" THE . CANADIAN - BY- ST~TESMAN Caledonian Mills. Formerly known as the" Soper Mills.') HIS MILL HAS BEEN THORT UGHLY renovated and put in order.under our own special supervision, for the purpose of Jt··eent l111tsHncJ·e~ IS PUBLISHED E'i. ER Y FRIDA.Y MORNING, ' gristing and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we are now prepared to reoc'ive .AT l'HE O}'EICE, orders from all our old ouotomers and others ostOID.ee Block, KingSt.,Bowmanvllle,Ont for work, and we gurantee to give them who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains ta.ken in exchange for TERJY.tld: Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Dow· r., 1.110 perannum,or $1.00lfpnldln advance manville. 227. .!Payment strictly in advance required from i:mbecrit>ers outside of the county. Orders to o.'l8eontinue the paper mu~t be aceompanied by toe a.mount due, or the pa.per will not be stopped. Subscribers are responsibleuntil full payment is made. ~1. A.JAMES, nt Jl>m·t A.u Prtuce. A rep'ort has reached St. 'rhomas f,hat the Haytian Government recently capture:l a vessel, supposed to b e an American craft, which was trying to force the blockade. She was thought to be loaded with ammunition. On the 6th inst. five British war steamers from Barbadoes passed St. Thomas in the direction of Hayti to investigate the circumstances of the recent fir· ing upon the steamer ".M,J.?s." Order has been completely restored t o PorL au Prince. Fifbeen hundred lives were lost, and damage to the exuent of $4,000,000 was done during the recent massacre. The diplomatic and consul<1r bodies, foaring a r epetition of the scenes of the 22nd ult. should the insurgent steamer " Eider " land, have agreed to take clmrge of her if she ·appears at Port au Prince. On the 3rd inst. the Haytian wdr steamer "Dessalines " arrived at Port au Prince under the American Bag a,nd after proceeded to Cape Haytien. 'rhe Government trying to raise there the balance clue on the steamer. On the 20th ult. the Government forces attacked l\iiragoane and were repulsed with severe loss. Generalissimo Pigi;;.nt was mortally wounded. OU'rltAGES IX POlF AU PmXCE. A corTeRpondent a11 Port au Prince sends . the following:-" On · Saturday, the 22nd, at 11 a. m. , a cry was heard, 'Revolution !' 'Revolution !' It was thou discovered that the.general of the arrondissement, Penor, was shot. Five minutes afterward fire was put to all the leading mercantile houses. Many of the fire-proof buildings stood the fire. When that was discovered the rabble resorted to digging out the doors, windows and walls, gutting the stores and placing fire to them. Port au Prince may well be said to be in ashes. The greatest consternation 1>ro· vailed. Bunting of all nationalities was immediately hoisted at the several consulates and private houses. 'rho fire lasted until Monday mornin" the 24th. The English, French, and Spanish war ships, very fortunately for the foreigners, were in p ort, and the men of t he respective ships wero h1nded. 'rhanks to t he detei;mincd stops of tho representatives of these nations their efforts resulted in somewhat establishing order. A great many foreigners wcro roughly handled, and. in many cases sh ot. A few Englishmen and one Cuban were brut;;.lly shot and severely wounded. The country was entirely given up, it is said, by the Presi· dent for pilbgc and arson. The secretary of t he United States l egat ion, Mr. Eugene V. Garrido, charged by t h e Vice-Consul· G.cnernl, Dr. J olm B . Terres, to l)l'Ocure a flag for his protection, left the legation for that purpose. 'Vhile returning, en· veloped in t h e Stars and Stripes, and wh en not over one hundred yards from the consulate, he was shot at by some thirty 01· more men who were stationed at h is door. The secretary was compeled to retreat to a friend's residence close by~ when a bullet came pretty near 0'1.r;;yi:ng away ·b~h:"' · When h e eoukLma'.':nage to get out he found his re · - ce reduced to ashes, and all fle assessed gone. On Sundtiy at about .!