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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1883, p. 1

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. ·t.Sm ·~. ·' ,. ·' ' t:.'BRMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUlll 'llOWN .AND COONTY JlIRST: THE WORLD AJTERWARDS. ML A. J.AMES, En1Ton,.LN1' P:aorRIE~ NEW SERIES, Nu:r.;i:nER 274. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1883. YoLUME XXEX. GRAND TRUNK RAILWA.Y · FIO:WMANVILLESUTIOi!!I' AND TIMIE __ NuMBH:R 13. ·_==zs:::___ _ --- -- - - --·---------·--- --·--- -·- ··- ------------E McC.B. McC.:S. CORRESPONDENCE. TYB@NE. THE OTHER 810£! Not Dry Goods only, but Groceries, . . .. also Edib1es, :E·, .F-1.avori:rigs. NEW ·FRUITS ARRIVED and they will please you.well. ThP Anniversary 81lrvices in eonnecti ')0' GOING . E.AS'l' <',;<>ING WEST with the Methodist Sunday School of t.liiil K~·re~s .... .·.8.25 am J,oca,, ......... 7.25 a.. m pl11ee, wer.e held oa Snndi.y and Monday, (~11~ ······ ·.. 3.w~ Pm Expe!ess ... ... !l.31· "' m . . · Loeail .. ,. ....... 7.fta p m. Mixed ........ 3.25 p JJt 0 ct. 14 an d 15. On . S unday approprao.te- Exnresa. ~ ..... 9'.20 v m Exwese ...... 7.05 p m an& instrnciive sermons wer1>' preached by ' · Revs. Me11are. Young and Barler to lnrge, and aittenti<ve congregations. 0n :Monday a.n excellent toa. waa ser·rnd from 41 t.). 1, after whicq a public meeting was or· N.Hw tea.s. at McC-h.ui.g Broe'. gllnized; Rllv. W, R. B&rker presided. MR. E. HYERS' sale is next 'f11PsilRJI inChoice music waa furnished by .the Reho- stead of &tnrday al! announced first. of the eohool under the directi<>n of RF.:AJ>> A.. Dickson's column this week, Miu Bingham. Interesting addraSRea you will find it crisp and fresh. You will Wtlre delivered by Ren. Messrs. Oke, nohee it next weak. Dyke and Young. Proceeds about et>O>. C0 SE.,.UB:E· your tickets a~ Yellowlees' for _ _ _ _ _ _ . M.. the Jubilee Ccinoort next Tuesday night. l'la· of haH now open. · I · I Local a . nd Otherwise. NEfV0.4.STLE. FRESH ·TEAS·fine indeed! . ' Select Drug-Store Spices I The Breakfast table, The Dinner Table, ·the Tea Table most satisfactorily supplied, and the Pantry most economically supplied PY . . Rev. P. Addison, through sickness, has bean confined to the house for the past few weeks. May he soon recover. · Mr. J, M. J,ickson having Qbtained the contract of ol\l'rying tlle m~il from Newcastle to Orono, Kirby aud Leskard, hlls aold his entire stock of dry goods, groceries, eLc., by auc~iou. Mr. John Scott, formerly of Kirby, and at pr~eent a. residem of our village, has purchased ·· a;n excellent farm · near Fl;lrgus, wher" in a. few wi;ieks he intends moving with his f"mily. Mr. Rich&rd Hill has sold his farm, situated a mile and a q1mrter north of the village, alld containing 139 acres tor 9U,000, to Mr. King, ·>f Baltimore. Mr. Stuart, of the Sch con.., Cl11.rke, having sohl his farua to Mr. MoffMt has ruovud to our vi!l-Ai;re, he ha.ving purchased from Mrs. Strowaer hei' beautiful· re1idence fo:.- the 11um of S2,300. Riv . .r. L1r.rLB will preach a 1ermon next Sabbath morning having reference to the life 0f the l11te Malcolm Gia.lbraith. ALWAYS buy railway aud et11amNhip ticket.a from W. R. Climie, at your leisure, and sa.n t:rouple when in a hurry'startinu. OwrnG lo the change In the rmtuini.c of trains on tha G, ·r. R. the mails will close until further notice at. the BowmauYille P. 0. at S:45 1un. and 7 p. m. for easL and west, Tue Chl ua. Ttia Set furnishe-d by l\Iessra. Murdoch Bros. for preeenbtimt "t the ohin& wedding of l\lr. and Mrs. Vv, Werry, is said t,0 be the prettiest Stlt ever bouv,ht in thi:s town. Tm~ cClung Bros'. POPULAR GROCERY HOUSE. _ . N. B.