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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1883, p. 5

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· I G1nc .LUA.RD "must go" now. \ For choice Mantle good1.1 go to the Star THE next half-y..iarly meeting of the I House. '.l'hc public hereby cautioned against Gents Lambs Wool and Arcaic under· Teachers' Aasoci.. tion will be held in the\ pn:rcbasing any 'l'oilet l:!o&p until tboy h!'va seen the tr1m11u1dou11 stock and vary low prices clothing m all sizes at Couch, Johnston Hlf,lh School buildiu(?e, Bowmanville, at STOT'Th ~ ! JUR"YS Medical Ha.II. Pttan & Cryderma.ns. Friday and Saturday, October 19th and Soap a spcelp;lty. prioea ve.ry from 15ots a. do· 20th, whtm th·e following program will be Ladies' Heavy Hose................ 25c. pair. KISSING GAMES - Mr. John Sharp, upwards. c~rried out. Friday :-10 to Il a.m., Deleware, Ont, was fined $1. 00 last week " Best Kid Gloves .......... 50 JJ for ki!!t!ing a. Mrs. Emma. Granthim at a Metric S.vstem, E . Livingstone ; 11 to 12 a. m., Arithmetic, R. Grandy ; 2 to 3 p. rn. , social while playing the 0Jd.faah1oned " Corsets ................ 50 ,, iiame of "forfeits." She would not grant An Object La~eon-What If! it 1 G. W. Ross, M. P.; 3 to 3:30, PhoneHc Spelling, him such a liberty, an<i he w11s too sharp Clouds .. ....... ... ............ 25 each. R. Di>ridson ; 3:30 lo 4:30, Drawini,r, D. to forfeit the pdvilegegnnted him by the J. Goggin '; 4:30 ho 6, Home work by the DIRE(J'l.' lltlPORTATION. custom of the crrnntry. Moral-If yon S'fOTT & JURY have I just reoolved the must. kiss somebody, boys, kiss anyone Pupil, .A.. Lee. On Frida.v evening a lecture will be delil'ered by G. W. Ross, M . . finest stock ot Brushes (all kinds), Combes, but a young Ularried woman. Pert·umery, 'l'oilet articles. etc., ever ahown 1.n P. Subject, "The Cultivation ofa Nationthe Town. Their goods arc of the latest Paris The best value in shirts and drawe1·e al Sentiinont." Saturday :-9 to 10 a.m., designs and for quality and price cannoF be cx(a.ll wool) at the Star House. cilled, Oall and exarnin. The Model Teilcher, G. W. Ross, M.P.: CmuP Excuru.ION TO TonoNTO- To· 10 to 11, Emrance Grammar, J. Staples; STOTT & JURY, morrow, Saturday, \here will be a cheap 11 to 12, School Discipline, J. Brown ; 'l'he Leading Druggist!, Town Hall Block, Bowma.nvllle. e:xcursilm to Toronto by G. T. R. on 2 io 3 p.m., Enlrl\nco Fxaminationa, J. Local Train 'leaving Bowma,n ville at 7:45 Stirling; 3 to 4, Boor to deal with Indo- Ladies' Felt Skirt11 ............... $1 0-0 each. a.m. : return ticket only 80c; from New· lent Pupils, G. W. Ross, Mp. · The roll cas~le, 850. Good to ret\ll."n on !ll1y p11s- will be called at each session of the Asso" Knitted Skirts .......... 1 00 ll senger. till Monday night. The ciation and attendance published. gre111I atlra.clion in Toronto Is a Lacrosse ,... " Wool Squares ....... .. 