cond cted his cons rt to a cha rnear and the na me ot Sleigh 1s ·till remembered p rfect m shape Perhaps like .Mr Merd1e thmg to Edmburgh he laughs The youn~ the altar The I brary 10 he change t· hacl to others and to my·elf I told my mother floor But you must leave your name I ex m the romance of trade Soon after Lam Sir Snnon thou~h t that such a bust was prmces$eS havmg been promised a vmt tQ undergone, was a beautiful sight, ilJ'l_ith its all that had h-ippened without reserve and ports death was reported Ill England the made for the display of d1amonus Lady tile tower of London Ill "Ma) last wluch blue silk ta pastry and s1lve bord erCtaste m d01ng so I grew calmer Then we had a cliumed, hurrying before him He started back m alarm ' Never mmd establishment that he had brought to rum J u1 o is young and might be rather plea they 'II ere nearly crazy to see the Rev fully crowned oy the purp e 'Clvet draper long conversation respectmg 1\-hss Garaton H ow should I break to her the news t.Iat my name my busmess is not at all import h<td recovered and Miss Garston s fortune sant were it not for her figure It preocu Te gnmout h Shore, one of the q 1een s chap 1es of the altar The CroVI Prrnce took the was saved, and the man wh.o had accom pies her She is Jealous of every other well la. us, was 01 dered to act as their escort C1 o"\\ n Prmcess to the door of the bapt stry Mr Lamport was about to be arrested for a1 t Jn another secondlthe scene changed the pltshed the ~xt aordmary task was worthily shaped woman Ut Mr~ X she says I won t go 1f I cant go like any other where she r"ce1ved the mf t from the first " her attempted murder' A vast yes a fun how damental revolution was tremblmu around door was l astily opened hurlmg me to r< compensed Mr Sleigh became the snc can people a lrm e her I Look at her shout httl e girl the P mcess Maude I lady m wa1trng the Conn sses Keller ancl .her should its approach be announced or wards mv opponent who leaped back w th cessor to Messrs Garston and Lamport and ders-up ID her ears almost \Vhen told hate to have great big sold1c1s salutmg and Gersdorff holdmg the en s of t he purple was I to permit it to burst on her una ll.maz ng ag1l ty I turned to see who was with his sons advanced the old house to that Mr~ V\ is much liked m soCJet) L~dy everybody bowmg dowu to the ground mantlet which covetca th wfant prmce entermg and met the starmg eyes of the greater 11' fl ience than it had known pre Juno says wai:es l What l w th th .. t wooaen It s no fun and I want to go hke any other and wh10h was firot used at the oapt sm of 0 doctor there ar« four men lll viously H she is at all able to bear the com butler The Prmcess Maude c arried the present Crown Punce Tl e names of all wa1ot? Sl e can not unders and that a httle girl What became of the lady who hacl expen woman may be oharmmg without a good the d.ay havmg been warmly supported by the prmces and prrncesses apt ze l 1a it ar e lllumc11t10n tell her said my mother the hall and they refuse to say what they enced so miiny dark vw1ss1tudea? Was figure an<l s equally far trom comptehend her sisters and the happy trio du] the tower emb1oide1od on it The Cro u .Prmcess knelt · You will of course quietly pr her for want I think they are police men Beh nd him walked two st alwart mdiv1 Miss Garstcn s future Qf a happy compensa mg that one who possesses a perfeut shape it Women can endure far more than men hke any othe1 httle ;mls to their un down before the altar d the En peror suppose Besides 1f Miss Garston knows duals, who'-' alked unceremoniously mto the tory sort? To these q ienes which every need not necessarily conquer alt hearts bounded sat1sfact on The prrncesses are Wilham holdmg the infant thP ceremony of -that she is 111 no rurther danger from that roo n reader is constrained to put I can give the Helen 1s beautiful l'. on can not name a made to keep early hours-5 a m m the ch tstenmg was then perf rmed The m What 1a )OUr busrness? I asked a.uto amplest reply Miss Gitrston became my fault m her lovely face Ji.ornd man that will sustam her But alas Hcl"'n summer finds them out of their beds and Ill fanu receive 1 the names f vVilham Eitel w fe some time after her affairs were rester knows how fair she is I See the conquer flannel su ts for cahsthemcs Then break B tderich Chr stian Charle But where 1t she to go afterwards? I mat1cally E tel Fried To arrest this person answered one of ed to order For fo1ty now, we have mg air with which she walks the languid fast is