~ I tan M. A. JAMES, EDiro~ A.~D Pnor1t1E'l"o:it. VOLUM::Z '!'HRMS :-$1.50 NEW SERIES, PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUN'rY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. N U_ MBER 27 3. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1888. XXIX. Nu1rnxit 12. -McC.B. McC.B. CORRESPONDENCE. OSHA W.A. The B. C. hanest home was what Bro. ~yers would call "a grand success". Ea t Whitby Fair was held in Oshawa Oct. 12 and was a success. Geo. Doidge, Colmnbus, had his thigh broken by a. kick from a liorse the other d'&-y. a s Kirby is W. J?. of Oshawa Divisi< rn. Ch. John Steele is to be bauquetted on hie departure for Toronto. Our merchants have oa.ught the advertiaing fever. 2,416 entries at Whitby fair. Mrsf.J0 hambers died suddenly week befo last. S ·PECIA.L! , Mrs. Smith, thll second daughter of Mr. Townsend, is now visiting her Orono Mends. Mrs, David John Kirkhiud is reported Auctiou Sa.lea. A list of Mr. Phillip's sales are kept at the STA'l"ESMAN office, where arrangements cRn be made for salel! without going to Hampton. SATURDAY,Oc:r. 20.-Mr. George Gilbert, lot 30, con. 2, Darlmgton, \viii sell t he whole of his farm stock,. implements, etc.., without reserve. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharp. See bills for particulars. H .T, Phillips, Auctioneer. T11ESDAY, Oct. 23-Mr. F. H. M ason, lo~ 23, con, 6, Dm:Iingtou, will sell his en. tirti lot of superior horses, grade ca ttle and improved farm implemen1s, hay, fu rnit ure, etc. Every thing must oo sold, n11 he intends going to Manitoba. Sale at one o'clock aharp. See large posters for full particulars. H. T~ Phillips, auctioneer. Tu.11sDAY, Ocrr. 23.-Mr. W. M. Jones, lot 44, con. 7, Darlington, will eell his f,um stock, implements, etc, without reserve. Sale at l o'clock. R. H11tch isou, anctioneer. THURSDAY, Ccr . 25 .-Sheriff Burk will sell the whole of his farm stock; implements, hay, etc., on lot 20, con. 1, Darlington, Ii milee weet of Bowma ny\lle, Sali;i M l o'clock, sharp. H . T. Phillips, auctioneer. FRIDAY, Oor. 26. - Mr. ltich. R owan, lot 14, con. 8, C"rtwright, will eell his farm stock, implements, turnips, eto. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharp. See bills. H.. Hutchison, auctioneer. 'l':irn.asnAv, Nov. 1.-Mr. S. W. Sunder s, lot 23, con. 2, Darlington, will sell his va luable farm stock, i mpleme nts, etc. Sale !l.t l o'clock, sl.uirp. L ook ou t for poster d. H. T. Phillip11, Auctiont1er. FRIDH, Nov. 2.-Mr. W. E . .Pollard; lot. 10, con. 4, Darlington, near Salem., will BPll hia farm stock, implemetits, et c. Salti at 1 o'clock, sharp. . S»'J bills. H. T. Phillips, auctioneer. 8.lTUll.DAT, Nov. 3 .-Mr. Thoe, Bu; t , lc>t 16, con. 2, Darlingt on, will sell · 1s forw atock, implements, hay, et.c. r .lei at 1 ·o'clock. See bills. H. 'I' ."'lt.bll.hps, auctioneer. SATURDAY, Nov. 10.-Certaio portio11s d laud, described iri advertisement in another colnmn, being the e1t')te of the late W. Lammima11, will . be sold 11t P hillips' Hot el, Rampton. H . T. Phillpe, auctic.neer. }ta:-Notice ot sales 1vill be pu blished j l'ee h1 the Sul'lSMAN whea th e !!!\le bills are printed by ue. ill. The evening following the Clarke fair was dark and gloomy-a fitting accompaniment of t he deed .which forms the -: A 'Word from-: CCtUNG BROS. to .buyers of Ready-~ade Clothing. In order to: reduce our immense stock in this department we hav· e decided to offer the following inducements for 30 days: BOYS' $3.00 SUITS ......... for $1.50. " 5.50 " . . . . . . . . " 2.50. " 6.00 " . . . . . . . . " 3.00, " 7.00 " ........ " 3.75. lVIEN'S $3. 75 PANTS . ..... for $2.50. " 4.75 " " 3.25. ... .. . " 4.00. 5.25, " " MEN'S $2.50 VESTS ....... for $1.50. ··2.00 " " 1.25. " l.75 " 1.00. " " COATS, SUITS ~ <i>VERCOATS. ' ";"' ~A . large assortment at equally low prices. N. B.-See our $].2 f2vercoats for $91 --- ---1 Our Ordered W ork as usual, still takes the lead. McClungBros'. 'Popular' Clothing & Grocery House. ------lmllil __ McC~B. McC.B. 11!1!151. . . . . FARMERS W-ho pride themselves in raising 'Fine Stock should consult ·th.e ir own interest and buy a sack of the - T H E BE ST- ' . d Peaches Crawfor . B .' .· U 0c H ' ROTH E RS M · . It n. . _I ·A large quantity on hand and a Car Load on the way. . ' - Al!I{lVlNG DAILY N !' ,'l '!lE- ' I ·1 ·G~CEl RAND. ENITIRIAIL. _ _ . . . Call 11nd leave your orders if you waut Peaches for preserving. I will give them to you at a very small profit. The best stock of CONFEC- ' ' .. . . · I:::T~~~c~~::~~~~::F!~?~~1:s~~:;~~t: 0-Y- S T E R Ca's B1scu1Ts always in stock at the C R A t'J D C EN T r?AL. , P. S.-Save your money I shall soon have & ;~~!!~!i:~J~~~:~. in !~u~~:::i;~~ ~lv~ ~fifc:r:pr~t~i:a~l~l~id;:3itt~~!:h~l~t~is:h! BOWMANYILLE, ~~~~~~~..,...~~ ~~~~'.':"':'~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ September 28, 1883 .. . .. A GENCIES. We beg to e.nnonnc" to the public that we ·a re µrepai:ed to do e.goneralinau.rance business, representing as we do a nurnl>er ot ftret class ·Companies we shall be i;rl .. d to give atgin that line. Vl' oprompt re!'resent ·t ention tu anyt.Jti. also the QntarJo rJo,~n and Sa.vings Co.. of 'Oshawa, o.nd accept deposits 011 its behalf allowing ! & 5 ,,, ... ,·eL " interest from date of receipt. . · Parties re·l!.uiring · Jol\us will find It to their 'Sdva.ntage to get our l;erms. w EEK LY cLO BE '\\l'JLL p A.Y FOR 'l'lIE .~ 3 -5 0 ~ s_ A STOVE BOOM. It always pays to advertise a good ar· t ice. "I M esu s. M · & N oswor thy . anll!Dl{ have fo r some week!! been ad vertising a . new and improved combined con.I a nd .wood st.ove, embodying the principle of 11 lf d h' h ae ·fee er in 1 v ic a continuous fire can be kept on with less fuel th a.n iu the com· mon day stovo. A l arg~ number of these atoY Aa ha ve already been sold ill this town and they g ive entire &atiBfaction. F ollow· ing at·e testi11.onL~ll!I fro1 u cit izens who have ttaed these st oves : BoWMANVILJ,E, SEPT. s, 1883. ,., , cean i· ..; · ;:.;oamSh" lpS. 0 We are £1l'f"'" .-,~ n llll'l1Jer of :tlret class A · from now till end of 18&1 includ!ng w A Tc H . l ines, among wi11c n is ·ne White Star Line t he 'bflst fastest· and boat equipped Steamehi~ on .~~: ~~=:· W~ ~i:~ t~~~~!:~~t a#-:¥J~::~h~;~ T, YELLOWLEES TO EVKR Y SU:BSCRIBE R. Subscribe now. of Toronto, a.nd are prep:..red to pay highest price! foriaterested JJarley ,.nd allpleasu kinds note of grain. ·.v!ll these facts. ParGies ITIHE J. {1 n:g W F ALLIN T YELLOWL -~~-~ ..,. . . ._ l_B _ o_ o _· · N_-y_ · o-M ·-·-· E -·11· BA.'R}>..ET> . SHOP. BOWMANVIL LE. u M ta!Jrs..... .,annino · <~ _... ,.oswor ~~ ti iy. 