:BOWMANVILLE Bll'LE CLUB. The \1suat eoueobtion match, open to members who wm1 l;l'iiiea le114 ibat $S at the annual m:<tch, caffi') off 011 Satnrday week. Mi>ssrs. MoLaughlin, Scou, Rulll!ell, Mitchell and Sundo were allowed to compf>te wit.h a handicap of 15 points ; but only the las· three com· peted. The day waa w"t, wh\el\ effeetecl the seore, nevenl wl'lll dirtt0t.ed ·hob turning out "duck t~g!(a" (missee). Fourteen per~n!I competerl,_ with the fol1owlng re· eult, The ranges being 200, 500 and 600 yard1:1. W. S. Rnssl'lll,. ..$5 ...90le1115 ...... 7o :~. William Hoa.r, ... 3 ..................... 61 LADIES the blood is the foundation of life, it circulates Requiring really Choice Dress Goods, and through every part of the body unl~s it is pure and rich, good health is impossible, ir di:>ea~e has entered the systein the only sure and quic1' 2. Tim. No'\Tell,. ... ·· 4 .....................69 4. John S1tn·,h · , . .... . 3 ...75le11115 ...... 00 way to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. These simple facts arc- well known :md the highest medidical authorities :itgree that nothing but iron will restor" the blood to its natural condi- Who want a suit or an Over Goat. 5. Wm. P11nio ~ t, .... · 2 .................... 59 · .. 6. EI mun< \ . ; C·' t ... 2....................57 .7. J.B. Mitchell, ... 2 ...71le11115...... M 8. W. C. King,. ..~ .. 1 ..................... 51 ~. Ed .. Cole1111.111, ..... 1 .. ................ ...(6 10. Harry Gilb,.rt, ... 1.. ..... ..............89 We 11a.nguin<!1y expect to aee HYeral of our local marksmen tluuring con ,,i1111ou1ly on ··he Wimb\edntt teau1 bef, .re aany tion ; :md also that all the: Iron preparations hitherto matle blacken the teeth, ca us<! headache, and uc otherwise injurious. SULPHUP. AND !Ro~ n1n1ms EVeryboil9 The success that baa attended our efforts in tbe past to give the public good and cheap Boots and Shoes fl.'"e fully appreciated by the crowds that are daily flocking to our store. We can justly claim t110 lead in showing tbe largest stock and the best value in town. This we mean to continue - small profits and quick returns is our motto. You have only to compare our goods and price& to be :convinced. The throng of b11yers on the march towards the si()'n ofthe "Bi()' 0 0 Boot drawn by two Horses" is a positive proof that our prices are approved by people who use their brains in buying. Every person who is a. friend to his own pocket-and wI10 is not?· realizes that we are a friend to him. .It is the p~·ices that tell, and people y11ara. ----BRITTAIN & oo·s. PACKING .-.--------· ..... HOUSE. · The BOoT·s In ·search of the best goods at the . . -AN I>·- . will thoroughly nncl quickly assimulafe -with the blood, purifying :md lilrengthening·it and thu5 drive di~e;i.se from any part of the 11ystcm, and it ll'ill Dot blacken the ·tectlL cauiO hca-d:iche or constipat~on SHOES .. ·very lowest prices should call at SLIPPERS · - AND- Maral111lltown Packing Hon&e celebi·ut..,d its first bir·hday. rt is ju11t ow1 yea'l' to thiit date ainee it beR&ri its work of eutt.in~ and paekln~ tho mo~i import1rn ' :wricultural product of Marshall County- ita porcino population. During the lir3t y(·ar's runnlnl(, 111 .w · learn from Mr. Brittai11, they ha'fe ~lli and packed 25,500 hoira and