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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1883, p. 2

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W!Eii · f ·A. J. LOCKHART, John Brigl1t on Temperance. chair and swung its~Lf off, remaininp> ·~rS· pen.d ed by the ne~k rn the air. The misty We select tho following pointed sent- lii;tht that pervaded the room tb.en g~adu~lly Continues to do a General Bankin Busines Formerly known as the " Soper Mills.') Velvet ie all the rage. IS PUBLISHED ences from J·olm Bright's speech on tem- faded away, and when darkness agarn reign· its Bowman ville Branoh. g sa Hosiery is very cheap this fall. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, perance at his opening the Cobden Coffee ed the self-accused, terror·stricken witness HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR- The favorite balmoral skirt is blao:k. DE POSIT ~ ~ -BYUGHLY renovated and put in ol'der,u11dM' Rooms in Birmingham lately. of the bloo~·curdli~g . oocu~rence says he S our own spemal supervision, for the pa.rpoee et Wool costumes are the correct street I had been in bad health, but I found it rushed out of the ~uildmg With a yell. Receivod and interest allowed thereon at the gristing and manuf1<cturing Oat Meal and Pot The reporter waited for the manifestation rate or FOIJR per cent per annum. No notice prejudioal to use alcohol in that way (a .Barley, and WI' are now prepared to i·eet'ive wear. AT TlIE OFEIC!i, of the ghostly presence, but in vain, of withdrawal necessary. .A.II deposits p~yable orders from all our old cnet.o mers and othet'S Paris affects English fashions at the mo- medicinal stimulant). . . on il.emll.lld, ·011tomce 81oc1i,'1u1tgst.,Bowmanvil1e,ont for work, and we gurantee to !l'ive them wloo ment. Whether or not the g h ost story owes its oriI have been in tho habit for the lastintrust ua with the same entue satiefaeti11;11.. gin to an uneettled condition of its discove1· EXCHANGE Oats and other grains taken in exohooge for Blouse effects on tight waists remain in mor~ than ten years I supp~se-of entire TERJY.[1:3: er'smind, or is told by him asa vainglorious Bo~gh t and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe, Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. &- J, TOWNS, Bow· favour. abstmence from all these thmgs. (, ,£ ,,o per annum, or 1111.00Ifpaid1n·a11vance manville. 227. joke, it is generally credited, and a few St~~eR and Canada, also Gold,Silver and Steel soutache appears among metallic Now, what wo want, and what all tem- firm believers in spooks are in fa.vor of ex- Umted United Greenbacks bouRht and sold. ~ayment strictly in ad vs.nee required from braids. · penmce reformers should now consider, is o'ilbsCnbers outside of the county. Orders to huming the body in the suicide and turning COLLECTIONS dtecontinue thil paper mu~t be accompanied by The "Star" kid i:love is the latest fancy some plan which will unite the temper- its face downward. in the cdlin in order that tne a.mount due.or the paper will not be stopped. of fashion, · ance feeling of the country and give it Promptly made at current rates upon all parts its Apirit may rest in peace.-Philadelphia Sobscribera are responsible until full payment is of Great Brittain, the Unlted States and Do· There is a return of favour to clinging power, and make its advance and progress 'l'imes. . · minion cf Canada, possible. dress draperies. ~~ ~~~ RATES OF ADTERTISING: · J~~ Teleg·1·aph Transl'e1·· I recollect hearing Cobden say more Steel soutaohe on gray velvet is considered Whole Column one/ear ............. $Ml 60 ~~ui Dow it Happened. than once, that although he was in tho Made for large or small sums on all pai·ts of very chic. " " Hal year ............ 