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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1883, p. 6

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· I · it , a place he need to rent when he was said Will hurrieil ly, pnusmg for an rnste.nt Seasonable Domestic Recipes. MISCELL&NEOUS, alive ' at the gate "!.Yhich 1s the way to the sta· 1 ' Oh, yee, I remember her well, too : she t1on, please 7" CucuMBER PRESER' ES -G-ather youn! "Does poultry pay?' asked a stranger ' Of course, was the 11.sed to be au old flame of mine before B1ad The old gentleman choked and smiled cucumbers a: little longer than your middle of a mty dealer ley cut me out "Yes, rndeed, I remember " Paper Mill Village' On, yes,-N otth finger, and lay m strong brme one week , reply , ' even the little children shell Gilbert, all the same Tiley used to call it wash t)lem and .soak them one da.y and night out ' Mrs Bradley " "She has a daughter now, and one other Paper Mill V1ll·ge before the mills stopped m clean water, changmg this four times, Wilham H.orl).ce Lrngard an~uscombe Smg and the hills will answer , child -a boy I believe W el I, well I runmng, Oh, yes," aud then he fell to hne a bell metal kettle with vme leaves, and Sea.relle, the actors, had a fight 111 the Am Sigh it is lost on the air The echoes bonnd to a Joyful sound we're gettJ.Dg to be pretty old folks, you congnmg lay m the cucumbers with a httle alum encan Exchange, London Neither is much But shrmk from vowmg care. an<t I. But let's see now, about that est1 vVill stood and stared at him scatterecl among them; fill up with clear more than five feet m height, aiad the en mate ' "North Gilbert? Well, I am an 1d1ot '" water; cover with vme leaves, then with a counter was comical m its tury ice and men will seek you close hd, and green as for the pickles Do Will got the items m1:xed on the paper he Grieve and they turn t.o g0 (TO DE QONTINUED ) They want full measure of all your pleasure not bod them When well greened drop m Some sc1ent1sts have gone so far as te hold was makmg out, and had to begm 1t over But they do not need your woe e water, when perfectly cold wipe, and that cholera would come to this country 10 agam Fruits as Food and Medicine with a small knife sht down one side , dig from Egypt on the regular telegraph wires He took the depot side of the tram that Be glad and your friends are many , out the seeds , i:ituff with a mixture of chop· 'l'he ep1demio couldn't find a more rapid Be sad and you lose them all mght, hopmg, though with no especial pur Of all the fruits with which we are blees· There are none to declme your nectared wme pose or reason to see the fam1har, round, ed, the peach 1s the most delicious and ped citron and seedless raisme ' sew up the mode of locomot1on f travellmg from pole · <nut alone you must drmk life s gall boyish face: but it was not there. Only the d1gest1ble There is nothrng more palatable, mc1s10n with a fine thread; weigh them,'and to pole. THE ALI ANS -Mr. Allan, of .Aros, Scot station agent, stout and commonplace, whol~some and medtcmal than good, ripe make a fine syrup, allowmg a pound of Feast, and your halls are crowded , Fast and the world goes by smoked a cigar on the platfarm and idly peaches They should be ripe, but not over sugar for every pound of cucumbers, with a land, one of the leafimg propr1etors of the Succeed and g1Ve and it hel1;1s you live, scanned the car wmdows Then a young rlpe and halt rotten , and of this kmd they pmt of water, heat to a lively boil, skim, great Allan Lme of Canadu~n Steamships, is But no man ca11 help you die tllJ.ln came along beside the tram, evident!~ may mak.e a paDt of either m'1al, or be eaten and drop m the cncuml:>ers, simmer half an a thorough temperance man, and President There is room in tho halls of p!oesux<l 3ust alighted between meals ; but it 1s better to make hour; take out ; spread upo11 a dish m the of the Highland Temperance L ogue He For a large and lovely tram, "Pretty warm, am't it ?" said the station them part of the regular meals It is a mis sun, while you boil down the syrup with a recently presided at a meetmg of the League But one by one we must all file on master colloqu1ally. " Gom' nght up taken idea that no fruit should be eaten at few slices of gmgerrootadded, simmer five at Inverne.i~, and dehveied en earnest ad '.lhrough the narrow aisles of vam home 7' breakfast It would be far better if our rmnutes and put mto glass J&rs, tymg them dress The la-te Sir Hugh Allan of Mont· real, was for many years a total abstainer "Yes" The' stranger hes1hted people would eat less bacon and grease at up when cold PoTATQ JELLY -On one tablespoonful of from spmtuous liquors and tobacco "Juet's heve take a bundle along and breakfast and more fruit In the mornmg · leave it for Miss Bradley? Come on the there 1s an acrid state of the secretions, and flour pour half a pmt of bo1hng water, The