have ex~ort· ed oyer3,l:i00,000 ponucls of.mutand L?rd to Livirpool, tu1d thsy expoot niry larr·· ly to incre~tue the11<1 1~ggr1t1tatea durini;t the comin:,( aensuu . A· on<> of the inatltutiona which we labored long tlt aeouro, our b111lness men "nd cm-.z.rn~ will join ua in a feeling of 91;!]f·oongr:1tulation oYer the succe1B of the J\'fo~er~. BriMain in the man.llgement c·1 i Li~ much needed and long-de8ired imtitntion. With a Packing House, Glut;1c·se Works, Canning Fao· tory,ete., w;i ct<~ ·::-.I.uh M Je..i a l(limp.e of the dawning of the day when _we will ..0 1 be able tq u,lr.e c;1.1 > f a.II tho raw ruaierlal hereabOut~, b1··~"i"<\ manufacturing for yes~e»<lay and i3 positively not inju- cou:c:a, -GRE.A..T- rious. 51. Johnsbury, Yctmoat Oc!; =ut 1B!·· P'.or 1!1t r··" I h>vo i....n · ,,..... S\1f1'<rcr from L.lood Ji.s<"O\..<te, dyspepsi· a1td con:nip"tti.oll, ,a nd beeamo10 dobi· litated th:i.t I could not retain ~nythin"' on my !Wcn:u~h, ha fa.Qt lifo h:i.d altno:t beeomo a Ulu-c.len, :t.ml whea t&opa hA<I almo,.t left mo, l w.a· induco<l to &iTo :itll. rHuR ANI· I Mo~ lhrn:its :a. tri:il .JOUN. S · T ON l RUBBERS. ClYlJllt!JAR~8~ PRO\iVER'. S BLOCK, I ara now lakiHit th<>-thm1 bottle anti M·· ftot fell ..., .,..;.1 ia aix yc:;,inr ·· I do ·t proooot. ' MR'>. S. L . ).!OO:R.~ TRU ·NKS -AND- others. · In t,he 11 ;,y . j ·7 ·~ i.:;hi.ng em.ployrnept, the PackiniJ; Ho1111t, is quite an in11titutiou. It bu paid 011~ ~W.500 in Walle& during th.e. year, and is now employing ihirt7 mon. West, Montre:U, Price 50c. Du'ring the yMr Brittain & jCo. hue piid out $350,000 for hogs, and \heir other disbursements added will raiao tble sum to nnlf a million dollars, ineluding coopera11e . FACTS FOR FALL. The firm iii 1101T enga11ed iu a new Wa: are ooen!na the Bea~on with an immense 24:x.46 addnion bt,tweeu the tw<> bo11se11, Tariety or Dr,. Goods and Clothing: and the prospect for the aitgrandize111et1i Ellison & Co. 1 of.this !11..ritnt.i.< n i~ promisin:;c.-MarilulU'l'BB ltidlet aay tha.i our llllaok Silks at $1.iO are decidedly the beat value In town. - town Republican. Ellison & Co. PEOPL!I !O milM dhiau.t come for QUr chcnp Drees .Goode. , .6lllso1& k Co. Ct1M'01t111:Jz>I wcmder why we sell ll'l:umels oo 'Jlltap. F.Jlil!On & Co. W& offer beavy all wool T'1·eeds at iiO centa. Elliaon & Co, \.'fa have long enjo7e<l tbe repata·lon ot keepl!lg U1e best stoek or Mens' and Ro;r11' Clothu111:. Elllimn & Co. ~· aro winlna: to 11acrlllce the profits this ~n. Jj;lli·oo & Co. CUi'l'OMlutS are brina;lo.i: their friend· to s90 tbo bar{ll!.lna we otfor. Ellison· &: Co., WB aro crowded wilh 11toek tro1n cellar to garret. · · Ellison.&. Co. PAB'flU:lil makinir closu comparli1on say 11ur prices are the loweet. li.:lliilon· &; Co. w·lil &ro r cduclnr, vrloea at the boa:ialnp; in· 6tclld ott.lu1 end of t h., season. Ellison &;. Co. 1'HK tailoring and ouning la our leadhog departraent. · 1'lliaoo &;; Co. You ought to see our $)0, '!.'weed Snits. l!;!llson &;. @o· 'VB never allow any competitor to u11deJ1Bell us. Ellison & e. Yov ougbt to eee our J)lrlce tor Blankete. Ellisun &t Co. PAR1'IFIS asking natorba1·gains will uoi be disappointed, Ellison & ~ S"'Gtrm;n A~D !no~ Brr'l'rms effoctually curos dyspepsia, indigestion ~nd weak:nciiS, and rendoTs tha gre:iiest relief rrnd .benefit to :persons from such diseases as kidney and liver complaints, dyspepsi:J., indigestion '1tc. Sold by all Druggists ant! at Dopot 150 St. James St. V- A..:J:...aIS E:: S CLEARI·NG SALE! A.TTHE suffering ~:o~l~~e::~i;~~ep:!