30 00 "'"'~ One quarter ...... ., , 20 00 ":'a::::; He was a bank teller. He had been sent Canada.. '.f,'his_is especially advantageous to Silk costumes are relegated to house and habit, as almost all people were in his persons hvmg m Mamtoba or the North·weet Half Column one year.: .......... -.. 30 - time, of taking a glass or two of wine oc- off on a vacation, his books overhauled, and as it 'l!akes the funds available at once at the carriage wear, ,.. " · Half.year:.............. . 20 oo8 0 W M'A NV I LL E. he had been found $9,000 short. This fact place of payment. " " One quartllr ....... , ... 12 iiQ -c casionally, and perhaps oftener to dinner Rus~ial). green combines with. black, gray, QuarterColumnone Yeer ........... 20,00-· For furtaer particulars call at the Banking - still I have heard him say more than stared him in the face as l..e sat amidst the or deep red. .. " Halt'year .. . .. . · .. . . 12· 50 ~ ·· ii Board of Directors. House. " · ·· On11 quarter ........ ·8 , GEO. McGILL, Silk flounces are va.ndyked, scalloped, and once that whenever he was driven by hard "Now, then," S'lid the Ptesident, "I pre- 'l'. BRODIE, work, or of much speaking 01· of much sume you acknowledge the embezzlement!" Sil lines and under, ftrst insertion .. $0 50 Accountant. Manager. sometimes pinked. Each subsequent insertion...... ·O 25 _ 2~7-ly, writing, he found it was far better for him "I do." ·From six to ten lines, tlret insertion, 0 75 _ . Basques, as a. l'Ule, are short, and are pointLARCE LI F',E·L IKE to abstain from wine altogether, and that " And how did you use the money ?" Each ~ubsequent insertion.; .... 0·. 35-10 e4 both 'back and front. . OIL PAINTlf!IC . OF Jver ten lines first ip-seftipn,per line 0 10 ... he could perform his work better without "ln speculating," Brides. on the Continent no lonll:er wear it than with it. YOURSELF~ FOR Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 ·"In what?" gloves at the ceremony, ONLY'ONE 'DOLLAR 'The number of lln~s ~o ·be _ r eckoned by ·"W.ell, I WM a bull in X, Y, Z railroad . Houses such as this, established all over Ji.e at>noe oocuP.ied, .measured by a scale 01 1 .new process of Portrai' The name Fedora ia given to a very hand· the country, in all towns and in some of the stocks, but there was too much against me. l_au1t1ng, No pen can do juseolid Nonpareil. · -15 some new long pelisse. · this beautiful proeelld considerable villages, must have results 1 didn't have a fair show to make anyof reproducing the huma.n Black stockings remain the first favoritles highly beneficial to the character and con- thing." !ace and form ln fadele~s I.. POTTER, IH.D. of fashionable women. " Why-how ?" Are second to none in the world. ·20,000 in'l 11erfection in oil colol'8 duct of the people. For generations, the :RADU A'l'E of Queen's College, Kingston'; "Well, whllc I was using $9,000 of the ~trume_nt~ now in use. Demanrl so great that Our printed instructions Balmoral ekirts are wider, but the yoke people have been so accustomed to the and Mf'mber of College of Physicians and It requires 'l'WO or the largest Factories in the are so clearly worded that bank's money to bull the stocks, the cashier about the hips is invar.iable. Surgeons, Ontario. . . . ;ionsumption of alcoholic, intoxicating or was putting up $20,000 to bear them, and so Dominion, with capacity for turning out TWENan_y person can learn to do «Office and Residence, Enmsk1ll~m:. ~!; this work in a few days TY P~r day. J!'or purity and sweetness of tone, The silk, satins, and brocades of this sea· strong drinks of one kind or another, I lost all !" · elastic aud. l!ght touch, beautiful and perfect Ful! printed Instructions son are dazzinply beautiful. that the idea of refreshment or enjoyfinish they are unrivalled. mall.ed to any addrees on Dr. A. BEITJI, receipt of O.JE DOLLAR. lt is al{ain fashionable to wear a fancy pin ment among the millions is inseparable The most skilled labor.the,very best