THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED Caledonian Mills. Formerl, Y::rnown as the "' Soper Mills. ') OUR YOUNG FOLKS Ned's Suggestion LO~I SE R, SMITH. "Where did you buy her, Mamma ?" ·, Asked three-year-old Ned of me, As he leaned o'er the dainty cradle His " new lit~le sister " to see. BY RIS l\1ILL HAS BEEN THORu GHLY renovated and put in order, nndet' our own spemal supervision. for the purpose 'of M . - ·A. AMEB, gristing e.nd manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot 8arley, and we are now prepared to reoE>ive -~i AT THE O~'EICE. , orders from all our old cu.;tomers and othera '·!' for ,w ork, and we gurantee to give them wlJ.o ostOmce Block, IUri.g St.,Bowmanvllle,Ont intrust us with the same entire satisfaetion. Oats and other grains taken ,in exchange for . Tf'JR. ~1::3: Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & .J. TOWNf!I, Bow· $.I. .110 perunnumfor. $1.00 i f palcl in"¢ manvllle. · 227. Payment strictly in advance reqmred from sobsenbers outside of the county. Orders to alllcentinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by ··e amount due,orthe paper will not be stopped. ~11b59riber11,ar~,sibleuntil full payment is nrade' .... .. ' ' ... · ~ARE.ROOJ\f, ." - .. lt&TE!I' O'F AD'\'EltTISllVG I I ~~ Whore Colulll.Q.One,year ......·...... $59 001 :;;:~.; Half year.. ..... ... . . 30 oo,= 0 ~ " " One quarter........ 2ll 00!"""'::; Half Column one year .. .... .. .... . . . 30 oo:- " ·· Half year ................. 20 ~oc BOWMANVl ;LLE_ · " ···· One quarter. , .. .. : .··· 12 o()i ·Quw:ter Column one yen ... .· ..... · 20 001 - . . . ·· '.' Half,yeii.r .; .. . ..... . . 1~ 5, o;- 5 , . "' .. One qua~·ter .. : ..... 8 OOj=- "l'TT VV · . ,. · SU: linee and under, :first insertion . . $0 501 _ - -- - -- - · · - - ·- · . , Each subsequeut insertion...... O 2~! lb."om six to ten ).ine.s, :first.lns11rtlon, 0 7aj_ · LAR.C'E l ..K E -·· ·. Each Kubsequentliisertlan.·:. : ·. 0 351_ · 10 : on::. ;~· PAt·N·t·tN'C · ' OF "; Over ten lines first insertion,per line 0 lOi ,. · , . - Y ·O URSE L F' "' IFO R . , ... . .· Jl;ach subseQ.'\lent insertion, " · o oa:_; ' ONLY·ONE ,DOLLAR . ........... ·.·, 'ir,he ~ui;nlJ,er. otlin.eqo, be reckoned byj ~ .. · A _noi" process of · :eortrall ' · · ~ space occ~ied;_measured by a scale of.1 - · . '. ,Painting._ No pen can do jus- . ., ,, · . · ll!)lid '.N;ot:1pa~e .l. S.i ·n.. ; -15, t tn's beautiful process · of reproducing the b.umaii · · 0 '. fl/-Ce an!f fadeless J,, POTTIER, 'JU.D. , perfection. in oil colors. ·· GR.A.DC A 'l1E · of' Queen's· College, _.ll;i'li~aton:; ·"< :· · aresoclearfyw O.u11· prfntea· !tisti:Uctioils , and Member Of Cpl\eire of PhySleians. an~ 0 rded that · ,. any person Cllll.lear)l~odo . Surgeons, Ontario. «Office and Residence, Enniskillen. , .. ,1'(. this work · in a t)iiv dajrli... ; · ·Full printed -'lils'tl'llct;_lons'maned to a.nv address .on Dr. -.)l. BEITJI, '· receipt of ~N.Ji: DOLL.U~. · RADUATE OF THE TORONTOUNIVER· , Please sendfor·o urex·plan· SlTY PhYSician. Surgeon, &c. ·Office King ·atbry circulars which we Stri;et. MbRRIS' BLOCK, Bowµianville. mall free. Mention this pup<>' A ,NCELO ART co., Est'n 11r.s. Detroit; Micli. J, lY. '1t1e.Laughl.l.u, 111. n., . ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE of· Physicians and member ot the Royal College of Sitrgeons, Edinburgh. · Office : MORRIS' BLOCK King-st., Howmanfor 11 ny quantity ct -ville. · · · , -;-BY- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, J T "An angel brought her, darling," I answered, and he smiled, Then softly bent his curly head, And kissed the sleeping child. But a sudden change came over him, · And he said, "If I'd been you, · '\Vhile I was about it, Mamma, I'd have caught the' angel!, too!" ~t. Nichoia8. DOMINION ORGAN & PIANO Co., / Fun Tha.t May Kill. \.Ve want all the boys who are in the habit of smoking cigarettes, or who be· ginniu1o1 to learn how to smoke them, to pay attention while we tell them ,of a sad event that .r~cently took place in one of our Eastern c1t1es. . Among the number o~ bright boys who had set out·to become business men was a lad fifteen years ·of age,, employed in a law· yer's office. During his leisure hours and on Sunda)·s.he was ~n the habit of ~moking .c igar.e ttes, the .smqke of :which he inhaled. From this _ he . passed ~o chewing tobacco, 'a nd 1 ·t is ·aid .that when he was not amok ~ "A Li i th W " ing cigarette he always had tobacco in his '>ll D e ay. mouth, and occasionally combined the two. \Vhen we see evil going on multiplying ·Bis P!!