-Housekeepers with poor memories may) .( cut out ~his .advertisement. McCLUNG BROS. _ ._ _ _5 McC.B. McC.B. 1 - FARMERS W"ho pride themselves · in raising Fine Stock should·consult their own interest and buy_a sack of the "' A. FANSON & SON, 301 Jarvis St. Toronto, Ont., wishes to Inform breec1oro ot Heavy' Drs.rt Horsee, \hat tlley are now 1mipa,red to buy Oanadian-br"d Stallions and ]'illies, such 8.11 are fit for export, a'n d would be ple11oeod to re· ceive cornm11nication1 from any V.' ho m11oy h11ove such for Ka.lo. 8tate breec1ln!l. aJi'e, hel~ht. size of bone, color &: price. \Ve n a.Ye' a n um bar of Imported horses for e&le and are' opon ·o C11onadlan-b1;cd Stallions In exchange. (273-tf) .. '· . .6., F4NSON & 130N. 1-lAM. PTON · BOOTED. :El.XOHA.JA..:J:J lll.l:C>"YSE thanks the people. of the destt'lot for their lib· , "ral patron~e. and eolidte a continuation of t~~ same.' He hs.e on hand a 'nice .stock o.t Itea.d1·M&de Boots and Shoeg that 'b.e will ·ell · at lo\vost pi:lces. · NEW ROCESS BIL CAKE I A large quantity on hand and a ' ' · '., · ' th Car L ' Oad On ~ Way~ . · NEW fruit a· McCluag Broll'. J umr.r:E SINGElts.-The Tennessee Unh·er1:1ity Jubilee Sin!!ers which &p· pear in the Town Hall here on Tllesday ORONO SCHOOL REPORT. evening, Oct. 30th, are not the same troupe that were here in J nne last. They. Senior Fifth-JasNeweom, AdaLintoo. havtl no coJmection with thtim. Person" Jm1ior F ifth-Addie Moulton, Effie who have heard this tronpe say they artl OAR1'WB1G EJT. Thomp3on, Marion McConuachie. quite equd to the Fisk Jubilees. Fourth Class- Fred Lockhart, Jenni& The l:lTATBSJl{AN cauaed e. ~reat sense.· REA o A. Dickson's coluuan this week, tion thr11ugh the township laat week, agd you will tiud h crisp and fresh. You will N Awsom, H11rvey Procter, Adelle Andru~. s~1HOI' Thi· rd-Eclith Simpson, Ethel was in great dsm11nd. Everybody w'aritM not see it next week, Simpson, Minnie Liaton, Chas. Coulter. it to send to their friends. You should get a ~reat many ne1v subsoribera throu'l{h 'rHs November issue of THE ECLECTIC Jimifir Tf;ird-Anme Newsom, Androw your enterprise. ·· MAOJ.ZINE will commend it.elf to all lov- Knox, Carrie W aldou, Adina Ferguson. ,Secot!d Class-Lizzie Watson, Clayton l'riimsionary sermons were preached iu ere of good literature. The opeuiug arti· the C. M. Church hel'e last Siibbath by cle 1s a pow.irfol statement of tha tlthical Andrna, Olive Morrison,Cla.1·ence Andrus. H.ev~. Washini:ton and Staultou; both signi.ticauce of Emt'r11on'11 lifo &nd ToschEX:s, G. Audrns, A. Squair, we·r e earue~t. practical discou rse~. writin~e, by He111y Norman. There are al mmiaters Mteuded the o.iissioDa.ry meet- ·sixtoen articles in the 1i11mber. The ediAuction Sales. ing on W.idueeday r:gh~. Iudeecl, we torial d11pllrtQ1eats aro ot their usual incould have spared a collple to . the Zulus tereat. Published by E. R. PJlLTnN, 25 A list of Mr. Pllillip's salea are kept at quite well. Bond Street, New York. Terms, $5 v~r Mrs. W. T. Werry, from the west, is year; sfn:.'(le copy, 45 cents. For ul.i by the S:r.A.:r.ll:SMAN off.ce, where a!'ran[lements can bo made for aa.lea withou~ "~~cg to paying a ltm~thy visit to her many friends 1111 newsdealere; here. She speaks well of Westeru On-· MoCLuN1J Broa'. is the pla.c11 for cloth- Hampton. F:itIDAY, Oc:r. 26. -Mr. Rich. Rowan, lot t<trio. iog. See their cheap overcoats. 