~i~u~, ~:~ :e~! too low to suit the buying public. This .is the field W\l occupy this season ; bring on your critics. Come cut of curiosity; we only ask the privilege of showing you ou.r goods. Strangers will please grant us a. privilege of demo!istratin(T what 0 we say. I TB EL Ev·E'N' s. -· 'l'"'-I ~ VERY CHEAP GLASGOW HOUSE. ~-~~-~~~-'-'~~ · The undersigned being about to retire from business, is now selling off at greatly reduced prices: The Stock, is one the largest in the Count,, consisting mainly of Staple Goods, suitable to the everyday_ requirements, of the public, and will be offered at prices giving imlu..cementsto buyers to purchase liberally. This. being ~ ItML CLEARING SALE preparatory to the closing of the tmMness, purchasers will find it to their advantage to make an early . call. -..!::...-. N. B.-Ordered Work receives special at~ by first-class workmen: -M. TRELEVEN. of AUOTION SALE ·'No! "She lingerec.! "·.1 l~ snffered alon'1, pining aw11y all ·:l,e tlm·~ :ur' yeacss, " "And doolor& d c·ing her no good ;" "And ac laat Wllij cured by this Hop Bitters the p3pers say11 so much a boat" "Inaeed! Jmlc>flh!" " Ho1~. tbml-.ii... '"' R hould be for th~\ medicine." A J)aught;e~'s Minstery. · "Elevf.·n Y'"~1·1 . n~n~hter snffered on a bed uf..tiliii~t'J' , "From" . c·w t ··; .. : ·.·. ·' <1 ofJGdney ' live· ., r h euu1at1c ruble and Nerv.ou1 debility "Under th~ care ni the best phy11ica~ ~ "Who 1-(il"e her disea11e varou11 names YAlUA~lt fARM ·PROPfRTY. O~c-Norlh- 3'1 x. x S. MASON&SON. I I We wish to call the attention of all to the fact that we have this season ma.de extensive purchases in expectation of a large and lively F4ll and Winter T:s.<l'e. Our sto.c k will be found, if possible, even mare varied and att,.racti ve tban heretofore, and no exertions on our part will be spa.red to make this ·sea.sons business the most auccessful one of our experience. Our goods have been bought in the best markets largely for Cash, and we claim that no house m town 'vho care to do a legitimate trade can undersell us. We invite you to call and inspect our stock. We deem it no trouble to show goods, . and every one can rely on receiving courteous attention a.s well as the best va;lue fot· their money. We still continue to manufacture ORDERED CLOTHING, and 11ave just received a large and Ghoice assortment of Eng- · lish and Canadian Tweeds. We alsq cut to measure Ladies' Mantles and Ulsters, for which we have a splendid choice in all the Newest Material. '11 HOS. PATERSON. Bowmanvi11e, July 11, 1883. .,. · "·!' ....." llut r..,Jif. ' " And now elrn is restored to ua in good health hy 11s Hop Bitters. th2t '"'I · h.d shunned for y"ar~ btiture ui)inl( it, " --THE Parenti!. ..