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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1883, p. 3

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... DOWN THE NECK... I 11 r : well-known figure "slouched" in at &he crossiug a "branch" .(such phraseology.) just " 'hen she had got over her indignation at ' 11:ate. "Speak of the div--oh, excuse me, then, and the horse was w....tkinp: slowly, so · my daring to think such t hings of her, the ; y>01mg ladies J' with a comical air of confua- · that I had abundant O':lportunity for observa- fttn ny side of it struck her and she laughed .l>Y MILDRED SC.\.RBOROUGH. · ion. " He appears to have some one with ' tion. vVhat wa.s Clarice's pink cloud doing : JUr one good hour. We were sitting out under the old focust him.; who the dickens can it be?" · there? I looked again-nud, yes~it was : ' "But Clarice," said I , when her merri· in the back vard, Uncle Tom, aud hia friend The somebody proved to be a remarkably .Clarice herself, and not C~arice, but Billy ment had somewhat subsided, ··what did the Doctor, Clarice and I. pretty girl, about &ix teen years old, who was June I What on eaTth-1t could not be you mean last night ! "What was the good · . "'Vbat a confounded nuisance this bmi- introduced by Billy June as "my cousin Clarice I-b1it then, l could have sworn to joke you had to tell me?" ness is!" ~aid the Doctol'. !Jane Ann." · that pink cloud if I had seen it in the : .. . Something almost as funny as this, If Manufacturer and Dealer in Mink, S. S. Seal, Persian Lo,mb, Russian "Yes," assented Uncle Tom "it is a ~! 1 hatiothunder"-began Uncle Tom, moon ! Undoubtedly it was Clarice~with : you hadn't been so acrimonious I'd have Lamb, Beaver, and Otter Muffs, Bows and Caps. deuc.i of a bore to have to bury one'a self "~ ,opperl short. . . B~lly June Guy wa/kiog by her side, and told you anyhow, for it really was too good 4own Occahannock Neck for the nexc two ' 1d you ever hear such names m all with Billy J nn~ Guy a arm around her waist. ~o keep. Last :bight after you l eft I slipped months, as I shall have to do. ·If 'twas a your born days f ' whispe1cd Clarice, with For a moment I felt as if t he whole earth into the pantry to mnke a raid on .Miss Ladies Capes, Fur Lined Circulars and Astrachan Jackets, and woman now, she'd fraternize with Miss an irrepressible little giegle. was spinning wild'ly aroand, with my giddy Lizzie'~ cake-jars. The vautry window Lizzie on the subject of short-cakes and preBilly June soon announced his errand. self in the middle of it. To think of my opena right out on to the p'>rch yon kuow Gents' Coon Coats a specialty. serves, but the Lord only knows whnt will "Thought maybe you ladies might like to dainty Clarice with that great awkward, but I don't sui;pose they had an'y idea 1 wa~ become of a man!" go out a·saihn'," he said in a very insinuat·. loutish Billv_June Guy in 6uch proximity! there. Bonnybel Lee, what do you think ? MITTS and GLOVES in Beaver, Persian and Hussian Lamb, Kid, "Being indifferent on the subj~ct of short- ing tuue ... "N_i?e night for i.t. Take you up Ugh I A s~1ver of disgust ran through me If I didn't hea1· Uncle Tom making love to cakes aud Ji>reserves !" laughed Clarice. to the P mt, it yoi:'.re a mind to go. ,Jan~ at the bm·e idea. Mi~s .Lizzie/" · Wool ar.d Hair Seal. \ "How lo~g aince, 'C'ncle Tom?" An~, there-'p~ars like, ~he 's mighty I had just sense. enough t? hol<l my "WIIA'I' ?" I cried, with a jump. "My mterest ceases with the oonsump- anxious. " tongue, and say nothing about 1t too Uncle "As sure as I am "' Jivin11: sinner! And ROBES.-Buffalo, Coon and Black, White and Gray Jap. Robes. tiou, my dear, wliich, unbrtu 11ately, does "(Jf coune we'll go, and be glad-of the :r'om. He wa,s lo?king at me curi.ously, as doing the thing up in style, t ool Just as if not take so great a ltmgth of time. But chance," Clarite answered for u~ both. it was. "\"\hats the matter w~th you? he was used to i c !" eyen with such mighty matten to occupy "Come alon?, to<>, Uncle Tom, we'll have a You look as if you'd seen a ghost." 