-re . rits endeavoured to break him off under our eyes what excuse do men make ? . the habit, but all they could say aud do -"Oh, there is a lion in the way." Cities had no effect. : His health soon began to are ill governed; thieves and hurglara fail ra.pidly,· and· hia family, who were not abound,· there are not only criminals, but I · · · awarn that tobacco· would have sue l InJUrt· known, recognized, and catalogued classes ous effects, fancied that his weakness was of criminals that prey upon society. Every· caused by the close confinement which he where, more and more our. streets, often so had to under·go at his place of business. · 11 y d ir ' t y a.nd d angerous, are Ill · fect e d Id t p h ys1ca R e soon became so ill that 1 1e cou no also by such r. moral leprosy of vice and sl. e ep at night, and his appetite began to prostitution that competent witnesses de· fail. His coulltenance was very sallow, and clare no streets in ,Europe to be so flagrantly ' he. !)ad severe headaches. Fna.lly his m.:>ther and unblushingly vile. Drunkenness within took hitn to Eoe a physician, who, on txam· a stone's throw of mis daily dragging down jning,, thought that he was sulfuring men and wvmen into an abyssmal degrada· from the want of the right kind of food, and tton; the results of that drunkennesss are Dlt. J. (J, ltllTC:REJ,J,, . . ·. _ prescribed tonics and things that are nour- pa~perism and crimins.lity, which cost the EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ishing and strengthening. country hundreds and thou~an'ds of pounds, and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, ebe. A FULL SUPPLY OF ' ...-. "· · J?ut instead of imptoving in health the and, what is far worse, co~t the very life Office and Residence, Ennisklllen. · . 74. poor lad constantly grew worse, and was b!oo··l of its sor.s and daughters. Yet tempsoon confined to his bed. Th" doctor then tations to drunkenness are everywhere D. B1JKKE SJMPSfllV, learned that the boy had been addicted to shamefully. needlessly, and intolerably mul· D ARRIS'.fER, SOLICITOR, &c., MORRIS .I~ BLOCK, up stairs, King_ Street. Bo'vma.n· AT nor.f.0~1 PR·CES. , , the excessive :ise of tobacco in every form, tiplied, and souls are la.lling every .day by lie. Solicitor fo~ the On.tario Banlc. : and he came to the conclusion that hiij p:iti· hundreds of tbo\l~ands into tbe licensed a nd Private Honey~ loaned'at the 11>west.rate.ri. \. All kincls of farm pi·oducl? taken ent was sufft!r ing from nicotine poisoning. glaring traps stt for them, from sun daw::; N otbing that could be done had any elfoot till midnight, to the utt.-r ruin of thtiir souls. _____ J_o_hn_ , K_c_U_h --G at ~ b r .,. :t_ tt_h _ ,......,..~;- in ~xchange fo~ ·go.Od~. : . in restoring the suffering boy. He lingered Do you mean to tell me that all this is as for about a week, when congestion ot the ought to be, that there is no peril in it, tliat ARRI8'1.'ER, ··soLICITOR, NOT.A.RY . lungs set in, and ,f oe heart began to foil in it is not sapping the manhood, and poisonPUBLIC, &o. Office-Reed's Block·. 0;ver , , ", "· ..- , ' T; 'Battings store, King Street, Bowm111nv11le. ·' 7.~2 · · · .: -'" ' .,... ' · Bowmnnvlllc. its functions. Thi$ was the beginning of ing the womanhood, and blighting the child· ·Money to lend · , .... · ; · ' ... - -th!I end. " Within twenty-four hours he was hood, which is the true sburce of .national dead, killed by the foolish habit he had, strength? To say tha.t this state of t hings J,OSCOMUE ~ll; l.1-~ITll, -. ; . 'formed of smoking ciga:rettes and ~hewing t his vile and glaring drunkenness, thu~ viler ARRISTERS,A'.f'.1'0R!"EY$, s'oqcrrORS~ , tobacct>. and yet more perilous uocleanness in En~· Conveyancers, Notanes, &c. Office :-;-McIt would seem that such a ·~tory as this lish citice, are necessary things seems to me Clung's Builclings, K\ng Street, Bowmanv1l,le. wanld be all the warning a boy could ever a hideous blasphemy. 'Why then are they R. RUSSELL LOSCOJl!!BE. A. H. LE~TII. want against cigarette smoking. But while suffered to grow and multiply till the pit we are on the subject we want to t ell our swallows them, as assuredly it will? Why ltloneY J,01m.