STJ\TES MAN AGENTS. The f~lowinK p1wson! are authorized to take eul:iscrlP.tipns for the ST.A.TESH.AN at our regular . rate· and give receipts ror tile same: R. H. Prust, postmaster .......... Cart"d~ght, Thos. 'Verry .................... · · ' Henry Elliott jr., postm -;ter.....Ham~on. JOllse Cole........ ······ ...... ...... ·,d J. s. Ashton, Merchant, .......... lCl'tle · J., S. Doney. do ........ Tyrone. F. J,, .A.ndru~ do .. , .. _.. Orono. A w Carveth do ........ Leekard, n" Aliln ' do ........ Newc1tstle. H~bt. Wotten ................ ..... Oolun:ibua. ' r. c, J,ent, Merchant............Court1 ce. w. Bat.tea, do ......... _ .. Solina. , ........· Bowmanv1lle. T y,,uowleee do P'. TrehUcock: _ do ...... -. . do And Postmasters everywhere. ~One dollar will nay for the STAT&SM1'N fr"m now to th<> em. of 1884. Agents are .nm allowed to 1~cGept less. Wherei convenient rene,..itJs should be paid to publisher, as we allow n'o commission on reaewal11. Addre~s, · ~. A. JAMES, Bow~a.nville. -··-···- - -·· - -·-·--·-- ~ ---- - ·------ - Bow1.1ANVILLE, FRIDA.Y, .Nov'R 2 . THE READER QUESTION. Most of ou· readers are acquainted with Rev. Dr. :Bnrwash, who is a distinguished Professor in University College, Cobourg, and a member of the Cobourg Collegiate Institute Board. Prof. Burwash read the following report at a meeting P _ f said Board on the 2nd ult., callecl specially to consider the merits of the rival Readers. No one will question the Professor's ability to pass sound judgment on this tquestion, nor will any one dare to think even that any merce uy or other unworthy in:fl ucnce could b. brought to bear l\pon him to ias his 01Jlnion. He give~ reasons for his conclusions, and deals -with the .whole subject as only a master mind can. Such testimony, we say, is the strongest possible testimony, and should be a sufli-cient guarantee for trustees to act upon. Here is .Prof. Burwash's report :-IN J UDAING, OF TEXT-BOOKS . 1<'0.R SOHOOL:BEADEltS six POJNTS 1-Ll.Vlt TO DE CON' SIDERED. : - 1. TJ1e mastery of the mechanical part of reading, Le., such association of eye and ear as to form a habit which will instantly, and without conscious effort, call up the required vocal utterance as the eye catches he printed sign. Every other consideration must be subordinate to this till the child has passed the stage now indicated by the Third Reader. 2. The cultivation of expressive reading, i.e., attention to emphasis, inflection, and modulation, such as develops, through the reading, the sense and soul 'of the passage read. This may, we think, begin with the second, though still subordinate, but in the fourth and onwards shoulcl predominate. 3. The cultivation of a good l~terai·~. iaste, m1d the formation of a correct grammatical and rhet orical style. This requirement ra.nks in importance almost on a par v1:"th. No. 2; and is capable of perfeet harmony with it, and while it (in no part < if the course) should be neglected iu the fouxth form mi d upward, it should, concurrently with No. 2, receive sp_ efial attention. 4. General educational effect, i. e., adaptation to awaken and sti1 ulate the interest and fjeite· >·al intellect~ial acti.v·ty of the pupil. This is a very important se' contlary consideration throughout, inasmuch as a stupid course may in an incredibly short space of time reduce your pupil to the most.idiotic kind of singsong machine. the Second Book onward :111 intelligible system ef elocutionary training pervades the entire series, culminating in a very gof>d manual of instruction, with selected examples in the Sixth Book. On the third point we notice in both series occasiomil sentences v:hich are ~1ot models of the best Engli~h. But on the other han.d , the finest passages of purest Enalish are to be found in both, and in mo:t abundant profusion !in the Royal Readers. In fact, the too great abundance of best things is one of their faults. As to the fourth point, both series