25 Match, Shamrocks vs. Torontos. WEST DURHAM F AlR. T:aE Dominion Piano, manufactured at BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OCT'R 12. " Ham Stitched H'dk'fs. 10 Rowma.nvill~, which took first pri?:e at our EXTRA PRIZES AWARDED. Fair here, was purchased by Mr. J. C. Maple S)·rup-Sam B Bradehaw. Wesley, one of our town councillors. We Lanahan Fowls- John PierCI". congratulate our worthy citizen on his ex· Unpainted Caniage-Geo C Baines. ct:llent choice Qf so fine a11 instrument. Truck W11gon-G1w C Haines. These pianos have obtained a world·wide Cartwright Fair to-day. E·apor11.ted Fruits, etc-The Henry Co. reputation, shipmonts are regularly made PARTIAL lunar eclipse Monday. Coll.,ct1on Dahlias-A A Gamsby. to Australia, England, and a large order Hydrangea-Mra S C Hillier. I·'ouR columns of matter oro1Jded out. has just been received from Germany.Gauntlets, Gloves and Mita, men'e.E'ARMERS, what think ye of the N. P .1 Whitby Gar.ette. John McComb. Nico Dress Good! .. : .. ... 10 and'Hic. yard. The chGapest gray flannels (all wool) at STRU CA'Il'LE.-At this ncaaon of the Gauntfote, Glovea and Mite, ladie11'the St&r Honse. year t ere are:i always many o&ttle, sheep John l'\(cOomb. Heavy Wmceys ........... 5 11 7 and other stock going astray. It is nuCollection l<'urs-Rev ER Young. A Markham colt, 11 months old, weigh$ lavrfol to allow any stray otock to remain Dairy Cree.mer and Chnrn-J M J oness. Colored Cashmeres. ..... ........... 25 · 1,144 lbs; 15 hands. on the premises without P>dvertisiog them. Window Shadee-W C Tyler. ANNUAL f9-1teting of Curling Club Mon- The STATE~MAN is positively the best Raised ", dlly night.~~e advt. ' · medium in which to adverti~e, because it PhillipH. ]'lowers in Satin-Miss M.,liasa Velveteens........................... 35 FAR:llIBRB, bea.r in mind that Murdoch · is rea.d in -.very part of the district. A Colored Silks ..................... ... 59 Piitch Work-Miss McMillan. Eros'. pay CASH for egg·. farmer is very unwise to spend a week or Fancy Cha1r~Mrs ER YoGnjl. Floor Oil Cloth in all widths at Couch, two lookini for stray animals when 50_ ll Black Silks ......... .................. 63 Hair Flowers-Mrs R J Shaw. Johnston & Cryderrnans.. cents spent in a not ice in the STATESMAN Card BaeKet-Miss Armour, · would find them for him. See notices lu Bow~u.NVILLE is in p:rade "D" on the Ottom1m-Mrct1 W H Wilson. new lnsuranct1 cla11sification. ~ this paper of stray animals. Pair Vases-Mn John Chaplin. AUCTION SALES-See the long list ,£If Fancy Oa.Fd Receiiver-Miss Mary 111oM· CHAS. RBYNOLDS, Bethany, has a. 28 auction sale notices in the STA'.rESMAN. 'etta James. inch he·d of White Ruaaia.n oah. Last week this pa.per contained exact ten OoR inside pagai are V&ry interesting timCli as 11\any notices as the other local Many forget that the hair and scalp ne this week. Read iho new story. paper. There are two reaaoot .why farm- cleansing ae well as the hands and fee~. ExMR. TAMBLYN, of the High School, ers prefer getting sale bills at this office- tensive use of .A.yer's Bair Vigor has proven rooved his fa.uuly to town last week. · 1, We print a better bill and 2, a.notice that it fa the best oleo.nsinot agent for.the ha.Ir Go to Murdoch Bros'. for your Coal (;ii. ' in the S-rA:rnsMAN fo wort.h as much i:~ .a that it provents a.a well a.s removes dandru:tf, . Gui.ra.nhied to gh·e a light equal io gas. hundred bills from an()the~ office, ~sit ts cools and soothes the scalp, and stimulates Towelings ...... .............. .. ....... 5c. yard. 