__ P.11.RCEL l'UMUF.n ·aciea of the South Hal( er lot num her 2:1 abd 'he lllouth 2.5 a.ores or tll:e North He.It' 0 ( the &Ame I lot iu the sb:th conce!Mlon ·or DarlinJl(ton. 1 PARCET, NUMBER ·1:wo~'l'h11 North 20 aorea. ot the South Half oa lot number 2.1 in ~h Ctb ! conoeasion of Darlington. J P.1.:&c1tr, Nu:unn:R 'Ilnn11:1&--Twelve and one 1 he.IC acres part or the South Half of lot number'\ 0 In the let ouneeesion' of Cartwrlilbt 'l'he above descdbcdi vroperly beiong!ni; to the o~t&to ottho late W illiam r,..1nmiman \Ylll be eold without reserve at Phillips' Hotel In· Hampton ora ::Saturday· the Tenth daT or NoT·: e11,ber next. at ·rwo o'clock rn the afternoon I Conditions of :-:!ale made known on a.pplioattoA ! to Robert Armour. or at time of sale. · H. T. PHILLIPS, £ootionM!!'; ' --v----.--.....-;---v--+ mrui[f . will allow BowmanYllle., October·17, ~ Father is G.etting Well "My d rrnghters sRy: "Bow mnch better father i11 llinoe used 'l:iop l1itrers," "He is getting Wflll after his lonq en1fer· THE BOOK OF THE CENTURY CATELY'S UNIVERSAL EDUGATGR· An Educational Cyclopredia a.nd Business Guide. An Instructor and Work ot Reference, fur· nlslung accurate 1-QJ'orruation, In the most pract.ical form , ouAJ,L EDUC.a.'l'iONAL SUB· JE0'l'S, coverings. wide range and in a niore thorough manner than e.n;r other Book extant, nothing approaching it having ever been published in A111crJc11. A DISCOUNT . . ' he A STOVE BOOM. . H always pays to Mhertise & g(lod &r· ticle. Meters. Manainit & Nosworthy inl! from a diaea11e decl.1red incurable" . "And we are so glad tha· he used :your have fot· some "!'eeks bee!l adverti11ing a new and improved oomb1ned coal and · Bittore." A l.<iday of, UtiC!\, N. Y. . wood !!tove, embodyiniz t.he priaciplo ()fa eelf·feeder iu which a continuous fire c11n Ilucklcn·s 'A r11lca S11Ivc.- The best Salve be kept on with less fuel tlu.n in the com· in the world for Cute, Rrmooa, lcloree, Ulcora, n10n day stoTe. A 111.rge- number of theso Salt Rhettm., · F'e1·er Sores. Tett0r, Chapped stoTfl6 h111Te alread y be9n sold iu this t-own Hands, Chilblains, ,Corns. and all Skln Ero.p· and they give entire B&lisfaction. Follow· tlons, and PM itl >r1·l "' c:: "e.< I)il~; It b !fllraning aro testill'.olliAI~ fro111. citizens who eed givt: .-'L"N "ct . 111.isfaotlon, er money haYo ued thesc 'atonis ; refunded. Price 25 con ta per box· . For ea.le by J. H.ill:itiabotham & Son. f OF 2 PER CEN[! OFF all accounts paid before NOVEMBER a. ls dally brlng!n~ joy to the homes or tl~ousands h1 saving many of tll_eir d _ cG.r QDi'o ft'(Hn a n early grav e. trnly is Dr. Kin1fs New Dlgv0very for Conenmpt!on, Cough~. Cold·, A 01:h1ua., B l'on ohltls, H11.y Fevel' Loss of "Voice, Tickling in the Throat and Luugs. a JlOSitivcl onre Guarantee<!. Trh~l bot· tie f,ree at. J. Higginuotha.m & San's, Drug Store. Lar~e size $1. ..l. Grcut Ut· c>&' '"l'J',-'Tbat Caution. - We ad vise all '1ho &re nfllleted with" cough or cold to beware of opiates arid and :,11l medicine11that11mothe~ and ch1>ck a con~h suddenly, as ilerlo1u results s11rely follow. Hagyard'a Pectoral Bla.sarn lo"oeens and hrea.kis up eough11 and cold.a in a B!lfo l\llO. p,fff'nt1ml msnner. llOWM.\l\'TILLI!, SEPT. 1, 18811, -·· ____ _ __,,. Mb:M-rs. ,Mam111ht.u ~ N,.&..,,ortkr;. It occupiee 1160 PAGES, FULL ROY AL OO'l'A VO.' and cone!sts ot 'I.'HREE VOLUMES l'lOUND IN UNE, ornamented by suitable headings, and embellished w ith l!,ol.lr Hundred M~·Mr11. MaWAi1tU ~ No.mJorth71. G1t:1"1'J,EMEN,- 1'he Combination Cooking and Seventy Engra.vlnii.s designed to illn@trnte· the text. AC'I.'IVE AGEN'I.'S WANTED A'r StttTe Jij tho best for kitchen po1·poses we eYer ONCE, had, Ji'or· cooking lt could not be sul')laAsed J,'or full particulars, address SCHUYLER lt burns ver1 little fuel and la easily managed. SMI'l'H & CO., London Ont. 2724w We heartily r econ1mend it to all, Yonrs tr11l1, . J. B, J'AIRRAIRN, Postmaster. HO\'l'M.A.liVII.LB, SITT"J.'