'er yon want :i.n easy ahaTe , As l{O Od a~ Bu.tbc~· evor g11.ve. ; ust call at Pi<t:1ick's Saloon, A t morning, eve or busy C'vO'l. He'1leut and comb vom ltafr with grace, l'o suit t.he contour·of you r face ; H is shears aro sharp and raizor;i· keen, H ie ahop is neat aud alWll>f~ clean, .And everything, Wt). think, you'll ~nd, 1'Q suit the taate and p lease the m1a d. W<!Ssi·s. 1 Gii:NTr,EM EN,-The Combination Cooking StoYe is the best for k itchen purposes we ever h ad, For cooking {t could not be eurpaeecd it burnsYery little rue! and is easily .wanaged. We heartily recommend it to a ll. Yours truly, J. B. F.AIItBAIRN, Pos1master. BowM.A.NVILLB, SErT. 1, 1883, 1tra 11111faq & No1Jwortliy. SIRs,- The Combination c ook stove 1 bought from yon g!Yes complete satisfaction in the household, The. oven b~ke~ well a.nd we have had no t rouble m r nnmug it. Wu would not be without it now on 11ny account. You are at Fine Soaps, toilet articles and choice liberty to use m;i; nall'!e as reri::rence, as I ca? clauned ror 1t. perf umery in great Tari<;ty 11t J. Higgin· endorae e.11 that is y yonrs, ltespectfuU botham & Son's. J AMES l\fcCLUNG. I subject of my story. A young m1m pra ised before in the colnmns of t he STATESMAN' for hia fine pugilistic qualities, and who has otherwise rendered his name famous, fell desperately in love with a h~ndHo me youug lady . . Another large youth of no mean appearauce, and capable of assuming a lovely broad smile upon any provo· cation, became a helpless viot.im- weak a3 a to.~-to the same irresistible char:ns, 'rhe rivals met ; they frowned apd the streets gr.,w dark thereat ; their fists upENNISKJ L LEN. lift like a sledge hammer, and evidently At a moating of the school board, held "no second stroke intend." Fired by love here ?n E~t~rday .evening last, Gage' s and by hate thev grapple with each o.ther, Canadian :Series of Readers was unani- And now I will draw the curtain. If they mously adopted for use in our public had not stopped the struggle great deeds achoo), and are l.o be introd11ced by the had been achieved whtireof all Orono had THE CLERK. teacher when it ie necessary for classes to rung, (To be Continued.) discard the old readers . ... , . Onr popuular teacher, Mr. R. A Lee, baa been re-engaged for the ensuil16( year, at au advanced salary .. . ... R ev. William Briggs, of Toronto, will vreach a sermon Dr. Wild lectures in Pickering Oct. her1>, Sabbath evening, Nov. 4th. The 19 on "Men with Iron Shoes" . r~ice will be held in the P1·eshyteri11n John Fogler's little girl has loat three churo~, _which h~a been kindly offcired by the otficml1 for the u·e of the Methodists lingers in a straw cutter in Port Hope. Oil that occasion. Dr. Carman lectures in Oshawa soon. Tried in Toronto. Mrs. Mary ThompDAK01'A. sou, of Toronto, Feports removal of eigU GRA.ll'TON, \vatsh Co., Dakota, Oot, 10, 1883. feet t ape-worm, by the use of one bottle PRICES OJ' WHEA.T.-N·>. 1, hard, 85 of Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup. Thiscents; No. 1, strai~ht 1 78 cents ; No. 2, medicine is reliabJ., for worma that 11fil.ict hard, 80 cents. Nearly !?00, 000 hushela ohildreu 9r adulta, have bee.n deliverad 'at elevator· and H11rness and robes have lately been rolling milla .her$l, this season, to date.. stolen from Mr. Glen's stables, Oshawa. There is very little dCJ11bt but the delivery If you would have .Appetite, Flesh, Color, ·o f wheat· at this point will ag~regate Strength and YillQI'. take .Ayer'd Sarsbpari Ila, 1,000,000 bushels this year. Fro'll re· oon!er tnem upon yeu in rapid auoeessiou. ports