14, con. 8, Cartwright, will sell hi& Mr. Geo. Bl\rtley has quit railroading The remain· of Mrs. John R. Pentefarm st.o<:k, implem1111ts, turnips, etc. and settled in tho village again. cost, who died at her ho1ne in Burlington, Sale a~ 1 o'clock, sharp. See bil!t1. Miss Ka~e V1:mCamp has gone west to Kansas, on th.i 12th, of lead poisoni11~, IL Hutchi·on, 11onolioneer. sptmd a. few mouths with fr'tlnda nMr- in the forty-tirat year of her sge, reached Goderich She is greatly mis,ed here. this cit.;, S11.tiudsy eveuiu1:. Sunday after· TmmilDAY, NoT. 1. - Mr. 8. W. Sanders,. lo t 23, con. 2, Darlington, wiH sell hia.. Mr. W. Bruce h:is a. rooster that inva.r- n oon at three o'clock the fuueral sen·ices valuable farm i tock, imvlemeuts, etc. uibly appears ai the door and hers.Ids die were held in t he chapel at Mt. Hope Sale at l o'clock, sharp. L 00Js: out for coming of visi~ors by loud and repeated cemetery. There was a large attendance po$ter1. H. T. Phillips, Auctioneer. crowing. from thtl First Methodist Church, of Mr. Alex. Fields, of this place, obtain- which deceased was e. member, and nearly FmDAY, Nov. 2.- Mr. W . E . .Pollard, lot: ed a !!econd olass A at the tes.chei:s' every miller in the city, with his wife, 10, con. 4, Darllngton, near Su.tern, examination. was present. Mr. Ptlntecost, to his g reat will st-11 his fa.rm s'ock, implements, . If the·fellow who took the sohooI-honse grief, wa$ too ill to lea<ve his home and etc. SBle at 1 o'clock, sharp. See axe does not return it there will be t rouble, come to this city with t ho r emains of his bills. H. T. Phillips, auntioueer, &11 he wae seen. wife. For · he reeided in Suu1mA.Y, Nov. 3.- Mr. Thos· .Bunt, Rochester and while conducting the Cen· l t·t 16, eon . 2, Darlington, will sell hi&. ORUNO. irs.l Mille made ho.e ta , of friends who, in frt.rm atock, implements, bay, etc, S1ltt· The first meeting of the Uni! ed Meth- thill hour of sorrow. tender theit· heartfelt at 1 o'clock:. See bills. H. · r, Philodist ~abbath Schools will b e held next sympathy.-Rodiesfoi-. N . Y., Post-Exlips, auctioneer. · .Sllliday. It waa .resolyed at a meeting of press, Sept 17. Dectlas-,d WIJI! a sister of SJ.TTTRDAY, Nov. 10:-Certain .pornQps of' the officers of each school, .That non.a Mr. John Trlck, 'o f t his town. land, desctiba<l in a.d vertisemont · iai ehoukl hold the position of au office1· or A GnAND FooT-BAf,L · Tou1tNAMB~T another column, being th9 01titll of the teuchc~ in tue united school except mem- (juniors), will ba held here on · Saturday bte W, Lammiman,. will bit sol~ &t; bers of the c!inrches. Mr. S. F. Newsom nex:t, when the following clubs ha~ !ID· Phillipe' Hotel, Hampton. H. T; is the Supt.; W. L. Broad, Secy.; R. Knox, nounced their intention of being prese nt : Phillps, auctioneer. Bible Class teacher. "ActtveH," of TorontQ·, " Pickeriugs," of ~Notice ot sale!i will be pnbli~hed: The fuoeral serm()ll of the late Mrs. Pickerinl(, "Whitbys," of Whitby Oolfree in the SrATKSM.AN whe1a the. ule 'bill&Trlillwoe preached by Elder Shoult11 last logi\~ll Inet!tme, and "Britannias,'I of · Sabbath. Ilowmauvil.1-0. '.