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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1883, p. 7

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REMOVAL. -·--<.oo--Jn thanking ~ny many friends and customers ...... _-r "\ for tne kin<\:'fors so libemlly bestowed in the past, I would respectfully a1111onnce that I wil shortly remove to thJ NE'IV Sl'OCE erected the prem!ses formAl'lY occupied by me door East of Mr. Buckler's where I will plea~ed to show my ~tock of AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaints are so insiclious In their attack as those affecting tile throat and lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of sufferers. The orclinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps fron1 a trifiing or u11conscious ex- THE FARMER'S OOHNER J.Jve Stock Notes. <J.OOD SHELTER, It is absolute economy to provide warm and comfortable winter qnm·ters for all live stock, with an ample supply of pure fresh ah. \Vhen animals are hotiBed i.n W(,11-made barns and stables, they require much less food to keep them in a good condition. Lumber, in this form, is cheaper t.han hay and grain for wintering farm etook. Pure water in abundance is very rea<lful for the health of the animals. It should be drank Jresh from the well. If left in the trough to freez~, it soon becomes as cold as ice water, and when taken into the animal system, it rquires much heat of th<J body to bring it np to the nquired temperature. Avoid as far as possibl., h~ving the watering tronghs partly filled with ice and snow. They may be made so as to turn over when not in use, and this keeps them clean ~nd free from the chilling ice. Live stock should be fed regularly. Even if not generously fed, this regularity is better than an excess for a few days, and then a lack of food for a time, Animals are never contented when lrnn1Zry, Bn(l they should [not be permit.ted to thus becowe uneasy, The damage done by one omitted feeding cannot be made good by 11 do11ble ration atterwards. This slip-shod method of feeding is quite sure to bri11g disorder into the flock or stable, IlORSES. . ' ' FUN FOR '11HE BOYS Aunt Sally ancl Lin1ping ·Joe. 'JlY J'.L<\.UY I _,.... MILLINERY, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND FANCY Bowmanville, Oct, 23, 1883. coons posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickuess. AYlm's .CllEltRY PEC'l'OltAL well proven its otll.cacy in a forty years' fight with throat and 111ng diseases, and should be taken in all cases without delay. has all of the latest and most ashionable designs. MRS. ANDERSON. Having bought Mr. R. SYLVES'L'ER'S MA· 1HINE SHOP and FOUNDRY we aro pre .-iared to do all work in this department in a ,,.,.satisfactory manner. We shall continue o manufacture Mr. Sylvester's celebrated · ----tt---- A Terrible Cough Curecl. "In 185i I tool< a severe cold, which affected my 11111gs. ·1 lrn.d a terrible cough 1·rndpilllsecl night flfter night withou·c sleep. l'he doctors g·tve me ur1. I tried Av1rn·s CHF.RHY PF.c'.l'ORAL, which relieved my lllngs, induced sleep, and afforded me the rest. necessary for the recovery of my strength, By the continue(\ use of the PECTOltAL a permanent cure was cfl'ectcd. l arn now 6~ years old, hale and hearty, a.nd am satisfiell your CuERln' PEC'XORAL snveli me. HORACE FAIRDltol'BER," Rockingham, Vt., July 151 1882. Croup. -A Mother's Tribute. CHAMPION PLOWS, and shall spare no pains to keep up their pre sent .reputation, long and favorable known-will be carried on and with the assietance of our Machinery we hope to laNely increase the business in this departmente.nd give our customers· increased inducements to purchase from us. A large stock of Carriages and Ploughs now ready. All work"'w~,;-nted satisfactory. Special at tention g!v~ '»1Engine, Mil and Agricnltura Machinery. \ · OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS, . "While ill Lh" country last winter my little boy, throe years old, was taken ill with croup; it seemed as if ho would die from strangulation. One of the family suggested use oi AYu:RtS CHERRY P:ROTOHAI, a bottle of which was always kept In the house. This was tried in small and !rel) uent doses, and to onr dellght In less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily, 'l'he doctor said that the C1nmnv PECTORAL had s1we<l my diirliug's life.' Can yon wonder at Ollr (Srlttitude? Sin~~~~?'il~~~~' GEDNEY." · 159 West 128th St., ·New York, May JG, 1882, "I have nsed AYER's CHERRY PECTORAL In my fnmily for se\'eral years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the n1ost e1fectnal remedy for conghs and colds we have eyer Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. "I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and aftor trying many remedies with no sucRY PECTORAf,, JOSEPH WALDEN." l!yhalia, .wuss., April 5, 1882. " 1 cannot say enough in praise of AYER'S Cf'flm1w PlcC'.CORAL, beliovini;: as I do that but for its use l should lon~mce have die<l from Jung troubles. .!!'. BnAGDON." . Palestine, 1'exas, April ~2, 1882. No case of an a:()'ect!on of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, and it will a!ways cure when the disease i! not already beyond the control cf medicine, PIIEPAIIED DY cos8,'I was cured by the use of .A.YER'S CHEl~ tried. A. '-T. CnANE.,. :t\4 R·. :OAR CH has had a large experience in Machine, Agricultural anclOarriage Work, having worked in tho largest establishments in the Domimon, which will acd largely to the interest of the new fl rm. lti1'GivoonrHA.RD METAL PLOW POIN1'S a trial. McClUNG &UARB!t le Bowman ville, March. 81883. 2H Dr:J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell,Mass. Sold by all Druggists, ~o An idle team may be wintered upon good hay alone, but whrn lightly worked, a little grain at noon may be needed. They are to be kept ia geod health · and flesh, and the amount of grain should be governed accord· ingly. Horses doing heavy work will need a few' quarts of ground oats and corn d:.i.ily, in addition to an abnndance of the best hay. Young colts should have excellent care, for their future usefulness depenJs largely upon the growth they make the first winter. Ltn· seed oil cake in small doses is one of the beat remedies for costiveness in the young farm animals. cows. As the weather begins to grow cold, the cows will fall off in milk unless an abundance of nutritioua food ia provided in the stalls, Beets cut or pulped, and mixed with cut hay, to which cornmeal is added, makes an excellent ration for milch cows. lt is of the greateot importance to keep np the fl.ow of milk at the beginning of winter. , Uahes and yearlings mi>y be kept in roomy sheds where, with good feed and abundant litter, th~y will make a large amount of excellent manure before spring. SHEEP .Ho! Ge111tilemieu olfFash · io. n , eot !>lo tast. I have written these few lines Sick <lo::it ton tilbas st~tc cf t!ic s:)tstc?:::).~ ouch n;:i Di=:· 21:1.c~:..1, N3.u:..ica, Dro\·1~bc:31 Dh:;t::.·cs:J uftcr C:1"'..l:og·t .P:.i:i b. t:1c ~ido, l'.;~. Vrl1i!Q their oontxem.UJ.'lt.. t.llloauccc~a haa bceushowu in cnrillg llc~doc!:c c.ud relieve all the troubles hci- E r ':Eondo~)le, yet Carter's Litt!~ Liver P!l1s 9.Tccqnc.!ly ""'i'1lh::i.blo in Coll!ltiIJatlo::i, curing nud prcvcntinc; a!l (!!oordcra'ct th:! stomach, stinulnto the liver and rcgll.late t ~bowels. Even if ihey ollly cured this unuoyi:Jg coruplniut., w!Jile they nlno correct .Ache thoy would be nlmo.'lt priceless ~othose whc) Safier fl'o:n thio cliotrcssing compfaiut; but fod1.1%lately t!ioir goodness docs not end here, and those whooncotrythcm will ilnc1 thcseltttlo pills valt:.· able i::l W na::.y Vltly.l that they not be Willing r - io do without them, Ilut 11fter all sick head E D will \. . Is the bane of aomnny liv3a that beroie whero'wo ~;;~s~~n3reat boast. nr pills cure it while Carter's Lkne Liver Pills a~o YCi'Y sn:mll nnd 'Very easy to t~lte, One or two pills n::kc 11 dose. ·rhey arc strictly vegetable and do not gripe OJ." }llnge, bnt. by their gentle nctiou please all wh<> use thorn. In Yiala nt 25 cents; tlvo for tll, Solil by druggicfa everywhere, or ~ent by mail. .. CARTER ]1!ED!CINE C'-' New York Citir'1 co.9 ·~J,tli°~ F O~ ~ ~· ,._,!"; This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life; These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, ancl most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the Liver, Stomaclt, K£dn1ws, and BO,YELl:l, g1vrng ton~ 1 energy, and vlgo othese great MAIN SPRii)!GS QF Lil!':F.. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the oouatitution, fr<im whatever, has become impah-ed or weak· ened. They are wonderfully eftlcncious in a;H ailments incidental to Females of all ag-es; a.nd as a GENll:RAL FAMILY MEDICINE, unsnrpassed, The winter season is the one of most lei· sure to the farmer and affords an opportunity for a study of his calling. The agrioulturnl piLpers are a constant source .of illforma.tioIJ, · ania no one can keep abreast w~th the pro· When'er yon wa11t an easy shave, gress in farming, without carefully reading As i(Ood as Barber ever gave. tll,;m, The· loni:: wintei: evenin'ls · afford .;ust call a.t Pethick's Saloon, ample time for the study of standard books At' morning, eve o.r busy noon. He'll cut )tlld comb your hair with grace, upon farming, gardening, · and the orchard. It is well to choose some branch of farm ro suit t.he contour of your fa,ce; hbor and make it the specilll subject of His sh<im·s sltarp aud raizora keen, tbonght and study. The injurious insects, His shop is neat and always clean, for example, offer a field of reading which is Ancl everything, we thiuk, you'll tind, most profitable. There are sevfiral fully To suit the taste rmd please the miad. illustrated books on these pests, and there is no need to argue the importance of a I'rn glad .A:unt Sally stopped for Joe! knowledge o± injnrious ins~cta, when it is . BE~ accepted as a fact that farnung and gardenThe Excelsior Rupture. Treatment was GUARA"T.EE :-After fair trial, with no ing is now in l ..rgc part a. warfare against~ introduced t.o the American people sevThe attempt to steal the body of thll fat relief or cure cfl'ectecl, your money will these en.emiea. . ' eral years ago in such a manner as to ~irl who was buried at B;i.l timore the other day be refunded. PRtCE, $i.oo. Now i~ a good time to Jal! all the pfan~ for, completely secure the confidence of the will probiobly be bfamed on the printer·, as ·;.;;:;====== Sold by ~=--=-===:l the farm-work of the comrng ye~r, m fact,~ whole nauion. · 'l.'he mode of introduction it is known that they are fond o! a fat take. i>TO"l'T .~ .nrniv, nownI . .fiN'Yl'J.U~ for several yearn. )/"o systematic an~ sue·! was by furnishing the remedy to those af. Are second to none in the world. 211.000 in· · cessful farmer plans only from on~ years trnl ( flicted with Hernia in auy of its various stru1m~,nts now in use. Dema.nrl so great th11t to another, '['be ~ystem of rotat10n of crops . d Jl . t'l it reqmres 1·wo ot the largest Factories in the should be settled ·upon after carcfµI study forms an co ectmg no pity un l _a perDominion, with capacity tortnrningont TWEN· of the ends to be "al'ned, a···d tllen all the manent cure was. effected. In _thu1 way 1'Y per d1:ty. For purity,a,nd sweetness of tone, "' · d ld d elastic and light touch, beautiful and perfect ptincipal things which bear upon the chosen the. treatmei;it gaine a w_or w1 e r~pu· flnfah they are unrivn.Jled. rot<\tion should be laid dowi.L and followed ti\tlon on its own mer1ts never fa1lmg The most sk1lled labor.the very best materials ont.. There is far teo little iLmning of work to cue any refiucible Hernia. The Com· thM money procure B>re a no gnaranteetopur· chasers thatcan they 'buying shoddy. but a bY f armers. pany Ilas a t the solicitaioi1 of tho u s and s flrst class article. Sold wholesale and retail by We recently received the printed pro· placed the remedy on sale by all druggists Manufacturer and Dealer in Mink, S, S. Seal, Pe~sian Lamb, Russia&t J.P. HICE, Bowmanvllle, gramme of a rural club in which the subjects both wholesale and retail, in the Umted Lamb, Beaver, and Otter Muffs, Bows and Caps. J, s. DONEY, Tyrone. to: di~cussion a_t all ~f the me_etings ot the States, Canada. and Eogl11nd in this v;a.y 2~6. wmt_er were given m fnll! with places ~f bringing it within the reach of all classes ~oldm~ t~e.m. and other 1mpor.tant _part1- at a trifling cost compined with the bene- Ladies Capas, Fur Lined Circulars . and Astrachan Jackets, and cu~ara,. This is a most encou~agrng sign, as fits which aro deriveil from the use ot tho 1t md1cates that the farmers ma well·t, A k d · l f f Gents' Coon Coats a specialty. 