- -.. . -----ranks A man who is able to employ himself ed bY freezing, may be covered. The FUN FOR THE LADS. innocently, is never miserable. It is the should not be put over the plants Hare rf)storer~ Garno laws. idle who 11re wretched. If I wanted to vntil thero is danger of severe freezing ...,., Cross· bred Fowl. inflict the greatest punishme.n t on a _fel· weatJl.er. Other frames should be ma~e The first wager-The alpha-bet. EXPERIENCE. Crossing fowls enables us to combine read!' for very early lettuce. The so1l 1s In thanking my many friends and customers High a1't in Greece : Oleomargarine. low creature, I woul~ shut lum alone m a The Rav. z. P. Wilds, well-known city The to bl'! spaded and enriched 'and made dark room without employment, mlssiona,ry in' New York, aJl(l ln·ot.hcr the merits of different breeds. ~ f!>rj;h,e 1t.t'nd favors so liberally bestowed in the "'Raw for mo !" shouts the lover of !OJ~~~~~_!_~-~-·~ Brahma has a very small comb, is heavily read-v for planting, and the frames then of tho late e1n!nent Judge 'Vilclt,, of the pa.st; I Juld respectfully announce that I will oysters. feathered, and grows to large size. By filled up with leaves. If there are shut. l\'Ia.ssa.chusetts Su111·e1ne Co1irt, ~'l'itc~ 11hortly remove to th9 NEW s·~ont: erected on crossing this breed with the Leghorn, we ters at hand to cover them, a.11 the better, Love is blind, and the young nmn as follows: "78 E. Oftft,St., New Y-01·k, .Jfa,11 tG, 1s~2. ,the premises formflrly occupied by me one reduce the comb of the latter, increase the Earth is often wanted for hot-bods, seed- hugged up to a girl has one n igh. ~h:s~~RS. J. 0, AYER IS; Co., (ientfo111en: CATARJU!,-A new 'l'reatment wlDrebv a. size of the body, and afford heavier boxes, etc., at a time when the ground is <I.oar East of Mr. Buckler's where I will be " To whirr is human," said the man perman&nt cure is effected in from one to three Last w·iu l,er l w}\.s troubled ,,.; t.h ri.. u lf'Jst feathering. The crossed fowl will sit, &till frozen. Lay in a good supply of fine, who invented a flying-machine. nncomforta.b.10 itchin ghrnnor <l.1f<:<"1ing treatments. Particulars and Treatise free on pleased to show my stock of more especjal]y my ll n11)g, wllieh ttc;ir.·.d ~ o receipt or stamp. A. H. DIXOK & SON,1367 though the propensity is not so strong as 'r ich soil, under a shed, or whe1·e it can be intolerabl y :\.t night , ~trn l hu:-ncd i:.:o it1t1·n~e A country grocer advertised "balcl but· King Street, West, Toronto, ly, tha.t I could scnrcely bcnr a.11y c101 ::; 11g in the pure Brahma, and the good quali- had when needed.-Dr. 1'h1wber, in .ilrnter." Ho moant "balled," though. O\'E:r them. l ·wa:; also a. s u ffurer fro m a. itics of both breeds are blended. A cross erican ..Agriculflnrist for Dec. · 'liVH.J.T THE REV. E . B. STl>VEXSON, B.A.. A severe ca.tru·t·h and cata.rrlutl eongh; 1ny of tho Brown Leghorn and Partridge CLERGYMAN OJ<' '!.'HE LONDO:V CONl'ERENCE The well-written advertisement resemb:tpIJetito wa3 poor, n.11d 111y system a good OF 'rIIF. METHOJ)JS'l' CHIJRCJ-I Ol" CANADA deal nm dowu. K11owing the va.lne of Cochin per;nits of uniformity of color, What Ploughe<l Ground Pays Farmers. les a boomerang, for :ij; has a prompte · HAS '.l'O SAY IN HEIJARD 1'0 A. H. DIXON &; AYER'J:S S .\It8AP-Ut.U:..f..iA, b y observation Of and makes a superb fowl for all purposes. Take one illustration of the magnitude turn . SON'S NEW TR&A1'ME:N'£ FOR 0A1'ARRH:, .all of the latest and most ashlonable designs. ma.uy other en.so!", :n-1d from p e rsorrn.l tt!-lO in forlller ycn.r a, J l1oga.n taking it fo r 1 !to The Houdan answers excellently for of our agriculture. Omitting the pastoral 0AKL,lND, ON'J.'AHIO, CAN., March 17, 188$. If the hearts ofthetw oweddedgiants beat nbove"notrn.C'd dit:1onl1Jrn. My a/' petitL' i !11crossing ou large coarse hens, the off- interest, which exooeds any other one ; as one, what a terrible t.lmmping there Messrs. A. H. Dixon, & Son. provcll ulnivi:.t from t,llo 1ir;-$t <osc. ..\. w r DEUt Sms..