very simple-as much st1rabout oat rwh a e anc ent names of t n ffohenzo lerns, -.asked ' I know she will not stay in Mr them V1h1le both advanced to the old man trod the world together enJOY ng a larger complacency of her expression as she dr ves meal and milk as they hke to eat no hot and are given m honor of t e Krng of Ron Lamport s house returned my mother cower n 0 on the sofa upon wll1cli he had measure of happmeis than falls to most the carelel:l!l negligence of her manner when rolle no heavy meals Consequently no mania wlule Christian 1s m honor of Prince ' Brmg her here "Your sister and I will care for her until fallen The c1rcumst:tnces which. brought us to she speaks These d·fects all spr ng hom dyspepsia I he1r dmner at 3 is equally Cristian ot Schleswig Holst n '!:he Crown ' His name 1s Pandofim l suppose': gether perhaps made us nearer and dearer one common source She says as plamly as pLun-a nutnt10us soup, a fish, and a JOint Pi mcess then handed the b ptized P rm e to .she is able to decide upon her fature You ' Yes sir answered the polw~man to each other than we might otherwise have though she were to speak the words - I wnh vegetables anrl one pie 01 pudcimg Puncess y"\ ilham when the Hened1ction was are sure that she will r ecover ' 'Mr Da"ll son is pos1t1ve of it, I return ' I am to watt here until Inspector Knab been We are st II sweethearts for time am a beautiful woman I need not there Their greatest d1ss1pat10n is wa tmg up to pronounced by Dr Koegel Thereupon the Ed ' lil' says I have been mistaken as to ma,u ooinee =Now, l"andofil:u p11t out your though 1t has trQ.n~f9rmed us externally haij fore, take the trouble to be 11greea.ble To help dress mamma for a ball The Prrnc ss royal an:i prmcely guests c ngratulated the :iot changed our Jove of Vii ales dresses her daughters m the plam Prmcess All the other uests followed the {lenl i>he haij been IU Ot tha,t I wr1~ts be beautiful 1s enough ....,.. e lmserable old man fought w1th the I THE E}iD :iny QWU f'Plll.IOU Still I Am bound to ad Mrs Dash 1s as beautiful as Helen and est pCJsstble way-cahpoes ginghams mus with their congratulations n the adjom ng ......,.-.....· · - - - - she khows 1t bl\.t hides the knowledge bet hns, and fla.nnel bemg de nguer No c6r tea room Among the gues s wer" Ru John '?nit that she has rallied marvellously m a desperation of an entrapped t1ge ere the JEWS IN RU:ISIA. ter Her ooquett sh airs and greces sit well sets no t ghtness of any k111d and as for Walsham the BntIBh char e d affaires i.ll few hours If I find her stronger when I handouffa were fixed to his skeleton I mbs on her They suit her piquant style and ornaments such as rmgs ear rings or brace the m1msters of state and vanoua prrn ces return, I shall venture to tell her a few par Both tt e policemen VI ere blown and red Some of the Causes nf Late Disturb· her merry bright faCle Everybody says she lets her royal highness~ onld be astomshed and pnncesse· Prmcess v ilham imn edi t1~ulars about Mr Lamport bemg m trouble faced when they had done and they looked anoes f such an idea 'II ere so mu ch as mooted ately afterward drove to th marble palace Jfot I will not ment1011. the pmsonmg at their prisoner with very unam1able and so extremely stylish ews ·11 the world OHr will be well ad IS charmmg J w So she is And those who thmk so would She is very part1011lar about havmg the girls while the e;uests were enter amed at dmner Somethmg she must be told, to account for countenances as he groaned upon the VISed if they face the fact that there mus" probably have scar .. ely admired her as she mstrncted m sewrng embroidery :md all The ttble was beautifully decorated w th the chan11es that will take place m the floor The butler had witnessed the operation be some deep cause for the unpopularity was seven years ago-a lo"l'ely girl who manner of womans domestw work and con the silver service preseno d t o Prince an d house I hope Mr Lamport will not be ar rested at home that will demoralize the with the hQrror of a gentleman who had which their brethren have to endnre in nearly always wore white who blushed fre tmuo.lly holds up her sister ID law Lome as Prmcess \.Vilham by the Prussian towns servants and they will frighten my paor pa~sed l is l'ife 1n the serene reg10ns wherp Ruas1a It can not be supposed that Rus quently when she talked with strangers, a model m that r espect Little does the with the splendid vesse of gold! an d patient ll.Ild goodness knows what the re vulgar rascals are only known