£hree rouuds of matches printed by u1. M. MAYER wishE>e to r emind his numerons customers and friends that the cold. weather is apji>roaching and all p1'rt ies. wiehing to have the ir fur s altered and repaired should brinl( them in early uefo':'e. the b1111y eeason cnmrnenoes, n.s th" custom.ers will receive tltti of being well done llnd 11t once. SunscRirTIONIM"ecAi ved et th.a STATES:~ , M_A.N office for all· _newspapers t.nd mag&z:mes &t lowest pr1oes. . tf. T1rn letter of fi'School-marrin" and thEt report of the Too.chers' Assoeiation caRl& to hand too lat@ for thi6 issue. Miss SARA A:SRAIIAM, nel11? Solina., .e ll 8 or 10 fPet from an apple tree last·iTue11day week and seriously inj1 1red hers~e. David White, youngest eon of the. lat.e Yenerable clerk of the cmrnty of Oxford, died at the family residQuce here on Sat. nrday evening after a lingering iI!neaa. Mr. White wan at one tirue iu bminea11 here, hut of h te 1.illed arespousiblll' posit.ion in the firm of Illlrrow, Stewtort Ii Miln.-, of Hamilton. In the early pllrt of the present ·ear he was completely ' laid 1uide from wor k, and visited eevenl places in quest · of that hei\lth which it was clear to m&nv friends could not return to him. Be returned ahaut two weeks 11g 0 fr<nu 11 t rip to Mnskoka, und ellnk rapidly afterwards, Satm·day evening when his spirit paased pea~efully away. His early de11th will be sadly mourned, bu t he left behind him 11othing to rtigre·. His life was a singularly bl7'meleaa one. His kindly manner 11nd high character socnred him n1> t only the el'!teo·m but the llff~tion of all who knew him. His funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon and WM largely a tttlnded. Mr. White's enrviYing brother is clerk of the county. He leaYea R wifll throe yon11g children, ln their 'irrep:mtble bert'liwerneut they have the sympathy of l\ll who know .them. '-Wood11tock Se11tine£ Rttitiu. Deceased ws.11 brother of Mr1. T. Y01lowlces. · ORDERED WORK r~e.iv'es special attention 1md goou fits guar· anieed eyery time . . Repairing pron:aptly and Bow~tA.NVILLE, September AGENOIES. .BROTHERS.I, GOOD ~~Kl MA'YNARD I 1 ________..____._I ~at11do11e. R. ·MO"YSE. 273-tf Hampton, Oct. 18th, 1881. THEl . JEWELER .tJEWELLERY. We beg to annonno" to ~he public that we -'&re pl."epared t,o do a !l'llneralitisuranoe business, r6'presenting as 'we do a number of f\rst class ~paniea w11 shall be ir.l,,.d to giYe prompt atec.ition to anythin,,; fn· thlht line, "'e re1tr~11t a1,so the Qntario Lo11.n &nd 8aYIDfil'9 Co·· ot Endorsed by the French .A.oademyo!Me\)lclne -Oshawa, and n.cecpt d opositl! on lie behalf al· l'or lnfiannmntton of'. the Urlnni·y Oramll!I, lowinir i & 6 per cent interaet rrom date or receipt. . · . os.u,aed by IndiScretion or Exposure, Hotel Parties re1111irinl': 101ms wUI Jlnd It to tbe1r Dlou Hospital, Paris, Treatment. Posi&ive .adTantage to g"~ .our t1Jr<Ua. , Cu;o in one to .t.k reo days. Local. 'r-re'atme~t only required. No nauseous does of Cubebs or Weare agentd for,. n11mber o! tlrat 'cl&se linEMI amon1n,.hich iS tlte White Star Line the Cbpe.ibs... beet' fastest and best equipped Steamship on Intallible. Hygienic, Curative, PreventiYe. the Ooean and Car tickets to all point··at low· ·Bllt 1-a~a.' We also represent 'iV, D .Mll.tnews ,Prloo $1.50, .including Bulb. Syringe. Sold by et. 