'l range o f a 11 qual 1t' f Cromp · · read by almost the d1str1ct. the halrto renewed growth and beauty. A f u1 tea o W d everybody t lm <:> "00 to ' O r Corsets at thti Star Housti. e are. St!n mg ou near .1 ..,,v pap~I'l! =----~Prints ........................5 and 10 ns ora. ~lie a week 3ust now. Our prices are low. :BIRTHS. , ~ - '°"Tll!!."vhora.l Union meets Monday evenM J L "k T t · d ing election of officers in Trinity church 1 h rf. &m~s ea:s · ta.'!~h ous, retohei ve HaRI'ER-ln East Whitby ,on Saturday, 29th Good Grey Flannels ............... 23 " ~ e o11 owmg pr~es a ~ e -~ ou 0 n· u1t., the wife of Mr. Wm. Harper, of twin sons. 1 sch<.<1 -room. tario Fair : 'l'hree year old Durham VtPOND-ln East .Whitby. on Monday, l at Scarlet Flannels: ........ ........... 18 You can ri::et ~ lbs. of Tea for $1 a\ Cow, 1st, $4; heifer Cll.lf do Srd, $2 ; Inst., the wife of Mr. John Vlpend, o! 11. son. at MudochBros ,as good 118 you aet from gradH milch cow, 1,2 and .:;i, $5, $3, $2; , HunLnun·i·-At .Enfield, o·n the 29th ult,, the pedders for $2. . 3yr 'Old cow, 2nd,~ ; best herd 5 females, wife ot llir. Jamel! llurlburt, ot a daughter· . MoCuu.oumr- Nonr Enfield, on the 29th REV. W.R. BARKBJ<, of Hampton, will lat, $5: fat cow, lat,$!:>. Blue ·peaslst, ult., t he wife of Mr. Donald McCullough, of a /"" preach in the Methodi11~ chureh of this $3; flax seed lst1 iZ; mangelds, long yel· daughter. WO'l'TI~N-Near l<)nflcld. on the Hh Inst~ the i<nm next Sunday mornmg. low, lst, $1; white carrots, 1st, ·$1; .col. Ou.a local cotem. sayij 'he united ~etho· ' lecti()u field r?ots, 1st, -$4'; be~t field roots wlte of 111r. 'l'hos. Vi'otten, of a son·. dists in Canada number 7,730,160 l The {:row:n from Ste~le Brps & C0 s seed, lat, DIED . . t-0tal population is under 5,000,000. t>lG; table turnips 2nd, $0.e@. STONHOUSE-Jn Bowma.nv11le, on Lhe 9 inst., · The French all wool Black C&llhmerea 8JJ-OOBSSFUL BocIJLL.-~Gn Wednesday Ullda Kate only daughter o! Charles and Jane .Mantle Cloths ....................... 6 7c. yard at the Star House have never been equal!- evening a very successful social was held Stonhouse, aged 7 months, 9 days. ed for wear and appearance. See them. -at the residence of Mr. R. 'Osborne, town ·~-- ._ - -·-.,..-·------ ·-----"S Canton Flannels.................... 13 Rnv. J. H.A.Rl<IS, of Bowman~iLle, will line of Cla.:ke and Darllngton. Tho disBOWMANVILLE MARKETS. II reach in the Meihodist church, Ennil!" :play. ol edibles waa e~1Jellent, ·and ample Beat 40 inch Factory.............. 10 t Sunda evenins a' 6.::30 p.m. JUstice was executed by the 25G pere~ns CorNCted. "'1' to 1 o'clock p.m. everr,i ThiU.f'Bcla11 I en, nex Y . present. After sup]!>er R.e,v. .J. Dy1'e Ill· II I BY J. &;D. McDOUGALL. Factory, goed ....... ........... ...... l'.i THE D.'!minion Or~an & 1:"mno Co., of iroduced a pNgramme of groat excellence.. Ifowman_ \?lle, t?ok firs~ prize foc both Th& rendition of music., both vocal and ch,apel and'-cabmet organs a.t the Central instrmnentBl ws,s ontrn.ncing. Tlrn genial Fl0ur, per 100 lb ·.·· _· .$2 75 . . to .. $3 Ot J l<a1r, Hamilton. ' kindness of the host and hostess waa ea· FaU Wheat, per bush. . . . 0 95 .. to. . 1 00 SpringWheat, per bush. 1 -00 ·· to. . 