! !!!! !!!!l , markl.Jl!ir clotbrng of any kind ia to be follnd at Stott & from the :ft'nest .Jurys-It will mark an:r .silk to the coarsest l{arment worn, try lt. 'lhe wea.te9t novelt:r of the age for !liO.UETDll'fG IYE.W. Local and Otherwise. ; '!!!'! =ma ' ,.. ...... . thillK ScaooL Bo.urn <>f MooDY AND S A NK EY are laboring at Watetford, Ireland. THURSDAY, No v.29th,is general Thanks· giving Day in the U. s. · EARTHQUAKES prevail among the.island9 torrid zone . the mee t s to·nil{ht. Ladies' all Wool Shawls; good choice at S. Ma ,o n & Sons. and . ca.rtwright crowded out this wedc. i en · k'll E n01a · : Bible Society Meeting. news SPECIA.I TO FA..R1'1FRS. be The best Cattle food in the market can &:. Jurva m de by mixing one bound of S rott . Joe 10 Food Cattle on oen tr ted Enillish of Oil Cake. Try it-It works w onders. a a with using been r@1..noed to 50 cen ts a bottle. Thoae tli.ese Hitters speak of thm iu the higheR \.ermil. '.l'ry t m. STO'.l'T & JURY, i.ole The "rices of GREAT the Great Wahoo Bitten has Agents. he $1.00---FRE E. --""" -- . ONE DOLLAR will pay for the STATES JUN for 1884 and all new sul:scribers get the pa.per fue for tlie balance of 1883. We will furnish}he Weekly Globe, Western .Advtriser or Mail on s"me terms.· Sub111: ·iplons must Bow.manv.ille, Ont. be s.E)rtt to M. A. JAMES, BOWBVILLE BTTJ:ff!{ GOING EAST GlU.ND TRlJ.NK RtHL)VAY. OOING WEST Expres .....· ·8.25 am Local, ......... 7.25 Exp e · . . · .. .9.30 a. m Express. . . . .. 9.30 .. 3.25 n m Mixed ........ 3.25 Mixl' . . . . . .. 8.05 ...7.05 p m E uress ...... . . . .. . Local . ' Express. ...... .20 P m I AND TIME. am :: a m p ID p m BowMANYILLE, FRID.A.Y, "".ov'R 2. For the CheapP.st Blankets in the MarANo THER lady of titlt', young, rich and . e.r vder- baritiful, ket i:o to Couch, Johnston & · has eloped from Brighton, Eng. , naana'. with a stable-boy, IT will pl ease lhe p ost office o11icia AT the Hudon Cotton Mills, Montreal, e · 1,341 bur citiv.e ne will buy their 8tamps at operator s have been discharged; lowlees'. N. P.-not paying . Mn. W. C. C. WELLS, of the G. T. R. ELLISON & Co. are offerin" ureat instahon, he been off on sick l6'ave for a ducements in Clothing and Dry Goods. week or so. ReRd their locals. STATES SuBSOitIPTIONB received st the HAMILTQN CORllETT, th Scottiah voeMAN offi c e for all newspaper· and m &ga- ali·t, is not; dead as re p rt ttd , but ii m a.ktf. ziues 11t lowe·t· prices. ing a tottr of Scotl1md. Gal J'hoto THE flhw wind:o. of Tm'«. Miss M. J. YouNa, the leading soprono lery is a. grea.t centre of attractioR. uf St. Pault.-ChUrt;\-v'(l,.,.;:\ ·-hr.: v.ime c-.; -a;· r : "' Friends, take a peep. visit to Brooklyn N y ' STRANGE stories are afloat about the _ '. t· '· FoR 1 era : mp, Rill ho m stomach, bowel, orgies of English Princes at the country com P Hmt or ch1lh use Peny D a vi· 15 · pam · . seat of a great baro n. i r. s K'JI" .ee advt. in another column . MRs. ANDERSON ha.a moved into her new REAP th prospectus A'rt/111.w's Home store, and invit es the l&dies to call and Maqa · ie m t his issue, a.nd write for a . see her: See advt . eample copy. It II! an exceUent magazin'l WF; observe t bat Murdoch Bros' win McClung Bros.' have a. grand assortdow is dressed in real city style. Th ment of Tweeds, aad none but first class boys deserve praise. workmen m their "Tailoring Departmen t . If you wonld be seen of getting a per· Y. P. I. S.-A capital program will be feet fitting Overcoat or Suit, leave your submitte at the YoungPeoples' Improv emeasnre at .Couch, J ohns on & Cryder ment Society in St. Paul's Church this mana'. · Friday evening. THE new poultry and pet stock associa· Sm11.rt Weed and Belladonna combined wlth tion starts out with v"ery favorable p ros · the oth1el' ingredients used in the b est uoron pec tl!I . They expect to secure a. member- plasters making Car ter 's s. w. & n. Backache ship of 200. Pla st er the best in the market. Price 2Gcent3· OuR re ad ers will find Mr. W. Peardon THANKS&IVING services will be· held in the No. 1 Tilor-prepared to suit them t. Paul's Church on Thursd ay next, 8h at his store, corner of King anq Division mst., at 11 a.. m. All disposed