County Agricultural Society. -Call alld' sto tbeThe annual m eeting of the '\Vest Durham an<l Darlington Union Agricultural Society, was held in the Council Chamber, Bowmauville, on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Levi VanCamp, presiding. There \\'ere present, Messrs. George Gray, M. Porter , Jesse 'l'rull, S. B. Bmdshaw, W. Windatt, M. D . Williams, J. M. Joness, vV. C. Blackburn, A. Tmnblyn, 'l'hos, Burden, Jacob Polla1·d, George Pollard, 'l'hos. Smale, Geo. A wde, Samuel ' Allin, · w. Werry, .John Davy, Robert Collacott, H . Elliott, Jr., L L. Brown , Thos. Ward, R. Fielding, James Parr, R. J. Shaw, L.A. Tole, and M.A. James. Circulars were read from H erny Wade, Esq., secretary of the Agri:ultural an? Arts Association, on tlie subJeCt of Agncultural Education and the Canada Short Horn Herd Book, Prize Essays, Pri;;e Farms, etc. Received and filed. The following Rej)olt 9f the Directors and Treasurer W< ts 1·ead and adopted : REPOI-tT m' THE W!EST D-c;mJAM AND DA1tLINGTON AGRI.C.UL'lTRAI. Socrn1·JES }'OR '!'Ht<; )'.'1'1Alt 1883: The m embers of these societies need scarcely be remindoo t}mt the paat y ear was one not favorable to agricultural pursuiLs in tlus county. Short. crops, poor quality, and low prices lrnve been the rule. A comparison of tl.J.,e ret urns made to the Ontario Bureau of Industries from this County, for the ye:u:s 188~ and 1883, shows the followrng result ; Bowmanvllle Publio School Promotion Examination. From Miss Moorcra.ft's room t o Mr. :Barber's· F r irnk Rankm, "\Vilhe Draper, Charlie Hill,' Kate Frauklin, Maggie Williams, Bertha Slu;rriu, E. Henderson, Maggie Davis, .Jennie McClung, H enry Keith, Laura Taylur. Arthur H oar, Willie Adams, Allie Dingman, A. J. Cm-scarlrlen, Marion McL:tughlin, May Allin, M. Camidge, Finlay Lockhart, Lizzie F ield, Cassie Russel, Maggie Clinue, Albert Wesley, Milly Lyle, Addie Beach.- 25. N . B.-'l'he first nine passed in everything ; the others either failed in some subject or were not ex.unined nt all. },rom Mr. Mc'l':wish's morn to Miss Moorcraft's : Willie Tmnl1lyn, Willie Cherry, Harry Black, Albert Bellman, Joseph Knight, Mabel Tait, N ornrnn Sinclair, :Mabel Couch, John Mara, Thomas Smart, Lizzie Kirby, Hillbert Hutch eson, .Tennie Williams, J ttmes Medhnd, May Worth, Mabel C<~ckburn, Augustus Mingeaucl, Alfred Black, \\Tillie Gnmt, .Arthur Reffell, Alice Welsh, Frank Morris, Emma Grant, Lottie Honey, Charles Stuart. - 25. Frum Miss Thomas' division to :Mr. McTavish's. Rossie Camidge,NormanJohnston, Miimie Black, Lizzie D emster, Ahn Williams, Clarence Galhmith, Minnie Sincfair, Martha Peate, Frank P ethick, Viola Gilfillan, Georgie Armour, Lillrn Perkins, Mary Grant, Maudie Wright, AnuicHayns, Mabel Boreland, Mary Davage, Minnie Hoskins, Otto 1\iyers.-19. From Miss Hambly's to Miss '.l'homas' division : Carrie Cherry, E<lith Colgate, Louis Bounsall,Bella Allen,Phcna ,Harris, Bella Pro wer, Mary Brimacombe, Maud Fleming, Emma l\fonkley, Fmnk Wmdsur, Eva Trewin, Fred Hanson, '\Villie Keys, Willie Bryt111t, Goo. McKowan, Lottie Bri1~1acombe, Hannah Davidge ,Lizzie Draper, Mary Fishley, Ethel Monis, Geo. Charbuno. -22. From Miss Coleman's to Miss Hambly's: Emerson Parks, V ennie Bryant, Ezzio Nott, Willie Allen, Emmanu el Rdlry, Lena Bennett Percy Black Ferrier M cArthur, Lona 'Dancaster, N!;rman Sherin, Frank Lyle, Jennie Adams, Lilly Smelt, Annie George, Zella lhim:1combe, Etta Tait, Amy Spry, Fred McClung.- 18. From Miss Birnie's to Miss Coleman's ; Mabel Northcote, Minnie Medland,Artlmr Peate, Florence Young, Freel Kycld, Lily Butt, Gerty H<tines, Acfa Coleman, Lirnra Beach, Minnie Wright, Alex. Yollowlees, Arthur From Miss Raines' room to Miss Birmo s : Samuel Kivell, Ada Silver, Frank' Trebilcock, James Goard.- 4. OUR LIST OF FRIENDS. Subscriptions paid for 1884. 