'l' ant\ a~·o f>repared to pay blgheet. e.11 Drngglsts, or sent free by mall, securely price· for Hs.l'leY an<l all kli1ds o! gr~in. Pardllfl lntere.:itcd will please note th'eee fllcta. sealed, on rel:,e ipt or .Pri~e. Descriptive ·rreatlse free on application. AMERICAN .AGENCY "OOM :MEDICINE CO., Detroit. Mieh. Windsor, Oil~ Is tecetv'ing ne')V goods ·for tho Fall Trtall.e In ' all the latest stylee. Flue line of Nllck Chains, Gold and Silver Lockets. Ba.r. PinA, .Brooches- Gold and Silver Sots, Gem llinga, W6,d ding Rings, Vest Chaine 11ond Guards, Bracelets, etc. , I WA.TURES. · Ocean Steamships. I am sole agent for the Lancaster \Vatch Co., \Valtham Wat.ches, Swiss Watohos, all size Cases- beet make, dust and water proof CAl.stJs, Cl~OCKS, 8 day and :lO hour Walnut Clocks.Alarm Clocks K itchen Clocks, Nickle Clocks, Uegulators, etc; SILVERWARE. I expect in a few days to show the latest tbmge ·in this line, overythinft l':t"om " · Tea Set to a Napkin Ring, Give me a call, You wlll Ree thlnga that you least expeot. T. YELLOWLEf.S. W. F. ALLIN. 'THE BARBER SH0 P. · ·When'er you w~nt· r.n eaiiy sban, ·Alf good as Baft.>e1· ever gave. ; llfit call at Pethi6k's Saloon, At; morning, C'l>e 01· bmiy noon. ·' '.Jlcut and comb your h&lr with ~ace,. l'o 101' t.he co ntour of your Jaco; Hi3 1h6l'n are aharp and raizor& keen, Bia .hop Is nea't atJd 11hv!tf· ·clean,. An/i enrything, we think, you'll ~ml, Ta aua the taste and the rn11td. SP.ECTACLE!!i. i:'lole llll'ent t or the Rock Crystal Spects and Eye Glasses. All kinds of optical Goode in Stock. Got your eyes teated by the OPTOMETER at MAYNARD'S, · REPA.IRll'fG1o First ol~I! repairing on Watches, Clocks and Jewellcry'Warranteu. Old Jewellery re-colored. Give me a ilrl'al,· Gold and Silnr bought at lVIaynard,s, the Jeweller Quite a i;iumber from Orono attended will be played by each club. Play begme the tea meeting of the Union Sa.bbath at 10:30 a.m., and at 2:00 p .m. This is School at Enterprise Monday. The the first j unior tunma.ment eYer ' held i 1 1 choir of the Christ.i an . church supplied connection with 'the Ventral Aesoci11tion, them with music. and it ia hoped the public genera.Uy will 'fhe anniversary of the Preebyt<1rian turn out and help make it a grand success. church was held on :::!unday and Menday, Admi11eion 15 cts. Ladies free. the 14th and 15th inst., and paesed of very 'I.'hough numei·eus on.uses may operate to successfully. · turn the hair gray, all that is nee<;led to restore The Alleghanians carried off a 11andsomo the natural color i~ He.U'a Vegetable Simliau Hair Renewer, I!'or more than twenty yeal'S emn o f money from Orono. its anle~ have be"n enormous, but we have yet Owing to the Teachers' Convention at to learn of its first failure. Bowman ville t he public school wa.~ c;losed . Po v r:r:a:Y A:::;r;; P.e'£ S1·ot!.K .assocuTiv.·. last Friday. - A l:m?ti number of poultry fanciers met Mr. Charles Walters and Miss Plane, on Mond:\y evening for the p urpose of eldest daughter of Elisha Plane, were forming an ~ssociation, when the following united last week. Here we se11 unmistak- gentlemen were elet'lted ofr:icars : John able signs of the prevailing spil'it of blaion. rKydd . ; presiden~ ; ' s ·a mnel B 11rde11, viceThe wedding supper was bounteonsly preAide1\t.; M. Porter, treasurer; and D. spread by the bride's aunt. T. Mon-is, secretary ; and ·r. T ., An emergency meeting of the Orono ,J s. Jeffrey,. W. J. W.olfe, N. S. YonnQ, Lodgo No. 325, A.F. . & A .M., will be IT. ~melt, J, Dutton, S. '\Vri1.:11t, W. Hall, held to-night. A. Hobbs, and G. '.l'ilt, directors. It is Mr. James Hallett is, we are glad to proposed to bold a show sometime in say, slowly recovering. F~bruary, in the Town Hall, npen t o the Mn. D"vid Kirkland has once mere as· Dominion, 1>hen the Association hope to sumed ehi> or<linnry duties of life. see poultry and pet stock exhibited