· BUSINESS NOTICE. :FACTS Jl'011 l'ALL. W:11 are onening the Be6eon wltli. an t l n - -THEY ARE- MR W. McKowAN, who ha.s been 'Yar1etT ot Dry Goode and Clothi Pict. E!li11an,'3 Co. foreman of the STATESMAN office for THm ladles u.r that our llllsok: Silks at St.SO aro decidedly 010 beet value iri tewn. nearly fifteen years, has now a. Ellison le Co. PmoPLll: 90 mllee dl1tant come for e11nr cheap :financial interest in the Job Print- Drcee Goods. J!:llison /II; Co. CUll"fOVl!lJtfl Wl!lllder why 1re i!tlll Flannels 119 ing Department· of the business.- '>h&ap. , Jlllillon &I: Co. He is one of the best pra.cticail print- W11 ell'er :lie6TY all wool Twee.ts al 60 cents. Blllson & Co, ers in Canada to-day, and with the W11 have loa..: e11jeyod tha rep11tatloa of keepiJIM .ite 9el!t ageck et lie·u' and :Boy( facilities now possessed by tbe ClothlnA'. J!llllaon &: Co. W11 an willing to 1111.0rl!IM tha profit& this STATESMAN office, including t1 lot of ee&eon. Elllsoa II: Oo. CurroKBH are brioglnll' U.elr l'rieiuls to "" new type, borders, ornaments, etc.,_ the bt.l'l!'olns we otrcr. Ji:Uiaon &; Oo. for plain and fancy printing, we a.re Wn ue crowded with atoek frem cellar to garret. HUiton &; Co. prepared to tum out woi:,k secopd P ..t.llTllll!l 111okin1i elooo eomp&rltoll· sar Mr pricM are tho low611t. IElliaon k. Co. - lo no office in the country. Mr. W11 ue rodnc!ng prloes ·' \he begi11log In· McKowan will have full control of atead of the end ot th4' 1111&&011. ~llltoll k. Co. . Tllll tA!lori111: and outting !& our le&dlnR" de· Ellieon &; 09. this branch of the business, a.n<l the pcu"t.11ui11I, You oaghl ~ - 011r ¥10, 1.'weed Bulbs. business men who have favored us ~llison &; Co. The success that has attended our Wn nenr allow any 00111petHor to undoraen with their patronage so la;rgely ' in Ui, · Rlllaen & Clo. efforts in tl1 e past to give the public Dlnnkot& the pa.st m" n.y be assured ot entire You o'*ltt 'o eee our ·price rorJlllllacia ll. Oa. good and choo.p Boots and Shoei satisfaction .in all orders for printing P anTIJ:ll audntc u1 tor bariraba 'W1ll ·o' ff are fully appreciated by the crowds dleappolnted. lillllao· k Co. with which they favor us in future. that a.re daily flocking to our store. A STOVE BOOM. We can justly claim the lead in Cartwright. Counoil. It ahrny11 vars to advertl.ee " eood 114"- showing the largest stock and the Tow:N H.u,r. Cartwrlght, Ucle. Jdeeara. llanuing & N oawo.-thy best value in town. This we mean hue for 10111e week11 been adHrtising a Oct. lat, 1883. . Councii mRt purnuant to adjournment ne'll' and improved combined coal. and to continue - small profits and - members all present, thA Reeve in the wood stove, embodyinl{ the principle of a quick returns is our motto. You chair.' The rninut~a of laat meeting were Mllf·feeder in which a continuou1 fire can be kept on with le88 fuel thau i11 the wm- have only to compare.our goods and r~ad a.nd' confirmed. nwn day atove. A large number of these prices to be col\vinced. Mr. Spinks complained that lhe b.rl~11e e>pposite lot 20 in the 8th con. i· in a very bad 1ttite and rt>quirea immedla·· repair for eaf3ty of pul>lio travel. Movtd hy Hr. McKe., 11tconded by Mr Bardb1m1, that th. e Heeve, Mr Spinka, and the mover be a commitie11 to e:i:amtnlil the bridge complained of by Mr Spinka, :and to have 11uch repairs wade thereon ;as will in1ure the safety of the tr1n·eling -public; with power to examine the road i>etween lots :n and 22 tho 8th con. line ·with a "Yiew to make such repairs thereon as the aa1d c r.mmittee may de11m 11eoe1· sary,-O&r1ied. On motion the Reeve atgned oreer· on ihe Trea,urer 11-"1 folfow~ : Wm . Spence, indilj?ent aid, $-.J. ; B.ohex·t W'Uaon, indigent aid, $4 ; · Mrs. Loughoad. lndi~~nt aid, $3 ; Hart & Co., 6 copiea of ~he Con. Mun . Act, and two books of or<ijre on Treiuurer, flO. On XJot!on of Mr. McKoo, 1econded b1. :Mr. Spink1, the Council adjotmied m1ttl the fint Mond\y in November nut,' ai 1 -0'clock, p. ni. · . W. LUCAS, Tp. Clerk. · CQl\l.