materials RADUATE OF THE TORON:TO UNr\'-~H· Fl ease.send for our explanAn Old Russian. in the bonnet bow under the chin. that money can procure are a guarantee to pur· from the consumption of those things. SITY, Physician, Sur_geon, &c·. Oftlce King atory circulars which we chasers the.t they are buying no shoddy but a StrE>.it~ MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowiµanvllle. . , mall free. Mention this p(l.p~r A · Parisian costume of pigeon g~ay is Therefore, temperance coffee houses arc a A case' of extra.ordinary longevity is re- fh·st class article. Sold wholesale and r~tail by ANCELO ART trimmed with the plumage of the blue jay. new discovery and are hailed with plea- ported by Russian papers from a BeesaraJ.P. RICE, Bowmanvllle, J. w. JllcLauglalln, M. B., Est'd 1875. Detroit, Mlch. sure. · bian province, where Saytchuk, a man of Uf all the forms of the!feminine waistcoat 2i6. J. S. DONEY, Tyr,en.11. lCENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE enjoys perfect healfh and above 130, Some people have an idea that this that of fur bids fair to be most popular. of Physicians and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. .The e11,bot sleeve, full its whole .length. mischief (intemperance) is a mischief that strength, but hie white hair has & greenish O.fil~e: MORRii:l' BLOCK K~g-st.,Bo.wmananct so p"opular in Eagland, is gaining favor affects only what are termed tho workin" tinge, He is a Little Russian by birth and ville. · · · · · . ,.,.. · for any qu&ntity ot classes. Nothing can ·be a greater mis~ settled in Bessarabia when it was yet under here. 'I'nr&:iah dominion. His eldest son who is DR, J,.(). JttlTIJHELL, , : ,, Colored flannei skirts edged with woollen take. I believe that the sympathy of more decrepit than his father is 87 years ol<L EMBER OF COLLEG'E OF PHYSICIANS hce are preferred to white ones or balmor· those who wish fo1; this reformation is re- The village of 120 houses, where Savtchuk and Surgeons, Ontario, Qoroner, eto, quired for the multitude who are not now lives, has risen from one cottage, which als. Office and J:tesidence. Enniaklllen. U. A FULL SUPPLY OF Parisian dressmakers discard all sleeves ranged among the classes ordinarily des- he built a long time ago with the help of a except the close coat sleeve for street cos· cribed as "working classes." In point of frien1i, and is exclusively inhabited by di ». otraKE sull-s··x;' tu mes, fact, every class supplies victims to the rect descendants of the first two inhabitants· D A.RRISTER, SOLIOI'fOR, &c., MORRIS Waisooats of all kinds, su;ierimposed on terrible temptation of drink ; and, intleecl, The tribe of the S :wtchuks is composed of J-. BLOCK, up stairs, King ' Street, Bo·vmanlle. Solicitor for the Onta~io Bank. , , .· 1 · ,, A'.l' JCOTTOH ~RICES. the bodice or corsage, grow more and more from experience-and I suppose the ex- fifty families, which live in peace and quiet · to law· Private llloneys t~e,loweBt rates, . i , . All kinds of farm produce taken popular. perience of others must be much the wiihout ever going.._. Silk cardigan jackets will be worn under same-there are very few f\1milies in this .John Keith ·Galbral~h,. in e~change for goods. A man may not want to · buy the cat, but dressy cloaks for extra warmth as the sea- country 'w hose inembers · can/1ot point to son atlvances. some persons nearly or not remotely con- when he mo~ it out of the p&ntry be be· AR Ril:lTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR~ PUBLIC, &c. Office-Reed's Block, o_ver . J Fedora waistcoats are sometimes of nected with them who have fallen victims comes a purr chu.eer. ~T. Battings store, King Street, Bowman ville. 