--- --- - - - - · - - - - --TERMS :-$1.50 PER AlmUM. NEW - ·-- -- - --OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR .A.NI> VOLUME PROPRH:TOit. S:irnn:s, NuMnEB 286. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JAN UARY 18, 1884. XXX. NUMBER 3. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT! During the next 3 Q DAY S we will offer our Entire Stock of FURS at a discount of 20 per cent or ONE FIFTH. OFF FOR CASH The~ stock comprises· . T I Astrachan Jackets, Coon Coats, Seal Caps, Persian Lamb Caps, Seal Sets, Mink Sets, Persian Lamb Sets, 'Black Yak Robes, Buffalo Robes, etc. 20 20 This wiP-- reduce the µrice of several: articles to LESS THAN COST. I.UNG BROS. CHRISTMAS, 1883. J. HICCl~BOTHAM & SON, N~~ay~~R, SUBSCRIPTIONS -FUR ALL- CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, BOWMANVILLE. The holiday season is upon us, "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year" will shortly echo from every quarter, .and in accordance with the time-honored custom we have ~purchased largely in such goods as will make suitable holiday -gifts. Including-'Toile1 CJut G-laH Bottles, 1'1a;-nificent Hair Brushes, Fancy 'l'oilet Setts, Sha~lug Papers & Magazines PUBLISHED, AT 'HIE VERY LOWl!JS'f RATES. CLUES LIBERALLY DEA.L'l' WITH:. T. Yellowlees. Cards of Thanks. To tlte Sovereiun Fire Insurance Co., Toronto. rtlugs, Elegant 'l'otlet, I beroby return tbanks for the prompt and liberal settlflment, through yonr agent, Mr. 'l'homas Bingham, ·of the damago done to my barn in Chu-ke by lightning. Yours truly, 280. Cases, Choice Pel'Jl1111e1·y. DRUGS and. MEDICINES. . We intend to represent this line of trade with the best GoQ~'! the market affords, and we trust by fair dealing, reason .able prices and courteous attention to the wants of our custom-ers to mer.t yonr patronage. Respectfully, ___ ___ .,,.. JOHN llUDDOCK. Bowman ville. To the Pres1'.dent, .llfanaucr and Dlrecto1·s of the Fire lnsm·mice As.·ociation of London, England. J." Higginbotham & Son. Dow ma 11 ville. I bereby return thanks for the very prompt settlement, through yom·agent Mr.'l'. Bingham. for my two horses killed by llp;htnlng in my field last thunder atorm. ROB'l'. FIELDING. , To tllcPresident antl Directorsoftlie Hartford Ffre Jn111wance Company. GEORGE C. HAINES, --M.ANUF.A.CTURER O F - - I hereby return tho.nks for the prompt pay· ment by your agent, Mr. 1'. Bingham, for lo8S m full to my household effects, caused by the breaking of a coal 011 lamp, having received cash check as Hoon as my claim was presented, 279. MORGAN DAVIES. OARRIACES, SLEICHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O .. KING STREET, BO'YMANVILLE, Haa now on hand a number of vehicle~ (11.nd is manufacturing a great many more) of the newest patterns 11nd beet finish, which I am offering for se.le p.t the lowest. prices oonsiste11 t with due regard to workman11hip and quality. The following is a. list of the principal TOhicles manufactured by me: To the Manager and Directors of tho Sovereign Fire Insurnnce Co., 1'oronto. GE:S'l'LEMEN. -I beg to acknowledge the prompt settloment. tbrou~h your agent. Mr. Thos, Bingham, of my claim iu full for the losa of my barn In Mariposa. bv l!ghtnlng. · JACOB POLLARD, Bowmanvllle, Sept. 2~. 1883. . 270-tf NOTICE LADIES. __to """ __ _ I have now opened the Best and Largest Stock of Evor shown In Bowmanvlllo. $1,000 worth of 08'£RICH FEA'l'HERSjust opened. A large Democrat \Vagon.................. ......... .. ................................... 65 u stock of 'l'RIMM]lHJ HA'l'S and BONNlfi'S Lumber Wagons.... ............. ................................. .............. 55 11 always on hand. We have also a larl('e stock of VELVETS, PLCJSHER, SILKS, SATINi, of all Light \Yagon................ ..................................................... 40 11 She.des ; a 11trge atock of ltrnBONS, FLOWERS, LACElS and TRIMMINGS of all kinds. Express \Va.go11 .·... ... ·.. ·.·. ~· ··································· ······ ········ 75 u Skeleton......................................................... .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . 50 11 Please call and ln11pect our stock before purchasing elsar.vhe1·11. You will find our goods Sulky .................. : ..... ...... ................ .. .. ,............................ 40 " the cheapest and best in town. PoHessing superior facilltlea for manufacturing carrlariesi, I intend to soil very cheap tor cash a;trBeaver and'Felt He.ts Re·shaped In all the or l'Oproved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatl1 Increase mJ number of Bales. Would latest styles. .{: · iell the wood parts only, or the ge&rlnits of bug11;les ironed. REMRlllEIER 'l'IIE STAND :-I doors we11t of · Martyn's Grocery Store, Double Covered Carriages .............. ........... , .......................... $200 Upward~. Single Phrotona ................ , ................................................ 100 11 Open Buggy..................... . .. ............................................. 70 11 . Top Buggy....................... ....... ... ....................................... 90 11 WINTER MILLINERY ·. A Kinds of Vehicles Repaired ! At the Shortest Notice~ Pa.inted and Trimmed if Desired. At the Facto.i:1 I al110 do Planing, M&tchlng, 'l'ur11ing and Sawing with Circle, B&nd or Scroll Mantles and Ulsters made to order at l:law~ and prepare all klnds ot lumber ror o&rpenter11 and others for building purpo11es. urnam1111~al and Plain Pickets for fellCes in every style required, made to order. 248 S. Maaon & Sons. Mrs. DONNELLY. I An East vVhitby firm has been holding A GRAND SUI'l'El:t.- Tl1e Annivers~.ry auction sales of di·y goods her e in Gifford's , of tho Ebenezer Young People's Christian CAB7'W1UGHT. The C. l\'I. aud B. C. Sabbn.th Schools hall for the past week. They have with Association will be held on 'l'uesclay, Jan. lrnvc united 1rnd will meet in future in the Lhem, for auctioneer, a dmrnpion kicker 2!Jth when supper will be scr"ed from 4:~0 B. 0. church, Mr. Titos, '.Verry superin- (in his mind). He was holding forth the to 7 o'clock. A "ery choice program will teuclent. 1'1ic Lwo congregations will also other evening how he would use his No. afterwards he rendered, consisting of unite for public worship in the s;1me church. 12's on a certain imlividn;il if he could music, readings, etc. The local talent only see him, hut when the gentleman in will be assisted by the Misses Cryderman, The uld C. NL building will lJe used as tt tempera.nee hall, a new Division of the question put in an appear:mce, the sales- of Hampton, and others. Admission, 25 man concludecl that "discretion was the cents ; proceeds for the benefit of tli.e Sons being a.bout to be organized. better part of valor," 1incl wisely let our Association: A very cordial invitation is The Prcsbytericm Soiree on Thursday, townsman 11lone. ln future he had better extended to the public to attend, last week, wns 11 splonclitl succoss.Hoccipts remember that Enniskilleners arc not ·· · ·- --$80. TheC. lVL choir furnished real first- frightened with a little talk. TYRONE. class nrnsic. Rm·s. Windel, Crnighton and The annual l\'Iissionary meeting was Rev. Mr. Barker preached an excellent Down wr1dc A 1 speeches. held in the Metho1list Church on Tuesday mission:uy sermon hero on Sunday, Jan. A go<Kl way to 11 trnlify for councillor is evening, 15th inst. The attendance was 13, to tt large and attentive audience. to nu11Ty a young wife- sweet sixteen or good imd the m eeting one of the best ever On M onday ev1ming, Jim. 14,, the antluu·e;1bout. Dout yon think so Sam? held here. The addresses l>mctim1l and uuttl Missionaq meetiug in connection very interesting, were delivered by I{ev. with the 0. 