received, t~ere is eYery reason to W. Woo11 ha, sold his drug business in believe that the aTerage yield of wkea~ . f u Oahawa. Walsh County will be fully 22 b·1sht;ls The net profits of B. C. "harvest home" per acre .. , , · . Grafton, the county seat'lof Oshawa amounted &o $115. Walsh County, i.s only 23 montl}.aolc;l, ,&nd Brooklin C. M. and B. C. cc.ngregahon1 hae a population of 1,800. There are a h11.ve already united. large number of former rt·side nts of Dur· Typhoid fever prevttils near Myr tle. ham and Outari<> Oouoties living in this part of Dakota.. From here to the bounOshawa merchants are awakeniug t!) dary line-56 milas-three-fifths of the the benefits of advertinn g in local pa.pent. people &.re Can11.dfana .. .. . , Mr. C. H. S heriff P ox.Lon i11 to be publicly banHoney, formerly of Oshawa, has finisherl quetted by his North Onhrio friends. threR h jn g tho product of 400 acres, and A. Rema.rk:able Result. -W. A. his yield ie over 9,500. bushels ... .. . Quite e. numbllr of our citizens visited Grana -Edgare, of Frankville, was a terrible Forks on the 2nd inst,. to attend the sufferer from Chronic kidutiy arid Liverceremonies of laying the. corner stone of Complaiut, and at one time was so bad Did She Die 1 the VniTersity of N orth Dakota. .Among ~hat h is life was despaird of. H.e was by tour bottle of Burdock Blood "No! thA dietingnished spealrnrs on the occasion cured Bittera. · "She lingered and suffered along, pinwaft Hon. N. G. Ordwsy, Governor of The Port Perry Observer man 11pells ini.: io.wf'y all.the tim ~ for' yearss, " Dakota Territory, and ·formerly senator "And doetore d oing har no good ;" a~ Waehiugton, from Vermont. The dyeing wit hout an e. Was he not in"And a.c last waa cu red by this H op Bit,... Vice-Presidency of the new University apector of schoob once 1 has been accepted by H enry Montgomery, N e wcastle claims the jumbo plum-·7 tcrs the papers s~yu so much ('. boat " ' " I ndeed ! I nclevb !" E1q., M.A., B.Sc., of Toronto, form erly of inches in circumferencti. " Hov-. thankful we should be for that West Durham. ..Port . H ope lays claim t o being t he m edicine." CARTWRIGHT. "wickedest town. " It had 101 police A Daughter's Minstery. · · ·IOMl9 court cases the last three months . ' 'Eleven years our daughter 'suffered on ORUNO. Mr. F. J. Jewell has sold his interest a bed of misery, The citi11ens of Orono were highly pleas- in the Colborne Enterprise t o Mr. J. E . "From a _ coin plication of K idney, livei-, ed with t he d escription of its business a nd Flew welling and goes to Stayner t.o rheumatic truble and N ervous debility. its Fair · .in recent numbers of thPST.A.TES· me.ne.ge i he Su1i office. The Enterv rise "Under the care oi the best p hyeican11 MAN. 'rhe demand for the paper was is a good village paper, "Who gave her disease varoua names .. ~reater than t he supply, and many had to A. W . Dudley, Colbc!rne, baa exported. " But relif. leave the bookstore diea.ppoi nted. To 1000 bushels of plumlj, " Aud now she is rest ored to us in good: avoid ~uoh disappoiRtments in future we feet long was shot in h ealth by as Hop B itters, that we h ad A black bear would suggest that all lovers of a good Sey mour on the 2 let ult. shunned for. years betore using it, "-- THE: local newspaper leave their ·names and -A Common Annoyance-. Many people Parents. their money at F. L. Andrus' Bookstore Father is Getting Well suffer