7t2 Bun·naanvlllt". black and white Spanish lace or E~curial lace to this terrible evil. . .Money to lend ·' ·· · ----------------~I may say, then, that I am not without scads, J.OS«:OMBE di J.t<:ITll, Parisians are combinin}l' velvt with Viu·. hope. I believe the wisdom of Parlia- REST AND ()OJU'ORT TO THE SlJFFERING " Brown·g Honsebold Panncen" has no ARRISTERS,A'r'l'ORNEYS, SOLICITORS, torienne, Sicilienne, aod B~ngaline for car; ment may do something- may, indeed, do equal for relieving pain, both internal and exConveyancers. Notaries, &c. Office ::-Mc· much ; I believe that the Christian ternal. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowriage costumes. , ··Clung's Bll..ildings, King Street, Bowmanville. els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, Velvet dresses are full, but in the more Churches may do much ; I believe that · L llUSSELL LOSOOMBE. A. H. LE!1'H. and any kind of Pain er Ache. ··It elee-ant costumes tb.ey are made so by the education which is now in progress Lumbago will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, extra breadths of the material and not by in all parts of the kingdom will tell &8 its actlng_ power is wonderful." "Brown's JllJ4111e:t· to Loao.- Private and other fUnds at \llowest rates of intei;est. th~ flounces. largely even upon tho present growing-up Household Panacea," being acknowledged as tb.e greot Pain Reliever, and of double the ~mported cloth suits are elaborately mi>de generation ; an~vtth· this combination of strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the ~rr · .JOHN J(, lllJTf:llESON, of several cont· a.sting materials, suoh as the attempts of Parliament, the energy world should be in every family h1rndy for use , ARRISTER, & A.TTORNEY. ~c. cloth and velvet, cloth and satin or Sici- imd zeal of tho, and the eflect when wanted, "!IS it i·eally is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and GUARANTEE :-After fair trial, with no NOTARY PUBLlC. MONEY '1'0 LOAN· lienne. of the educational movements, 1 think pains and aches of all kinda," is roi· sale by 0F:FlCE-0VER STATESMAN 0FFlCE. relief or cure effected, your money will 184-ly· . ·. Flat gold braid, put on in embroidery or that we may hope at some clay to banish all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. be refunded. Pmrn, $1.00. m rows, forms the decorative ·effectcn many the evil of drunkenness from t h e nationROBEltT A.UMOlllt, - El"'i?"Sold bv handsome tailor-made cloth and velvet an evil which darkens so m any h omes STO'.ILT .t ,Jli'Jll', BOWJIU.N\'ILI.l'l, .EGI8'£RAR WEST DURHAM ISSUER Mothers! Hothers: ! itlothers ! 11 dresses. · of l\'Llcenses, Barrister and a.ttorwith sorrow and despair. 'l'here are men Are you disturbed at night and broken offyour 'MlY at Law and Solicitor in Cha.ncery. Money rest by a sick child suffering and crying with The Breton wa' ll< l)at, profusellr embroid· who s11y "You eamrot make people sober lt'JT I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on PORT PERRY l~ed on Real Eetate. Otllce on King street, the excruiating pain ot cutting teeth 1 Ifeo the short eat notice, at the lowest possible rates ered, a nd frequently ornamented with coins by act of Parliament. " 'Well, that is a ro at once and Ket a bottle of MHS. WINS:.8 :.. o _ w _ m ~ a_n_v_il _ l_ e. ________ _ _ ___ C~skets and Burial Cases ready on short notice: and medal~, is worn in P aris by women of phrase which I will not discuss, but· I LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, It will rel'.klve First-class hearse on very moderate terms. .., II. T, l"BILLll"S . have no doubt whatever that by act of the poor little suffer immediately-depend upon Shrouds a nd Coffins constantly on band. Fun- ta.ate. it; there is no mistake about it. 'l'here is nots ICENSED AUC'l'IONEER for the County eral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shep & Moss green .in· the ::loth combines 'll'ith Parliament you can remove to a very con- mother on earth who has evertlsed it, who wllJ The abo':'e works aro running full blast to · of Durham, Sales promptly attended. · Show Rooms- Bounsall'sNew Block. up with orders. Some very large orders .Address-llaml)ton P . 