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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1883, p. 4

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0\u!lrt crab apples, J Chapli'n, G w · T bl b Jesse Henry aod R Barrett showed ex· IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Do. fowls, brahmas light, W Wright, T E C B · c 1 "" 11 e oquet, ~ eman, T T Colace11ent carr1a11:e teams. . McClung & Darch'and Cowan &Linton T o emrm, 2nd and 3rd. Henry, T Ward. man, Jno Chaplin. Do.Jdo, of 1883, 1st 11.nd 2nd,' TT Cole12 table p~ar1, otherthau those named, Hand do, EC Bllnrnn, TT Colman D . Tfe~e .was hvely cG>mhpet1~io11 among~he showed several of their popular phws. I. smg e rtvers-over15 an s-11 entnee. Westcott his superior cultivator and iron man, no Chaplin. · F Burden, C Tod , G W Henr;y . Fisher. ' · ~-The interest centered in J J Virtm»s, harrows . A grand show of vehicles was Do. do, dark, S ·Snowden, Wm Wright. 12 :flemish beauty pe 11 rs, c Tod R ONE DoLL~ wi.JI pay for the STATES- Dr Mitchell's sorrel and RH Collacott's made by Morris'Carrialle Works, H1>ines' Do. do, chicken of 1883, S Snowden. Young, J Chaplin. ' DOMl!STIC MANtJFAOTUnER. ~· .,.,, bay. Chas. Williams also showed a styl- Carriage Works and McClnDg & Darch. Du. partridge cochins, 1st and 2nd TT 12 winter Nellis do, c Tod, J Chaplin ~1TDGEs,:--M.t··rter, H Elliott, jr:'f MAN for 1884 and 11.ll new 1uhc1:ibers get ish driver. There was a lively time too Coleman, WU Blackburn. s McConnilchie. ' et carriage arness, single. W Humph· among the drivers under 15 hands. HT PRlz~; LIS'l'-HORSEB. Do. do, chicks of 1883, let, 2nd 3rd 12 bartlett do, C Tod, J Milne, s Mc· Wd Ar%llltbrong. the papel" free for the balance of 1883. Phillip's black geldin~ showed to splendid JVDGES-HEAVY HoRBEB -Jesse Trull, T T Coleman. Connachie. o. o, Ou le, W Humphrey. advantal(e, and iu spe,d led the rinµ . D Jacob Pollard. Do. buff oochins, lat and 2nd T T Col~- . 12 dteldun do, S McConnachie, J Chap· Ses farm ha.rnees, W Humphrey, We will furnish the Weekly Globa, W~tem Galbraith's Molly Garfield was also a JuDGEs-Limrr HottSEs-Robert Mo- man . . Im. . Armstrong. · groat favorite aad opinion was pretty ment, G M Maxwell, Geo Pollai·d. Do. do, chicks 1883, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, l'.l Duchess D'.Angonline do, ·D Fisher, Set collars, not Scotch, W Humphrey. Advortilier or Mail on· terms. s':ib- eqnally divided on their merits. Geo. TT Coleman. G w Honuy, C Tod. Asson musical instrumeuts, D 0 & P Fisher's stylish pony deservedly won third Draugh~ brood ~are, .Toho Clemence, Do. dorkius, TT Cdeman, Jno Elford. 12 winter do, .!_ J Shaw, D Fisher, J Co. script.ions must be sent to M. A. JAMES, olace. M Porter's beautiful black mare James Beith, Wm Scott. Do. do, chicks of 1883, 1st sud :&nd, T Chaplin. Fine printing,M A Jtimes, 1sk a.nd 2nd. sho1Ved to ooreat advantage under the sad· Do. 2 yelir filly, Daniel Smith, Wm T Coleman, A Hobbs. v 11nety · pears, J Ch apl m, ' Col Photos, H C Tait. t h T r Coleman' D · f b M " 0 Bowmau'l'i!le, Ont. die, and vraa gracefully ridden by her ) c Do. Spanish, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, J Pierce. D Fisher. . call' >1ctory made lauketa, F Walden. owner. She got the red ticket for the I . Do. 1 .Yr old, Jam es Leask, R L Ralls, Do. do, chicks of 1883, J no Pierce, lsL. Auy other variety pears, T T Coleman. M~lOl ydsFfl'~~nedl cot~on 11mrp, Miss :M:c1 i>n, 25ih time. F Henderson's "Cologram " John Wil~ock. 2nd and 3rd. · l2 1 "al en, lVl;t"s C Young. D t It 2 1 t 2 d d3 d p um11, 1 st and 2od, J Cha.plin, T T D d ll l M took the blue. o. en ire. O'-' yr, s' n an r ' Do. Hamburg, silver spangled, C Tod, Coleman. o. o, a. woo , is.a McMillan, Mra B au d R Beith. WC Blackbtirn. C J McClellan. CATTLE, D0 d 1 H d RB "th w 0 o1 p 1urns, T T Colem11.n, J Chaplin. J) d f -1 F 1 o, yr, an et · m ger. Do. do, chicks of 1883, C Tod, 1 and 2. 