by prmted s1an statesmen are bent on prosecutrng the and even when teased by her father whom passer by imagme, as be glances up at the diamonds presented by Q een V1ctoua to The repo1ts of their domgs I recalled the good Jew)! because there IS no general reason of she adored She was a country girl of nine highest wmdow Ill Marlborough hou·c Prmce vV1lham on hm irthda.y .sult may be style beyond be1Dg a ti at beh nd t4 e blind is sea/ed the futu ie Emperor, at dinner sa between the It wad now nearly four o cloek I hurri fellow to h mself and sent him to the ser state policy wh10h could Justify them Ill so teen with no near ed to prepare Mies Gitraton far another vant shall to keep order and qu1'3t, b1ddmg dorng But, on the other hand nnmstcis thorough gentlewoma n m whom coquetry queen of England lovmgly surrounded by Empre~s a nd the Crown Prmcess must t ake account of a widespread feeling was still dormant Society prefers the her daughters to whom she 1s readmg some the Empress waa the Kt g of Roumama change Ill her fateful life fe ir ng lest it him remember the s10k lady up stairs Then followed a curious silence The which has been raised agamst the Jews woman of twenty six who is as practiced refinod ~d >rutruotc! ' ""'Y · lnlo "" huo ··d "'" th C<0wo might have been revealed by the event it tho Dako of 1!elt But all was Ill its wont ed order policemen sat by the door the Italian half owmg to the hold which this reople have 1n her smiles as any actress on the stage band, his cigar rn his mouth gazes at this Edinburgh taken upon the country as usurers and spec and ns her admirers say of her is all home picture w1thapleasureapprec1atedonly ..... ,..H deal with the reaction of the struggle re The fine old mansion never looked more She 18 so amusmg says ~veryone by a fathers love -Londo i 1 ruth Perhaps ten mm ulators m all the least reputable trades there 'l'h im pos1nir Upon 1t the after glow of a cl ned agamst the wall e Insan1ty Qu stion an usmg is to be a social sue frosty sunset fell resplendently , its wmdows utea passed when the gratmg or wheels was Most of the rural communes are mdcbted to and to be The Preservation of Forests gleamed with reJoicmg fires as thougli a heard on the drive and the flash of a car Jewir md1v dual peasants are so almost as cess Sometimes she looks back at her girl Why should a rr an who~as a hopelessly Mr Ph1pp~ who has been appomted msane wife not be divor ce from her and grand gala were Ill progress The ever riage lamp shot through the window, whose an 111vanable rule and a great n 1mber of rnh self and thmks with it little s1m11ng It was Mr land owners have been impoverished by sell sigh _ What an mnocent goose of a girl 1 Clerk for the Preservation of Forests has allowed to mau y agrun ? I would pr event green shrubs along the pathway were more bln ds were still undrawn issued the following circular which we hope a great deal of am and sham too and w ould w1tchmg ti an at summer s noon By the Lampo1 t returnm~ at last I heard him mg their crop for years in advance and at was l How different I a,m Dow 1 will be umversally answered by not 011ly surely not be contra.ry t o he dn me and side of the house a gorgeous conservatory walk swiftly through the hall and my absurdly low rates, to money lenders of the The Jews may urge that those personally addressed but by all who can civil law as well I he wo an m such ~case sent forth a glow of flowery love1iness that heart throbbed as he approached He looll:: Sh~ lock type Blsma.rclt, give any mformat10n on the pornto at ssue ia dea.d and as far as all m d10al science can looked like fa1rywork Everythrng bespoke ed uke a man under the mfluence of drmk they ha' e done no more than s trike good So Bismarck 1s gettmg to his close The determu:.e will never come alive agarn Is t he home of wealth taste, and luxury as he entered the hbra.ry- that far away I argams when they had their chance but TORONTO Sept 1883 it then fair that her husban should be k ept And m the house all was as usual the ser gaze that unconsc10usnessofsurroundmg ob it is never a. wise plan to take what are man of blood and iron is becommg weak Sm lia.ving been mstructed by the On va ntewcrep:usumgtheirduties from the kit Jeots 'Ihe spelt lasted but a moment He called mean advantages and to press them ltke one or the broken eggs VI h1ch m his tario Government to m~ke certam enqmnes m a condition of constrame w1dowerhood chen came a hmt of an exquisite re rubbed his brow glan ed at the policemen he1tv1ly when the