'Vell, well, well! '\Vas the worldcorniag tl:l.eir minds, most women would find it lovely time.' "It's the heat-the sun is so hot," I toaaend? Toth inlrofUncleTom'dfal!in<> rather slow in that old barn on the creek But UnclA Tom declined. "You don't stammered. in love at all-the old humbug !-but, abov~ White, Regatta, French, Cambric and Wool Shirts, Ties, Braces, Silk shore." want a crowd. I'll just stay here and smoke "Coolest day wc:i'\·e had this summer. all, ,to think of his falling in love with a Handkerchief:>, Collars, Cuffs, also over 25 choice lines of Fancy, "Suppose. you t~ke us with you, and Jet my pipe till you crome back." Ther1:nometer down to 60 this blessed woman who had lived. all her life long-clown us find out," said Cla. r ice, who wa.s perched The truth was, S.$ Clarice and I shrewdly mornmg." the Neck !-Demorect's .MontM11. Plain and Ribbed Under Clothing and Cardigan Jackets. on the arm of his chair, drawing her slender suPpected, Uncle Tom was beginning to disSi> I was obliged t o cast around for a betfingers through his still abund'l.llt ebon locks co~er that there were charms in Miss V zzie's ter excuse, But the remembrance of what P. S.-All kinds of Furs altered and repaired. Highest price Black, Whlte and Gray witll that peculiar motion that made him scciety, and that a moonlightteie·a·tete with I had seen haunted me through the whole feel at peace with the world, .and ready to that same pe:souage was by no means a bad drive an~ t?ok away all my enjoym~nt. Of paid for Raw Furs. There are many ladies to whom colors are grant any reasonable request that might be way . of gettmg through an evenine;. So course C1 ar1ce w?uld tell .me alJout 1t when made. Apparently he did not view this par· Clarie-a was forced to take no for an answer, I got home, but m what light could sh,e put distasteful, who·still do not wish to be contic,nlar req~est in th:i-t light. . and we went up· stairs _ to pnt on our thin~s. her own c.ondnct? li?w .co~ld she explain sidered as wenriug mourning. For those 'You girls !" with a comici.l glance at "Get out your white shawl, Bonnybel. her suffermg such an md1gmty? ·what on the choice lies between black, white and Clarice's lace-ruffle~, and my silken drap. I'm going to wear my rose·colored cloud, eo.rth could she have been thinkioe; about? gray, a range which is not so restricted as it -0.A.:X:..L .A.Teries. "Lord love you, children! you'd be just to show Jane Ann "-with another little w~n, at all events, I would set her sins in appears, when the t mts of white, the varieready to te&r each other's eyes out by the laugh-" that nubias are, to Eay the least, ord~r before her. and make her see them in ties in black, and the shades !ram steel and iron to ash in g1·ay, are taken into considera· end of a we<lk over the most unlikely speci- old ijtyle. ·we must not fail to make an im- their f~ll cnorm1ty. men of mankind that <:Jould be hcari:>d up." ptession on the pair of 'em-Jane Ann, no Clance looked as innocent as an angel tion. One of the best costumes for autumn "That's likely now, isn't it? As if less than Billy June," · when she met us at the door on her i·eturn. wear of t his deecription is a fine black Clarice ~as a pretty thinf. to look at that ··That was a nice way to treat a body," camel's·hair, made with narrow kiltings, Clarice and I ever quarreled !" "Bless your 5oul, you'd do it then I nie;ht. Not thai; she wasn t always pretty she s~id, co~lly: "to .run off for a. whole glove·fitting basque, and 11:raceful drapery, Yo;«,d be ready to demomlize each· other's in my eyes, but thanks to the cloud of soft af_ternoon, without saymg by your leave or the front of the baeque tucked and outlined banizs over even Billy June Guy's atten· fluffy pink about her face and throat, or the with yoi;ir leave. I wouldn't have treated like the narrow standing collar, with plaited lace. The cloak may be long, gathered at tions. " moonlight or some other favorable element, you so, Mias Bonnybel Lee I" The doctor laughed. "Take 'em, Tom, she looked as pretty as a picture as she took ~· A~d ~ would not J;~v.e acted as you did, the back, and with high sleeves, a ruche of 1 and - I'll come down and see how you get her place in the boat. Billy June gave her Mis~ Clance Venable! I retorted, eager for lace at the throat, and ja,bot down the front. A lady who ptsseeses a fine iii;11re may along. Billy June must be 11:etting to be a a.n !j.dmiring look as he helped her in, and the iray. But unfortunately for my peace Jane Ann seemed painfully conscious of the of miud the quarrel was cut short by the oonatruct a pretty and effective toilet out of likely specimen by this time." "Billy June!" Clarice and I echoed. "Do dingy old "nubia" that enveloped her own souud·.of Miss ~izzie'a voiceca~ling up stairs: soft surah, a.nd a silk jersey by gathering you really .mean that there is an unlucky pretty head and shoulders.. "Miss Clarice, you and Mia.a Bonneybel the surah flounces and placing them upon a mortal with such a name?" Billy June drew in the anchor, ran up come down please. The Scarborou~h girls skirt which is attached to a deep, well· fitting bodice of twilled silk. 0 ver this a "_Yes," sai~ the Doctor, meditatively, both sails, and took ~is seat in the stern ol' are in the parlor waiting to see you.' CALL AND SEE. jersey is drawn like an ela.stio and yield"Billy ~ une 1s a buna fide personage. I the boat._ ".J~~; wmd enoug~ to ' ta~e us So w!th ~hat t~e Scarborough girls and silk in,11' skin, and outlines the figure~ beautifully Ii:new him when he was a cotten-headed along a;~l10pm0 , he remarked in a s.~tudie~ tea comm~ 1mmed1ately after their depar· little chap, dust-colored from lus head to tone. \Ve c n run down to the P mt an ture, Chnce and I had not a fair chance to besides forming a lovely basis for finish of his heels, ~ho used ,to hitch on behind :ind back ar,inin leso'.n no ~ime. l·~ver ~een down fight it out. Mias Lizzie came and sat with lace at throat and wrists. A beautiful dress in black and white is beg for a nde. Lets see -he mu. s t be nme- there? adaressmg hn11self to Clarice. us on the porch after supper which further teen. or twenty ?Y this. Guess he's been "No.',' she answered. " Where is it, and precluded the possibility ot ~ reconciliation, arranged with handsome satin duchesse and lar)ting arounci with the girls for some time." what 1s 1t ?·' Aud with it all I was thoroughly cross and fine inserted plaitings of ivory satin, veiled· ."Yes," s11;~d Uncle Tom, "I'll introduce ,." 'f'ell,,.I c'n tell ,you where it is, but a uncomf.ortable. I could hardly believe it with black lace, the upper dress formin11: a him to you ! p mt s a p mt, I reek n, the wide world over. of Cla11oe, even thought I had the evidence coat, the lower a demi-trained skirt with ~·Then you'll really take us?" said r. It's . a right smart ways down there in the of my own eyes, Why did she keep away triple-plaited black, A simple but' very "If you can stand it, I can," bay, just where Ike Kilmati's farm makes from me, instead of cominoo and making a stylish r eception dress is of i vory armure And so we went. Our respective mammas out into a p'int. · Vudy Low." they call it clean breast of it all? It ~as as exactiy as brocade, the bodice "pointed front and b; held up their hands in holy horror when the - quare kind of a name, ain't it?" if she thought the injury on her side instead trimmed a long square with embroidery on We peg to announce that our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing is now ivory satin, edll;!c!U on both sides with exqui· idea was proposed to them; but after all " Very, " responded Clarice, fairly shak- of on mine. · Full and Complete m every department. We are opening t he there was really no reason why we should ing with laughter. "' Vud11 Low!' Shades Tired and miserable, I got up after a. site Mechlin lace; sleeves to the elbow, also not go. It was necessary for Uncle Tom to of our ancestors !" while and went upstairs to bed. It was the trimmed with embroidery and. with lace. season with a splendid assortment of t he newest and mos!; go down to his old farm to oversee some pro"l!ust-rate place fora pic.nic," Billy June first bit·of difference that Clarice and I had Skirt draped slightly in front, and arranged at the back as a very graceful train. A Fashionable Dry Goods, and an immense stor:k of jected: repairE. ~altimore was disagreea.bly poo~eeded. "There's a pine thicket right hall since we came down here, and it was hot still, and 91ance. had been .rather deli.