'l'o our many subscribers who hitve renewed for the current year we tender our -best thanks. While only about one quarter of the whole number on our subscription lis~ have i-enewed, it is gratifying to us, that very few indeed have notified us to " stop my p:tpor." The number of new subscl'ibers added to our list far exceed the number discontinued, so that the S·rATE8J\U.N b egins the year with a frwgcr list than it ever had before. If those who lmve not renewed will try to get ono n ew name to send in with their own we shall gretttly appreciate their kindness. Our next list of "paid-up subscribers" will be puhlishecl l'eb. 1st. Rea<ler, if your name is not in the list below,ende:tvor to have it in the next. We shall be ploasecl to hear from persons who have paid up but whose namos do not appe:1r. Chas AxfoTd H B Andrew CG Armstrong .1 .J Ashton ~Apr) Ll'VI John Ashton J lC Allen Benj Ashton Henry Adams Henry Abraham u co Argue Henry Argue Geo .\rmstro11g .Joa Armonr John :\.1·1101. .TPsse Arnot William Annis Mrs Armitage Heorgo Awde Hieb Allin B J:Ion E lllake· ::vr P 'l'hos l:lragg 1<' Bleakley Duncan lllnir J ames Beith Rich Bailey E G Bttrk Chas l:lird l\'l D KE YSTONE & BOSS COLD WATCH CASES, The best n\11ke Ill the world at H A l' NA H ll'!', 1·11.t; ,JElft:LLllJt, I M. Joseph Moo1e Joln1 McCullough Hoderick McLeod .lames M1tllett Wm Mutch R N McConnaclne Hugh McKay Hfoh Mo·os Ne1! McDonald N, Alva Norton Hich Nichols Mrs E C. lil orton Samnel Northcott Rich Osborne sen James Osborne W Ormiston oon Thoe Osborne Chas Osborne Tiich Usborno Hobt K Orr MA W OliVPr ll A 0. · P. A. 18112. 18113. Fall wheat -bushels per ac1-.e. . 2!).. 15 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION AND TIME, GOING EAST lt~press .......8 5~ Spring ,vheat, · ' Barley, Oats, " " " " 20. . l!J 32 . . 26 41. . 41 OOING WEST Pei:LS, " 20. . 1{} am Loca.l.......... 7.27 a m Potatoes, " " ·. 160. . 80 :M1xed ......... J.Oo pm Express ...... 8.17 am " " ·. 530 .. 440 Local ... . ......'7.10 pm Mixed ........ 3.30 p Ol Mangolds, Exoress....... 9.30 p m J<Jirnress . ..... 8A5 p m Carrots, " " · .425 .. 385 Turnips, , " " .. 475 .. 400 1# Hay was a large crop, but was much injured by: incessant rains during hay hitrvest. The fruit crop was almost a u entire 'J'he following persons are authorized to take snbscriptions for the S·rA'l'.llSMAN at our regular failure, notwithstanding the sho.w,of blossom was full of promise, the co1~equence xatee and give rec-=ipts for the same: . 'l' S Breul, N F Hall R. II. P rust, postmaster .. . ...... Cartwright. of the cold winds and rains dJH'i!1g the Wm Bingham John lfalliday do '!'hos. Werry . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. Mrs Bell wood J G Heatlie months of May and June. ' l:fcnry Elliott. j r., postrna:;ter,....Hampton. D F Burk Rich Hambly The operations of this uni'\l\!.l'l 1>11Ql)iety .l case Cole..... : . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . . do Wm Hambly Rich Beer .r. 8. AshtOn, Merchant........... Enfield. during the p! year W t\S only f!W!ly prosWm Hoskins .John Ilarkwell .J. S. Doney. · do . . .. .. 'l'yrone. 8amuel Brooks Mrs J Hancock perous. There was a slight de.i;i;:.®&e in ]'. L. Andru~ do ... . '. ... Urono.' II .Broad Isaac Hobbs W .A,. W. Carveth, do ........ Leskard, the membership, and the serioiw ,falling ThoR Bridgman SJ Hllney D. · Allin, do . .. ...... Newcastle. off of $ 165 in the receipts for admill$im1 to ~amuel Barrett 'J'ho· Haycraft Robt. Wotten, ................ .... Columbus. Jaa Ji~ Boacoc.1< JD Hogarth W. C. Len1, Merchant, .... .. .....Courtice. the grounds. This is tu be accountad for J F lll'Ooks '.!'hos Hollowell W. Batten, do' ...... .. . Solina. in p,ut by the unwise and ungtW.eyous S Bragg ' W ilbur ll:utohison T. Yellowlees, do .... .. ... Bowmanville. Jon Bray David Haig ·action of our neighboring society, .South P . 