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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1883, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN rs PUBLISHED Caledonian Mills. 'Formerly known as the " Soper ll(i!Je. ') MILL HAS BEEN THORT HIS UGI-ILY renovated and put in order.under our own special supeJ1ovision. for the purpose of OUR YOUNG FOLKS. The Green·ooated Soldier. BY DAYID ll:ER, Many a long year ago three or tour regi· ments of Russian soldiers were encampod on a flat aandy plain upon the shore of the Gulf of Finland, not far from a new town which had just been built at the mouth of the river Neva., and called St. Petersburg. The 6Un was beginning to set, and the men,. ~av· irig fhiished their marching and ~xercmng, were ha.ving a rest after the day s work or beginning to get -ready their supper. Most ot them were strong and sturdy fel. lows wh,o looked as if they could sta.n~ a good 9ea1. of hard work, and hard fightmg too; before giving in. But they certainly did not wear a very soldier·like appearance, for all that; they moved heavily _ and clum· sily, and handled their muske~s as if they had been more used to ploughs and spades than weapons of war, Awkward though they seemed, however, these very men were to be able, only a few years later, to give King Charles of Sweden (who was then th::mght to be the best soldier alive) such a beating that neither he nor his army ever meddled with Russia again. But as they were now, they made a poor figure enough; and so, no doubt, thCJ.u ght a big red-haired man in Russia uni· form, who, with his arms folded on his broad chest, and a scornful ·s mile on his face, was watching half a dozen of them light a fire. " Pretty fellows you are to call vourse~ves soldiers!" cr.ied he, in broken Russian, " when you c!tn hardly tell a butt of a gun from its muzzle, and don't even know how to kindle a fire yet. We manage things better in Silesia, where I was uorn ,and bred." . · "vVtll, if your country is so much better than ours, why didn't you stay tbere? asked one of the l:{ussian recruits, sulkily. · " Because I was wanted here to .make you RusEian lubbers into soldiers," answer· ed the Silesian fiercely; and a mighty hard job" The r~cruit muttered something .between bis teeth, but did not venture to make any direct reply; for this Silesian, Michael Kratsch, was a noted bully, and .the strong· est man in the regiment; and any one who tried to argue with him generally ended by getting o. broken head for his pains. 'W hile Kratsch was still fuming and find· iug no one to vent his anger upon, a httle drummer-boy, coming past "ith a can · of water much too heavy for his thin arms, stumbled against him by . a ccident. · Like lightning Big Michael faced ro~d and dealt the poor little fellow a kick which 8ent him to the ground, screaming wirh pain, and caused him to spill every drop or precious water that had cost so much trouble to bring, An angry ipurmur ran through the gronp of Russians, and the .Silesian turned savagely upon them, " What are you growling at, you dogs? If you have anything to say to me, say it out, You ought to know by this time, I should think, that one honest Silesian is a match for half a dozen such as you !" · '·' Are you quite sure of that 1" asked a deep voice behmd him. Every one looked round with a start, for nobody had noticed a soldier standing nea.r the group, .and listening to the Silesian's boastful talk with a smile of quiet amusement. ~ The new.comer picked up the little drummer boy very tenderly, refilled his can from a bucket that stood near, and sent him away rejoicing. Then he came up to the tall Silesian and looked him full in the face. Kratsch eyed the stranger from head to foot, .and did not altogether like the look of him. His dress was nothing grand, to be sure, being simply the plain green coat of a Russian private, so soiled and threadbare that an old-clothes man would scarcely -have taken it as a gift. But he was as tall as Big Mfohael himself, while hie huge limbs and brawny chest made such a show of strength that most people would have thought it wuch better to' shake hands with him than to fight him. · "So!" said the green·coated man, quietly, " one Silesian