1 05 'fhe Star House now has the beet at- joyed by evoryone. Proceede,-$54.00. sorted and largest stock they have ever Prompt 1·elief in sick · hea.doohe, di.zzlnesH, Ry~:Cr buehel. .. .. .. . · 0 58 .. to. . 0 60 shown and cannot be undersold. New nausea, constipation, Plllinsin the side, etc.. Oatll;pAr bushel. ··.·... 0 30 .. to .. 0 35 goods arriving continually. guareutee·l to those using Carters Little Liver Pea-s.,Blue." ............ 0 65 .. to .. 070 " B!ackey"s ........ 0 85 .. to ·· 0 90 HANS WILBELLlNSON,ofToronto,brake11· , Pllla. One pl! a dose. 2i.c. ,, Small .......... O 00 ... io... 0 70 man on the Grand 'fruna:, was severely S;tLK MERGER AND·G.eNERAL DRAPERBariey,No.1. ·....... 000 .. to .. C65 cruahed between two earl! at Bowmanville We sold more Mill4J.ery and took mare No. Z· ........ 0~ 00 ... to ... 0 57 Yard Wide Steamloom ............ lOc. yard. on Wedneaday night of last week. orders this year tha1:1 o~ any previous No. 3 ········. , 0 00 ... to ... 0 52 Good all wool Tweeds ............ ,72 Tan STJ..TllsM.ur has three times the cit· show day so f~, which ts ver_y C')n;1pli· " BY JOHN XoltCU:ijTRY. cula.tion of any uthe-r paper in Weat Dnr- m~n.oory to Miss Comerford, our .1ead , II ham. Farmere aet 1ale bills at this office milhner. And so far as we can re?1ember 'Butter, per fu. beet table .· O 15 .· @ ·· 0 16 Good Heavy Damaak .. .,.......... 18 and a free notice in th~ pBper tha.~ every- we sold more Dress Goods, ulsters and Lllrd, l!" tb ............. .".<H3 · · ® .. 0 14 II .......... ... 25 b 0 dy ·reads. and other fine geods on Oct. 3rd than on Eggs, irJo,r;. .········..·. 0 00 .· ~ .. 0 20 Heavy Ta~le " . . any previ-0us day. We keep Turnbull'a Potatoes, per bul!lheL. ....· 0 45. -~- .0 50 Rev. ~· Smith, of ri;oronto, mil occupy Celebrated Fashioned Underwear ill fine Heavy Cretonne_ s ...................12i :the pulp1~ of St. ~aul ~ cqurch n~x:e Sab· Lambs W-001 for ltdiet1 and children in bath. Bn morning d,1 The lir.di.,e wlll ,scoi;irse will be .on combinatioa suits. "Sabbath Observance ; m the evenmg pleaae ' 11ee theie goods in &b.<t ladi·s' dt1Church Sorlg." partmen\. We keep gents' Shirts and HEEP ESTRAY.- Strayed on the MESSRS. J. MILNE, J McClung~ Jas. Drawers in the same goods. DICKSON'S premises, lot .3£, con. 6, Darli11gton, a ewe :Beith, J. Adams. W. T. Lockh11r~ and OASH HOUSE. and lamb. 'l'he owner ls rBqU1Jsted to prove property, pay expenses and tuke them away. A. Taylor were on the Grand Jury ln CoMr. w. y_ Smith, well known to many J,.A.Mli:S LEASK, 1'aunton. 272·3W* hourg last week from this riding. Mr. ST.ATl!f!Jl(AN ·readen, hning been raised in Henry Elliott, ·of Hope, WllS foreman. Tyrone, ie visiting a.t Mr. Younie's. He A.TTLE ESTRAY.-Came on the We have 'jnst opened out another lot hae been absent about 20 years. His premises lGt 30, con. 5, Clarke Thr,ee Young Wool Blankets ................... ,....... $2 75. Cattle. The owner Is requested to prove propof thoao beautiful Velveteens which have home now is in Boseman, Mcmtaau. His ert.y, pay expense· aml take them away. been in such great demand and which are experience in ~he West covers farminl(, DUNCAN MoCONNACHIE, Orono. 272·3W White Quilts. .... ............. ...... 