} p.m. the ·Unfortunate secret;µ:y was at the door · of the legat ion recei"vi.ng some of the poor families that were burnt out, an act entirely charitable and humane, when he was menaced and roughly handled by a mob who used bayonets and cutl:i,sses." DOMINION ORGAN & rlANO WAREROOM, Co., Half Column one year .. .. .. .. . . .. · .. 30 o()j-.. " Half year...... ·.. ... . . 20 " " One quarter. . ........ 12 50 Quarter Column one yeer .. . ., ...... 20 OG= " " Half year . . .. . .. .. . . 12 50 --5 " · " One quartel' ...... .. 8 00 :!ix lines and under, first insertion .. $0 50 Each subsequent Insertion .. ,... 0 25 _ From six to ten lines, first inaeJll;ion, 0 71> _ Each dubsequent insertion.\.... 0 35-10 :>ver ten lines,first insertion,per line 0 10 _ Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ 'l'he number of lines to be reckoned by he space ocouP.ied, measured by a scale of 11olid Nonpareil. -11> I:~ Whole Column one year ...... · ..... · $5@ 001~ ~,,; · " " Half year .......... .. 30 00 .... ~ " " One qua1·ter ...... , .. 20 OOi (,Q z :::i RATES OF ADVEltTISING: · 001 - BIG- 20:7 BOWMANVILLE. LAROE LIFE·LIKE OIL PAINTINC OF YOURSELF~FOR = W".RUSE, Agent .. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A new process of Portrait Pamttng. No pen can do justice to this beautiful proces~ of reproducing the hurnnn face and form in fadeless Jlcrfection iu oil colors. Our printed instructions · are so clearly worded that any person: can learn to do this work in a few days. Full printed Instructions mailed to any address on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Please sendfoi· our explanatory circulars which wo mail free. Mention tills papor ANCELO ART CO., Est'd 1875. ti G L. POTTER, ·n.D. RADUATE of Queen's College, Kingetonci'· and Mi-mber of Colleu:e of Physicians an Surgeons. Ontario. g Office and Residence, Enniekillen. 17. Dr, A. BEITH, RADU.A.TE OF THE TORONTO UNI"Vlj:R· SITY, Physician, Surgeon, &o. O!'flce King Str6et, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. G L J. w. JtloLaugJalln, !ti. B., ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE of Physicians and member or the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. Office: MORRIS' BLOCK King-st., Bowman- Detroit, Mich. Highest PricePaid for any quantity of ville. DR. J. «J, 11111'flnLT.., EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc, M O:ffloe and Residence. Enniskillen. 74. D. BllltKE SHIPSON, WOOL & BONES. A FULL SUPPLY OF l ARRIS'l'ER. SOLICITOR, &c., MORRIS '\ BLOCK, up stairs, King_ Street, Bo'VmanJlle. Solicitor for the Ontano Bank. J>rlvate Jtloneys loaned at the lowest rates, .John Keith Galbraltli, ARR I 8 TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTAR.Y PUBLIC &c. Office-Reed's Block, over T. Battings ;tore, King Street, Bowman ville. Monev to lend Stoves & Tinware AT BOTTOM l'R1CE!l, All kinds of farm produce taken in exchange for goods. B LEWIS QUICK, 74.2 Bowmanv ille. J,OSCJOMBE de Ll~ITH, B ARRISTERS,ATTORNEYS, SOLICI'L'ORS, Conveyancers, Notaries. &o. Office ::-Mc· Clung's Buildings, King Street, Bowmanville. R . RUSSELL LOSCOlllBE, .A. II. LEITH. Jtloney to i:.onn.-Private and other funds at lowest i:ates of interest. .' ST. JOUN JI, HIJ1'.-:llESON, B , R ARRISTER, & A'rTORNEY. &o. NO'l'AHY PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAN· OFFICE-OVER i:5'1'A1'ESlllAN 0b'li'ICE, flOBERT A.R~IOUlt, -:B'"T"EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.Uor· n~:r at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money m I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on ll1>aned on Real Estate. Office on King street, the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. and Burial Cases ready on short notlce. Caskets B;;._o_w_m_a~n_v_ n_1e ~·-=-----,,:c-=-;.-- _ _ hearse on very moderate tenne. First-clasA ..___ JI, T. PUllLII-S Shrouds and Coftlns constantly on hand. F unICENSED AU0TIONEER for the County eral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & of Durham, Sales promptly a,ttended .