is a match for half a dozen Rus~ians, eh? '\.Veil, I can eee that he's their match at bra.gginq, anyhow I" The ?.tussians chuckled at this unexpect· ed hit, and one of them la.ughed outright. Kratsch's face flushed purple with rage, and for a moment he seemed just about to fly at the speaker's throat. But there was some· thing in the stranger's bearing, and in the calm, steadfast glance of his keen black eye, which cowed even the fierce soldier, who drew back with a sullen growl. "WeH," said Greenooat, quietly, "we R ussians have a saying that corn doesn't graw by talking. If you are a match as you say, for any half·dozen of us, let us see what you can do." ::;;, ·' Could you throw that stone farther than I oan ?" as the Silesian, pointing to a heavy stone at his feet. "I can better answer that when I have seen you throw it," replied Greencoat, as coolly as ever. Michael Kratsch threw off his poat, and baring an a.rm as thick as an ordinary man's knee, hurled the stone seven good yards away, , The Unknown threw, in his turn, so carele~sly that he seemed hardly to exert himself o.t all, y et the atone fell a foot beyond K ratsch's mark. · The Russians raised a shout of triumph, and Michael's face grew as black as midnight. " A re you as nimble with your feet as with your hands ?" growled h e, through his teeth. "Try," answered Greencoat, simply. Kratsoh pointed to a broadditchalittle behind them, and taking a short run, shot through the air like an arrow. The ditch was fully fifteen feet wide from bank to band, yet he alighted several inches from .EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, -BY- gristing and manufooturing Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we are now prepared to reet'ive AT THE OFEIMl, 1,· orders from all our old ouatorners and 11thers .ost Oftlce Block, Klllg St.,Rowlllanvtlle,Ont for work, and we gurantee to ~ive thellll wlil.9 intrust us with the same entire satisfaetio1>.. Oats antl other grains taken in exchange for TERJ.v.[1::3: Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J. TOWNS, Bow· O j oliOper annum, or $1.00lfpaldln'advancc manville.' 227. Payment strictly In advance required from o\lbscribers outside of the county. Ord~rs to, c'fbcontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by itlle amount due, or the paper will not be stopped. .Subscribers are responsible until full payment is made. M. A.JAMES, DOMtNmN,nRGAN&· 'o" .PIANO C ,., : W AREROOM, ., <whole Column one year ........ ·" ... $50 00 ;;;! ~.; " " Half year ....... .. ... 30 00,0 0 ~ " " One quarter ......... 20 01!i"'""::; Half Column ono year., .. ........... 30 Ovi-" .. . lialfyear ·......... : .· . .' 20 oo;.. " One quarter. . .. . ..... 12 50j::; Quarter Column one yeer .... . . ... :. 20 00,_ " " Half ,Y.ea~'. .. . ....,. .. . 12 501 5 " ... ' one"quarter .: ·. :. :. ·3· 001 :=Slx lines and under, first insertion .. $0 501 _ Each subsequent insertion...... 0 25!_ ,Brom six to ten lines, first insertion, 0 751 Each aubsequent insertion . ...~.~ 0 35!-10 Over ten lines, first insert~o!).,per lme ..0 10!' .. Each subsequent Insertion, ",r .. , 0 03 ·The number of lines to be reckoned"by ·,.~lie space occupied,.measured by a scale of1·~ ., 111>lid Nonpa~eil. · . · 1.- ' 1 5. JU.TES OF A.D VERTISING1 1:~ EI~G . .. a :o:·V\(MA N VILLE. ...,. 20 , W".RUS!_, Age~t~ LARCE LIF'E~LIKE OIL PAINTINC OF' ,YOURSELF ,..,· FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR A .'u'~ process of Portrait Pamtmg. No pen can do justice .to this beautiful proceos ot reproducing the human face and form in fadeless .;:., perfection in oil colors. Our printed instructions a,re so cleatJy.wm·ded that any pe1·son ca.n loarn to do this work' in a few days. Full printed Instructions mailed to any addre!lfl on rnceipt of ONE DOLLAR. -l'lease send for our explanatory circulars which w0 mail free. l\Ieu~on this pa.pe1· ANO ELO ART CO., Est'fll875. overmasteririg clutch, but be had no more chance than an ox in the coils of a boa. At last the Unknown lifted him fairly ofl his feet, and hurled him backward with .such force that he fell with a dull crash against a large atone behind him, and lay stunned and motionless. Just then was heard a cry of " There