[ING - A T -· COUCH, ~OffNSTON &ClYtJ!lMAN~a, all kinds of · BOO~--..S -A J!l l>- New Fall·G ocids. PRO\VER'S BLOCK, S::S::OES_ SLIPPERS RUB.BERS. · 1t0He hal-e already been 11old in thie iewn and· they give entire aatlsfa11tion. Follow· The throng of buyers on tbe ini are te11,in.oniala from ciitize111 who march towaz·ds the sign of the " Big ha.Te \llled these atoves : SCOT·T~s Jlt!ff1'B. BOWH..lXVILLll, 81171', Ii, Ul86. Jla.,.nl1'iJ d- No81JX)rth11. GBl!ITLIUclll!f,-The Combination Cooklnir Stove Is the beat tor kitchen purposes we ever had, For cookina- It could not be aurp:illlled It burne very little fuel and le easily manaiied.. We ~rttly recommend it to all. Yours truly, J.B. J'.A.IRBAIRN, PoslDlAl!ter·. Boot drawn by two Horses " is a a t our prices a.re positive proof th_ approved by people who use their braina in buying. TRUNKS -.A.ND- B I C~ SA l It~ ! Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises. is still going on with big 11uccess. Remember the -Goods lt.l'e sold- BOWlllANTILLlll, SK.Pl', 1, 1883, Manninq .to No$wo1·t4v. Snu1,- The Combination Ceok Stove I bough\ fron;i you glne complete matlll'ract!o11 in the household. The ovec bak<>s well and we ha.ve had co trouble in r uaniug it. We would uot be wltho11t it 11uw un a.Dy account. You are at liberty to use my namo as reference', alf l aan end.orM all that ls olalmed tor It. Reapeclfully yonr11. JAMES Mc::CLUNG. MfJB81"B. AGENCIES. &I"ll Bitters som.:i t.ix month11 o.go My care baa baen W(!Ulldorfol. I i·m vaator of the Firsh Methodist Churoh of thta plooe, ·aud lllf wholo cou~r~ation can t eetify to the grea· virtues of yonr bhtera. "Very reqestfully, We bq to announo· to Ute p11bllo tlat we prepared to do a irenera.nnauranee b11lttnea11. repreeeutillll' as 'Ye do a number of flrir& claae Com pan lea we mll&ll be irl'i.d io irlYO promp' atW1NS'.ION, FoR8YTH Co., N. 0. tention tu anything in that llD&. '\\> e re11>resen t GEN'.1'15-.f desire to expre811 to you my also the Qatario Loan a11d' BaYinp CO·· 'of 01hawa, 11ooept depoait&on it.II behntt althank11 f.,r your wonderful Hop Bitten. I lowing ' and &: 6 per cent intereet tram da;.e or was troub~ ..d with dyspepsia for five years receipt. Parties ~ulrlnir l~ne will' tlnd U to tl»eir provoua commenclnii; the use of your Hop advant.a.&e to get our terms. Every person who is a. friend to his own pocket-and who is not?· realizes that we are a friend to him. It is the prices that tell, and people do appreciate low prices. We sell too low to a,uit the envious, but not too low to· ~uit the buying public. Tltis is the- :IJ1eld we occupy this sea.son ; brin~ on your critics. Come out of curioiitiity ;. we only ask the privilege ot 00o,wing you our goods. Stt-a.ngers wFll please grant us a. privilege of lem@nstrnting what we say. · VERY CHEAP -AT- TRELEVEl'S; NL B.-Ordered Work recei'7es special attention. · by first-class worlpnen. M. TRELEVEN.: RETAIL AT WHOLESAtE PRICES 1 for CASH only. BOOTS & SHOES ma.de to order on the shortest notice. , REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. REV. H. FEREBEE. - - ~.........,.___ CATARRH. lJermanent cure Is efl'ected In from one to three "treatments. Pa.nloulars and_ Tr~tlsc froo on ,receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON Al SON, 367 K ing Street, West, 'l'oron:to, WHAT 'rHE REV. E. D. STJWRNBOJll, B.A .