v1ct1ms are 1u dlStress pleasant phraseolof(y, were nece5sary to ome relative to the dcsirab hty of tree planting or hve m open or covert oncubmage and past preparmg along the lobby tne portly then hts eye met the gbmmermg sta1e of There is a story of a Russian pr nee who lette malung But a. sh9rt tnne longer and and forest preservat10n I should be much vice? There was a case th other day of a butler walked lernurely with a plate basket Pan lofim who strove t o regam his feet havmg become heitvily mvolved sought to he will know apparently the great secret, obl ged 1E you would send me word if any man marrymg a woman ho had been his Here Inspector Knabman walked m evi raise money by the usual device cf sellmg and understand how far all h s rel g1ousness plantations of forest trees have been estab not seket per while for yea s hrn wife had " gleamin? and J nglmg m his hand Mis Garston was still improvmg She dently he had come Vlloh Mr La.mport five years crops for a comparatively small has been of the right order It is very cun hshcd m your ne ghborhood whouher only been a hopelese lunat10 m oronto asylum bad JUSt d1sm1ssed the attendant who had for be l ad that per on s overcoat m his sum m ready money H e signed a bond and ous work thmkmg over all snch a man must a few trees or many as even the experiment What VI as the result ? The man had to run held out his hand for the ruble notes but m snch circumstances be thmkmg of, and ;performed her tmlet and sh!! lay m the soft hand of a solitary tree is valuable Also if you out of the country to preve hs bemg tried ( now mform you Mr L:i.mport said only received a parcel of his own dishonored speculatm g as co how far his consetencc tells happen to know or can readily ascertam and punished for bigamy h le the woman languor of the fatigue it had cause<I The bills wl11ch had been bought by the Russian him whole8ome truths or how far it wh1sp why you are under arrest sun fell rosily upon the bed and lent a famt the mspector, when such VI ere planted what' aneties have was prosecuted for a1dmg a d abettrng him Jew from co rehg1omsts m London and Paris ers only comfortable falsehoods and con m the comm1ss on of that crime t \Vh1ch twt to the pale face lymg on the pillow be You and this man Pandofin1 are charged The idea that a.11 the scattered tnbes of Jews 'ement fallacies One after another the men been found to thrive best and on what smls was the worst 1 H e might have hve l with fore me A smile a bright welnom ng wich attempted po1sonmg and what method of plantm 0 has been used are m league to wrest money from the gen who have played promment parts on the Mr Lamport became ghastly pale and bmile, and a flash from the sunlit eyes, told I may be pa·smg your way and would be that wo<nan all his hie 1 cnm1nal rnter turned hastily towards the door Both tile 1s one wl\. ch prevails umversally m Rua worlds stage dunng the last generat10n are glad to see a nd enquire personally mto any course and nobody either ould 01 could that I was expected s a owmg to experiences of tins descnp makmg their exits And how cuuously I stood entranced for an mstant at the police n sprang to se za him But he improvements of the so1t but c1rc 1mstances have said a wo!)<} But as soon as he tried changes that met my eyes Hitherto the wa vme hem off saymg - ' I am unac ton, and then it must be added that m different those parts been, to be sure I may forbid this and a lrnc from you would to make his mistress an onest women by their dealrngs as publicans the J ews have It 1s not thmkmg of a greater contrast sick room had been darkened to a twilight , quamted with this man and know not why be valuable rn the meantime At the same mairy1ng her the law po11 oed on him as a the express10n on my patients face has he 1s here Vii ho says I am guilty of poison contrived to excite the hostility of the low than that of Bismarck and Ohambord And time, I would gladly kaow whether rn your crimmal, and all the 'II h1l his wife was a est most turbulent classes of Russians ) et why blame the feebler and entirely m iabbermt( and hopeless luna 1c What ~ense vaned from supplication to terror and des mi;:~ Holding almost all the vodka shops they s1gmficant actor l He had not the necessary neighborhood any change m raudall or s the1e m that' Wouldn it be fa1 better · That you will know at the ;proper time pr1r Now all was radiant t ransformed drvmg up of creeks or rivers seems to have are accused of sell mg bad spirit or sellmg it equipments for a transcendent