0. 59.: _ All f~rniture sold by Ill4' is mado by the U. C golden brown velvet, in the velvet with pale siderable extent the temptation which not tell you at once that it wll! regula t~ :ne keep have received lately, includinl(J handbowels, and give rest to the mother. ar <I rolief Furmture Co. of Bowmanville. I do not buy blue, and all.of the grays except Russian and meets men now at almost every step of and health to the chlld, operating like magic. some been Mon uooent for Isaac Best, Clai;!U'l, .A.lex slop furniture and represent it to have been elate. . Jt, !llJT()lllSON'. F. Carscadden. Clarke. WE EMPLOY NO AGENTS ~heir livee tie perfectly sate to use in all cases,and pleea by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. ICENSED AUCTIONEER. CONVEYAN- Alsomade Astrakhan is very much in vogue ; even a.nt to the taste, and is the prescrimlon of one and a;e .sel!Jng 'l'omb Stones, Monuments, etc.. agent for the LI·QUOR TEA for this town . at lo" er pnces in consequence. Our cmtoL C1l1R and Comrnssioner in B. H. Sales at- and -vicinity. It is cheap and as goo<l as can be large ~strakhan collars lined with red plush of the oldest and· best female pbysiciaua and A RESTLESS S.rIRlT. tended Lo promply and at reasonable rates. nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere mers ge t the comrni~sion themselve~. It will got in the market. A valuable prize given are berng made to be worn up against the pay any person who mtends erecting & mcnuat 25 cents a bottle. 184-lv. ltNAddi·ess-~nnisklllen P. O. uwith every pound. ears in the Russian fashion. mc.nt to the memory of a departed friend to A. Genuine Jersey :Ghost. ONEY TO LEND L . b wri.tA me or see me personally before placing '1 OHN HUGHES.-Licensed Auction.oans can e theu· order. - I guarantee tlrst class work at Tlie majerity of imported Paris dresses are A crowd of superstitious and trembling t.J eer Valuator and Arbitrator,Fire and Life obtained through the subscriber upon lowest possible prices. very much trimmed, but the plain, youth· countrymen and villagers gathered the other Insurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, ~aru\ Prooerty at an unusually low rate ofj ful . costumes · of the English and Americ11.n ~wening on the outskirts of the town of mterest. Money to Lend on reasonable terms. Address Fixed charges for Solicitor's iees. F. BANKERS, Cartwright, Ont. '172 artists much more admirable and admir- Ja ekson, N. Y., for the purpose of investi- CUBITT. Bowmanville. 239-tf. ' MARBLE Womts, ed. 251-tt. e;ating KING STREET, BowMANVILLE. the report that the ghost of a Mrs, Po&·r PSRRY GOO D WIFE GUARANTEED TO 8~ll Acre~. 3211 Acres Dietrich, the former occupant of the cottage Flounces of Oriental and Eecurial lace every man who buvs his Licen~e from near by who recently committed suieide,by adorn the fronts of handsome dinner and reHENRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. 198tf. G~E.A.T ception d_ressea, and these flounces are hanging, nightly made its appearance in her R. YOUNr, V. S., removed to scantily pleated over bias folds of velvet in bed room and that its moans and groans The Largest in the Dominion! A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS the same or contrasting colors tci the dress, could be distinctly heard. While the party Uie residence directly opposite the Drill Sbed, formerly occu2_ied by P . C. Him ea. His transacted. Drafts issued and collectiona wa.ited patiently for the "ghoat to walk" an efiiee will be in Mr. John McMurtry's Grocery made through all Branches of the Be.nk of While Eoglish women of exactinp: tastes, old gray-haired man, whose tongue, howSALESMAN WANTED. ~tore. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m, and from 1 to 5 such all Mrs. Langtry and the Countess of Steady imployment at fixed salaries to all Montreal, in, United Sta.tee and ever, had not lost its glibness, detailed to p.m., Sundays excepted. 228-tt, willing to work- Men and Women can have Lonsdale, are ordering their dresses from England. those who were not familiar with the dead >Ve have now opened p leasant Work tile Year Jto1md; good agents NUG HOME FOR SALE. - -ABrick Short Date, Commercial and Fa.rmer11' Parisian dressmakns, the fair French woman's history some interesting chapters are earning from $!0 to $75 per month and ex· women who leads in the world of Parisian Cottage containtng six rooms, cellar. pantry pences. 'l.'erms and Outfit free. Address $3,000 of her life, .et!: qu11.rte1' acre land, st..:.ble, wood-shed, hard papers discounted at bank rates. Longer society ordering theirs of English tail· STONE &; WELLINGTON, Mrs. :Anna Dietrich, a 'woman ol! goo>i (271-3m) - OFand soft water; and other conveniepces. For periods than three months at b eat rates ors. l'oronto, Ont. family, was extremely prepossessing and be· turiher information apply to S'l'A'l'ES?dANoftlce, obtainable. Bowman-ville. '918-tt tore her marriage had been known in the FRENCH AMERICAN Advances made on SaleNotes and spec· A Cent a Klas, town where she res ided as "the village born ial attention given to oollection of, Pianos Tuned & Repaired. The cheapest and best 0 S1'RICII F111u·rms ever In the case of Mary Ann Miller against beauty." After the death of her husband at Any SEWING MACHINE until you see the offered to the public. SATINS, °VELVETS, RIB· Stephen Beck, an action to recover damages Jackson 8he still lived at that place respect.!.ONS, FJ,OWERS, LACES and FANCY Goons just NE'V\T ROY.AL .A, ARTIES' WISHING THEIR PIANOS for breach of promise Of marriage, the jur y ed and liked by the entire populace. About as cheap. Tnned:or repaired can haYe them attended found a nrdict for ~he plaintiff in the sum a year ago she fell a victim to the wiles of a· Just out, combining all the best qualities or the Please call and inspect our stock. N"o trouble lo by leaving . word at the DOMINlON ORGAN Old Royal.(a machine which has givon universFOUR PER CEN'r PAID on DEPOS· of $1, 108. 33. The ca~e was a novel one. "handsome stranger," who afterwar,~ s dis· al satisfaction), with new &nd original improve- to show goods. and we are boun<t to sell at the ()o's OFl<'ICE, Bowmanville. ·A fiFst-clas lTS of $4 and upwards, withdrawal on The parties were first cousins, and both appeared. Four months ago a child was ments found in no other machine. Among the lo west prices possible. "lOW oeing in their mploy. S'l'RAW HA1'8 and BONNETS CLEANED and have reach..,d and partly passed the prime of born. The scandal was a great surprise and many imprevementa, it has a High and Long RE·Sl:IAPEJLJ demand with hte rest t :> date. in a)l the latest styles: making it specially adapted ror D1·esslife. The pb.intiff was houaeke~per for the shock. With the charity usually displayed .A.rm, making and 'l'alloring. It is a very light nmRiEJIUjltlltEZl 'l'JIE 8T,lND:- 4 tloors Tfesi defendant, and told how he had addressed in small places.for such unfortunates abso· ning, almost noiseless, Self-Threading, ad iuat· Of JIUl't)'Jl's 4'rocery SI.o re. ht!r in the usual co ..ntry style of- courting. lute ostracism followed. The woman was able in all its parts, the simplest and most ISSUED BY When asked if he had ever kissed her, she pointed olt as a aooial leper, and hllr life was complete Bobbin Winder made, New SelfBANK, BUILDING SOCIETY AND said, "More than a hundrtd thousand times." thus rendered unendurable. The day pre- Threading Shuttle, all made of tirst quality 246. ing Street Bowmanville, materials. In ii. word placing it head and Insurance.Co . Stocks, also