3 bunches grapes, white, E C Bem11.n. Do. do, ancy p. ate ' J Walden. · The cattle exhibitora all appear in the Do. sucking foal, John Clemence, Wm Do. do, golden, David T Morris . Do. do, black, 1st and 2nd, EC Raman. Cu. o, stripe, Mr8 - McClellan. _prize list.' The animals were all in g-ood . Do. do, chicks of 1883, D T Morris, 1st Do. do, purple, 1st and 2nd, E C Beovedet, woolen or mixed, F Walden. ' Sow~A:NVILLE; J!~RIDAY, OcT'n 12. condition. R Coll8COtt & Sons showed 12 Scott, .John Wilcock. I A~t'icultural brond mare, George Gray. and 2nd. m1rn. Mrs n Pu\ter, Mrs T Pascoe. Durhams ; S11muel Allin showed a herd Do. 3 yr filly, Geo Wight. Do. Houdans, A Hobos, Jno Pierce, A G t t f . TT C 0 1 Do., all cotton. Mra J McOlellan. of Durhams-~ very large hull and eight Do. 2 1 yr do, Thos Burrows, Daniel Hobbs. rea est var1e Y · rn its, eman, J 5 skeins merino yarn, Mrs J McClellan, WEST DU~HAM FAIR. I All' Chaplin, ti- W Henry. M D L' k females. W Cocttice and E G Power & S "th S in. Do. do, chicks of 1883, Jno Pierce, .A Beat variety upples, I L Brown, G W rD·s ic ·b d mi · ' amne Do. 1 yr do, Albert Wa11hington, T G Hobb15, Jno Pierce. Henry, .A. A Gamsby. · o. cross an yarn, Mrs D Lick, Mi=s -It! epit~ of 11, 11ombinatio11 of oppo~ing 800 showed Devona. Celwell, Robert Virtue. D L h J l\foClelln.n. SIIEEP. ti1ruiitl:ll!tt.ncea the We~t Durham county P.ghorns, Geo H Stoc'-1"ng varn. any other k1'nd, Mrs J . colt; 2 yr, JVannes t ,JS' D o. en t ire oep h · '.l'iJt.,o. Tho· Percy. rown, W 'Volfe, · VEGETAB'IES. " ~ ·· The show of sheep -was unu,sually large. and Darlington township Agricultural So· Mr Albert Tamblyn, of Orono, exhibited eus. Do. do, chicks of 188.. , Th"'a Percy, C . . M~Clellan, Mrs D Liuk, F Walden. -> v Juncms,-I L Bi:awn, Geo S Shaw am~ P atr · h ome spun blan k .- RF" D o. do., 1 yr, FR .undi e. Tod 2nd and 3rd. · e t s, .. mrs ieId· cietie;' fall ~xhibition held on Tuesday and nine Leicesters, including tlte ewe lambs Do. sucking · foal, Peter Werry, S J Do. ieghorns, white,W Wolfe, T Hardy. Albert ~·ambl11n. ing, Miss McMillan. Wednesday of last week in this town was which took the prize at Toronto, John Williau1s. Du. do chick& of 1883, 1st, 2nd and Srd, 3 heads Winter Cabbage, T T Coleman, Pair do sheets, Mrs R Fielding, Mrs T a fair success. The weather-al ways an Elford, Bowmanville, had four pens of Carriage brood mare, Ezra Hall, E N W wolfe. Ptter Coleman, Thos Ward. Pasco11, Mies l\fo'Millan. Leicesters, and Thomas Hardy, '.l'yrone, important factor in the success of an exDo. Plymouth Rock, Jrio Chaplin, 1 L 3 he.. ds early do, Peter Ooletnan, T T Gent's plaid, M ra j McClellan, Miss J an aged Leicester ram. W B Allen, of Varnum, ,John Frank. Do . 3 yr filly, Levi A Tole. Brown. Coleman, Thos Ward. Joi!. .hibition-was e<1ld, clear and dry, and the Newcastle, made a large display with Do. 2 yr filly, William Cooney, R Bar· Do. do, chicks of 18t13 , 1 L Brown, Jno · Do, white c~lery,Thoa Ward, TT ColeHome-made carpet, Mrs C Young, F rnads were good. The grounds were ahm fo(1rleen Leicesters while Samuel Allen rett, I J~ Brown. Chap!in. · mau, Peter Coleman . .Walden. . in cnpital condition. Harvest was only showed five. R Collacott & Sona were. Carriage 1 yr filly, A Hogarth. Do. bantams, 1 ~t. and 2nd, Thos Black, 3 head.i!f savoy cabbage, T T Coleman, Rag ca.rpet,F Walden, Mrs J McClellan, very prominent exhibitors,showing eleven just completed, anq farm hands, wearied Peter Coleman. l'llr! C Young_ Do. entire colt 2 yr, J no Frank, Alex J Oke. Cotswolds and twenty Shropshiras import· 1 with a two-month's harvest, were only too ed from Shrewsbury. Daniel Dyer, of McCullonl(h, ' Do. do, chicks of 1883, 1st, 2nd, 3 rd, T :po. cauliftower, T T Coleman, Peter Home-made carpet filled with rags, F Do. do yr, Wm Stephens. Black. Coleman, Thos Ward. Walden. i;ti glad (o ltavc a holiday. The gate receipts Enfield, showed five 8hropshires, Daniel ·· k mg . f oa, l E N "'r D o. saIs1 'fy or vegetable oys t er, T T Rn,. D o. sue varnnm, E zra . Do. g .ame, red black breasted, D. Mc· "'" mat,Mrs Vf Joll,Mrs WP Pro r, .i ndicate an at.tendance of between two ,Pollard five Southdowns, John Oke sev· 1 Co1eman' p e t er Co l eman. Mrs W Joll. H a11' " "m \u· inght . Connachie, J no Frank, T Bl'Rck. thousand fi >'e hundred and threti thousand era! Southdowns, and W C Blackburn a l;Jpau draught horses, James Leask. Do. do, chicks of 18831 D McConnachi~. 6 Leeks, TT Coleman. Peter Colema.n. Pair woolen mitts, Mrs A A Gamsby, number of Leieeaters. Dani· aI S m1 "th P eca L d onuns, · J as S cott ' TT OoIe- Mrs Varnum, F Wulclen. flar1'cultural horse~ persons. Owing to the lateness of the D '· v . ... .n, . ' Do. do, any o. l her varitity, Geo H Tilt, r :SWINE. Jno Trewin, Wm B Allin. T Black, G H Tilt. Ju Smith. Do. fancy do, Mrs,) l'ollard, Mrs R J .aeaeon farmers are very bnsy threshinir, .As usual S Snowden was the leading Do, white do, T 'f C·Jlem11n. Do. road or caniage horses, Jesse Pair piaeons fantails 1st 11.nd 2 nd T Shaw, Mis~ A Windat.t. doing fall ploughing and marketing >rrain exhibitor of !urge Berkshires, anrl his ;Henry, Richl\rd B1urett. Black. "' ' ' ' I Do. yellow dll, Jw; Scott, T '.I.' Coleman, . Home coloring, F Walden 2nd, Mrs J iand many could not wel1 afford to spend a stock is the best to be found in this part Single road or cBrriage horse, in h~ri:te11s, Do. pointers, Thos Black, Jas Milne. Peter Coleman. , McClellan, 3rd. holiday. These circumstances, combined of Oant1da. WC Blackburn showed some over 15 hands, John Virture, Dr Mitchell, Do. frills, lat and 2 nd Thoil Black. Do. potato do, T r Colemen, Peter Pair wooleu stockins;11 or socks; Mrs J Do. barbs, Thos Black. Coleman. · McClellan, Mrs D Lick, Mrs A Varnum. with the holding of Whitby fair on the splendid young stock in this clasl!I. In RH Col!acott. Snffolks M Munday took the le'l.d. J 'rrick Do. do 15 hands and under, Daniel Gal· Do. any other kind, ht and 2 nd J as 3 head~ red cabbage, Peter Coleman, LADIES DEJ.>.AR1'MNN1', same days, kept hundreds away who would and Geo. Sanders also showed some very braith, HT Phillips, Geo Fisher. Milne. TT Coleman, Alfred Hobbs. Juoa11;s,-Miss Benwick, Mr.~ H Elliott, under other circumstances have been in pretty pigR. A.n object of specialinterest' Saddl,- horse, .M. Porter, F Henderson. IMPLEMENTS. 6 blood beets, Jno Crumb, R. J. Shaw, jr, Mrs JM Joness. attendance at this fair. The number of was a Poland, China boar shown by RY.ra L!!.dy Rider, Mrs Levi A Tole. T Burden. Fancy knitting, cotton, coarse, Mrs O CATTLE . JunoEs-J B Worden, Edward Dowson, 6 bloo.:\.turnip beets,Jno Murdoch,'fhos Young. · ~ntrfoa w1:w le~ij th,im some former. Hall. '.l' he entire shQ.w of swine wa,s highly creditable to the county. JuoaEs-Jolm Bussell, Geo Shaw, Geo Herwy luiddleton. Ward, Peter Colsr.nan. Do. do, fine, Mrs C Young, Miss a:Los· years, owing to the ci1·cumatances metionrouLTRY. Auide. Drill cultivator, McC111ng & Darch, l 6 parsnips, '.I.' T Coleman, Peter Cole- combe, Mrs U Young. · ' ed. 