5 your township are alive to the importarn:e of union treatment· r~gg1s or a. rae GENTLl!DIEN ·in the advancement of their calling. We book 011 n~pt11re or send outs., .for one to MITTS and GLOVES If yon really want G 0 0 D FIT· in Beaver, Persian and Russian Lamb, Kid~ wish that a similar club might be formed in the Excels10r Rupture Cure Mfg Co OgTING CLOTHES try Wool ar..d Hair Seal. every settled township, dens burg, N. Y · · Iu these discussions many new facts at.e --------brought to light, and the minds of all am FLAX SEED. ROBES.-Buffalo, Coon and Black, White and Gray Jap. Robes. awakened, He has a choice nssortment of New Pattern The evidenco produced establish the Cloths-·worsteds, All·wool '!'weeds, Over superior claims of FLAX· SEED EM1JLSION Coatinge, etc. COMPOUND as a remedy for Nervous ex.· The Value of a Compost Heap. CALL AND INSPECT. The gardner and farmer are not apt to haustion and all its symµtons is nnques· White, Regatta, French, Cambric and Wool Shirts, Ties, Braces, Silk ST4'RE .:-<:orncr King nml Division Sts., sufficiently appreciate the importance of tionable. The large and increasing <llil· Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, also over 25 choice lines of Fancy, :Gownianvtne. gathering into heaps vef.etable subst.e.nces o.f mands is almost entirely due to its own merits. We do not place it in competitiall kinds to o~nvert into manure. Land Plain and Ribbed Under Clothing and Cardigan Jackets. N.B.-None but l!'irst Class Work turned out. and Water, calling the attention ot its on with patent medicines or secret remed· 271. W, PE.&BDON. readers to the subject, suggests the follow· ies as we furnish the formula and show P. S.-All kinds of Furs altered and repaired. Highest Cash price iug plan for the compost reuoptacle: that it collisisl.s of a snperior combination In ~ome convenient place la,y down a of phosphorus with the fat producing paid for Raw Furs. sound fioo~ of concrete, and have a roof to properties of the Flax-Seed During the . .. ·- - -....·-· ·---·-..··----,,··----·- --· -·--·-· -·--- ··----- ~~-"' cover it, bht open at the aides. Upon the past siir. months over four THOUSAND BOT· Has receiYed her new stock of floor collect weeds and every other kind of TLES have bflen dispensed in the city of waste vegetable matter, road scrapings, border edgings, in fact the greater the Og.densburg, N. Y., and county of St. variety and the more of it the better. Keep Lawrence, where it is m~nufactured and it moist (not over wet), and turn it over oc the 11 niversal verd ir.t is that it is the beat and invites the Ladies of Bow- casionally-at the ~ame time p, little aalt NERVE TONIC, BLOOD ENRICHER, and manville and vicinity to call m:iy be sprinkled over it with great advant. PuRH'lElt ever produced. We solicit a"a, When sufficiently decomposed tbia investigation as to the reputation of the and see her Pattern will form a most valuable manurP., highly remedy where ever it has been used. rich in nitrogtn in such a. form aa to be Rupture Cure M'f'g. Co., Ogd<'nsbnrg, readily taken up by the crops. Use the N.Y. Also a fine assortment of liquid 6f cattle and the domestic liquid waste and assortment ot from the house, and it will 2urprfae many what a store of goo.d manure will soon ac· cumulate. Formerly known as the " Soper Mills. ') And all l have to aayr ·1 at you cn.n find me still at home, Ia.m not gone :1way. ffo all my kinrl oU riemls may come, And all the' young ones, too, And get their garments nicely made In rushlons 'chat are new; Wttere old a11d yom1g, dear friends, mE·Y meet A woleomo irrP.P.t.iru,, bv R. PEA.1'Jf, ehoul:l be kept from the lambs, or they will crowcl and rob the young stock. The flock may take a run on the stubble fields during warm days. The ticks should all be killed before midwinter. Boys ma.y he, by the dozen, for picking tll.e m off the sheep. Breeding ewes to have early mutton lambs, ~hould be kept in a separafo yard and shed, wher e they may have