to unite in 1treets. See advt. rendering thanks are cordially invited to ' WILL some one inform tba News that attend. St. Andrews Church has been closed fqi: 1 MEssR. Tho11, Jewell, W. WinLe and S to!Jery represented Wellington Lodge three months, and that Rev. A. is not preachin2 ·\here " every Sunday at at. the Sons of England's annual supper in Oshawa on Friday week. They report a 10:30 a.m." Fon a hard cold, with pain in the bead, s up erb time. THE remain& of a huge mastodon have T1:1E Durham Promotion Examinations been found near Woodstock, Ont. will b" heId on Thnr·d ay, Nov. 29th· .' Blan 11a0 Bros 0 undor McCJu Perap1're Re em er 1\ Clung Bros.' Gr oery h fo o m kets, They have a large st ock-C hea p ! and Crocker y Department. New Teas! ma.ga.zines and newspapers . ORDER your Mn. L. C AVALLI, of New York, has been at the ST.ATlilSMAN Office. See our tArms. the guast of c.,uncilior Wesley this week. THE triiin8 have betin very irrAgular of CANADA received 27. gold and 30 silver la.te, running regardless of the time table. med ..ls at t he London F1sherfes Ex: hibiReady-made O;ercoats for Men and tion. Crydel'mrms'. Boys 1·t Couch, Johnston & · UNCLE Dr_CK reqn ests his neiahbor who LORD LO RNE andPrincess Louise ailed borro,ved his gray oer-coat t return it from Quebec for England last Thur ay. forthw it h. 1 MR. THos. H. SPRY is the resent DisREv. HENRY WARD BEEOHEit made trict Ohief R&nger of the A. . :F. forthi $2l,OOO by his lecturing tour in the West district. and South. MR. AND MRs. LOCKHART have retrned . from a very pleaeant visit to Ohio. EL11c:i:oits, don't nl0dge your votes 'ill .ida:es are a.·11 an·nounced. the c11.nd rkmltm·ut for $%.00 TnB STATBllJ.f.!Jf and the A"1-ericcm Aqa year. b f Tho Bible Society Meeting WBS held on Mon<l11y e1veninlil in St. Pau ls' · C hurch. The u ht was not very favorable, but a · min 11trt1l concert crowd would undoubt· edly have filled the church, while empty pews greetea the speakers on thi8 occas1nn. .., , Harr·1' · · and 0·es by Reve · Youna Add n·.Q the Agent, Dr. O'Meara, were rt.ally excellent, and should have aroused people · t t heir d uLy h ad they been there to liear them. We greatly fear there is not · much Interest on t he part of the people reg11 rdi11ir the miasiou of that grand nld Agency-and surely the meagre representat inn fr3m the churches must have pained the hearts of the p11stora as they looked f r om pew to pew for their Jlock. fa it because p eop l e dou't love the Bible or value its teaching11, or is dnominatioua.I· isni eating out th large-heartedness .of . Chri11ti11ns that euch indifference reigns 1 Mr. R. W indatt presided in the abeence of tile President, whn was unavoidably absent. Collection, $18.00. The officers el e cted are : Presiden:, J. Higgrnbotham; vjce do., Messl's. T. Paterson, R. Wind att a.nd S . M.a·on; Secy.-Treas., T. Ye llowl<iss; Depository at P. Trebilcock's. ·), ! Rr l! S IBM!AR - !'!? *::: !!!! s 1 They say tlut McClunf;( Bros.· Fu are ady " vin ' ' =-= ------'=· . on h 1u1n1 . any Wit;ia to do, 11<\o nld, de11 to ens ure bnlhaau and l.Mtiai Ht FOR. b t1 y thiiir d1 oolo ·i-tftS t7ocn J. ·i.- Jt lk1>. T. BABLINGTON'S A11Kwcr Tllfij Q11estlon.-Wby d o eo ii any neople we see around us, seem to pref to ·'1ft'er an(. be,.made m is rac l e b) Inoiges n 9onstipati0l'I, 1):.in s, Los of A1>ue ·1.ef,C : ing up or tne Fooa. ¥ .low S"Ji:ln wh en or 75 wi118cll th e m Shiio ti's Vi,a.llzer, 11ua e e d .o cure them. J.Higglnb%ham &. Son, Wholb. · aa.le e aud Retail al';ents. 'eingle, bottle Dr. Low 'fl Pleasa.ot Wo rn Syrup hae freq1ently des tr oye d from 100 to 200 worms. l t is p le11.a:,n t tp t11ke-'no other :we worms ci1th rt ic being requirea. ha ve also been removed by it, of 15 to 35 feet tu le ngth. " It la eft',>ciual for all · · varieties of worms aff! icting both chi l dern · a.nd adults . · 01 A wo11derful Result.- BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, . CORN MEAL, MAPLE SYRUP, FRESH HOPS, / . ts Prize Industrial Exhifiitiolieese. 91\T "MEAL lte l' 'l!! :C:: . ====-.