· Show Rooms-Bounsall'"New Block. Address-Hampton I:', O. · <>9_: _ All furniture Gold by me is made by the U. C Furniture Co. of BowmanYillo. I do not buy - slop furniture and represent it to have been It. UIJTCJUISON. by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. AUC'fIONEER. CONVEYAN- Also made agent for the LI-QUOR TEA for this town L ICENSED CER and Comrnssioner in B. R. Sales at- and It is cheap and as good as can be vicinity. $onded to promply and at reasonable rates. got in the market. A valuable pr_lze given M' Address-Ennisktllen P. 0. , with every pound ~ UNDERTAKING! L EV I MORRIS. L -~.--· f} eer Valnator and Arbitrator,lfire and Life "1 OHN HUGHES.-Licensed Auction· the administration of dainties, there must be something radic11lly wrong somewhere. It is unli kely that that something is constitutional, more probably insufficient exercise is taken or taken at the wrong R. YOUNf' 1 V. S., J-as removed to A. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS time, or the nursery is stuffy, or the bedthe residence directly opposite the Drill Shed. formerly occulJied by P. C. Himes. His transacted. Drafts issued and coll.ictions room baclly ventilated, or the parents have Be Felt Kinder Gone. office will be in Mr. John Mcl\1urtry's Grocery Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from l to 6 made thro'<gh all Branches of the Ba.nk of. forgotten that sunshine and fresh air are He hacl just got his oyster shop opened Montreal, m Canada, United States and :p.m., Sundays excepted. 228-tf, as necessary to the healthy lifo of a child to the public the other day when in came England. as wholesome food itself. The want of a nmn who asked : NUG HOME FOR S.ALE. - ·A Bri~k Short Date, Commercial and Farmers' cleanliness, or frequent use of the bath, is "Got any raws?" Cottagccontaintng sixrooms, cellar. pantry etc., quarter acre land, st..:.ble, wood·shed, hard papers discounted at bank rates . Longer many times the cause of indifferent ap· "Yes, sir." and soft water, and other conveniences. For peripos than three months at best rates petite in children. Without cleanliness of "Servo 'em on the half shell?" further information apply to S'l'Al'ESMANoftlce., obtainable . clothes and person you cannot have healthy " ~Ve do." BowmanYille. 918-tf. Advances made on SaleNotes and spec- children. Without this the young blood ··Extra lar<Ye ~" ial attention given to collection of same. Pianos'l'uned & Repaired. seems poisoned, the child. has neither "We have ~01;1e of t he largest oysters I buoyancy nor heart, appetite is depmvcd ever saw." ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS or absent, and he grows up as pale and The }Jifoe was asked and give11, and, as Tunedior 1:epa.ired can have thorn attended slim as a sickly p lant. Injudicious cloth- it seemed to be satisfactory, tho man to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN FOUR PER CEN'r PAID on DEPOSing is another cause of dyspepsia. It is ordered a dozen, adding : Co's OF':i'ICE, Bowmanville. A first-clas wan 11'8 of $4 and upwards, withdrawal on bad enough to encase the body which has "!OW being in their mploy. " I've got a slight contraction of the demand with hterest t) date. · attained its full development in a tight muscles of the throat, and sometimes I dress, but it is ruinous for a child to be choke. If anything happens. to me, run clothed in tightly fitting garment s. Every me to the door where I can get the air, ISSUED BY organ of a child's body re(1uires room to and then rush for a drink of water." · BANK, BUILDING. SOCIETY AND gr ow and expand i if it be in any .~-ay com· The caterer promised to observe tho Insurance Co. Stocks, i!fso Bouds and De- pressed, the circulation through it is los· · caution, but it was only when the twelfth DFFICE-'fown Hall Buildings,Bowmanville bentures bought at ! %,commission either sened, and it i s t h erefore sickly and weak. and last oyster was tak·m in between two !n Montreal or Toronto. Children should be fed with unvarying re- rows of teeth, which stood out like tengularity. The parents, having chosen the penny nails, that anything happened. hours for Lheir m eah, ought then to see T~1en the eater suddenly raised one l eg, that the times aro strictly adhered to. his eyes bulged out, and he bog<m to skip lSSUED BY AGENTS FOR NORTHERN OF ENGLAND, Irregularity