the most generous feeding. Farn1 Work for December. TIIE BARBER SHOP. "Qnit blowing me up," groans the balloon Out of the shadows of long ago Josh J1illings has nnde his success by "'ri>e t01·0 figures I n$ed io know; throwing 11 peculiar ~pell over the public. Figures, homi·ly and ll Ue<'r, and slow, Of old Aunt Sally and Limping Joe. A nois.;less piano ha3 been invented, and $imple theil' story, am! quickly told, a. monumcut is r:.lrea.dv talked of for the in- They ha.d lost fhtiir eilv,,r-they never had ventor. gold, Who says ib ia unhealthy to sleep in They were not very witty, and, being old, 'f eathers I Lo9k at the spring chicken and The almshouse kc,p~ them out of the cold, see how tough he is, Aunt Sa.lly was wiry and sharp and thin, There is nothi11g that will take a man' ~nct Joel, on tiptoe, sca,rce reached her chin. appetite a.way lik.e a bill of tare printed ex· He had one short leg which could never elusively in French. begin A tried to abduct a St, Lou's girl To. vie with the long one, ont or in. and she kicked him so hard that he ha.s been Aunt Sa.lly had outlived poverty's curse: humpbacked evei· since. Ehd q ,1 ite forgotten her empty purse:When a. mttn has his ·nmmer suit dyed Aud ,tie thought the poorhouse and paupers and tries to palm it off for a new winter her.~ .; attire, you can tell him i.t 's too thin. T'Jok them. like Joel, for bettor or worse. And, i,ll the week with a busy hand "Row do you know when a cyclone i8 :>be wotried and hurried the household coming?" asked a stra11ger of a western band. man. "Ob, we get wind of them," was the ·She watched the house and guarded .the ans...:·er. land Paterfamilias to festive son: "Remember, Like anofiiJer, never off command. my sou, it'~ not the coat that makes the [ncluding iu her sweeping claim man." F. S.-: "No, sir, I know 1t; it's the The right to labor for all who came; pa.nts." The ri<(hb to comfort or cheer or blame, A newly·married Texas ma.11 shot his liricle To chide the lazy or help the lame. while she was mixing her fir·t batch. of She nursed the sick, a.nd her figure t<.ll biscuits. His plea in conrt will probably be Was first to answer the children's call; aiJf.defense. Aud Joel, veriest baby of all, "Yes," said he, apologetically, "I said Was scolded and coddled to heart'd con. the policeman w· dri.111k, but did not mean teutto st.ate it as a f I merely made the re- Was lirnping hither and thither seµt, mark on general rinciples." Ever tnl!owing Sally's bent, A :Rockland man, who had been drinking, And ever marvelling what she meant. went home the other night and 11rowled so Oa Sundays, she was Sally still, at his wtfe that sh~ Qalted him her sour And bustled to churab with a week-de.y will. mash. He said if she called him that again How oft have I seen them upon the hill he'd liquor. As they passed from sight, b:1- the c.ld stone mill, "Ah! Mr, Paier, have you been to any Sally ar.d Joe, side by side: pahties this wintah ?" asked Glendolen de But his halting hop, and her hurried stride, Smith of his friend. "No, bnt I have at· Little by little the pair divide, tended three halls already;" "Wby how 'Till disbnce between them grew dusty and delightful, weally I \Vhere were they at?' ' wide, "At the pawnbroker's," sadly sighe,il Mr. Then, though she never changed her pace, Panier. · Or limped hie limp to suit the case, A tu1:key which was being fattened for a Still, she would halt, with patient face, Thanksgiving dinner at a Grand Forks hotd Till he came near the sacred place, has just died of old age. Determined that [n qld black gown, would , crow like perch his boarders shall not be entirely disappoint· On wayside stone, neath shady birch, ed, the landlord has had photographs of the Till Joel, ever in the lurch, corpse taken and will place one at each Stumped straight beside her into chureh, plate. A young man who had four times propos· Ah me l the would count a score, ed to the same girl, and as often got reject· Since [ hav~ ever thought before, ed, finally became uettled, "You, ought Of Sally by that old church door; te go on the stage," he remark9d witll Of Joel's thump along the floor. sneer. "On the stage;, why?" she