====-'" BIRTHS. DIAMOND-Iii Tyrone, on the 26th ult., the of Mr. John !Jlamond, of a 1l&ughter. MISS WOOD, DRESS and MANTLE .MAKER, Bega to announce to 'lw f,t1dies wife POT.LARD-Near· Tyrone, on th e 28th ult., the of Mr. Samuel Plla.rd1 or a dangh ter CANN-In Bowmanville, Olf tho 13Lh nit., t he . :e ot Mr. W. Cann, of a· d11.nghter. o e I bnltaul"Mte- of e t 1 The inimitable Carswell-the grealest temperance advocl\te in Canada,ivil4 dehvllr his soul and bodv stirringj1tI ::mo n . .. LAUGHIN '.' , in \he P. M. Cumib. 14ff; tM""Ml9 '1. \ lTo WedneeJa " (Jlli'::\ , av.dibd doubt Edward of Mitirif .mia ors, the on ot a: good cause ; full of rich li1ititi' t't!nder pathos and sound reasoniti'g: '.' tie is hear tily endorsed by · and the press of this entire continent ' also by many eminent clerJlYII}en as ha.vin" no supiuior on ihe temperance plat · fom u u les a it be the renowned J. B. Gouih. '.l'heodore L. Cuyler, D. D .,-a Brooklyn clergyman-ss.ys, celebrated "Edward Carswell is one of the moHt popular, racy and effective _advocates ot tmperanee t h at has ever st.>od in my pulpit or 11ddressed a c r owd n my church ; , He ous:ht to be welcomed m every towu. _ to hear hm ! Dooi·s opn at Do not fail . '7:30. Lect ure at 8 o clock:. Adm1snon 25 cents. COMING! LAUGHING! the wire of Mr, Chas . ter. CAWJCER-In Bowmanvillo, on the 13t. inst., M. C,rwker, of a dau§l'h DIED. WRIGHT and vicinity that, the ervice FIRST-CL.fas CVl"I'Im A.Nl> FITTER and Is prepared to prompt.y "xecute all Order s in the very LATEST S'rYLES and on reason· 2i5-2w· of a sbe has secured of CART· 9f lti t BOWMANVlLLE MARKETS, Oorr1cted to 1 e'clock 1'·'"· Flour, per lOO'lt, . · · . . $2 !fall Wheat, per bush. ... 0 SpringWheat, per b ush , 1 Rye , per buahel . · · . · ·· . . 0 Oat e, pA r bushel · . · · · · . . 0 Pea.s, Bl ue . . . . . . , , · · , 0 " Blackeyse. . ... . .. 0 e11erv Th-sda.11 BY J.&D. McDOU G A L L. . . Barley, No. 1. .. ; ... .. 0 ,, No. 2 · · . . · · . · . 0 No. a. . . . . . . . . 0 ,, ,, Small. .......... 0 Spencer J. OUR NEW POS T OFFICE. Progress ls the order of the day in No etanding aUll; rio re· :Bow111anville. ; but ateady advancement ohl\r· t rogresion acterisl's every indnstrial, commerc1a.l, re1igioua, educational and social departmen-t of our beautitul town. The lateat stide is in the postal department. The -()la-post office,pext do6r to the ST.ATEMA.N Printing ar' Publishing Houn, has been de serted a m11.ny years. of occupancy for new preMael!I inPrower'aBrick Block. It 'W1<B inten-;fod to ramove to a .:entral location in the town, but no suitable building could be obtained, it. is stated, and so tho new office i 1 only a stone throw aefrom the old one. T,he i aterual arra.n"' mente and equipments are convenient an modern, and we 11hould say will compare 'very favorably with any tow&i office in Canada. It hu beell fitted up b y thA Upper Canada Fur niture Co., under the direction and upervieion of Mr. D. S. Weir, mechanical mil.nager. The wood work is finished in ash dressed in oil, There are. four deliveries: general, box, mone"' " order and savings bank and tele- · graph. There are 200 call and 100 l ock The irteen lock: drawers. bo xes and th · tch prevents boxes ha.ve w1re b o t toms, wh' accumula.tion of dust. The expense of .fittin g up has cost about $800, and has been done at the expense of Mr . Fairbairn. Mr. M. Sweetnam, P. 0. fospe ctor for Toronto Division, came down se veral times before the le cation was finally decided upon; being anxious to do the best he could in the interest of the twn. branch hae alee been The telerrraph .. hands')mely fitted up under the directlon of Mr. Thos. Townsend, genAI'al inspector G. W. Tel. Co. The instrumentland Mr. H . P . fittings are bran new. Dwight,. the general manager, ha· given instructions to spare no expense in hav· fog th office conveniently and comfortably eqllipped, The Co. ceitainly deserve great credit for the enterpriee and n in so efficiently fitting good taste aho-\v up this br anch .':'!'" 