90c. each. Bo much admired by all who have seen , freightini.:, mining and soldiering. Dur· URLING.- The annual meeting of Good Tieking......................... 14} yard. them. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. ing the war he was in the battles of Althe Bownianvillc, Curling Club will be Vn:n'iMEAN-The publishers of the New1 toona. Pass and Bentonville ivhere 110 ma.ny beld on Monday 15th met., at 7.30 p.m .. in the Rink Club Room, for the electio11 of officers Lace Curtain11 .......... ... ... .... ... . 90 pair. purposely omitted our name from the noble soldiers fell. Ill h!.s freighthig U · transaction of other business. M. Mo. prize list last week 615 winners of the first peditions he was continually exposed to and TAVISH, Secy. Bowmanvllle, Oct.11, 1883. and second prizes on fine printing. . This the Indians. Mr. Smith speaks well of fa only one inatanoo of. their innate mean· the land of his adoption where he has ARMS FOR SALE lN NOTTAbeen honored with election to an importw ASAGA a.nd Snnniedale, County of ness. -Simcoe.- A few flrst·class. forms for sale in the ant po1it10n of public trust in which he PRESBYTERIAN TEA. - Our readere who aboTe Townships, wltblna few miles ofSta:rner, is eure to do credit to himself and good st very low prices- for a short time. Apply can make it convenient sh4rnld attend the particulars to D.A. MAclNTYl'tE, Barrister Tea.. in the Orono Presbyterian church on service to the state. Mr. Smi·h Isac- tor etc., Stayner, Ont. 272·'1w" compalned by his estimable w1fe and boih Monday evening the 16th i~st. You are enjoying a cordial welcome and the P1·ize Poulltl"y tor 's ale. are sure to get full value for your money. kindly hospitality of many former friends. Mr. Yellowleee, of this.. town, is one of HITE AND .l:HWWN LEGHORN Gent~· Suite of Underwear.... $0 65.each. CHINA "\V.EDDING.- '"Tls sweet to bo the speakers. Chicks of 1883. .A. warded P.rlzea at Inremembered" in a kindly way by oae'B and West Dlll"ham Exhibitions. Prices White Dress Shirts ............... 0 60 11 CHEAP LrnRARY-St.Panl's Presbyterian friends-a fact which was exemplified in du.stria.l reasonable. ·w. J. WOLF~. C!Ule Sb.op Organ Sabbath School, Bowmanville, offer11 for this town on Friday evening last, on which Factory, Bowmimvllle. i72-2w· Colored Shirts.... .... ............. 0 75 " sale the whole of their library, consisting occasion a "surprise party" numberin~ of some 600 volumes. A sweeping re- about fifty friends took peaceable poasesFancy Flannel Shirts.... ........ 1 25 duction on prices will be made. .Any sion of Mr. Thomas MeClung's family school requiring good books at low prices mansion, to celebrate the twentieth anA. 'BOUT 70 RIVES OF ITALIAN will please apply immediately to '.l'hos. niversary of the wedding day of the worthy .1::11. BEIC8, In Jlrst-olass oondl.ion, are ofi'ered Woollen Socks.............. ..... .. 0 18 pall-. for sale at a ver.v low price. .A.pply to RICH. Yellowlees, Bowmanville. 27Z-2w host and hostess "hose unexpected guests RUDDOCK, lot 2!, con.(), Clarke. Orono, P.O .. Mc111's Braces................ . . . . .. 0 15 272-<tw·· PERSONAL- Mrs . .Adair hae returned they were It wu a genuine surprise to to Darlington, after nine months ab1:1ence. the housMiold, but the vhitors were neverMen's Driving Gloves... .'