-Y ours or the 13th jnstant to hand. spring usually being larger than either of also leave out garden and fruit products, must be. n. short tinie the f evDr a.11<1 i ldt l11g '\(·re It seems almost too good to be true th.at I am Bowmanville, Oct, 2B, 1883; allayed, a1t<l nll s.igns of iniLat..ion of t!te the parents. When two non-setting root crops, rye, barley, peas, beans, in of Catarrh. bur. I know that I am, I have " My mind to me a kingdom is," said cored s!;;:ill <lisu.ppear ecl. i\ly cata rrll a.nd coagh no ret.urn of t;he disease and never felt wero a.lso cur ed by 'the same rnea.n~, n ud breeds are crossed, such as Leghorns and short everythiiig except four leading crops Snit.Hes to his girl. "Yes, I should say had better in my life. I hiwe Lried so many things rny general health gren.tly improved, u11til Hamburgs, the result is sometimes per- &:rown on tilled ground, viz., corn, wheat, it was a king dumb." for catanh, sujferecl. so much and for so many it is now oxcolleut,. I feel f L J1urnlred p l:r sis tent sitters. An excellent cross is to oats, and cotton. The total yield of these years. that it is ha1·d for me to realize that I am cont strollg(·r, anJ l MLribute these resu!ts Callow youth (before looking-glass, teal!y better. use a Langshan cockerel with large com- forthe present and past four years aggre----;-+---to tho u ::.e oi the SAltSAP.A 1u1....1.A, '"l1ich I consider that mine was a T"cry bad case.; it stroking his chin): "Sis, I think 1 m;.1St I rec<>mmencl with a ll conticleuce n.~ the mon hens, the pullets from which are gate, ir round numbers, about eight hunHaving bought Mr. R. SYLVESTER'S MA· ,ya~ aggravated ann chronic, involving the best bloocl medici11c e~cr d evisccl. J tool( get me arazor." "Do, Bob, a beard- throat as well a~ ~he nasal passages, and I mated with a Houdan cockerel. This dred and twent-tlve million bushels of CHINE SHOP and FOCNDRY we are pre it. in sma.11 dose~ thn:o t.im ns a tLtr, a nd thought I would require the three t.reatn1ents uscHl, i 11 n.11, less t hnu t\ro bottl e~; ; I pJace gives a hardy, early maturing, large- corn ; twenty-three hundred ared to do all work in this department in a million raiser." but feel fully cm·ed 1Jy the two sent me. and I these fr1cts n.t. you r service, h ol1i11g t.h uir satisfactory manner. We shall continue to Two farmers saw a couple of dudes on am thankful th<tt I was ever induced to send bodied fowl, and if a Plymouth Rook bushels each of wheat and oats, and thirty pulllic:ltion may do good. to you. manufacture Mr. Sylvester's celebrated a street in Troy, when one exclaimed : Yours respcctful1y, Z. r. \\"U..J>f:.l ." cockerel be used the succeeding season, it million bales of cotton. If we estimate You are at liberty t\) use this letter statinit will be an advantage. The Lartgshan is th'.e average money value to the actual "Gosh ! wlrnt things we see when we that 'l'he above instance. js but one oft.he 1nn.!1y I h·tve been cu1·ed at tico treat1nents, ancl const:u1tly coming to om notice, which 1 ir0Yo the earliest matui·ing of tiny of the As- producers on the farm, and for the crops don't have no gun!" I shall gladly recommend :vom· remedy to some friends who are suffarers. of my the p<jrfecl. :.uln.ptaUility of A \'E1~· ;:i ~).AH::31\. iatics, but has hard legs, which are con- sold and used by themselves, at seventy Yours with mauy thanks. A poot says he cannot write poetry and shall spare no pains to keep up their pre l'AlULLA.. to the cnre of all <.H';C:t~e!-l :tl'ising sidorecl objectionable . by some. For cents per Lushel for wheat, thirty cents without suffering. Very few poets are so REV. E. D. STEVENSON, sent reputation. frorn im1u11·e or impoverished blood, ancl a plumpness of body, yellow legs, and hard- per bushel for corn and oats, and thirtyconsiderate as to thus publicly remember 'l'ORON'l.'0, April 2!, 1882, weakened vltaliLy. iness, the new breed-tho '\Vyandotts fivo dollars per bale for cotton, we have their readers. A. H. D ixon, Esq., 305 K ing St., 1-Vest. (formerly American Sebrights) are equal the soil yielding in these four ploughed DEAR Sm,-·we take pleasure in