· A CLERGYMAN OF 'l'lm LONDON CONYEfUJ:NCB OF TJI!ll ME'l'H01HST CHURCH 01' CA.NADA. HAS TO SAY IN REGARD '1'0 A. li. DIXON llt SON'S NEW TRGA'L ' Ml'CNT lfOR C.l.T.ARRH. OUSE AN Dr LOT FOR SALE. We are aaeme tor a number of iirat obo86 On11 e.cre of l&ndl on whh>h ie a l!ra.me lines, amung which Is the White Star Line the oost fa.stest and best equipped Steamship sn Honse, beinir part of lot 17. con_ l, Da.rl!n9!ton. tho Ocean, and Car tlok..,ta to all points at low· on Front Road, H ,,,u,,a west ot Bowrua.nvllJe. eat rat.ea· ·We alijo represent W, D .Mathe we Terlll!I easy. Apply to R. B, W .i'1'l30N'", Uo1tt· m.tt. of Toro11fu, and aro prepared to-pay hl&he&'- t.loe, ;i,>. 0. or at 8 T.AT:lll8M..lN. oflIDeo_ prices tor Barl"y 11.nd &ll kinds ot gr11in. Pardtlll interested will pleaae note these fact&. Ocean Steam·ships. H JC I S. MASON&SON. We wish to call the attention of all to the fact that we have this seas.on made extensive purchases in expectation of' a large and lively Ft4ll and Winter Trade. Our stock will be found, if possible, even more varied and ll.ttra.ctive than heretofore, and no exertion!!! on 01:1r part will be spared to make this see.sons business the most successful one of our experience. Our goods have been bought in the best markets largely for Ca5h, and we claim that no house in town who care, to do a legitimate trade can undersell us. We invite you to call and inspect our stock. We deem it no trouble to show goods, and every one can . rely on receiving courteous attention as well as the best value for their money. we· still continue to manufacture ORDERED CLOTHING, and have just rnceived a. large and choice assortment of English and Canadian Tweeds. We also cut to measure La.dies' Mantles and Ulsters, for which we have a splendid choice in all the Newest Material. X: ~~~~~G~R~E~..A..~T~-'!!!!!!~~~~ T. YELLOWLEES. W. f. ALLINl. WANTED TO RENT. AIN°·B 0 CAT.AllRH,- .A. new Tre11.tmeut w~by a We can do as Here R&- . 326 .A.crci;i. presented. Be not afraid or el~udy vreatlil&. Come ~nWi ' and Ladles' all together, Make no mistake, be sure and call, We'll spare no 'pains to please you ail Splendid PortraiW!- llte complete. Lettergraphs that's hard to beat. Photographs In splendid egyle, '!'be rosy cheek, the tender amlle. First come first served so be not ,late, Thoee that a.re last must patient wait.. Iii<> ceme aloni; without di!ay And proof will clinch the whole we eay. A GOOD STOCK GRAIN FARM T. 8. :BUANT, Bow ma.nTille. P. 0. ~"'~ CLEARING SALE! ' ~~ AT THE FONTHILL MURSERIES, The Largest in: th& Dominion! GLASGOW HO·U SE. The undersigned being about to retire from business, · is now selling off a.t greatly reduced prices. The Stock, is one of the largest in the Count)', consisting mainly o~ Staple Goods, suitable to the everyd~y . requirements of the public, and will be offered at prices giving inducements to buyers to purchase liberally. OAKLAND. ONTARIO, CAN ·· March 17. 1883. SAL.ESMAN WANTED. pleasa.nt Work 'he Year x...ad; good agents are osrnin\'i from ~O to ins.per month and ex· pences. 'l:erme and Out& !roe. .Addrellf! STONE.&; WELLINGTON, . roronto, Ont. l'!teady imployment a.t tliud. ealarle1 to all williili;: to work- Men and Women c&n have .Messrs· .A.. H. Dixon, d: Son. Dinn Sms-Y ours or tbe 13·h lnsN.n t t_.o hand. 1t see01s almost too good to be 5rne that I am cured of Catarrh, but I J<;now that! am. I baTe bad no return ot the disease and never felt better In my ure. I have tried eo many thill(la for catarrh, suffered so much and tor eo many yea.rs. that tt fa bard for me to rea!IT.e that I am ree.lly better. I consider that mine was a very b,a.d oaee ; It .ova~ aggruv ..ted and ohronlo, Involving \he ~hrout r.s well as the na.s..1 passages, and I thought I would require the throe treatments but feel fullf cured by the two sent me. and I am tha.nkfn th<t.t I was ever induced to 5end THE No.