I if the people persevered in their course, avoided crime, and refused to allow themselves to be transported, a good deal ISPUBLISHED .,,, would be achieved within a measurable E"fERY FRIDAT MORNING, Summary of Foreign . Domestic a11d period. The present generation might The a.bove works are runniug full blast to -BYWar Items.I keep up with orders. Some very large orders live to see the Old Land clothed in the have been received lately, incl uding a hand· Alderman Meaghe1 . Parnellite) has been garb of freedom under the Irish flag. somo Monument for Isaac Best, Clarke, Ale:.: F.Carscadden. Clarke. "VE EMPLOY NO .\GENTS elected Lord Mayor of Dublin. A'l' THE OFEICE, Mr. Chamberlain, Presidentof tho Board and are selling 'fomb Stones, Monuments. etc.. Posto'mce Bloek, King St.,BowmnnTllle,Ont at lower prices in consequence. A Berlin despatch says there arc alarm- of Trade, speaking at Wolverhampton, Our cuetomers get the commission themselve~. It will ing signs of a rcvival of the recent upris- said the members of the Government are pay any person who intends erecting a monuing in Scrvia. firmly united. All are pursuiug t he same .$1.110per1tnnum,or $1.00ifpaldln aclvancc ment to the memory of a departed friend to write me or soe me persona.Uy before plaoing Father McCarty was stoned at Newry general object, and are animated with Payaent strictly in advance required from their order. I guarantee first class work at recently, while passing through t he Pro- equal loyalty to the great chief. It is the subsCl'lbers outside of the county. Orders to lowest possible prices. bounden duty of tho liberal party to do discontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by t estant quarter of the town. the amount due, or Ll1e paper will not be stopped. It is rcported ·that the Zulu Chief Cete- its utmost to remove just causes of disSubscribers are responsible until full payment is M.ARBLE >Vo:irn:e. content and disa{f'ection in Ireland ; it made. PORT PERRY ·wayo will b e restored to rowc1· over h is 251-tf. tribe under the protection of B:;:itish must 110. longer . tolerate such a shi1m, RA'J'ES OF ADVERTISllNG i ~~ fraud, and transparent imposture ~s the Con~idcr troops. Whole Column one year ... .......... $50 00 ~ ~..; present Trish P<trliaml;lntary rcpresenta" " Half year ..... . ...... 30 00 00 ~ mlHE PERRY DAVB PAIN KILLER act.s SL-xty thousand pounc1s worth of pro- t.ive system, wl12ro only one in twc:ity" " One quarter ......... 20 00 wz::::; We beg to nnnonnc" to the public that WP. with 'lvvnclcr/ul r(lpi l it lJ nn d ttei>c ,- fails Half Column one year ...... ....... .. 30 00 - - are prepared to do a g-eneralinsurance business, perty was destroyed by the burning of five has a vote. The perpetuation of this when tttlrnn..cthocommonccment ofon attu.ck " " Half year ........ ...... 20 oorepresenting as we do a number of :tlret class several cotton, hemp, and sug;u· ware- injustice would just ify disaffection and to ruro O iholera, Chn!era Morbus, os ." .. One quarLer .......... 12 wc-:1as r.U srun1uor compl:i.inta of a similar na,,. Companies we shall be glq,d to give prompt atQuarter Column one yee.r ........... 20 00= turo. tention to e,uything in that line. We represent houses in Liverpool recently. give the leaders of the Irish party the " " H11lf year ........... 12 50 _ 5 also the Ontario Lo!l.n and Savings Co., of A secret agreement is said to h ave been strongest arguments ±or separation, as " " On1i1 quarter... ..... 8 00 Fo:L" S~i.:lr.'.'lCl.l Jolcb, Core ~h:roa:t, 1%0. Oahawa, and accept deposits on its behalf al:i ·btin lowing 4 & 5 per cent interest from date or concluded between Spain and Germany showiug that it wP.s imposi,;iblc to < Six lines and under, fl:st in~ertion .. $0 ?Q A tn~.·ponnfq] of P.ll'>;·J\TI.Lllll 1nkon at the against " revolutionary eventualities," receipt. justice from the British Parliament, and Each subsequent msert1on.. .. . . 