are delightfully 'fresh. Both the sub~ Jct matter aml the illustrations iire such as must delight our )·oung people and make their reading lessons a genuine pleasure. . On the fifth point, _although at first sight 1 o ne mi('fht be inclined to suspend judgment, ;et we Ltre disposed to prefer the Canadian llea.ders, because :-1st. They are not too crowded. The selections from our best literature are sufficiently extensive up tlui field. We fear that that the magnificent profusion of the Royal Readers would produce 'fery much the effect of the view of a gre t city from a cathedral spire. A visit to a few or the principal places of greatest interest would really enable one to carry away more satis-· factory impressions. 2nd. The apparatus of the Canadiau, Series, iucluding more ample biographical and critical notes, is better. On the sixth point, both series excel. In vitriety the Royal Readers excel, but we must again accord the palm to the more select taste whic;h, omitting the writings of a vast number of authors whoso names will not be missed, is not afraid to acknowledge John Bunyan and the Old English Bible as classics in our literature. N. BURW.A.SH. Cobourg, Oct., 1883. In d;_ smissing this important question for the present we may state that our e::i:pericnce cf over ten years as a public school teacher should qualify us to give an intelligent opinion on the question of schoolreaders. Wehavegivenouropinion which is emphatica.Uy in favor of Gage's Canadian Readers, and we are pleased to note, in addition to the excellent report ·of Pr; f. Bttl'Wash, that every teacher's convei~tion in Onta-rio that has reported on the . two authorized series has concurred with our opinion and pronounced in favor of Gage's boob. The following have recommendedGage's Canadian Readers for exclusive ·use :Essex County No. 1. and No. 2, 250 Trustees and Teachers present, only :,i. vote:;i for Royal~ out of 2CO ; Oxford, Teachers' Convention unanimous-Trustees,2 votes for ·Royals out of GO; Carleton County,_ Lambton County No. 1 ,and No. 2, WelJanclCounty, Prescot t and Rmsel1Countie0, Dufferin County, JS" 01th and South Huron County, North Simcoe County, South and East Grey County, We~t Bruce County, Frontenac County, Lanark County, Lennox andAddingtonCounties,WestVictoria County in · pai~, South Wellington- con ditioually, West Kent-conditionally. Not a single convention has pronounced in favor of th<: Nelson C11.mpbell's Royal Readers. The following leading si:hools in Darlington have adopted Gage's Readers:Tyrone, Enniskillen; Haydon, Enfield, Solina, Mt. Carswell, Mitchell's Corners, Maple Grove ; also some schools in Cartwright. \_,-~, ./ 5. The opening up to the pupil of the I WOULD like to see canYassing forbid:tield of English literature, including an den compulsory votin" and candidates acquaintance wit h o~r gre~t~s~ \authors corr:pelled to conl.tin e th~ir approaches t o and their best productions. Th_is, though the electors to the platform and the press very clesirable, must be .suborc'(iate. to tlie . '" C.Assio,, in To.,.onto World. chief purpose of learnmg to read. It · · should also be borne in mind that a little THE Toronto ·wor ld has a· new editor in this line well done is better tha11· ~ and he administered a well-earned casti-· great deal half ,done. gation tc» j he Mail ,ai1d. E vening N ews on 6. The communication of useful ideas. Science, H istory, and Biography may be Tuesday.. Bravo, F ahey. taug~1t in the . f ading class, but if we venUnited Thanksgiving Service. ture very far in this direction, the R eadin g itself will almost certainly suffer. The · At a meeting of minister3 held in the · inculcation of patriotic, virtmms and r e- Canada. Methodist Parsonage on Tuesday ligious sentiments is not liable to the same last it was decided to follow the good objection. E xpressive r eading like pra- cllstom of former years ani bold a. United tory involves the play of all t he noblest Service on Thankl!lgiving Day- being 'l'hursday 8th, inst. · elements of our moral and intellectual The service will be held in the Canada nature, and all literature i~ but tlie em- Methodist Church, and commence at 10. 