STATES MAN AGENTS. UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT. W. P. PROWER BEFORE THE P.M. COMMITTED FOlt TRIAL. ("~ In discussing this subject b~t we~k w tl 'l'he f~llowing pP.rsons are aµthorlzed to take tried to show what we consider to be tlw subscriptions for the S·rATESMAN 11t our regular real question ~t issue. We tried to show rateil and i;.:ivo 1eceip~s for the samo: , that it is the business of the State and not R. H. Prust, postmaster .......... Cartwright. WATCH CASES, of any part of it to attend to all the deThoa. \Verry .. ... . . .. .. . ...... . . . . tlo '.fbe best make In the world at HtJnr;r Elliott,jr., postmaster.....Hampton. partments of secular education, and that Jesse Cole. ...... . ...... ...... ...... dfd 'I{ All NA u D'S, 'J'UE JE1Vl!J,um. the question uf the efiiciency of the Na,J. S. lllehton, Merchant, ·......... Enfle . tional University really forms no part of .T. S. Doney. do ....... .'l'yron~. F. L. Andru;i du ........ Orono. the question. If it ts bad, if it is not doing A. W. Carveth, do ........ J,eekard. D. Allin, do .. ,..... Newca.stle. its work well, it is the business of the Robt. ·wotten, ............ ...... .. Colnn:ihns. State to l'ernedy any defects in its organiW. (),Lent, Merchant, ......... ..Coul't1ce. zation, and to put it in proper working W Batten do ....... . ...Solina. 'l'. 'venowlees. do ......... Buvru1 i;rnville. order. It would certainly be the height P. 'l'rebilcock. do ... . .. ... do of folly, because it might be performing And Poatmnstsrs everywhere. its functions in a weak rnanne1· to make it .wone dollar will pay for the S·rATESJ>lAM still weaker. Ilut we don't fancy tlmt it frr-m now to.;. the end of 18H. Agents are no~ H .llowcd to accept less. Where convenient is doing its work poorly. Some of the reue·rnls should be paid to publisher. as we charges made against it have been pretty ·~How no commission on renewals. Address, · effectually ai1s,vered during the last few M:. A. JAME::l, Bowmanvi1111. · days by gentlemen whose letters have ap· peared in the Toronto dt1ilies. It had been said that the fees at Toronto Uni· versity were so ridiculously low that it had an undue advantage over the other Ontario colleges But Mr. Henry MontBoWM:ANVILLE, FRIDAY, DEC'R 14. gomery, a distinguished graduate of 'l'o· . ronto University and an old teacher of this county, has shown in an elaborate article that the fees at 'l'oronto are much TERRIBLE STATE 0.F AFhigher than at the most of thwtate Ool· FAIRS IN MANITOBA. leges in the United States, anJ"SubstantiThelpeople of Manitoba are feeling the ally the same as at Victoria and Queen's. It was also said by Prof. Burwash, and - iron heel of rnonopoly in dead earnest reiterated in various forms and places, now. They are groaning under the op- that Toronto was only doing some thirtypression of the Canada Pacific, and are seven per cent. of the University,work of threatening secession from the Confeder- the Province, but Mr. Baker, the registrar of Toronto University, went to the ation. A former resident of Ontario-a trouble of collecting and examining all Conservative-hail written a letter to a the statistics on the subject, and nrrived THE JEWELLER friend from which the following extract. at the conclusion that at the present time Invites special hie pt"esent carefully is taken. By the " rulers at Ottawa " he Toronto is really doing sixty pe1 cent. of selected !tock or the work, and that the number of her means, of coarse, Sir J olm Macdonald students and graduates is increasing much ! and his colleagues : more rapidly than that of the other col-· · "Times are very dull just now. The leges. InSET~,IUNGS, EAR ltlN~S, LAt;E J>INS, It is is also said that Toronto squandflrs STUDS, 4Clll'F BllTTONS. C!ilAilJllS, railroad has not as yet paid a dollar, so money in Scholarships. It is not neces· Cl!AlN§, GIL.UtDS, NECKLETS, you may imo,gine how Rapid City people saryto discuss the question of Scholarships; .tc., ~c .