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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1883, p. 1

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· 'l'UR:MS :-$1.50 Pn Alf!fUK. OUR TOWN .AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Enrrox. .illD P:&o1·111m:oR. YoLUXE NEW SERIES, NUM:BER ~72. BOWMANYILLE, ONT.A.RIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1883. XXIX. ·NmrnEn 11. McC.B. McC. B. · N em '.2lhnertiscmtnts. CORRESPONDENCE. JUDGING AT THE FAIR:. Sm. -Why t.he judges st our Fair "ave the first prize for honey iu the com be to a 31b 1da11 gem of clear honey with about a.11b of comb h9nsy floe.tin!£. in it, inetel\d of the box of btiautiful clear honey in the comb shown as honE>y in the comb shQulcl be and really an excellent qnality, is a question the.' m11.ny besides your hnmble servant would be pleased to have satisfac· tiorily a.nawered. 6, 18sa. YEOMAN. MORRIS' CARRIAGE WORKS. One of the finest an<l most att ractive departments at the West Durham Fall Exhibition was the display of cii.rria.ges, prominent among which W>\& the !(rilnd collection from M··rris' Carriage Works, and the grandest foatm:e in connection with~heir exhibit oras that six: out of the eight carriacies shown by them were sold to prominent men in this locality. The main object of Mtrsction Waft their n1Hv Excelsior Buggy, the improvements Oil which every sensible man must admire. These va.lnable improvements are C')Vered by patent and received very hi~h commendation at the Indnstrinl Exhibition in Torontn, 11nd ·were pronounced by curia~e builflers and practical men who visited the ax:hibiti<ln to be the most simplE>, stylish and durable carriage at the exhibition. In ordttr to provide for the increaeing dem"nd for these popul11.r carriages the mannf·ct11rers· are now so n.rr1rnging the mode of m:i.nufscturing ~hilt lhey may be able to supply the demf\nd and compete wilh any other oarriaga firm in the country-I. PRo:r. DEGAT.Llli~ dancing cla9ses ar& increasing. He will be on hand next 'l' lmrsday as usual. A peculiar virtue In Ayer's Sar3e.pal'lll·~ Is that "'hlle It cleanses and purges ~ke blood trom all corruptions and lmpueltles, and there by roots out., it builba up and In vigor· ltt11s t~e whole aystem, ma.kos one young again. Jusli r-ind a olioio. lot of Baff.Jo blatik, whit4! ani gray Ja.psn~e Rohes M. ¥a1er'a. -ON-- Card of Thanks. MON DAY, OCTOBER we regain po~session 15TH~ To the Manager and Directors of the Sover· eii:n Fire Insurance Co., 1'oronto. GRN1'LEMBN.-l beg to acknowl~ge ihe .Prompt settlement, tbrou![lt yonr ageRt. Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham. of my claim In full for the 10116 of my ba~n in Mariposa bv lightning. JACOB POLLARD, Bowmanville, Sept. 22. 1B83. !70-tf of our One of the Best Farms on .which day that department will be closed for STOCK~TA·KING. W ~ILL BE I eadvfor Business ' I --ON-- TUESDAY MORNING. Hope to see all our old friends. McC.B. CCLUNG BROS'.----iilmi· McC.B. . FARMERS Who pride themselves in raising ' Fine Stock should consult their own interest and buy a sack of the . -THE BEST- Crawford Peaches - 11.lilAUTlNG DAILY A.'I Tfllt- A large quantity on hand and .Car Load on the way. URDOCH ___ __ M &wMANVILLE, __________ " " _ . , _ RUTHERS . ... B I _,,.J Cn.!l mnd leaTe your orders i! you wan I Pooches !oc pre&enlnl{. I will give them to you at a. TerY email pro11t, The beet etock of CONFEC'l'IONAltY to be fonnd in Uowruanvl)le Is at OOo<R>NOC. .mAL ~- ~1:=k~S~*~:t~~I~¥E~:: P. S.