0 251_ lwi:;:11nl1"'rrcfn l'l t:U:r·k '\V ll JP'OYO R.n n.ltTost Parties reeiuiring loans will find it to their which h as received the adhesion of other give fresh vigour to the agitation which trrom six to ten lines, first insertion, 0 :nu~' t.H' tai1i,£g cure, &.1.d a:lvo much. suffering. advantage to get our terms. Each 11ubscquent ins~rtion -··:·· 0 35--10 monarchies. it is our duty to allay." )ver ten lines, first insert1on,per lme 0 10 ,. :rc1° ':oo~hac·~.~. :Ci::.r:i.s, [calds, Guts, Each subsequent insertion, " O 03 _ A firm in Shanghai holding silk valued Some investigations by llf.. 'l'hanneur J.~:ruitos. 'l'he numl.ier of lines to be reckoned by,'We are agent;; for a number of first class at one million pounds has failed or retir- show· t h at South Arnerica is rich in the P.1r~·T.\TLLl'n '1"ill ho founcl" willing phyhe space occupied,.measured by a scale of lines, among which is the White Star Line the ed. Moro suspensions are expected, as woods for engineering purposes. The si~i nn rc:1dv r:ud able to rf'lie\·9 YOHr Rutfering - 15 bP.st fastest and best equipped Steamship 011 .solid Nonpareil. without delay, >LriJ n ta very insignificant cost. the Ocean. and Car tickets to all points at lO\V· Chinese banks refuse to lend money until yandubay is exceedingly hard ancl durest rates. \Ve also rep1·esent W. D .Mathews the war-cloud has vanished. able ; the couroupay is also very hard and li'or Colic, Oi:i::,mIJs ~nd. Dy~entery J,. i'6'J:'J'Eit, :M,n. of 'l'oronto, and are prepared to pay highest in Eorssi:s tho Pn~·K1LT.1m hns no equa.l, It is said that O'Donnell's frenzy at the rich in tannin. 'l'ho quebracho is, how1 RADU A TE of Queen's College, Kingston'; prices for Barley and all kinds of grain. ( T and Member of Col;.)i;ce of Physicians and and it hM never been known to fail to effect 11 ParGics interested will plea:;e note these facts. conclusion of his trial was due to the fact ever, more interesting than any, and cure in a. ~ingle hstauce. It Is used in somo that he was not allowed to speak. He g rows abundantly in Lhe forest of La of the largest li·rP.ry ,b.hl~s a.nd hotse infirm£1:Jeoii\3ce0:~~rN'~sidence, Enniekillen. 17. a,riefl in the wor1<1 'l1o rc~usci tn t.o young lombs failed to hear the courL registrnr when ho Plata and Bra.zil. It resembles oak in or other stock chilled nn·l d ving from cold:, a the trunk, and is used for railway sleepasked him if he had anything .t o say. Dr. A. BEITJI, little l',\r:>!·Krr,1.rn mi:«:d with milk will :re· store them to bc:cl th very quickly. ers, telegraph poles, pil es, and so on. It RADUATE OF.THE 'fORONTO UNIV1j:RThe Governor of Alsace-Lorrai'ne has S11'Y, P hysician, Surgeon, &c. Office Kmg is heavier than water, i ts specific gravity .~The Pain-T\i'l·r is for sn.le by Druggiets for any quantity of annulled the resolutions adopted by t he ;StrGet, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. Apotbecaric·, Orr·c-ers uml M-cdicini:> Deali:>rs varying beLween 1,203 and 1,333. '.J'he District Diet of 'Upper Alsace ;1llowing tluolllgll.out lhe wurld, color, at first, is reddish, like mahogany ; J. w. 1'tcLaugllun, 1'1. B., the use of the French language in the but grows darker with time. Being r ich ICJ<~N'l'IA.'l'E OF THE ROYAL cor,LEGE debates. The Governor holds that t he in tannin, it is employed for tanning · of Physicians and member of the Hoyal Diet exceeded its l egal powers. College of Surgeons, Edinburg?-· A l!'ULL SUPPLY OF leather in Brazil, and has recently been Office: MORRIS' BLOCK Kmg-st., BowmanThe magistrate at Newry, Ireland, re- intnduced for that rmrpose in France. A Continue,s to do a General B11nkin~ Business a ville. cently forbade the proposed Nationalist mixture of ~me-third of quebracho and its Bowmanville Branch. torchlight procession in the evening. two-thirds of ordinary tan ~ives good reDIR. ,J, c;, llil'J't:llELL, DJEPOSI'J'S AT RO'l"fOIU l'JUCES. Large forces of troops and police were 1mits. EMBER QF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Received and interest allowed thereon at the and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. rate of l'OUit per cent per annum. No notice All kinds of farm produce taken sent to the town to preserve order, and Office and .1:tcs1dence. Enniskillen. 