u1atlhtn jtatr~man. 18. - -·· )WMANVILLJC,.FlJ.JDA.Y, JAN'Y PRESS NOTICES. .~he Xnow That Si:rt.PRUR AND !RONBI'l'TE!:!:l will make tho weak sll n!ip n nd gives the foel>Je, ucrn~. DR. SCOTT'S PREPARED SPICE For Hor5ies, ~attle, Sheep & Swine. LC. .- SELLING OFF_ COST PRICE. , 1 LC. HOCS WANTED:~ Good Fat Lindsay .Po~t itn<l \Voodstock SenN- ·Rwiew are model papers. Every busines~ mim and - well-to-do mrnr 11hould take the Afonetary 1'imes. The Cohourg Kentimel-8tcir is greatly 1proved under Mr.Fogarty's proprietary. 'l'he Oshawa F'i.ndicr1.lor looks much righter now it is printed on white paper. Dr. Wild's sermo11s are puhlislwd in full :very week in the News, l\ukdale, Ont. )ne dollar ·a ye(lr. · The Fnrmer·~ IJ ,u1.d- Book for 1884, issued by tho lJ'f!.rrner's A di>outfe of London, is a neat. and useful publication. The Canadian JUnstnited Ni:ws lias ceased to exist after thirteen years of public service. It has newr paid expen ~<"S. (Jiu· Jlflme.~ is it capital liousehold journ· al ; 50c. a yeal' ; pnblished by the Cowperth wait Co., '112 li'ulton St., Brooklyn, Hog~weigliing'from to , l.. 'YiH mcreaso the muscular force· !H~d douLlo tho ]. 0 0 5 ,0 < ·01 ! 1 ~-CO Watches, R . NISH Clocks, Jewellery sta yi 11g power. Will ii1:=inre a hcn.rty :xppetit·.! and increased digestion. POUNDS' for which we will pay the <I f;Q ! ~ Being about to Reduce his stock of Rings, Platedware, II Y.-:] fiYc sleep, souud and rc·[ru;!1ing i u dlio season. HIGH EST PRICE. P::f , , It h as·no equal in curin<> Horses of the sev· c;;il ailments to which th~y nre subject. l'.'or COUGHS, COLDS, ROUGH~ESS of the HAIR, lJOTTS SC Ul~VY, &c., it is inva· luable, and administered in srn:iller doses, acts as a Tonic, resulting in a h ealthy condition and fine nppcarance of the aninial. Is also equally bcne!lcial to CATTLE, SHEEP and .SWINE. }'or sale e verywhere. SOLE PROPRIETORS: i< ~ 8 I 1 J . ' Silverware, &c., &c., ' Offers the whole at a Tremendous Reduction. Many articles sell at Cost and under. J>iltl.; 11p the constit11ti0n ::::d makes U10 weakest TUL_~gc.~d .. ~: ~rn nr:thcn::; :: n-l J:tttl: c!J fccl>lo women pt:ny chilJrcn .' ii!' r.-t I . I 'fhos~ in :-ea:rch of Holiday Pres.en~s will save money by mspectmg our stock, cons1strng of-GOLD and c1,Lv1m WATCHl!:S- all styles aud makes, GOLD GUAims,CHAINs, RINGs and JBWELLRY to please everyone, SrLVJ<;R PLAT~;DwAH.E in endless THIS IS A GENUINE DISCOUNT SALE. I 11 Q s:rong. (\:rc3 Gcncr:i.1 Debility and 0 r.-t I~ td r;;z L-..1 ~ J N. Y. The Peterboro' E xcirnine1·- a well editerl locitl paper- lrns adopted the cash·in·advance system imcl reduced its price to one dollar. The Rnral Ucma.tli.cin for .January is the best nuu:bcr yet issued of this popular farmer's JOUrrnal. Send address to 5 J ord;_ au St. , Tol'Onto, for a sample copy. 'l'he Bowmanville STA'l'J<:S~fAN begins the year with a new dress. It is an ex· cellent local paper and deserves the warm· e~t support.-IVuodstock Sentinel·Re11iew. You're.anothc1\ Our- esteemed eotern., the Bowmanvilfo STAT!lHMAN" comtJs to us this week in a new dress, and looks well in it, too. l\'lay it meet with the success its enterprise deserves. - Piclceri11y News. The Bowmanvillc STATES~1AN eaters upon its thirtieth volume witl1 a new dress, neat and stylish, and with other improvements that will enhance its popubrity and . usefulness. - Lindsilj/ Post. 