4iJIJtlmlt5i&3"iA·i&Wi%#kMA& nmnber of cartridges were found n his pos· Seience in Fm.·ming. w~ We have much poor land in the United O . . · To me Katie I said., "It's a taste States, and an immense area of good la.nd. · Uv 1him lips that lid have, an' indade Summary of I·'t1reign, Domestic and rhe poor land will be used to grow timber, They belong to me now wid yersilf Au' ~o p1u~y tot· ld.ssin' were ma. d.e." War Items. 1~ 1 sa.1.ors were_ aent up t~e Niger to punish or ~e irl)proved ~y converting . more or less ?f it! gradually, rnto pasture, and stocking The North "\Vales colliers hve demanded tho natives at different porn ts on that river B-qt she answered an' tould me. wid eyes ~t with sheep and cattle. The main point an advance of wa~es of 15 per cent., and the for outrages upon explorers and traders. .:l'he,t no sta.-in the sky could eclipse, Aftnr shP.lling the town of Aboh at the head ts, to feed the sheep or cattle with some rich Staffordshire colliers of 10 per cent, /" !tn' it'· tlll·ue they belong to yerself, nitrogenous food, such as cotton-seed cake, of the Delta, they ascended to Egga a large .Sure how 'u.d ye kiss ;rer own lips 'I" Her Majest,y's health hM greatly improv· town 300 miles frem the rnour;h' of the malt-sprout~, bran, shorts, mill-feed, refose "Jist as aisy," I cried, "as to spake. beans, or bean-meal made from beaus iujur- ed durinl! her stay in .&lmoral, though she Niger. Here they hnded and were at once .an· swater nor honey. '£he sun ed by the weevil, or bug. In short, the cannot yet.take muca pedestrian exercise. at.tacked by the natives. A fierce fight en· Is oowldor by far;" But she vowed The trial of O'Donnell will pro11a1>v be sued, in which t)lree seamen were killed and owner o~ such fand must buy such food as 'l'he likes uv it couldn't be done. further postponed, in consequence of' the will furmsh the most nutriment and make aeveral wounded. The attackin" party of Thin I offered the same to restore the richest manure at the lea3t cost-taking nt)n-arrival of witness irom the Cape of natives were drh-en to the bu3h and the W id a seal just as thrue as the day ; Good Hope. both of these objects into consideration. He 2ailors returned to the fleet. ' But she B1tid, "I 'ud niver take back will also buy more or less artificial nunures There is muah uneasiness among Euro· Before he wa.s sentenced Poole spoke at What once I had giv:en uway." to be used for the production of fodde; pean resi<l~uts in China, the prospect of length. He was earnest at times. In ex· crops, such as corn, millet, Hungarian graas, war with l!tancc being too neri.r to be pleas· cited tones he emphatically denied that he "AD.' I'll lind ye the loan uv 'em, dear," I replied; but wid iu1lnite scorn etc. And, as soon as a portion ot the land ant for them. murdered K~vny. He admitted he was a She a:..ed, aid I think; that her lips can be made rich enough, he will grow more Official despatches show that the evacua· Fenian, and said he would be proud to go to Were made tur to l"int or to pawn 1 or less mange! wurzel>, sugar ets, turnips, tion of Cairo by the British was the result the scafl'.old for being one. The object of and other roo~ crops. Superphosphate will of the persistent demands of the Egyptian the Feman brotherhood was n?t to commit Thin I sat jist as mute as a stone, An' nivir a word did I say, be found admirably adapted for this purpose, Gov11rnment. murder, but to free Irt!and from tyrannical '.l.'111 Kate, onaisy like, pouted her lips, and two, three, or four hundred pounds of rule. Be ackno1..,Jedged he was in Kenny's (Och, the rogue I) in a ravishin' way. T_he Minfote_r of Marine is considering the cheap potash salts, per acre, ca.a frequ(mtly company on the uight of the murder, but subJec.t of ha,vmg tho buoys in the St. Lawbe used on fodder crops, in connection· with .An' wid dimples to timpt all the saints, declared that he had no hand 'in striking An' wid' blushes way up to her brow, two or three hundred pounds of su_ perphos- rence illuminated at night by gas . in order to' him down. Ile was a member of the As soft a.a an angel she spake, ·· U d ye like phate, with considerable prafit. The whole facilitate navigatfon after sunset'. brotherhood from 18 years of a[<e, b~1t nevTo be lindin' the loan uv'. exw now l" subject. is we!