'rho STATESMAN feels particularly Durham bull, 3 yrs, Sallluel Allio. Westcott. m'1 n, E N Varnum. Do. do, with wool, Mrs O Young, Miss There was more than the usual interest, gratified over the success of this ex:hibitiO'n among exhibitors in this class. T '.I.' Cole· Do. do, 2 yrs, SJ Williams. Iron h11rrows, I Westcott, Cowan & 6 long scarlet redish, TT C')leman, 2nd Gertie Youug, Mrs Keys. in the face of so many opposing influences man lead. the show, taking in all 2u prizes. Do. do, 1 yr, R Collacott & Sons,Petor Linton. and 3rd Jno Chaplin, cotton, coarse,Mrs R J Shaw, S<>d pluw, Cowan & Linton. .Do. turnip do, lat aud 2nd J Chapliu, Mrs C Youngfrom the fact that · it was jthe only local J;n' lhe extra class John Pierce showed Werry. Do. do, fine, Mm R J i::lhaw. Do. bull C!llf, R Collao;iQtt & Sons, Dan'l - Stubble plow, 'McClnng& Darch,Cowan Peter ,Coleman.. ,paper th~t c~lled pul;>lfo ~tteution t.o 'the a pair of th~ newh. blreteld, bLanlg<!hans. dThe.Y _ &Linton. : 6 trophy tomatoes, PeterColeman,The11 Darned nettiug,Mrs C Young, Mra Jae ·t · d d 11 · · 1 "' t t 0 . ~ , are a cross m w \Cl ie rn l!U'\_,fre onu· .Dyer, Wm Werry~ au' an ma_ e ap~cia. euor tud_nco_ 11ates. The Houd1'ns b1usterecl rn stronR Do. milch cow, R Collacott & Sons, Wm . Ftinning mill, Thos Dingle · Ward, TT Coleman. Pollard, Mrs R J i::lhaw. · RC l S Democr~t w&gon1 James Morris, ~ McDo. atiy other kind do, TT Coleman, Netting in. wool, Mrs R J Shaw, Mrs O the people m the distrlct to attend. We· force and farmers who keep this French \··r ,verry, ol acott & one. r p (' J "' · h Clang & Darch. ' eter ,oleman, as cim1t . Young. .feel pleased to learn that so many read our variety give the most fav.orable accounts Do. heifer, 3 yrs, Sam'l Allin, 2nd ano. .' F Col tomat oes, T Tc <a.rm wagon, James Morris, George - oIeman, p e t er- c o1 e· Crochei with cotton, Miss Young, Mn 8l'ticlea and endorsed 80 heartily our seuti· of them, and it is surprising that they are 3rd, T G Colwell. · man. Geo Tait, Mrs A A (famsby. 0 1 2 yr ol d , lat, 2nd and 3rd, R Haines. D o. co, · T T c l p t ~ents. We felt sti~l more pleased at ~ee; ~~~vfn~~ ip ~~~~es~~k~th:~c~l~:~t ~at~: Collacott & Sons. ~ingle carriage, open, G Hames, James 6 capsicum,.-r1pe, o eman, e er Do. wool, Mins Emma McClellan, Mias Morri~, McClung & Darch, Colt1wan. · Bruce, Mrs A A. Gams]Jy, ing the people en1oymg . themselves so )owl, and· are capite.l layers of large-sized Do. do, 1 yr, T G <Jolwell, R Collacott T T c I p t c J Do. covered, G H1<ines, J Morris, 2nd Col do. do, o eman, e er o eCretonue work , Mrs D McDougall, MrB· fully and c;onducting themselves so order· · eggs. A1fred Hobbs showed seven patrs &.Sons, Wm 'Verry. Do. heifer calf, lat and 2nd, R Collacott and 3 rd. man . W Piere~, Mrs J Vancamp. ly '1uring tho day. Very few indeed from of. this breed, and Hugh M~Kay three Phreton, 01Jen, Geor!!e 6 ears sweet cl'irn, T T Qoieman Peter Flat berlin wool wor k, Mrs Geo Tait. - Hainea,McClun!! ' the coulltry were seen the worse of liquor pairs·. ~homas '.Percy had on view a bea~- & Sons, Daniel Dyer. Coleman, Jno G Renwick. Mrs Wm, Mias Young. Devon bull, lat and 2 nd, WmCourtice. & Darch, James Morris. . . t1ful pair of brown Leghorns, strong m h E G p & S W Do. coveted, lat and 2nd, McChma ch 6 ·1mmgolds, long red, T T Coleman, Wax flowers, p,ontl liiie~, Mrs Glover, . and the greater numbar left for tlte1~ the fancy points. Hambur!!s D Morris D o- m11c cow, · . ower on, m · "' Darch. Jno Mnrdoch, P eter Coleman. Mias Clara Wincliit t, Mrs King. homes early in the evening. was a lar11," exhibitor. W Wolf exhibited Courtice. Do. heifer 2 yrs, Wm Courtice. Pumps, Wm Coleman, E Hastings. Do. yellow globe, John Murdoch, T T Do., l\ny fanoy desig<t , Mrs IL Brown, We ware unable to r.Gccrtaiu the names wh\ie J.;.eghoras,..Houdans,, gold pencilled Grade milch cow, Jos 11cC!elfan, Jas DAI&Y Pll.OJJUCE. Colem·n, P11ter ColemiTm. ·p Mrs Glover, Mi~s Annie Winda\t. of the exhibitors in all the clasaos but and black HambUl'gs, and brown Lsg· Do. long yellow, 'f ' 0 o1ell)an, eter Embroidery i1e t, Mrn J au Pollard, ~ · Bhall mention some uf the exhibitor~ and· li-Orns. Thomas "Black made a speci'llty of L eask, 2nd and 3rd. Juncms-H Elliott, jr, a11d W Britain. Coleman. · Wm Colwan. \ exhibits iu each class, beginning with 'pigeons, games