'J'rehilcock. do . .. . .. . .. do Peter Holt Samuol Bond .A.nd Postmasters everwwhcre. Ontario, in fL""ing their exhibition QJ;l the 'l'hos Brad'ey Miss Eliza Hoar .lar'One dollar will pay for the STATESMAN s11mc day as ours, and the one on \W.hich Wm Bowen \Vm H»yc· art High School Honor List. :fr')m now to the end of 18~J. Agents are not Hieb Barrett Enoch Holmes allowed to accept less. Where convenient ours has been held fo.r many years. 'Jl',h e vVm Bowen (N) Ezra Hall renewals should be paid to publisher, as we effect of this was not only largely tu .dim- ' Robt Hicks Only the names of those who obtained Norman Billings allow no commi~sion on renewals. Addre~s. iuish the atten<lance at ou,r show, but al.So H1ilsam Daniel Hogarth John 50 per cent. or over appear. M. A. JAMES, Bo'wmanvillA. .Tames llalsam Thos Hardy to lessen the competition, as many ;il).iE NuLISH. - University Class- 1. H . Bar- Hieb Bo.rrctt 'fhos Harris A. Ji: Henry rnals and articles went to Whitby, whi,ch ber, 2. M . Broughall, 3. J. Shaw, 4 . ,J. Titos Burdon Blyth~ James Hunter would otherwise have come here. Y.o.ur Odell. Intermediate Class-1. L. Werry, 'l'hos Miss ll11.tes Wm Henry Directors did what they could to indMc.e 2. A. Nott. A W Burk \Vm H"ll I B Barclay Henry Hawkins thorn to change their clay in the int!J;r. e at LA1'.IN.-University Class- 1. H. BarBatten Jr Rich Hill of both societies, but without effect. Still ber. Intermediate Cbss- 1. J. Odell, 2. John \V H Hunson Samuel Bingham H C Hoar Wm Bunt BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JAN'Y 18. ~he Fall Exhibition in most depart1mmt.s W. Par ks, ::!. M . B roughall. Elementary C .1 Bell wood Chh.s Hicks fully maintained the high r eputation ~t Class- 1. C. Paul. H 1I H.em·y D F1ank Burk had acquired in former years. The exhibJ3enj Brittain A J Hook G1rnEK. - Homer- H. Barber. W L Henry ll!rs Rhocl'L Brown its of all kinds of live stock were fully FRENCH. -University Class--1. H. Bar"\VE shall not trouble our readers with a Burk (Aug) House of Commons equal, and in some cases far in advance of bi::r, 2. ,J, Shaw, 3. M . Brouglutll. Inter- Sberilf A Heacock .T G Hewiteon le:µgthy article ou. M:a. · CLIMrn's wordy any former year. l >tl\vis flarbe1· .· ll A Hurlbutmediate Class...:._1. M. Allin, 2.- A, N utt, .John Hockin r eply t <J our Open Letter of two weeks · Had tho receipts at the gate been equal 3. e, Pall!!.~· M . Simps<'.n. Elem~ntary Allan Bowerman J\1rs ·r Brndley W .A. Hill ago. 'l'ho affair is simply ~i business mat- to the lH'eceding year, the indebtedness of Class- 1. w . James, 2. if. Odell, 3. W. '1 L Brown- __John Hughos James Hall F Brimacombe ter with us, and not one for almse :m<l the society would have been more thau Parks. J H Bellwood John Harris liquidated ; as it is, it will be seen that GERMAN. University Class-I. H . Bar'!'hos Berry Wm Harrie ridicule. We are prepared t<l. substantiate the societv is clue the trei1surer the sum of C ,J Jluwhson ber, 2. J. Odell, 3. J. Sluiw, 4. M. John Best e verything we said in that letter, what- $143, It" should be mentioned, to the Brouglmll. J umee llallett '!'hos Baker Wm Brown Stephel} llogarth ever Mu. CuMIE mr1y s:1y to the contrary, credit of tlu1t officer, that he has, as usual, 'vV 0 llla.c.lcburn John Hodgson Geo Jlingham .Albert IIillis and having given the public the facts, we met 11ll claims :1gainst the society, notRobt Hooey SMILE AND SMILE.-But see to it that 'J'hos Brngho.m withstanding said deficiency. C. Solomon Ham allow the matter t o drop, having no fear 'fhe union between the two Lso9ieties your Teeth are as white as only ' 'TEABER· ThoR G Colwill Wm Holland o f the r esult. RY" will make them. Try a sample. 'l'h C J llenry still works to entire satisfaction, and your M c~?eeper sen John Hurlbut directors recommend that it be continued James llt111ter DoN'T STAND.