~ worthy of ca.reful study. O'Donnell's trial will proha.bly be further er. belonge.d to the Vigilance CJmmittee, -0. H. TH.AYER, in HarpLT's llfagazime for Never m the history of the world has there postpa~ed, connsel for the <lefeuco requiring His purpose was to wait until his countryDece1nber. · boen a gr~uder opportunity for the applica· more time, Mr, A. M. Sullivan is still seri· men were prepared to strike a blow for in_ _ _.. __ ,....... 4 ........ t1ou of ~c1eoce to the improvemeut 01 agri· ansly indisposed, and may 11ot be able to dependence, "'hen he would co-operate wi~h cullure than now. apFear. them, On the l'icher lands, the aim of the farmer The d~ath sei:tence passed upon the unfor· . will ho to conv. · ·rt the plant food lyi11u, dor- tui;ate girl Mana McCabe for the murder of AN OLD TORTURE CHA:rllBER. mant in the soil into profitable crops. The her infant at Hamilton has been commuted The )1echanical Effo1·ts of Roots. main point is good tillage. In many cases to fourteen years' imprisonment in Ki.ng- Some of. the Implements or l?unishmani Used in Oldtin '1'1mes-.t~ Horrible People who are not in the habit of observ- weeds now run aw1<y with half our crops stou penitrntiary. ing closely, fail to understand t4e forces .a.nd all our profi_ta. The weeds whkh spring Collection. At a recent meeting of the C hurch of exerted by plants in their development, and up after th" gram crops are harvested, are Englond Temperance Society, the Bishop of To the right of the principal entrance to more oepeoi.ally is this true cf tb.e phenom· not an unmixed evil. They re'titin the Dorcheate:r alluded to the success of the the burg or castle at Nuremberg the.-e stands ena connected with the growth of roots. mtrogen and other plant food, 1tlld when temp?rrnce movcmen~ in America, where, a pentag.onal tower, part of the old fortifica· There are so many ob~tacles to their study turned under make manure for the succeed· he o"!d, the cul tu red classes are rapidly in- tiona. 1nterest:ug iw is its exteru~l appear· that a great deal yet remains to be learned ing crops. ~ut weeds among the qrowing creasmg. ance, its contents !1re still more stJ, for on but we can easily see that one ot the most crops ~re ~Vil, i>nd or1ly eYil. Thorough entering it by a bw and small door we were A C:·l.cutta, despatch says Mr. Ropstoff, remarkable features of roo_ ts is the -power ploughing rn the remedy, with drainage surrounded by numerous and curious old the British S11permtendent of the Nicoba.r exerte<\ in their growth and developinenC wh~~e neecled,-.Anterican AgricidturiBt. woodcuts, illustrating or recording instances is~.ands! in. the Indian ocean, while riding of almost every possible kind of torture and 'l.'he! · ve ground portion ot the plu.nt be· ---with his wife ou the island of Camerta wa~ execution, and by a uollection of the instr.u· gins· 'Xistence amid1>t the most auspicious 'l'he Sultan of Turkey, shot and killed by a Sepoy o'ffieer who:U he ments by which some of tbe tortures were surrou; dings, with not-hinl( to resist the expansion of its leaves or the growth of its It is the grea.t Mohammedan featival of ·ha_d. punished, The murderer committed inflicted. Hanging ·igainst the wall is a twigs. But the roots from the very outset the "C<?.urba.n Bairam," nnd the guns are su101de, great wooden board, spli~ in the middle A Berlin despatch says :~The warmth of with a hinge at one end and a place for ~ are enveloped in a dense. solid mii.terial that thundermg away right and left announcin" would apparently stop the progress of even the joy of "lalam," says a Constantinopl~ t~e Cfown .Prince's reception at Genoa has lock at the -other. The board is about four much stronger forces; their tips are compos- letter to the New _York Herald. Yesterday given much g~atiticat~on