7.t. of withdrawal necessary. All deposits p!l.yable were hooted and groaued at by the people. ACAltD.-'l'o n,II wlw are su!Teringfrom the on demand, in exchange for goods. The latest authentic information from 11rrors and indiscretions of youth, nervous D, BURKE SIM.l'SON, weakness, eo.rly de,,ay, loss or manhood, &e M. de Ilrazza states that he was at l~ra~~'\ I w ill s"nd a recipe that will cure you, .F'REE ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c., MORRIS BLOCK. up stairs, King Street, Bo~man· 742 Rowumnvllle. ville, on the Congo, in excellent health, O.b' CHAHGE. 'l'bis µ;reat remedy was dis- Rought and sold anrfDrafts issued upon Rnrope ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. as were all the members of his party, and eon>rod by a missinna.ry in 8ou t,h Amel'ictt, United State· and Canada, also Gold, Silver and Send a eelf-11ddreesed enYelope to tile l:tEV United Sto.~cs Greenbacks bou11:ht and solu. Private Moneys loaned at the lowest rates, that there was no probability of a conflict Joa1'Pll 'l', INUAN, .Station D, New Yorlc City CJOLl'l .. t.r~C'.l'ION§ with either Mr. Stanley's expedition or ,Jolln K,cUll Gnlbraitlt, the natives. ox nun1·y UA~s· TUIAJ~ . Promptly made at c11rrcnt rates upon all parts ARRI8TER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Great Brittain, Lhe United States and DoA pastoral from Cardinal McCabe was TH:Rl VOLTAIC BELT Co.. Marshall, Mich., will of PUBLIC, &e. Office-Reed's Block, over minion of Canada. T. Batti·ngs store, King Street, Bowmanville. read in the Catholic churches of Publin oend DR. DY~~·sc~;L~:Brt.:l.'£EDEI,JW1'HO-VOL'1'.HC Bin.Ts AND J~1.1w·1·HIC APPLIANCIJ:S on tri11! for :Money to lend 1.'elcg1t·a1J!a. 1.'a·ansrc:rl!I rncently, strongly denouncing '·s ecret· ,_ thirty days to men (younr, or old) who am uf· cieties, which, it said, seemed to possess flicted. with N ervm1s Debility. Lo stVitulity and Made for large or smn.ll snros on all parts of J,osc;oltlDE d', LilITBI, Manhood. and kinrtt·ca troubles. 1w11raptceil1g Canada. This is cspecin,lly advantageous to a fatal charm for Irishmen, ending gener- ,;peedy nnd comulete restoration of hr.:.Jth and pe,.sons living in Manitoba or the North-west ARRISTERS,A'l'TORNEYS, SOI,ICITORS, ally with the hangman's rope or the inhave just arrived at the manly vigor. Addref!S a~ above. N . B.-~o risk us it, ·nakes the fu nds avallable a.t once at the . Conveyancers, NoLaries. &c. Office :-;--.Mcincarred. as tlllny days t rial 1s allowed. place of payment. famy of an informer. Clung's Buildings, King Htreet, Howmanv1lle. ll. RUSSELL LOSCO:MBlil. A , H. LEITII; For furt11er particulat·s call at the Banking La.test advices from Madagascar contral'he ma-on wliy tL e :;lurgeons olT I tie Inter House. dict the recent report that the Malagassy national 'l'hroat and Lungi nstitute. 17:3 Chucl1 1'. BRODIE, GEO. l\fdGILL, 'r YRONE, llloncy to Lo1\n.-Private and other Iunds at 'l1oronto arc nw.kmg so lnnny wouderfn l Accounta.nt. Manager. envoys lrnd been .strangled. Admirnl Hreet, lowest rates of interest. nre~ of r.atli,.rrh, ca.tn.1Thal deafne::m. Dron011i~ suitable for fall and winter wear. 2b7-ly. Galiber, the French commander at M<1.da- t.is, ast.b ma and con81101pti"n are: They h1.1vc .~reat Bargains will be given for Cabh. gasca.r, expects to march inland in Febru- none but skilled A.nd btrnlifled '"'"Jimil mco 81'. JOHN connected '\Vith thr. insl.JLul.o. 'rlll~Y udhcrc ary or March. There is much sickness ;tc_ict.ly to !,heir e;wci11l1,r ·u;u they ~he ARRISTER. & ORNEY. &a. ·among tho French troops. .sp!!'orneter· invented l,,y 1\1. 