population of New York city is esti· three forty express I thought that boy o nothm~ is s9 well -0alculated to correct this and when perfectly dmolved let 1t boil a mated at $1 2a0 000 There are 10 075 BY llABEL B EMERY the1rn d be down oy this time , he S almost as coollllg sub acid frmts, such as peaches, moment R~move from the fire and flavor drmkmg saloons a proport10n of one to 125 It was very warm ID the cars that night, always hangm' round ID the way some apples, etc Sttll, most of us have been with nutmeg, and suga.r to taste This is of the populat101'1 (J11ven1le a11d adult). where But you never can ketch halt of a taught that e.itmg fruit before breakfast 1s nutrit10us and easy digested by mvahds Est1matrng a family of five persons, every even m the rosy May twihght after the sun had aet. Will Prmce threw aside the evec boy when he d be any use" highly dangerous How the idea .originated Potato flour is obtamed bv gratmg raw twenty five fam1hes mamtam the twenty mg paper as the tram came to a stand still "Oh, yes," said the young man, with sus I do not know, but 1s certainly a great error, potatoes mto cold water The raspings fall sixth to supply them with liquor The at the North Gibert Junction, and put his p1c10us alacrity 'I can take it JUSt as well contrary to both reason and faets to the bottom like paste These are rmsed butchers, bakers', and grocers, snaps of the 'head out of the wmdow to survey the as not Fe~ch it alon thorou~hly, dried and pulverized For city number 7,197 the shops for the sale of The apple is one of the best of fruits iamiliar situation The down tram on the V\iill watched him around the corner Baked or stewed apples will generally agree mfants and mvahds p)bto flour may be hquor number 2 878 more than those for the .Amsterdam and Ottawa was a trifle late, of the bmldmg, with a httle scowl on his with the most delicate stomach and are an made into many agree11ble forms sale of food Of the twenty four members and the delay was greater than usual It own forellead-though 1uet why he should excellent med1cme m many cases of sickness DOILED 1IAM ~Boil three or four hours, of the Board of Aldermen ten are liquor sel was an ugly httle station at North Gilhert , have frowned over the c1vihty of one Green, or half ripe app' es ste'\\ ed and sweet accordmg to size then sk,in the whole of it 1 lers and two ex hq,uor seller~ (all saloon or stranger to another stranger he couldn t ha~ e enecl are pleasant to the taste, nourishm~, for t'ie ta.ble , then set 1t m the oven for half dram-shop m·n) .no broad eavea or fancy gables here, but a structure severely plam and unadorned as a quite explamed, The next da.y he hunted coolrng, and laxative, far super10r, m many an hour, cover th10kly with pounded rusk The G T R 0Jmpany has at last ta.ken wood shed A stout man m blue and white out of the dt:Iice m season to buy a bunch of cases, to the abommable doses of salts and or bread crumbs, set back for half an hour up the question of a r.t1lwav station m ran:; pink pond lilies at a floust's, and carry 011 usually given m fever and other chseases longer Boded ham is a.lways 1mprov~ by Montreal, m a serious wa.y, and before a checked shirt alee' es was rolling a huge 'ilackmg box along theplatform with a senes thern with him to the tram It wau the last Raw apple and dried apples stewed, are settmg ID a.n oven for nearly an hour, till great while has elapsed, the c1t1z'ns of the of bumps and thumps, and a young girl of July-a warm, sult1y Dlght-8ud he he better for const1pat1on than moat liver much of th fat dries out, and 1t also makes Eastern Metropolis "Iii be able to oongratu· Wlth 8 baby carnage stood by the wmdow gan to thmk about his vaca.hon 1t was pills · 1t more tendor late themselves on the possess10n of a build of the ilicket office, chattmg with some one For a week or two, unconscious Will Oh.arlm's va.cat1on, he knew If Charlie O"anges are 'lery acceptable to most RA::sPBERRY JAl\1 -To five or tnx pounds mg somethmg hke the thmg 1h~ presentmiide Four small bo'ls completed the visi passed by the httle station twice a day should not be at the sbtlon to night I But stomachs, havmg all the ad vantage of the ble population one 0 the number yellow without seemg anythmg of" Charlie,' and, he was there, hwd m pockets and a sailor amd allnded to, out the JU!Ce alone should of fine raapberr1es (not too ripe) add a.n equal Bonaventure sta.t1on is an uns1glttly heap quantity of the finest quality of white sugar whwh should have been carted into the haired and freckled had a pape; bag of mdeed, without th10k1ng of him more than llat on the back of his head. Will held t'he be ta.ken, reJectmg the pulp Mash the whole in a preservmg kettle , add r1ver lonj:( ago 'Ihe ne;v bmldrng 1t 1s peanuts and was donntmg them out mto two or three ti'lles ID the mterval ([he pu1k lilies 1u a careless ounoh by the wrn Tbe same may he sa.1d of lemons :rome about one qnar t of currant JUtee (a Jittle less thought, will cost a half millton, by the L·monade is wlll do) and boll gently until it Jellies upo time 1t finished granates, and all that class four ht'tle heaps 'lYlll e the oth_~f!l_fillit ma lmorn1ng train which took him the of dow edge A hundred thousand dOI ~won the edge the platiorm, 11 w)ung six lice of Smith, .Brown &; Co passed the " ~e don t liave those kmd of pond !tiles the best drmk in fe, ers, and w!ie~ thick a cold plate, then put mto small iars ~ tie 11 a Iara have already ·bee11 deposited rn the "battered shoes back and forth and watch J unctiou too early to afford much likelihood here, remark"d Young Amenoa eymg them ened with sugar, is better than syrup of thick white paper over them Keep in a B!!.nk of Montreal as a guarantee that the In"' the ptoblem 111 a very 'iong dnmon I oI ~eeing .inyo:q,e but the station mastPr &na curiously "Where d you get em?' ~qu1lb and othei nauseous drug~ ~n many dark, dry and cool place, work will go on wrlh hungry eyes. The Village street fall I oh:i.~.,c p;1.senget8 f Ulll the other r111ho11d. 1 j E'ronl a friend or mme,' said \Vilt u11~e! of cough, ~~SHED POTATOES -Peel one dozen large The Methodist clergymen are not w1 t1 out '.l'omatoe~ aot on the liver and bowels, and off at an angle behmd the station, revealmg One mornmg, when lt sto':lped fl.s usual, "Here take them, I can get some more humour even" hen m lJonference assembled, JUStaghmpseofwh1tecottagehousesamong Will did siee hi& smal 1 fnend at some You can give some to the teacher m the are much more pleasant and safe than potatoes and when they are cool dram dry, They have dtspensed with "obey ' m the blue mass and ' h ver regula.tors ' · The put m a little salt, pepper and butter ' add marnage ceremony, as far as the women are ihe tr~~_.1 ~he modest spire of a ~ray httli:i dtsts.tllle from the station, walkmg mornmg 11 On a.long the top of a 100°e pile of boards left bnt school's done " said Cha.1 he nnce sliould be used alone, reJectmg the a httle butter while beating Beit.t briskly concerned It is Just as well There 18 pre }latnted church with a fork fot five mmutea until l!ght and crnus httle obedience golllg at any rate, and \V11l was a Maseachusetts boy who had beside the railway-appareetly sent on Hu held up his hands, neverthele~s, and Skms when one 1s deternuned to exercise ai1thontv, been brought up m the way he should go- s~me househol\l errand, for .e had a milk caught the blossoms as they fell, "I II The small seeded frurts, such as blackber creamy, and. serve immediately. consequently he was well read m the pub can m one outstretched hand and a basket give em to Dora Shes crazy after pond ns, figs, raspberries alld strawberries, may Bll.OILED CHOPS AND S1EAKS -The ob)ect he will make his better half miml her p s 11shed wr1tmgs of Mr. Hale, but it was ID tile other Someone shouted to him- lilies ' be classed among the be11t foorls and medi to be attamed m broilmg a chop or beef and q s whether she promised to do so or with no consc10us memory of a chance sug an lllvlSlble nrchm from 1lehmd the sta ' All right, said Will, a.s mnooe11tly as if cmea The sugar m them 1s nutritious, the steak, says M:r. Matheu W1lhams 10 his not It shows, however, how thmgs are gestion in " How To Do It ' that A bright hon this were not precisely wha,t he had planne<l acid 1s C'Oohng and pur1fymg, and the seeds 11 Chemistry of Cookery,i. 1s to raise the movmg And then they (these Methodist 11 Say I Charhe Bradley 1 why arn't you "They re yoUis Do what you pllilase with are laxative vVe would be much the gam Juices of the meat throughout to about the fa.thfA';) are clear fur womans suffrage. .Jdea suddenly occurred to him-an idea which he forthwith proceeded to put mto gom too' them ' era if VI e would look , m(}re to our gardens temperature of one hundred and eighty Thats right too, even though Go1.awin. execution He turned toward the four ' Cause she wont let me," called Charhe The tram began to start and orchards for our medicmes, and less to degrees Fahrenheit, as quickly as posable, Smith does not bcl1eve rn it, and fancies urchms, JUSt begmnmit on the allotted m response. ' " Oh, I forgot/' ·aid Charlie, walkmg our drug stores, To eure fever 01 aut on the 10 order that the cookmg may be completed tt1at he will with his mop and pail, stop the shares of peanuts Let's see-"Charhe was " {>h, my gracious I Why do11 t you aloug the platform aud lockmg up at tbe kidneys, no febrifuge or dmret1c is super10r before t;he water of their JUICes shall hav~ pre gress of what he sucn absurd ideas. a common name He would try that. te1\Se ' same time, with some nsk of rollmg under to watermelons, whwh may; with very few had tune to evaporate to any considerable Not much, GJ!dwm, good fellow, even 11 "Hallo, Cha.rite· I ~.;tve teased " A11d be beg11n to the wheels 11 Mother said to give her love