and bantam.a. J B Mil~e Tub or crock butter, :M:ra D Lick, Mrs 6 white carrots, Jas Smith, A Hobbs, Silk embroidery, 'Mrs E l:'t Young, Mts Do. heifer 2 yrs, Allin, Wm Werry,;ts. also made a good show of pigeons. Eddie Levi Skinner. · M Purter, Mr.;i Lnke Pottar. EN Varnum. ·wm Tapsou, l\fr-s David McDougall. Young exhibited a pair of ring doves. W 10 lbs d o \n · ro 11s pr prm ts, .... S B Do. do, 1 yr. Alex McCullough, Thos J.U.l'S 6 table do, long red, T T colewan, p eter Crewel work, ht imoi 2nd, Mrs D McIn heaYy draughts there were some very H Allin showed colored geese and Pekin Hardy, Jam es Leask. B ra d ah aw, M rs J os M c Cle11an, M rs D an 'l Colema.n. Don"all, Misa Kate :M:cM11rbry. va'l uable animals. H. & R. Beith's four ducks, . W c Blackbum, Chas Tod, G H Do. heifer calf, Sam] Allin. L' k '""' 10 · . Do. do, short red, Sam'l Snow.den, Jno Flat braid work, wool or silk, Mrs Jas 2-yr-old imported slalhons were the chief Tilt and ,I L B:rown were also successful SHEEP. 1<'11ctory cheese,J EL Cole, Hamp- Murdoch, TT Coleman. Reid, Miss Welch, Mislil J'.'oung. .attraction, tho animals being 1nuch ad· exhibit<;mi: 6 turnipu, Sam'l Snowden, Robt Burns, Do._do, cotton, Mia~ Clara Windatt, JuDGEs-T Whitfield, Thos V ickers Jas ton Factory. FRiJI'r,· FLOWERS, -VEGETABLES. mired. .Tames Beith's Canadia u bred 3Home-made do.' Mn D Lick. J 110 Elford. Miss E Loscombe, Mrs J as :Reid. yr-old stallion was the centre of a crowd Nearly all the exhibitors in these classes Syrnu1~s. 2 loayas of brQad, home·made, Mrs IL 2 tabl<1 squa.ah, T T Coleman, Peter Lace Honiton Hrnid, 3rd Miss A Mcof admiring spectators. V 1Lluable brood " . . Leicester OT Lincoln aged ram, W C mares were shown by W Scott, Jas Beith, appear on the prize lrnt, an~ therefore Brown, Mrs Jno Crumb, Mra EC Beman. Coleman. Connaohie. Blackburn, W ~ Allin, Juo Elford. · J" ohn Clemence nnd J Wilcock. There we P!'ss them ov~r. Exceptmg flow:e~s 2 hub bard do, Jas Smith, TT Coleman, Pomt lace, 2nd and 3td, Mrs A WhitDoz buns, home-made, Mrs R Fielding, Leicester shearling ram, 1st and 2nd, A were no 3-yr-old filliea shown. D Smith t~o display WtiB not up to for91er exh1bi- Tamblyn, W B Allin. Mrs E C Beman. R J Shaw. i1"t Variety of pr·esened fruits, Mrs Jno 2 pumpkins, Jas Smith, .Jno Chaplin, . Twi'iie lace, Miss E Loscombe, Mrs A an rl J Davey showed the 2-y;i;-.old filbes twns. , Da. or Lincoln ram lamb, 1st an-i 2nd, referred to last week. w Mutch and J DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Chn.plin 1st and 2nd, Mra T T Coleman. s B Bradshaw. A Gamsby, Miu Alice McClung. W B Allin, Jno Elford. 6 roots chicory, T T Coleman, J;'eter Chain stitch, Mise E McClellan, Mies Assort pickles, Mrs T T Coleman, Mrs Leask showed two fine fillies in this class. V?illie Humphrey was the lucky winner Pair Leicester or Lincoln aged ewes, W A A Ga.msby. Coleman. Phillips, Miss G Loscombe. .J Leask showed a promising yearling filly. of a~! the prizes ip .h11.rnei.s, his work B Allin, J no Elford. Do. jelly, Mrs '.I.' T Colemau, Mrs A .A Col herbM, T ·r Coleman, Jno Chaplin. Applique work , !Jnd Miss Welch. Good oneu were also entt;re~ by R L ,Ralls, hein,g greatly praised. W Armstrong, of Leicegter pair aheatlingij, A Tamblyn, Gamtby. 2 citrons, R J Sh11w, E C .Beman. Tatting, 1st and 2nd, Miss Rowe, M:rs · J Wilcock,.R & R Be~th and R Virtue, Oron.o, )l'as. ;i, worthy rival and took the 2nd and 3rd W B Allin. Clear honey, 10 Iba, S B Bmdshaw, D 2 water melons, T T Coleman. .Tas Reid, :Besides H & R Beith's 2-yr-old eutire seconds. Do. do, c;we bmbs, A Tamblyn, Sam'l Fisher, Jno S Doney, 2 musk do, TT Colemitn. Worked slippers, Mies Gertie Young, colti;i, D Mc:Connachie, J Vannest, Geo. 