- al?ng there, an' the ~hore's as har~ as a not. pleasant. I was lying in bed wide pretty steel.gray dress, with bonnet to Mens' Youths' and Bovs' Clotbino- which cat!! ~f late. The housekeeper 10.charge at brick. ,Shady all the time, an' you git the awa~e, · though my eyes were shut, when match, is of cashmere and satin, the latter Bayview seemed to be rather a nJCe person breeze'n the water. I an' Jane Ann Clarice came up. There was no light in the forming the kiltings, the former the upper we intend to offer at prices that will from all accounts, and if we got tired there was there oncet this s·1mmer. Ike Kilman, .xoom, so I could not see her face but in he dress, and the foundation for delicate, starwas ~lways the option of coming hsme. he's Jai:e Ann's uncle, an' she took up .a voice there was a sound of ~uppreased like embroidery of steel and chenille. * ·· * * * notion to go an' stay a week there. Cap'n lane;hter, as she called my name: A. Monkey Story. "What a pleasing array of mud flats!" Truitt, he was a-goin' to Baltimore with a ' ' Bonnybel, are you awake?" We are right in earnest in saying that said Clarice, elevating her aristocratic little load o' I'ish pertatus, an' he offered to take "Yes," was all the answer I vouchsafed. Some time a.go an English lady who was nose. me aboard. So then I put in a word for She came over by my side of my bed and living at Kingston, Jamaica, took passage we MEAN BUSINESS, and that we will offer "You have yourselves to thank for the Jane Ann, an' he said he'd fetch her j;oo, an' sat down. on a. homeward bound vessel, taking her pulspect, my dears," remarked our uncle. we'd drop her at the p'int. An' we jumped "Crms still! I am afraid your . ride two months' old infant with her, says the Tempting Bargains in every depart ment. We are "Let me introduce you now to Miss Lizzie ; to an' went along to Baltimore" (in a tone didn't improve your t emper much. What's Boston~ Globe. A h.rge, strong, active my nieces, Miss Bonnybel Lee, and Miss of superiority, as if going· to Baltimore was the mat-i-er ?" Cutting Down the Prices at the beginning instead of the monkey, which was on board, took a vie>lent Clarice Venable." something extra.ordinary); "when we came "~othing," obstinately. · fancy for the child. The monkey would sit end of the season. TAILORING AND CLOTHING THE · ·~-e bo"."ed politely, and acknowledged the back we stop~d 11 for Jane Ann, an' come "Bonnybel, I've got the best joke ·to tell . all day long watching the mother as she m~duction m due form. So this was Miss along home agam. you. Won't you just shout when you hear rocked and fondled her little one, and fol· LEADING DEPARTMENT. Childrens' and Youths' Suits a specialty Li~zie ! Well, our surprise was only equaled This was tollowed up by 3 confidential it!" No answer. "To tell the truth I'm low her from place to place, Several times byJ our satisfaction. Tall, finely forrr.ed, little outburst. "Man hush ! but ain't not very proud of my share in it. It w~ an the animal tried unsuccessfully to get the 1 ·· with . smooth complexion, deep, earnest- Baltimore a big place? 'Vhy, I b'lieve awful mean tbing to do. " N. B.