character Why did I thrill when I took Mrns Garston s answered Mr Knabman- Have you seach followed the cleanng of t he forest An to pronounce a lunatic afte a certam tune as c1v1lly dead and while compellrng the hand ? Vi hy did I tremble when I spoke to ed your prisoner' he continued addressmg dear and of allowmg JUst as much credit as Did he play !us colorless walkrng gentle arly answer will grell.tly assrnt may serve to brmg 11nprov1dent customers mans part with any measure of propriety? husband or wife to oontinu d marntenance his comrades her? Yours truly mto their clutches D1strnmt upon peas If so, it wa.s all that was m him eave them tree to marry aga n if theypleased? No, sir :But my embariassment did not last long R V\ PHLPPS ants an l artisans who have rm up long and why find fault with the man Then do so I had a duty to perform mfinitely more d1t Olerk of Presen at1on of Forests Ontario It loo! s like common sense t any iate,1law at the vodka shops while they were of one talent not pla~ mg the role of scores This time, Pandofim submitted to the will or not law ficult than any that had fallen to my lot --~ --~~ ~--And previously With the utmost caution I of his captors, and amid the m1scellany <>f drunk has been no uncommon sight m Rus the one with twenty or forty ' Salt for the Humu SY.Jtem then poor old vV1lham, the supposedly fi rst s1a and one case of this sort does more harm his belongmgs was found a small phial the opened the subJect of Mr Lamport s affairs Dangers from Imp The London combats the folly of I told of his business distresses how he counterpart of that I had received from Mr than a hun lred mstances of generosity can but the demdedly second or third m the some would be improvers on Galeo, who de grand drama of German umty etc What remedy "'-Ne are not citmg examples of Too much reliance is pla d on the sense would have to leave his present abode and Sleigh Mr Lamport had watched the searchmg J ew1sh exactions and m1sbehav1or to urge 1s he thmkmg about poor old man m these cry the use of salt as a food cond ment be of taste sight and smell m determmrng hve on a lower level, aud how Miss Garston would need another home The prospect of his confederate with a frenzied cur10s1ty any excuse for acts of bratahty an l rapme last days · What are his feelmgs as he is cause it 1s a mmeral The Lancet says that the character of drmkmg water It is a. did not alarm her, as I feared , nay she and when the phial was laid upon the ti.ble, such as those which have disgraced Ekater J st about to disappear? V Pry hkely he is common salt chloride ot sodmm 1s the most fact which has been repea dly 11l11strated 10nslav, but it is at lea~t that ID con entirely satisfied bonh with himself, his sur widely distributed substance ID the body that water may be odorle s, tasteless and seemed almost glad at the impendmg separ a groan burst from him Did you ever sec a bottle hke that be s1dermg popular movements bower irra roundmgs his history and his destmy 1t exists m every fiu1d and m every sohd colorless and yet be fu1l of anger to those at1on from her self styled guardian Then And then, England s own and not only is everywhere present but m who use it t1onal they may seem, one should take all who shall say It is a fa t that even a I ventured to offer the hosp1tahty of my fore asked the mspector The miserable man turned his away facts rnto view Much of what has happen Queen, what about her? She has her aa.d almost evers part It constitutes the largest chemical analysis somet1m a will fail to mothers house until she was convalescent In the meantime a rapid change ed and may still occur not in Russia only, nesses an:i her aux eties The very walls ort1on of the ash when any tissue 11:1 burnt show a dangerous conta mat1on of the · :and begged perm1ss1on for an mterv10w on He was no loni;:er cowed but Ill other countries where the Jews are of her palace are full of assoc1at1ons and all n partwular it 1s a con·tant constituent of water and will always fa l to detect the my mothers part These propositions over Pandofini somewhat disturbed my patient I saw Lookrng keenly at the mspector, Mr Lam settled m large numbers, would be mex of them are by no means pleasant The Jong the blood and it mamtams 1n 1t a proportion specilic poison If the water is mfected with that I had goue aa far as her strength port and myself m turn, he appeared to pltcable if one looked upon the Jews merely past looks hke a dream and then the future that is almost wholly rndependent of th" dischar11es of an mfect10u nature It 1s The sleep? No, not the last sleep, but quantity tha.t 1s consumed w1tu the food therefore urged that the sou ce of the water wo ild admit ot and b1ddmg her rest I left decide upon a new course of action 'Iurn as rebg10us martyrs - London '1 imes as Walter Scott puts it, the last and final lhe blood will take up so much and no supply should be kept free rom all possible her with a promise to retnrn later 1n the Ill~ to the mspector, he said lllgrat1atmgly awakennig more however much we m!ty take with our means of contammat1on by sewage It 1s Rect>gulzed 'I wish to tell all I know sir Mr Lam evemllg - - - - .... -<!