'l'he Dominion Organ & Piano Co. show- Allin, W B Allin. Honey in comb, Jno S Doney, Jno Mc· t bushel early potatoes, T T Coleman, Mrs W Tyler, Miss Waddell. .Joll and Thos. F . ields showed worthy ani- ed a. number of their world-renowned and Do. pen, W TI Allin, diploma. ' Jas Smith. Sofa pillow, Mm U McDougall, Mro male in tliis class . Of yearling entire colts \ golr j medal organs. , Cotswold aged ram, .R CollaMtt & Sons, Laui:hliu. H & R Beith and W Oger exhibited valuH C T1>it & Co. made one of the beat T G Colwell. GR.A.INS AND 1ri::1rns. Do. any kind do, Wm Allin; Geo W Kin~, Miss J ennie Climiti. nble animals. displaya of photographs we have yet seen Do. ahearliag, Daniel Dyer, Jacob MitJuDGEs-Jno Lyl.e, Jno Virtue, wud HeCnry, Jta11t SrniJth. S _th T T C Cotton tidy, Mra W Rowe, Mrs W The sucking foal.:i were nine in number here. . W i lliam Loclchai·t. o1 po a oes, .aa m1 , o1 eman, Tyler, l\:lre A A (:hmrnliy. . chell, R Coll..cott & Sons, all noble scious of noble sires. w Scott's' " 'l:he S·rATESJ\IAN office made the usual E C B"man. Woolen tidy, Mrs Keys, Miss E LosDo. ram lamb, L Skinner, J acob Mitch2 bushel of fa.11 whea~, 1883, Jas Leask, r Best and largest sqllash, T T Coleman, combe 2nd and 3i·d. colt by P.dde of Scotland was a bea11ty. display of plain ornament1>l priJlting;. ell, R Collaoott & Sooe. Jes Smith, Peter Col.i1pan. Embroidery, c'>lored ailk or la.ce, Mrs Ita d am is an excellent breeder, being the F. W'al.den, Orono, made an e xcellent Do. pair aged ewes, Jacob Mitchell, R Joe McClellan. Do. spnn~ wheat, bald, 1883, Thos Pas· Assort ve~etables T 'l' Coleman Peter D McDougall, Mrs Wm Colt-nan, '.Mrs D mother of two valua ble staUions. S Wil- exhibit of rag and home made CiArpets, Collacqt & Sone. J ' Coleman. ' ' McDougall. . cock's colt by Gen, Duke was· 11.lso a gpod . coverlets, ·plaids, yarns, etc. Ile takes Do. pair shearlings, Jacob Mitchell, R coe. Albert Tamblyn, Jas Leask. ' J?o. large pea~, 1883, Robt Everson, S · .FLOWims. Painting on velvi;r, Mrs Keya, Mis1 'M ?De. J Clem~ace's colt that w?n lat !R'iiei'.. thi;; lea&.,0 this .di~tiict in. this .class of Collacott & Sons, 2ud and 3rd E C Beman. . Joness. Jn Clarke agam took the red ticket. The -work receives extensive patronage. Do. do. ewe lambs, Jacob Mitchell, R .Allm, Do. small poas, Thos Pascoe. Ju1xa:s,--J Higginbotlw,m and Col Darning in net, linen or cotton, Mrs other colt exhibitor11 w.,re P Werry, A Mrs Joa McUlellan was also a very succe&s- Collacott & Sons_ Do. barley; not twu rowed, 1883, EC 01ibitt. , Jas Pollard, Miss Alice l\lcClung Mrs R Polla.rd and J Beith. ) Jul exhibitor of the same class of goods. Southdown aged ram, E G Power&Son, Beman, D McConnachie,Albert Tamblyn.· Col greenhouse plants, D. Fisher. ,J Shaw .LAri-i:Es' DEPAR.:l'MBNT Tlie i:eneral purpose class was also ,w elt ; John Oko, Jss Leask. Do. winddw !,lo, Jno. Chaplin, T T Plain quiltinr;, Mrs R Fielding ls~ and , Do. do, two rowed, 1883, reprosen ted. Six brood ma.res were ent'ei'rh d·· l · th· d · t · t Do. shea,rling ram, Daniel Pollard. ed bnt only Geo. Gray's black daisy refere 18p ay lll Id epar .men was pro· Do. oats,1883, Tho11 Pascoe, IL Brown, Coleman. · 2nd, :fy1rs Brock. Do. ram lamb, John Oke. red to lant week wns shown. I Geo. Wight's nounce.d very fine by th~ la.d1ee who sh?uld J os McClellan. Do. snapdragon, T T Colemim,Jno Chap· Fancy do, 1\fr,, R Fiolding, Miss J .folt Do. aged ewe, Daniel P ollard. / <> ld Ji'll · d k b · know best. Sc;nr:e articles that reoe1ved. 50 ears corn, strung, 12 rowed, T T Jin. · Gent's shirt, Mrs Chas Youn~, ' Mrs v-yr-o y lB a a.r rown Wl,_nsome . · l t t 'l d ' d Daniel Pollard. Do. shearling, lasti, the winn~r of lat prize at Cobourg speci:? at ten 10n wer~ a se o< .a _ies un er· Colem11n. Do. balsams, D Fisher. . Brock, Mrs A A Gai:m1by. Do. pair ewe lambs, Daniel Pollard, central, '82 ; !st, at Bowmanville In ·81, clothrng s.ho1wn by Miss~ Philhps,HampDo. do, 8 rowed, T T Coleman. Do. coxcombs, E C Beman; T T ColeCol ladies underclothing, Miss M Phil· Shropshire D own aged ram, R Collaoott '82 and '83. She would be hard to match. ton ; & child a d~ess by -'.'f1ss Emma James; 10 lbs turnip seed, John Crumb, A man . lips, Mrs Wm T11.paon, Mrs Jas Reid. fi · . wax work by Miss C Wrndatt, Mrs Glover, & Sons. Do . Rtocks, E C Beman,J no Chaplin, D; Child's dro:iss, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mn. 