inqufo. l know not, if the sarm1 strange fate, ed. "Because you are an excellent sleight That hurried her-and made him late, of-hand performer," was the reply. Pursued. them to the h~)tve11ly f!ate, Btlt if it did then Salltt'd, "I notice," said Brown, who is a bira And so-0, fri.rnd, mutit yon or I fancier, "that ravens have been succeesfully Whose fervent "pirit neeks the sky, used inotead of carrier-pigeons at Coblentz, Who, eager, long foi· fnllei· day, on the Rhine." "0, that is nothing," said Wait for the lagga.ida by the way. Smith, "Sparrows have been successfully It may or it m 11 y not b" a iault, used instead of reed· birds in Philadelphia That sisters lasten, or bro~her~ halt; restaurants." It matters not what door·8wings wide, "0, Amerilrn.w, Amorikaw ! How I love Neither a.lone, can w< i·.ibide. you-Fifty centH all around, please. Ameri- 8lowly are moving tlrn wheels of thought, can women are very beautiful- Fifty cents Slowly ever arc greac deeds wrougnt, more all around, please. I have purchased Aud men may linger, and women wait, a house in New York, 11nd shall make this Their ways cau never b" sep1rate, ~ountry my home-Fifty cents more," etc. They are not all laggards.-ln ·the van That is what our E11ropean visitors are giY- Of each brave movement behold ~ MAN, ing us. And many a manly hand swings back "If vou will let me take your stick of To help a woman in life's rougll track ; candy i'll show you how I can swallow it And I count it bettol', if one be strong, and make it come out of my ear." The candy To lose the first strain of a song, was delivered ; the young magician deliber· 1'o miss the first foam from a cup, ately ate it, Then for a space of two minutes Tlian drink ere a thirstier soul comes up. he threv1 himself into violent contortions. 'Tis even better to be dust blind, The c!fudy failing to appear, he said to the Than grow impatient that behind ex:pecta:nt spectator, with an ·air of great Some soul ma.y lag on upward road, di~·appointment: "I believe I've forgotten step we swihly could have trod, th<e re~.t of it." [ may be wrong, but ye~ I know, W11ether I ;journey fast or slow, -. \ Whether alone or in C1:'0Wd~ I go, Im'p ortant to P.uptureo Persons. LOWE DICKINSON, Wi.ggins says he i? ~ ma.rtyr to malice, his detractot'.; pnblish111g bog1ls w eather prophecies ~n his rrn.'!1e . and _thus destrying his rer>utat10u. \V1gg1m will have a gre~1i name a thousand years from now-s~ve this predictiou arnl ~ee if it do~su't come true. CATARRH. CATARRR,-A new 'l'reatment wherebv a permanent cure is effected in from one to three treatments. Partict1lars and Trea,tise free en receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON,B3V't King Street, West, 'l'ol'Onto. WIIAT THE R]lv, E. B. S'l'EYllNSON, B.A., A. CLERGYMAN O~' THE LONDON CONJ:'ERENClll OF 'l'!Illl ME'l'HODIS'r CHURCH O~' CANADA HAS TO SAY IN REGARD TO A. H. DIXON &; SoN 1s Nuw 'rn.mA'rMF.N'l' FOR CA'l'ARRPI. OAKLAND, Ol)TTARIO, CAN., March 17, 1883. Messrs. A.H. Dixon, &: Son. DE.\.RSms-Yours of the 13thinstttnt to hand. It seems ahlJ.ost. too good to be true-· that I am cured of Catarrh, but I know thatiam. I hav'E!! had no return of the disease and never felt better in my life. I have triad eo many things for catarrh, suffered so much aud for so many years. that jt is hard for me to realize that I am really better. , I consider that mine was a very bad case ; it .vaEI aggravated and chronic, involving the th1·oat as well as _ the nasal passages, and I ·thought I wottld require the three treatments but feel tun:v cured by the two sent me, and i: am thankfu1that I was ever induced to send to you. You are 11t liberty to use this lot.tor stating that I have been cur<d at two treatments, and I shall gladlyrccomroend your remedy to some of my friends who are sufferers. Yours with many thanks," REY. E. B. 8'.l'EVENSON. TORONTO, April 24, 1882, A. H. Dixon, Esq., 305 King St., West. DEAR Sm,-We take pleasure in stating that onr junior partner, who had for years been troubled with Catarrh, was successfully cured by three treatments of your remedy. 