1 ' owmanIt is about GO years since the B ville Post Office was first opened, with the k.te Robert Fairbairn, fa ther of Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, as first postmaster. Mr. J. B. Fairbai rn was appointed sueceBSor to his father about 30 year s ago, so that the Fairbairns have had cha.re of the office from th.. time it was opened till no ,y, M1·. J. B. F. m akes a very popular P. M., and with Mr. A. Parish 111!d 1 Miss . . A Spear as a1sistant1" the offic· duties are well pertormed, and the public are well served. Mr. Stanley Hutchison is the junior assistant. We are pleased to know that another grand improvement is in contemplaticm. A yetitiun ha2 .been forwarded to the P. 0. Department, and is now under considsration, recommending the placing of letter boxes in certain parts of tha to\'rn. -We hope the Inspector will take into ac· count the scattered nature of the· town,· and strongly recommend this very desirable addition to our postal facilitie1. Onr new post office is a grea.t credit to the town and to Mr. Fa.irba.im who hae gone to such reat expeQse in fitting it up. May he long live to enjoy its molnm nts. IF yon :u:e troubled with a "hacking bones, or through the chest, tali.e DowNs' ELIXIR, at once and in liberal doses, cover oucli," DowNs' EL1xrn will gi ve you re. up well in ·bed, and our word for it, you hef at once. Warranted as recommended 2'75 or money refunded. Price, 25c. will soon be well. , 50c'. a.i:id $1.00 per botLle. 275 OPPOSITE Trelev en's Shoe Store will . be THE townsh ip sociefies shou!cl offer found the popular Dyemg Works of Mr. Thos. Peate. He challenges to dye, clean greater inducements for canned and pre and rep air clothes with any similar firm ·erved fruite and hou1e plant.. We com mend this mn tter to Oartwria in America for $1000.00. ';ee advt. "' ht ngricult ura.l society especially. THE Cart ri ght ladies are great butte makers. At the Fair the · other day there were 36 tubs and 16 l ot s of rolls exhibi ted. We challenge any t0wnship in Cal'lada to beat this. The jud ges pronounced t h · butter first class, t o!>. e tllal pleasur much WE note v.itb Geo. A. Binitham has been elected by · clamati on , President of Tr t!li ty Oolle g hel d in th Banquet, to Annual _ · I Nov. 22n · Score one Q ueen'1 H0te' // more for \Veat Durham. . ewn MR. A. W. MASON, arhat, welk:,kD in West Durh am, is referred to bY the Globe as a ialented member of the deaf HP aI so Shaf ts L .. ury Ha11. mute cl AS!l "-f '1> r:iceives great praise for an oil portrait that he executed for presentation io J · D. Nasmyth, Esq. w be d ¥'\· fer That poor bedridden invali wife, sister, mother, or danP;hter, can he made the picturo of health by a few bottles of HopBit tar. Will you ltt them a11jfer ! when so eaaily cured! ZION CURCH.-R.ev. W. Brii;igs, of Toronto, will preach in this church next Sun ay at 10 a.m.-Quarterly Meeting; ad lll t he Presbyteiian Chur r.h, Enniskillen ' at 6 :30· H ear th' is eI oqnent di. viue. d The remaiaa of the late Mr. Robt. Mc Laren war0 interred iu tha Presbyterian Cemetery here on Sabbath morning laet. '.l'he deceased was n early eighty years of age and had been enjoying pre&ty good health until a few days before his death. His aged wife has the sympathy of all tbe neighborhood in her bereavement. We are pleased to learn thQt Mr. Jaa. Pye is about purchasing a re8ldence in our We will: gladly welcome him as village. one of our villa;(ere. The old blackllmith shop on the co ner is to be again occupied-Mr. John W. Virtue of Greenwood ha.a rented and is taking po1sesaion of it. In 11ddition to the bl11Cksmithing he intends carrying on a macbine and implement i·epairing btui ness . He will put up an addition to the presell t bnildini:. Rev. Mr. Sanderson of Whitby i:-reRch d a11 able ser mon ia the M. E. Church on Sabbath evening l&11t. .As before au noui1ced, Rev. Mr. Briggs of Toronto will preacb for tlle Methodists in the Presby teria.n Church here next Sunday eveninit . We never aUo_w ourselves to b ENN!SKILLEN Butter, per tb. best tab le.. O 17 .. @ · . 0 18 Lard, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013 . . ® . . 014' . @ · · 0 26 E ggs , ifJoi:.............. O 00 . PotatoeR, per bushel .......0 55 . . ..0 60 BY JOHN JloMUI!<'J'RY. 30 .. to . . 70 . .to . . 85 . .to. . 00 ...to ... 00 .. to .. 00 ...to... 00 . . .to ... 75 ..to . .$3 Ol 9 5.. to. . l 00 00 . · to . . 