'I' wo-year·o1 d.. !hes were well up In qnal- M K' M' Aw· d· tt . d M ·I L Do. shoarling ram, R Col!acott & Sons. Crumb. 10 lbs carrot seed, John Crnmb 1st and Fisher. . w Tapson, Misa E James. ity. One shown by T Burrows, )!ired" by Brs.. mg,f islsl bmMa aCul' . rsM Do. ram la.mb, Daniel Dyer. ·.> f s 11 d · · t d · It rown ; so a p1 ows y IRS imie, rs· 2od, Robt Ever11on. Do. asters, Juo Crumb, D Fisher, E .C. Toilet set, Mi~s l\'.[ Joness, Mrs D Me· P r1ue o cot an , ls a p1c nre an mig l M D II M" M Ph'll' M K' 1 1 1 88 Do. pair aged tiwes, R Collacott & Sons. 10 lbs mangold oeed, John Crumb, lat ·Beman. Doua:all, M rs S C Billiar. , fitly be called the Pride pf We·t D.J.1rham. f .c oura · · · !1g ips, rs Do. shearling ewP.11, Daniel Dyer. Samuel Allin's voun·, " Gleniffer ,, 2 _ r- and Mrs K1iys ; pa111tmg on velvet b:y Miss and 2nd. Do. verbenas, T 'r Coleman, Peter ColeBead work M~s EH Young Mrs Keya~. ld ·k b " I · · Y J oness and Mrs Keys ; fancy q mlt1ng by SWIN~. FRUITS. man, J no Chaplin. ~ Miss Florene~ Bmmsall. ' ol ia,ralpretty "lal?' c. ean} andl spnght- Miss J J'lll and Mr~ 'R Fleldm~ ; toilet JuDGEfl-8 B Bradshaw, 'l.'llos B~trd~n, Do. pansies, Jno Chaplin, EC Beman, Lamp mat, M iss E McClellan, Mr~ A .Juom~s-Richard Foley; JS L·ick, rhn y. le year rng ii JeB m t 1a1 c ass were t b M 8 H (' H·n· t · th · f b 1 sple1;diJ oue~ (s1;e prize list). J Stephens ~~- Y G _ rlb " . ' 1 M ~r ; Al~ paiMn . iCn~s 1 Mutch and R J Shaw. TT Coleman. .A: Ga.msby, llim K"'vs. I d t · m.1ss · a. . ralt1 1, 1ss ice c .ung, ,J v 6 fall apple11, desse~t, S B Bradshaw, E Do. petnnias,t1ingl~, '.I.' T Colema.n,Pel>er Oil paintiug, 1Y.C1ss Mattie Me;Qlnnu, .and annest s 10we wo very superior M ' M J M. T 11 d M' M Boar, improved Berkshire, S Snowden. 1 6 young 2-yr-old stallions. Fred R Itundle'sM "~. lRCBl onthess, ~ d rn . anb Mtss t Cole man, Jno Chaplin. Miss .Alice McClur,g, Miss Lydia Trull. Berkshirii sow, S Snowden, 1st & 2nd. N Varnum. · · 13 L c ung : c penci 1 rawmg y as er Do. phloxes, D Fish~r, T 'f Coleman. Painting In wate·: colors, 1st and 2nd, Do. sow u·nder 12 or over 6 mos, S . Do. do, cooking, F Bnrden, J Murdoch, ye~rlmg entue c.>lt by .a~on em;o~ is a Arthur McL10ughlin Miss M Cherry Miss S B Brad1haw. Do. phloxdrum111ond1, E C Beman, S Mias-M Joness Miss Galbraith. bnght bay- o very promunng youth. Tw~ w· d t d M· -· J' d' Snowden, W C Blackburn. · ·l · f 1 · th' I · mb atMan s c us oness ; crayon 6 winter do, dessert, F Burden, .A .A McConnachie, R J Shaw. Pencil drin~ing, Mas ter Arthur Mesuc m 1g IJ!l ti In 16 c ass \Tere very SU· . H'll" 1\1' w· d ttrawd Do. boar under 6 mos, S Snowden, W 1 1 lug ~ rs , perior -P "\Verry's aud S ,J Williams'. .er, 188 · Ill a a!l Gamsby, IL Brown. Do. pink, <iouble china, E C Beman, Laughlin, Miss Minnie .Toness, Miss M In the carriav.e c1488 Etr11o Hall's brood Miss r.rull , dec~rat1ve paint1?g by Miss C Black burn. 6 winter apples, cooking, 1st and 2nd TT Coleman. Cherry. Do. do. sow do., \V C .Blackburn. · ·h f · E N ..,,r Galbra1~h l).nd Miss Joness ; pillow shame IL Brown, G W B eqry. Do. do, any other variety, EC B111man, Crayon dra\, ing, Misa Annie Windatt, mare was agam t e avc>rtt<:i. ' var- b M G T 't M" Pl11 '11' d M' Boar, Suffolk, Mark Mundy. 