~~ and otlier funds at lowest.rates ?f mtere&t. · ·· boy readers somet hing more about the fool- 'll"ill not England grapple with the vices ish habit, and what makes it so dangerous which are eating out the heatt of her lowest !jT.· .JOH~ U. HlJ'.:C:nES~N, . and destrucnive to those who practice it. classes and affecting so many thousands of ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &u. A gentleman who writes a good deal for her sons and daughters? Oh, there is a lion , Younq Peop& on making inquiries of one in the way !-there are rich monopolies, Ndl'AR'iZ'. PUBrIC. MONEY '1'0, LoAN: 0FFICE-:::-0VE~t 8'.J-~A'l'ESMAN OFFICE· .... · · of the largest manufacturers of cigarettes in t here are vested interests, there are millions -BV'New York, was informed that ~he annual av· of capital; there are wealthy people who ~~llEJtT ARlllOtm; erage of cigarettes consumed in this counbry owu these houses which pour forth into the EGil:5TR.A.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER amounts to not less than a thousand mil· <lisgusted midnight their foul stream of of'M, Ucenses, Barrister a.nd Attor· , blasphemin2 sots to.reel home and beat and uey at La.w and Solicitor in Chancery. Mo~ey « I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on lions. Now perhaps this statement in itself is kick their wives and children, while wealthy loaned on Real Eetate. Office on King stree~, the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. very wonderful, when we think of landlords draw their rents from the rot· .Sowmanvllle. Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. not :.=..:.:..::=::..:..:=~------:::--::--- - - First-class bearse on verl" modera.te terms. the number of people in this country of ours; ting houses where the poor are h· u.ddled tou. T. PDILLJl·S Shrouds and Coffins eonst.antly on hand. Fun· but take it in connection with the fact that gether like swine, "TIONEER tor the County eral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & the consumption of tobacco and cigars has The slothful man is but an epitome of the LIOENSED Au '-' t d d Show Rooms-Bounsall'sNewB!ock. · ' of Durhsm Sales promptly at en e · All furniture sold by me Is made by the U. C not decreased .in that time, and one natur· slothful nation. H e is ingeniousm excuaes. ' Add1·ess-Ha~1vton P, O. ---~9_: _ Co. of Bowmanville. I do not buy ally asks how it is that su~h' a.n increase c~n First, he has the excuse of Cain, · ·Am I my -slop furniture a.nd represent it to have been be had in one form of.smokers' articles with· brother's keeper? Is it my business to in· Jt, llt;TCJHISON. I made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. ICENSED .A,U CTION EEJ:t. CONVEY.A.N· 1Also 8:g~nt for th.e LI·QUOR TEA Cor this town out a falling off in the other forms of the ma- t erfllre ?" or he becomes metephyeica.1, and L CER and commssioner m B. l't. Sales at· anCI v1cm1ty. It is cheap and as good as ~an be terial. pleads, "It is human nature; if you sup. tended to promply and at rcasona.ble rates. got in the mRi:ket. .A. valuable prize given A gentleman who has two large retail press evil in this direction it will break out a-Address- EnniskUlen P.O. ' 1w1th every pound. tobacco stores, on being asked the reason of and be wor~e in another." Or he hkes a this in creased demand, said that so far as large, statesmanlike view, and says, "Liberty OHN H UGHES.-Licenaed ,Auction· his experience conld be relied upon it wa.s is better than sobriety, and national sottish· eer Valuator and Arbitrator,Fire and Life due mainly to the .fac t that . they were con· ness is to be preferred to national restraint." InsurO:nce· ,Notes and Accounts Collected. BANKERS, Money to 'Lend on reasonable terms. Addriss sumed largely by boys who took their les· Or he becomes pious, and he quotes Scrip· Cartwright, Ont. · i7sons in smoking by the use of these minia· ture to prove that for the slave trade there KrNG STREET, BowMANVILLE. ture cigars, is Divine auth6rity, and that 11;in a.nd rum GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TP Now let us see if we can not find out a are "good creatnres of God." Oh :>es, every man who buys his License from few facts about the materials. that go to ther,e is a lion in th e way ! But the worst HENRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. 