stating that long and favorable known-will be carried on Now tlmt the government is rich our .iunior partner, who had for years been to 1111y. They arc nearly as large in size crops alone, over five thousand seven hunand with the assietance of our Machinery we troubled with Catarrh. was succesafully cured cleanses, cnricl1es, and strengthcHs t110 l>l ou:l, as the Plymouth Rocks. A pure-blooded dred and thirty-two million dollars ; or enough to cany a letter for two cents, we hope to laraely increase the business in this by three treatments of your remedy. Th() sLimulatcs the action of the scorn:tch n11d cockerel must al ways be mated with over eleven hundred and forty-six million would humbly suggest that it stop mak- Cattarrh wa.smuch aggravated, wi th continual department and give our customers increased bowels, a111l thereby enables tlie system to crossed pullets. dropping into the throat. accompanied by loss If this is not done, the dollars every year !-a sum so vast as to ing the postal-cards of blotting-pitper. inducements to purchase from us. A large r esist and overcome the attacks of 1111 Sc,.~f11, or. voice, hawking and spitting and blocking up chicks hatched from the crossed stock be beyond actuttl comprehension. All stock of Carriages and Ploughs now ready. Photographer (to bald-headed man)- of the nostrils, all of which we are pleased to l01ts Diseases, Et·u11tions q( the Sl:..in lliu~u~ will be of different colors, shapes, and other pursuits sink into insignificence in Excuse me, sir ; but the top of your head say disappeared almost immediately after the All worli; warrented satisfactory. Special at 1nal'ism,, Catarrh, Gene1·al IJebUity, nnll a]] was applied. Your remedy is certainly tentioll-'i ven to Engine, Mil and Agricultura _disorllors 1·csnlting from poor or corru11tcd sizes, as they usually revert to different comparison with that of the farmer.- shines so that it will take extra big ; so,- reme:ly an invaluable on'e and we hope all who may ancestors. Sandy soil is best for the American .A.griciiUi~rist fo1· December. be suffering fromthis disagreeable disease will b;0od and n low state of Lhc system. if you don't mind, sir, I'll just chalk it a feather·ed-legged breeds. Plenty of room give it a trial, as we are satisfied they will flud .PH.El' AH.E D B \.bit. it a complete success. in the coups should always be allowed, Yours very truly, Ele11hantine Sagacity. "Papa," said a Hamilton boy, "do Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Macs. without regard to the breed of fowl.has had a large experience in "VVM. NORRIS & SON, Sohl by all llrngc;iet.s; price $1, sixc bottlci P. H. Jacobs, in A mericcin. Agriciilturist Every one knows that the species of goats give milk?" "Yes, Tommy." "And Wholesale Pianos and 01·gans, Machine, .Agricultural andtJarriaqe Worlc, for $11, No. 8 Adelaide St. East, br:ute creation to which Jumbo belongs is a goat is a butter, isn't it?" "Yes, my for Dec. having worked in the largest establishments in son." "Well, then, isn't goat's milk butexc.e ptionally intelligent, and, were furthe Dominion, which will ac!d brgely to the termilk?" AYER'S ther proof of the fact re~uired, it is furinterest of the new firm. llints on Hog Killing. nished by the exploits of a couple of · "Excuse me," said a polite citizen to a CATHARTlC B"GiveourHARD METAL PLOW POINTS Skill and practice arc needed to take young elephants recently provided with a colored man, "I didn't kick you on pur- All t1101e who from indhcretlons, excesseq Ol' ctbcr causu a.r&. ~ trlal, ~:PILLS. out the intestines neatly, without cutting home at the St. Petersburg Zoological pose." "No, sah; kick eel mo on the shin, wea.k, unnerved, low JI·iritcd, physically drnined, and unable te> pertorm llfc'1 dutlei& 11 r operly, can be gertainly and penua.· nenbly cured, wltb.ou t stornaob medkincs. Endorsed by dootort., Best -·Purgative Medicine or bref1king them and soiling the flesh. Gardens. The public admired and made sah. Scuze yer dis time, but don't git in . miniatet's and the press. The Medical Weekly u.