-Parties asking for Bargains will not be disappointed. baby, Oue beautiful afte!!!oon a distant sail ll'hen I found my voice. "I quite agree attracted the attention of all on board, and looking gray eyes, and a clean.cut, resolute t 'would take me more'n a year to find my mouth and chin, our uncle's hcuse-keepH, way about there! Streets all goin' every with you," said I. the captain politely offered his glass to the Miss Lizzie, was a woman who would have which-a-way, an' ~ouses ja.:nmed s<;> ~lose to'.'What?" w ith a quick change in her hdy. She placed her baby on the sofa and comm!Ulded attdlltion anywhere, and by her gether ~hey look like they_~e a·gom to full vo1Ce, " W-ere you anywhere aroand ? had just raise ·the glass to her eye when a s~de_ I felt myself sink into ,chool-girl in- down right on top ol you, if you don' t look W hy. Bonnybel Lee I never suspected it I" cry was beard. Turnin g quickly she beheld . s1gmficance. ~he was a cousin of the late out. I nE>ver see no sucb r hce as that I" "Yim are not mo~e surprised than I was. a sailor in pursait of thc:i monkey, which had ' "Never .mind ; we'll t~ke care to have all J I sho1<ld never hav~ suspecterl you, Clarice grasped the infant ·f irmly with one arm and owner of the farm, and when .at his .-Jeat11 the f'State passed by purchase into U11cle t~t rei;n~d1,ed bY: the ~1mc you make rour ·~enable, of anything BO perfectly contemp- was nimbly climbing the shrouds. The Tom's hands, his lawyer engaged her as next vmt,1 Clance ~aid, gravely, wlule I ttble. I did think you were a lady," my mother fainted as the animal reached the housekeeper. Ile himself had met her bat leaned ove: and whispered, "Why don't throat beginning to e'x perienee sensations of top of the main mast. 'I'.he captain was at or.qe,· in the lawyer's office, so perhaps it you tell h1m tqa~ it will give you great choking just at that point. his wit's end. He feared if he sent a sailor was not strange that he had giving plemmre to take hun around and show him Clarice seemed mystified. ··I don't know in pursuit the monkey would drop the baby - -.-M.ANUFAC1'URER O F - US>E:orrect impressions of her. the 8i11:h~s? · I 'm sure he's doing all he can what you are talking about, It was all in and escape by leaping from mast to mast. '!he lil'e at Bayview was a new experience. for you. fun, and it was not 110 awfol. What makes The child in the meanwhil'.l was heard to Even mud-fiats (under some circumstances) "Tell him yourself," responded Clarice, you ~d- cross Bonnybel ! What have I done cry, but the fear that the monkey was hurtartt productive of inweiit. But in truth,. but the no~ion of her_ marc~ing up Charles ·to you ?" ' ing it was dispelled by seeing ill imitate the KING STREET, BOWMA.NVIL1.E, the '· flats " disappeared at high· tide, and street, for mst&nce, with Billy June by her "Nothing. Only I am disappointed-and motions of the mother, dandling, soothin~; on hand a number of Tehloles (and is manufacturing agreat many more) of th t the view from our window was picturesque side, was. too much for ht;r gravity, She disgusted." and endeavoring to hush it to sleep. After Has now pattern!! and best fin ish, whlch I am offering for sale 1<t the lowest: prices coaslst6~ fewes en1>ugh to tempt Plarice'spenciland brushes. la~~hed til! t~e tears ~tood 1n he,; eyes. " ·with me? You're very good, I'm sure· trying in many ways to lure the animal down, with clue regard to w11rk!nanahlp and quality. The following is a list of Billy Jane Guy became a fact, and-not only . Well, if girls don t ~eat all'! exclaimed to take all that trouble.· · Would ye>u mind the captain finally ordered· the men below the pi:inc1pal velilcles manufactured by me : a name to laugh at, and several of the girls Billy June, sympathetically. "She's off, stating in what particular you are disap· and concealed himself on the deck. In a in the neighborhood called. It was not a an' 'there ain't no way of stoppin' of her, one pointed and disgusted...:.with me ?" moment, to his great joy, he saw the monkey ~ouble Covered Carr iages ... ................... ................. ............. $200 Upwards. sea.son of wild dissipation by any means, but way or another !" "No, I won't I Not when you take that carefully descending. Reaching the deck Smgle Phrotons............ ..... ............. . . ~ ········ ......................... 100 11 we' enjoyed it all with a youthflll .aest. "Just in time," was Uncle Tom's greet- tone!" I said angrily. " You know well it looked cautiously around, advanced to Open Buggy........ .... ... . ................. ....... ;................. ..... ...... 