( ........ _ __ _ food and on the other hand if none be ouly m the knowledge of pc feet cleanlmess i had broken the ice Miss Garston was port has had three bottles like that , po1Dt Personally, the most amusmg thmg wh10h Death of a Chrlstlan, given, the blood parts with its natural that safety 1s gu11,ranteed J>repared fo the inevitable and her cner mg with !us manacled hands to the table I en Jot ed at the seashore d1dn t cost me a The local European volun eer health comg1es had seemed equal to the sbock But 'He said he wanted somcthmg to'destroy cent There was .i, crowd along the beach Hon J Black, one of the ablest and best quantity slowly and unwtllmgly Nothmg I quailed at the thou~ht of the further the sparrows which spoil the frmt But I The German mother of five childrnn lost known pubhc manm the Umted St!l.tes died can demonstrate its value better than the m1ss1on Ill Alexandria, VI h re the cholera. fact that If albumen w ithout salt is mtro has been ragmg along bac is nnearthmg ~tram that would be put upon her enfeebled am not guilty , mdeed sir I am only a poor their father m a 3a.m and for an hour rushed at h s residence m York, .Pennsylvania, last duced mto the mtestmes of an ammal, no accordmg to the Samtary ew8 some very power.a, when Mr Lamport was brought to man , I never hurt anybody ID my hfe to and fro m search of him Then she sat month He was a member of the Cabmet m portion of it 18 absorbed, while it all qmck unsanitary cond1t1ons of t at city They Let me go home sir My wife is wa1tmg for down to rest and the three larger ohildren President Buchanan s a<lm1mstratiou and ly disappears if salt be added Th., con have found a large native c meteiy, under ·when I reached the library I cogitated me deployed with1nm sight ' Mother, come held other high and honourable pos1t1ons 1n clus10n the cfore is obv1018 tha t salt being which runs a canal with wh1c communicates Th.e mspector heard him q u1etly to the here cried one excitedly upon the courses thas l.i.y cpen to me the nat10n An .American exchange says The yonugster Should I wait where I was, until I learned end then he made a sign to his men who pomted to a spacious mdentation m the sand Shortly before he died he said to his wife wholesome and indeed necessar y should be a well the water of which 1s used to wash i f Mr Lamport were arrested, or should I took th~ prntestmg and beseechmg Italian It had been made by pres~ure not by scoop 'How can I fear to cross the datk river taken m modera te quantitrns and that absten dead bodies A drmkmg f untam adJ oms trnn from it is likely to be mJ unous tins well, and the canal 1s t e water supply .retnrn home to meet Mr Sleigh the book out of the room mg The woman eyed it cr1t1cally Yaw, when my Father waits for me on the othar of a crowded portion of th town In the -----~<49+ ~-Now, Mr Lamport, you must go with she presently rema1kcd 'your fodder made shore ? and added keeper as arranged? I determmed to stay, W oulu I were as com .l'J.antatton Philosopby mosques are 1:1tagnant p~o s of water used "alld so prevent any possible imsch1ef to my me said Mr Knabman - 'Here Jackson, dot py s1tt1ng himself d own , I know dot fortable about all I leave behind unfimshed Dars more true hg1on m de hoe handle, for ablutions prescribed by rehg1ous belief, patient I therefore wrote a note, bidding Brown take your prisoner he called loud m this world and then he breathed the the water m whwh bemg nchanged gets den dar Is 111 de aberage pra r ly Directly two other pol cemen who had Mi: Sleigh to come me without delay .A c t1zen of Rome, Ga while cro smg the followmg earnest p ray er De man what would abuse an enemy when mdescnbably foul Su h n isanaes axe d1f ao far remamed m the hall, entered the railroad tr:icks m that city got his :i1£oot 0 Thot most beloved and merclf II roorr They led Mr Lamport away each