198tf. make up these cigarettes w hich are so uni· liou is the <lead lumpish, lion ca.rcasc; of our R. YOUNf~, V. S., removed to A GENERAL BANKING BUSINES S ·versa.Hy used:slrt,ggish acquiescence, and our immoral half· the residence directly opposite the Drill transacted. Drafts issued and co11.ictions Of course the cigarette is made of tobacco heartedness. · Shed. formerly occupied by P. C. Hiines. His made through all Branches of the Bank of rolled in what is called rice-paper; that Every curse the worl<l has ever knownoffice will be in :Mr. John 1\1!.'Mnrtry s Grocery Each gladiatorial fights, and Inquisition, duelling, Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from l to 5 Montreal, in Canada, U]lited States and every one thinks he knows. England. manufacturer of cigare~tes says that his par- the slave-trade, bear-bahing, the abomin11.m.. Sundays excepted. . 228-tf. ticular house uses none but the best able state of prisons, the crue.I oppression in sh ort D ate, C ommercia1 and F armers' kish, Virginia, or Havai:a tobacco; but '.l'ur· NUG HOME FOR SALE. - -A. Brick that factoties, bribery and corruption, all eorts of Cottage con taintng six rooms, cellar. pantry papers discount ed at bank rates. Longer other manufacturers 11re perhaps dishonest connived-at immoralities have been defend· etc:, ..uarter acre land, st~ble, woo?-·shed, hard perfods than three m o ntihR at best rates enough to use cheap Ma.ryland or Western ed by such miserable sophisms as these, and and soft water, and other c&nvemences. For leaves, while they also put in all kinds of to clench it the devil inva.rill.bly quotes fUrther information apply to S·rA1'ESMANoftlce, obtainable. A dvances made on SaleNotes .and spec· material, such as old cigar stubs, and odds Scripture for his purpose, and in sacred Bowmam·rne. · · 918-t!. ial attention given to collection of same. and ends of all kinds. phrase and saintly posture he gives to God · Pianos ···uned & Repaired. It is quite impossible to say that sugh the honor of thill' monstrous progeny. -Hap· material is uEed ; but there is a YAry odd pily, e\·ery now. and then, God-inspired, A RTIES"WISHING THEIR PIANOS kind of a fact to be taken.into consideration, good, brave, unsophisticated men have torn Tuned:or repaired can haYe them attended which may have some connection with the their way through these thorny hedges of FOUR PER CENT PAID on DEPOS· to by leaving word iit the DOMINION ORGAN charges some people make ag;inst cigarette indulgence, gr eed, and opposition, and drag· Co's Ol"'FICE, Bowmanvi!le. .A. ftrst-clas man l'l'S of $4 and Qpwards, withdrawal on manufacturing. · '(ed into the light even the worst monsters , ! iOW l>eing in their n.ploy. · ~emand with i-tterest t :> date, 1"ive years ago there were but few cigar· whicil frequent the dark thickets of ~elf· ettes made in this country, anq at that time interest and crime ; have faced the wild the ends of cigars , which were thrown into beast of demoralized public opinion in spite the street were considered worthless, un· of its erect mane and fla.ming eyes. Yes, 18SUED BY BANK, BUILDlNG SOCIETY AN.U less it was to some of the newsboys and happily the world has produced such men lnsuran!Je Co. Stocks, 11-lao B011d11 and De- boot-blacks who were willing to put a grt:a.t among its purblind and effemmate genera· deal of dirt in their mouths -for the sake of tione, or it h11.d perished long ago of its own '1>FFICE- Town H all Bnildlngs,8owmanville bentures bou~ht at !'%, comD,lission either a smoke. Three years ago the demand for corrupt~on ; for in the long run and in the in Montreal or Toronto . American-made cigarettes began to'increase, highest sens esuch men always succeed; the and then the ends of cigars that had been " Lion of the tribe of J ndah" is with them, thrown away had such a value that the a.nd neither the world, the il.esh, nor tpe Italian immigrants in New York began to d~vil can stay His hand. Indeed, these lSSUED 13Y AGEN'l'S FOR NOR'l'HERN oF ENGL.A ND, gather them from the street, and to day lions, the world, the fl!lsh, and the devil, for capital ,a nd invested fuuds- $27,600.000. '!'be City of London Fire Insurance Co. of there are on Crosby and Mott streets alone, all their seemin11; strength and ferocity