70 We spent the days lounging round in our ing, as we made our appearanoe on the porch enough what I mean without my telling the sofa and placed the baby upon it. The 11 room, dawdlin$ over our bits of feminine that night-wet, dr"sgled and most unro- you!" 11 captain restored the frightened infant to fts . T<?P Buggy.................................. . ................................... .. 90 "fancy-work" (oh,' comprehensive ·term I) mantically sleepy, "I was just going to " Y ou will excuse me for contradictin~ mother, who WM soon eatiafied that her Democrat Wagon..................... ......... .................................. 65 ., or dipping into the books we had wisely .bed." you, but I don't in the least know what yeu darling had eeea.µed injury. Lumber Wagons... .......... . .. .. .. .......... . ......... ................... ...... 55 ., brought along. When these amusement& 1 ")Vhere's Mis~ Lizzie?" asked saucy m!'an," Clarice always took the" high and Light Wagon.... .................. .................. . ...... ...................... 40 ., failed us, and we longed for more active oo- Cl~~1ce: . mighty" tone when she lost her temper. It. Express Wagon .......... .. ..... .. ....... .. ............. ....... . ................. 75 " Said her prayers hours ago, and 1s prob· exaeperated me more than ever just now. cupation, we tooJt long walks arouad the To Stop B1000uah;. Skeleton ............. . ....... ... . ,.... ....... . ......... ...... ...... ... ... ........... 50 11 shorer or experimented-in a small- boat that ably sound asleep and snoring by this time; "Well, then, you may take it out in not Sulky....................... ~.. ..... . ....... ....... . .. ......... . ... . ................ 40 ., Uncle Toµi h~d placed at our . dispoS11ol, and you'd better follow her example." Then, as knowing, so there!" Dr. Martin Burke, of New York city, b "I'll just do that." And.Clarice whirled sends the following item to the New York ~oesessing. superloz: facilities tor ~anutacturing carriages. I intend to sell verl cheap t w4,ich we regularly capsized twice a day! he slowly wound up his watch, "·well, did and by so dorng I hope to greatly Increase my number 0 sales.· {?/ :1f"d.. Thtn we soon made the discovery that the you find out which one of you is the.object away, full> as indignant as I was. .Medical ..Review: "Perhaps tbe narrative of or approved credit, sell the wood parts only, or the gearings ot buggies ironed C> farm was prolific. in . the matter of good of:Billy June's ki.n d attenti~::is ?" " All the nex~ ~y we kept up a 11ort of these two cases may ·prove of interest'i JohB "Oh, shoot Billy June l I snapped out, armed neutrahty, Clarice shui henelf up C--, was suddenly seized about a ·y ear h<>.l'e&- There were two or thl'ee excellent riding horaes, and up in the garret we found being in a · state of · sleepy croHness. : "I in her room with her sketch-book and paint· ago with an attack of hiccough. The ca.use twooldside-saddles,whichwith.Billylune~s don't think it sounds nice, Uncle Tom, to box. Failing those resorces, I solaced my was unknown. All the usual remedies . At the Shortest Not ice, . Painted and Trimmed if Desired. as~istance were rendered available. Clarice· say such things." · wounded soul with a long ramble around the were tried in vain. · Dr. John Burke, my At the Facte>ry I also do PI~nlng. Matching. Turning and Sawing with Circle Band s u and I lengthened our black skirts, and quiet- ·Uncle Tom laughed teasingly. "That sh'ore, where I commune~ with my heart, father, Wld then called upon. Noticing the Saws. aad prepare all ku:ids of lmnber tor carpenters and others tor buildi'ng pur;:- cro ly appropriated ' two of Uncle Tom's big settles the question. Beyond a doubt it's and was still. Left to myself in this way, convulaive heaving of the patient's ribs, Ornamental and P lam Plokets for fences in every style required, made to order. sei. Z48· straw hats. So there we were, with our Clarice." I began 'to think that I might have been more particularly upon the left side, he firm· armor complete. · And