from dietres"m g at tacks of sick headfor t.he STATESMAN. " My daughters aay: On Thursday evening, 4th inst., at the ache, nausea., and other bilious troubles, " How much better father is since ha who might ensily be i;:ured by B urdock i\i. E. church, was held the first of a series used Hop f'litters, " It curecl L ottie H oward, Blood Bitters. of uuion prayer meetings ; there were in "He is getting wtill after his long sufferatt.endancti the pastors of t he differe nt of Buffalo, N. Y., of ~ is complaint and ing from a disease declared incurable" Methodi>'t churches, and a large represen- she praises it hig hly. "And we are so glad t hat he used you:it Scarlet . fe ver prevails in Colbor ne. tation of the lay class. Tha h eaHhy spirit B ittorR. " A Liday of, Utica, )I, Y. of union which prevailed even among T he Brightc·n E'fl.sign declares ihat our OJ1, \'fhnt a Coug h !- Will you heed. the; those formally opposed to it speaks well militie. f orce 11hould be dis banded, because warning. 'l'he signal perhaps e! the sure apfor future meet.i ngs, which are t o be held of its immoral effects upon t ho men, pwach of that more terrible disease Consumpm onthly. ' After th e prayer meeti ng the Ask ;vourselves if you can a:tford for th& Con t.raction of the cords oft he ar111 unfitte, tio11. of savmg fifty cents, to run the risk and. officials of the M . E. s. Sohool held their l\'[r, C. Townsbend, of Ullar!otteto wn P. E. I. saJce do nothing tor i t, We know from exper1enoo a nnual m eeting to appoin.t their offi cers from business for eevAral weeks. He obtained tllat Shiloh's Cure w ill Cure your Cough. I t no relict every i·ernedy that he could obtain never fails. 'l'his exph.tn· why more than a and teachers. 'l'he question of ui11ting ~h e until Dr, Dow·s Sturgeon Oil U niment <lame Million Bottlea were sold during the pa.st year. S<tbbath Schools and their annual teas under his notice. he t ried it and was entirel,- It relieves Oroup. and Whooping COU J{h. at cnred. · once. MotherH do not be without it. For.-'iB.me · T he n ew .breakwater, neal'ly finished at Back, Side or Chest.use Shiloh's Porous Pl!\ster. J , Higgmbotham &. Son, Wholesule and Retait P ort HfJpe, w ~I! moved' out of its plac-e &l<:ents. and 100 feet carriEd away on the night of confPr with representatives of the C. M. the recent gale. OY THIRTY D A.TS' 'l'Jltl(4..f,. S. ~chool , imd t.he combin~d r.ommit.toe, A su nflower, l!Sin. in diameter and 4B 'I'm;: VOT.'I'AICREI.T Co.. ]\.f~.:rshall, l\Ifch., ~: !! meeting on the following evening, ftW'lted in circum., was presented t o the edifor of eend D.r.. DYE'SCELltllRATED .l!lLEC1'RO·\I OL'l'AJU BELTS AND ELRC1'RIC APPLIANCES on trial for ~~r~:~~::n~~i~}li~: ~~~~aiot~:~mtate the the H astings Star la.ot \Veek. thirty days to men (young or old) who are af' Vhy go a.bout with that aching hea.<l1 Try tl.icted with ~ervous Debility, Lo stVitallt;r and Theyonngpeo ple'i! daes-meeting ofthe Ayer's P1l!s. 'l'ney wlll relieve the atomach6, Manhood, and kindred troubies, guaranteeing restore the degestlve .organ to healthy action. speedy And complete rest oration of health and C. M. church, conducted by R ev. W. A. remove the obstruction that depress nerves manl:r vigor. Address iis above. N. B.