in meal hours, and t imes of around like a goat dodging a club. The capita.I and invested funds- $27,600,000. Tbe City of London Fire Insurance Co. of gettin g up in the morning and retiring at choke had come. The caterer seized him London, En11:land. Capital £1,000,000, sterlinJi", night, is not only prej udicial to the pre- by the arm and ushered him to the door, ORONO, ONT. Deposited with Government at Ottawa $100,00t. sent health of the child, but it teacl1es and then hurried to the rear end of t h e Fire Insurance of every Description elfected, Onty 1 wo Dollars. Lowest possible rates on all classes of riskil. him habits which are greatly against his restaurant for a glass of water. When he chances of success in after life. I need returned with it, half expecting to see the hardly speak here of the quality of the customer lying on the floor in the agonies So Ho! Gentlemen oCFash food that is placed before a child ; against of suffocation, no one was in sight. Tho ion, not so ta.st. A LARGE AMOUNT OF PRIV.A.'fE FUNDS indigestible or rich food, against sauces man was not in the door, nor at the door, for inv:estment at 6, 7 and 8%, according to se and spices of all kinds, including curries ; n or around the door. He was two bl ocks I have written these few lines ourity 011.'ered. And all I have to B~Yagainst heavy food of the pancake, dough away, and the twelith oyster had gone 'rhat you can find me still at home, and dumpling kind, against unripe fruits, down to keep the company of the other i'L am not gone away. against very hot soup, against sLrnng tea eleven. [~>all my kind old' riends may come, And all the young ones, too, and coffee, or beer, or against over much Just e xactly ano tlier sue1i th' mg won 't .L\.nd get their garments nicely made meat. Pray, mothers, do not forget that happen in that place again. Jn fashions that are new: an interval of r est should ensue between .'i 'here old and young, door friends, may meet .\welcome 'm~etinir. bv R. PE.A.TE the meals you give your children, and do One Sibilla, who describes herself as not ruin their young digestions by cram· ming them wi th cake, or buns, or any kind ' of the reign Victoria," and publishes her of sweets. To do so is worse than cruol, pamphlet at Manchester, mges upon it is a sin, and a sin which you are but women t h e importance of protesting , Has received her new stock of little likely to commit if you truly love against their position " in the State Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the them, and wish to see them grow into Church considered as typified by wor· Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carryhealthy men and women. Tarts and con- shipping covered." She has no fault to ing off gradua.lly without weakening the fectionery would b e bad enough, in all find with Chr istianity "rightly underl!yst.em, all the imvurities and foul but she thinks it has been much and invites the Ladies of Bow- humors of the secretions; at the same conscience, for children, even if they were stood," abused " to gild the t hrones of tyrants time Correcting Acidity of tho always pure and unadulteratecl. But manville and vicinity to call Stomach, curing 'Biliousness, Dys- they are often positively poisonous. Feed and glorify priests and the male sex." pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, One of the Mexicans implicated in the and see her Pattern on plain and wholesome food regularly Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness from day to day, permitting no stuffing murder of the four men at a dance near of the Skin, Dropsy, ;Dimness of between meals, and not forgetting the Gardner was overtaken by armed citizens. Vision~ .Jaundice, Salt Rheum, benefits that accrue from frequ ent changes A rope was placed round his n eck, the l!lrysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of and assortment of of diet, more especially as r egards dinner. other end fastened to the saddle of a the Heart, Nervousness, and GenDo thls, and your children will live to horse, who was then frightened into a eral Debility; all these and many run, dragging the culpl:it