-upon the order of your Wm Caldwell EA.ltLY) n 1883 the Conservatives in this during the ensuing year. MI? Christie J. Your directors submit herewith a full going, but go at once and secure a bottle J, M Cunrtice Lewis Jollow town orgmtizod for the purpose of electing statement of receipts and disbursements, of "Hun" CoucH CuRE. It is quick to r e- 'vVm Courtice 'l'hos Jewell Gilberl Jardine a Qonservittivc Council for 1884. The and a classified statement of prizes paid. lief- sure to cure, costs but 25 cts. Ask Samuel Creighton John Cooper S B Jacobs Stott & Jury. \Vm Cooper 1\lrs l::i .Tewell matter was no secret ; they ope11ly stated MARSHALL Pc>.ETER, Treasurer, in account \Vm Gullis 'fho" '1' Jardine t heir det ermination. ' Their candidates for John Jam~s sen tlrn W e.qt Dtf,rham Electoral D· istrict PaosPHJ.rIN:R. -Hhosphates are the life Jo.mes Colville Cobbledick Wm Jewell th~ principal offi~es were chusen and anA rtr·ic'IJ,ltural.Societlf, fgr the yccir ending of tl1e blood, tl10nutriment that builds up John CoblJl~dick . Isaac Jewell and sustains the living body; they are, in December 31.qt, 1883. Robt Conrt1oe J M Joness nounced early in Ot:tuber, Mit. GEORGE Geo Jamieson other words, bone, brain, nerve and tissue John It Uole DR. \V R Cole J,evi Jamieson PIGGOTT being their candidate for the food. For ~ale by all druggists. 'J'hoa Cann GI-I Jardine Members' Subscrivtions . ... .. $112 O() p osition of Deputy-Reeve. The Refor- 'fo Edmund Cobbledick ·J ohn Johnston " Admission Fees to Ji:xhibit!on 602 37 Wm Jackson Jacob Cobblekick " Legislative Grant ... .... ...... 700 09 mers selected 1\'.IR. ' THOMAS BURDEN to ENJOY THE DAY.-Life is short, don't Joa Clemence Geo Joli sen " Cash from Darlington Branch .Mrs S Clemence Wm Jewell 1 pose .... ;M:R. PIGGO'l'1', seeing that the Society, pursuant to terms of mope in the morning nor lag at noon. keep 01 .Tolm Courtice .l ohn Jewell Union ... ................. ..... 155 00 you Liver h ealthy, your Digest ion good Samuel Cole Samuel Jeffery contd~~ WM tb'ii'\J'--l-1 party one. MR. " Prizes forfeited...... .. . . . . . . .. 3 00 K. with ZO-PE-SA, and you can meet work Thoe Clemence 2 00 Or,iMrn k n ew t his, hut wii.'at tfal hf() do ? "Dox.atiQn,.. . .. ...... .. .. .. .. ..--$157'187 Wm Kerr with a smile, and your head never aches, Mrs M A Cann Rich Katerllon H e broke faith with the Reform pa.rty, your ApJ?etite is good, your Digestion JD01.sAeplW1c3~mnbell " RobtKuox Dr J .A Campbell David Keith ijtronSf? . sto11ished 'Ms :Sy Balance dne the 'l'reaaurer, a nd on rwminution cla,y & \ a,s per last Annual Heport... $141 U Thoa Couch Th x:· __.,,_....,..,_,,""'"""""" . ....,...... . . .,,.., Mrs l\:{ J Clarke Th~= K~~iman :political friends by no1ni11atlng the candi- Prize~ for Horses .. ... . . .. .. .. .. . 233 00 ~ llEAUTU'ttL CitoSllY 11Am. -may tbe se- Mls3 E Coram " Cattle .................. 127 00 'fhos JCirkpatrlok date chosen by t he Conservative Associa" Sheep .... . ........ ... ... 107 oo L cured by wetting the hair at night, and Wm Clemence Pl!!'S .................... 33 00 John Carveth · t ion , against MR. B URDEN. 'fhis act has every night for two or three weeks with W Il Chaplin Louls Lyle Poultrr .. .. . ... . . . . .. .. . Oil 00 E Uvingstone Grt.l)l o.nd Seeds .. ,.. . 89 00 the CingaleseHair Renewer-a name well Wm Chapple b r ougltt him into contempt with ReforD Callahan Itev JV( Lent Itoots and other hoed and favorably known. It accomplishes Jobn mers, several of whom exprea13 their C Cornieh CW Leni erops...... ........... .. 22 00 A E Clemens 'l'hos Little even better results than is advertised. Dairy Products...... .. 18 50 disap1lroval of his col1duct in very emphaJames Curtis W LLa.w ~ " Growing Crops........ 29 00 Sold at 50 cents per bottle by Stott & Jury. Jae Geo L1rne Campbell .l<'ruits.. .. .. . .. .. . .. ... . r,a 00 t ic language . One prominent R eformer, John A Coatham W B I..anirmaid Plants and Flowers.. Ml 00 .A.yer's Heir Vigor improves tho beaut)· of tho R lt Campbell Geo Leask v h o had subscribed for his paper, was so. Vegetables ............ M 00 John Colwill Jame& Lobb :Ag'llmplements ... .. . 55 80 hair and promotes ils growth. It imparts an Wm Crago a ngry when MR. CLIMIE went forward and· Joseph Langmaid Gen'! Manufacturers.. &I 50 attractive a.ppearanco, a delightful and lasting 'l' J Cl11.rke John Laurie ,t J<'ine Arts... . . .. . . .. . . 18 00 n ominat ed MR. PIGGOTT, tlrnt he vowed D Geo Lorriman perfume. 'Vhile It stimulates the roots,cleanaee Ladies' Work........ .. 89 50 II Lott (Jy) · Geo the scalp, and adds elegance to luxuriance. it11 Wm Downing h e wo·nJd never read ~he })aper, but would By Portion of Legislatiye Grant W T Lockhart uaid to Township Societies... 3'17 00 etrects are enduring; and thus it Frovee Itself to Wallace Dring (.Jy) Daniel Lick s end it to a distant friend ; he would not " Exhibition Buildings and · J S Lick be th· beBt and,cheapest nrllole tor toilet use. Mrs C Drew Grounds. for rent. lighting. s upport <t tn~itor. Mtt. CLIMIE not only Wm Lander Jabez Drew fitting up, &c. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 19 73 T C L&ngm11id s J nrcw Pr.t<:AS!l Rll:AD TIIIB.·-The writer ls Mr. w. o. John Davey n o minated M n . PIGGOTT, but he spoke in " Printing and Advertising . . . 36 2~ James J,eask " Wor~ing Ex?enses, inc!nding Lathen of Plympton, N. ::>.I commenced coughS Dunn James E Linton l1is interest itt !L subsequent public meeting, serv1cea of ::>ecretar y· freas· Ing and raising blood last sprfog and con salted Mrs l'S1ephen Dobson Daniel Lee urer, and Assistants .... ...... 91 66 · two doctors and tRok tlrnil' medicines, but obwh en h e was er~thusiasticallycheered by the M. - - - $1718 2a tained no relief. I was greatly alarmed; the g~if>~J;1:0~1 sen James Millar , - - - l more so becauAe all my father's family died of Geo Dowson C onservatives, much to the chagrin of the Balance <lue rreasurer .. · · ....... · ...... SH3 38 consumption. 111.m now well. I waa cured by John Dowson Mark l\111nday HE-1ormers pr esent , itnd worked for his John Munson OFFICERS FOR 1884. Dr. Wilson's Palmorary ()berry Balsam. Good Samuel Daniels D 1'~ Morris testimony r eply Q:iven. Thero are hundreds like Edward Dawson el ection against MR. DURDEN, cuntriuutiug T he following gentleman we ected it. In all cases of coughs, colds and throat dia- '!' & J Douglas .Andrew McFeeters Wm Davis Robt Morrison eMes and lun11; diseases, lncludln~ asthma.bron. aa far as h e could t owards MR. BURDEN':> to official positions for the ensuing ye · : f'red Maas ohitlts and all t!oeirtrihe, Dr. Vl'ilson'B Pulmo· Henry Doolittle PRE~IDEN'r-Albert Tamblvn. Wm De11con lien Moore (Ap) defeat. W hat do th'e Reformer:s of ·west nan Cherry Balsam is invaluable. E J Merlck ls'!' VICE·PRESIDE:!i'I'-.T. :M:. J oness. R ev J l)Yke John MeGlll Durham think of the S.1.!:0RE'l'ARY of their 2ND VICE·PRESIDEKT-"\V. C. Bhckburn . llhll111!.'sC01uum;ptlonCu1·e.- This is btyond E. Jas H McGill .Association in his now role ? Verily, he J A. Mason DrnEc·ro1ts-c--Dar lington- Samuel Allin, question the moAt successful Cough Medicine John Elford we ha.'t'e ·ever Rold 11. few doses invariably cure, Cornelius l<~lford Miss p McNeil shall recei ve a L raito1 ':s rev.ard. II. Elliott, Jr., and Jesse Trull. Clarke the worst co.see of Cough, Uroup, and Bron· Henry JWiott D - J ohn D1 wy, George Gray, W . B. Allin, chitis. while its wonderful succes in the c;ure W B Ellens James Mountjoy 'Is without a parallel i'l tho Henry lWiott sen c l.i :Merrill of Consumption an.d S. Wilmot. Cartwright -Jas. Parr. AN EDITOR'S TRIBU'.l'E.