- No risk V . E. P attyeon, is held 1 m Tuel!day even· and btain, antl thus cure yom· headache per· la incurred. aa thirty days trial ls allowed, - - - ----ing of each week ; it is usually well attend- manently. F or choice Mant le goodd go t o the Star · con d ucted on a ntiw pan, I e d , an d is wh' 10 h M. MAYER' wishes to remind h is numer- House. is calculated t o meet t he wante of individuals differently constit uted, The time ons customers a nd friends t hat t he cold Gents Lambs ·wool and A.relic u nderis divided into three parte, - the first for weather is approaching and all p arties clothing m 1111 sizes at Couch , Johust on · prayer , the second for receiving t estimon- wishin~ to have their furs al'tered and re· & Crvde rmans. ies, .and t he t hird for literature ; 1 uide1 paired should Lring them in early before The best value in shi rts and drawers t he last head each is invited to ~ive an t he busy season com mences, as t he custom- (all wool) at the Star House . essay of d k ind calculated to raise the ers wiU r ecei ve t11e benefit of being well F loor Oil Clot h in all widths at Couch,. morals and to supply proper food for tb e done and at once. Johns ton & Cryd0r1111u1e. soul; instructions are also g iven in B ible The cheapest gray fiannl:lls (all wool) 11.ll Bin ges' Cough Syrup is beginning to Hist ory . A f.,w do not ex»ctly fall in with this plan. Mr. C- -, for instanee, sell very r11pidly again now the time of the Star Houee. Women with pa.le, colorless faces, who feel d oes no t approve of the cornponn d ; wh en the year for co ughs and colds bas ar rived . weak and discourug-ed. will receive both h e makes up h is mind t o go to a claas- Prepared and sold by J. Higi<inboth am & merttel and bodily vigor by nsir.g Carter's Iron.. t. tl t · l h · 1 t Pills, which are made for the blood, nerves m ee mg . la IS w iere e WlB leS 0 go. S0n . and complexion. N early all th e members , however, are Try H igginbotham'2 Corn Cure, a sure We h ave just opened ou t another lot m l)ch pleased with the chan ge. ' d j1er remedy for har~ or soft o_i,. 1s ·· of those bcfJ.u tiful Velvtiteens which have MiBs F lorence R eid has rns1gne position as teacher in tho p ubiic school, F o tn1 ,.p , p· in the stomach, bowel been in EU{)h gr eat dtimand and which are. and will at tend the next session of t he . com~ A int or chi t~ use Perr y Davis' Pai n so much admired L.r 11o~: wh11 hav<3 seen thew. Couch, J"ohnaton & Crydennan. T oronto Normal School to pr epare for a Kill~r. See adv t . in another column . Cau tion. - We advise all who are afflio.professional secon d cl~sa certificate. Dyspepsia nml Liver <!ompla!nt.- Is it not ted with a cough or cold to beware of James Hallett's illness has increased worth the sma.ll price of 75 cents to free your- opia.tea and and all medicines that amothel' ainctl last account · hie brother J ohn has self of every symptom aftbeae distressing comb l h d f' eep. t e egrap e or. . plaints, if you thiuk'so call at our store and get and Chilek a COU!:(h suddenly, as ser ious M rs. R. Ferguson Is very.· lo.w, not ex- a bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer, every has a print· results surely follow. Hagyard's Pectoral ed 11;unrantee on it. use accorctingly and if it :Blasam l oosens and b reaks u p coughs and. pected to r ecover Mi Es J uliette Andrus does you no good H will cost yon nothing. J. . . .· colds in a so.fe and efftJcbual manner. ' Higginbotham &; Son, woleso.le agents. also is seriously ill. District News. 7t · ~~;:c~:d:he/~!!;~ft~~ ~~~o~~;:~~!d ~! . .,