'Fhe P.e'terboro' E-;eaminer s:~ys:-A short life and a merry one seerns to have been the motto of the 1'1:·ibune and its fate is another proof of the foll:\1 of an attempt to " run pu't " "(_ell estabh:ihed newspaper -concerns. r < ':I'he Bowrbanville S'L'ATES~f.A;N" comes to baud this w·cek printed 'vith a ."new dress." " The pap0r has a very creditable appearance. , :Friend ,Jam.es is in no way discouraged by his ne>\" opposition.-U6hawa · Beflwmer. · We continue to receive new subscriptim~s every day. . There is only one paper in which they cll.11 get :ill the news in the district, and th<'y mnst have it. \!'he STATERMAN hopes to .be higher and more prosperous this year th·m ever \icfore. Our esteemed contemporary the Whitby Oh1·v11i<:le, which by the· 'vlty, w:is a very newsy numbel' last w1;ek. after referring .to Mr. Climie's lHJIV papet', says what nearly everybody else says: "Whether from a commercial standpoint, in a town the size of 13owmanville where thi;ee pa-: pers already exist, the step is a wise one, is another question." ·-·:::::::::=z WASlIINGl'ON". D. c. M3.y.15th, 1880. GENl'LE:.rnN- -B aving been a sufferer for a long time from ne1·vous J?l'Ostration l\nd general debility, I was advised to try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bottle, and I have been rapidly getting bette1· ever since, and I thknk it the best medi, cine I ever used. I am now gaining stren· gth and appetite, which was all gone, and I was in despnir nntil I trierl yonr Bitters. I aih now well, aulti to go abvu· ··ticl do my own work. l:lefore taking it I was completely prostrated. c.ivc.J a new lease of life. Y.' :'.l i:! '.'nsrJ wiL!t new lifo ew weakcs~· ·i:1v:ilitl. 'T'.1c J: a11it s, occupntions, vices "" l unnalurnl modes of living which ~ cm to follow civilization have the < ·fleer ,,f depleting the lmm:m syslrm of t ti; necessary supply of Iron, :on<'· ~c1en ce having clelerm :ned'this, '"'\S IHltlt1d to find means lo re-esla· l 11'h that ~upplv. It w:n nn imJ·orl·nt nnd <lifficult l:t»k 1 l~ltt it Jin· l>t·cn nccmnplished. Jn the ~llll"llUR AND :T. 0. XE~l? & 00. MONTREAL, P.Q. THE VICTORIA. c:!J Z t-t ~,...:i. ,J r.WILSON' ll\()N 111TTE!\ S l:nve So quickly secu1ect t!·c c·11dorscrnent of medical men as wc:!l as the public gcne'dlldl nlly . lro1\ I'.\ comhinntiol\ with o.ther -eta! T· ·11ics 1s found it1a proper form f ,r q'tii, k nssimtlation nn(l the opiJ~iPn ,,f the nh]est 1nedical 111en who ClIERR1r ~ ~lt TllE CUR~ ol\' . ~ . l.Ct""""S'iJI:LING~0F$~ COUCH,JOHNSTONICRYDERMAN 1 ~ II variety, all of which has been selected with care and taste. DIAMOND and WEDDING --Rrnas-excellent value.-Watch Repairing promptly attended to. All work warranted. Prices low- never charging $2.50 when 75c, to $1.25 are regular prices. ~I 1 ._ j .~ QHh.... .- L. /~ co~;~~ soL·~~~~~-m EAST. 1 Z l:n'e < ~a mined thi~ preparation is tl1:1t It i< Ilic best thin[; o( the kind <'Vf."f iHYt'. lllLli. L r· ox BrrS :irl by nll l huggists and atllcpot 150 St. Jameg ~t. 