Bouds and De- The verdict she gained is at the rate of a ceeding her self-destruction a neighbor shoulder s superior to all Canadian and equal Dn'ICE- Town Hall Buildings,13owmanvllle bentures bought at ! %, commission either cent for a kfae, with a little int~reat thrown woman slammed a door in her face, after to the best American. JOHN S. DONEY. Tyrone. Special and Sole first ordering her from the house. in Montreal or Toronto. in. Mrs. Dietrich returned home, and the Agent. ~4~~ I also sell the RAYMOND and WHITE MAnex t day was found hanging by the neck, AGENT Fon THE ' The area of duelling is becommg nar- dead in her barn. Just as the narrator had CHINES and the world renowned WALTHAM \VA'l'CH. . lSSUED BY We call special attention to our Gene1·al Champion Single Plow . AGEN'l'S FOR NORTHERN OF ENGLAND, r~Jwer every year. It disappears as chiv- concluded, a ·sudden gust of w:ind rattled.a capital and invested funds- $27,600,000. alry disappeared, and in all moderately shutter on the bedroom window and a swine,- Cheap Cash Store, which is stocked with only and Po"rt ,Perry Gang Plow 'l'be City of London Fire Insurance Co. of civilized countries is already a thing of the ing limb, which while motionless excluded first-class goods, we do a big business, and sell as cheap and In large lot~ cheaper than many Sulky Horse RakeLondon, England . Capital £1,000,000, sterllni;i, ORONO, ONT. Deposited with Government at Ottawa $100,ofO. past. In the wh ole range of the British the moon's rays, let a flood of light for a others can afford to, as we make no bad debts. N. l:l,- Send mo a card or letter and I will Fire Insurance of every Description effected, Empire it h as gone clown under the ridi- momrnt fall upon the group. warranted to be the best, :. · O,n , 1 wo /Jo/tars. Lowest possible rates o.n all classes of riskil. cule and contempt of a free, intelligent, "Fore God, thore is Mrs, Anna !" exclaim- call on you. Horse ·uoes, Reapers I JOHN DO.NEY, ed the historian, hurrying off down the lane. and so far r elig ious p eople. Occasionally His example was fellowed by a few of the . Ty1·0.ue. So Bo? G(\ntlemen oCFash and other Implements, a couple of featherheacls may think of the more timid. · ion, not so :fast. · diiello, but it is altoget her too absurd f RESIDENCE':Welli11gton Street, Bowe THE ClHOST S DISCOVERER, A LARGE AMOUN"T OF PRIVATE FU,NDS tor investment at 6, 7 and 8% , according to se ordinary intelligen ce or ordinary practic Those who remained were assured by a nmnville, ·where sau1ples may be seen, I have .,vtitten thee few lines curity offered. : Even in the Sou t h ern States, with all n living on the place, named "Wash " S uccessors to Agency of r:Jominion Bank, And ,a.J).;I.have to sayIf farmers wanting Plows or Rakes will send their fiery l awlessness, the thing is going, Walter (the original discoverer of the ghost), T.h11.1 you.ban find me ~ill at home, BOWMANVILLE, !lo post card I will deliver them at their res· .'l a.m·not ~one away. if it has not alr eady gone. So far this is that it had not yet appeared. His story, idenoes. 251. :~ >all my kmd old. r riends may come, a token for good, a sign that the world is which had set the entire country agog, was and 439 Mansion House Chambers, A11d all they oung onee., too, repeated to a Times reporter, who was pre· not going back. When one t hinks what LONDON, ENGLAND. l}.nd get their garments nicely Jin fashions that are n ewl\ was the state of things in Britain fifty or sent. It is to the effect that on a recent Transact a general Banking Business iivon · 1'li:heEe old and young, d&ar.;triends, may meet night, as he was walking in front of the six ty years ago and what it is now, it is A. welcome v-rMtinll, bv R\P~A'rE the same 1.'erms and Principles adopted evident that there is movement, and in the dead woman's house, he heard a moan, ~----' by