-i'laTe your money I shn,ll BQO'll haTe "~"""&"IT' Inge all good. VI'ell fenced ; well watered ; Mies Clemens, Tyrone, and Mills Sherin, excellent orchard~ In 11rst-class state of cult!· Yation; large hara-wood bush ot mapla'and Bown.anvi!le,ep~nt a few day of solid enbeech, Within one mile orLeskard,4. of Orono, joyment visiting Miss Courtice last week. andll of Ne~caatle Station. Terms reasonable. In the absence of Mr. "nd 'Mra Courtice Plowinir poasesston l\t once. Apply no D. SMITH, on the prelllises, or Lee- our school tea.char we.a called upon to kard, P . 0. 270-tf maintain order, but of course 'i"nally failed. · Mias Levoy iatenda leaving here on .tnday for a three-months' 1ojourn in E ARE NOW PREPARED TO Ottawa. BE'!f. pay the higheet m&rket price for any amou.n· of good shipping apples, and we will also ta.kc a.II common fr11it a.11d spotted apples TYRONE. or culls. Snow a.Jt1)1ee especlall:r wanted, we leave nothing ln the orchards to go to wa.ste, The C ~f . S. S. anntTereary will be held thereby !Raking it of grea.t for farm· eril to sell thei;r avplea to ue. Parties bringing next SundAy and Monday. ReT. E. R. &ppl08 to town will find ready sale for them a.t at lOn..m. and Rev.W . ·be Enpor&tol" 11t hlgtteet prloee. HJCNRY R. Barker at 6 p. m. C·,llection Rt each COMPANY, Burka old Store, IlowmanTllle. 1enic · On Mond111y tea will be served 2T0-3w· fr~m. 4 to G p.m. Revs. Young, Dyke, Wilkmeon, Oke and Ila.rtlett will addre1111 the after meeti01. Choice music by the scholar·, led by .Miss Bincha.m. HE CHAMPION CABINET CRKA.MER. Is the (lreatest 111.bor-iavlng invention or Lhle a.i;e. With half the la.bor it ENNISKILLEN. will make 2;; per 0<9nt more butter frona the 1ame quantity of milk tha.n by the u1ual method Mr. Jt. Hamnsh. before ·a.king JJOseession or of eettlna: !11 pans. 'l'his Is accordinl!' t.o my the resldenoe parchaeedtrom Mr. R . Sylvester, owu tee ting this aea5on. The butter Is of much ba.s a.dded great to It~ appea.ra.nce by giving it superior quallt?,'. as well as greater in quantity. a fresh coat ot vain t. Mrs. Wm. Wadge and family left here to The OSCILLAl'ING CHU UN is e&11y to oper· ate a.nd workw on tin entirely new principle join Mr. Wadge in M1mllobaon Monday laat. and ie being: adot11ed in oreamerlc1 where the They wlll be greatly missed b;i; their &asocia.tes in and around the Tillage. l'ho famll:r-membee· butter is me.Qo. bere ot the Methodist S. Scbool here were each . J, M. JONKSS, Airen·, ill0-2m. BowmanTllle, Ont. of them presented with a vety nioe volume by the school last, Their DOW horue is In Manttob!l City, !\fahltoba.. The largest audienoe tha.t has been ae1embled in our village for a. itreat length of tlDle con· irregated la the Presbyterian church on Bab· bath evening last to listen to a eermon by the Rev, John 8mlth o1 Er·klne church, Toronto. People came from a great cl!stance io hem· the Reverend gentleman, as he is well known aud highly esteemed by a great nlimbe;r in this An Educational Cyclopoodia and vicinity, ha.vior beon rot' manv years pastor ot the church here, He ga ve an ea.ruoo;, nnd · Business Guide. telling dlocourse 011 the "Sabbath Question." He did not believe In any kind of wo1·k on the An Instructor and Work oI Reference, fur· Lords Day unless it Wal! a necessity or tor sake Jlishmg accurate in!ormation, in the most ot h.