~a : ·· The old. de habit ob it sah." [ Run the knife lightly down, marking the prime favorites of them ; they were fed plan oft.rco.ting Ncrvou~ Debility_, Phy"teal Dr.cny, &o.... curo Constipation, IudigesLjo11 , JTeada.clie, a.n~ hi wholly supcucdod hy THE MARSTON BOLUS.,, Dven. belly straight, cut to the bone betweep with cakes and good things to such an ex1111 Hilions llisonlcrs. ~} Bowmanville. March. 8 1883. 241 A young man who sat upon a black ~e~~e=!~~~':. ~rr;:~~~:sc~r:::;~ !~cf:al!:t~d Ci the thighs, and in front of the ribs and tent by visitors to the gardens that their piece of iron in a blacksmith shop and unSolll evcrywl.Lere. Ah\'itys reliable, trea.ti:io, 0ou:sult.<J.lion Creu. below, and split the rear bones with an health greatly suffered, and it bcc11me ceremonionsly sprang seven feot in the f.gr lliRi!'n>N RElllEIJl i:o., Zi> Y on11:e · st.. 'l'or~~~~-~ axe carefully, not to cut beyond them. ; necessary for their visitors .to interfere. a.ir, with a wild shriek of despi~ir, says he !'iio Ho! GenUen1e11 ot"Fas'h open the abdomen by running the hand or Tho public wore requested to be less gen- don't think much of the hot springs as a two fingers behind the knife with its edge erous in thoir offerings, and, tho request health resort. ion, not so t'hst. turned outward. Little use of the knife being noii 'generally attended to, a notice A tailor informed one of his creditors I have written these few lines is required to l oosen the entrails. The to the same effect was painted on a metal And all I have to sayfingers, rightly used, will do most of the plate and aflixed above the entrance of that if he did not settle his bill imm e\}i·r ~at you can find me still at home, severing" Small strong strings, cut in their house. This failing to i1ttain the ately he woudl commence suit, but >Hts l am not gone away. So all my kind old. , riends,may come, proper lengths, should be always at hand object in view, and persons cont inuing to surprised to receive a post::i.l-oard by re· And all they oung ones, too, to quickly tie the severed ends of any feed the elephants with pastry, an official turn mail politely informing him to look And get then· garments nicely made small intestines cut or broken by chance. was told off to call attention to the to the settlement of one suit before comIn fashions that are new: I '\Vhere old and young, dear friends, may meet An expert will catch the entire offal in a notice. Tho intelligent animals, observ- mencing another. A welcome "l"Mtin"· bv R. PE.A.TE large tin pan or wooden vessol, holding it ing that whenever the latter raised his . A St. Louis man trippe<1 on a rug a. t between himself and the hog. Unskilled hand to point to the metal plate, buns and the door of his bedroom, slid down a long Elek Bc~<lnc:,c nncl relieve nil the tronblc~ bci(lc:it to n Liliou::i cl::>to of tl1e systcn, such :.in Dizoperators, and those opening very large cakes about to be given were withheld, flight of stairs, crashed through it glass 2l:lcs3, N:iuoc:i, !)rowsin~3, Distrcsn e.ftcr cetiua~ hogs, need <ut assistant to hold this. The drew their own conclusions and acted in door, clown the stone door-steps, roll eel P~i::t b. tho Side, toe. While their most rc::na1·li:11bla succcss has bcoutl:own in curing · When'er yon want a n easy shave, entrails, and then the liver, heart, etc., their own iI1terests. They set to work to across the ynrd out thnmgh the op en As good as Dadier <wer gave, being all removed, thoroughly rinse out demolish the notice which proved <11} gate, crossed the sidewalk on the de ad ; ust call :i.t Pethick's Saloon, any blood or filth that rntty have escaped obstacle to their enjoyment, and when side, and brought up like an avalanc he At morning, evo or busy noon. inside_ Spread the cut edges apart by their keeper looked in upon them one against a tree-box. "By heaven," he said He'll cut :md comb your hair with grace, inserting a shor t stick between them to morning, he found it on the ground so as he limped back to the l1ouse, "th at 'lteakache, yet Carter's Litt!