1\'1. Church was heltl. Rev. TUBBY. M essrs. A. W . Ross, Missionary at Fish- Mcsssrs. Barkci-, Fol'l'ier, Young and The two S<Lubath schqols of lhis place er's River, Manitobit, and Rev. E . It. Dyke, delivered approp1·inte 1Cddresses. have been merged into one, with Mr. C. Young, of Bowmanville. The collections 'fhe subscriptions gave promise of cxcecdJ. Hughson, as s11porintcndent. It will and subscriptions were much in 11dvance ing those of last year. Our Division receiving such an iinvettis he1·eafLer meet in the l·ascrn ent uf. the C. of last year. · - ---·- on Christmas Day which has freecl the JYL clrnrck ORONO. hall and left quite n. sum iu tho treasury, Only one solitary wedding has been The officers of Orono Lodge No. Hi1, is still prospering. MemlJcrs arc joining celeb1"1L eel in the nejghborhood during the h olich1y period, aud now two roses bloom A. o. U. W., wore installed on TLiesday every Thursday night. Next TlnU"sday evening last by Bro. M . A. J;imes, D. D. evening a spelling match under the loadt·Jgcther. · l b y B ros. A . B ar l >er, ership of Mn.1ming and l\Iiss . . , t1ss1stel N 11 . B " Mr. l Jolm · f l 'V·1 Imel no nrnils on Thursday i111d Fri- G . M "I"ll ·p . . M e mg iam, o· t ' 1 ·· S F <. r.1, . w . , of M ie Alb t]\1 is part · ·t10iprog1·anunc. i· t ocorc1er,anc day of la.st week, o wjug to tlw l>loclrnde. R Bowmanville Lodge, and a.ro the followr. . er itnnmg v1s1 ec lls paren s The snow is now folly three feet deep 011 in the Christ mas vacr1tiou. He is re-e ning :-P. M. vV., Robert Moment; M. lf , t t l · J l the level, mid still it imows. \V., Dr. 1'ucker; Foreman, R. Knott; grigec or 188'± 0 eaci lll a sc100 near A youn;; m11,n, not far from here, hung Overseer; C. B. Borland; Recorder, Robt. Bath. the family dog a few ~bys ago, vrior to Ferguson ; Receiver, vVm. Thompson ; Miss Effie Binghan is visiting her friends the assessoi:'s visi t . He wa.s cut down, F M cL 001l ; Um ..., 'de, ,T. .p . in Tyrone. bl l . R innnc1cr, · . ·I 1 1f f B 0 ur young itc csm1t hauled to the woods, and left >is food for ' ·\1·1 1· I 'xr ·1 · l W ll 0 l 1a.~ e t or . ow' 1 tarnson ; · "., ' 0 m a my i · manville where he intends to finish his vultures. In a few hours afterward a W., Wm. McLeod ·; R epresentative to frantic cre:1ture is to Le seen rllshing Grand Lodge, Dr. 'rucker. '!'here was apprenticeship. nrndly into the cottage, exclaiming that one initiation, the secret work being ably Mr. J, Doney t ook an effectual means his clear crtnhw had come back to lmunt exerui>lified l'Y Bro. Charles Keith, M. W. of getting the snow rid from our sidewalks him, and l~s future is gone. V crily ·<ll is of Bowmanville. Ten or twelve m embers by treatinf .tl~e boys. not dead that's motionless. of Bownmuvillc L od<re were present and About t ur Y _young f~lks from Trrone SeouT. after the business '~as over the vi~iting sr.e1_1 ~ '~ very eUJ?yable t.1 ~11? at ~r. l'hos. - --------- -brethren were entertained >Lt ttn oyster Hains on Tl~ms(lay evenmg List. '£'.he supper at the Coulter House, >ervcd in ro:tds were <1mto blockaded 11.nd what w:th ENFIELD. excellent style. With toasts, speeches railmgs :ind a nor-weste~ the home drive The defe:tt of our worthy mayor at tlw and songs, an hour wris socially spent. . was not so pleas:int as rn1ght be '~1~lrnd. polls is deeply regretted. Mr. Dyer has Tho .,s u Bro. K eachie W\lre nrnch C!m· Assocmt_wn ~xpcct a ".is1t from given great satisfaction as conu cillor, ancl "l)l 8011 c·rntbecl . YQh·llQ .0 ,. . '~ 0 ' " k' f air · thell" Bownrnnv1lle on Friday next. .MU ,1"" i~ urn -111u T he ·1 c l river · ffnemls 0 we lwpc he niay ' ' be spared to fig!1t " . n·e . l "' ma1 rom T yrone wits so unress - Cl 1 , l\ll tie mom >ers n.re very reg~· forti1uat1¢ 1w to fr\ll;)Z~ hi.I> face one day last another day," when vJCtory rnnst be !us. prog_. _ hw m t1ttencltmcc. Bro. J;~rncs complJ.,. 1 With the opcniu9 of leap ye~r the far.li e~ mented the officers very highly on. the wel\c't . H ll ' . · · · have assumed their in·e rogatives, for 011 efficient manner in which they conduct the iss Anme e yar v1s1tccl her friends ~ondlty night they got up a big party and lodge business. An effort is ueing made here last week. Z. proceeded tn Mr .·fames Gilbert's, where to secure a better lodge room. ---·---· l : a song a rich programme was r euderec The final session of the. Council of 1883 A Matter of Honor. by Miss Thorne, with < tccolllp11nhnent by Miss Dyer ; songs by Misses Gilbert and was held on Tuesday. Membl:lrs all presSm,-I so.w in last week's STA'.rE8MAN Ormiston, accomp:mied by l\fr. Myrus on ent, Iteeve Carveth in the chair. Passing an open letter. setting forth the pm·ticulars the accordian, were loudly encored. 