h~re. Tile pres- fret long, with a hole at each en'.i large ed of the most delicate tissue to he found the state procession took place, 'vith the ence of a RuS1>1an p.dmual with two Russian enouglffor a person's neck; between these o f the holes are four smaller on<· s large enough for in any part of . the plant, an<i their whole usual pomp aod circumstance, and then was corv~tte.s. ill rega.rded a· a special mark . structure is soft and yielding. At first the held the ~rand levee ~t the palace, which, \Jzar s fr1end·l11p, and ae havmg a politica,l hie wrists, The instrument was for com· ugmficancs. · roots are the merest threads, twisting and !tke a. rudxmentary form of the Darwinian pulsory coupling together quarrelsome husturning among the particles of soil, but as theory, points to the period when the Tnrkbands and wives, who were then paraded in soon as_they are opce established, the in- ish Sultan w~s but the chieftan of a petty An alleged member of "Tho American public, the ohjeot of ridicule, if not worae, ·crease in thickness begins, th~ tissues Turcoman tribe, and sat at the door of hi<' Irish Secret SJOiety" sends revelations to to all pass ere by. harden, _ . and obstacles are slowly_but surely tent to receive the homage of the elders. the London press ooncerning the workin<>' Here, too, is another and t1 rougher punp:;ished to one side. The process is the same ·rhe palace of the Bazo.ntine Crosars ia still and tyranny of the orga..ni:.mtion 'i\ hich, if ishment for a difierent class-the sturdy in all plants a.like, from the coarsest to the the tent of the Turcoman chief. A most true, only adds another arQ>umcnt to the beggar or vagraut. 1t is a large iron cage,. most delicate, but often the smaller plants impressive si_g.h t is to witness all Turkey's already potent ones for the u~ter extinc- some fiye or six feet high, into which the of· give apparently the strangest c.xa.mplea. A ~enawned milttary and naval chiefs, the min· tion of such gli.Ilga. fondei· was put, and then the cage and he cla;ver plant on the banks of the donneeticut iaters and other great funet~onarios of state The American ship Thos. Dana has land· were lowered into the river or moat and River srnt its roots perpendicularly down- advancing one behind the other toward th~ ed at F~yal twrnoy·one men, being part of drawn up a.gain-a process repeated as long ward eight feet in search of water. Indian sultan, ~nd then. reverently touching with the crew and pai.>!engti.-g of the French brig as wa~ thou11:h·t ~1~cessary~; a J;!OSsibly effeccorn ~m:eads a perfect- network of roota thetr ltpe and forehead tbe ombroideted Vocabery, from St. Pi~rre fnr St. Malo tive enough remedy, for even no beggar<. through the sail for a di$tanoe o~ from three band attached to the throne upou which he w~roh sunk in a ca!l[s1on on Oct. 30. Th~ are said to dislike cold .vati:;r more than 'imy to six feet in all directions, a.nd downward is seated. . remainrler of t.he crew and .pasbengers, num- thing else. Much more horrible is a small to a permanent water supply. E'·<>me curious For ~he first time for several years past bering 88 perished. · table with a little bit of raiaed metal work The .Temps accuses the Germa~ press of at one side, The metal work consists of facts have been developed in the growth of qmte a number of foreigners were permitted t took ~ad faith in endeavouring to 1m;ate the be three small upright pieces of metal, witl: roots. Quantities of plant food were tilaced to witness the ceremony, Formerly i" at some distance away, and as soen ae a place m the grounds of the old seraglia pal· hef that France is trying to provoke insult jagged cross pieoes between and a })rass .iiingle "scout" from the plant had made ·its ace, and then it _was easy enough for any to the German Crown P 1·ince on his visit to screw on top. Between these jagged pieces way thither, all subscqui;int root develop- traveller to o?ta~n the necessary permit ; Spain. The Temps challenges the G~rman of metal the thumbs or fingers of the unformeat strong_ly tended m that