over rocks and bless you. other similar Complaints _ yield to the stumps until d ead. He stated that him ha.ppy influence of :BURDOCK :BLOOD 13ITTERB. Madame Janauschek diverts herself self and companions were hired to commit STOltE : - second Door West or Williams the murder with water-colors. Butcher Stall. T. llllLBURN & co.. Proprietors. Toronto. Insurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, Money to Lend on reasonable terms. Add~~ss Cartwright, Ont. ~1 2 J 0 N ES-~DOBBIE, BANKERS, KING S'.rnEET, BowM.ANVILLE. Plain Diet. Tho diet of children cannot b e too plain. If thoy roquire to be encouraged to eat by A GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO every man who buvs his Licen% from HENRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. 198tf. D BANKING. liow tlie 'l'nieher was Trapped. Mr. Johnson, the High school teacher in Brigham, was ;1 first rate tmwher, and EXPERIENCE. if his obituary had been written no doubt The Rev. z. P. WilU:s, Ylell-Jtnown c:ty 1Vould have declared him to be a "kind husband ;1nd father." But he vra> a man 111lssJona.ry i1l New "'£'01:k, and hrnth..':. r of peculiarities, for all that, and one was of the late emluent JLulge,Vilcls, of (l,,, a disapprobation of ki~l gloves. " Unnec- ~IassadutSetts Supreme Oonrt., wl"ites cessary extravagance," he called them ; as follows: "unhealtliv, inconvenient, inadmissable." ,, 7R Ji. Sith St., Kew 1"m·l:, Jlay 10. 188~. .; l\i !· :ss 1 us. ,J . U. .A YER & Co., GL"ntlt1mo11: Now histwin clo.ughtersPrueandPatty, J,ast winter I was trouhle<l with 11 moot being ]"tist fifteen, natumlly tlwuQ:ht other· rn1comfortablo Helling 11111:1or riffuc1 i "JJ ._, wore e;;pl1Cia.11y rny limb!:', which itch-Oll ~o wise, kitl gloves being to the average intolorn\>\v a· 11lgltt, allll 111mMl so iuten>e· young miss what water is to ducks. But ly, that (could scarcely boar rllly elothi11g over tllem. I wa:3 also a :·r nffl'rer iro11 1 a. all their wishes were of no avail. In soYere c:ttarrh and catn r1,lml cough; lllY winter their delicate hands were "made appetite """ poor, aud ms '.~·tern a ;;o<··l · t · " p cl 1 d · 1 · de.a.I nm do w·11 . Ku o villg t he YH!w1 of m o p;1ws, a.s rue ec are wit 1 nuttens, An: n's S.\l<HAP,11t 11,,,A, by obsenat"'" of while in summer they were ltllowed no- rn "'"Y 01hcr cases, a1Hl from personal "°" thing daintier than lisle-t hread. in fot·111e1· yearo, l l>cgm1 ta1dng it 101· tho abovc-nn..meU <lisorJers. l\Ty a_ppctltH i rnOne lucky day for them, when things vrovcd nllllost from t he !irot ·1oso. .Htcr lu1d rolled smoothly iit school, when the . 11 short time the fornr a"cl itch in;~ "crn · d · tl h fl' 1 h I allayed, nnd nil signs of irritation uf tlw w111 was 111 ie west, t e co ee c ear, t e skin disappcM<>cl. J\ty c:>t,..rrh amt cough steak "done to a turn, " and all those were nlso cured by the s:une mea.1ts, ·awl trifles that make angels, or the reverse, of rn y general heA.lth greatly irnrn ovea, until it is now excelleut. l feel n huUlll'cll per us, were favorably bent, Mr. Johnson an- cont stronger, and I att1ibuto these J«'fiL1 !ts nounced at dinner tluit he thought it io "~~~ 11;:~1~11 ~r ~Sts;,,~~~~:;~~· "~·11~;~1~ would be an excellent plan to form a best blood meclicine l>Vel' cle\·iscd. I tool' Speech Improvement Society, said society it in small doses throe tirnos a <lny, :i1Hi · t f tl f ·1 1 1 b" uMd, in all, less th:m t1ro botth~. i J.1'1ce t o cons1s o ie a1n1 y a one, tie o Ject these facts nt youl' sel'vice, hopiui( t heir in view to be, as the name implied, correct- vuulicaLion may Lio gooLI. ness of speech. It is lrnrdly supposed that Yours respectfolly, z. P. \Yi LDS." the president of the society could he guilty '.!.'he above inst<wce is but ono of the many of a lapsus lingre, but it may be interesting constantly coming to om· notice, wldoh prove to see how many mistakes ordinary people the perfect auaptability of A nm·s SAJ.:SA· are liable to make in one week. PARILLA. to the cnre of all <hHuses arising "But supposing, papa," said darlinu frou1 impure or impover1sllecl blood, and a ~ weakeneu vitality. P rue, "supposing the sky should fall, or that yap should be ' guilty of an inaccuracy,' as you say, what then?" cleanses, enriches, and strongt hens the 1>1ood, "My daughter," said her father, be- stimulates tho action of the stomach and nignly, "in such a case I am safe in pro· bowels, a.u<l thereby onnbles the S)'stem to mising any reasonable reward you may resist and overcome t11e att.:icks of all Sc1·of"· claim'I" lous Di.seases, Ei·11,.ptio11s o.f tlle S/.