·. 1 TAILOR! GBNTLZ~BN:- H. 0. TAIT & Co., PIIO'l'O AM!I911'8. · If you realll!'1 want G 0 0 D FI'I · ---- , to~g~·are at liberty to U9e this letter ~rat!ni;: 1hat I havo been cured at t 1vo treatments, and Havhtg refitted nr Ga.llery and I shall gladly recommend y·)ur remedy to eome ()banged the sky-light, we are now prepered of my friends who are sufferers. Your!! with many thanks, RRV. E. B. STnV&NBON. make Photos lnsmntaneooaly a..ndl TING CLOTHES try W. PEARDON. Ho has e. choice M80rtm.ellt of New Pattern Clotha-- Worsteds, A:-ll·wool Tweeds, Coatings, etc. Over T<> --;r~, April 24, 1882, Dl'l~R l:lrn,.'.... W o take pleasnl"$ In stating that rnr.erior, representing eummer our j unior partner. who had for years been troubled -with Catarrh. WM snccesstn lly onred by three tre3ottnents ot your remed y . Tho Tme or winter time, CattarrhwtJ.Bmttch aR"gravated, with aontluual we also Frame PJ:!otoe etc., dropping into the throat. a~comp,anled ~y loss of voice bawkirtR aud apittmg and blocking up of tll.e nostrils, all or which we. are ple,ased to cheap as oan be de>ne he1:e say di~appeared almost imme diately ll.fter .the remejy w as applied. Your remedy Is certamly el5ewher&. e.n invaluable one,. and we hope &II who may be sufl'e rin;; from this disagreeable disease will give it a t.r1al. as we are sM!sll.ed ihey wlll find .complete s uccess. Youre very trnly, Bowmanville, Sept. !7, 1883. W:M:. Nonms & SOY, Wholesale Pianos and Organs. N"o. ~ .~<lehtcle St. Jr.ast. A H. Dixon JE..qq., 305 Kina St. , West. A rtlstloally. either In exterior & This being A REAL CLEARING SALE 'preparatory to the clusintj of t~e business, purchasers will find its to their advantage to make an early call. 01' CALL AN[),.INSPECT. S1.'0RE ;- Cor1u:r Kl~ and Division llt&o,. Rowmanville. M.B.- None but J!'lrst C1ass Work t urned tmt. :m. 'ff'. PJU.RPDN. THOS. · p ATERSON. Bowmauville, July 11, 1883. 0..A.X..a::C.. .A.'1"'- &I or W. MQMURTRY H.AS R.IWEIVED- H. 0. TAIT & CO. 200. NEW CA SHMERES. NEW BLAl.JK CASH:MERES, i N EW Jl.ACE CUR.1'.A.rn·s . I NEW QUILTED1 SKIRTS, \ NEW FLANNELS, NEW SHAWLS, NEW PRINTS, NEW CRETQNillS, NEW LADIES COLJ, ARS, NEW WINCJUS, N'.SW MENS· UNDER SHIRTS, 0 A Y'S HARNESS, s-roaE and inspect his Large Stock of ----~ national Throat and Lung !uetitute. 173 Chuch rhe rea·on why the .....----l:!urge<ms olf the Inter· i street, ToN1J1tO &re making eo mt1.ny wouderfnl cures or catnrrb, ci>tarrh~l doo.foees. Bronchitis asthma 1md oonHurnpti»n are: They have - AT T1!1!1none but ekllled a nd bu ..!ifit>d medical men connected with th" institute. They i>dhere strictly to their specialty and they use the spiromete'l" invented by M. Sou"<"ielle. ex-side suci;:eou of the irrench army, nnd Instrument which oon~ers the medlclue8 tn the form of cold inhalatlon3 to the parts d iseased, which is the only way these diseaaee can be cnred. 