~ Liver Pillsareeqim!!y ro suit t.he contour of your face; admit free circubtivn of cool air. When kno·Jked about a11d damaged Llrnb a now tree-box might have been the death of '\':i)uable in Cons:ipntion, ci:ring and prcvcntin~ this annoyl:lg com)21:nnt, whilo they also correct His shears are sharp and raizors keea, dripping is over, or the hanging posts plat..3 had to be procured, which to save it me. If I ca.r1 find the child who left t he a).!.ilborc:orc cf th" stomach, stlmulato tho liver His shop is neat aud always clean, 1;tre wa.nted for other carcasses, . remove from dcstructimi' has been phcecl out of gate open, I'll wear out a skate-strap on aud ~~~v.lato the bowels. Even if ihey only cured him. " An<l every thin" we think you'll ti nd the dressed ones, and hang them m a cool the .i,uimal's roach: ..........~~ .... '.1'0 sui.t the tast~ and plciu:e t he miad' 1' cellar or other safe place until the whole __ __ · _ flesh is thorough!) cooled through. Or if, '.l.'ransparent crape of faint pink a:r:;d Important to Ruptured Persons. for convenience an<l easier work, the carblue shades covered with silver spo ts is Ache they wooId be nlmost priceless to tb09e wh~ · . cassos arc cut up before cooling, let t'\ll The Excelsior Rupture Tri>~tment was the novelty f?r cv?ning dr?sses. It. is suffer frcm thie iliotrossiug complaint; but fortu:natcly their goodness does notend here, nud thosCJ l\~EDAL . r 1 thepieceslieapartforatleasthalf~day. introduced to the American people sev- 1 orna1~enLed with frmge~ of s1}Yer se . qurns '\YhO onco ·try them will find these ltttle pills vulu. I Removrng the lard from the long mtes· eral years ago iu S11Ch :t manner as to and is ~adc. over s11tm. E~~bro 1dcrc<l able i:a GO ~o.ny wn.y.3 thut they will not be willing · tines requires ex1)crtness that can only completely secure the confidence of the tulle slnrts with smirlot cheml,c p oppies ~o do Without them, But after all sick hcncl. G TJ E L P I..:f be learned by practice. The fingers do whole na~ion. Tho mode of introduction are worn w1th red velvet bodices. . . . I most of _ this clc.aner, safer, and. better Are second to n?ne in the world. 20,ooa in· I thal' ., kmfe A hght food the mrrht be- was by furnishing the remedy to those af- , =====~==-=-:::"'='====~=============-===== · w. · · · . . . "' . struments now muse. Demand so great that with Hernia in any of its v:wious RO_l~ it requires 'l.'Wo of the largest Factories in the I fore killmg leaves the mtestmes less d1s- flictvd \ · Ie tlie bane of so many lives that bere !s wherewci' Dominion, with capacity for turning out ·1'WEN· 1ten<led and less likely to be brokcn.- forms and collecting no pay until a per· : :mnke our great boast. 0121' pills cure it whilG 'l.'Y per day. For purity and sweetness of tone. J M S' } l ·. A ·· · · lt .· t ~ manent cure was effected. In thiH way Cltbcrs do nl'.>~ elastic and light touch, beautiful and perfect · · ' ca i , in ..a.me? wan ..L.Lgricu ii1 is J or the treatment gaiued a world wide repu1 Carter's Litt!a Liver Pffis nro very small 11nd finish they are unrivalled. December. fation on its own morits nevPr failing very easy to take. One or two pills ma.kc a dose.The most skilled labor,the very best materials .They are strictly vegetable and do not gi:ipo or that to c111re any reflucible Hernia. 'l'he Commoney can procure are a guarantee to pur· purge, but by thc!r gentle nctiou please nil who Take Care of Yom Orchard Trees. pany haB at the solicitaion of thousands use them, !n vinlo nt 25 cents; five for Sl. Sold. chasers that they are buying no shoddy. but a first class article, 8old wholesale and retail by by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. When the owner visits his young orch- placed the remedy on sale by all druggists Manufacturer and Dealer in Mink, S. S. Seal, Persian Lamb, ~ussiain J.P. RICE, Bowmanvllle. ard after the snows have melted away in both wholesale and retail, in the Umted ·- VA.RT.ER rulED.EC1INE 246. J. S. DONEY. Tyrone. Lamb, Beaver, and Otter Muffs, Bows ~nd Caps. · New Yuri:. Cib'o spriug, he often makes the disheartening Stateg, Cana.d"' and Eng.land in this way discovery that many of his trees have bringiug it within the re ..ch of all classes been girdled by mice or rabbits. Judg- a.t a trifling cost compitred with the bene- Ladies Capes, Fur I. .ined Circulars and Astrachan Jackets, and ing from our own correspondence, the fits which are derived from the use ot the ---o0o--Gents' Coon Coats a specialty. damage by these anilfmls must in the treatment. Ask your drnggisl for a free GEN'rLEl\!EN:book on rupture or sen cl 6 .:ts .