I began to think so myself a day or mistaken after all. It might have been ly compressed the aide between his two Billy June, as an escort, proved himself two later. The time of our departure was some other girl than Clarice, After all, it hands,andinashorttimethehiccoughceased · indispensable, Uncle Tom used to sit and drawing near, and Uncle Tom was usually was only on the strength of the pink cloud· for the first time in days. The second case shake with quiet laµghter as he watched the busy. Matters at the farm had all been ar· that she stood convicted, and Clarice Ven- was t hat of a Mr. 0--, a young man of three off us set off on one of our excursions. ranged to his satisfaction, but there were able was not the only ~irl in the world that thirty. He also was attacked, first with "Take care of thos~ girls, .Billy, and see one or two business affairs to be wound up owned a pink cloud, Only, if it wali not vomiting and then with hiccough, m1Jst viothat they don't break your neck along with with his lawyer still. ·Clarice, who W&b it? ·ent and convulsive. Morphine .suppositories their own !" One afternoon, while I was standing on I ran .straight upon solving the mystery in wot.1ld produce sleep, but even in sleep the 'I "Ter·law now I 'taintlikely I" with a grin the porch, Uncle Tom naught sig!lt of·me as the most unexpected manner in the world. hiccough was distressingly severe. As his that showed both rows of. his substantial he drove past. " 'Come, open the gate for I was walking along a part of the shore that vomiting had now ceased, almost every rem teeth, was the invariable answer to this me, Bonnybel, and I 'll give you a ride to curved suddenl> to the right, and following edy known was called to our aid1 but it was pleasant1y. . pay for your trouble," he called out. the curve I came face. to face with-Jane not until we had again, by my father's ad· On the whole, though, we :i,>referred the l obeyed with elaority, "Jump in quick Ann. vice, comprassed his heaving ribs, that the evening sails to the horseback rides. Uncle now- this fool of a horse won't stand. Well Jane Ann, with her pretty face all in a hiccough almost instantly ceased. It re· Tom often favored us with his company, and done !" ae I swung myself up in a fiash, glow of smiles and blushes, and her pink turned indeed within twenty.four honrs,but begs to irrl'orm the public ,that he has leased a store in the -0noe or twice we prevailed upon Miss Lizzie. " ·How spry you are, to be sure! Get np, cheeks doing their best to rival the color of compression again arrested it. The patient Block, where he has opened ont with a splendid assortment of Bj,lly J une was always on hand. No matter you rascal "- to the horse-" and see if you the pink cloud which lay acros~ her should· is now convalescing, and as hiccough very what was required of him,- nor at what un· can't make tl,e same use of your legs !" ers, and which was the very model of Clar· often proves fatal, perhaps the record of \Ve were :!lying alon~ at the rate of a mile ice's l And Billy J une, upon whose un- these two cases may prove of service.", seasonable hour we chose to call upon hi~ which he offers for sale at low prices for Cash. services, he was always ready. a minute, it seemed to me. My anjoyment lucky head I had been . heaping all manner "No use talkinll( about it, s;:irls," la11ghed would have been complete but for one of invectives, followed in Jan Ann's wake. She Evidently Knew. ISiirFarm Produce taken in exchange, for which the highest market Uncle Tom, one lovely moonlight night, t hing. · Of course I saw it all as plain as daylight. Jones' wife was no~ a very bright woman, price will be paid. e-A spec!al line of TEAS of excellent flavor when we were all sittrng out on the back "If we only had Clarice along, t-00, U11cl e I had mistaken Jane Ann for Clarice- only to think of it ! What did I care for B illy but she sometimes said thiags which were GITAlso a c~oice lot of ~UGARS. WCO.FFEE in Cans. IQrCanned porch, 1 ' Billy J une is certainly gone on one Tom?" of you. Which is it, Mistress