~ltb. He denounced In strong terms practical form, onALL EDUC.a.'£10NAL SUD· SteaMboa.ts. Hail·we.y 'l'ra.lns,J<:xcurslons part· ,TEO'l'S, covcl'inll a. wlde ra,nge and in a more lea or any means whatever to make lnoney on thorough manner than any other Book extant the Soob'batli, Before ·oloslng the service he nothing approaching it having ever beon pub'. niade a atron!O' appeal to the Presbyterians present to sul)<1cribl'l itt behalf of the endowllshed in America. rt occupies 1160 PAGES. l<'tJLL IlOYAL ment fund of Knox College. 'fhe Ga!O'e series of School Reader11 are likely OOTAVO, a.nd consists of 'l'HREFJ VOI,UMES !SOUND IN ONE. ornamented by suitable to beadoptedm our Publie School here. despite headings, and embellished with Four Hundred Mr. Andrews labored lltarary effort in beha.lC and Sevonty Engra.vh1,11.a desil{nod to illustrate of tl1e Nelson Campbella Readers in hla series g1Jd~~t. AC1'1VE AGEN1'S WANTED AT of letters to the News. It would require a wholo colony of even good writers to eOD· li'or full particulars, a.ddreea SCilUYLER vlnca any unbia8sed entelll>ient wchool Bo..rd of the auperioriiy of the Iloyal over the Can· SMITH & CO., London Ont. 2724w adian Sorios ot school Ronde1·s for uRo in our countrv public schools; if boards ba.d the books beforo them to oomrare. lo a.ny case does JUBILEE SINGERS COMING. the abuse of an lnd1v1<1 ua onhance or deter1ora.'6 the qualities of a book for school purposes? Rn;ic:, The F1unoue Original T9nneeaee Untversiiy Jubilt!e Ringers will appear in O,OBOURO. Bowmanville on Tuesday Oct. 30th, for one night only. The press everywhere :!';fr. J. C. .E'ielde is in England ..... . 'l'h e Con gregatlonal church haa been undergoing enspeaks Tery highly of th11m 1 lt.8 witness lariieroen t and will be re-opened in three weeks the following : or so ... ... Cobourg 1Air Oct. Hi.17 .. .. .. Social assembly here Oct. 12 ...... A telephone pole Last niKht NordheiIDer·s Hall wa.s densely packed with an audience which Wl\8 more than here is 08 ft high .. .... W. MuDride, Holdimaml lost barn, steam thresher and 1200 bush wheat ordrnarily appreciative of the jubilee eonl's, balla.ds and shouts given in their natur· by tlre Sunday week ...... J. Plewa' bo.rn and contents, nea.r Baltimore were burnt on same o.l snnpllc!ty by the Tennessee University Jubl· lee Singers. 'l'here is a.lwa.ys something most day ...... Our towa avera12es one fire a week. ¢early ...... Alleghanian BellR!ngeraappenred attractive in negro minstrelsy, whether judged by its burning and unre·tralned excitement here 1"riday night . .. Burglary at Alex. Fraser's amoun1lng almost io frenzy, the comicalities of Tuesday night; ::!ilver ware stolen .... .. Gage's its lighter moods, or the tbousand·a.nd·one fea- Canadian Readers have been 'adopted by onr tures whiol\ present themselves in the interval Colle11late Institute Board ..... .'!'he Sentinel between these extremes. 'l'he pr ogfam or last Stai:· is gettin!!. lots of Gov. pe.p just now . ... .. nU?ht comprised twenty items, a,nd)he amoun't Mr. M. W. has taken an Interest in ot encoring tha.t was in:dulged'in. a.nd with the-W-or!djobblng department. Mot is a good every show of reason, lengthened out the bill workman ...... James Ca.ffrey was found guilty to almost double that number. 