. i, 1883. -We save cash discounts · and are willing to allow same an ·promptly paid accounts. --·----- JOSm JEFFERY· Suu1,- Th0 Combination Cook Stove lbought from you g!Tes complete sa.t.israetlon in the hou~ehold. Th" ov, , n h· lr<:>· WAil 1t·il ..,...., l11n·E1 had uo troablu in rcrnnln~ it. )'\re wo111d not ·be without it now on an:r acoonnt. Yon are at llbert.y to n se my namg n.s reference, a11 I can endol'l!o all that i~ c·J aimed for it. Respeoltttlly YOftMI, J.A.MES MoCLUNQ. w. MQM uRTRY -HAS UEOEIVBD- 1 We can do as Here Represented. ' national Thro!\t and Lung Institute. 173 Chuch street, Toronto are making- so mi.uy wonderful cures or cntarrh, catarrhal de!l.fness, Bronchltis, o.athmu. a.nd consumpti<>n are: 'l'hcy luwe none but skilled and l>ualifted m edhllll men connected with thA institute. They adhere strict.ly to their Hpeclalty and t h ey use tlle spirometer invented by M:. SouTiello. ex-sido ------suej!'OOn of the French 1>rrny, and lnstrmnent The Star Hous>.i u nw has the best as- which conveys the me(H.cines In the f()rm or sorted ancl Jarg . eat .·t o · ok they have ever Gold Inhalations to the µarts diseased, whioh " la the only way these d1sease1 can be cured. shown and caoPot ha undersold. ~ew They aro treatiug hundreds of p1Ltient ev~ry · · t l' month, h1n·ln~ twelve surgeons engaged in g ood· 0 arrn·1ng con <I lla 1Y· 'heir work In Canada alonft, Seud a three-cent - - - -·· --~tamp for a, copy ·>f their International News A Common Annoyance-. M&ny peopie LIBRARY- St.Paul'$ P resbyteri1.n 1uffer from dbtres ·ing attack. of sick head· Sa.bb11th School. Ho wmanville, offers for ache, nausea, and other bilious troubles, sale the wh0l,'. , ' · . "e;i libr&ty, 1on11isiing whb might ell'llily b11 enr.eJ by B urdock of ~oroe 600 \ '""'1.>!N. A ~ll'eeplng re- Blood B!ttrrs. It cured Lotti" Howard, duction on p -iv~L ,fi!l bo mede. Any of Buff.\lo, N~ Y., of this colllplaint aud school re<1uirmg good booka hw pdces she praises It highly. will please aµnl v imrnediat~ly to ·r11os . Yellowlee~ . r .. ·) . . '1·iJle. 272-2w rhe ren~on why the !:lurgeoM otf tile Inter· , CHEAP NEW CASHMERES, NlilW IlLAt.:K. C.ASHHlllRES, NEW LACE CURTAINS, lf~ W B0 not atre.id ot cloudr wea.tlier. t'..'ome Gents' aod Ladles' all together, J(ake no mistake, be eu!'e and oe.11. We'll spare n() pain9 to please you all. Splendid Portralts-llto complete. Le.tterl!l'ftp-bs tll,at's hnrd to beat. Photographs in splendid style, '.rile roer ob.eek, the tender l!!Wile. Q.UILTED' SKlR~, NEW SHAWLS, NEW FLANNll!L8. NEW PRIN'l.'S, · "* Farmers Please "II" Con~ider This. \Ve h11V1:> ju.. i; ope 1>cd out another loi · f l -r.r l of t 1 1ose b eaut1 u 'e veteene which h1.Te been in such great demand and which lllll! . · ..1 b ll h h so muc h !Id rmreu Y It . w o av" seen them. Cuuch, Johrrntou & Cryderman. well a.a all summer ooru1>laint.11o!