direction. b~t Abdul Aziz. Ill the latter part of his papers to quote any"attacks on Germany tunate victim were placed. A few turns of Roots of trees and other plants, after having reigp,. adopted. the custom of holding the made by influential French papers. the screw sufficed to i.nflict the most intense pene~rated the soil for long dista.ncee in levee Ill the great audie1Jce hall of ]),1lma· pain, and then a handle attached to the search (Jf water, often choke up drains and 'llog:~che !Jalace, a ma_ g nificent saloon, quite Hicks Pasha's army ha.13 been destroJ ed .table by a sort of rachet work jarred the "!'ells by their exce~1sive growth in that direc· '.l' tn~mpl~ of decorative art in ita way, with by the forces of the _ F alse .Prophet. '.l'he in· ta.hie and. so i~:fl.icted additio1:1al suffering. t1on. lua.swuch us a v1gornus condition of its rrnh gil~1ng, carved work, and crystal tnl!igence of the d1sa:eter W!LS brought to Close beside this was another implement of the plant, and especially its ability to with- ornan_i.onta~1on. None but the Turkish ~ha1·tou.rn by p, Coptic official. The fight· deviltry, its nime proba,bly shov.ing its on· .,_.___....,...~ atall.d. <U:euth, d~penda.llp.Q~ its root develop· func tionanes whose rank entitles them to mg cont1nued: from the 3rd to the 5th inst,, g.in-"the Spani'Bh donkey." · It is au upment, it is flvident that. the best Ui.spo8itio.n take-p-,.rt-in-the ceremony a·re'ifoiv-permitted _and ~~fill}~ iq_th.».,co-mplcl& aµnihila,tion of right board, two or three inches thick, sharp· of fertilizers is that which will induce a t? be ~lre_sent ~x0ept u 1>0.n the speci<:J.l invita- the_Ee;yptian·. It; is atat.e<l that a Eutopeaa eued at the top to a. aharp ridge. Astrid a of growth of roots in all directions, 'a nd this tum of h1s maJ~sty . Among those eo favor- artist 13 the only person that esca.ped, this the victim was placed, heavy weights m.- - wing the fertillzers-broadcast. ed on tbe occasion Mi· · Healy · were attached to ea.oh foot, and then the Y present I d h' f was ·1 Mr.hHewitt, · · · M · p ., . addressed a 1arge . h l of N ount of root area w h IC a pant ew or t, a::i .is nrm y, w o came meetiug at Droghed~ esterda R·f · sharp wood slowly cut iuto the flesh. T occJ:p is often surprising. There is a here laGt .week with Mr. Pender, M ·. P., on to the report th~t Gover~· t · · .er.rJ~g I One might think that human ingenuity, that _it Equals the extemio:u of the Easte:n Company's steamer to intrnduce a bili or, rathet·, human deviltry, could not go the pla.u~ m th1i air, but really 1t often ex- YtI~a. '.Ihe ~onornbl".' me~ber. o_f congress froo:i thB benefits of which girdand will b; ~ds th1~. A squa~h v lne, un?er investiga- is_ hig_bly_ dehg~ted with his vmt, though excluded, he dechred tha,t if lr1il'l.nd lli;! not tion a~ the M.ae1:11>chusetts Agnc11ltural Col- bis pr.actical mmd sees muc~ to deplore rn obtain an extension of the francHse Eog. ~even feet long and some few inches off the lege, m 1874, procl~ee<;l a tot.al of fifteen :he abseuce of local t>~terp1·1se w_hen. there land would not get it. · · g1:ound-bars W?Od runniag diagonally, with gaps of a of few mcheB between. On this miles of roots, and m its penod of moat a:e so many channels mto whwh it might be · . . active growth it increased abont one thou- directed, I should say that the European ~L de L~ssi;ps, Ill a 11peech at Liverpool sand feet per day. pr~ss wil_l be pretty f11l.l with accounts of ;ecenlly, BMU ;,he second caual acro8s the thev1ctimwas stretched, was a heavy wheel-the sizeand of a then smallthere cart The true mechanical efforts e>f roots are this "Bairam," as there is quite a shoal of isthmr:s of .S uez could only b~ constr~Jcted wheel-with a 11harp edged piece of metal <exerted in their struggle for progres~ through correspondents here just now. · alongside_ the pr~sent one with a liberal some few inches bng attached to it, which tJie soil and exa.mples for illustra.tion are 'fhe sultan, I should say, i.s enjoying hi& r.nargm mtervenmg for the strength of by a little skill was rolled on to the victim mai;iy. 