Bonnybel, U ncle Tom made a face. "Hear 'em talk June's having his arm around Jane Ann's worthy of wit, One day after doing or say· · Goods m great variety. CiiJ'"A Call is respectfully solicited. Clarice, or you?" · now I It's a pity you can't·be strung up by waist? There was a beautiful unnnimity in ing something very silly, her husband snap. ·1 . M ightn't it just be possible that it's the heels somewhere, and kept there for the that "thought and purpose" .that did not pell at her: "Well, you are a little the worst I ever The Presbyterfans up in Manitoba are both! We won't quarrel over our Billy rest of· your lives I Can't you be hapP.y un- fail to strike me at once, Billy June and '.1.'he Marquis of Queensbury is about togreatly plea~ed at the number of first-class buy land largely in Texas. June, will we, Clarice? 'Ve are content to leas you'.:e forever together? Don t you Jane Ann l Why, what an admiruble ar- ea.w." "Why, what's the matter now? Have I men they are getting from the Ea.stern progo shares." ever i;ret tired of each other's company ?" rangement, to be sure ! How is it that so many men first show vinces. They have secured Mr. Gordon I' Yes-for the present. Yonhaven'thad "Ofeou~sewedon'.t, an~ never shall," I The;> had not seen me, being absorbed in done anything wrong?" " I should say so. You don't" know the who was the most popular preacher in Otta· sy.!'llptoms of . insanity by accueing t heir a~r show yet. Wait till it goes on a little ~~s~ef!ld, m the sublim~ faith of ~eve,~teen. each other's charms. I flew homeward ai difference between a horse and a donkey, I wives of unfaithfulness ? That such is the wa, and Mr. Pitblade one of the most high· faot is unquestionable, but why is it so? It longet. I'd be willing to bet..mybest hat on Ular1ce and I are one 1n everythmg. light of foot as I wa.S lie;ht of heart It was ly respected in Nova Scotia, and now Dr. 1 the chances_ of a ~.ow between you two before " ~xcept. 'Yhe~, a Billy June comes in to not Cll,\l'iee J Oh, the relief of that thought! don't believe," s to be teared t hat sometimes t hese indi· ." I didn't say you were a horse, did I ?" th~, mo~th is up. . ,, . make .a d1v1s1on. · , I rushed straight up·stair11 and knocked she replied meekly, and Jones said no more, King, one of the most influential ministers viduala .have too good reason for making the· a.mong the Ontario Presbyterians, wings his accusation, but most generally there is not With every prospect of losmg, Clarice l-- did not. reply, for JUSt then I caught at the door" Clarice mayn't I come in'" way to the North·west. No wonder the ~he 1\had~w o.f a shade for their wild proceed· retorted. " Y ou ou¥,ht to be ash~med of sight of som~tning that e;ave me a little "Of course," cola'ly; "I have no objec-----H~-lo-···~·---~-yo~r~~lf, lfncle T?m· , . pang of surpru·e. Just be~ore us, along the tion." The affairs of the Exchange Bank seem as Ma.nitobans are more than pleased, Yes, JD~a. Ihere can be no jealousy where Am do*ged i f_ there don t come Billy edge of the woods, aometh1gg pink ~leamed Well, once in, I made short work of her bad as can be. When will pe0ple be wise, and they others scarcely less notice· there is no love, and perhaps the mad aymp· a.hie, . June ne>w ! exclaimed Uncle l'om, as the out fro.m amongst the bushes. V\ e were coldne88, I told her the whole story, and and not trust their caah to su~h concerns ? toms but love dieea.sed. I j ' ·~·· 83·4. FURS! ROBES! HATS! 83·4 JY-(_ ~AYER:J GENTS' FURNISHINGS. ° MAY'S HARNESS STORE and inspect his Large Stock of · .Harness, Horse Blankets, Trunks Valises, "Whips, etc. SFLEN""DID '\T.A.L U-E_ KING STREET. BO·WMANVILLE. New Dry Goods & Clothing F 0 R FA L L, .18 83. . "" DEFY ALL C 0 MPE T ITORS E~ LL I so N . ·le CO; "' GEORGE .G. HAINES, &O.~ CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, ______.....___ _ All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I G~OCERl:E&. ·~ NIWw8TO· aa. MIW C00118. JAS_ ELLIOTT Obse~e Groceries, Crockery, Glas. swai:e, Flour, Feed, &c. "

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