and London, Enl!'land. Ci.pita! £1,000,000, sterlin g, .as has been found from personal inq11iry, the passion in their throats, prove but cow. Deposited with Government at Ottawa. $100,000. over a hundre".l men who make a livin11; by arclly beasts alter all, and though ORONO, ONT. Fire Insuranc'% of every Description etl'e cted, Lowest possible rates on all classes or risks. gathering this refuse tobacco. That num- and Mistrust may not find it out, they are Onty 1 wo Dollars. ber may be found on two 11+.reets, and it is but chained lions, and we stand becertainly safe to say that ct.hers art in the yond their Epring, "Ia thy e,trength so same business. small ?" crices the porter to Christian. so Do! Genllemen oCFasb lt is not jusL a trifle odd that as the de- "F~ar not the lions, for they are chained. ien, not so 11lst. .A.LARGE AMO'GN'T OF PRIVATE FUNDS mand for mgarettes increased, so did that Keep in the midst qf the path, and n.o harm for investment at 6, 7 and 8% , according to se for cigar stubs ? A member of a large cigar· shall come to thee." " But the slothful man curity offer ed. · ' I have written these few lines ette manufacturing company said to the not only saya, "There is a: lion in the way," .A.nd all I have to saywriter:-" Yeu have heard of the new alka· but adds, "l shall be slain in the streets," That you can tlnd me s till at home, j am not gone a way. KE'tIO , :HEALTH~ loid from tobacco which a French chemist a nd then, in a reproachful and illj ured tone: . · r IS Dall myklndolcb riendemay come, has just discovered ? Well, our chemist "You well know tha.t many have been so And all they oung ones, too, was ou the point of making tha~ discovery slain." Yes, it is quite true: they have Aud get their garments nicely just as it waa announced to the world, and been so; but to them, as to their Lord, Jn fashions that are new: Where old and young, de11,r friends, may meet 1 assure you it is one of the most powerful through death and after death, if not in life, A. welcome 1>MAtinll. bv R. PEATE of poisons, being very similar to sulphuric h:.ith come the glory and the victory. Slain acid. " they have been, but no harm has come to Every boy knows that rice paper wouldn't them , for they have trusted in the Lord, in hurt a fly in case he should smoke it; ther e· Whose Name they have fought. - Bv the fore when he huys cigarettes he is always Rev. Canon Farrm-,D.D., F.B.S. · Has received her new stock of Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the careful to geo those which are wrappeii in ·· 1 . -. ... · · -- - BowelEJ, Kidneys and Liver, carrythat kind of paper, or at least those which They have their own way of dealing with ing off gmdually without weakening the . it is said have rice-paper around them, bears up about Port Arthur- they annihilate ~ystem, all the impurities and foul Now let any boy go to a. paper manufacturer them. '\1\7e have never had much to do humors of the secretions ; at the same and ask him t he simple question as to with bears, but men who have had a good and invites the Ladies of Bow- tii:ne Correcting. A cidity of the whether he or any one else Lould make pa- deal of experience in<this way, have manville and vicinity to call Stomach, curing ".Biliousness, Dys- per from rice, and th.a answer will be that t hat they were always quite contented with pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, rice has no fibre, consequently paper could killiiig them. As for a nnihilation, when it and see h er Pattern Hear'tbn rn, Constipation, Dryness not be made from it. The so-called rice- was spoken of, t hey looked a Little sceptical. of the S1 tin, Dropsy, Dimness of paper is from rice straw, and it is easy 'l'hey evidently doubted if such a thing Vision· . .Jat:ndice, Salt Rheum, to imagine 'just how much rice there is iu it . could be. A Port Arthur paper, however, E:::ysipefa.s, Scrofula, Fluttering of The cigarette papers are neither more nor gives t he assurance that a fireman helped and assortment ot the Heart, Nervousness, and Genless than a kind of tisaue-paper of di:tferent to annihilate a huge bear that had been · eral Debility; a ll t hese and many degrees of fineness; and t hat statement wounded' by a passing hcomotive, and a other simila.r Complaints vield to the came from the same manufacturer who told Port Arthur