· for ont> to MITTS and Jf you really want G 0 0 D FIT- aggregate be very heavy. GLOVES in Beaver, Persian and Russian Lamb, Kid1 · The first thing to bo <lone is to oxamine the Excelsior Rupture Cure M'fg Co OgTING CLOTH:l<JS try the extent of the injury. Frequently it densburg, N. Y · Wool ax:d Hair Seal. is not so bad as it looks, and the inner bark is not entirely removed. If this FLAX SEED. ROBES.-Buffalo, Coon and Black, White and Gray Jap. Robes. He has a choice assortment of New Pattern covers even a fourth of the wounded porThe evidence producE>d establish the Clotlis--Worsteds, All-wool Tweeds, Over tion, and connects the bark above the superior claims of FLAX· SEED EMVLSJON Coatings, etc. wound with that below it, the chances CoMl'OlJND as a remedy for Nervous exCALL AND INSPECT. are that the wound will heal if drying can haustion and all its syrnptons is unques· White, Regatta, French, Cambric and Wool Shirts, Ties, Braces, Silk ST&RE ;-«:orner King and Division Sts., be prevented. The ordinary grafting wax, tionable. The large and increasing denowmanville. applied on old, worn cotton cloth, or on mands is almost entirely due to its own Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, also over 25 choice lines of Fancy, · r paper, as used in gra,fting, should be ap- merits. We do not place it in competitiN.B.-None but First Class Vi ork turned out. plied over the injured portion. 'l'his, Plain and Ribbed Under Clothing and Ca1·digan Jackets. on with patent medicines OL' secret remed271. w. l'EA..BDON. ·especially on quite small trees, will pre- ies as we furnish the formula and show Highest Cash prica vent all evaporation. Another applica- that it co:asists of a superior combination P. S.-All kinds of Furs altered and repaired. \111 ID 0 [~if& tion is the old grafting clay' made by of phosphorus with the fat producing paid for Raw Furs. ;flllG IQ) ~~~ . f t lfil Ll11.,roughly mixing and beating together p1·operties of the Flax-Seed During the stiff clay with half as much cow manure. past six months over four THOUSAND BoTHas received her new stock of ·Apply this over the wound quite thickly, '.L'LES have bP.en dispensed in the city of and fasten it in place by wrapping with Ogdt>nsburg, N. Y., and county of St. This Great Household Medicine an olrl cloth and tying with str-ings. If Lii.wrence, where it is manufactured and amongst the leading · · h L f B the innner bark is complr:,tely gone, no· nnive1·sal verdid is that it is the best necessaries of Life: and lllVItes t e a IeS 0 OW- thing remains but to bridge over the the NERVE TONIC, BLOOD ENRICHER, and These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and rnanville and vicinity to call wound 'Y"ith cions, and thus restore the PURIFIER ever prodnced. We solicit most JlOWerfullY, yet soothingly, act on the and see her p tt n oommtm1cat~on between the roots and the investigation as to the reputation of the a er top. The c1ons may be taken from the remedy where ever it has been used. Lsver, Stomach, K£dnevs, Manufacturers,~ same tree if they can be spared, or those Rupture Cure M'f'g. Co., Ogdensburg, and BOWEL8, giving tone, oneril'y, and vfgo o these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LU<'E. 'fhey ' another of the same kind will answers as N.Y. are confidently recommended as a never failing Also a fine assortment of well:-Ameriwn Agriculflu.ri.~t for Decemremedy in all cases where the constitution, from and assortment ot be1-. whatever cause, has become impaired or we11.k· ened. 