he l there lie is !" and several richly dressed men, running up to the spot, bowed rever· eutly to the green-coated soldier. "We have been looking for your Majesty," said one of them, " to give to you these dis· patches which a courier has just brought from :Moscow," ,' At the word "Majesty" the Russian re· cruits all fell on their knee~, considerably startled to find that this shabby-coated private was no other than the Czar himself, Pater the gre~t of Russia. " Up with you, lads !'" cried Pf.ter ; "kneel to no one but God. You are Russian soldiers, and I'm your General 'i that's all." Then he turned to Kratsch, who lay groaning ou the ground, with his left arn, b1'0ken. " I'll forgive thee this time, fellow," said the Uzar ; "but if ever I catch thee illtrea.ting a child again, look out l Aa for these soldiers of, mirie at whom you laugh, within live years th~y s~all be the v; onder of all Europe." · And so they were. -----··"'4~49>~ IAYER'S PILLS~ A la rge vro por t io n of the discascg w1 .iicb cause humau s uHeril1g re:;u lt i r um tlcraugcmcnt of th e stomach, b owels) a n d 1i rer. A nm·s CA'rILUtTIC PI LL.~ act uirccL ly n po11 these orgnus, autl especially tle$ig11t!d to cure t he dise>ises c.cuse<l by t heir dcr:u 1geme11t 1 in clucliug Cnu ~tivat iou, I n tligcstion, l>ySllf:lf>Sia., l lca< c , Ds ~c n t.t~ l·y, a rnJ !~ host , of other a ilmeH tS, fo r all of which . they a.r·c i t ::iafe, sure, pr01np t , :iu U p leasa11t rc1aetly. T lle extemdn.i nse pr L Pn..r.s b y e min ent p h yr;i ciarn:i i11 regulLLL' v ractice, s h ows u11rnist:cka!JJy tile estima tio1t in Codd & Co,. Bankers Sliccessors to Agency of Dominion Bank, BOWMANVILLE, and 439 Mansion House Chambers, LONDON, ENGLANJY. ·, wliiclt Liley ar" held 1.>Y tile rned.ical profcss io11. These PILLS a r e compoumled of vcgcL al.Jle s ubstances only, nnd a re a.bsol nicly f r ee f rom calvrncl or a uY o ~lrer i 11j urious ing r tdiellt. A Snff'crcr from IlefHl> wlte writes: AYER'S }>1LL$ are In val uable t o ine 1.. are rny co11stau t compR.uiou. l ll ucc1 1 H Transact a. general B an ki ng B 'ttsiness iu>on the same Te1·ms and Principles adopted by the \ Joint Stock Ba.nks. INTERES'l' ALLOWED 0 N DEP O S J TS· withdrawal on demand, at the rate of FOUR per cent per annum. NO'i'p;s PISCOUNTED. Bills received ror collection and advances made thereon at modera t e rates. DRAFTS ISSUED, payable a t all points .in Canada and the United States; STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, &c.,&a. bought and sold. MONEY LOANED on Mortgage Security..present rate from 6 to 7t per cent. for rcllcf. One < lose w ill qulcl<ly m o ve 111 y bowels >end froc my head from pai11. They a 1·e t.he m oi:;t c tt'ect,ive awl &.he en.sie st I)h ysic I h ave ever f ou11d, lt is a })lcnsure t o m e t o Epc a.l< in th eir pr aise, ttn L l l a lways do so l:>I LJ~s a se vn re sufferc1 · 1 'ro1H l [eadach e, a n d your are the o n l y t h ing I 'could look to N 0 TICE. posits beretofore ma de with the Dvminior. Bank, can b~ withdrawn at a ny time upon de· mand ,and without charge, at the premises lately occupied by the Dank, now the Banking House of Codd & Oo ' ~NTEREST at the rate of 'l'HREE per cent will be allowed so long as the money lies with he Dominion Bank. f', vhe11 occasion offe rs. \\'. L. PAGE, of W. T,. Page & Bro." E·nrnkliu ::>t., H ich.111 011d,Ya., June 3, 1882. 1 1s .....- -- - a:=- - -- - - - -- -- - · - .- .- . ·' t.. J'OT'l'ER, :lll.D. R.A.DU .A.'rE1 0f-cQE1een's College, Kingston"; and Member of College of Physicians and ,Surgeons, o.iitarfo. , ., , «Office and Residence, Enniskillen. . 17., G Dr. A. BEITll, R.A.DU ATE OF THE TORONTO UNIV.ER· SITY, Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office K~nl\ ' :Str6et·. MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. . ; , G J. w ·. McLangblln, lll. B., . ICENTlA.TE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE of Physicians and member of the Royal. .- .,, .College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. ljfiice': MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowman·ville. Detroit, Mich. L · Highest P~icePaid . for any quantity of DR. J, <;, MIT(JJIELL, M EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. .. . , 74:. Office and Hesidence, Ennisklllen: D. BIJJlKE SDIPSON, WO· OL & BONES. A FULL SUPPLY OF _..