journalist ou~ht to know if any· ho.ppv infl.ue;10e of :fiURDOCX about the poison. body does, BLOOD :BITTERS. It is well known that tobacco acts to a STORE 1 - Second Poor W est or 1n111a111s Shut up for a sea1Dn-The {lepper box. certain ex tent upon the brain as liquor does. ~. .aJ:lLllrll:i & co., Proprlet-On. To:-onf4. Batcher Stan. E ·I G 20, LtIF-E·L RU'S E Agent·: · Not long ago a, gentlema.n who was anxious to know how this stimulant or narcoticsince it acts ou different natures in both ways-might affect the brain of a growing boy, asked one of the leading physcians . in New York wha.t his opinion wa.s in regard to the matter, This is what the physician re· plied :" I ·can tell You wbat you· want to know, or I can tell you how to find out, fithout a.ny of the big words you are nfraid of. Smoke one cigarette, then.put a ,clean ·cambric handkerchief to your mouth, and ireathe throu~h it two or three minutes. l"ou will fiud a yellow deposit, which went into your lungs, and if you have any common-sense you can tell yourself whether it is likely to be ii::jurioub." Had this physician known of ihe story with which this article begins, ·he could said to what · &tent it might be in3urious. " Tobacco does not often kill people, for. know lots of old men who have alwa.ys 1sP.d it, and they are as lively as crickets," some bright boy may urge. But if he will study mto the matter a little further he will probably find out that these men either did not use tobacco when they were :(rnwing boys, but only when they became 1.. ~n 1 with their minds and body developed and ha.rdened to endurance, or that they had strong constitutions, such as we seldom find among our city lads of to-day. - H arper's Youny People. SCROFULA awl all scrofulous \lLseascs, Sores, Erysipe._ la.1..~ , Eczen,ta, Ulotclu"s, \.l'ot·rn, Tm,., , uioris, Carbuncles,. Bolls, a.11d E nl}Jtiuu.s, of the Skin, the direct i·esul t of aa Codd & Co,. Bankers Successors to Agene-y e>f Dominion Bank, .BOWMANVILLE, , a.nd 439 Mansion House Chambers. L ONDON, ENGLAND. impum st.ate of the bloou. . 'l'O cure these ·lise;i~cs the blood must llc pttrificd, imtl restore<! l o :i l1eu!Lhy and i iutnr:tl coiulition. AY .:n's S.l llSAP.~RJLL.~ J.wl f or o ver for ty l1l-W 11 rccog11izell l.iy et:nil!ent nt edical~ aat..horitics ns the most l)O Werful ulood purifier in existence. J t frc~ the syBtern fro1n nll foul li·.unors, c ur s anti streu gtbe11:s the lJ1ood, remove8 n.11 tnu... "es o f 111ercllria.l treat111c.11t, ;unl proves ils9l f a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Recent Cnre of Scrofulous Sor es. "Some months ngo 1 was trouble,1 wiLh sc1 ·ofnlons io:ores ( ulerr1·f.:.) on my legs. 1l'he limbs wure badly s wollen and iutlnmed, aud the · sores cli!:icl aargecl Ja.rge q un.n t it_ies of ofi'ensi ve E've1·~, remctly I tried failed, until J usccl An·:1:'s 8Aus,11·A11ILfu\, of which I. h·wc J1ow t.n.ken three bottles, w ith the 1·esnlt that the sores ni·c he n.led, nnd 111v gc11cn;l llcnlt h gre ntly improve<l. J feel" ver:y grntc!ul fOr tlle gooll your u1edicine has done rne. · i"o un; respectfnll~r, l\lns. A~N' 0 'J3JUAN." 148 Sullivan St.., NQw Yol'k, Jnne :.H, 1SE2. fS:c.fl"' All p e r son s intercstP.d are invitecl t o 4...'all on l\lrs. 0' llrian ; al so upon the Ht\·, z · .P. ~Vilds of 78 1,;ast 54th Street, New York City, who will take 11 leasuro in testifying tot h e 'l'\' 01ulc1·ful efficacy oJ A yc1 ·'s Sar~;-tpa.1·illn., uot only in the cn~·e of thiis lady, but in his u ·w n case and the sa,me :Terms aiid Pi·inciples ad~t~d by the J oint Str>ck Banks. INTEREST ALLOWED 0 N DEP 0 S J TS· withdrawal on demand, at the rate of FOUl't per cent per annum. NOT;IJ;S DISCOUN'.fED. Bills received tor collect1on and advances made thereon at moderate rates. DRAFTS ISSUED, pa)al;>le at all points In Canada and the United States; STOCKS. BONDS, DEBENTURES, &o·· bought and sold. MONEY LOANED on Mortgage Securitypresent rate from 6 ton per cent. Tran~act a general· Banking Business upon & o . N 0 TICE. neretofore made with the Dominior. Bank, can b~ withdrawn at any time upon de· mand .and wn hout charge, at tile pren1ises lately occupied by the Bank, now the Banking House , of Oodd & Co IN'rER,ES'r at the :rate of THREE per cent will be ~ll!'wed so long a s the money lies with ilo Domm1on Bank. fl , posits a many oth ers within his Iu1owlt<lgc. The wcll-know1 1irriter ontl1e Boston Hei-alcl ·· 1 88~ : MILLINERY 1 - .13. " r· Il.'t.LL, of J:ochester, J.l.11., ·w rites, June 7, MR~ · . ANDE~SON G "11a.vi11g suffer o<l severe1y for s01n e w ith 1~czelm1, a11tl ha.vi11~ f nilcll to tiu<l relie f fro111 otlier r emedicR, I lut \·e use, during t-he 11:,t~t three mo11Ll1s 1 of A v1·~ 1t'S SAitS.APA- l\ J Lf,,\ . ~which ha.