·L 11, RhP'l.~ " Kid gloves ?" ventured Patty. mati.rni, CatmTlt, Oene?'rtl J)eUil if,IJ, n.ncl all "I am safe, I think, in saying yes," said disorders resulting f:-om poor or <'O!TnJJtC!l her father. blood and a low state of t:10 sys tern. rnEPAUED BY "I choose pearl-colored," cried Pr·ue. "I will have brown," said Patty. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. "Ancl I would like drab," added Mrs. Sold by all Druggi~ts; price $1, six bottlce J olmson. This was at noon-time. fol' ~5. When Mr. Johns.a~ came home at night he inqu~red how soon tea would be ready. AYER'S "Just as soon as the tea-kettle boils," CATHARTIC replied his wife pleasantly. "Error one I" exclaimed the .teacher, PILLS. with such a crnshing sense of superiority that his wife and dmtghters wondered that Best Purgative Medicine they had ever dared dream of kicl loves. cu~·eConstipation.Iudi~estion, Head::ichc,awj " It is astonishing," s;;.id ]',fr. J ohnsO!l., all llilioll~ Disordero. ·11 persist · m · ta11dng of "old ever.vwhere. Alwa·'s 10w peop1 e w1 "' " reliable. " 1 'boiled teakettles' for supp er. This is an instance of the many inaccuracies t hat ·ar e daily in uso. I think our improvement society will be ;;, success." jJ Meek Mrn. Johnson said nothing more during supper. Right across t h e str eet from them livecl Having bought Mr. an elderly widow who was quite alone CHINE SHOJ" and FOUND~ are .pre and who was the ~bj ect of many attention~ pared to do all work in tb.iB-departme~t m a from the neighbors satisfactory man;:i.ei·,..r'We shall continue to · ] ·f 1 · · mllinttfaqpi..eMr. Sylvester's celebrated Tl iat mg lt ti snow a 1 wlntened the side-. walks. Mr. J olmson was an act1 ve.-a.1 a ,.--prndent man. Ho was up. !Jetimes, and- ' cleared his own walk, anrl then put his and shall spare no pains to keep up their pre sent retmtation. h eacl in at the dgor-long enough to say "I will come into breakfast as soon as I have ·the old huly shoveled out." · . . ' n When you get her comfortably aboard long a~d favora~l e known-will be ca:rried on the shovel " retorted Prue " ou mi ht and with the ass;etauce of our ~achm~ry "'.e yd gk'd hope to lar1<ely increase t he business m this · lJ.er in I t o see us and' l ian b nng . d 'r ,, · our -i clepartment and g 1 ve our customers increase 1 · t tl g aves in a ie smne ime. inducements to purchase from us. A large It w:is a subdu ed but . v.ery agree;1ble stock of Carriages and Ploui;hs now ready. husband. a1;d father c<11:ne i~to breakfast All. work warrented rntisfactory. Special:at late, brmgmg three mce httlo bundles, tention gi v-cn to Engine Mil and .Agricultura which he laid beside the plates of his wife Machinery · iincl d11ughte.rs. Pru e and Patty found .,.. Rf" their favorite shades in number five French .:..Y.J:I.. · ~ kids, antl Mrs. Thompson rejoiced in a has had a large experience in whole box of dainty gloves. · Machine, .A !Jriciiltwrnl andCarriaqe Work, "I am of the opinion, on the whole," said the teacher, ··that critioism within haYing worked in the largest establishments in the Domimon, which will add largely to the the family circle is undosirublc. In fact, I interest of the new fl rm. have made up my mind to drop the teacher, henceforth, when I open my door, and WGive our HARD l'ifE'l'AL PLOW POINTS you may "boil the tea-kettle," my clear, a trlal. when you please." So that is how the kid gloves were eamecl.- J ourna1 of E1.l11cat-ion. Bowmanville, March. 8188~. ~41 Rev. Father Wilds) CATARRH. · Q_\T.~Rnn.