· .tc. feel about it. I think there will be some some think they are bad, some think they At Exceptionally Low Price.s , failures here this winter, as there seems are good ; the truth is thel'e is something to be no money in circulation, but if the to be said on both sides. But reproof on this point comes with a very bad grace My entire stock of railroad was to pay up, it would altogether from Victoria and Queen's, who both give make things better. Grain is very low-· all the money in Scholarships t)J.ey can wheat 50c., oats 17, barley30, pork$8.50. lay their hands on. If it is wrong for A great deal of the wheat is frozen, and Toronto it is wrong for them j let them Is compose<l of new goods throughout, both in novelties and staple designs. 'fhe to make things worse the railroad has set a good example by renouncing th11t which is evil. excellence and completeng~s of my raised the rates. The C. P. R. charges " It lillts also been charged in an indifferasaortnien t, oft' c rs unusual 1() cents a bushel to Emerson, or from ent way that there is malaclministration adv1111tag to buyers. Brandon to Ohicago 62} cents, Ohicago in connection with the finances of Toronto Toronto 15, and will not furnish cars to. This is harclly possible, for the Senate of Toronto University is composed unlessyuu lJass the grain through elevators, of the must eminent men of every prowhich costs $8 per car, and also at your fession in the country, both friendly and own risk. So you can have some 1Clea unfriendly to her, and it is very improhow we are pfaced. Last summer .the bable that money could be misapplied or squandered without some one of this large managers of the 0, P. R. statei.l that they number of acute minds finding it out. And had made arrangements to deliver wheat besides all this no money can be spent at Montreal at a rate of 18 cents per without the sanction of the government. We see, then, how these charges fail. bushel. They are holding meetings all The University h:1.s. not forfeited the conover the country to protest against such fidence of the people of this country, and treatment, and a strong feeling is getting it is the part of wisdom to strengthen it up to seceed from the Confederation. I and make it more efficient. It would be :r-1.r:OVEJY.[EN'I'S. hope you will not imagine that I am not much better for all if Victoria and Queen's should give up their Arts' work'-iind Cleto the British Orown, but when your vote themselves to Theology as the BapIn WATCH CASES I use only tl1e loyal, loyalty draws heavily on your pocket it is tist,Presbyterian,and Episcopalian friends very best to be had jn Silver then men b egin to think, and it seems to have done at Toronto. We hear that V icWaltham,, Ssirew me that our rulers at Ottawa do not know toria. is contemplating a removal at no in what state we are, or if they do they di8tant date from <Jobourg. Why not go Bezzel, Boss Gold Cases to Toronto and allow the University to do are a pack of tyrants, for we are snrely what they are now doing in Arts and r.nd Solid Gold Cases. oppressed. Talk of the farming prospects Science, and then devote all their energies of this country ! It is all blasted by op- to the Theological training of the young A LARGE ASSOHTMH.NT OF pression. And well might the late G. M. ministers? -Call !J.nd see the- KEYSTONE & BOSS COLD ================= MAYNARD GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLRY WATCHES & JEWELRY ! IN WA Waltham, Lancaster, Springfield, Dominion, Swiss .·. and .·. Nickle Butchart have good cause, and also had good cause to act as he did, and opposed . K EV AN:& STEJll the present Government. He stated that Ladies' Gold Guards. in Ontario he was a staunch supporter of Gent's Gold Vest Chains. the· present ruler, but here if called upon Rolled Plate Vest Chains, &e. would take up arms and fight against them to the bitter end. So ,\.hen such staunch supporters a.s h im took such 11 stand what can tl~e country be like. It is now 100 per cent. worse than when. he wus the Treasurer. If I could sell out at a rea:Maynard"s is the best place to llO and get a nice sonable figure I would get