· cttccted " comp /de cute. J co11sider It rt mag11i1Jcent reu.ecty for all blood diseases." L Highest PricePaid · Aye.r's Sarsapari II a Himuhttes m1<l regul ates t he netion of tbe digestive a 11.;,l assi11 1ila.tivci organs, r enews a.u~l strcrigthc~ts t h e vital fo rces, a nd speedily cures ltheumatism, Neuralgia, ltheumatlc Oou t, Catat-rh, General :Oeblliiy, anll n.11 tliseases arisiug fro m an impove1·islted or Is now exh1b1tmg her 8plend1d new stock of English, French and American Millinery 1" eathcrs, Flowers and 1,-1tncy Goculs. ' Her numerous friends and the ladioa' of Bow· manville and ,·icinityare confldentlyin vited to an inspection. The greateet eosnomy conslstant with quality has been -made a special study.A splendid stock of FAMILY MOURNING al w .iYS OU hii.nd. M W Es 00L & B 0N s toves & LEW'IS· QUIC'K · l- . HA TS a1.· .... 'BONNETS made over in the Newest Styles. 'Tinware corrupted co11ditiOJ1 ot the blood, a.nil a weakened vita.lit.y. lt·is inc0111parnb~ the ch.:ip e~t blood medicine, on account of Hs conceutratecl strc1 tgth, a n d g:l'cu.t power over d isease. PlmPAHED llY WHO tS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE QEOORAPHV OF' T HIS COUN· T RY WI LL. SEE D Y EXAMINING TH IS MAP TJ.!AT THE iAMAN Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price for $5. B $1, six bottles B NIW ftlM - - - - rl- -- Having bought Mr. R. SYLVES'l'ER'S MA.· CHINE SHOP and FOUNDRY we are pre pared to do all work in this department · in a satisfactory manner. We shall continue t o manufacture :.\fr. Sylvester's celebrated to B R ·1 Nc'· E N D RTAK U LEVI MORRIS. CHAMPION PLOWS, and shall spare no pains to keep up their pre sent reputation. long and favorable known-will be carried on e.nd with the assietance of our Machinery we hope t o larll'ely increase the business in this department and give our customers increased inducements ~o purchase from us. .A. large stock of Carnages and Ploughs now ready. All work warrenteii satisfactory. Special a t., tention given to Engine, Mil and Agricultura . Machinery. .... ,,.,..... ~ OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS, so CHICAGO, RO(l:K ISL ll A\ D O.PACIFI" R'Y IJ. l,T OI IJ !;,J\i[inneawl~ R~~lsiff~ttr~~'.~~~~~~~i'f.~H,"e t!k~f' ii~Y~ l?Q:~i ~t~~~t ~~~~~ee"~rrg~t,,<:·b~¥~;'.~~~Pclf.11:~~~~n~~~; saa City, Council I ...,., .. R · has had a large experience in .......... A R c H _.__, ment is unrivaled and magnificent. berng composed of. Most Comfortable aud Beautiful Day Coaches. Magnificen,.t Horton Reclining Cars. Full- · manta Frett.test Fa.lace Sleeping Cars, and t h e Best Trains between Chicago a nd Minneapolis and Paul. v ia the Famous fli"J"1~1~~\~a ;,;getg~tn~:fcf1jJ1 'bec"e~~~~·~1~"ti:;':i'l~': ;:u;_ Paul. It connect· in lTni0t1 ~ Bluffs, Leavenworth. Atchison, ~!~:e~~DJi:1g:go0!~~ ~i~~~:i'iile~r ~~Y~e~r~: st. J J Q N E S -&- -- 8 - E D QB I ' . BANKING. A D M achine, Agricultural andCarri.aqe Work, "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct L ine, v ia. Seneca. a.nd Kanka.having worked in the largest est ablishments in kee, has r been opened between R ichmond, the Domimon, which will acd largely to the Norfolk. Newport News; Cha ttanooga~Atlanta, Augusta., Naeliv illct Louiavillo, Lexington , Cincinua.ti, ipterest of the new fi rm. a.on La.fa.ycttc 114nd Omaha, M i n uenpUGiveourH.A.RD METAL PLOW POINTS 01tua~~r~~;ha~~:S~~i:::~~~~~~~t~Jf?~':~E:q;r~st Tr1una. a trial. 1 McClUNG Bowmanville. March, 81883. &OARGH. 2H th~ifr~~i~~o~t~~~ ~'ltn~l~~i:J!