30 bodiment o these activities in a perma- 11.m. Tbe pastor, the R~v. E. R. Young, nent form_ We thus naturally turn to will preside; the Revds. Dyke and Harris will take part In the Devotional Serour b e$t literature rather than to scientific vice, and th e Rev. W, H. "Warriner will or pmctical t reatises for sel ections from apeak on the subj ect of "God and Hiswl1ich to teach reading. But in making tory, Past and .Present," and Elder Shepthese selections our sixth principle may herd on the Duty and Blessedness of Tha.nksgiving, "It's a l(ood thing to give guide us to select the pure, the ennobling, thank11 unto the Lord." tlrnt which will exercise and stimulate the A collection will b e taken up, to be dibest and high est in our nature. This is vided between the poor friends . of the essE:ntially import:tnt in selecting that se veral churches represented. It is hoped that the meeting will be as which is to influence the entire yout h of well attended as the one last year. the nation. W. H . W All.RINER, Secretary. Turning to the two series of readers E. R. YouNG, Pastore. M. Church. b 0fore us. On the first point, we think The Canadian R eaders decidedly the best. CHEAP LrnRARY- Sl·,P aul's Presbyterian 1. The printing is better, and thus helps Sabbath Sch ool, Bowmanville, offers for sale the whole of their library, consisting the eye . 2. '.l'he ~election of elementary combina- of some 600 volumes. A s weeping r eduction on prices will be made . Any t ions is more judiciously made and b etter school reqdr·ug good books at low prices will please a pply immediately to 'f hus . graded. 272-2w 3. The association of the pict orial with Yellowlees, Bowmanville. t h0 written word sign h elps the memory. Fine Soaps, toilet articles and ehoi<ltl 4. The secondary considerations axe pwfumery in gLeat nriety at J. Hilo{ginnot introduced sG early as to crowd and botham & Son'·. confuse the beginners. You have ltea.rd of McClung B rus.· On t h e seco;1d point again, the advan - Cheap Overcoats, · but have you BEEN tage lies wit~ the Canadian Series. From them r taken up, 11.nd on moticn of D. J. Goggin, tho worst Cl\Sea of Cough, 0roup, and Bron· chitis, while its wonderful succes in tile cure seconded by Mr. Tilley, it was resolved, or Consumptlu ~ is without ,.. p~rallel in the that in the opinion of this association it hhtory of medicine. Since it's first discovery Association met at 10 a.m., Ml". Gil- would be unwise to abolish the oftice of it has been sold on a gurantee, a te8t which no filhm, President, in the chair. Minister of Education, ·nd return to the ctllr.r meclicine can stand. Ir yon have a couf!'h we earnestly ~.·k yon to try It. Pdce IO cents, Mr.Livini?stone introduced the "Metric Chief Superintendent. 50 cents and $1.00, If your L.rngs &ro sore,Uhest We have jnst inaugurated System," and he showed t-hat he had Mr. Goggin said that not being aware o ~ Back. Lame, nae Shllok's Poraas Plaster. ,J. . / Hiv;ai11botham & Son, Wholesale nnd Retail given the matter much. t~ou~ht. He that the question of a Minir1ter of Edu- a"ents. said that 'fl"e shottld lose oy its mtroduc- cation, verms a Chief Superintendent Wai the New Cash System. It has tion, but the subject should be taught to to be diecussed, he would have to content will pay for Weekly Glo~ d successful some extent in our schools, inasmuch as hiniself with saying what occurred to him eO from now till Dec. 31, 1884. In· prove with the Canada has trade with nations that have on the spur of the moment. It was a · eluding Oopital Stem Winding W A'l'CH. adopted it. · . queetion whtchin educa.tionist» were deeply ~ wi!l pay for Tntlh-a. weekly Mag· leading Dry Goods· Houses in The