'l'ha Cattarrh wasmuch ai'(gravated, with continual dropping into the throat. accompanied by loss. of voice, hawking and spitting and blocking up of the nostrils, all of which we are pleased tu say disiippeared almost immediatelr after the remedy was applied. Yol).r remedy lS certainly an invaluable on'e and we hope all who may be.snft'ering from this disa.(l'reeable disease wili give it a trial, as we are satisfied they will find It a complete success. Yours very truly, 'VM. NoRmS & SON, Wholesale Pianos and Organs. No. 8 Adelaide St. East, W. Ll'S PRIZE MEDAL ·ORGANS ! GlJEJ:.. PH I 83·4. FURS! ROBES! HATS! 83·4 JY.(_ THE No. 1 TAILOR I ---<.o->--- W. PEARDON. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. :w~ss McTAVISH - -- --- GOODS., NEW FALL STOCK OF Boots&Shoes Large and well Assorted, Bought from the best Manufacturers. BONNETS, HATS, TRIMMINGS Caledonian Mills. Holloway's Ointment, Its Senrehb1g and lleallu:i; l'roperties are l·nown th1·011ghout the lVoJ'ld, ST6RE :-Second Doo1· lVest. of "Williams Rntche1· Stun. Stock Raising. Suppose every cattle raiser in Ontario were to set about raising only high· bred grades or pure-bred r.nimals. The work of transfer· mation would but a few years, less even than a score. Suppose the number of ani· mals in the country remain stationary. Eotimate every grade and native a.nimal at present as bein&>' worth but $20 per head, our grade and native cattle would represent the sum of $31,253,660. At the end oI tbe decade assur.ntd abov<", this sum would then be doubled, and without the addition of one siogle animal. Apply·· this hypothesis to sheep, horses and !'!wine. The wealth of tho country would iu thia way be incr.,ased hy at least $100,000,000 without t~xing the farmer with the support of a single animal. Allow for the large increasli' in numbers that must take place within this time, and we have an increase in ·wealth of :i.n almost fabulous amouut.-Oanadian Stock Raiser's For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S C-UJR.E::, Old Wounds, .Sores and Ulcet r it is infallible remedy. If ell'ectually rubbed on Guaranteed Cure for Gonorrhoea and Gleet· Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effeota Rheumatism, And every ki~ of SKIN DISEASE, .it has rrom its use. Does not mterfere with business nevc1· been kow' to tail. or diet. Price $2 per box, or three boxes for $5. 'l.'he Pills and Oin tmcn t are Manufactured only at 533, C X..F;0lllJ i::l1'REE'1', I,QNDON, and Written guarantees iasucd by every duly i8:re sold by nL -·~dors ofl\fodicines t,hroughou authori>ed agent to refund the money if three the Civilizod ~orld; with directions for using boxes fail to cure, Sent prepaid on in most every language. " S-Purchaaers should look at the Label on the receipt of price. Posts and Boxes. Ir the address is not ~33 llR. FblLIX L:JJ: Bl:!.UN & CO.. 81 & 83 King Oxford Street., London, they "are spurious. . · . ., Tbe Tro.dA Marks cf my aarn lVrAdtcirn~s are St. East Toronto., Sole Prop1letors. Sold by Journal. gistcred in Ottawa, and alai> at Waahington. 1 all druggists in Canada. tbe neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures SURE THllvA'1',Diphtheria,Bronchitis, Cough Colds, and even ASTHMA. ]for Glandular Swellings, Abscesses Piles :fistulas c~c ' HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· UGHLY renovated and pnt in order.under our own special supervision, for the purpose of gristiug and manufti.cturing Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we are now prepared to recP1ve orders from all our old cuatomers and others for work and we gnrantee to give them who intrust· J.s with the same entil'e satisfaction. Oats and othe1· grnins to.ken in for Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. &; J, TOWNS, Bow· manville. 227. T We have on hand and are still making First Class Eome Made Vlork, suitable for Fall and Winter wear. All offered at DOMINION ORGAN & PIANO Co" LOWEST CASlt ,llCE8! CA.LL Al\D EXA.iUINE. E I G- .2 0, BOWMAN VILLE. WAREROOM, .. . .- .... W".RUSE, Agent. OUR BUSINESS MOTTO :-Buy cheap for cash; conduct business with economy ; give our patrons good .value; and not meddle with other people's affairs. JOHN HELLYAR. \)

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