exceptions, be taken 1n aJCkness 11nd tn extent, therefore, the meat should be placed though )OU do get a new weekly to repre· It was the yellow haired capitalist wli,o deJectedly back over the clea.n, white to your aunt, if I saw you agam, and shed health, 1n almost unhIDlted quant1t1e11, not as ne11.r to the surface of the glowmg ca.rbon sent your ideas, and etc xesponded He ciammed a han<lfol of nuts planks, hke to have you co·ne and see us Sa.y, Olilly without mJury, but with positive bene as possible But the practical housewife B]J)Ert AnuLTERATIOl>S -ln con·tquence .into his pocket, and Jumped up Will beck "Tease agam !' shouted the pertmac1ous won't you' I know Dora-' Bat he·e fit Butm usmgthem, the water, or JUice will sa.y that if placed VI itlun two or three of the scarcity of hops year, and their oned him to the wmdow friend , but whether or no Master Charlie agam the com ersat1on came to a sudden should be taken, excludrng the pulp , and mches, some of the fat will be melted and high price, the temptatio11s to adulterate "Is your mother pretty well Charhe'· would take thIS good advrce was left unse~ end, for which the engmeer was alone re the melon should be fresh and ripe, but not burn, a11d then the steak will be smoked beer with less expensive articles were pro· "Yes, sir, said Charlie, evidently a little tled, for the tram Just then at,.rted off and sponsible over ripe and stale -J, S. Wilson, M D , Now here we require a little more chemIStry bably too 11reat for some, even ot beer mak. puzzled, rumbled away down the track. Several weeks passed after this without m So11them World, There is smokmg and smokmg, smokmg ers, to resist A C:i.nadian beer user 1n· " And how are the rest' are they pretty A day or two after this the boy was at the a meeting at North Gilbert Will had his that produces a. detestable flavor, and smok· formed the wnter not long 8mce that "beer well too'" station again when the evenmg tram ar shert vacation m August, and spent 1t m a mg that does no mischief at all beJond ap had run down a good deal oF late," and was GOBBJp. "The rest '-oh-Dora' Yes, she's pretty nved vV1ll caught his eye and gave him a camping out excursion through the moun pea.ranees The flame of an ordinary coal not, t herefore, :is popular a drmk as it once Wo confess to a very real if wholly fr1endlv nod and smile tams with half a dozen friends The city mexcusable sympathy for gosstp As long, fire is due to the d1st1llat10n a11d combustion was, with ma.ny at least well, thank you ' The Chicago Who was Dora? His sister, proba.bly " I told em 1 saw you that mght," said office and Smith, Brown &; 00 s books were that 1s, as the gossip 1s not , 1mnp'y slander of tarry vapors If such a flame strikes a Times has been 1atormed that great loads of :Better steer clear of family nomencla Cnarhe, comm~ up to the wmdow. a dull substitute for fun and adventure, and and maho1ous back b1tmg under a more compa.rahvely cool surface like that of the hemlock bark are now bemg manufactured 11 iu:re · · Oh I did you, though" said "\V1ll, open the first few days of duty resumed seemed euphonious name Fol'.' that we have no pat! meat, Jt will condense and depoait thereon a there mto beer stock It is sa.1d to take the 11 You've grown tremendously smce I saw m~ his eyes Jong enough enoe A mere back biter, shmy, treacherous, film of crude coal tar and coal naphtha, most place, to some extent of both malt and hops. you last Do you go to school now' "Yes, and they didn't know who you ' I declare, 1t s a. pretty fix 1 ' said Mr sn~ke like coward and humbul( that he nauseous and rather mischievous, but 1f the Hemlock and soda are said to be used a.good "Yes, Sil'," sa.1d Charlie, fingering his were at first" Sm1th,m anxious consultatwn "That block or she IS, as the case may be-male and flame be that which is caused by the com deal 'I here 1s n·any a poor drunlqi,cd s Ill· pockets "D.dn't they really·" returned Will head who took your place here wasn't 11ood female of that genus are alike detestable- bust1on of its own fat, the deposit on a flamed that would be better of a. "Rave a nice teacher '" With a mische~1ous twinkle " Honest' for a thmg Somebody ll have to go to Ful should be sent to the most hopeless sort of mutton chop will be a httle mutton 011 on a ta.nmng if the hemlock beer will do 1t "'Pretty good She s awful cross some· ly ' · tonbury and see them " FJshing it appears, uulesa earned 011 ac· beefsteak a little beef 011 more or less black earthlY Purgatory. tlBles" "Oh, they did afterwards Dora said you " Yes, sir'" said Wil11Dterrogat1vely But a httle lively, not lll natured hu)\lan ened by mutton carbon or beef carbon, But cordmg to certam Viel! understood rules, "That's too bad,' said vY1ll sympath\ltI used to be an awktl plague" "Oui;:ht to be done right away, too I ly mterestmg talk about one's neighbor\ 1.s these 01ls and carbons no other :fbvor