1icootmts was the principal business done. of your purchase from· Mr. Climio. You Scveml games followed, aucl a jolly time For sheep killed by dogs, over $80 w;is are correct in the position you take. I granted. At the close tL resolution was was spent. ' passed to the retiring members, to which wonder who _ tlmongst us woukl lilie to I It is ruportecl that our new pedrwogue :ill respondt)ll. 'l'ho annual suj>per, given he served as you have been. No doubt cr1lled on a willow recently, mid ]ms not by the Reeve, came off at the Coulter Mr. Climie cnn legally start a paper in yet"discovcred Ids m istake. House, there being present members of opposition to you, but I contend under Mr. Clifi\wd has returned from Ponty- Council, the civil service oflioials of the all the cil"cumst:1nces, that if he is a man pool wit h a Lad cold. municipality, nnd Mr. .fames, of the of princi1ilc he wo uld n ot. I a.Ill a ConMr. Ch:is. Knapp's dwelling was burned Sa'ATElll\IAN. Capital speeches were matle servative, always was, but I am going to on Wednesday morning, with nearly all by those present, and a. tip-to1i time was take the S1'ATESMAN from to-day. 1 love his household effect.~, clothi11g, etc. A enjoyed by all. Loug nmy Reeve Cm·veth fair play, and will not countenm1ce the unfair, unmanly action of Mr. Climie. Enbuggy, cutter, robes, a quantity of seed ftourish to repeat the a\mmil supper. closed please find my doltir. h¥,·l~Y. and several other things in an Mr. W. 0. Allin: the new Pl'iuoipal of Yon rs respectfully, adJmnmg woodshed were also burned. the Public Schools, has entered upon his A CONSERVATIVE. No insurance on l1uildings or contents. duties with a determination that augurs Darlingt.on, Jan. 7, 1884. The fire is supposed to have originated in success. He succeeds a good man-Mr. tho woodshed, probably from some coals Guy Andrus-but from tho high reputabeing carried out in the ashes the previous tion he has as a ten.cher, he is sure to Cartwright Agricultural Society. evening. · keep up the present 11igh standard· of GRANGO. eflicioncy in the school. 'fhe pupils aro Tho rmnual mooting of the Cartwrivht 0 1ilready much attached to him. Branch Agricultuml Society was held on ------·~ ···-- - -- the 10th inst. There were present Messrs. Judging by the large bumlle of S·uTESNEWCAS2'LE. MA NS that come to Andrus' bookstore, the Coates, 'l'aylor, Devitt , Farmer, Marlow, l:-i MEMORIAM.- '.rhe old elm which pttper must l>e very popular here. Spinks, Wright, and Geo. l\ii. i rlow. stood in front of t.he grammar school, In consequence of the auditors afowintThe prayer meetings last week were not Newcastle, is no more. This noble elm, ed la.st ye:ir being absent, Mr. William the like .of which is by no means common, well attended, owing to the stormy Parr and Dr. A. J. Campbell were npweather. even in this land of forests, has, ever since pointed to that offic1;1. The treasurer's 'l'hc Masonic supper, on the 8th inst. , accounts were audited and on motion we1·eN owcastle emerged from the woods of Clarke, been a conspicuous aad noble was well patronized, quite. a number being reoeived and adopted. The following ofl:mdnmrk. Grand in its dimensions, present from Oshawa and Bowrnanville. ficers wel'e thon appointed for the current beautiful in it:a symmetry and compactA village youth bought a new revolver year, viz. : Presiclent,--Anson Taylor. ness of form, its top· was visible to the and cartridge, and finding them too large Vice President,--Nelson Marlow. Dh'ecplouu}unan on tho northern hills, and for the cylinder, attempted to drive them tors,--James Coates, R . B. Spinks, Chas. serv~d :is an eflicion t guide to the sailor of in with a hammer ; result, explosion and Larmer, .Tohn Mckee, John H. Devitt, the lake. ·surely one would have thought lacerated hand. 1\-{ichael Chapnum, Thus. A. vVright, 'l'eas. such a tree, associated as it has been with 1'110 whereabouts of one of the promi- Whitfield. ·Auditors,-Dr. A. J . Campthe schoolboy days of tho citil1ens and nent men of, the township was anxiously bell, Wm. Parr. Secretary,--.James Parr. citizern1' children, would have been: safe enquired about during last week's snow 'rreasurer,-Pcter Holt. Moved