'l' hey aro tr e ..ting hundrc<la of po.tient ove:y Oall a?ld aee t he Cloth that will be made per month having twelve surgeons engaged rn yonr order for f!UO the 1ml&. their ~ork In Ca.nu.de l\lono. Send a three-cent ~tamp for a copy of their Interna.tlona.I NewM Call and see o'nr 10 ounce Underoloth!ng-All ",lttbl!8bed monthly a~ 173 Cborch Street Wool Ribbed o.t 80 ~nts for Le.dies' and ·roronto. · U5-tf. Gents' wear. - Call and ex:amine our- - ECLIPSE H 'OUSEI Harness, Horse Blankets, Trunks, Valises, Whi ps, .etc. SPLEN"DID -V..A..L U-E_ CALL AND SEE. NEW Mli:NS' DRAWERS, N1£W N~W THE BARBER SHOP. When'er you want an easy aha."9, As good aa Barber ever i;(&Ve. ; ust call at Pethick'a Saloon, At morni.ng e·e or busy rioon. He'll cnt and comb your h11oir with grace, ro snit t.he contour of your f~; His sbean are sharp aml rr.ii ors keen, His llhop is neat aud al.wl\ys clean, An< l evel'ything, w11 think, you'll t!.nd, '.J'I) suit the ta.ste and pleMe the milid. AC'l'ORY COTTON. NEW STEAM U)OMS FINGERING YARN. ' NEW CANA.DIAN ¥'ARN. Parties buying Goods Wi\l jKING ·--- -~- - - STREET. BOWMANVILLE. READY CASH! I ___...,.._ Excelsior Neckties, Boys' and Gonte' ift endless Tariet,r. 1 A oJi,olce stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS ae Cheap aB the Cheapest. SavB from 15 to 25 per' Cent by Buying from TO FARMERS OF WEST DURHAM! G111tT!'.l!lMl!N :- I have been appointed agent by TWO of the principal houses m Canada for tha Purchase cf F ..t.RM·P RODUCE. lhan, therefore, leased the prewlsee for merly used as Ill l\lark:et Hou8e and am prepal'ed to pay tll.e full . Mar'li:et Value in CMli tor F.A.RM and D..t.IR-r PR.oDUCE. I am sure every farmer w ill admit the adTantagee of a Caoh System. yon can then trade where yon please and will be able tG '-IA VE a t lea.st !It Pl<:ll (JJ:NT on your purohaae!l. a.m thll tirst to i~ti:oduce t~s system. G!v111t a trial a.nd you will be convmoed It f11 the beat and on;y satisfactory way of doint buelne811· Thanking :rou for past favors i/n.d sollottb... &11 increll.lled share or your patrolw.ge, Yours truly, The Bl'ITBY ORGAN-Old eet.a.blillbed_!llld WP. Iar. Kept new by onterprlae &nd skilL An IllUlltr&Uid a~e. witbtuli deBOriptionot elegantat,.1.... -a !~ &"i'l'EY ORGAN VO., B.11.lTTLll V~. has g!Ten wa.y to amnch Larger Sha.po; IVORCES - NopublioltJ· re8lde21te ofaay . · ' . The F 1uhionable Hat this sen.son Is a Large ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organtsh St ...te. Desertion. Non·Support. AdvJCe ALWAYg buy railwa.y and ·st-'lamship Full Shape wlth high round crown. Co.ll and a nd & ,P11licaUone for stamps. W, H. ~. At~y and teach er ot Vocal Mnsio la prepared to . . tickets from W. R. Climie, at your leisure, -see them at thetake a. few aiore p11pils, The best or refel'· A DTEBTJSEKS ! send for owr Seleet IAtri, ot 239 B way, N'. 'f· l¥ld eaTe trouble when in a hurry starting. enc" can be fur'lish ed Great care exereised ilLooal Newapa.pers. Geo. P. Ro,.,efll8G Cit., ARMERS HOTEL, Kin~ Street, with beginners. and speciit.l a.t~ention 1'1Ten to tll l°iJ'pnroe !St. N. Y, ~ ··· ECLIPSE HOUSE. ·, , advanced Bowma··vme. excellent Slums aad Stable&. pupils. 'r hose desirous ot taklng.1 · ., <' Those having 1my dyeing \o do, shoo.Id, instrnctien8 she11ld apply ai M~. Doyle's reei. ll'irat-cll.llfl accemmodatton for men and b08l!t.. in order io enaure brilli.a.nt 11.nd lastlfl.i. f!ence, or make itkno~p by ..direc1iini; a. few Try Bi:;minbotham'a Corn 011re, a s~re .Attentive hostler. First·claes Ba~well supcolors, buy their dye stulla from J. lied with the ellel&e!lt Liq11ol'I! 811'.\d v~8'·"'· lines to P. 0 : Box 4~. Iernlil $1.5& !or t~~e rtm.d.,, fo r ha.rd or soft oorns.. fil-80,. FtME'lt, Proptietoc. ·.tllw · · · lotSO!t8i . """'"' " Hig~abotham & Son .. - The FAE!lfIONABT,!I HAT- the- ·W . McMURTRY. JtirCALL ANDf,3EE.'1!la Bowmanville, Ang-, 30, 1883. Low Crown Felt Derby P x S. MASON&SON. xD F W H IVE S · WM. BRITTA 'P"'lrr · BO'l\'IXli!.1>.Ttlle. MaTcfi 8, 1883.. Mar'Ret Sq11ar(I,,. Ill. .1..-1..·' I ,