8ou\·1el!e. cx-~tcte NO'£AlW PUnLIC . Mo TO LOANi;lltl:g'COU ur Lhe FJ'eneh Ul my, a.nu ius~rurnent Tyrone, November 1, 1883. 275 0FFICE-0VEH S'l'ATESMAN On1·IcE. At Dan ville, Pa., Policemnn Kennedy which conv·}ys the merlicines iu the fot·m o1 ----a ttempted to arrest Green M5.ller, n, ne~ro rnl<i inh.Ll!i.tious 1o the 1rn.rt.s diseased, which JJ.tOBER'E AIUUOIDt, i~ tho cm].,., "NFIV lhf;se rtisHn.ses cn.n he cun~d. who was beating his wife. M iller resist- 'J'hey nro ~t!c a.tlng- hundrodB of p~1tjcz:1t evtn·y n EGif:>TitAR, WJ<.JS'f DUR~iA.:M ISSUER rnonLh. IHL\' j11g t.welvo :surgeons eugagcd hJ ed, and choked Kennedy. PoJ~cem:111 )':\ of Marrie..ge Licenses, Bu.rnster and 8.ttor· their wol'I· in Canads :;Jone, 8en<i 1t Lhree-cent ·i-3y at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money Williams went to Kcllnedy's asriist11·1ce, '!lltu1p ---<h>--for a copy <>f their Jntemational News ~ )tmed on Roal Estate. Olllce on Kmg street, when Miller bit him several time:>. \Vil- ;rnblishcd moo thly at 173 Clrnrr.ll Street Jowmanville_.- - - -- - - l orunt u. 215 tC. liarns tin'1.lly shot him mortally. ' :\ a,\\ OJ, 'J'. i'JI0.1'U·S ce.IJ,. --U4q_ An insurrectionary pl ob among members UEiH' A.ND· CO}U'Olt'l' 'i'O '.l'HE SU1"i<·~mm.·<G ICENSED AUCTION1'BR for the County ---·.o-.-.-,, JOHNSTON'S ' of a rifle battalion at Barrcclona has been "Urown·~ Ho11sel1olll P:uuic.-,." ha· no of Durham, Sales promptly attended. 9 GENTLE~lEN :- I have b.een appointed agent equal for rclioviug pa.la, boili intcrn11l tl.nd ex, Address-Hampton~. 0. . _ --~ _: _ by TWO ofthc principal houses in Canada for discovered, and several of t.hc o:fliccrs :~r, t,cmal. u cures pain i rt the Side, Ba"k or .131lW· At. iHIHJlllSO~. the Purchase cf i<'ar<M P1mnucrn. I havCJ, t,hArc- rested. 'l'he officers of the gal'I·i!J;>n at els, 8ore Throat, Rheumatism, 'l'ootha<;he, foru, leasod the prnm isea formerly uHod as a Lumbngo and any kh1 1'l of Pain or Ache. "It r. iern frontie_r of l <'rmwo, will m<>st surdy qniclrnn the UJood a.nd Hett!, ICENSED A.UCTIONF.RR, CONVEY AN- M11rkct Ifouse and 11tn prepared to pay tbe fuli Lcrida, Oll the nort1 -L'OllJ, C.IJ: It tn1d Comrns;iionc~ in J{. lt. Sales at- Market Value in Ca~ti for FA RM and D.AIRY lmve been ordered to sleep 111 lmrracks, LIS its actio(\' power is wonflcrJ nl." "Hrown's tended to prom ply und ttt i·c11su11 u.ble rutcs. PnoDtJCl<:. lam sm·e every ta rrner will admit owing to rumours of m1 intended risi1,g. Household Pan>\cea.:· b.:>iog 11r.knowle!lgetl ns f,, LI~~~n .tiiiAddrnos-_b;nniskillen P - 0. the-advantages of a Cash System. you can then · · t,he greot Pain Hd1e1'~r. and or <luublo tho ~~f,11d for P'·.:rll ' ylng the Blood. ~--- - trade .where you please and will be able to '.!'he Marquis of Ifortinrrton Secretary Rtreni;-1-.11 of 1~nothor l·:·ixi~· m· f,initll(·m_,in the ['.' It l1as been iu use fo1· 20years, and has OHN HUGHES.-Licensed Auction- SA n; at least 20 PEit (]~1\1'1' on four purworld Hhould he rn every fa11<11y h:rndy "'" uAe ~ .... , proved to .oe the best preparation in the eer, ValUaLor and Aroitrator, Fire an:l J,ire chnsce. am the fll'st to lnt1·oduc" this systom. at "\Var, m i1 speech roccntJy, stMed that 'when want.ed, "as it i·eally le tt1·· l:.c·et ,-emcdy Insuraucc .Notes a11d .A.ccount.s Collected, .GiYe it tt trial 1111<1 you wlll be cunvinced it is the Dri ~ish Covcrnme11t h,1c1 rncetved au 1n t.h11 world for Cr11mp.,. in t.he Stomaol·, und l.!)\;1 mai·ketforSU::KHEA.D,\.CIIE, PAIN IN i' < J THE f.cDE GR BACK~.LIYER COM- · Money to 'J,pnd on reasonable terms. Add~ess the best and oniy sMisfactory way of doing intimation from the Gernian C'ovcrnment pains 11.nd. ttnlws ~fall kinds," and is for saie by .