out." at>so:rtment ot Silver Plated Ware, auoh as The Secrebry of t'lrn Ontario Agricul· tural Association has distributed the circulars contaiuing the regul~tions under which the examinations of the candidates for the premiums and certificates offe1·ed by the Association for proficiency in ag· ricultural science takes place. The examininations take place at the liame time and place and subject to the same rules itnd regulations as the High School Intermediate Examinationli of July next, LADIES' COLD WATCHES! lt'IN»tms. A FEW WORDS WITJI OUR SUBSORIBERS. - - 0 I Cl Tea Sets, 0 ruet s, Pickle Cruets, :autter Dishes, Berry Dishes. J ewel Cases in Plush and Silver.. C:!KE " BASKETS~ · CARD . REOEIVEE$, SPOON HOLDERS; · NAP*fN RI:NGS, ·&c., """'" · · ·· · · · ~.. ·-t. · p ·· LOCKS I very large assortment. -l'.i V ARD THE JEWELLER. There are few local journals in Castatue of the late Hon. Geo. Brown has Oorrccted U'P to I o'clock p .m. e11er11 Thursda11 To the Presidmt and Directors of the Hm·tford -.ada that have 11, better corps of .Hin In.9uranct Company. It v.rill pay any one in want of arrived in Toronto from Mo!ltreal, and · . BY J.&D. McDOUGALL. I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay· local corresponde;its than tlus paper. such an a rticle to buy of a dealer will be placed in position at once. Flour, per 100 lb ...... $2 75 .. to .. $3 OL ment by your agent, Mr. T. Bingham, for loss We ar\') deterpnned to make the full to my household. effects. eauaed by the t hat und erstands what he is selling Fall Wheat, per bush. . . . 1 OlS .· to .· 1 10 m breaking of a coal 011 lamp, hM·ing received STATESMAN a better local paper for SpringWheat, per bush. 1 10, . to. . 1 11 cash check as soon as my claim was presented, and not buv of a man that's deal· Judge Miller states that the Ontario 1884 than it has ever been. The MORGAN DA.VIES. Rye,per bushel. .. . · ·· . . 0 58 .. to .. 0 60 279. ing in goods that he don't know Government has agreed to refer the whole · . c · Oats, per bushel ··..·.·· 0 30 .· to .. 0 32 f b scnptwns .t?l prompt payn_ient o _su anything about. In my boundary dispute to the Privy Council. Peas,Blue.· , ... , ······ 0 75 .· to .. 0 80 To the Manager and Directors !ff the Sover· next year will assist us greatly m Fire Insurance Oo., 'l'oront;t· " Bbckeyes. . . . · · . . 0 1)2 .. to. . 0 92 eign GEN'l'LEMEN.-1 beg to ac owledge the doing this. Send along your money ,, Small. .... . ..... 0 70 ... t.o .·. 0 75 prompt settle1l\ent, through y ~l' ~~ent, Mr. A recount will not be asked for in Lenat once then friends, and don't fail 'fhos. Bingkam, of my claim inf~ rtlr the loss Barley, No. 1. ..·.·... 0 00 .. to .. C 60 of my barn in Mariposa. uv lightumg. Of ·wntche~. Clocks anll Jewellry, and all kinds nox, it is said. ·· d h ' f b No. 2 ...·.··. , 0 00 ... 0 55 JACOH POLLARD, BowIUanville, Sept, 22, ef small rnechunical skill, I am very busy, to .S.efl t e name O one new su 1~83. ,, · No. 8......... 0 00 ... to ... 0 50 and expecr. to employ two more wa.tch Tone up the ~ystemby the use of Ayer' scnber, at lBast. Address M. A. rnak ers if the w ..rk keepe increasing BY JOHN l\[cMU~TRY. -·-· · SaTeaparilla. It wiil make you feel like " as it Las in the past few mont,be, JAMES, Bowmanville, Ont. u.s m y General Work ~ivea 1ui1v per~on. Thousands have found Butter, per lb. best table.. O 1 ·8 .. @ ·· 0 20 CATTL~ STRAYED from Lot 26,Con. ·- - - -- - -· such goon satiefactien. heal i:.h and relief from suffering by the La.rd,~ ft ... , .· , .... ,,, ,0 13 .. @ ·· 0 14' 1, Darlmgton ·. TJIREE TWO·YEJ..R·OLD CAT· I!J' you want real s<>lid comfort and dry AU wo1·k warranted. ""'J 0 00 ,,,, 0 22 ~·LE, Person· having them on their premises use ·of this great blood purifier when all feet, s·lec· a pair of boot.a in ktp or foxed MilTLET, etc cut or made to · oi:der at 1 E ggs, " oz.············· · · ·~"' · · [will eonf"r a favor by notifying G, PEA.ROE, oHier weans faile<l. I Potatoes, .per bushel·· , .... 