'Wcd, Montreal, Price SL: Ll'IIU: AXD TEilS OtrGas. COLDS,ASTII?d .ROllCilJTIS a.ndall LU~ CO:NSOMPTIO:N'· e advanced.Stage 0 th" foreh1m<1, 1Ln<1 the end8 meet in Montagues. It is exceedingly becominl{, aJHl is having a largo run. The above style. with !l large number or other eq11ally h<'cominu: etyle". 1Lre made by MU8. A, UA Vlf'. o\·er M. J11,._rer's Htoni. Wa.vo. It. is drosserl with . the hair falllnll: on This C nt mp-resents the popl1h1r Yiolol'ia being anxious to clean out the balance of their [~Jc. ~~IPELAINTS.and/~§~: th F of PERS0.1.. f B (_) 0 -AND-- "I~ S F~-u-· -R--S, will sell the whole of their For sale by STOTT & Ju1tY. :~· w. BRAYL£1PltopRIET0lt · MONTREAL· -·o·-· s::a::oEs~ SLIPPERS -AND- Ladies' Furs and Men's Coon Coats RUBBERS. Dyeing but not Will he mailed to all applicants a nd to of last year without ordcrinz it. It con·fos illustrations, \"·ices, description~ and <!irecti·· for planting al Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plants, etc. Invaluable to all. custo~.ers Dead. FREE I ( Jr 'i l!iNTLEMF;N, if yon h1wt1 !.{re»,se, D~ M. FERRY & co.w'N~!~: I I THIR.TY DAYS --FOR-- paint ot uil't on yonr cloth es I cR.ncleim them and make the111 look like n1iw one·. Ladies· Ostrictt feathers cleime<l anct dyed. ·Second ha.net clothing .taken in exohii111.-e. All work wA.rr,.,nt.Ad. ,.r, PJCA'L'h:'S DV!nN'G- H:8. '1' ABLlSHMlliN'l\ opposite 'rreloven's Shoe Storo; ·Rowma1nillf.'I. . ,272-tf TRUNKS _ -AND- NET COST. CALL AND SEE THElVI. · BOWMANVILLE. . -AT- "VA..:C....J:SES -- _ One Door West of the Post O~.~e, VERY CHEAP BIG BARGAINS I Thirty days from to day will commence stock-taking, and from now until then we will sell all goods ' at a Great Reduction. - AT- Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash. we MRS. MARY STUART. The untidy, dirty appearance of a grizzily beard should never be allowed. Buck· ingham's Dye for the whisker11 will readlly ch1111ge tfaeir <:olu1· to a brown or black, at discretion, and th nil keep · 11,p your reputation for 1Hiatn~u and !(OOd looks. -M,1king the- fur fly: Here is your opportunity. McClung Hro11. ar.e offering their l!irge stock of Furs at a discount of 10%-one fifth off for cash. Read ·this notice over again and read it alf)ttd. ' Thoma hr.ving any dyeing to do, should, in order to ensure brilliant and la1~i11g Cl)lors, buy their dye stuffs from J, Higginbothalll & Sou. "When you leave your measure with us you are always sure of getting a perfect 'fitting 1;1uit. Couch, J olm~ton & Cryde!'man. PROF. ~:~~soN has ;~med his classes in vocal and instrumental music. See card. We will sell FUR . GOODS at and under Cost. We will sell Men's Tweed Suits C11cklen's Arulca Sahc.-Tbe beet SalT in the woi,ld for Cute, Dru1ses. "ore>il, Ulccr1, Salt Hheu!ll, Ftlver Sore~. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilbl~ins, Coma, and all Skin Er11ptions, and Positi1T"lY c:.:.~e· P1le8. It is guranttied gi vu pm· feet sat.isfaction, er money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. · For sale by J . Higginbotham&:, Son. · , ·· 30YEARS. ·· The su_ ccess that has attended our for Nine Dollars a Suit. efforts in the past to give the public We will sell All Wool Blankets at good and cl1eap .Boots and Shoes is on deck for the Holidays. Tw0 D 0 llars and a h a lf a pair. · are fully appreciated by the crowds . . '.New Groceries for the Festive Season already W 'll ll M , dB ,O · _ i that a1·e daily fiockmg to our store. to );:land. · e WI se en s an ?YS :verc<;>ats a t I We can justly claim the lead in New Fruits-all kinds-good and cheap. well JUSt give US a call and see. showing the largest stock and the Oran~es,Lemonst Shelled Almonds (very b es t value 'n tow n . Th's · . 