·~ PLA.IH'J.', PlMPLTI;S 0.N THE FACE 1 · . . . · ' . all Dr11gg1sts at 2~ cents a. bot tle. l!U-1y. Cartwright.. Ont. 412 business. DY::ll'EPSIA, l'IL1~S, and all Disease~ __ _ _ __ ___ - - - - · 'l'hankiog you for past favors and solicitin~ that it 1s willing to co-operde with Engt!Jr,t arisn from. a l>isordered Liver or an .· GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO an increased share of your patronage, laud t o protect their subjects and interest~ ~·oMlCrs! lliotl·ers: ! illl)the1·11: 11 impm·e blood. Tllornauds of our best everY man who buys his J,!cen~e from '.l people take lit <ind give it to their chi!- N in China in the event of war between .A 1·0 yon disturbed at nigh~ and brolterl<llfJ·onr Yours ~ruly, HENRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. l!J8tf. Chinit and F rance. rest by a ~ick child. aufl'ering .and c1·ying 'dth .;~ i'.rcn. I'hyRids.n3 prescribe it daily. · the excru1atrng pain of cuttmg teeth l lf so if Those whci u'e it c:nce t·ccomme:nd it to JVM. BRIPTALN, oibc.1'.'S. Owing to the attack by the Chinese go ttt once and get a bott.lc of ;\lR~. WlNSR. YOUNr', V . S., r_ !l.s removed to Market Square. It is made from Yellow X:ock, IIonduupon Hi1idzuonoa state of sie"C has been LOW'S SOO'r!IJNG_ SYR.p P. It will r_elieve tho residence directly opposite the Drill Bowman ville, March 8, 1883. 2!11. 0 0 Tas Sarsapariill!, 'Wi ld Cherry, Stillingia · . the poor little suffer unmcrhatcly-dcpcn<t upon Shed. formerly occupied by P. C. Himes. His Dandelion, basi::afras, Wintergreen') anci proclaimed there by Admiral Courbet. it. t bere is no mistake about it. Therci Is not 11 office will be in Mr. John McMurtry's Grocery ot:·:cr well-known valua.b!e Roots and Some Annamite J\'fandarins who connived mbther on earth who has ever used it, who w·1J Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from l to 5 Herbs. It is strictly vegetll.ble, and can-> t f th Ch" 1 not tell you at once th iit it will i·eglliD' , .ne p.m.. Sundays excepted. 228-tf, not hurt the most delicate constitution, a t the mo,-emcn s o . e mc:se 1ave bowels, and give rest to the mother. ur ct relief I tis on~of the bes!; medici!les in use for been arrested. Offensive operat10us by and health to the child. operating like magic. RegulatH.,; the Bowels. ONEY TO LEND. - Loana can be the French a re imminent. The health of tis perfectly safe to ~1se in all cas~s,17nd plesa, · obtained through the SLtbscrlber upon 11 t ant to the ta.ate, and i~ tho prcscnp~wn of one oJ~ t1~f1~;;,e1f~f,' :~u~ ;:ip~:C~:" o~t'£~~li1:! t h e troops :is exce en · of the oldest and best female physicia»s and for fl.va dotl.?..r3. Farm Pr~.perty at an unusually low rate of ~·!Jaso wlw co.nnot o!>t·ln ~ bottle or this ' interest. :Fixed charges for Solicitor's fees. F. It is reported thtit :M:. Waddin"'ton the nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere m~c::cine· 1 ·rom thci.rd;ug-hiiit n1a-v send usono 0 · CUBITT. Bowmanville. 239·tf. · ' m · - at 25 cents a bottle. 18±-lv. ctoi!n.r, Ol.Ild w«t will send it to them. French Amoassador at L on don, l1as ,... W, .iO!i~TS'I'Oll cl; IJ(),, ~a:r.itaotuma, G formed Earl Granville that France inPianos 'l'uned & .Repaired. /\. ml:e:zl\\uir!, 011t. Dotroll, Ulch. tends to occupy Bacninh and Sontay to ~ill:~~~C::'"".l'l"~~ .. .~ satisfy her honor, but will not engage in ARTIES.WISHING THEIR PIANOS war with China, and that after the surTuned;or ;epaired can have thorn attended to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN render of these two places France will Co's OF'FIOE, Bowmanville. A. flrst-clas man -B"'SZ"propose an armistice and ask £.or English l!lOW being in their mploy. meditation, · A frightful tragedy has caused the ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organist tar" I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on and teacher of Vocal Music ·is prepared to the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. greatest sensation at Vienna. Felix von take a few more pUIJils. The best of