0 5o ·· @ ·· 0 60 Bowmanville, P. o. 21i-tt. feli a11 D. Daria'. i~ r,~ the Star Bouie. I claim to have the largest stock in town. French Gilt, 16 days, walnu t, fancy patterns. 1 day and 8 day with Cathedral Gong, 0. G. and 0.0. G. Brass Clock. In Nickle, , The granite material for the pedestal so a.s to add to this already very inAlarm and Time Clocks I have a to be erocted in the Queen's Park for the teresting part of the STATESXAN. , We send out this week addressed envelopes and blank forms for the convenience of sµbscribers in sending us money for subscriptions. It will be of great assistance to us to have subscriptions paid before New Years. On Jan. 4th we intend to pn blish the names of all persons who have paid for 1884 up to that date. Thev will be called our " List of Fri;nds." Reader, see that your name is in that list. One special favor we ask of our present snbscripers is, that they will obtain for us ONE NEW SUBSCRIBER for 1884. We accept $1.50 for one old and one new subscription. Or we will send the Rural Canadian, a first-class farm journal, one year free to any person who will seud us $2.00 for one old and one new subscriber to the STATESMAN. "!'HE· following nominaitfons for the by· Or we will send the Weelcly Globe, elections were made last Friday, the vot-, .Advertiser, Family llM·ald, ti'ng talcing 12lace ·in e.a ?h place in each or TVitn css one year free for three case .to-day: new subscribers and $3. , CONS'fl'rUENCY. LIBERAL. ' CONSERVATIVE The STATESMAN and any two W.MMdlesex(Do·.).. D.:VLCameron .. Dr. Roome, papers published at one dollar per (Loou.1) ..G, W . Ross .. Alex Johnston ·· Co.rd well " .· Dr. Robinson .. "V.Hammill year will be sent for $2.75. W. Simcoe ..0. J. Phelrs .... D. Wyllie. We take subscriptions for every 'rhere is a world of significance in this new:3paper and magazine published at lowest rates, and always feel paragraph from im exchange : " The Parkhill creamery is getting thirty cents plea.sed to have our own subscribcrs per pound for its butter, while Parkhill give us their orders for all the papers shopkeepers pay eighteen cents per pound they want. W e are making arrangements to for farmers' butter." increase our local correspondence Mr. W. P. Prowt>r, Reeve of Bowmanville, appeared before Geo. Haines, Eeq.· Police Ma!!istrate, on Frid11y last, charged with ossaultrng tlte P11 blisher of the STA'l'ESM.lN. Mr, D. Burke l:)impson appeared for the pro~ecution, and Mr. St. John Hutcheson for the defen1;e. The 1 Magistrate said he w11s not asked to tl'y the case, bnt if Mr. Prower asked him to try it summarily he would do so. Mr. Hutcheson objected to have it tried summarily. The full owing, evidence will ex· plain the nature of the assault : Mr. Geo. Piggott having been sworn, said : I am Manager of Mechanical De· oartment of the Dominion 01ga.n & Piano Factory. I was company with Mr. D. l\'1cD011gall and others on Monday, 3rd inst. We were corning up Kiug St.. from the west with a petition soliciting signatures for tbe appointruent of Mr. 'Voods to the position of Station Had passed Mr. Prower's store going east and met Mr. Loscombo and others; asked them to sign the petition ; they requ'1sted us to come back to Mr. Prower's store for that purpose. While Mr. White, the plasterer, was signing the pe~ition I noticed Mr.·lames and Mr. Gorcton Fletcher coming aotods th11 street in front of Mr. Prower's store. I beckoned to Mr. James to come in,and told Mr. D.McDongall to go to the door and call Mr. James in, which he did. Mr. James at first de· clined to come in. I 111H1 through the window. He was about to pass by when I heard Mr. McDougall say, We want you to sign a petition for Wm. Woods to he station master. Mr. James then turneJ and came into W. P. Prower's shop. He took the pen from Mr. Reid, 1 think, and was about to sign the petition when Mr. Prower stepped up be· hind Mr. James, and before I realized the situation, Mr. James was ejected by Mr. Prower out on the street by physical force. It was my impression he took him by the coat collar and forcibly pdt him oat . Mr. Prower then picked up Mr. James' mail matter and threw it out on the street after him. Mr. Prower did not ask Mr. James to go out, nor had any conversation with him at that time before ejecting him. The~e was no opposit:on ·to Mr. James' enterrng the store. I thmk Mr. Prower said, in efl'eci, If you come in again I will serve you in the same way. Mr. Prower did not say anything about havina forbidden ¥r,James to come there. To Mr.Hutchoson.