-. BLOCK, up stairs, King_ Street, Bowmanlle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Prtvale llloneys loaned at the lowest ra~e!l· .John Kett11 Ga1brau11, 'B ARRISTER. SOLICl;TOR,Block, NOTARY PUBLIC, &c. Offlce.:..Reed's o.ver 'T, Battings store, King Street, Bawmanville. l\/Ionev to lend WSt;O-'lllE .& LEITH, ii> .A.RRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c., MORRIS Stoves & Tinware A'l' DOTTOH l'RI<;ES. All kinds of farm produce taken ·in exchange for .goods. . , 7'2 LEWIS' QUICK · J . Bowmanvtlle. B -- ARRISTERS,ATTORNEYS, SOLICITORS, Conveyancers, Notaries. &c. Office :- Mc· Clung's Buildings, King Street, Bowmanville. R. RUSSELL LO,OM~ A, II. LEITH. 111011ey to :Loan.- Private and other funds at lowest):ates of interest. · ST, JOUN U, lllJTUJIESON, B R A RISTER, & ATTORNEY. &o; NOTARY PUBLIC. MONEY 'l'O LOAN· OFFICE-OVER STA'l'ESMAN OFFICE. ROBERT ARMOIJU, UNDERTAKING I -::13"2"'- EGU:lTRAR, WEST DUR!fAM ISSUER or Marriage Licenses, Barrister and Attor· 'MlY at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money IJ2W" I am fully prepared to at tend Funerals on ,l oaned on Real Estate. O:fll.ce on, King street, the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. :-':.:o:.:w:.:m = a= n:..:. v.: il:..:. le .::·~------:--- -- Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. First-class hearse on very moderate t erms. 11. T. l'JllLLl..S Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun'T ICENSED 'AUUTIONEER for the County er!J,l cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & - .!LI... of Durham Sales promptly attended. Show Rooms- Bounsall'sNow Block. , .A.ddress- Haml'.>ton P, O, · 1i9.:, _ All f~rniture sold by me is made by the U. 0 Furmture Co. or Bowmanville. I do not buy slop furnit ure and l'epresent it to have been n. ' 'lllJTfJHISON: / by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. ICENSED AUCTIONEER, 't. O NVEYAN· Alsomade agent for the LI·QUOR TEA ror this town L CER and Commssioner in B. R. Sales at· and vicinity. It is cheap and a s good as can be < tended to promply and at· reasonable rates. market. A valuable pl'ize given S"Address- Enniskillen·P. 0. ' · got in the · 1with .every pound. ORN HUGHES.-'Licensed Auctioµ, eer Valuator and Arbitrator, Fire and Life Ineura'nce Notes and Accounts Collected, ~ONES :· Money to 'Lend on reasonable terms; Addr ess BANKERS, 'C Cartwright, Ont. . 472 L EV I MORRIS. J & DOBBIE, ,cftice will be in Mr. John McMurtry's Grocery made. through all 'Branches of the Bank wf .Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 Montreal, in Canada, United States and 228-tf', :p.m., Sundays excepted. England. NUG HOME FOR S.A.LE. - -A Brick Short Date, Commercial and Farmer.a' Cottage containtng six rooms, cellar. pant.r y :etc., quarter acre land, st..:.bleawood-shed, hard papers discounted a.t bank rates . , Longer ,and soft water, and other conveniences. For periods than .three months a.t b est rates lnrther information apply to STATESMANOffice, obtainable. , .Bowman'l"ille. _ 918-tf'. Advances . m ade on SaleNotes and spec· ..Pianos'J.'uned & Repaired. ial .a ttention given to colle ction of same. GOOD WlFE GUARANTEED TO man who buys his from .A. every ' ;HENRY SYLVES'l'ER. E nniskillen. BANKING. R. YOUNf", V. S., tas rem.o ved to A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS the residence directly opposite the ' Drill D ::Shed, formerly occupied by P. O. Himes. His transacted. Drafts issued and eollections Licen~e KING ·$ TREET, BowMANVILLE. 198~f. S P to ARTIES 'WISHING THEIR PIANOS Tunedlor repaired can he.Te thorn attended· by leaving wor d at the DOMINION ORGAN FOUR PER CENT PAID on DEPOS· Co's OFFICE, Bowma.nville. A f\rst-clas man now being in their mploy. l'L'S of $4 and upwards, withdrawal on demand with hterest t:> date. Savi:ng's Department. MARRIAGE LI CEN S~ S ISSU ED BY , BRO,K ERAGE. . BANK, BUILDING SOCIETY AND Insurance Co. Stocks, alao Bonds and Debentures bought at t% ,,commission either 1 in Montreal or Toronto. · . W. R. CLIMIE. <l:>FFICE- 'l'own Hall Buildings,llowmanville MARHIAG E LICEN SES ,ISSUED BY INSURANCE .A.GE NTS FOR NORTHERN OF E NGLAND, capital and invested funds- $27,600,0QO. 