caught fast m a frog While trying to get He~venly Father from whom I had my bemg hes m trouble would not hep a fr1en m fi ult t o a.bat e bec!Luse of t e rehgous pre JUdwes ls 1t any won er adds the supportmg him by a should.,r I behe"9 he loose 1 ° sa.w the Chatt~nooga tram on the and in whom I have ever tnrsted 1f it be distress CH.APTER V De sensible man sometimes reads de fool N ew8, that pestilential dise se attacks such wo lld have swooned out for the Jacula Eitst Tennes·ee Virgm1a and Georgia road Thy will grant that my suffermg end and I must have fallen asleep, for I JUmped tlons of the crowd of sen ants st and mg in come dash ng over th e br dge W ild with tha t I be called home to Thee 0 my God ish book but de foolis h man neo r rea:ls de a locality ? sensible book up with a feeling of bewilderment as a vo10e the hall fright the man ier ked his leg almost out of bless and comfort thee my Mary In de sprmg nature smiles m de summer called out ' Dr L e1ghford It was the The cook who had lived with him for JOmt a nd came ne ar breakmg his foot B 1t ' \Vho held t he pass f Thermopyloo b utter who stood beside me t wenty y ears burst out mto loud sobs and the t1a111 was almost upon him before he d e MrH Coates has been fully committed t o she frowns Ill d e fall she sighs an in de wm agamst the Per sian host ? demanded the What 1s it? I asked, r ecollectmg my cried 0 master master I what have you c1ded t o unlace his shoe p ull !us foot out stand tnal for po1sonmg her husband t er she slaps y e1 teacher And t he e ditors oy at the foot self '.Am l wanted 7 done ? The housek eeper pushed through and leave the shoe to be r 1a.2hed H e acted Thmgs luuk very ugly t hough it wo 1ld I t am t de brave man dot will al e1s fig ht of the class spoke u p and sa i F ath er t I No, sir But a man 1s m the hall who the t hrong and said - What am I to do upon this thought and as he got his foot out uot be fair to preJudge or preJ ud1ce the when yer calls h m a l ar fur d e biave m an r ackon he holds an annua on every road wants Mr Lamp ort I t is very strange he sir, while y oq are away ? cau stan more dan de coward the tram ghded by- n anot her trnck m the uountry tha L r ms a a·senger tram · case The A' Boy A s the green apple " h b t " al around Dis the ba 1 tl).11t s lost on the gro nd C " :::: the :::: ci;:;otr ette 1 ak mg h n pale D s the dog '-<-' with a can on its ta I E 1$ the er raid that n >Lkes hirn lool wry Fis the fish i ng a d] ourth of July G is the games that make happy h B days His th" hooky from school that he plays l 1· the Indians hes 11;omg to s ay J s tl e Jack knife he s tradmg' away K is tbe kite In the sky scarce discern e 1 L is the hckmg for lessons unlearn ed Mis for marbles and melons sublmie N is the novels that cost him a drme lO s his old man w th a strap by the gate P ~ his toy pistol which settles hlB fate Q is the quarrel which bloodies his nose R is the rum he maRes to his c othes S s the sw1mm1 1g a 'ates snowballs and sled I is his tops and h s toys p a i nt cd red U is the ur.roar he makes when he s tanned V s his vim when hes leadmg the band W's his wh1s tie so happ yand shrill X1sX penses when ever hes 111 Y is the yells he e m1ts all the day :Z is the zeal that he shows at his play H. 0 Dodge i:n the Hawl e11e II has not come home yet Dmner has been wu1t1ng more than au hour Do you know what 1r ay be keep ng master so late? I looked at the butler to see if he sus pected any th ng but his face was only tan gu1dlv pertu rb~d \\ nat sort of a man IS he? I asked, 1g nonng his q iest10n A rather queer sort of a person air, a foreigner, and he is evidently ma hurry Do you tbmk he should wait? A sudden thought swept through me Brrng him m here I said · perhaps he will write a note to Mr Lamport, if he can not stay In another breath I was askmg the stran ger 1f I could dehver any message for him to Mr Lamport, or if he would make use of the wntrng mat.enals lyrng on the table HA was mdeed a queer sort of a person, of an a 0 e from sixty io eighty H s eyes were deprecating, yet susp c1ous h s smile m smuatrng but with a cruel cymcrnm pervad rng it He moved his hands restlessly, and bowed from time to tm1e with oriental abJiic t1on I do not know what to do he said after a pause 'Mr L11mport has written to me to meet him here l:Sut I cannot stay I am wanted elsewhere He spoke En6hijh very well, though with a strong ao c ent A CURIOUS CASE. 0 P'm1 I · 0 .... ........ f ~ ........

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