-Mr.Prower WAB not in when we went in. Mr. Prower did not strike him, but used sufficient fo~e to eject him. Mr James did not resist. Mr. D. McDougall having been BWQfn, I invited Mr. James into 'Mr. Prower's store by Mr. Piggott's request. I inviten Mr. James and G.. D. Fletcher beth to go in. Mr. James said he was g.oing to the post o~ce. I told him to come back, we are m a hurry, or something like that. He came to the_ door. I said to him, We want you to sign a pe· tition to appoint Billy Wood1 station master. He came into th<i shop, I think he sat down at the table with the petition 'before him. The first thing I saw iifter was Mr. Prower had hold of Mr. James STILL they come, new customers from by the shoulders and landed him out~iJe U1e door. Mr. James turned round anrl far aind near. People who have always h:inded Mr. Prower the pen, aud asked pur'chased th&ir millinery otl1~r places are him t0 give him his mail matter. Mr. Prower went to the desk and got the mail And,,. matter and threw it out (m the street, and said if you come back again I will Peace ! PeaQe ! ! Peace ! ! ! treat you in the aame way ; he was then kicking out some of the mail matter W.R. C. has no wish to be th1·t had fallen at his feet I did not Into war with Y. & 0. hear Mr. James speak to Mr. Prower So to make things ugree impertiueotly, only asked for his mail .Allows them their opinion of Aid. B., And they may boast and blow matter. To Mr Hutcheson.-When Mr. Prower I've heat him they know, put Mr .James ont he did not use violence. If I did have to go I aukod. Mr, James to come into Mr. To Canada's Great Show. Prower's shop. He srud, I am ~oin11 to I may go where I please, the poet office. I said we're in a hurry . I have beat them with ease ; He then came in. Re did not then de· Now get down on your knees cline to come in. To the Princess Louise. Mr. G. D. Fletcher having bean sworn, Not wishing to have war in our civilized said: I was present when Mr. James was country, I will allow Y. & 0. to have put out of Mr. Prower's shop by Mr. their opinion of Ald. B., but that does not Prower. Ho was seated on a chair to sign change my views. I now say and feel a petition. Mr. Prower, the first sight I satisfied that all good judges of beef will g')L of him, caught hold of Mr. Jamee by agree with me when tl1ey see the"Princess the two arms and him up from the Louise," that she is the neatest, fattest chair and put him out of the door. Ile and best quality of a beast ever slaughtdid not s~y anythini: preYiously to Mr. ered in t.his town, if I did haye to go to James. He did it as quickly as 1t could the Indu~trial Exhibition to purchase her. be do1111. It matters little to me where I have to go To Mr. Huteheson.-I am assistant I am bound to have the best meats that Chief Constable. can be obtained for money, not only at To l\Ir. Simpson.-After the mail mat- Christmas, but the year round. As re· ter was thrown out Mr. Prower said, I gards the reputation of this town in meats, will serve you in a similar manner if you call and inspect my stock and judge for come in again. yourself who deserves the honors. After the evidence was ta.ken Mr.Haines W.R. R. OAWKER. said "I certainly think an assault waa com:ntted," and he committt,d W. P. BIRTHS. Prower to appeo.r at the next Court of compeieht jurisdiction. Bail wa· accept· LocrnU.R'l'.-At Newcastle. on the !Jth !net ..d for his appsarance, Mr. Gordon D. the wife of W. ·r. Lockhart,;Esq.. of a son· 0Ke,-In Bowmanville, on Dec. 1st., the · Fl<;t cher going his surety. of Mr. W, T. Oke, of a daughter. SWJFT.