'To understand ~he ~na,gnitude of bairam._ . The weathu is.now very fine, and ellcl\· One of tbe canals could then_ b_e used so that i;hc sharp edge just hit him on the 8 their work, we must bear in nnnd ithat each the ~oht1cnl atmosphere is aM sereue as the for · ips bound1 to and the otb.e~ ships re· J?Drtion of his limbs between the gaps in the root displaces an amount of ~oil c·g_ual to its phyR1cal. His m:ije~ty is nur~ing the idea turnmg fr?m e Re~ . Sea. This was· the framework, and so smaBbed any bones it own bulk. Take for instance ~ err»> 1Jf that Ll)rd Duffonn is not gomg to bother only solution o. the d1ilicu1Ly. came in contact with. Beginning with the mange! wurzels, and imagiDe wh,.t ='up- him in any ser!ous fashion. Great were the A Rome desµat0h says :-While the Com· ankle, this bone-breaking business would be heaval must have been produced in the soil perturbations m the pa,lace atmosphere pro· munal Council was discuasing the motion in relleated every few inches up the leg. by the growth of it.s enormous mass. The ~uced_ by the news of Mr. Gladstone's meet· favor of mtrusting priests with religious in' Cnange the scene, and then comes a revwhole surface of the field i;i raised and its ID!! with the cza.r, coupled as it was with 8trnction in municipal schoold, a crowd elation enabling us to l'l!alize it all. Under particles foosened. . the annou_n?"ment tqat so quickly followed burst into the hall and commenced whistl- the rathhaus at Regensburg (or · R<Ltisbon, In practical questions of the farm, this of the Bnti?h ambassador's speedy return iug and shouting. The greatest disoi'der the name by which it is better known) there power is of valrte. Those who give turnips to Constantmople. '.l.'be counsellors of the prevai_led. _The hall was finally cleared, and are s·irne subterranean dungeon9 and uho,mand mangels a place in their system of rota· st:Itan, ~nable to discriminate .between the d1scuas1on was resumed with closed bers in which the implements above describ· tion, do so ostensibly for the4· feeding v11lue, friendly mterc?nrse and political dealing. doors. There were several arrests. ed were freely used, Descending a flight of but beyond this their mechanical effoct is could ?D_ly see ~u a chat betwec.n the head of A strange man has been terrorizing the steps, and guided by the light of a lantern also of much importance. the Bnt1~h cabmet and the autocrat of Ru~- people of the squthern p1~rt of Ohio co·mty held by an attendant, one finds oneself in a sia secret ne~otiations for the further des- Va, Recently be wen~ to the house of "'aulted chamber. At one ~ide of it there is truction of Ottoma.n sovereignty. The snl· George Powell howling like a wild bca.at and a wooden trellis-work, behind which sa.t nn· How to Winter Potatoes. tan was telegraphing right and lt>ft for in· f h h formation, and his desire to know the worst rot mg at t e mouth, He fractured .Mrs. seen the judge or official who was to write Powell's alrnll with a club nnd ran <ff with down the sentences wruug from the v.iotim At present date the inquiry OO(IUrs-What is the best way to store the r.otatoes for the h_ad a great deal to do with the early recep- her lit.tle son. The neighbours started l'n by the torments to whioh he was subjected. t1on granted to Lord Dufferin. What actuapproaching Wintfr? If p!il.ced in a cellar, ally took place between the two will not be J?Ursu1t and found the child's body five miles Close to this uellis·work was the rack or they should not· be, heaped upon the bottom. k from. the house. The brains had been whatever other infernal implement of tor· but ei'ther be depositeclin bins, or in boxes, nown yet for some time, as his lordship is da~hed out a~ainst a tree, ture wi::s deemed most likely to wring fi:om barrelg or hogsheads. The bin~ &hould be very reticent on the .subject, and there wa.s the sufierer the needed confession or inform· The members of the Chinese Embassy partly opened at the bottom, the n1>rrow no other persun present at tho