by Mr. from the ruthless axe of the destroyer. blockade. He no doubt took shelter \Vhitfield, seconded by Mr. Larmer,Most of us, it is safe to say, reverenced where he was made comfortable, and like That the Secret11ry and 'l'reaaurer ancl loved this tree with that love and a sensible man remained until the storm ·and they are hereby appoipted a Comm' reverence of the works of nature which abated. tee to confer with .John Axworthy ia c if is instinctive to the breast of man. Yet, Our municipal Council for this year is possible to purchase from him his interest stranrrc to say, no stops we1·e taken to Reform(eel) . in the Fair Grounds for the term uf five prote~t it from the W!\llton caprice of tho Our m erchants say snow dri.fts are years if they can do so, for t1ie sum of one vaud:tl. Anyone possessing a moderate effecting trade. hundred dollars, to be paid to ]\fr. Axamount of those sentiments which are On 'rhursday evening, 10th inst., there worthy in advance. Carried. supposed to distinguish man from the imi- was in tho Ch1istian church an entertain· On motion the meeting adjourned to mal, should have been proud of such ii 'ment in connection with the Sabbii.th Thursday, March 13th, at 2 o'clock p.m.. majestic specimen of mituro's :ut. .Alas School, which was ii success. The recit;tJAUES PARR, Secretary. for the perversity of human nat11re ! This tious and music were good, tmd the afternoon the earth trembled ancl the "Illustrated Ta.lk," by R ev. Thos. Ot\rChapter. II tree foll. Why was not the sky darkened 1 butt, of Newmarket, was highly interest" Malden , Mass., Feb. 1, 1880. Geo'rl1e ri~ht11 (!) of the proprietor have been ing and instructive. From crayon sketches, tlemen- l suffered with attacks of sick vindic11tec1 imd a village weeps. rna<le by himself, of different cham.cters, headache" The following candidates passed the re- he showed plainly that " sin is a. failure," Neuralgia, female trC>uble,for- years in cent entrance examination to tho High and th.at " righteousness is a success," School at ~ewcastle :_:_Fred Gibson, 44(; ; physically, mentally, and morally. Not the most terrible and excruciating ma.nEdith Rickard, 384 ; Bessie Renwick, the le:ist interesting, especially to the little 'ner. No medicine or doctor could give m& 367 ; Janet K ennedy, 341 ; Ernest Wil- folks, wits an evergreen t.ree, l:i1len with kinson, 330 ; Thonrns Morgan, 324 ; Leah friendship gifts, nuny of which wero relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. "The first bottle Chaplin, :322 ; Flol'ence Lee, 318 ; Ettie beautiful, costly, and useful. A small Nearly cure,d me;" Middleton 299. Fred Gibson and Ettie admittance was charged, and over $20 The second made me as well and etronic Middleton are from S. S. No. 9, Clarke. added to the funds of the school. u when a. child. 'fhomas Morgan from N ewtonville school, "And I have been so to this day." ancl the remainder from Newc<istle school. VKltY Rl:ll.ARKA.BLll1 RECOVERY. Mr. My husband was an invalid for twenty · MouRNEn. Geo. V . Willing, of Munchester, Mich., years with a serious writes:" My wife has bee11 almost helpless "Kidney, li'"er and urinary complaiut, DID SHE DIE'/ for five years, so helpless that she could ··Pronounced by .Boston's best physic"No; she lingered and suffered, pining not tmn over in bed alone. She used two !ans"aw:1y all the time for years, the doctor11 .Bottles of Electric Bitters, and is so much ( "Incurable!" doing "hir no good; and at last was cured im1Jrovecl, that she is able no\r to do her ~ Seven bottles of your bitters cured him and I know of tbti by this "Hop Bitters tho papers eay so mn1 work." . E lectric Bitters will do all that is clai"Lives of ei11ht persons" much t\bout. "Indeed! indeed! how thank· med fo1· them. Hundreds of testiu1onials r In my neighbol'hood that have beeo ful we should be "for that medicine." attest their great curative powers. Only 1111ved by )our bitters. "They almoat McCiung Bros'. will b~ th~g~eat Bargain fifty cents a bottle at Higginbothan & Son's Drug StOl'e. Do miracleef" -Mrs, E. D. Slqck. resor-t during the next thirty da.ys. CORRESPONDENCE. ENNISKILLEN. EBENEZEll. I \·