'l'be City of London Fire Insurance Co. of London, En~land. Capita l £1,000,000, sterlinl!', Deposited with Government at Ottawa $100,00t. Fire Insurance of every Description effected, Lowest possible i·a tes on all classes of risks. A- J. LOCKHART, ORONO, ONT. Onty 1 wo Dollars. So Do? Gentlemen oCFaslt ion, not so fast. INVESTMENTS. A l..A.RGE .A.MOUNT OF PUIVATE F UNDS for investment at 6, 7 and 8% , according to se curity offered. I have written these few lines And all I have to sayi'hat you can flnn me still at home, I am not gone a way. S ~all my kind old' riends may come, .And all the young ones, too, · At1d get their ga rments nicely m ade In fashions that arc new: ' Where old and young, d ear 1'riend~ 1. may meet .A welcome e:rAet lnrc. bv R . P EA'l'E t. MISS McTAVISH H a s received her new stock of ' GOODS., a nd invites the Ladies of B owmanville and vicinity to call and see her P at tern B ONN ETS, HATS, and assor tment ot T R IMM I NG S /' Putch er St:aJl. STORE :- Sccontl Door West of W Ittan u " P retty fair," said the Unknown, smiling; "but I think I can match it." And so he did, for his leap overpassed K ratsch's by 9ix inches at least. A t the sight of t he heavy R ussian faces grinning from ear to ear over his discomfiture the SUesian 's eyes flashed fire. " Y ou haven 't ·d one with me yet," he roared, " smart though y ou think yourself. Dare you wrestle a fall with me ?" Without a word the st ranger threw off his coat a nd st epped forward. I t was a' grand and t errible sight to see the t "'.o giants st rain their mighty limbs and seize each other with t heir iron arms bot h faces growin g suddenly hard and ster~ as t hey grappled. Every man among t he lookers·on held his breath as the great' , struggle began. Thrice did .the Silesian make a t remon· dous effort to t h row his enemy . with a strength that seemed able to tear up an oak by t he r oot s. But the Russian, though shaken, stubbornly kept his feet, unt il Kratach paused, breathless 'and utterly spent. Then t he watching eyes all round saw t h e st ranger,s arme t ighten suddenly , t he ~ig Mic~ael's huge br oad back bend slowly 1n, F un ously he s truggled against t he Some Notable Date!f. plcasa11t, safe, and reliable farnil y llledicine. , Friday was a red letter day in the hi · l<'Ol~ DYSPEPSIA they al'e illv"'luable. J. T. HA YE S." tory of days, for it was on the 12th of Ocl\Ie xia , Texas , J u11c li, 1882. tober that Christopher Columbus landed on The n1,v. FrtAXCJ S n. 1TAltLOW.E, writing Wattirig's Island, one of the Bahamas, in the Atlauta Ga ., says: "For some years year with which every school boy is fami· t'rom past I h:we been subject to COllSt ip"tion, Is now exhibiting her ~plendid new stoclc of liar, and w;hioh needs no mention here or f rolll which, i n s pi te of the use of m etliEnglish, French and ·American Millinery, now except. to say that in nine years more \lines or various lcl11Lls, I su!ferecl increa~i ng Featliers, Flowers and Fancy Goods. o11 vcnic u.ce unt O · s onio iilout hs· ago I it ·will be ·four hundred years since that i11c Her numerous friends and the ladies' of Bow· began tak ing ~·\.YEH'& PILLS. 'l 'hc y l1ave ·manvllleand vicinit:vareconfldentlyinvited event took place. It need ecarcely be add- entirely corrcctecl the costive h1.c bit , itnd to an inspection. The greatest ec0nomy ed that though Columbus was the first to have vastly improved my genentl h ealth." consistan t with quality has been proclaim to the world at large the exist· A Y 1'It's OATllAUTIC PILLS correct irregu-made a special s tudy,ence 'o f a new and vast region in the direc- laritios of the bowels, stiinulato tho appetion of the setting sun, he cannot be said to tite aucl ll'igest ion, an', r liy their pron;pt ·tnd ha\"e been the first European discoverer of .,'thorough action give tone and vigor to the ,' America. The ancient Scandinavians ,'Vilole physical economy. ·, ' Norsemen had at the commencement of the alwa.ys on ha.nd. l'Rllr AR.ED nY 11th century not only settled colonies in HATS au.._ 'BONNETS Greenland but explored the whole east coast Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. of .America as far South as lat. 41 30' N, made over in the Newest Styles. Sold by .all Drnggist s. and there, in New Bradford in the State of> !' Massachuesetts they phnted a colony. YOUNG, All exverie11ce the wonderful There is also satisfactory evidence for believ· be11eficial effects of ing that in the 12th century the celebrated WHO IS UNACQUAINTED W IT H TM E GEOGRAP HY OF T MI S COUrl· T RY VIJLL St:!!: ,BY t;,XAM!NINQ 1'H I S M A P T HA T TH! W el<;h Prince, ~:Iadoc, having sailed from OLD, ANO Ayer's Sarsapari lla. · Children with Soro 1':ycs, Sore his native country with a small fleet, landed ,.MIDDLEAGED, Ears, or ILll Y ·crofolous or syph· and founded a colony on the CilaSt , of Vir· iii tic t:tint, may be n1ade ·lle!l.ltlly aml strong ginia. Still all this does not take away from by it· use. Columbus the great distinguishing and Sold by all Druggists; $1, six .bottles fo~. $5. unique merit of having philosopb.ioally reasone!i out the existence of a New World, and by practically ascertaining the truth of his propositions of inaugurating that connec· tion between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres which has effected so remark· able a reYolutiun in the world's history. All honor to Columbus and the 12th of , Oo· 'Having bouglit Mr: R. SYLVESTER'S MA· tober. CHINE 's HOP and. FOUNDRY we are pre But if Friday was remarkable for ~ome pa1'e d to do all work in t his department in a occurenoes, some births and some deaths, satisfactory manner. We shall continue to Saturday is not unnoticeable in the same way manufacture Mr. Sylvester's celebrated though it has ,no discovery of America to show. There is quite a nice catalogue of births, but space refuses~to permit reference to any but that of S ophia, the old Electress and shall spare no pains t o keep up their pre of Hanover, who, by giving F.ngland a King sont reputation. in the person of George the First laid, it is to be presumed, .that country under great and lasting obligations. There is no use in try- long and favorable known-will be carried on ing to clear up the geneaology .of the ,old .and with tl),'e assietance of our Machinery w~ l:.i.dy, and thus to show how she or her S()n hope to la1·~ely increase the business in this duly heired the British throne. Every department and give our customers increased school girl can do that. Curious· to 'think, inducements to purchase from us. A large g~Js;rrt:t11~!~~~~;~~ri~~ ~h~ t~~: :;.-gt~~ ~:~t however, that she was born ae tar back as stock of.Carriages and Ploughs now ready. ~t~!:~i g~~~:~lg~i;·b ~':~;ea. ~rcf~I'Moa:~an:i:'!iiS.: 1630, before the troubles of Charles I. her All work warranted satisfactory. Special:at eas City, Counail Bluffs, L eav en wor t h, At chison, St. Paul. I t connecta in Union stately, but sadly unreliable relative, had t ention given t o Engine, Mil and .Agriculture. Minneap olis and 0 &ef ~~1:'~\foa~ntcf tR~in~~~fJ~i1b~8e~.~!~aft~e;:i,~~ begun, and before he was very far on the Machinery. m ent is unr i\tale d and m ?'niflcent , being comp<>Ce4 journey which sent him to his grave without -.... Ar ~~i9Jc~~r1~~~~~he li~c1~T~~tibYl~Rnba~~a~rr.= the head. · . ~V.L · . ........, ~t~1!°0oi~r~i~; ~~:;~:1t~~~r ~~~s·.~~r~~h~r~! And what about the deaths? , Oh, there has had a-large ex perience in betw een Chicago a n d Missour i R iver P oints. Two were quite a number. Beza the reformer Tra.ins between Chicago and M innea p olis and St. dropped off in 1605. Harrison, so well Machine,Agricitlturnl and Ca.rria.qe Work, Paul, via. tho Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." known in the English Parliamentary wars, having worked In the largest establishmentsin A New and Dire ct Line , via S eneca and K ankawas executed in 1660. Poor Murat, the the Dominion, which will aed largely to the kee, h a s r~cently been opene d bet ween Richmond, Norfolk N ewport N e ws, Chatta nooga., At l anta, of Bonaparte, got himself shot interest of tho,ncw firm. ~usta.,N'ashvillet Louisville , Lexington, Cincinnati, in 1815, and Mrs. E . Fry passed .on to the .tarGiveourHARD METAL PLOW POINTS .&:n d1B.nopol1s anu Lafayette, Y.n d Omaha, llinncap ... 