105 58 ..to . · O 60 0;32 0 75 0 90 0 70 0 57 0 52 C 62 Concession 11tret. uL pre,;ent occupied by abund Rev. E. Sheppard, lar;,t<' ance ?' J<'rut 'l'rees ; "I"' u Brc i k D welll ng . conta1n1ui' six roomri ;tnd 8t11.J:1mer ki t chen AptilY to, W, with har<l and sort watn. HORSEY, 273-l!w* 0 · LET.-The pm-· ;ea--;ilnate G·rckn with M: . ·wASAGA and Snnnirlule. County of S1 u1co e . -A few J'lrst-cfo;,s fm·ms for s11.le the aboye 'l'ownahipe.within·· Fe··v miles ofSta.yner, very ow prices-fo,. "- ,.;,,,rt ti ow. Apply tor partlcnlare to D..A. M..·c1N'l'YUE, Barriet.er etc., Stayner, Ont. 272·i1v· 'Lt,ARMs FOR sA LE - 1N Norn. at l in BEES FOR SALE. 70 HfVE:.:; o:r ITALIAN In flrst·class cond1.ion, are oft'ered very low pl'iN. Appl,v to RICH. RUDDOCK, lot 24, con, 6, Clarke. Orono, PO. for ea.l e H l\LAN Olfi .. .... Yotrng and ce. New Advertisements. Sound, .apply at ihe ORSE FnR SALE.-A Styliah Driver A BEES, at a BOUT B. F. Darlington. a Red Steer 2 years old, t)e stag headed. Reward for return to W, · : OSBOitNE, Bowmanv11le, P. 0. H. 2Y6·3 §1' S S EER .ASTRAY.-Stratyed from lot 5 Sl'.lTEB%7HJ' 2i24w'· into the HEEP ASTH.AY-Came Premises, lot IO, con. 6, Darlington. about Oct., let, SIX L AM BS. 'l'he owner must prove property, pay expenses and take them away. WILLIAM WIGH'l', 'l' y1·one, 275·3w abou 4. mlles west, or Ho wrnan ville. on Klngeton R oad, Pose"ion l<(iven at once1 Apply to MRS. H.l<STEH. SQUIRE. Bo .. 11111n villc, Ol' PHILIP'l'YLli:R, M1.q·l0 G!'ovto. (27l·tf. FARM- TO RENT. 96 ACRES. LOT 30, UON, 2, Darlln11:ton. Card of Thank. To the lllaoaer nnd Di"""t.01·s ot tllo - TR4. YED from Lot 11, Con 6, Da ri · ington, a Red and White Heifer, with la.rile white epot on face, t o years old. Suita9le re ward for reooTery. Vl'M .McLA.UGHLIN, 2H-w Tyrone. w . H P. 0. Helfer wit h white spota on bo dy , 3 years old. Howard for rnturn to THOS. E. WASH· INGTON, l o t 26, con, 5, Darli ngto n. Sol in , EIFER ,ASTRAY.-A Dark Red Sov er eig n Fire Insur anc e f\l., f1r1i-011to. _ EN.-I i... ; " ' >hllU1owledi:-e th e G-K)'(TLBll promp· ettloJ1Qont, .J>i·'" ' _. h ·"""" l\"lnt. Mr. Thos. Blnib,.1u, of m:1 ·c,,t;,, 111 tuU ror tile loss or my bani in Marlpos11 'JV Ji·h tning. JAUOB POLLARD, rlo»nrnnville. Se-.t. 22. 18133!iO-tt · ing, testifies to he efficacy of Ha S?ya.r 's he n sed for a ba dly lll· whwh Yellow 011, . . . . a U ouseJ red knee )Olllt. It. 18 the gr t h for mflarom tton, pam, hold rerneay eorenes e, lameness, etc., and _is u_sed both _ ernally and externally with int mfal rible success. ABOUT twenty of the young friends of Mis· Ida Shaw visited her father's resia. ise, it den. ce and oa. ,. v.e her a gener l surpr . bemg the anm.versary of her birthday.,. '.f'he ompn;y: spent a very plesant_.even::.ent 1ug 111 sr ngm, gamee, &?. .A.·tl . home well pleased, and wtshmg Ida many happy returns. A n other Wit ness.-A. Chard, of Sterl - e THE Smyrna(Del.)Reco1·d,Oct.20th,con tains theae items : Thomas W. Bleakley has picked 1,000 quarts of strawberries, cut one and a half tons of hay and two tons of millet from one acre· of ground. We Tom thinks this is -doing well.......... wero the recipients this week of some ver.v fine itra.wberries from the patch of Thoe. W. Ble11kley. They were of the Cum berland variety, and this season's secmd erowth. ELSEWHERE appears the advertisement of, p ublications issued from t e Montreal fHtness Office. All publications emanat ing from the Witness (}flice a.re essentially "family pa ppe rs " being :mch as may be itroduced into any hou.ehold with full no unimportant confidence, which iii point to be considered in these days of cheap :flashy periodicals. h o . l We ofi'er rare value in Blankets. l!}l!iaon &:. Co, & s Jtll n o i we m an busmess this s ason. Ellison S. Co. See our all wool Tweeds at 50c." We ar e marking dawn every a.rtfole in stock. TRAYED . -Came on the premtses, Ellison & Co. lot 8 Broken Front, Darl ingto n , a B lack ·coats socheap FABHIONABLE W.EDDING.-On Tuesday Peoplewonderwhywe sel!Ove Jl:llison.&1; Oo. Pig. The o wn er is requeste to prove property, lqt W- · E . Hodl(ins, Esq., B. A., Bar- we will3ell hoysSults at half price this sea· Da.y expenses nd take H away. G:J<;O, TAIT, 2i8·Sw Bo w m o.nvi lle . Ellison&:; Co, r·ster, formerly of this town was united · o . ' ' a.re b o Jn d Lo sen. · :l'ro1lts or no . 