&1imila; naturG.. to ou:·eCholarn, Cholera Morbus, M JIP. PERRY DAVIS PAIN-RILLER aote T wtth iormder/!lt au !I never fu.i/A hon taken at tho oommenoemont. ofan attr..cli: r<1p-i<lit11 :t!"ol1 Sudden Collls, Soro 'l'h:oe.t, to, b~~im1m<e l'f tn att "'k \fill J>MVe &I\. ath:rost no·'l'Ur !tl.i!il!lg cure, aud so.vo muob. BuffG»'ing. A. t~n~poonf11! of PA1..--Rn.r.i::1t t~.kan at tho · :!?or 'I'ootWho. :Durn11, ScrJds, Onta. Bruis~s. &c. tli" P.us-l'\:rr.r.1m will bo fonn<I :1> willlnl!' ph:l"!' 8ioion ro..-lY ,.n,( nble to rolioTO your $tr1forin8 without del1>y, anJ at a. vorvinsi'gnifion.oteoat. A full rnnge all qunlttiee of Oromp· 1)Ublished tons' Cornli..o Oor.~e!·s at tho Star HouilO. 1'oronto. nr monthly at 173 Ohurch Strcea 2t.'>-tt. Oysters, solid .Htlat 8dl~d·, received · daily per PXpre~n at l'r.f ordoch Broa. 0:.1,'RIRTY DAYS' TBIA.I., . TIU!! VOLTAIC BELT Co .. Marshall, Mloh., will t!eJld DI\, DYP:'SCELEBRA1'ED ELE01'RO· VOLTAid BBT,TS .ii.ND ELllCTRIO APPLUNCm!l on trial ror (all \Vool) at th"' St!\r Hou1e. The best value in ,,Jurte and drawens thirty days to mon <rounsi or old) who are af· tllcted with N erTous Deblllty, Lo stT!tallt1' and .Manhood, and ki!ldred troubles, ll'llaranteein&' epeed;r and complet.e restor11tlcmo! health and Floor Oil Cll)th in all ~idtb.e at Couch, manly vigor. Address as above, N. B.- No rlllt Johnuon & Ccydtirman11. 'ta incurred, a.e thirty da711 trial la allowed. hu no. oqnal, n.nd it has no·cr been known to f:i.il to effoet :> cure in n. ·inglo b·t:uico. It ls used in ·ome of tho hrnro.!t liTctrY st..blo! n.nd horao infirm:iJ!NTLEMEN, i~~ you have grease, arie· in tho worlil 'To rosusoiWct :.-nu~g bmbB paint 01 dirt 011>'your clo~hes I cn.n clean or otb"r sto·k ohillod nn·I d;·ing 'frnm oold, a them and make them look like new ones · little PAr?<-K1r.r.1rn mixed 'll'it.h milk will roLa.dies' Oat.rl9h feathers cleaned and dyed: .etor() them to bo..ah nry quickl1. , Sooond hand clothing taken in exchange. All, ~" Pafo·Kille-r l.s for Mlo by Drugglrta work warranted at PEA.TE'S DYEING ES-1 · &if'CA.LLIANDISEB."IQ A.potheernie,, Urooors and Modicino DBIAlm · TAllLISHMENT, opposite Treleven's Shoe th~ugboot the wocld, Store, Bowman t'llle. !72-tf · !" &,,111nl11l·. -A·ll· lt,fl!ll!; bl B:orsos the 'Pmf-Krr.r,n ll'or Colic. Clr:.mps and :Cyaontcry x G I s. MASON& soN· I I ll'll'Bt come first served so be not Iat,e, Thoee tha' e.re last must pstlent wait. l(EW CRETOKKS, !lo eeme along without delay . NEW LADIES' COLJ,.A.RS, And proot·wm oll'nch the wbole we IJBJ'. NEW 'VINCEYS, . H. C . TA.IT & Co., NEW MENS' UNDER SHIRTS, PHOTO AR Tllll'I.'& NEW MENS' DR.A. WERs, Havin~ redtted ur Gallery e,nd K~W .A.CTORY CO'.L'TON, NEW STE.A.}{ LOO MS changed tho Bky-llght, WO o.re now prepared. · x NK'V !'INGRRING T.A.RN, To make Photos lnstantaneonsly and !Q'J!:W C.ANAIHAN YARN. rtlstioally. eithe:r ln ex:\el'!or or A PIR'tfe9 ba7!ng Goocla Wttl rnterlw, repre11enWng 1111mmer Tme m- wmtei- time, ~e also Fra~e Pbotoe etc., ae Dyeing but not Dead. SaJe from r5 to 25 per Cent & W. MoMUR TRY · · 1111&. cheap al!I 0611,be done here o· ete~W'helle· Bowma-nville, Sepf, 2Y, lSSS. H. C .. TAIT & CO. ·· J I
The Clarington Digital Newspaper Collection is a collaborative project between the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Museums and Archives.
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