01 majority in 1845. .Ah, perhaps tbil.t last men· a trlal. ::11a~fr~~,!ar!w~~~J:i;r,Cr~~~1t~J~:i~~xvr9~~ tioned person was the most remarkable of 'I1ratne. them all. Mrs. Fry, has made her name a th~~~~:~o~t!~~~ ":n~lb~if:J!~~l T ick et Ofllces in household word to the world over,, and ha~ :Ba.ggage oh eckod t hrough a nd re.t ea of fare always a.e l ow o.s competitors that o!I'e 1· l ess a d v a n done so without 'it having to be said that tages. Bowmanville. March, 81883. 2U eieo;r~t_t:iled information, get the Maps a nd Fold· while' she attended to the wants and misel'· ies of the world sho neglected her own CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, family. As a wife and mother she was most At you1· nearest Ticket Office, o r address R, R. CABLE, E, ST. JOHN, sedulous in attendi11g to all domestiedut1est Vice~res, & G~n'l Pll'g'r, Gcn'l Tkt. & Pass, Agt, so that when the ear heard her, it bless· CHICACO' ed her in the house as well as out of ito' Good for them if the same could be said of all fussing philanthropic females so called who have a mission to put themselves for. ward as intense " workers " in any good cause but who rear a most unkempt collec· tion of neglected brats, and make their husbands standing reminders of . the " little fin. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAE Pa," whorn Dickens has sketched so graphic. MEN'l', a g11arnteed specific of Hysteria, Dizzinally and who painfully felt what an awful ess, Convulsion, Fits, Ner vous Neuralgia, Head· aflliotion a woman with 1J. missi()n may occa. ,ache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use sionally become. Those who want to rival 'o f alc'Ohol or t obacco, Wakefulness, Mental DeSoftenin11: of the Brian, resulting in pression, Mr~. Fry had better take the private domestic Insanity and leadin!O' to misery. decay and side of that lady's conduct as well as the death, Premat ure Old Age, Barrenness' Loss more public as the object of their meditation of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and and the model for their copying. If they s,mrmatorrh<ea, caused by oYer-exer tlon of do and think, there are some whom T EUTH t)le brain, self-abuse er over-indulgence, One box will cure recent ca ses. Each box contains knows and whose hearts may well ache and one month's treatment. Onti dollar a box, or whose consciences ought to give many an , six boxes for five.dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes ugly twinge, to cure any case. With each order received by u rOt" six · boxes, acoompanied with five dollars we will send the purchaser our writton guaranBave You a :tleadache 'l tee to refund the money if the treatment does not etrect a cure. Guarantee issued only by Take the glass p!trt of a thermomete~ out STOT'r & .JURY, sole agent s for Bowmanville, of tlae frame ; hold the bulb under your Ont. ; JOI-IN C. WEST & e O., Sole Proprie· tongue; wait one minute, Now look. It tor s, Toronto, Out . is 98 degrees. That tells you how war~ This Great Household Medicine your blood is. Now hold it against' your foot. Don't be in a hurry; give it a chance ranks amongst the leading Having the ut most confidence In its superior· to feel the exact state. Down it goes to 65 ity over all others, and a fter t housands of tests necessaries of Life: degrees, That tells you how warm your sf the most complicated and sever est cases we feet are,- 33 d egrees between your tongue could find, w e feel justified in offering to forfe.' These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and it one thousand dollars for any case of coughs, most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the a.nd your feet~ colds, sore thr oat, influenza. h oarseness, con· Don 't you know t hat eq uable cir culation su.mption Liver, .Stomach, K idneys, in its early stages. whooping cough, m eans good health, and that tqe loss of it and all diseases of the throat a nd lungs, except means bad health? Let us see. You·have Asthma, for which we only cla im r elief, that and BOWEL!:'!, givmg ton!'