-.A. new Treatment wherebv a permanent cure is effected in from nue to three treatments. Particulars and Treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXOl!I' &,-SON, 3v1 King Street, West, Toronto. ,;rs, WHAT THE REV. E. B. STEVENSOX, B.A .. A Cr,ERGYMAN OF THE LONDON COX11'ERENOE OF 'l'frn METHOUIS'I' CHURCH 01·' CANADA, HAS TO SAY IN REGARD TO A. H. DIXON & So;;'s NEW 1'REATMENT h'OR CA'l'ARRH. OAKLAND, 0N1'AR!O, CAN., March 17, 1883. Mess1·s. A. H. Dixon, &: Son . DF. .u~ Sms-Yours of the 13th inst 11,nt to hand. It seems almost too good to be truo that I i;im cured of Catarrh. but I know that I am. I have had no !'et.urn of the disease and never felt better In my life. I have trled so many things for cu.tnrrh, suffered so much and f,,r so many years. that it ls hard for me to realbe that I am really bette1'. . I consider that mine was a very bad case; it Na~ aggravated and chronic, involving ihe throat as well as the nasal passages, and I thour,ht I woc1ld require the three treatments but feel fully cured by the two sent me. and I am thankful thi>t I was ever induced to send to you. Yon are at liberty to use this letter Rtating that I have been cured at two treatments, and I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some of my friends who ai·e sufferers, Yours with many thanks, REV.E. B.STEVENSO~. Ayer's SarsapariUa 'l'ORONTO, April 2J.. 1882, A. H. n;xon, Rsq., 305 King St., rVe9t. DEAR ~rn.-\'Ve take pleasure in stating that our junior nartner, who had for years been trnubled with Catarrh. was successfully cured by three treatments of your remedy. 'fhe Cattarrh wasmnch aggravated, with continual dropplng into lho throat. accompanied by Joss ot voice, hawkin~ and spitting and blocking up of the nostrils, all of which we are pleased to say disappeared almost immediately after the remec ly wag applied. )'"our remedy is certainly an invalu11ble one, and we hope all who may be suffering from this disagreeable disease will give it a trial, as we are sat.isfted they will find complete success. Yours very truly, \'VM. NORRIS&. SOY, W'holesale Pianos and Organs. No. 8 Adelaide St. East. ACARD.-To all who are suffCTfRg.fi'o:n the errors and indiscretions of yout.h, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood. &:c I will send n. recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. 'l'his great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South .America, Send a self·addressed envelope to the REV JOSEPH T. IN~UN, Station D, New York City WHO IS U~IACQUA1NTEO WITH T!iE GEOGRAPHY er TH!S COUH· fAMAN it - NIW ftlM t e ..- HAM Pl 0N p LOWS OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS ~tl{~~t ~~~~~e;i~f1-g~ts~·b~~e~tf~f~ ~a:~~ni{;_it~ ea.fl City, Council :Bluffn, Lcavenwortfi. g~~R~f~t:ti~~~~~~~~!~~~~ ~h8e t~i~i ~t CHIGAGO, ROCK ISUND & PACIFIC R'Y connects in U n1on ::{t;r;; t~:~t Atchi~on, Mmneal,)olis and St. Paul. ·R .,,..... A R C H ment is uni.·ivaled and magnifiecnli. being oompooed oi Most Co mfoi.~table aud Bea utiful Day Coac11es, Ma.glliflcent Horton Reclining Cars, .Pallmau~D Prettiest :Palace SJeepmg Cars. aud ttrn Eest Pi1cep~~1':~\\1ca~~etg~in~~~f1)~i16eosc~~!~a.ft~P~~~l~~1: Chair Tl'ni:ns between dhica.go o.ud lUinnoo.polie a.1:ld St. Paul 1 via. tho Famous k~~1.!~°e~181~t~ffgoc~~ ~i~~~u~°Jl~er '1>~~~~a:'1:tY1~~ 1 A New and Dn·ect I1ine. vi a Seneca and !{an knkee, hns re~ently been opened between :Richmood1 Indiunapo.!.Ls a.nd L3.fayette, w.nd Omaha, Miunc.apol1s au'd St. .Pa u l and mt.eirrncillate points. All '11hrough .Pasaeng~rs 1L1ravel on Fas t Exprcsc T1·ains. Ticke ts fo1· s ale at all prinaipa.l Ticket Oillces in the-Un ited St.1.tca and Canada. Baggage cllecked through a.nd rates of fare al... ways as low a.a competitors that offer lesa ad.van· "AL.BE~T LEA ROUTE." ~i1':t1;, ii·a~l~~fi~~i~~T;;:1S~1a£~:1i~~~~ll~~\~~l;·n~~~~ 1 McClUNG &DARGH, --- - · - -- - --- t<'f.