interview but atiou; and close by a\ao stoo:l a seat for the hove completed preparations to leave !'aria. boards or planks being placed n,n inch apart, his own interpreter, Sir Alfred Sandison, What was probably their last communica· doctor, who was present to prevent the pun· and the1:1e should be some inches above the Lord Dufferin intimated, however, that he i~hment too quickly ending the sufferer's cellar · tom to .admit air. Large boxes, w~s able to assure his majesty E11gland enter· cat~on with ]'ranee was the delivery of the hfe. Dragged from a dungeon into · which ul~1matum that the athck upon B1cniuh raised l1 'a.. foot on cross-timbers, do equal- tamed none but the most friendly sentiment neither lignt nor air ever entered, hailed ly well. ' mAe boxes used by nurserymen for toward Turkey ; and that she had no idea will be regarded as a declaration of war. All before judges who knew not what mercy the p!lwers hne received notific::ition of the sending trees to their customers are juet the of interfering with the sovereign righta of was-here in the darli:nesa, beyQnd the reach thing. One will hold twenty bushels or up· the sultan, and that her only desire was to ultimatum. It is considered probable that of all help or even consolation, the wretched the embaesy ·has private information thatthe ward. Coarse sacking or tillbt board covers see the Ottoman empire advance in progress being was subjected to the most agonizing are required to exclude the light. If barl'els and civiliz!l.tion. As a proof, moreover of 1"reneh have alreadv marched upon Bacainh tortures, until he was finally done to death. and tha~ war bas actuallv commenced. ' or hogsheads are employed, holea should be its good will the British government ~as - Pall Mall Budget. borPd in the bottoms, and timbers placed ready to assist the parte in its endeavors to The Standard's Vienna correi;pcndent under them. In past years it was common effect a settlement of the Bulgarian tribute hears from a reliable Chinese source that A. Newburg Fish Story. to bury potatoes in heaps, ample cellar room and the cognate question of the portions of the Government of Pekin has sent a circular t · ht · A Newburg fisherman of some local fame, not havmg been provided in tl1ose d .. ys. the public debt to be taken over by the . o e1g een ':c~roys! poi?ting out the ~rav· who was fishing at Little Pond a. few days M"any bushels were lost from imperfect pro· government that have acquired Turkish 1ty of the political s1tuat1on, and expressing since, made an unprecedented catch. Re tection and the want of ventihtion. Some- territory under provisions cf the Berlin .the resolution to oppose to the utmost the French invaders, therefore, it says, the ser· had thrown his line far out into the pond, . · times they were frozen, ,but more commonly treaty. I am afraid that the astute German am- vie.es of a hundred and twenty thousand and after waiting a moment received a bite the tops of the heap11 were found rotten He knew when opened, the result of the accumulation bassador has carried off for his own govern- men are required. The viceroys are enjoin· which made his eyeballs jingle. of foul airthere, and the want of ventilation ment alt the premium upon this chanµe of. ed forthwi~h to recruit men for the toroe there were no stnrgecn in the pond, and at the apex. They were often spoiled by too tone that should rightly come to the Brit- desired by '~he Government, and ttl provide when the supposed tiah struck the book it fairly ~aralyzed him. He soon recovered much dampness. All these difficulties were ish. Ha assured the sultan some da.ys ago the necessary uniforms aDd provisions. his eqmlibrium, however, :ind commenced at once obviated by using enough straw and that Lord Dufferin was uot going to talk Poole was a.gain placed on tria.l at D11blin reeling in the monster of the deep. As the about internal aff'\irs, and naturally his m,. making a ventilation hole at the top. A foot a second time for the murder of Kenny, and encl of the line came near his boat there was of packed