minutes of last meeting were taken intere·ted and should make themselves OJI' azlne, ;'1cluding a. Waterbury Watch ae reed, but their confirmation was de· heard. and Chain. £erred. Mr. Crooks found himself, without any will pay for 1'rnth imd a Montrea1,NewYork and smt"1Mr. J. 13.rown, of Haydon, read a very apecial training, called on to preside over ·· Aluminium GOLD HUNTING carefully prepared 1md highly instructive. and dir.ct that complexeduca.tionahysterw. CAi:lE WATCH. ler cities. paper on "School Discipline;" criticised which had taxed to ~he utmost the re1'!::: will pav for Truth and a by Messrs. Jardine, Hughes, _ond Keith. mar.kable admiuiatrative abilities of one U RUN'rING SILVER C.ASE e WATCH. Association adjourned for dinner. of Canada.'s clevere1t sons-Dr. Ryer1on, At 2 p .m ., the President called the the man who had grown up with it,masterAll other Papers and Magazines at Association to order, and tntrodnced Mr. ing its details as they grew. It is not a lowest rates. Address, Davison, who spoke at considerable length wonder that under the circumstances Mr. on "Phonetic Spelling.'" The epeaker ()rooks has not more mistakes than remarked that we should lose but little, ever his opponents l.lharge him with? VARIETY HALL, while the gain would be gL·eat, were we Compare the two systems. Is not the to adopt the "Phonetic Method." present leas a,1tocrat1c than the old and BOWMANVILLE. We wiU not cut small san.t· .After some renuuk~ by Mr. Tambly;1 more amenable to public opinion 1 Do and Mr. Tilley, the former gentleman not mei .. bers of parlisment on the floor of moved, seconded by the latter, That this the houee call on the reaponaible minpies of Goods but will send out Association i~ in sympathy with the ister to explain away or remedy the com-01rchan~e. 09rried. plaints of their couetituent.s? It iii well Goods on approval, if necesMr. Go_gr,,m then presented the rep?rt known that &s an out~rowth of the change c,f the committee appointed last se1s1on.. and as a consequence of the di1cus11ion11 ~aq, to be returned in three on School Readers, as follows : carried on in the house and reported in 1. Our committee regret the author- the uewspapen, there .has been brought Nu J \IBER ONl!l-The North 30 aoreff ization of more than 0111> series ; but this about a warmer interest ht educational otPAROGL We have the Soufo Half or lot number 26 and the days or less. ha-ving been done, we·coueider the B.oya.l aff&irs, a closet· and more iut11lligent oritio South 25 acres or the No~th H1tlf or the same lot in tho sixth eoncee,ion or Darlington. Canadian shonld have betin placed on the ciem of educatiooal legislation and a betPARCEf, NUM!IB:R Two- The North 20 acres same footing as the others. . ter understauding of the country's need11 or the South Half or 1,t number 2i in tho Gtb pletely dropped the discount 2. The Royal Canadian not being auth- i· this direction, for which every friend eonceaeion of Dar 'nqton. PARCEL NuMBl:R ·rnr~nrn:-Twelvo and one practice. orized, aud h:wing carefully compared the of education should be truly thankful. hall acres pa.r· or the South Halt of lot number "Royal " published by Jamee Campbell It has been said that the J.\>lini1ter hav- g In the let concession or Cartwright. The above described propert.y belonging to. & Son,' and the "Canadian," published -ing to bo. w to the political exigencies of the estate of the late William L'\nunima.n will ..q·' by W. J. G~ge & C.o., west.rongly recom- the time is compelled occasionally to do Ile sold witJ1ou~ re~erve at Phillips' Hotel in mend the adoption of the C11nadian series what he cal' rather th.-.n what he would ; Hs,mp,on on i:laturclay the '.l'entb d1w of Noven.ber next, at Two o'clcck m the afternoon. for the following reasons : 1. Having the yet, a Cl:.ief Snperintednent must be in Cooditioneof ::lale Made kuown on application advantaf;e of chtiapness. 