-Theron P. Keahlstor'y otmedloixre. Since it's first discovery W H Elliott Wm Morrison Bowmanville-S. B. B radshaw. it has been sold on. a gmante~. a test which no R 'l' Elford (Apr) Robt .Moon tor, E d itor of ]ft. Wayne, Ind., "Gazette" ether medicine can stand. If you have a couah Matth English Alex Michael AurpToRs-John McMurtry, and W . R writes: " .For the past five years have alwe earnestly ask you to trr it. Price 10 cent· John Ed wards w M McLaughlin BO cents a nd $1.00. Id' your Lunge are sore, Chest James English Samuel Mercer ways used D r. King's New Discovery, for Climie. Discussion followed on several matt rs · er Back. J,ame, uee Shilok'e Poroas Plaster. J Geo Emerson John Mason (farmer) coughs of most severe character, as well Henry Minna 11 a HllitR'lnbotham &t Son, Wholesale and Reta' ltobt Ev<l!'son of interest t o t he society, after whio as for those of a middle!> type. It never F. S McConnachie vote of thanks was tendered t.o the ojicials 'aaents. Zebino. Fraser Isaac Motca.lf fails to effect a speedy cure. My friends l:Uch Mallory Miss M E .!fanning when t he meeting adj o,(lietl. A F >\IR El:!O HANGE. _Will you exehanof 1883, to whome I h:we r ecommended it speaks James Ferris Alex l\1ann e ge a chronic ca'!!e ·of Dyspepsia, or agree Mrs John Foley of it in same high t erms. Having been 'l'hos Moyse John Ferr is John Morrison AFTER.- years of patient research and :t o break up 11 Bilious Temperment-to e ured by it of evry cough I have had for James Fields John Mutch flv<J years, I con sider it the only reliable unremitting toil, Dr. Van Buren discover - give yo ur torpid Liver activity, and thus David Fligg Geo Mason Stephen C Moore and sure cure for Coughs Colds, etc" Call ed in a little plant, growing on the hill- [·Strengthen your Digestion, regain energy, Solomon Fligg llr J Montgomery ~t Higginbothan & Son's Drug· Store. ane side of his nativ land, medical virtues of a ·comfort, health and spirits, all for 75e7 A Darius Fuller Hobt J<'ielding A ll McLJlod ge~ a Free Trial Bottle. Large Size $1.00. m ost positive kind. Careful exper imenta· -1lingle bottle of .ZO-PE-iSA will do this. A Mrs Chas l!"ox Ropt McCrae Miss Jennie Fisher Neil McPherson tion has enabled him to formulate from iew doses surpl'ise those who try it. For Fletcher J W McPherson B i ru~es' Cough Syrop is beginnin~ to its hidden. sap a reme. d y that haa no equal Biliousness, Dyepepl!io., the Kidn eys, the John J S Fraser W 111 Mljtton sell very rapid ly again now the time of in per manently curing all forms of kidney Blood and Brain , ZOPE8A is a Panacea, Jtlch l<'oster W J, Mason Root Martin the year for coughs and colds has arrived. disease, and which is now known all the ·'and is warranted to cure them. It acts Rev A Fraser James Moffatt Robt Jfergnson J>reparect and sold by J. Higginbotham & world over as DR. V .AN BtrREN's KrnNFJY ·upon the ittomach and Try a 10 cent Wrightson Foster Walter Moffatt J ohn Frank Wm .Manni,ng S'm. CuRE. 111am ple. I Rye, " 18. . 13 STATESMAN AGENTS. .Tacob Ga11d Mrs 1\1 .A. Gimblett Clms Gihbard (Aug) Geo Gilbert Fraul· Groat Alfrerl Griffin Thos Gibson Wm Gilbert David Galbraith A A Gamsby Oeo Gray Mrs .It Galbraith MC Galbraith Mrs D Galbraith Robt Gibson 1~ Gn·enway ltich Greenway ,I GibRon (L) 'Vm Gamsby .Alex Gibbard Mrs Greenwood John Gibson Mrs u Gairdner H. 'William Hill .lohn Hooey 0 It Hall .TS Hoar 8 V Hoar G. Henry Pearce E GPower Wm Pooley John Pinch Mrs W Pulley SR Parsons J H Philp Geo Prout J J, Power Luke Potter WH Pearce John Pearce Rich Philp .Tas Perkins Jacob Pollard WE Pollard John Percy Daniel Pollard J J, Parsons 'l' WPower Miss .Alioe Power John Pwlrnrd James Parr Wm Parr . John Perryman Rich Pascoe· J a.mes Pollard S Pollard RT Philp S Ponfonnd Ed Prout Reid D LS .Tohn Ruddock Wm Heynolds E Roy 'l'hos Rundle James Itundle sen John Riggs John Itusaoll Mrs WRnndle Mrs Ross John Itenwiclt WJRoy Dr Rutherford James Hickard Samuel Rickard William Rickard John Hickard R 'l' Raynes John Hunton Levi lteattoire John S Rundle Hich Ralls John Rinch WW Holfe James Hichards Mrs C ltundle Jn Reid JH John ~omer~ Chas Stuwurt Rev C A Simpson .John Stephens Rich Soncli sen \V S..11dercoc11: JameR Rmith J~ Switzer \'Vm