straw was .found sufficient to ab- jesty sets this down to Bismarck's influence Lamie, a brather·in·la.w of the prisoner, a fluttering sound, and to his hon·or and asin London, so:rb the extra dampness, as well as to exclude testified that he first thought Kenny had tonishment there arose from the water and frost, A · f ew inches of earth on th~ straw been an informer, but _that he ~ow believed started to fly skyward a monster loon or outside, beaten smooth and compact, were revenge for the .Beduction of a girl led to the "hell-diver." Our brave fisherman "play]'anuy, the little cat belongmg to the Bos· murder. The Jury found Po~le gmlty of the ed" him in the air for a few moments and all that was i·equired to keep the straw in position. .A. hole made in the apex of the ton Fire-engine Company No. 14, and con n;iurde~ ofKennya.fterfortymmnt·is_ deltbera· 1then landecl him safe in the boat. Tbe heap, two or three inches in diamtlter, stop· fined at the cat show in that citv, exhibited tion. I~e court sentenced the· prisoner to fowl probably dove for a fish which at the the liveliest disposition to escape on hearina ped with a loose wisp of straw, allowed the death. He ~ddressed the court. ad rmtbd ~a.me time took the fish11rman's bait, and to. foul air to escape. During the coldest the alarm given that called out the company he was a Fell).an, cursed Eugla.nd, and call· ge·t her with the fish swallowed the hook whose men, horse, and engine she was accusweather it was more compactly closed, A ed for "three cheers for the frish R~public." ' well-drained spot must always he selected. tomed to see set out for the fires. At other Grea.t excite;nent was caused in the No AcconlJltiug for Taste. alarms given since her imprisonment she has We have.known heaps of potatoes contain· A singular incident is recorded from the iug seventy or eighty bushels thus kept mamfested no interest whatever, showing French Chamber of Deputiea ·recently, by the report of an attempt to e,a::iassfaitoi'" th.a "bhok country." A gentleman near West through the winter, and opening freah and plainly he1· ability to count. Premier M . l!~erry. The report"Wn.Bunfound· Bkmwich haviug had a favorite horse shot in excellent condition in spring, with the lolls "Young man, never marry a woman of scarc~\Y a peck oi the roots. Where wiser than yourself," says a writer. If t hat ed in part, but true to tbe extent that a through age, a number of men who obtain· farme1;~_]!av_e rais~d large crops this year, advice should be followed, a good many of young man had been arrested who had been ed possession of the carcase met at a. public to be lie'lfr't.. till spring, and have not Mnple our young man would have to marry idiota persistent in eudell.vouring to obtain an inter- house at Oldbul'y, and had the animal's view with the Miniater, and who, on hia ar- heart cooked and served up with sage and cellar-room, this mode may be successfully Bow Park farm has been successful in r~st, ~vowed !Us intentipn to have bec!ll to onions. 'l'he horse was nearly forty years adopted. ln grl),in-grow,.ing regions they have an abundance of straw for such pur- taking four prize~ at the Chicago Fat Stock kill him, sta,tmg that he was an anarchist of B,ge, yet the gourmands pronounced the emis~ary. A nix-chambered revolver i;.nd a dish to be equal to duck. show with only two animals exhibit1:d, poses,-St, Louis. Weekly Globe. ~atie's Kisses. NE .IN A NUTSHELL -- I &!Plin'~H:>saunar----=- ·· ~Io~l~:i;flc~f!~~:is~:eB~~~~l~!~~\f: lt~1(; ;;:;~ ;i\. +--...A.._____. ,._ ____ j~ rn ~~:'~ --[1-"-ffilJJ...A.. ~...A..rn 1 ~ ~ ----am~~-l!ll'.iliilllli ·-mil.! ' l!Wll'.ll!!l"""lml""'"""""""""'"""...,,,,.,____ I rn , ' · +II +---y----~-y---- · -·----y----y----y---+ We are doing business in the usual satisfactory style, We do not requir~ to make any change. We are satisfied and so are our customers. . ~ 9 + . . . . , _ _ FOR THE FARMER _ JOS. JEFFERY. 83"4· FURS! T. c~ MASON. HATS ROBES! 