2. A' being of accord with the educationol policy of the ro Rober~ Arrrour. or at time of e"le. H. 'l'. PHILLIPS, .A:uctioneeir. larger type and therefore better adapted government to secure the needful grants Bowwanv!De, October 17, !~88. to the e;,es of children. of money ancl the necessary eni.ctments 3. ThH lezsons are shorter and more to make his regulations laws. Both poN01'ICE-PelJQns having cla.lms against this 1>.re notified to preee'lt the same prior · 1 appropriate to the years of the pupils. litical parties shown a laudable de- estate This change ·A our system date of · ; his sale to Robert Armou , Bowman4. The introduction of notes arid axer- atre to diacu11s educational aff11ira apart vil:r. ciaes at the end of each lesson which mmt from partyiam, and it 'is doubtful if the will reduce all our pr.ices and greatly aid the teacher in furnishin~ em- Minister can be charged with any act ploymont for the pupil!! at their seats. clearly attributable to political motives. make a grnater distinctlon 5. We ooneider the" Royal" objectionIt is true that a Chief Superintendent, able on the ground of containing too much consideripg his office a life one, will app~y and too difficult matter for the purposes himself solely to that work and master it between cash and credit prices. · for which it was intended. in all its details, while a Minister holding D. ,J. GOGGIN, it onl1 during the rule of a political party In thanking my many friends and customers We hope to increase our· cash. Signed wtll permit his private bu1in011s to divide for tbe kind favors so llbera.lly bestowed in the { A. BARBEit, A. J · REYNOLDS. his att1mtion with his public d11titi11 and past, I would reapectrully announce that I will Mr. Tilley moved, seconded by Mr. so fail to acquire that imimate acquaint- shortly remove to the N'E'W STOllJ: erected on patronage about 50 per cent. Jardine that the report be received. Car- a.nee with the education system which a the premises formP-rly occupied by me (one ried. Chief Superinieodent is sure to acquire. · h , But, after all, shoul d not t h e a d mtmster· door East of Mr. li!uckler'1 where I will be Mr. Tilley, seconded b .y M r, K e1t pleased to show my stock of moved that Mesare. Barber, Goggin, Rey- ing of the leseer detai111 devolve : on a nold1, Andrus, Morton, LiYingstone, · Deputy Minister who is a life office1 leavDean, Grandy, Hempton, McClellan, Dea- ing te the Minister and his profedtonal con, aml Tilley, be a committee to take advi1er11- and theee latter the ChieIBuperthe whole matter of School Renders into intendeut found it necessary to 11ecureconsideration-, and report in favor of such the origina.ting and perfecting of improvebooks as they may see fit, through the ments found necessary from time to time 1 allot the lateet and moat hsbion11ble deeigns. Our prices will be found 'l'he ex,1?erience.of Englrmd, France and "'rees, before thti eud of the ye11.r. Cal'· ~ied. . Germany favors the retention of a Minisstrict with /what'. Mr. Tilley then moved, seconded by ter of Educalioo, and the system here has Bowma.nville, Oot, , ; 23 1883 Mr. Andrus, tha.t gentlemen present in not been tried suffici1mtly long enough to we advertise, and we must in-the inter.;sts of School Readers be heard . enable us to pt0nounce authoritatively Carried. upon it. It is an experiment still and so M.r. Scarlett, M1·. Kennedy, Mr. far a successful one,all thin~s considered. · crease our business to make it Hughes, M:r. Elli.a, _and also, at the reThe association then adjourned, hnin~ & quest of the assoc1at1on , Dr. McLaughlin spent a vel'y pleasaut and profit-~blti ti!lle, pay. j us. t received at the and Mr. Burden &ddressed the teachilrl notwithstanding the general d1s!lppo1nton the "Readflre." ment felt when it was ascertained that G. SE COND DAY. W. Ross, M. P. would not be able to be The President took the chair at 9 a.m. present . zss Mr. Lee, of Enniskillen school, intro....... duced the subject of "Home work by the A Query Answered.