refer- Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. K uh, sixteen years old, son of the railway ence can be furnished Great care exercised ll'irst-class hearse on very moderate terms. with beginners , nnd special attention given to Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun- director, Ritter von Kuh, and his elder advanced puJ)ils. Those desirous of takin~ eral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & brother loved Fraulein Thorsch, daughter Du. E. c. "WEs· .r's NERVE AND BRAIN 'l'ItEAE Instructions sh@uld apply at :Mr. Doyle's resi- Show Rooms- Bounaall'sNew Block. MENT, a. guaroteed spccilic of 1Iystori11, Dizzindence, or make it known by .directing a few All furniture sold by me is made by the U . C of the well known banker who died in e·s. Convu l~iou . Ji'its,NervousNeuralgiu., Headlines to P. 0; Box 49. 'l'erms $7.50 for tweive Furniture Co. ofBowm11nville. I do not buy July last leaving 15,000,000 florins. Felix ache, Nervuu8 Prostrat ion caused by the n~e lessons. 239-tf slop furniture and represent it to have been shot himself with a revolver and died im- of a lcohol or tobacco, Walr.efulness, Mental Demade by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. pression, SofLtming of tho Brin.n, resulting in mediately. .Also agent for the LI-QUOR TEA for this town Insanity und leading to misery. decay ancl anCJ -vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be In the trial of O'Donnell for the murder death, Premature Old Age, Ba.rrenness' Loss got in the market. A valuable prize giTen power in either sex, In voluntary J,osscs and of of Carey, only one witness was called for :with every pound. ISSUED BY caused by over-exertion of the d efence. The jury after two hours' Spermatorrhc:ea, the brain, self-abu se 11r over-indulgence. One d eliberation returned a verdict of " wilful box will cure recent cases. Each box contains murder," and the judge passecl sentence one montll's·treatment. Onti dollar a box, or six boxes for five.dolln.rs; sent by mail prepaid OFFICE-'l'own Hall Buildings,Bowmanville of de.:tth. .<\.fter the sentence h ad been on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by pronounced the doomed man broke out ror ~ix boxes, accompanied with :tlve dollars Be not af1·aid of cloudy weatla.er. into violent curses, and had to b e removed u we will send t he purchaser our written guaranCome Gents' and Ladies' all together, from the dock by force. tee to refund the money if the treatment does not elfect a cure. Guarantee issued only by Make no mistake, be sure and call, ISSUED BY The result of ®'Donnell's trial was STOTT & JURY, sole agents for Bowman ville, We'll spare no pains to please you a ll. eagerly awaited by Irish cir cles in London, Out. ; JOHN C. WEST & CO.; Sole Proprie· tors, 'l'oronto. Ont. Splendid Portraits- life complete. where it was generally expected the ORONO, ONT. Lettergraphs that's hard to beat. verdict woulcl be manslaughter. Some of Photographs in splendid style, the League branches have resolved to Onty 7 wo Dollars. The rosy cheek. the tender smile. form committees to memorialize the Home Having the ntmost confidence in its superiorF irst come first served so be not late, Secretary to cornmut0 t he senten ce. It ity over all others , and after thousands of tests sf the most complicated and severest cases we Those that are last must patient wait. was thought probable an attempt will be could :tlnd. we feel justified in offering to forfeSo come along without delay made to bring pressure on t he United it one thousand d<lllars for any case of coughs, g~~s;rrt:t\Ti~!~~~~~~~1~~ ~h~ t~~~~ ;;~ti~! w~~t ~ tho allortest route. and ca1Ty 1ng passengers. And proof will clinch the whole we say. States Government to intervene for a colds, sore throat. influen~a. hoarseness, con1 in its eo.rly st.ages. whooping cough, saih~rt~~h~gf~c~i ~r;1~~~~;.