18 188 1 8 num and J Frank showed' good ones too. Y r!!I eo ni ' P a.n. ' 6 northern ~py, EN Varnum, R Bar:ua, T T Oolernr.n. .a Mrs SC Hillier, Mias Annie Windatt.' Sow, do, J llO 'l~rick, Mark Mundy. A 3-yr-old filly shown by L A Tole W fAc< 13~llman ; and a. frmcy card receiver b:I'. Col annu ..l out :flowel'!!. Jno Chaplin, D Decorative p&inting,MissMinnieJoneBt!, Boar, do, under 1 yr, Geo Sanders, Jno IL Brown. ld fill" Miss Ma1yd Mo~etta J,;mes.- lMr. f Yel6 King Tomkins Co, T T Coleme.n, R Fisher. Miss Galbraith 2nd n11d 3rd. .. · I Th e '> t.ho queen of h er cuss. ~-yr.o 10s 1 '1 d h. Trick. 0 18 were a credit to the ridiJ1g, J and D Mc.: m\' . 0-0~ ~a a.a. 1 l&n some ~ 8P ay , 0 Do. everlasting do, Jno Chaplin, EC Toilet mats, M re R J Shaw, Miss ~rE Sow, do. do., Geo 8:1.unders, Jno Trick. Young, IL Brown. Neil W Cooney IL Brown R Barrtitt n.ew wrnaow blmds a.ud r?ller~. 'Ih~ de6 spitzenbergs, IL Brown, T T Cole- Beman, Peter Coleman . Loscomb!l 2r1d a'1d 3rd. Boar, Poland China, Ezra Hall, Joll ohow!~g superlo~ l'l~gn~ of ~;e !rm"rn bemi;i: ~x~eef~ngly man. Do. double ziunias, E C Beman, Etching, Miss Welch 1st and 2nd. ·~ A H~garth and POULTRY. 6 yellow bellfiower, I L Brown,, T T Do. French marigold, D Fisher, Jno Darned socks or stockings, Mi1111 Nellie reprssentl\tives. J Frank and Alex. ~c· ~~:;~· w k~us~~:l~e~~s 8~~~l~ c:ll ea~ 1 JuooEs-Saniuel Oke, Wm Hall, Thos Colemu1, Jae Srnith. Chaplin, TT Coleman. Joness 2nd. Cullough showed ~ood 2·yr_-old. entire Variet Hall alld invest. · H Smelt. 6 ribston pippins, EN Varnum, F :SurDo. Africt1n ci.o,T T Colemen,Jno ChapCol fancy work, Miss Maggie Anderson, , colt~. Alfred Hogruth'!i yemrhng filly by · · "fl' . Orown Impm-iJ~I WM a blooming y111uru{ MI~c:EI.LANE·Jus. Jin, Peter Colemmn, Mrs Keys. . Pair geese, white, .Jno White 1 and 2. den, SB Brndshaw. l>o. don'ole portulacca, Jno Chaplin.. P illow sh!lms, Mrs GAo TaH, Mias~ M 6 golden rW!aets, l L Brown, EN VarDo, colored, Wm B Alliu. crnatnrti. E Pall, A Hogarth,' W Wigh& ·-Jolin McComb, of Or0no, made a capi· Pair turksys, color ed, Wm Allin, W C num, R B urns. 2 geran1u:ns in pots, double, J ~hapl~n. Phillips, Miss .Annie Bellman. and EN V arnum ~howed very hands6me tal exhibit of gloves of various k inds; foala, "Stridot1tway " blood ~ aking the Rev. 'E' R Young sho wed 'a ' collection of Blackburn, H & R Boith. 6 Rhode !eland groenings,E N Varnum, Do. d~, emgle, r T Coleman,J Chaplin. See next page for extrl\ prizes awarded. TT Coleman, A. A GamBby. 1fuchsm2, double, T 'r Colem11.n. - - - - - - ---lead. JM Leask'c heavy draught teiun 'valuable furs; J S Doney made !I big · Pair d ucks, Rouen, T 'l' Coleman. 1 6 St L11wrence, I L Brown, T T Cole· Do. single, TT Coleman, D Fisher. Mr. Porter will be at the .Town CleJi>k.lir' had no competitors, i.nd could not easily show of honey- over 300 lbs., the larges~ · Do. do, of 1883, T T Coleman 1 and 2. mar,, E N Varnu!'n. t 1 rose, T T Coleman. office to pay prizes on Thursday, Friday Do, Ay lsbury, TT Coleman, 1 and 2. be beaten. ever made here ; The Heury Company 6 janetings, EN VM'rtum, 'r T Coleman, Specimen plant in flower, D Fisher, J and Saturd~y-Ott. 18th, 19th a~d 2Qth. Do. dn, of 1883, T T Coleman. Th~ competition "l'l'!\S keen In geneml showerl an assortmen t of fruits dried by Ch0>plin. .3 .,~_'!. ::; -~·' ~ F Burden. · Do, Ptikin, .El & R Beith . purpoE9 teams. J Tre win, D Smjth, W evaporation . L Q nick had on view several 12 snow 11.ppl0.11; E N Varnum, 1 L F loral de~ign, Jno Chaplin. M.. MJ..Y·n ha'!! Ycceived hiei foil 1 ~k of' :Do. do, of 1$83, W B Allin, T T ColeB Allin and W Mutch showing the best Raymond sewing machines; and J S Brown. A A Ga.mab7. Floral ba.aket, J no Chaplin,Jst and 2!ld. . Hit>rd and Soft Felt Hat·. Call aod in1pect. man, WC Blackbum. j Doney several Royals. teams. .... = s a $t00--FR EE. - - rei 1 w·- I ou :In I I 1 · I ' I G I J , ·.

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