-People often ask Pupil," lvhich provoked a good deal of when is the best to take a blood puritier? discuasion. We answer, the best time is now. Bur. After a short recess, Mr. Stirling was dock Blood Bitters dose its ll'Ork of puri- Cooked in .any style or by the C AN. In connection with thecalled npon,and read a paper on "E~~r~nce fyin~ regulating, and toning the system Oyi!ter Cra.ckers a.lwa,7s on hand Ex:aminations." The paper was cr1t101sed at all times and all seasons. Purity in all f-1.bove we b eg to state that we by Messrs. Tamblyn, Tilley, and .Barber, in all thing· fa always in order when re- ORANGES, after which Mr. Barber moved, seconded quired. COCOA.NUTS, do not wish to create a false by Mr. Tilley, that Meesre. Siemon, Jar----· LEMONS, dme, and Stirling be a co~mittee to preTHE GEM SEWING MACHINE CIGARS, pare resolutions on the subJect of Entrance i r.opreBsion) and most emphatiExamiilations, and to report at the afterSurpasi:es all others in finish, fine workTOBACCOS, nonn session. Carried. manship, symmetrical a.ppea.rance, light FIGS, cally refrain from anything Mr. Livingetone moved, seconded by running, dur&bility, and quietness. ISee D.ATES, Mr. Tamblyn, '!.'hat Mr. Stirling be re- what McClung Bros., proprietors of the CANNED FISH, &c. mean. We ~re more deterquested to allow hi<1 paper to be published. "Popular" Dry Goods and Olothing House, Carried , say : " WThe best stock of Confoo. d h d C h Bowman villi', Oct.23, 1883. Association adjourned for dinner. . . B owmanv1 .11e l'I . a t the mmt! t an t>ver to o a as t ionary m At 2 p.m., the Presidont took the JOSEPH RUSE, ESQ., . and called upon Mr. Tilley, who rei.d a Ait "Gem" Sewing Machine, very e::rn11llent paper, on the '.' Auru1 of a DEAR Srn,- We hll"e much pleasure in GRAND CENTRAI~, next door to And-One-Pricc-BusEness, and Teacher." · tes~ifying to the merits of t.he "Gem" New Post Office. A ~ommuuication was then read by the Sewrng Machine. We line had two of P. S.-If y ou are thirsty call we resort to t his mothod to ~e.:retary from the W eman's Chri1tian them in constant use i. n our Tailoring DeTemperance U nion, askini:t !he Association partment for eome time P"·t, and we have and get a drink of CRONK. assist ou rselves and encourage to exprEJss some views with refere~ce to no heaitation in prononncing them perf ect thti introauction of a text book m our in every respect. Yours truly, cash buyers. schools on thu subject of "Alcohol." McCLUNG BROS. Oa motion of M,r. Tamblyn, the AssoTo Creditors, o.nd all others having claims ciation unanimously ex pressed itself in Binaea' Cough S;yrup . is be2inning to agu.i net the estate of Mary Gamaby, lata of tho Village of Orono, Township of Olarke, County favor of the movement, a nd Messrs. Bar- sell ve~y rapidly again now t:.e time of of Du~ham. (wit'e of tb11 lat!' Guy G-tmsby l ber, Gilfillan, Tilley' 'l'amblyn, and Miss the year for coughs and colds has arrived. who died on or about the 26th day of Apr . M~orcraft wer~ appoi!!-ted_to drBw reso- Pre ared and sold by J. Hi<Yginbotha.m & 1883, are hereby notilled to send byf post, pr· paid. or dell ver to Robert Moment, Orono, Ont., 0 lutions expressing their views, and for- S P on or '1efore the lat day of December, 1883, ward the same to the Secretary of the W. 'lll. their thristian and surnames, address and C. T. Union. I .ALW..t.Yil buy railway and st11am~hip descriptions and the full particulars of their a Btateroeat of the account and '!.'he Committee appointed on Entrance tickets from W. R.Climie, at your leisure, claims, the nature of the securities (if a,ny) held by Examinations then read their report, and ee.-ve trouble when in a hurry starHng. them ; or in default thereof and immeWe have condvcted our buscliately alter such· last named chte the which was received, and, Oil motion, WaS 11.ssets or the said Mary Gama by will be distaken up clause by clause, when the folBoys's Suits; all ai:.