83·4 ·~- :hl1:AYER, Manufacturer. and Dealer in Mink, S. S. Seal, Persian Lamb, Russian Lamb, Beaver, and Otter Muffs, Bows and Caps. Ladies Gapes, Fur Lined Circulars and Astrachan Jackets, and Gents' Coon Coats a specialt~" MITTS and GLOVES in Beaver, Persian and Russian Lamb, Kid, Wool ai:d Hair Seal. ROBES.-Buffalo, Coon and Black, White and Gray Jap. R.obes. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. White, Regatta, French, Cambric and Wool Shirts, Ties, Braces, Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, also over 25 choice lines of Fancy, Plain and Ribbed Under Clothing and Cardigan Jackets. ·+ of Furs altered and repaired. paid for Raw Furs. Highest Cash price EV-ERY~OISY ·---' -CA:U:La .A..T_.:-::,. AY'S HARNESS STORE and inspect his Large Stock of ~rneral id~a '.l'deg~aph e~teuJin th! i:: ft'.~~~~i:~CJ Harness, H or~e Blankets, -Trunlcs1 Valises, Whips, etc. SPT_JEN"DID -V _A_L uE~ K I NG ' ·-· - - - - -·· - - - - -' ...·-~. .·~"'""'"'·---~·-~---'"' . · ---------~--.. -~---------._ . ; ' ~~~~t.~'th:H~r~~! ~~~r7~~~~ai1J~~~~ll~ ~t~~~ GEORGE S r.r RE E T, B 0 W ]II A N V I L LE cALL AN D s E E. c · HAINES C!b· ---.MANUFAOTUREH O F - - - t! CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C.) KING STREET, BOWMA.NVILLE, Has now on band a numb~r of vehicle$ (and is 1!'an~1faetul'ing a great many more) of the newest patterns and best fl.mah, which I am offerrng !or sale Ht the lowest. prices coasisten t with due 1·egard to work!11anshiP_ and quality. 'l'he following is a list of the principal YehlCll:l~ manufactured by me: Dquble Covered Carriages, ........ , ........ , ... . ..... , ......... . ............. $200 Upwards, II Single Phootons .......... . ..... .. : . ................................. ............ 100 II Open Buggy ............... , ...................................... .... ............ 70 II Top Buggy ................................ .. ..... ................. .,.............. 90 Democrat \Vagon. ............ .................. ................................. 65 II . Lumber "\Vagons....... ......................................... ... .............. 55 II Light V\Tagon ........................ ... .......... -........................ ....... 40 II Ex.press Wagon............... ......................... .......................... 75 II Skeleton ............ .. .................. , ................. ,...... . .. ·· .. . .. . . .. .· .. 50 Sulky................................................ ............................... 40 II Possessing supArtoi: facilities for manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell very cheap for cMh or approved credit, and by so a·oing I hope to great.ls increase my number of sales. WouldJ sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I .At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. l::laws. and prepare all k1~ds ~f lumber fo1· carpenters and others for building purposes. Ornamental and Plam P10kets for fences rn every style reQuired. made to order. ~ .A..t t~e Factory I also do Pl~ning. Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Scroll G &l OCE I ~ NlWb!STOttl. N!W coons. ~'I S- AS. ELLIOTT, begs to inform the public that he has leased a store in the Observe Block, where he has opened out with a splendid assortment of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Feed, &c. which he offers for sale at low prices fqr Cash. WFarm Produce taken in exchange, for which the highest market price will be paid. ~A special line of TEAS of excellent flavor. W Also a choice lot of SUGARS. ~COFFEE in Cans. WCanned Goods in great variety. ~A Call is respectfully solicited. Caledonian Mills. Formerly known as lhe " Soper Mills. ') UGHLYrenovateclandputinorder,undor our own special supervision, for the purpose of gristing and mauuf1>cturing Oat Meal and Pot Badey, and we are now prepared tQ rec<'ive I DOMINION ORGAN & PlANOCO., WAREROOM T RIS MILL HAS B~.)EN THOR- IE I G· 2 ' o ' f~~~-~1t~a~v~u~,~1!n~!°i~~~~~ arh~cit~~~ m~nville, intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken in exl(hange for Flour Oat l\l[eal, &c. IT. & J. TOWNS, Bow· 227. 0 W M A N V I L L E .' I W"8 RUSE Agell~ I '