the Joint Stock Banks. which appeared to come from the loft. The right direction. doors were all without locks, He had no INTEREST ALLOWED 0 N DEP 0 S J T S· on demand, at the rate of FOUR A Lafayette lady- a model wife and difficulty in entering the house. Ascending withdrawal per cent per annum. mother- broke her husband of the saloon to the dead woman's bed room he says he lit Has i·eceived her new stoc of NOTES DISCOUNTED, Bills received for habit by walking up to thP, bar beside him a match, which, althougb. the air without collection and advances made thereon at moder and calling for the bePr. She broke the aw- was very calm, was instantaneously blown e.t e rates. ful silence, as they walked home, with the out by a sudden puff. He then lit several DRAFI'S I SSUED, payable at all points in HARNDEN, L. D.S., remark: "I love you, my husban , and if matches, with the same result, and, becom· Canada and the United Statos: ing nervous, was about to leave the house, STOCKS. BONDS, DEBENTURES, &c.. &c. · Graduate of the Royal College of Dental and invites the Ladies of ~ow yon are going to bell I'm going right along when a va.gue, unoertail'.l light filled ithe bought and sold. Surgeons, Ontario. with you." . manville and vicinity to all MONEY LOANED on Mortgage Seeurityapartment, which, upon growing brighter, as OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORE. Velvet flounces have deep heme, which it gradually did, revealed the !(hostly form present rate from 6 to 7it per cent. and see her Pattern are so h eavily stitched as to be plainly of Mrs. Dietrich, kneeling, with her, hands GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. visible even when the flounces are thickly clasped in a supplicating manner. Her hair Plate ·work executed in the latest 8/)ld most pleated. was streaming down her back. improved style of the Dental-Art, IIOW A GHOST :UANGS BEB SELF. n, posits heretofore made with the Dominior. TEETH E XTRACTED WITHOUT " P .A.IN Some of the n ew greens combine beautiand assoi:tment ot Spellbound , the intruder could not move, Bank, can be withdrawn aL any timo upon de· fully with other colors, and are becoming mand and without charge, at the premises latel:t by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury he says, but manfully witnessed the delibe· to the patient. occupied by the .B11onk:, now the Banking House to the da.rk and the fair. rate action of the appl!>rition as it unwound of Coad & Co Particular attention paid to the regulation or .All, or nearly all, basques have waistcoats. a coil oi rope which lay in a corner, threw INTERE S T at the rate of THREE ~r cent CHILDREN' o TEETH . These are of soft silk or satin on heavy cloth one end over the O{len door, shaped the will be allowed so long as the money hes with STCIRE :-Second Door Wes& ,Pill'"ALL WORK WARR.ANTED.~ other end into a noose, then stepped upon a he Dominion Bank. and .velvet costumes. Jml~ber Stall. .THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, Caledonian ·Mills. ' .. ·. A FASHION NOTES, j THE ONTARIO BANK T ,r·· DOMr~,l~N ~RGAN & PIANO Co,, ·WAREROOM, .......................... BIG- ·20:J = -W'.RUSE,.Agent. W.BELL'S PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS I GUELPH G G co.,. L Highest PriceP aid M ·WOOL & BONES. LEWIS QUICK , Stoves& Tinware _____ ........ . _____ B B B R UNDERTAKING! L EV I MORRIS. I II =====oJ MARBLE ___ _ WORKS! __ L JONES & COBBIE, BANKING. M W S H AW A D FONTHILLl\NURSERIES, ---v.n--- ~ ~~~~J~ ~ lfQOO ~ TO LADIES. S WORTH MILLINERY! I>ON'T :BUY! & P Saving's Department. MARRIAGE LICENSES W.R. CLIMIE. BROKERAGE. Mrs. DONNELLY. MARRIAC E LIC ENSES - : -- - - - . . . .· · - - - INSURANCE W.H.PIPER s. INVESTMENTS .. 0 Codd & Co,. Bankers ?IHSS McTAVISH GOODS c. BONNETS, HATS,· N 0 TICE. TRIMMINGS ) ~·

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