~s, good quality at l ~ibuted among the parties entitled thereto, iness since starting on a strict lQwnig report wae adopted as it had been S. Mason & S ou,, regard being had only to c1oiiros of which notice sh!l.11 have beun given as above reciuired; amended: and the administrator will not be lia.)le for 1. As the H igh School I nspectors, who , Boys' Youths' and Men's Overcoats, tile said aeeetta or any part thereof to o.r;i.y cash basjs and adhel·ed strictly 1Je1Jon of whose cl&im 110!-ice shall not have at present 1et the papers for the Entrance special value at S. Mason & Sons. m received at the time of Ruch distribution. to one price, unless we di~ E:i.amination, cannot be expected to have ·----··--·--~- ·-- -·- --~ '---= u Dated at 0rono. Oct. 15th 18:'3; the intimate knowledge of Public School THOMAS GARBU'l"f, .A.dminstrator, 273-7w Newmar ket, Ont, covercd goods damaged which work and the capabilities of Public School pupils necessary for that purpose, we rec· demands a reduction. Cash ommend that the preparation of these papers be entrusted to a committee of HOUS~ Public School Inspectors acting with the .l!.1 buyers are cordially invited to H i2h School Inspectors. J:lowMANVILLE, 0N'r ., Dec. 5, 1 ~82. 2. As the marking of papera by local Messra. SE'f H W. FOWLE & SON, Boston, look through our stock now. J?X..A1VO ..FC>R.~s. examiners differ greatly ia consequence of Dear Sirs:- We suppose it is nQ new thing U N:ti:QU.A.LLED IN the meagre instructions issued by the for you to receive congratulations tm the sucEducatiqn D epartmen t, we recommend cess of you-r vahable cougbrecoedy, Dr. W~ ~t· WILLIA.M KNABE di!; 4JO, that more specific instructions be given, 1n"~ :Galgam of lVJlcl Ckeri·y ; but perliaps at Noa. !!04nnd !l06 W ""t BuHtmo r" Stnet.Bal~ espAcially with regard to ans\\>ers partially th\s time a word or two trom us will not prove Mo. 112 !'iltll .A:rnnue, .New York. correct, and to q uestions consisting of out of place. Although the Balsam has n0t more than one part ; and further that the been adverieed to any extent in th!s)oca.1lty. O 4DVERTISERS.-Lowee~ Rates for ad marks obtained by Eiach successful c:mdi- our ea.le of it is very large a.nd the demand is vertirlnl\' in vn irood news1Japers sent free. increasing, which is due to the universul sat- Address d ate be recorded on his certificate. GEO. P. HOWELL & CO. 1 Spruce 3. W e recommend that the questions isfaction which it gives to our customera. St,N. Y. in Arithmetic &nd Grammar be simplified, We have neYer bad a. single compla.fnt, and ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Piani3t,Organii!i and that a portion of English H istory be busba.nds tell us their wives will not kee1> teacher of Voca.l Musie ls prepared to withdrawn, and Canadian History subati· house without it. We would like you to do a takeand a few 111or11 pupils. Tlile best of re!erlittle more advertising In this country, for we ~nce can tutei for it. be fun.ished Great care exercised All of which is respectfully submitted. belieYe were your balsam better known, its with beginners, a.nd special attention .,;Ten tC> adv<lnced pupils. Those desirous of taki11g sale would be Increased ten-fo',d. J OU N STIRLING, . ., iostr11ctieAs she11.ld apply at :Mr. D~yle's reelYo~,~a tr'?ly, dence er make it known by _direc~i11g " few Signed W. W. JARDINE, B . .A., S'1'Qll'l' & JURY, { liaee t'o 1'. 0; Bo~ ll9. 'l'erms 'f7.50 tor twelve E . T. SLEMON". lesSo·$. 23J.t! 275 "The Druggists," BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 19TH, 1883. Shllol·"·()oJ1~t1111ptlon(J11rc.-Thls Is btyond The que.,tion of Minister of Education, DURHAM TEACHERS' ASSOthe most succesRrul ·cough Medicine vs. Superintendent of Education, wns then que><tion CIATION. we have ever Rold. u. l'ew doees invariably cure ·~ $3 ""0 $ $6 90 $9 8 T. 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