may prove as daogeruusly dlsa"'reeable to ca.Uy. "Let's see. How old have you got "I'm sorry for 1t said Will "I never can't go, Brown's gone to New York, and it not delightful' J,et the pr9ppety dragona than that of cooked mutton and cooked the sportsman as to his mtendetl"' prey .A to be now? Why, you're quite a young plague people now ' I've reformed " Merr1field's wife is sick You'll have to go preach as they like to the contrary. A sharp beef, therefore tliey perfectly 1Dnocent, young man lll Otta.w.t, at any rate, found ' man I' I· I aon't beheve it yourself ' ontic will no donbt remmd one that the most m spite of their gmlty appearance. If himself ID the unpleasant predicament of a "TPn next-" But the A and 0 tram "You don't! Why" 'All right, sir," said \Vill. The mvetera.te dragon will never preach about readers are skeptical, let them appeal to ex "engmeer hoist witu his own peta.rd -was m now, and the cars stp.rted up once "Oh-because- I vilsh 's I was gom ID "Why, yes-lt's right on your way home, the dehght/ulnf?,8· of goBSlp, DUt a,bout its penment, by puttmg a mutton chop to the old fashioned rod and hue Bo dear to the more with a snort and Jerk, an\i puJfed away the cars somewhere " , so it is Well, 'you stop over to mg ht, will wron11fulness, It dehghtfulness 1s aforeirone torture, and taking its own confession To heart of Izaak Walton, that most reasgnii,ble from the stat10n, baby ca.rnage,peanuts and "So do I Look out there young man I you, and fix the matter up' Won't make conclusion Were 1t not so delightful 1t do this, divide the chop 1n equal halves of sportsu.en, is not sp·edy and destructive all Will laughed a httle to h1piself at You'll get under the o~rs m;tead, a.nd you any difference to ) ou, will it?" would not be done. But let this pass It then hold one half over a fiammg coal, Im· enough to satisfy certa n youths of the Ca 11 "Charhe s" probable wonderment, aud then won't hke that much Good mght" Not a bit," said the bookkeeper, cheer· is natural {or men and woml'µl to talk a.bout mersmg it m the flame, and cook it thus nadien metropol s Nothm,., short of a The turmng agam to the everung paper, qmte "Whom the world am I 9 thought Will fully ignorant of the poss1b1hties of fate, and one a.nother, and 1f kept with 1n due bound' Now cut a bit of fat ofl: the other thrown1g dyna1mte cartndge will do the work forg<tt'the Joke 1n the interest of its columns , Some family council has settled my identity so it was decided, there is nothing wrong about 1t e1ther Wh) this fat ou a surface of cleat', glowing, flame young man m quegtion, however, found o11e It did occur to him once, alt- he reached -that's certam And I , used to be an aw Fnltonbury was some eight or me miles "dear me," wh11t a dull umnterestmg dreacy less coal or coke· and, when a good blaze IS particular dynamite cartridge altogether too home at Shirley, some J!es berond, to ful p 'ague , did I, This 18 getting mterest out on the Central '\V1ll Jumped off the round of monotonous ex1steuce life .voulc, thus obtamed, unmerse this half·chop reek many for bun It went off too soon, and he .speculate a moment as to "Dora s' identity, mg , ' train there, found his employers' correspond become were our hpa to be hermet1cally lessly and unmercifully mto this fia.nie · returned home, poor fellow, a much sadder, but, meetmg a friend as he left the cars,e~en It bccllmo more mtercstmg as the weeks ent, and, ha.vmg cleared up the small m1sun sealed about our ne1ghbo1s, their ioya an,d there let 1t splutter and fizz, drop more fat a very much muttla ed,-and let us hope a that shadow of mterest m the affair faded went by, and he contmued to see,everynow derstandmg between them, thought about sorrows, their weaknesses, their little pee and make more flame, hut hold it there wiser-young man than bdore that ternble out and ldt nothmg bejund, :and then two brown c)es a free~ led llOse gettmg home to Shirley He·supposed he cad11loos, their m1stake11 and awkwardnesses nevertheles·, for I!- f·w mmutes, and. then experience The Pnuce of Montenegro 18 a thorough ~Meanwhile, m a certam small house at and ti. ru~pled liead of yellow hair some' could take the next How soon was their lovema.kmgs, fhrtmgs, and Jiltmgs taste the result In spite of its blackness lforth Gilbert, a certam small boy was dom~ where about the No th Gilbert station it du~ 1 their house warmmg..i and he!II't breakmgs, it will be (1f JUSt warmed through to the believer in the pnnc1ple1 of paternal govern· But be gives both dudes aud dude. :tbe work of Fate He was scowlmg darklv There is JUSt enough r precanous myeryst "Why, no ; there isn't any other that their billmgs and coomgs and all the other abo'lle named temporature) a dehc1011sly ment over a spelling bo~k, the pages very much and intricacy in the matter to make it a stops he;e until the theatre t~am, at eleven triflmg things which after all for!ll both the co