-AtlPrince Albert. on 25th inst., the wife of Mr. Thos. Swift, of a daughter. A, 0. U. W. Concert. ' "Will sell the goods, in spite of fatef A THE PRICE;J" PRICE. No matter how conserv~tive the people: are they will al ways buy at In view of this Truism, in A. DICKSON~ BOVVMANVI LI_.E, Has Cut Down the Prices of his Magnificent Stock of DR}: GOODS toR U IN 0 US FIGURES so far a.she is. concerned, BUT To grand margins of Profit great ~dvantage to the public who.· are wise enough to investigate and buy. 60c., reduced 40c, 45 do. 30 25 do. 15 7 do.· 4 do. do. ood_ Dress Goods ...... ... :. do. ........... do. ........... Wi1:1ceys.................. Plaids....................... Silks......................... 45 75 do .......................... 1.15 do. ...... ... ...... '( 5 30 do .......................... 2.00 Velveteen............... 50 do. do. do. do. 50Tweeds and Cloths reduced from 25 tc» 50 per cent. Everything Reduced in Price. DIC~SON 50 80 ,,..35r 33 WILL SELL.. I 1883. t 1884.~ :i;,'~~~;:,::_=~" IN E W XMAS -AYND-E ARI. CONFECTIONARY pure ancl1 good, purchased from the leading: manufacturers in Canada, a.t CHAS. ToD's. CAKES :in great variety kept oni hand and made to order by CHAS. TOD. SCONES,those celebrated scones,.. white and brown, made by . CHAS. ToD. CRULLERS and PA::5TRY fresh. every day. CHAS. ToD. WINE BISCUITS and CRACKERS (own make), Christies, Sodas,,,. &c., at CHAS. Ton's WEDDING CAKES made k>· order. Parties having their own· cakes can have them iced and orna-rnented at CHAS. ToD's·. So dont fail to call and get your Xmas and New Year's s-'pply of Confectionary, &c., at q~.$. Ton's. Wishing our many patron· the compli~ ments of the festive season, with maoy, many returns of the same, I subscribe myself, Yours respectfully, --- ~ CHAS. TOD. Cards of Thanks. REPA~RINC DEPARTMENT Tho rain poured down in torrents last Friday nif!,ht between seven and ei~M o'dock, bat that did not prevent the citizens from turnin~ out to the A. 0. U. W, Ooncert, for by 8:15 the Town Hall waa comfortably full. The programme was one of the bllst presented here for a long timt1. So nll, indeed, did each contri· butor to the musical pa.rt please the audience that every piece was encored most rapturously. The pia~10 solos by Prof. DoTle and Mra. Scarff wue splendidly played. Miss Munson even excelled herself, her selections being well-choeen and followed by rouod upon round of applause. The cornet solos by Messrs. Meath aud Hook were a.lao excellently rendered, and brought forth rousing encores. The Olar. inatte solo by Mr. Yule was really very fine. This was first a.ppearance before a Bowmimnlle . audien?e, ~nd he 11 very favorable imprellsion, mdeed. Messrs. King and T:(eachie were in excellent voice and sing in A 1 style. Messrs Jamel!I an~ Barber spoke of the progress 1utd benefits o~ the 01·der. · ~verybody preaent was lughly pleased with the eu· tertainmeot 1rnd 110veral. applications for membenhip have since been received. As n. cheap ineurance the A. 0. U. W. is one of the be1t in existence. MARRIED. EMERSON- MALCOLM.-At the residence of the bride's mother, on tbe 5th inst., by Rev. T. Atkinson. James Murray Emerson.or Marivosa, To the Sovereign Fi1-e Insurance Oo., Toronto. I bercby return thanks for the prompt and to Miss Helen Moise Malcolm, of Cartwright. Hberal settl~ment, through yeur agent, :Mr. 'l'homas Bingham, of the damage done to my nIED. barn in Cl11,rke by lightning. Yours truly, LANG.-At the residence of his son-in-law, JOHN RUDDOCK. Mr. Elias Hooey. Fenelon, on the 21st ult., 280. .James E, Lang, of Manvers, aged 79 years. ---"°"'--- BowmanviJle. BRIDGMAN,-At33 34~lora8t.,Plymouth, To the President, Managor a,nd Directar" o·' England, on the 9thantl of November, Grace W. ~ ~ Allen. beloved wife of Mr. William Bridgman, Etl~e ll"iredinsurance Association of Lcn·do'n , and mother of 'l'homas W. Bridgman, late of "ltfl a'lt · this town. I hereby return thanks for the very prompt settlcl'.llent,through your agent Mr.'l'. Bingham, ·-·-·------·----- for my two horsee killed by liKhtning in my ·- - .. ----- -· BO WM A NVILLE IVIA.R KETS. j field last thunder storm. ROBT, FIELDING. ,, ..