~;:b~~~~ 7t~~11\°o~: commutation of the sentence. All the su.mption H. C. TAIT & Co., a nd all diseases of the throat and lungs , except Minneapolis ancl St. Paul. It connects in Union PHOTO ARTISTS. morning papers endorse the verdict in the Asthma, for which we only claim rcl\ef, that &~°l.~1V:ii~\1ca~nt~c1;~~in§~~~~11lJ6c9e~;~~a1t~ei: u'i~~ we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when mentis unrivaled and magnificent, bc1necomposed case of O'Donnell. 1'4ost Comfortable and B eautiful Da..v Conclles, taken according to direction. Sample bottle of Having refittod ur Gallery a n Magu1ttcent !Iorton R eclining Chair Cars, J?ull .. Mr. '1'. D. S ulliva n , lllf.P., r eferrin g txJ 26 and 50 cents; large bottles ono dollar. Gen- man's Prettiest .Pala ce Sleopincc Cara, aud the Beet uine wrappel'S only in blue. Sold by all dr. u gLine of Dining Ca.rs in the V\7 m·ld. Three '!'rains tho action of the Govemment in proclaimchanged, the sky-light, WO are nOW prepared gists or send by exprcs on receipt of p1·ice between Chi cago a.net Missouri River Points. Tv..-o ing Newry, said it hacl not been t he }on~ s. WES1' & Co.; 81 & 83 King St. East, ·r1:aina between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via the Famous HARND EN , L. D.S., To mako Photos instnntaneonsly an,d cu stom of the Nationalists to interfere Tor onto, Ont. Sold by STOT'l' &. JURY. "ALBERY LEA ROUTE." wit h Omnge celebrations, but that henceGradua.te of the Royal College of Dental A New aud Direct I.iue. via. Seneca and !-':.anl-c:o.Artistically. either in exterior oi· koe, hus recently been opened between Ric!lruond, forth when Orange meetings were anSurgeons, Ontario. Norfoll~. Newflort News, Clrn.ttanooga.. Atl.n:c.ta~A unounced the Nationalists would probably Interior, representing summer OFFICE OVER DICK80N'S STORE. ~~~~;rf!g~h!ia~d t~¥~~~£fg: ~~~i8~~fi1a~:MW:t~~:~~ We will pay the above reward for any case o hold counter m eetings, and t hus compel lis and St. Paul and inte.rmediato i;:oin ts. Liver Cou1plaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache All Through Passengers 'I'ravel on Fast Expree:; GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. Time or wmter time, the Govemmcnt to pr,oclaim both. Ho of Tndegestian, Constipation or Constivenes we Trains. Plate Work executed in the latest and m-0st Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Offices in attributed the present unhappy state of cannot cure with West's Vegetable LivAr Pills t heUnited States and Canada. improved style of the Dental A.rt. we also Frame Photos etc., as when the d irections are strictly complied with. Baggage checked througll. and rates of fa.re a la.ffairs to the recent tour of Sir Stttfford They arc purely Vegetable, and never £ail to ways as low as competitors that otfcr leea advlll.')... TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PA.IN Northcote. give satisfaction. Sugarcoated. Large Boxes ta.gos. cheap as can be done here F or detailed ;uformatlon. t1:ct the Maps and Fold· by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury 25 Pills. 25 cents, F~r sale ]>Y .all era of t he A Dublin d espatch says : Archbishop containing to the patient. Dru~gists. Beware of counterfeits and lm1tao r elsewhere. CREAT ROCK ISL.AND ROUTE, Croke, spettkiug aL _ W '\terford, said after tions The genuine manufactured only JOHN Particular attention paid to the regulation or nearest Ticket Office, or address what had been achieved in the last few C WETT & Co., "The Pill Makers," 81 & 83 At;your E . ST. JOHN, CHILDREN'S TEE'l'H, King St. E!tst, Toronto, Ont, l!'ree trial pack- R, R, CABLE, yettrs by the Irish party in P arliament age sent by mail pr epaid on recei11t of a 3 cent Vioc·Frca. & Oco'l M'g'r, Gcn'l Tkt, & Pu.sa, A.gt, pat-ALL WORK WARRANTED.~ Bowmanville, Sept. 27, 1883. CHIC.A.CO, under their g reat leader, he had no doubt stamp. iror Sale bv S'l'OTT & JURY, 269. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, MARBLE ___ WORKS i POR;c' PERRY ___ NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. -- DENTISTRY1 WITHOUT TEETH. J. !1'.L BR IMA COMBE, l'JtA.CTl()AL D1D!'i'l'IS'l ', W. SHAW AG EN CUES. NEARLY 'l'WENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, formers Please This. . NH1·@nsOxtcD.eGu R A.dmlntstePed for Patnlel!I Operations. lllCCLUNG'S 111.oc;x. 1 ooj- HAIVIPTON BOOTED. Fl.XCEi: A.JR.JC) :tv.l:O"YSI .r·~ thanks the people of the destrict for theit· libAral patronage, and solicits a cont.inualiou of the same. He has on hand n, nice stock of Ready-Made Hoots and :,;hoes that he will sell at.lowest prices. 751·- = Ocean Steamships. e.c. ORDERED WORK recei\·es special attention and goo1l fits guaranteed every time. Repairing promptly and neatly dor.e. ' R. MOYSE. Hampton, Oct. 18th, 1883, 273-tf T. YELLOW LEES. W. f. ALLEN. Highest Price Paid JDON'T JBUY! Any SEWING MACHINE until you see the NE"W' ROYAL A, Jn st out. combining all the best qualities of the Old Royal.(a machine which baa given univers· al satisfaction), with new &.nd original improvements found in no other machine. Among the many improvements, it bas a ·High a nd Long Arm, ma.king- it specially adapted for Dressmaking and Tailoring. It is a very lig:'-t running. almost noiseless, Self-Threading, I diusbable in all its parts. the simplest · ' most complete Bobl>m Winder made, Ne SelfThreading Shuttle, all made of first quality materials. In a word placing it bP.a.d a nd shoulders superior to all Canadian and equal to the best American. JOHN S, DONEY, Tyrone. Special and Sele Agent. I also sell the RAYMOND and WIIITE MA· CHINES and the world reuowned W ALTilAM WATCH. We call ·special aLtention to our General Cheap Cash Htore, which is stocked with only first-class goods, we do a big business, and sell as cheap and in large lots cheaper than many others can aiford to, as we make 110 bad debts. N. H,-Send me a card or letter and I will call on you. G L WOOL & BONES. LEWIS QUICK, THE ONTARIO BANK Stoves & Tinware M R B LO 0K, BEHOLD! Sign of the Big Boot, --------------- ------ BOOTS & SHOES JORN S. DONEY, ---- Ty1·one ---- · rwl~ B B W. H. HICKS. "°" READY CASH! WILL CURE OR BELIEVE. BIUOUSl\iESS, DYSPEPSiA,. HWIGESTICM 1 DIZWiESS, DROPSY, FLUTTEH!NG TO FARMERS OF WEST DURHAM! 1 tb.e Y0ar Ro MUNDICE, al)'S'.PELAS, SALf RHEUM, M::ARTBURN, h~MJACHE, Of TnE HEART, ACIDITY Of T!!E s1or.1!\Ci:, DRYNESS L SARS~\PARILLA CgMrLAniT, DfSPEPIA, OFT;;[ SK!N, ft.:HJ flt1ery species of diseaseG n:·isitH'{ ~:r cl~so~der-ed UVER, KIDN E YS, f;.iT0:\1AG BOWELS Oi-1 BLOOD. J · "'· ' I -GR.&NU- A I~ D ECLIPSE HOUSE! -<.<n-- M Call and sco the Cloth t,hat will be made per your order for $10 tho suit. Call and see our 19 ounce Underclothing- All Wool Ribbed at 80 cent.a for Lad1es·-and Gents' wear, -Call and examine our- P UNDERTAKING I L EV 1 MORRIS. Health isVvealth! Excelsior Neckties, Boys' and Gents· in endless variety · . A choice stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS as Cheap as the Cheapest. --'l'he FASlIION.ADLE lIAT- the- -~~---~~~~ P Low Crown Felt DBrby has given way to a much Larger Shape: The J<'ashionable Hat this season is a Large J:<'ulJShapewithh!ghroundcrown. Call and - sec them at the- MARRIAGE LICENSES W. R. CLIMIE. ECLIPSE We can do as Here Represented. W. H. IVE&'. W. M~MURTRY -HAS ltECEIYED- HOUSE. 1, MARRIAC E LI CENSES A. J. LOCKHART, $1000 FORFEIT ! CHICAGO, ROCK ISLA.ND & PACIFIC RiY c. NEW CASHMERES, NEW BLAL:K CASHMERES, NEW LACE CURTAINS, NEW QUILTED SKIRTS, NEW FLANNELS, NEW SHAWLS, NEW PRINTS, NEW CRETONES, NEW LADIES' COLJ,ARS, NEW WINCEYS, NEW MENS' UNDER SHIRTS, NEW MENS' DRAWERS, NJ£W ACTOUY C01'TON, NEW STE.AM LOOMS NEW FINGmlUNG YARN, NEW CA.NA.DIAN YARN, Parties buying Goods Vlrill $500 REWARD ! & Save from 15 to 25 per Cent tiy Buyrng from H. C. TAIT & CO. W. McMURTRY. S CALL AND SEE.~ Bowmanville, A.ug, :JQ, 1883. ?\ ·, ·...., 266.