from Mr. Hemy Kelly, who has been con- all ·parts. _ Already some have signified fined fo~ ijome time with a bad knee,uuder their intention of l(Olllg into raising Engthe treatment of Dr. Tucker, is now re· lish pheasants and fancy pigeo'ns, which is covering. always one of the leading attractions o.t 006 uf the combatant.a de;0cribed in the the Industria,l. Jn ot her pnrts of the Do· 1ssL1e has been married since the tight, minion aesociattons of t his kind have been :i.nd the oth er rival is loft in blissful, u n· found to be b eneficial to farmer and fan. undist urbed posses,ion. Tim CLERK. cier alike, as he more readily sees the difference between scrubs and good s tock. Oh, Wh"' n f;rin::th?- Will yon t '!ed the A committee had previously canvassed the warning, 'l'he signal perhaps ef th<!! sure ap- town for members and got abo u't !JO names proach of that more terrible dleeasa Consump· enrolled in one day'11 canvass ; so t.he tiou, .Ask yourselves lf you can s.:tfoi-d for the salce of savlnli! :tlCty cents, to run the risk apd probabilities are t h e Aesoclation will be do nothing for It. vVe know from expenence a· that Shiloh's Cure will Cui'C your Cough. It t.roug, and it will s.!110 be a strong s.clcli · never fails. 'l'his expla.ln~ wh;r more than a tion to our. 11gric11ltural show here in the Million Bottle~ were sold during the pas& :rear. fall. It relieves Croup, and Whooping Cough, at An elastic step buoyant spirits, ·and clear onco. Mothers do not be without it. For Baok,Sido or Chest, nae Shiloh's PorQlls Plaster complexions, are among the ma.ny desirable reeulta of pnre blood. The possesso1· of healthy J, Higgmbotham & Son, Wh0Ies11to-imd Retaii bloo<l hashis f&eulties at command. aui on.1oya ~nts. " a clear and QUiok perception, which Is ilnposwhen tho blood is heavy and sluggish Try Higginbotha.m'a Corn Cure, a 1rar· alble with impuritles. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the remedy for hard or sflft oorua. beet blood purillet' and YUall~er knoWll. A. Remarkable Result. ~....,.¥¥. A., of Frankville, was a tGrrible eufie~er from Ohronic kidn c~y and Livc!.'Uomplaint, am\ at one time was so bad that hi11 life was despaird ' of. He wa$ cured by four bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters. · nyMpcpsls :\JHI lLlnir Vorn11l:ltr1t.- Is i t not worth the small price of 75 cents to free ~ o ur self or 01 ,ery symptom <tf these distress)ng~om pl'ain'ts, if you t.hiuk so call at our store 1'Ud get a bottle or Shiloh's 'Vite.lize1·, every has.a printed !l'llllrantco on it. use u.ccordingly s:i.d if it. doe~ you no guo<l it wiil cost ;roll noth!nir. J. Higginbotham&; Son, wolesale agents. . Tried in Toronto. Mrs. Ma.ry 'l'komp11ou, of Toronto, ;reports rerno.v nl of eight feet tape-worm by t·he usuto.f one hottltt of Dr. Low'a Ple~san:t Worw Syrup. T hlsmedioine is reliable for worms that aillict children or adults. · Bingos' Cough Syrup i3. beginning t o sell very rapidly again n ow the time of the year for oo ughs ao.d colds has arrived . Prepared and sold by J. Hig~inbotham & S ln, 1 ..,, Genta Lambs W o~l and .Arctic un.derclothing in 1111 sizes at Couch, Johoeton & Crydermans. F01~ cramps, pain iu the stomach, bowel compl~in& or chills nse Perry Da,vis' Killer, See advt. in another column 1 .Fina Soap!, tmlet articles and eii.oice perfumery in grea~ variety at J. HigginbothMD & Son's. !" For ch oice Mantle good~ go to the StH House,

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