.t ener gy, and vigo o these great MAIN SPRfo GS OF LIFE. Tliey a headache, Your head is hot ; it thr obs .. we can' t cure with West's Cough Syrup, when are confidently recommended a s a never failing taken according to direction. Sample bottle remedy Y our feet are icicles. Now put your feet in 26 in all oases where the co.nstitution, from and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Gen· a pail of h ot water. Jn six minutes you uine wr apper s only in blue: Sold by all drug· whatever cause, h as become impaired or weak· 'l'hey are wonderfully effica cious in all say, "0 mother, how good I feel! 'l'hat gists, or send by expre.s on receipt of price ened. St. Ea st. ailments incidental t o Females of all ages ; a nd cush in my head is all !{One !" You have JOHN s. WEST & Co., 8L & 83 ,·K ln_g_ as a GE NERAL FAMILY MEDICINE. are headache about half the time ? No ?. Well, 'l'oronto, Ont . Sold by S'fO'l".l' & J UR Y. · unsurpassed · then, pain in your side ? No ? Well, I vent ure that every d ay you have some bad feeling about the head and n eck 01· chest or \.'Ve will pay th e above reward for any case back ? Now let m e t ell yuu something. It of Liver Complaint, Dyspevsia, Sick H eadach e Its Searching n1ul llc1tUni; Propc1·1Ies a rc Indegestia n, Constipation or Constivenes w e known t luoughout the lT01·Id . is very rare that a hot fo ot·bath w ill not re· cannot cure with West's Vegetable LivAr Pills F or the cure of BAD LE,GS, Bad Breasts, move all these bad feelings for the time bein,q, w hen the direction s a re strictly complied with. W hat does this mean? W hy, it means 'l'h ey are purely Vegetable, and never fail to t hat t her e is t oo much blood in the h ead or give sstisfaction. Sugar Coa ted. Large Boxes Old Wounds, S ores and mce1>. 25 P ills. 25 cents, F or sale by all neck or sh oulders or back, a nd that t here is containing Druggists. Bewar e of counterfeits and imita- it is infallible rem edy, If effectually rubbed on a lack of it in the feet and legs. A hot tions. Th e genuine manufactu1 ed only J OHN the neck and chest. as salt int o m eat. it cures TIIROA'l',Di'l>hthe:i:ia,Bronchitis, Cough foot-bath draws th e blood down below, and C. W E'l'T & Co., "Th e Pill Makers," 81 ·& 83 SOHE Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular ror onto. Ont. Free t rial pack- swellings, takes the excess of blood from the upper K ing St. East, · Abscesses Piles Fistulas age sent by mail pl"epaid on r eceipt of a 3 cent par ts. That 's exactly t he p hilosophy of it, sta mp. For Sale bv STOTT & JUHY. RheitmaNsn.z, Of course-t he hot foot ·bath is a bad t hing. An d every k ind of SKIN DISEASE, it ha s bu t it serves to illu strate th e law. - Dio fiTRONG TEMPERANC E STATES. -It is never been kown to ta il. L ewis. tha t Geor gia is one of t he s trongest temper· The P ills and Ointment are Manufactured , anoe states in .t he .American U nion. There only a t 533, OX FORD STREE'l'. LONDON, and. are sold by all Vendors of Medicines th~oughout Prof. K edric of the Michigan Agricultural are 'alread y eighty· seven countieR in G eorgia the Civilized World; with directions for using College is making experiments t hat t hus far w llere no legal autliority can be obt ained t o in most ever y language. a-Purchaser s should look at the Label on the show t hat growing plants in a close r oom are s ell liquor, and the sen timent contin ues t o P osts and Boxes, If the address is not 533 not injurious t o human life. He says tha . gr ow. In Maryland, oL t he twent y -thrP,e Oxfor d Street , Lon don, they_are spurious, t he notion t hat it is unhealthy t o sleep in a counties fourteen have prohi bit ion , a.nd but The 'l'rade Marks of m y said Med1cilies are n ine license. egistered in Ot tawa. a nd also at Washington. room cont !l>ining p lant s is sh eer nonsense. · have i1e vc1· kno wn t h rnn t o fail t o rtc co11 l pl ish -.Ht!J (lesired rcsu~ t. ':\rOcoust n,utl y k ecp th,c iu <,>n ham.l a t o u r,ho1ne a 1nl pr)zo thcrn as a 'less instances " 1 h ave used Anm·s PrL r.s in 11u111bcr· rocomrne11tle< I l.Jy yon, 1tnd MJLLINERY ,MRS. ANDERSON 1 ·or F A]Y.l: I~yen::~~o~~ING ° fAMAN ~~~~..-t--~~ '· CHAMPION PLOWS, OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS, CHICAGO; ROCK ISL!ND & PACIFIC R'Y R ......,. A R C H McCLUNG &DARGH. Realthis-Wealth! $1000 FORFEIT ! $500 REWARD! Holloway's Ointment, / · ·.

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