..... .. 1 00 " bu~ She has been visiting her sister near theless welcome. Mr. McClung being up Mitchell, Ont.-The Misses Fa.nson of town was summoned horuti, and upon his ENTLEMEN, if you have, Arctic Underware .......... ...... 1 60 " Toronto are visiting their mauy friends arrival the " bridal couple " were requestpaint <>r dirt on your clothes I can clean in Bowmanville aud Oshawa after an ab- ed to appear in the dra"inl( room, where them and make them look like new ones. J.Jadles' Ostrich tea.there cleaned and dyed. sence of thirteen years. they were presented with an extremely Second hand clothing ta.ken in exchange. All handsome pair of candel11bra ll!ld ca:d work wl\rrll.nten a.t PEATE'S DYEING E8opposite T.releven's Shoe .ASHBURNHAM, M.,\.ss., Jan. 14, 1880. receiver of highly artistic :floral dee!gn in .'fABLISHMENT1. ---~--2711-tf Store, Bownui.nvine. l have deen very sick over two _years. colored china, tho w:hole formin1t a valuThey all ga,,re me up a.s paet cure. I tried able and ole~ant mement· wollthy of the the most Sillkful phyaioiaus, but ihey did ooea.sion. Tht). presenta.tion was made by not reach -the worct part. The lungs aud Dr. Boyle on bf>half of thoae aesembled, TRAYED FHOM LOT 34 OON. 8, heart would fill up every night nd dis· and called forih a fitting response from Darlington, 2 yearling Steers. one noarly Mrs. and Mr. McClung. A couple of white; 1 de.rk rod Helter; and one eteer 3years tress me, and my throi was ver ba.b. I old mostly red. Suitable reward for Informahours were then most happily spent in told my childern I never should die . in tion of tb.eir whereabouts. DONALD NC.CUL· 271-t!. peace uutil I had tried H-0p Bitters. I social intercouree, music and parlor ailluse- LOUGH, Enfield, P. 0. termin~ting with the nationnl menta have tak n two bottle,s. They have helped ' me very iiRteed. I am now well. There antbe~ and" Auld Lang Syne." We h~ve a speedy and positive Cure, for wair a lot of sick folks here who have seen Catarrh, Dlphthe11B1. Cp.nkor mouth and l:fen.d. how thoy helped me, aud they used them Ache, in SHILOH'::s ACRES. LOT SO, CON, ll, Dulington, CATARRH REMEDY. about ! miles west or Bowrua.nTi.llo, on and are cured, and feel as thankful as I A nasal Injector free with each hottle. Use Ii Kin~ston ltMd. · Posaesslon given at once. !! you health add sweet brGath. Price do thero is so valuable a medicine made. wmaD60 cents. J. lliJ,tginllotham &; Son, Wholesale .A.pply to MRS. HES'fER SQUIRE, Bo, 'Ville, or PHILIP TY'.LER, Maple Grove. (~7 Hf. MRS. JULJ.A G. CBSHING. and R& ~~· CAlJTI01'. PLEASE .. L~!~,~~ID~~!l will allow OF 2 PER CENT OFF all accounts before + _,.____,..___,.___ -~-'----+ ... READ A DISCOUNT NOVEDlllBE "We save cash discounts and are willing to allow same on promptly .. paid accounts. .. .. Local and Otherwise. THIS JOS. JEFFERY. T. Ca MASON. J. HIGGINBOTH Have SON, I " THE RELIABLE DRUGGISTS, eceived a large stock of goods LIST and are to supply their numeroua customers with for PURE DRUGS, . HORS:-£ and DY_E s·rurJ?S ~ CATTLE FOOD, OIL CAK.E, &c. at , reasonable prices. ~r.est ~ssured .. ' · with us may Those who »deal WITH that everything from our store has been carefully prepared and of the ·best quality. J"- HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, Pharmaceutical Chemists, Bownianville. · NEW FALL STOCK OF k·n T THE Boots&Shoes Large and well Assorted, Bought from the best Manufacturers. Also a ftne assortment of ~ rn ID m rK ~ ~ UA.LL A.