'l'hcy are wonderfully efficacious in a:l.l ailments incidental to Females of all ages ; and Formerly known as the "Soper Mills.') Preparing for Spring in the Garden. as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE. a.re unsurpassed. Wherever a crop is taken off, it will be STORE :-Second Dom· '\Ves& of Williams HIS MILL HAS BEEN THORa great gain to m1. m urc and plough or Kutcher Stan. UGHLY renovated and put in order, under We have on hand and are still making spade the land, leaving it rough during our own special supervision, for the purpose of Its SoareJitng :nul Jleallng Prope1·ttes 1u·e the winter. All such work as making gristing and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we a~·e now prepared to rec«i>ive k1u.1·wn throughout the '\l'odd. paths, laying drains, etc., is more advant- orilers from all our old cuotomcrs and others For the cure of B.A.D LEGS, Bad Breasts, ageously done now than when the press for work, and we gurantee to givc the1n who intrust us with the same entire saLisfaction. of spring work is tit hand. If new frames Oats and Old Woitnds, Sores and Ulce1 other grains taken in. exchange for suitable for Fall and Winter wear. All offered at are needed, or stmw mats, or cmtes for l!'Iour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bowit is infallible rcmed7. If cft'e.ctually rubbed on marketiug produce, or garden bbels arc the neck and cheat, as salt into meat. it cures required, if implements are to be made, SORE 'l'HHl.JA'l',Diphtberia,Bi·onchitis, Cough Colds, and even AS'l'HMA. For Glandular repaired or bought-whatever can be Swellings, Abscesses Piles l<'istulas Guaranteed Cure for Gonorrhoea and Glcet' done in the prese11t months-will save CALL AND EX.&.iJU.NE~ Rheuniati·sm, Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects much valuable time in spring. ·Now, imd And e;very kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has from its use. Does not lnter"fere with business all through the winter, add everything to WAREROOM, never ~\len kown to tail. or diet, Pl'ico $2 per box, or three boxes for $5. the manure pile that will decomposo and ~ _ The ~ills and Ointment are Manufactured .· . . , - only at :,33 OX1"0RD 8TREE'f LONDON and Wutten guarantees losued by every duly increase its bulk and value. Among the are s_olq ~i all Vendors ofMe?-icin.es throughou authori 7 ed agent to refund the money if three prepamtions for spring is the pricking out thd. o.·- mzcd World; with d1rect1ons for usmg boxes fail to cure. Sent p()stnge prepaid on into cold frtLmes, the caLbage, cauliflower ii'.\ m0yt-every language. . . BOWMAN VILLE. «Purchasers should look at the L:i.bel on the receipt of price. and lettuce plants from seeds. It is imPosts nnd Boxes. Ir the address is not 5331 DR. ll'ELIX LE BR UN & CO., 81 & 83 King portant to set the pl:wt~ of cabbage t'\nd Oxford Street. London, they.are spurious. . The Trade :Marks of my said :rvfedicines are St. East Toron~o. Sole Proprietors. Sold by cauliflower clown to the first loaf, so that gistered 1n Otrnw;1, and also a~ Washington. all druggists in Canada. the stem, the portion most readily injur- REMOVAL. Rev. Father Wilds ___ ___ 9 FARMER'S CORNER. sash~~ CATARRH. MILLINERY, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND FANCY COODS MRS. ANDERSON. CHAMPION PLOWS, OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS, A.yer's SairsapariUa 1 i\aJrR. :OARCH ABDON TD MEN a·Sf:::1:; McCLUNG &DARGH. 1 · 'RE THE BARBER SHOP. SI I D · W B E L L'S PRIZE m ORCAn lRS I I ---- ------ A HE 83·4 FURS ! ES ! HATS ! 83·4 JY-[_ l\LCAY:R: R, co.$ THE No. 1 TAILOR I W. PEARDON. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. e c T ayIsu a· GOODS., NEW FALL STOCK OF Boots&Shoes Large and well Assorted, Bought from the best B 0 N NETS' HATS TRIMMINGS Caledonian lY.[ills. Holloway's Ointment, T DR. FE l I X LE BR UN'S 0 First Class Home Made W-ork, c~c 10" :Fl. E::' Oo~AiNION ORGAN&PIANO c~., t CW! T BIG 20, a ca 8 a tat cIs! JOHN HELL VAR. VV.RUSE, Agento OUR BUSINESS MOTTO :-Buy cheap for cash; conduct business with economy; give our patrons good value; and not -meddle with other people's affairs.