ked JUlC}, nutritious, d1gestihle morsel hngs, male and female, a very poor chance thumbed and do~ s el\red, and two la.dies, leasant rehsh for the tedwus ride. It was Thrn 1sn tan express station 1 wai p and the woof of life for most of us a.pp trently raw, but actua.lly more thorougll mdeed to flourish a.nd grow fat m that be· one elderly and one young, were s1ttmg near ~erfectly evident that tins unknown family Of course 1t was not, He knew 1t him The worst of it 1a tha_t l(Oss1p is so often 1U I y cooked than if it had been held twice as mghted kmgdom of his, should these pecuha.r the student lamp, busy over needlework and had mvested him with the personality of self Over four hours to wait, 11ow, m a natured, and much of 1t undoubtedly 1s long, at double the distance from the surface products of civili;:;ation ever make their ap anew magazme somebody else but as long as the affair drngy, commonplace v1lla~e like Fultonbury, simply dev1hsh There 1~ so much of it, of the fire pearance there Some time ago by his "Sa.y, Dora' Hea~me now, wo~'t you' came no neare; home there could be no It was a cheerful proipect "\-Vas there no which m the most barefaced way 1s manu· -··-< - .._.. orde1s all cafes and dnnkmg shops were 1 "Intellectual Bruisers. peremptorily closed the Prmce bemg of the I know it iust s well s I ever can. harm 10 it So he apprecui.ted the Joke and help for it faetured out of the whole cloth, and $tamped "Where do you begin 1 asked Dor11t, tak watchea every day for some new mstal~ent "Not uniess you walk over to Paper Mill with the signet nng of approval of Satan the The physw~l brmsers with their beet1e opuuon that they could be regarded as nomg the book. The chapters were alw9.ys short-sometimes Village and take the se~en thirty express Father of Lies How sh.a.11 tile right kmd brows, bull dog JitW.i and fully developed thing but 11 &chools of effemmacy, extravag"Firs' column, page thirty one , Kerosene onl~ a word or two-and agam several mm t ~ three miles 0~~1· there " always be kept so, and no harm be done ' ammahsm have been g1vmg theu exh1b1tlons ance, end corruption He also abolished a.11 1 Which way 1 -k e r o s e n e-kerose11e Wh<i.t s the next utes would be spent m chattmg from the Aye, but how can one make fun of his 11e1gh· with "hard gloves,' and rakmg 111 the hard tttles, so that now even the highest funcone" car-wmdow while wa1t'ing for the other "Straight dowu by the glue factory, and bor s weakness without bemg over malignant,? ca~h from the kmc11ed spirits that believe t1onanes have to content themselves with "Canmbal " ' keep the mam road ' m said brmsers as the very excellent of the plam Mister But the measure o! their £here's the rub, "I'll do it,' said Will, and be started · "Cann ab e 1-0h mother I there was a tr~~nThey laughed like everythmg last ea.rth a11d the greatest glories of humanity calamit) was not yet even filled up for the l>-···----m31l on the tram to mght,and he asked how mght, the boy coniided to him oBce off Now come the mtellectual bru1~ers with unhappy people of Montenegro Their Frogs as Food. yon'was, and how Dora was He thought I " Th~y , always appeared to mean his moth It was JUSt after sunset, with not a cloud their smug looks and self suf:T:ic1eut airs, Pnnce has lately issued an ed1ctf a~nst all In some portions of Europe frogs have long gently and earnestly proclaimmg to the extravagance m dress, mclu~mg m !us hst knew him, but I 1?1dn't ' er and he never spoke of anyone to be seen Low, round hills and now and '"What tram? asked Mn Bradley, look else "Dora 'had a lot of old papers n' t!ien a farm house or a pa.tch of evergreen been pn article of diet, put a few years ago world t\1at in the mte1esu of all"tha.t 1s high of extravagances, "cravats, gloves, walk ing u11 l{om her st1tchwg thmgs out 'n she found some pictuies you trees stood outlmed dark agamst the pale frogs leas were a rare dish m the western and noble and for the advancement o-f 1ng sticks, parasols, a11d umlrelhs ' How ' The quarter of seven on the Central He drew once' ever so Ion a a-awful funn rosy flash along the horizon, which melted world Now it 1s stated tha.t they are rngul ' humamty' 1n all its nobleness, they-the thankful we should all be tb11.t we don t knew l(t they d 1d a t Y by 1mpercept1ble degrees rnto a paler silvery arly served at first class hotels and restaur said brmsers-a~e "3ust a goto' to begin,' hve in Montenegro Life m Canada 1 b tme, ' but I didn t remember him a sm 0 n e" o-p1ct'ures ab out g wh a a b ge I p1cmc once that you went to It was where luc overnead Will was a good walker, he ants at Boston, Ill the Umted States, while and will be 'appy to have a friendly round ia rn many respects pad enough, but not to :·Old or o~ng" asked Dora , , a great fat man was tumbling out of a boat had hag practwe too, durmg vacation, and a considerable number a1e also sold for '\\ith any "gentleman" who