'f!Jleanor Jaffray t M' 'th m. ma rr rnge wi ss Co. & Ellison . Ritchie, dau ghter of S ir W. Ritchie, Chief We ofl'er a!l v.·ool Cashmeres at 50c.l£11i1ou&r;Co e ! ing prices at : Ju11tio e of the Suprem e Court of Canada. LOURING MILD in the township of n st We congratulate our furmer townsman on Ladiee Ma.ntle3 and Ulst<>ra g:ea,Jy r educ Cl rke. Known as Adams' New Mill. Co. &c; E!Heou wicea. in __ to ARTHUR CODD , Esq., or St. JOHN Apply thi.s happy a l li ance. Yov ou g t to Bee our 'Vi11ceys at prase11t II. HU 'l' CHESO N, B arr i st er .a t -L w, Bo w m an· Ellison It Co. JUDILEE !:>INGBRs.-The Tennessee Uni- r_icee. 275-tf ville. Ellison &a Co, Vfilrsity Jubilee Singers san g to a small We otrer B ga ins in Uarpets. b ringing their friends t-o Ou old customers bo se ::-.. l' here on Tuesday night. They gave see the bargains in Dry Goods and Clothinll. Ellion & Co. a .tir11t class _ program1 and evrybody pres· g n The Creditors of James McJ,aughlin late of eat was dehghtd itb the srnging. They We are making a special run o Co. i vi: the Township of Darlin g on, in the County of speak of retummg in two weeks; i f th ey Iu tue p1·jces or Tweed Suits we c o m D urham farmer.deceased, w:Uo died on or about Ellison & Co, . 1883, are re· the sixth day of January A. D. do they should be greeted' with a ·full p ints. quceted on or before the 7th day of January A. ho use. They worthy of patronage. D., 1884, to s en d by letter p ost pa.id, or eliver Elli11on &t Co. disappointed. to John K. Ga.lbra.ith, of th e town or Bowmau PRESBYTERIAN MrnsrnNs. -The Annual ville, in the County of D urh am, Solicitor for Missionary Meet1'nos Susannah M0Lau1.-hlin, the administratrix of " of St.Paul"e Churcl1 e peconal estate and effects of the as.id t will be of unusual interest this year owing An Enthusiastic Endorsement. :rameH McLaughlm deceased their Christian Lo the pr esence of Rev. H. A. Robertsonmes addr ses and desor pti· names and surna GOE.HAM, N. H., July 14, 1879. ons the full particulars of thei r claims, state a successful missionary j11st returned from . know; don't I are, you TS-Whoever ana the nature ot the uccounts r i h t of ment GE N Erom·ag· "' m i'n th e Ne.. Hebri'd es. The86 (if anyi hel by them ; and immedi I thank the Lord and feel grateful securities of Ja n u ary A. D,, 1884. ately after the services will take place on the 11th and but to know th at in this world of adulterated th e assets of the personal estate and effects of 13th inst. Further particulars next week. said James McLaughlin deceased will be medicines there Is one compound that prove!! mong the parties entitled thereto distributed a 'l'rial proves that honesty is the best policy and dose all it advertise11 to do, and more. having regard only to the claims -of w h lc in m edicine as in any other thing. .A.yer's Four yesrs ago I had a slight shock of notice shall have been rt>ceived by the said Sa.1sapsrilla Im genu in e preparation, Ian un dm n istratrix or sol!citor,aod the said admin palsoy, which unnerved me to such an a istratrix shall not he li ab le tor the assets so die· equalled blood purifier, ecld e1:"!1 y superior to extent that the least excitement would tributed or any part t.hereof to any person or · all make me shake like the ague. Last May persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not be recei ;ed by her or her ea.id solioltor at iii ** I was induced to try Hop Bitters. I used time of distribution, Thia Notice is giYen Auction Sales. one bottle but did not see any change; In purena.n ce offohapter 107 section 3, Revised of O'lt rio Stat11tes another did eo change my nerves that B owm nv llle, this 31st day or Oct they are now as steady as they ever were. ober, A. D. 1883. A list of Mr. Philli.p's sales are kept at JOHN l{. GALBR AITH. It used to take both hands to write, but the STATESMAN office, _where a.rrangementa (275-6w) Solicitor for e.dministratrb:. hand writes this. e e ll: b co. if yon hn.'ve grease pa.in 01 dirt on your l'lol.hes I can clca RESS & MANTLE MAKING BY MISSES POWER &; JAMES, over Mr. the1>;1 and make them lunk like now ones. L&d1es· Ostrich feather cltl&ned. and dye,,, McMurtry'e store. Ladies trotn & di stance Secon d hand cl othiug tal<t··u in oxt\han!