Scott Miss ME Stuart Miss C Stephens \Vm 8arller Mrs CE Souch Jolln Stewart (CJ John Smith .Tr .J 0 8hort Oeo Short Ja.mes Simpson .James 8torie '!'hos Scott 'J'H Smith John Sa.ndt>rcock DSmilh Geo Shaw Gilbert St~VC".!S .Jonas Sumis Mrs M .A Staples 'l'hos Stanton James Stark '-V \V Tamblyn M.A. S. T. }'rank '!'ailing 1\1 P 'falling Mrs W 'l'amblyn CJ Thornton \Vm'l'ebble Thos 'l 'aunton John 'l 'ape Louis Tourgle W J<~T11ley MA Mias J 1-t Thomas D Truscott D 'J'aylor '\Vn1 'riewin .Joun Toms Leonard Thompson Job Thompson Silas 'l'homas Chua 'l'od Tho· Vancamp AL Vanstone Wm Vanstone Wm Ve11nlng A Varnum .ll'ss<1 VancamP. (Aug) Geo Vancamp Alfred Vancamp Henry Vanc1urip Jordan Vannes~ I? Wulden James wr;ght 'l'hos Wickett llobt Wotten 'l' Whitfield :r II Wtlson 'rhos Weldon 'l'hos Ward .A.lex Wright Chas Welch W Windatt (Aug) Geo Withe1·id1le Jr Geo Wit,hcridge sen George Wilson MrsM White Wm Weri·y (leo Waddell ,John Waddell W H Westlake Jus Walt;ers Mrs'l' Ward WW White Henry Webber John Wltheridge Wm ·woodley Andrew \Velsh John Whitefield John Wight JO White W II Williams (E) l\l D Wil Iiams Mrs H Williams G eor~e \\ ight Wm Williams H Williams John Wllllams Wm Welsh Hobt Wickett Jesse Williams D 1<,,Valah v. Thie powder never varit!s, A niarv11l of purity, strength ahd wholesomeness. More cconom!oal than tbe ordinary kinds and can· not be sold in comptttit.lon with th~ multitude or low test, shert weight. alum or phos)lhate powder,e. Sold only ;n cans. HOYAL BAKING PowDER Co., 106 Wall·st.. N. Y. OLD AND RELIABLE GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. 'fRAOE MAHK,TlteGr1·11tE11g·TRApE MARK, R. H~lllte111e1ly,o.nji unfailing cure for w. 8eminal Vi'eak- ~ nes8, Superma~ ~ torrhca. Impo· tency, &all dis· 1 cases th atfollow $. ;.; " u.s a sequence of ._ . \ 'D .1> ' , S<Jlf·AbuEO ; as - ~ .,,.. ..,e1oro Taking1o~s of Mcmory,After '.l!aking. Unlvereal Lassitude, Pain in the Bll'ck Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lcn·l to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Gm.v<'. "2W"Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every~one.1'he Specific l\fediclno is 801'1 hy all rlruggiat<S at $1 per package, or six packag:os for $5, or will btl sent free by mail on the receipt of the money by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., · Toronto, Ont., Canada b ·· THE BEST HOMES :Pon '1.'J;N )lTI~LI ON PEOPJ.L .A.HE IN Hon J SimpBon Thos Smale Dr Smalo Samuel 8nowden ·wm Squires SW <:landers Peter Suott Mrs C B Simpson SH Short John G Stevens John l::ioott The Senat.i SJ Somers Jame~ Stark ~andford Swain John Smith CW Smith John Shackleton Geo Shackleton J obn Squair 1:1 A J<'rank ::;hepp"rcl John Stewart (K) John Stewart (B) ir s. Minnesota, North·Dakota, Montana, Washington and Oregon, ALlHiU 'l'll E J~lNE OJ<, 'fliE llillion acre~ of the \.est ag1·iculturnl, mineral, forest and gl'l!J.inl! lands in the 40 United St·itcs arc now for settlement. open NORTHERN PACIFIC RALLRltAD Through the Great Wbont-Ilelt or America. I: .Abr&ham Younie Alonzo Yeo John Yellowlees (Apr) Jos ~vitz Y. z. :io l'tllllion acres of railrou land s for salo at pr ll<ll't ' , on 5 your" ti nc if desired. 20 ;,[{lJ ion a<"L'co of Um ernrueuts lands open to settlers I·' IU·:J·:. The N01·thern R'ac.· illc Country possesses great .and rich natural l'f'"Om·ces ready to bodeveloped into pl'Ofltribl" industrics1 I li'or ma1>8 and pau1p!Jlets ad!lreHs an d mont!on <. ....._ this paper. CHAS. B. LAMBORN, J,and Commissioner N. 1'. U. lt., ::>t. J:>aUl, Mfnn. ----------·--- --~~ To renoh tlie above nmn~1l land A 9 1· any point on the Northern Pacific R. U. ~>1'_ your tickets from Chicago to St. Pc m! vin Chi·m::o k Nortli-'Vestct·u lt.'y. It rm · into the NortlJ,. ern Pacltl.c tlepot at St. PHul amti~~ the l>e' t fol you to-trike. Do not buy tickets 1111Jess they 1·eall, over the Chicag-o and North·Wes m lt'y. $2.UO to S4 fl10 ENFIELD _I_ 0'Lir.A UY :Aas returned from Toronto, and hits bE"gun Dressmaking in Enfield. Special attenrion wlll be p:iven t o ,cµtting and 1lttn1g. 281-tf. AOall solicited. LADIES.