~~· detailed information, get the M:l.ps .:ind Folders of the Health is-Wealth! CREA"l" ROCK ISLAND ROUTIE, At your R.R. c;.m.r:::, n earc ~t Ticket Office, or ad.dress E. s·r. JOHN, Gcn'l 'l'kt. & Past1. A.gt. Vice· Prc:i. & GCn'l M'g'r, S CHICACO, P Saving's Department. ~ARRIAGE LIGE NS ES BROKERAGE. W. R. CLIMIE. MARRIAC E LI G ENSES INSURANCE A. J. LOCKHART, specific or Hysteria, Dizzin· ess. Convulsion, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Head· ache, Nervous Prnstration ea.used by the use of alcohol or tobacco.'Va.k.efuloess, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brian, resulting in Insanit.y nnd leading to misery. decay and death, Premature Old .Age! Barrenness· Los" of power in either sex, Invo untary Losses and Spermatorrhrea, caused by over·eilter tion ot the brain, self-abuse er over-indulgence, One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. On., dollar a box, 01· six boxes for fl ve dollars ; $ent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With ea.ch 01·der received by ·& ror six. boJ<es, accompanied witlh five d,ullars we will send the purchaser our wi·Hten guaran· tee to refuud the money if the treatmlmt does not effect a cure. Guarantee issued only by STOTT & J URY, sole agents for Bowman ville, Ont. ; JOHN 0. WEST & CO., Sole Proprie· tors, 'l'oronto, Ont. ll!ElNT, .. guarnteed DR. E. c. \,VEST'S NERVE AND BRAINTmi:"aE $1000 FORFEIT ! Having the utmost confidence in its superior· ity over all others, and after thousands of tests sf the most complicated and severest cases we could find, we feel justified in offering to forfe-· it one thousand d<>llars for any case of coughs, colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, con· s11mption in its early stages. whooping cough, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, except Asthma, for which we on!~ claim relief, that we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when taken according to direction. Sample bottle 26 and l>O cents; large bottles one dollar. Gen· ulne wrappers only in blue. Sold by all drug· gists, or send by expr11s ou receipt of price JOHN s. WEST & Co., 81 & 83 King_ St. East. 'l'oronto, Ont. Sold by S'l'OT'l' & JURY. This Great Household Medicine ranks amo!lgst the leading necessaries of Life: These famous Pille purify the BLOOD, and moat powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the INVESTMENTS. Live1", .Stomach, K£dneys, and BO>VE.Ll:l, givm~ ton!'i energy, and vlgo o these grei>t MAI.N SPRINGS OF LI.l<'E. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cai,se, has become impaired or weakened. 'l'hey are wonderfully efiicacious in all ailment· incidental to Females of all &Kes: and as a GEN l~ RAL ll'AMILY MEDICINE are unsurpassed. ' MISS McTAVISH GOODS., · $500 REWARD I We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Indegestlsn, Constipation or Constlvenes we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Livtir Pills when the directions are strictly complied with. 'fhey are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes containing 25 Pills. 25 cente, For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufacturnd only JOHN C. WETT & Co., "The Pill Makers," 81 & 83 King St. E11.st, Toronto. Ont. Free trial pack· age sent by mail prepaid on receipt. of a 3 cent , stamp. For Sale _.... bv S'fOT'f & JURY. Holloway's Ointment, Its SearcJttng and Healing Properties are known throughout &Ile World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and mce1, it is infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on BONNETS, HATS, _ ______ _________ the neck and chest, as salt into meat. it cures SORE 'l'HROAT,Diphtheria,Bronchitis, Coui;\'h Colds, and even ASTRMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses Piles Fistulas Rheuma#sm, And every kind of SKIN ])!SEASE, it has never been kown to fail. The P ills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 533, OXFORD l:lTREET, LONDON, and are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with directions for using in most every language. aPurohasers should look at the La~el on the Posts and Boxes. H the address i~-not 533 Oxford Streetl _London. they~are apurious. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are egistered in Ottawa. and alse1 at Washington. TRIMMINGS Mr. W olohin, of .Albany, Fla., set a hen on hen's eggs . He lifted her U}) the other day and found her keeping w;;,rm three young kittens, a powder gourd, and a door knob ; and he's putting iu hfa time now wondering how it occurred, instead oflaying for his neighbor's boy.