~al Ticket Offices in B aggage check~d through and rn.tco of fare al .. w11.ys as low as competit ors that otrer loss a.dvan- ers of the ta_fg~·detailed information. get t h e Maps and Fold· Health is-Wealth! CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Office, or n.ddress R.R. CABLE, Vico-Prcs. & C oo'l M'g'r, E. ST. JOHN , Gen'l 'l'kt. k l ' o!is . . S CHICACO· P ·Saving's Department. MARRIAGE LI0- EN SES W.R. CLIMIE. BROKERAQ-E. MARRIAC E LI 0ENSES INSURANCE 4. J. L 0 C KHA R T ·, DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAE MENT. a guarnteed specific of Hysteria, Dizziness. Convulsion. ]j'its, Nervous Neuralgia., Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brian, r esulting in Insanity and leadina to misery. decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness· Loss or oower in either sex, In voluntary Losses and Soermawrrhrea, caused by o\·er-exertion or the brain, self-abuse er over-indulgence. One box will cure recent cases. Each box conto.ins one month's treatment. On., dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars ; aent by. mail prepaid on receipt of price. \Ve guarantee six boxes to cure any case. W ith each order r eceived by us ror si:.: boxes, accompanied with :five dollar~ we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not etfect a cure. Guarantee issuecl only by S'l'OTT & J URY, sole agents for Bowmanville, Ont. ; JOHN C. WEST & CO., Sole Proprle· tore, Toronto. Ont. ., · HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENifThis G-r~at Househ0ld Medicine ranks amo!lgst the leading necessaries of Life; · These famous Pills purify the BLOOD. and most powerfully, yet soothingly, a ct on the $1000 FORFEIT ~ INVESTMENTS. THE Having the utmost confidence in its superior· i ty over all others. and after t houeands of tests st the most complicated and severest cases we could find, we feel justified in offering to forfe· It one thousand dollars tor any case oC coughs. colds. sore throat. influenza. hqarseness, eonsu.mptlon in its early stages. :whooping cough, and all diseases of the throat and lunge, except Asthma, for which we only claim relief, that we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when t1Lken according to direction. Sample bottle 26 and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Gen· ulne wrappers only in blue. Sold by all druggists, or send by expr f\s on receipt of price JOHN s. WES'r & Co., 81 & 83 K ing _ St. East. Torouto, Ont. Sold by STO'l'T & JURY. Liver, Stomach, Ki"dneys, and BOWEL8, g1vmg tOR!,li enerio:, and vtgo o these great MAIN SPRINGS OF L IFE. They ar e confidently r ecommended as a nev,er failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever, has become impaired or weak· ened. They are wonderfully cfficncious in Ii.II a.ilmente incidental to Females of all ages; a nd as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE. are unsurpassed. MISS McTAVISH GOODS., ·$500 REWARD ! \Ve will pay the above reward for ant of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Indegestlan, Constipation or Constivenes we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liv1>r Pills when the directionsare strictly complied with. 'rhey are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes containing 25 Pills. 25 cents, For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only JoHN C. \:VE'l".r & Co., "The Pill Makers," 81 & 83 Ring St., · roronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receii:>t of a 3 cent stamp. For Sale bv STO'l'T. & J URY. Stanley seems still pushing· his discoveries in Equatorial Africa.. lf what he states may be retied on, a 11;rea.t. field for commerce is being opened up in those fertile aud thickly peopled regions. May it be so, without the usual cheating and shootings so marvellously common in the intercourse between white and black. . Holloway's Ointment, Its Sen1·cblng 11Jul Ilenllng Properttes are kno,.-n t llroughout tile Worltll, For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulce1 , it is infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest. as salt into meat. it cures SORE 'l'IIRO.A.'l',Dinhtheria,Dronchitis. Cough Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings. Abscesses Piles Fistulas Rheumati"sm, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE. it has never been kown to tail. The P ills and Ointment are Manufactured only at633, OXFORD ~TilEET. LONDON, and are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with directions for using in most every language. «Purchasers should look at the Label on the Poets and Boxes. If the address is%ot 533 Oxford Street, London, they. are spurious. The Trade Marks ot my Bald Metl1cinl!S are egistered in Ottawa.. aud also at WashiRg.=. BONNETS, HATS, TRIMMINGS ~·