(e. AU can ·have th ei r garments cut and t1tt0d on work Wl\rranied nt PEA'lh.'S DYEING ES liame day while thoy wait. 273 tf '!'ABLISilllF.NT, oppn;,Ho 'I'··eJ.cven's Shoe Store, BowmanvUle, %7:.tf D 27Hw· - a Dyeing but not Dead. ENTLEMEN, G · S n a d pro.fits we I : t; a 'd: MILL FOR SALE. a a In the Surrogs.te Court of the United Counties of Northum berland and Durham. t wen ty 'l'ake notice that i.fter 1 ho expirati on ... r days from the fo s1, pn blication of notice in the 0ANADIANB'l'.1TM;Au.N an app"ca tion will be marle to H!a Ifonor the Judge of this Honon.bla Court on be:ialf of Barbara Nott or ti">-, tewn of Bowm1.111 ville, in tlrn Oonn1y of Dnrbna, wido\V, to gr1<11t. t.o her letter of Gu&rc1'a.nship for her infant children, Rich11.rd Henry Nott, A lm a Ne>t<, t'unl lbbins Nott Ida Victoria Nott. Margtiret ))"Uy Nott and Eygie John Nott. Dat-ed a.t Bowwanvillc, Clo'.obor, 2i 1883 D. BURKE SIMPSON, vI tl1e town 0!0Bow· manvi!Je, i· the County of Durham ' Solicitor tor the Mid B rbara Nott. thEll ·&,D· i od h ar F this are are Wf:ra::11a'.'ifn,!!0lo 1ft{/r0:c ? &. CJ. derv a.1 1 Notice to Creditors. t d h e e i d 7th day ·.he a others. d i h has a stronger a11d h a the h the For ohoic0 reading , rlvllut;o." ot illustrations b eauty of typography, pure 1.111tl c ra c er Artll11r'K Ilh1strutctl Dome )lugndne h s no rival in this o any other country. Etab lished ov"!' thirty . yero ago by T. s, ARl'lllJR, who atilt remains 1te editor it has been during all that period a we l c o me' visitor in t ou;ands of Americau homes, and t o · day h o l d upon 1.ho oeople than ever, Younger fresher tnleut unite with the editor· maturer judgrra1nt in keep i ng the ma zme always up to tlto advancing tastes om e and ·ocial on1ture of the times. and Its increasing populuritf is ·een in its s ·adily growing su bscr iptiou lisl., which is now mucn larger, with si ngl e exwptioo, than that of any l iterary mon t hly in 1'biludelphia. ARTHUR'S HOM r M CAZ IN E. high ha t '. a · a Dated at a a e e THE Farmer's Hanu Book for 1884 will be publiehed by W. Weld. London, Ont, and furnished as a premium, with The Fa1' This book 1ner's Advocate; price 25 cts. will contain blank pai;ces, ruled, so that the fa rmer ca.n keep a carrect dairy of his farm account., of his purchases ancl 15ales of his produce, sales of live stock, grafo, dairy, fruit and poultrj'; also a calendar for 1884,.glving the moon'15 changes, and also many useful tables, reoeipes, with memoranda pages, &c.; for the farmers, not found in any other single book. A necessity to every intelligent reader. SHlLOH'S C.A.TARRII IlEMEDY,a marvel !oua cu re for Catarrh Diphth6rla, Canker mouth, and he dacke, With each bottle t he re j an ingenioue nasal Injector for the more si;c ce3aful trea.tment of these complaints without e:i:ra cha_!'ge. J. H gginb oth am & Son, Wnole· ea!· and R'eta:il Blilenta. now my good right Now, if you continue to manufact n re as . hol\est good an article a.s you do, you will 3 .-Mr. Thos. Bunt, accnmulate an honest fortune, confer the SAT UltDAY, Nov. lot 16, con. 2, Darlington, will sell hia g ates t blossing on your fellow·men that re f"m -stock, implements, hay, etc. Safo was ever conferred on m ankin . at 1 o'clock. See bills. H. T. PhilN'EVV TIM BURCH. bps, auctioneer. SATURD AY, Nov. 10. - Certai n·. p odions of READ all about the new cash system in laud, described in advertisement in have just arrived at the at the auother column, being the el!tatt! of the our usual column thrn week; bE>gin late W. Lammiman, will be eold at top and den't atop until you reacb the the Bi g Sign H. 'I'. bottom. We want to secure the patron Phillip s' Hotel, Ha mpton. age of a great number who deposit money TYRONE, Phillps, Mtctfoneer. in the bank @ 4% per annum and run suitable for fall and winter wear . .-.Notice ot sales will be published annual accounts at some Dry Goods' ft·u in the STATRSXAN whe· the sale "bills 11tore, prt.ying 25% more than they should, ..