1'here were ot man-slaughter for stabbing Hugh McDowell three divisions- the first and partaking of here on the 15th ult., and sentenced to ten a rellp:ioua oho.ra.cter, the pieces being" Rise years lmpriaonmen t, and :Shin e," " MAetiug here to-night,"" Steal a.way to Josue."" Old l::!hcep know the Roa.d," Did She ·Die 1 "Behold the Light ""Every da.y be Sunday," "Goevel Train," ··Been Listening," "'fipoing "No! ot .Angels Wings;'" Mary and Martha.," .. 'l' "She lingered and suffered along, plnabout Jesus," "Lot it \-Vave." The Jubilee Singers deserve to be well supported. They inp; a.w11y all the time for' yearss," are a capital combintaion; Indeed, too much "And doctors Q.oing her no giood ;" praise oan scarcely be given, e.nd we commend them to all our song lovers. A matinee will be "And at last was cured by this Hop Bitgiven this afternoon, in addition to this even· ters the papers says so m'uch abo n t. " ing's concert which will bring to a conclusion "Indeed ! Indeeb!" this only too brief.engagement. There will be a n entire change of program on both occasloas. " Ho11o thankful we should be for that - MO;'i'l'REAL HERALD. Oct. 2nd. medicine." in Cla:r:ke for Sale or to R,ent. 120 ~~:;~.~·air~}tfot0ft. ~~~8 7. ~~ 1 ~h~ 'fownship of Clt.rke, County Durham. Bnild· oct. COURTWE. APPLES WANTED. W A Boon to Ladies. T ai Auction Sales. A liei of Mr. Phillip's sales are kept at the ST.t.TBSJUN office, where arrangement& c11n be made for sales without iOing to Hampton. OCT. 12lh.-Wm., Jut 7 con. 8, Dari in Qt.on, is giving up farmini and will sell hi1 f~rru stock,implementi.: furniture, eto. without reaorrn. His stock and Im plem11nt. are good. Sale at 12 o'clook, sh»rp. StJe pOl!ters. R. HutchU!on, .Auctioneer. SATURDAY, Oc r.13.-Mr. S:iruuel Gilber t , l~t 22, con. 8, Darling~o~, havmg sold his farm to Mr·. Luke Potter, will sell hls valuable farm swcl., imp lement'! &c., &c. Sale at one o'clock, sl111,rp. Sc~ pos·era. H. T. Phillipa, auctioneer. F.1tIDA.Y, THE BOOK .·: OF THE CENTURY CATELY'SUNIVERSAL EDUCATOR. Tu11SDAY, 0('):r. 16,-Mr. C. J. Bellwood, lot 34, con, 3, in tho tow11ship of Clarke, wi.ll sell i>y public auction the ' whole of his 'r&luaule .form stock, implements, etc. For p11rt1culars r ee posters. H. ·T. Phillips, Auct ioneer. WBDNESDAY, ~CT. 17:-V{, Br~wn, Esq. , lot l<t, con 6, Darlmgton, will sell the. 'vhole of hie very vl\luable grado stock farm implements, turnips, Im y, etc'. Sale at 1 o'clock, p. m., sharp. See large post~rs for particulars. H. T. Phillips, 11uct10neer. WEDNESDAY, Oc:r.17. -~r. John Y.Cole, Hampton, will eil'er for eale at the H<;>tel, Columbus, 70 a.ere· of !ti.nd, being part of lot 9,coa. 5, Eaet Whitby. Good soil, well ,..atered, and conveniently situated. Good graiu a.nd atock form. At the aame time a.nd pl1>ee he will sell two lots in Brooldm Village. S"o large po1ters for particulars. Sale at 2 o'clock. John McGlll, Auctioneer. SATURDAY,OoT. 20.-Mr. George Gilbert, lo~ 30, con. 2, Datllmgton, will sell the whole ?f hie f1mil stock, implements~ . etc., Without roeerTe. S..le at 1 o 'clock sharp. See bills for particulars. Il .T: Phillipe, .Auctioneer. Trr111snAY, Oct. 23-Mt". li". H. Masou, lot 23, con, 6, Darlington, will sell his entire lot of enperior horses, c:1ttJe, an? . improved farm implements, hay, furniture, etc. ~very thing must be sold, l\S he intends g oing to Manitoba. Sale a.t one o 'clock 11h~·rp . See large posters for full partrnulare. H. T. PhilllpB, auctioneer. THUR~DAY, N ov. 1. - Mr. S . W. Sanders, lot 23, con. 2, Darlington, will sell h is ·aln:i.ble farm stock, implements, e tc. Sale at 1 o'clock, 11harp. Look otit for podt"rs. H . 