-MrllilJ~LIA AULD LANG YNE. N f/ Should auld acqnainte.noe be \orgot, And never brought to mind,. Should folks no gie their Photographs To friends o .A.uld Lang Syne, OTE LOST. - A prcimiesor_y note '!'lieu come awe., frene, a110 and a, giYen by :()avid Ferguson in favor of R. An' dlnna lose nae time, Hutchison, fhr Forty Dollars due Jan. l, liM, In gett!n!'l' Pictures for your rrens, was Jost on Jan. 2nd, 188.l, between Ennlskil· For II. C. 'l' takes t.lrnm fine. Jen and Hampton. 'l'he note and $15 in callh were in 11 letter addressed to Go<>. llfoGill, Ksq., .An' when you get a score or tw&, Ontario Bank. Bowmanvllle. Persons are Let 1me o them l&e mine hereby forbidden to negotiate said note. Any Tae mind aue a. the cantie days person f\ncling same will oblige uy leavmg it 'Ve bad in Auld J,ang Sync. with Hov. G. W. S·ri.:v~:NSON, Enniskilleu. or V>e're growing auld. and nearin' fast at the S'!'A'P.U:Sl\IAN ofilce. 2·3w. 'l'he hamo·s your~ and mine ; 'fhen Jet OUr ft·ons 60fl how W C looked, ln days of Auld Syne. -T:B:EFor surely you'!! be your Pbysog, An' surely I'll ht> mine, ..An' we'll let our frene see how wcs looked In the days O!.A.uld Lanlil: 8yll(), Plcturea of every description, fnrniehed ill' tile be1t style of Art, at moderate prices. .A. very Jarzc stockfofl<'ancy Frames always is the best place tQ 11;et a Good on hand.. Pictures e:alarged to any size at reaaonable ratoa at II. C. Tait & Oo's Photo Gallery, Bowm_an ~ v _ i_ ll_ e_.___~-~---------- t ra G 8n I rand C Coi;ne. in and 'try it. Oy~fers Hot Dish of Oysters. ln Hulk or C::ans llhl'll)'S In siocJi; ORANQES1 FRESH MEAT. ---..or.- - - ~ ..CONFECTIONERY East of Post Office. number of our citizens to cllmmenct:t on the above system, we have now ' ' decided to fall in with their request. Cigars from two for 5c. This plan will enable Ulil to sell TWO up to 10 cents each. cents per pound che~per. As you will see .by the new syl:ltem we shall not require half a dozen hornes and rigs and men to i·un them, for and the be~t stock of wl1ich the public have previously paid. We being the first to introduce this great saving ask your liberal support. IN BOWMANVILLE. Yours truly, Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash . LEMONS, VERSUS GRAPES, Peddling and Credit. BANANAS, DATES. We having been solici~ by a. FIGS. "' Biscuits of all kinds. NUTS Of ALL KINDS, _.-The Grand Central is next door 3 W. BRITTAIN & Co,, Market Square. N.B.-All. orders promptly attended to and Meat delivered to all parts of the town. - ----- - --- --- Codd & Co., Bankers, (Successors to Agency of Dominion Dank>, L BOWMANVILLE, Address GEO. P.ltOWELL & Co.,Sprucc St.,N.Y, Tramact a general Banhii~y Birniness upon' the same 'l.'errns Mid Prmciples adopted by the Joint Stock Banh. INTEUES'l' ALLOWED O~ DEPOSITS, withdrawal on demand. at the rate of FOUE per cent. per annum. Fl VE and SIX per cent, allowed on time dc1Jos1ts. "'i..:;::t, NOTES DISCOUNTED. BUls"fecel'-ed fol collect.ion in Englund,UnitedStatc<1 andCanad1 and advances ma(le thereon at moderate ratef DRAFTS ISSUED, pavable at all points iJ Canada a.nil the United St:ttes. STOCKl:l, BONDS, DEBEN'l'URES, &o., &< bought and sold, ~-' LOURING M.l LL i'n the township of Iii c. TI{; JJ.. -Deoosits heretofore made wi~ Clarke. Known as Adams' Nc1v Mill. the Dominion Bank, can be withdrawn at aDI Apply to ARTHUR CO.DD, Esq., or St. JOUN time upon demand and without charge, at th H. HUTCHESON, Barrister-at-Law, Bowman· prexnieee lately occupied b:y the Baok, now tb ville, ll7i-tf Banking houec of Oodd &;; Co, 'f0 AD1'ERTISERS.-Lowest Rates tor advertising in 1170 good sent free. newspap~rs 1m1l >lll9 Dnnslon House t::ltamber1, ENGL A. ND, f,ONDON MILL. FOR SALE. F