-.Great Bargains will be given for Caeh. am print.ed by us. and very frequently p ay ing for goods HICKS. they never purchased ; paying dearly for T yr one , November 1, 18:. 275. SINGERS and public speakers are always their goods, and af; the same time under a benefited by using D OWNS' ELIXIR, as it conrnliment to the credit merchant. Our removes hoarseness and increases the cuatomers don't feel under a compliment power of the voice . Take small doses to us, but make ua feel under a compli H you will retnrn th1s Silp, with 25 cen ts, or often. Price, 25c., 50c. a.nd $1.00. 275 ment to theIll. -A. Dickson's Cash House. 9 three-cent stamps, we Wi·l send yo 1 by mail pot·pald, as s- tiegmning, a beautiful Chromo can be ma.de for sales without going to Hampton. d LOOK, BEHOLD! of Boot, BOOTS & SHOES a new Serial Story, begius in the November numbe.t. l'fJE. All new subsc'ripttons for 18&4 will recP1ve th<> November and Dr:,coo1ber nu mb ers ol this year FREE, anrl so Ket the ea.rly chap t ers of Mies T o w n sen d's beautifvl stnt·y. A !!!AFE ll!IA.GA.ZlE. 'l.'b<o iJ<1.ge; of h e Home 1'h,lnl11e are kept abc.:nf · l· iv f.reo fr<'lll every thmg that can deprave 1.l, '""Le or loer the moral sontrnent, It is, thererure, a pure and safe m ag ezme, 'l'UE PEOPLE'S JllA.GAZINE. It is a.n com plete syllOpathy with that Araonc1tn h om e-l f e which rests on virtue. economy, temperance, a.nd J!elght?orly good-will. It aims to promote app m.ee m tle family through the cultivation of a p1r1t ofkmdness. R"'"-""e. a.r d self-forget· fnl nesa In every numb.-,. r, , ; c J "o'3·hold HU'l'TERICK'S PA1"I'1'ltMS, ;very num b er ot the Home Mugn7.ine "ontains from fou r eight pa.ges orButterick's1, ·. heA' .inn C h ildrens fashion illustrations, wi,;1 ;he prlce ut which Pf!tterns 0f any of the i;arments illustrated will be supplied. "BUT A PHILISTINE," BY VIRGINIA F. TOWNSEND. t i h · to W. H. ns, co.rY 8 15 i 1 CO P TERMS l"OR 1884. . ONE YEAR. . ..... . . . .. ...... $2.00 . .... ...... ...... 3,50 ;: .. u YOUR 160 FORTUNE. free. hair to its natural color. As a stimulant and c . p re ve nt n_fl i'nd often curing baldness, toni and clep,nsing -soothing tho sea.I p, its use Hair Vigor attest Its value m those -using Ayer's Hundreds of le t ers fro t as a restorer of gray i cannot be Children's Wool Jackets at S.Mason & So.u11. too stroil-g!y rocommende d. a merchant in Dixie a.bout three years ago introduced Ha.gyard's Pectoral Balsam i to his customers by trying it in his own Being family for Coughs and Colds. Ladies' .Astrak&n Coats, Men'e Coon pleased :with reeults, large sales followed. Coats and Men's Russia.n Dog Coate at and it fa now tbe favorite 1:emedy in that Couch, Johnston & Crydermanis'. a A Good Introduction.-.T. Kennedy, neighborhood. dolla.r is paid for prescriptions for some disearrn that never troubled the p lltien t, and when the sole difficulty was worms, which a few ofFree-ruan's Worm Powers would re movo ThesePo,Tdere a.re pleas,a.nt, safe,. and sure, contain their own cathaitic, and are adapted for c'!lildern or adufts. a. A wrong Opinion.-Ma.ny Casket c ontaining 1'-"ST FJU.rn , New subscrioei-,,/01· 1884 will receiw, the Novembir and f" "· 1.1./Je" ·1iomcers of this year. Specimen nwn/Je/·s, 10 cents, "and Chu to cl nb· got er 12.00 20.00 " ,, .. :·:::: ::::: : :::::: t : These g oods a.re used in every house in tbe punty. ancfthe sale of whkb. will brlnit;vou ol l rs per <lay, in, hone ·a(il y, over l!'IVE Rnd not occupy more than half your time. ottitabl.5 for both sexes, If you ao net wish to J\r,aw y ou r fortune, kindly show t i s slip to & fr1:1·u:!, m1>.le or female, that needs a helping h'1.1ul, This mz be vour last chance. Don't d:!a:r.· A. W_. KINNEY", Ya.rmoath, N, SELLING .U:TI<JLES. . d a h S, l 'ho members oC a c lu b the same Ptl·L·otlioe. a-Remit by Postal Order. lfraft or Registered Letter, «Be very careful, in writing, to give your postolfice al8o th"'t of your snb ecrlbers, Al ways give Town County' and · Stato. at the club r ate. «It is not required t 1,.,' U-A..ddition s o club,; ·.:··n ol;v11ys be made t be at address, and T. S. ARTHUR & SON, !lltO Waln.ut Street, 1·11Uedelpbln. · ( \ I