'r. PhilHr·~. A nr>fr, npcrr September 28, 1883. 0-YSTERS~ 83·4.'· FURS! ROBES! HATS! 83·4. :DON'T :BUY! Any SEWING MACHINE until yon eee the NE-W- R O Y A . L A , Just out, comblnlng all the best qualitle~ of ths Old Royal,(a machine which bas given unll'ors· al satisfaction), with new i:.nd original improve· ments found in no other machine. Among the many imprcsvements, it has a High and Lelli( Arm mak:lng it svecially adap\ed for Dress· making and 'l':ulorlng. It l· a very light running, almost nolselaSI!, Selr·Thre&<ling, adiust· able in all its pargs. t:i.& simplest 11,nd mo!!" complete Bobhin Winder made, New Sel!Threading Shuttle, all made ot tlrst quality materials. In a. word placing it head 1tn<l shoulders superior to all Canadian and equal to the beet American. JOUN S, DONEY, Tyrone , Special and Sole Agent. I also sell the HAYMOJl'D nnd '\.VHI'l'll! MA· amm~s and tho world ronmvned W AL'rYUM .WATCll. ' 'Ve call special attention to our General Cheap Cash 8tore, which is stocked wit h only first-class goods, wo do a big business, and sell as cheap and in large lot'! cheaper than many others can nfford to, aR we make no bad debts. N, H,- Send mo a card or letter and· I will ooll on you. ·~- ~A.YER .., .Manufacturer and Dealer in Mjnk, S. S. Seal, Persian Lamb, Russian Ls,mb, BeaTer, and Otter Mufi's, Bows and Caps. Ladies Capes, Fur Lined Circulars and Astrachan Jackets, and . Gents' Coon Coats a specialty. MITTS and GLOVES in Beaver, Persian and Russian Lamb, Kid, Wool 11.r:.d Hair Seal. ROBES.-Buffalo, Coon and Black, White and Gray Jap. Robes. A Daughter's Minstery. MoLAGOHLIN's P .l'J'.&N'l ' B u oGY .- Pa"Eleven our da11i;<hter suffered on tented Sept. 17, 188(), and May 7, 1881, A l iuj uactlons are i~ucc1 l·ga.inst certain a bed of misery, p11rtie11 for infringement on above patent, "From & complication of Kidney liver I Wt>U!d advise tile lJ.1.blic; 1st. Purchas· rheu mntic truble snu Nervous debility' "Under the care oi the best obysican~ era ar" liable ,at Jaw, and thi' cour~s are "Who gave her disease varous names eeTer., on infringements. 2nd. I will en"But relif. ' force paymsnt of royalty from every per" And now she Is rest(}red to us in geod eon huing pur chase<:] from other parties hea.lth hy e.s Hop Bitters, that we had eald buggy. Z63·4w. shunned for years betore using it, " --THE · Bin~el!I' Cotigh Syrup is beginning to Parents. Father is Getting Well sell Tery rapidly' again now the time of "My daughters say; the }'e~r for coughs and colds haa '1.rrived. "How much better father is aince he .Prepared and sold by J, Higc,:inbothan»& s.,n, . .. used B:op Bitters," . ---"He is getting W>'!ll n.fter his lon11 au:ffer· Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, fur-lined inll from · disease dat'.!Jared 'incurable" circnlan, capes, gent's coon, Ros dog, "And we are so );(lad tkat he used your black Ale.tian and Astrachan ooats a Bittors." A Liday of, Utica, N. y ; . specialty at M. Mayer's. , FoR crnmps, in th1utomach, bowel complaint or chills use Perry Da.vis' Pain Kil101.