is still foolish be able to wear a cravat or carry an um ' Oh, ,,1 do know, pretty old, s 'Old s and-oh lots of others Do you remembe; the wmdmg country road was rapidly left family use Frog oatchmg and prepermg e11ough to behe'e m a persona.I God, and brella m wet weather, or a pa.rasol to shield you are em,, ' behmd He stoi;>ped once on a bridge over for market has now, in fact, become a recog will assure all that he will guarantee that he ones eomplex1on, or a cane for the delecta. Dora laughed, She had a big dimple m "Not exact! ,, said Will "How do you a little nver w1tli low, marshy banks, and n1zed busmess Boston is supplied from the -the said penpatetw bruise1-w1ll, for the t1on of the maidens Why, existence under --either pmk cheek, and lacked her small k w th y, , p d they have my lmgered a moment a httle further along to adJaceut country town, from Cape Cod, and low charge of a quarter per head knock such circumstances would not be worth hav· brothers freckles She looked like a rather name no onetyliem wer,'.l, mme i pICk a bunch of early asters beside the stone from Mame and some other places The any sttch "pusson' out of tune m ten mm mg What can the poor bank clerks and , h h h h DJCe sister, t oug s e a d attamed to the "Yes,, wa.111 then went on agam at a swmgmg pace Mamo frogs are kept 1n fresh water lj.ntil utes, and gwe the audi'J.*loe one of the most office svyells m Montenegro do? Fi'nd " H d, k d W 1ll towards the cluster of gray ioofs he could needed, and then shipped alive m crates, wonderful rntellectual ti'eats that have ever some other means 1t 1s to be supposed of venerable age ol eighteen 11 "What did he look hke, Charlie' Was he less! ow was it spe e as e care see ahead This must be Paper Mill Village provided with wet moss or seaweed. At been presented to any number of free me11 on provmg their d1stmction from the grovellmg light or dark? Good look1Dg ' The Cape Cod the men engaged m the frog bus1· this oontment for the last two hundred urowd 11 }J01 Do 't ou lnow how to s ell our It was further away than 1t looked 11 · I do know she was so very good IQok own name .'f ciied Charhe comui n! three mile~ from Fultonbury were nearer ness employ boys to catch the frogs, and have y Come, gentlemen, look alive, and A Great Aqueduct 1Dg He had a. big nose-kui;~ of a funny the mark th11-n he thought ' g four', ani, when he found hunself at last at a number of ponds penned up One frog brmg out your 1.,nau. Here am I, etc , etc , Among the notable American works about nose-but his eyes were JOily, the head of the l01~g, straggling tree lmed catcher alone eends from fifty to one hundred ready, etc , etc , to prove, etc , e~, with "Was it Mr Dowmng ?' "Generally L thought perhaps you avenue be pulled out his watch and looked dozen per week to the New Orleans market, mfimte ease, etc , etc Step nght rn gemeln to be undetta.ken is the constructton of a. "Why, no I Of course not I sh'd thmk didn't." at it w~th some anxiety aa to the time where also a great trade is done In this 'Ihe greatest mtellectual mill ever known- new aqueduct runmng from a vast reserv01r l d seen him enough times; 'n' I don't know "Thllu'ght I was a baby, didn tyou 9 " said There were several muu.It~ yet before the southern 01ty the demrnd IS greater than f~r better even than the ]\(I1ll o' the Floss, to supply New York City with water This who this one was. ' Charhe, a trifle offended at this slight to hlS tram would he due Down a steep embank the supply. In the Massachusetts market whatever that was, and whenever fought aqueduct will be thirty miles long, and a.I· "Joe Bruce'" years "It was P-e....::> meut at his right stood a group of tall prices range from 30 cents to 50 cents per Sa.t1sJact1on given or your money returned though the first estunate is $14,500 000, it "I guess not I ' saad Charlie, with an air Oh, tha.t locom-:>t1ve 1 Wby woulU the wooden bmldmgs, silent and lifeless Panes dozen, and sometimes higher, a.ccordmg to Buamess really me'\nt Will cover any rea will probobly cost $25 000 000 When com· of disgust, " He's awful soft lookrng, and engmeer blow off steam and rmg the bell of glass were broken here and there m the 1nze and quality. Canada used to ship the .souableamount at the11hortestnot1oe New, plated New York will h,,,ve a water supply this one wasn t. No, it's somebody 't . t uun't all at once, and )Ust at this particular mo wmdows A great iron wheel, 1 usty and frogs legs packed ID we, and to supply the then, show your man that we may tight to of 360,000 000 gallons per ct em h:ven been here for a good while, he sai~ how ment weed wreathed, lay before the front d..iors, Boston market almost wholly a few years g9ther. should there be a year of drought there will much Id grown ' One afternoon Will was at his desk m the that had apparently been closed for years ago, but the compet1t10n of the domestic be ne'er I-ess than 250 