~D We have on hand and still.making w ~-~ rr ~ rn ~ · First 'C lass Home Ma · e -work, suitable for Fall and Winter wear. 1\11 offered at. New Advertisements. ~"'\,.,~~'-"""" S UTMOST l.OWIST CASlt l?l!CESt EXAMINE. C C OUR BUSINESS MOTTO :-Buy cheap for cash; conduct business with economy ; give our patrons good value; and not 1ned.dle with other people's affairs. JOHN HELlYAR. F CARE. 83.5_0 WILL P.!.Y FOR THE GOO D LUCK I - --<.<.>o--- W A WATCH i; TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. Snbsorlbe novr. W~~.~~!... £~~. BE MAYN AR D ·I THE .JEW ELER all tbe la.test sty1%, le roooiving new goods for the F1Lll 'Trade In BEES FOR SALE. .. T. YELLOWLEES BOWMANVILLE. Town Property for Sale. l \ AORES oF FIRST-CLASS LAND ~ with young Orchard or 126 best va.rle~y o~ l'ru1t ~eos-Apples, Pears, Plum, Cherry & Peaches- and 100 Ornamental Spruce Trees. Good Barn: Well and Pump; fences In good rep"lr. Or will sell Resldenoe and nearly 18 cres pf good land and orchard, with abont 70 treCfl fn good boarlng- wlth Barn, Stable. cattle nouee, Driving Sheds; two good Wells and Cistern . . Everything in llrst-olass order. tuated on Liberty street north. W!ll 1cll on easy terms, .Apply to O. M. CA WKER.(27Hr) ARM FOR S.ALE.- 'rhe N9rtb Half F ot 10, Con Darllngtcn. 95 acres cleared. Soil. sandy loam. The farm ls well fenced Lot JElVJBLLJERY. Seta, Jl'ine line of Neck Cha.ins. Gold and 811\rer Lockets. Bar Pins, .Brooch es Gold and Silver Gem Ring 8, Wedding R.fnga, Ve8t Chains , and Gna.rtle, Bra.celets, etc. Dyeing not Dead. "\"VA. '.&.'CHES. I am eole agent tor the L11ncaster Watch Co., Wa.lUuun Watches. Swms ' Y!ttches. all size CMe-best make, dust ancl wnter pr~of Cases. G ()i,OCJi:S, 8 day and 00 hour Walnut Cloclls,Alarm Clocks, Kliohen Clocks; Nickle Olooks, ltegulators, etc. I expect In a few <lays to sbmv the latest thmgs 1n thls line, everything l'rom .. '!'ea Set to a NaJkl:a Rinto. Give rrM a. call. You wlll see · things tha;t, yon leaat expect., ~PEC 'l'AC LES. , CATTLE ESTRAY. S A. DICKSON'S I FAR·;M: TO RENT. 96 CASH HOUSE. &le ~enttor the R-OcJ" Crysta.I Spects a!ld Eye Glaeees. .A.11 kinds or optical Goods in Stock, and lo a good state of culti'l"atlon. Good build· Get your e.-es testeil by tile 0 PTOWE1'ER at· ln&s, nice orcb.ard or choice gra.fted fruit, and · MAYNARD'S. abundance of good Yrnter. It la beautifully eltuate<l within ten minutes walk of th· VillQ8e REPAiillNI G. of Hampton where there are Che- .l!'actorr, School. Churches, Po11t-o:l!l.oe, Stores, Black- Ftret o1aes repairing on .Wa.tohas, Clocks and smith !!hop Grist mill, &c. &c. Thl11 !11 one ot J ewelleryWarran ted. Old .Tewoliery re-colored. the best ~az!ng t&:rms tn tho Township. Poe· Give me A trial. Gold and Silvor ]>ought n.t lle8.ilion to Plousch after hll.rYeat. Apply to JA.l'tnlS STU.A.RT, Cobourg, or I. 1.i. BJWWN on -the \UlCtniaW.: · US.lf. i Maynard's, the Jeweller ·

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