·, See advt. in another column. M. MAYBR wishPs to remind his numerous customers and friends that the cold weather is approaching and all parties wishing to hiwe their furs &ltered and reFAl.1.Ml!ill!I RBAD. -The best Horse and paired should brinJ;( them in early before Cattle Medici us arE> sold by J . Hig~in · the busy season commences, as the custombothani IF, So.n. er!! will receive tli.e benefit of beiog well done and at once. Fine Soaps, toilet articles and ehoioo perfumery in greati vai:i<lty at J. Hh~gin The Wild Strawberry lei;f is a good an. boih11>m .t Son's. tidote to the poison of the green apple D:r·pe1>sta inul Liver Co1uolntnt.-Is it not and cucumber . In other words. Dr. >rnrth t he s mall price of 7;; conts to free your- Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a . f · C l' Ch 1 "i b self or every sympton1 er tbese distressing como era i· or ua. plaints, if you think so call at our store and get sure cure or o ic, Cramps, Dydentery, ancl all Eowel Coma bottle ot Shiloh's Vitalizef, every has a. 'print· ed qusra.ntee on it. use a ccordiugly and if . it lain!;s so often caused by the irritating P . . docs rou no good it will cost yon nothing. J, olfects of uur1pe fruit. . ..... (271) Higginbotham & Son, wolesa.le agents. free will be. published the ST.6.'.l'l!SMA!f' wheu. the sale l>illa a:re printed by us. 10 ~Notice ot sales 8 h, Whnt a Congh ?- Will you heod the warning. 'l'he signal pel'l1aps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption, Ask yourselves If you cu.n afford for the sa.k:e of saving fifty cents, to run tho risk and do ,tor It. 'Ye know from oxpor1encc that Shiloh e Cure w11l Clure your Cough. It never fll..lls. This explaint1 why more than a. Million Bottl e~ werei sold rlnt"iny past yeal'. It relieves Croup, Bnd Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not b~ without it. For Lame Back , Side or Chest.use Shiloh's Porous Plaster J, Higginbo~ham& Son, Wholesnlo a.nd R etad SlleDtH. l'le\·er Give Up.-H you are sufl'cring w ith. . . ~~·--~~--~ GENTS' · FURNISHINGS. White, Regatta, French, Oautbric and Wool Shirts, Ties, Braces, Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cnff.~, also over 25 choice lines of Fancy, Plain and Ribbed Under Clothing and Cardigan Jackets. ·JOHN s. DONEY, Tyrone. l ·r low and de pressed spirits, loss. of appe tite, general debility, disordered blood, weak coustltution,headacbe,or any disease o! th" bilious nature,by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. Yon will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow ; yon will be 111.spired with new life; strength and activity wfll return ; a.od misery will cease, and · t 11ncoforth you will rejoice in t.ho praise of J<:lectric Bitter~. Sold at fifty cents a bottle,by J. Higginbotham & Son, ox TJllJl'i'Y DAYS' TltIAL. TnB VoLTAIO BEm' co.. Marsha.II, Mich., will eend DR. DYE'sCm,JJ:HRA'l'ED.F;LEC'.l'Ro-V oLTAIC Bl!r.TS AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES on t rial forthirty da.ya to men (young or oldl who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lo stVitality and Manhood, a.nd kin,dred troub!ee, guara.nteein speedy a.nd compl.ete restorattonof health ll:n1f manly vigor. Adaress as above. N. B.- No risk:. is incurred. a.s thirty days trial is allowed. .P. S.-All kinds of Furs altered and repaired. 1 paid for Ra.w Furs. Highest 0Mh price. ONEY TO L 'E ND. -Loons et1.n be obtained through the snl>scrlber npon M Farut ProIJerty at an unusually low rate lntorMt. Fixed charges for Sol.imtor'lf fees. 'If', CUBITT, BowmBnville. zat-tr. of

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