000 000 gallons a day, t- Dora clasped both hands over the spelhog office of Sn;nth, Brown & Co's, makmg out Path and roadway had grown up to Roman article bas driven the foreign out of the an amount sufficient for a popula.tion of 6, cloth is the fabric destmed to Blfton hair book, and gazed reflectively at the dimpled a pile of monthly "statements," when hIS wormwood, and the gate was padlocked market, and the Cana.d1ans now ship wholly 000 000 pert!ons It 1s doubtful whether .k:nuckles attention was oaught by a word or two be These were the paper nnlls no doubt to New York city All kmda of frogs are enpersede camel s hair· New York really needs this costly work, for " Who m the world-Can't you thmk of tween Mr Smith, the senior pai tner, and a Manufactures had evidently ;uffered a de eaten, but the speckled frog is said to be the_ BRG G~RDNER's OPINION -The Detroit underneath ;iJ.e city hes a vast. reservom1 anybody, mother!' strangeF Wolth whom he was talkmg-s1>me chne here most tender Frogs have recently been Free Pras man gives, every week, the full of water wb~ 1e sweeter, cooler, and chem1 "Nobody m particular," said Mrs Brad old schoolfellow An old gentleman was leamng over the shipped to this country by a Boston dealer, report of the L me Kiln Club meetmgs, of cally purer than the Croton or any other ley "~ one might be passlDg through on " Oh, Bradley '" Yes, indeed, I remem front ga.te of a house near by- a cheery, and 1t is considered possible that an export which " Brother Gardner is 11..uch a shimng river or lake wa.ter, It can be reached in the tram, d a large nose lf!n't stire to 1den· ber Bradley well ; a first rate fellow Died round faced httle man, with an asthma.tic busmess may be developed as the bull-frog light In last week's report the followmg about forty feet from the surface, and nas been tapped ID a thousand different welfsVJO sU:p· tify him ' some sue ot eight years ago, I believe cough The house was on the corner of a 1s not an mhab1tant of British waters - item appears . , 'Were his eyes hght or dark, Char· How was 1t? Did he leave much pro seoond street, both runmng ma general way Lond<m 1'imes "A commumcation from Halifax con ply hotels, bathmg houses, breweries, and he11 " party'" towa.rd the railroad tained th1s enqmry 'In case a member of manufa.ctones New York is the best water· 11 Light No, they wa'n't either , they Not much, l 1mag1ne HIS widow hves Tjie tram whistled famtly down the Capt Rwhard Kmg, the cattle kmg, pays the Club Jome the Good Temvlars and finds ed e1ty m the world, and it ought to be the were black-real Jolly eyes The rest of his very quietly in a little country place out track, tai;.es on property in Nuces county, Texas, he can't let whiskey a.loue, what would be healthiest, but 1ti. death rate 1s neve1theless 'ery large -Dem<Yl'eit s .Monthlv. !ace was k111d o long n' solemn " here somewhere- North Gilbert- tlla.t's " This 1s Paper Mill Village, I suppose ? ' valued at a million dollars, good a.dv1ce to him?' 0 Solitude Y JU LA WHEELER 1augh and the world laup:bs with you ~ eep and you weep alone For the qad old ea,rth must borrow its mirth But lut~ trouble enough of its own UNDER FALSE PRE TENCES Dora leaned her chm on her hand, a.s if change of .ttt1tude would assist the mental v1s1on "Dear me 1 how queer' D1dn t you notice anythmg else about him'" "My gracious I l sh d thrnk you wanted me to Btare at folks 1 ' c·1ed Charlie, a httle tired of the catechism "No, I d1dn t-Yes I did, too He ha'\ a rmg with a b>g stone in 1t, 'n 'tvrn.s too big 'n' almost dropped off 'm his finger It had a P on it " ~Oh, a PI Now let me thmk over the directory Pennell- Piper - what a Lily Avery's cousm's name? ' "Brank Parker ' "'T°"asn t he Jim Parsons-whom else aoyou know with a PP' " George P.,nhallow, ' suggested Mrs Bradley. It wae an mspirat1on "Why, mother I Do you suppose it twa.e George ? It's and years since we've seen him Do you suppose 1t could have bern ho'>" "Dear me?" said Mrs Bradley, thought fully "It might be, really Let me see It's six-seven years smce we ve seen him He must be twenty one by this time' " I do behe~ e it was, ' declared Miss Dora, with an air ot pleased oonvmct1011 "I'd like to see h1m agam , wouldn't you, mother? Don t you remember what eplen did time we used to have tol(ether those summers' He was JliSt the brightest boy But didn t he love to tease ' Re was a dread ful plague sometimes 1 " And then his aunt Louisa-Mrs Car rmgton ' mused Mrs Bradley 11 We heard she was better after that v1515 to Phdacwl· ph1a, so she could walk around tile house on crutche~ I wish he had called to see us \Vell, perhaps he will another time lt seems he remembers us, I wonder where they re ltvmg now'" · I wish he had called," Dora , " that rn if hes as mce as he used to be I always llked him ever so much' {f I - ___ ...... ----+o-1·- l

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