1 l w.e mean mce), Nuts, Figs (best layers). to contmue - small profits and "' Rememder we will Cut Down the prices of all goods between now and quick returns is our motto. Yo~ :M-Y 50, OEN'"T TE.:A.. 1 Stock-taking,-30 days from to-day. have only to compare our goods l!-n d cannot be excelled. · e'" All overdue accunnts must be settll:)d either by Cash or· Note price!'. to be convince'd. BIS~UITS IN GREAT VARIETY. The throng of bttyers on the before t~e 1st day of March. march towards the i;iign of the" _Big ( _, · 'MAPLE SYRUP, MAPLE SUCAR, C(}LDEN SYRUP. · _ . . . · ! Boot drawn by two Horses " is a Best Ji'amlly Flow1·. Bncl~wlteat Flou1., ~~"!".!"'!=="""""'--"'"--""" -"" - ~=========~=="" -e"" . ~-"" - ===.,., ..,., _==:a=~·""'"'·-- 1positive proof that our prices are JI'ine and Coarse Oat Meal. approved by people who use their : ~ Arrived and to Arrive-the Celebrated brainR in buying. ATLAS BRAND OYSTERS. Every person who is a friend ' to bis own pocket:--:--and who is not?- CROCKERY & GLASSWARE-- a. nice variety.: realizes that we are a friend to him. Can n e d GO O d s, · th e prices · th a t t e11, an d peop1e I Pickles by the Gallon. We are cutting down the prices of our entire stock of It ts do appreciate low prices. W 0 sell Pure Gold, Bon Ton and White Lily Baking Powders. · Moca and Java Coffee always reliable. too low to suit the euvions, but not Best Lines of SUGARS-Cheap. too low to suit the buying public.1 Improved Horse and Cattle Food. This, is thfl field we occupy this ., BEST FAMILY FLOUR. L' a d ies · ' M an t les a t C ost. S MASON & SON . REDUCl~!C . THE PRICES. ~ MEN'S, Y~rHs II AND Bovs' CLOTHING,! J take pleasure in <Jertifying that I have sold Dr. Wi3tar's Halsam of Wild Uherry for thirty years. and know it to be one of the oldest as well as the most r~liable pre1u.ration8 in the ma.rket for the cure of Coughs, Colds, and Lung Compla.ints. I know of no article that gives greater satisfaction to thosD wno use- It. Havini; sold Peruvian Syrup for ma.n,. years, and knowing that its use has been attended w'ifh great succes in c:ises of Dyspepsia., Kcner&l ii!._e!bility of the System. and diseases orlginating,ln a bad state of the blood, I am satisl\ed that it,_i3 a remedy . or great power and deserves the ~~tention of in vallds. I am yet to hear the l\rst omplaint agiinst either of the ab ·VO preparatio'ns. I consider them articles ot great merit and Have a' ways taJ~en m'u eh pleasure in recommendin them to parties requiring such remedies. R. FOTHERGILL, NewcasHt;, Ont. Dec. 8th. 188'J. "ROM THAIsnd wDeAiTntEendUtNoToffilelr exTtHraEordEin\~lD 'Y boarFgaTinHs EYEAR '· ~:~~:~;c~:~i~~i~; ~:~· ~:1~:s~o:i:: i;~· 11 privilegeotshowingyouourgoods. ~ . F business, and we never allow ourselves to be undersold. c ;N~~YTK~C~ rn-AL ~l~~-~ ~p~c;o~ ~PR~~ ~--R-·~_s___~cG'T. DARLINGTON.~ i · ! :!· We mean Strangers ~vill please grant us al~;;; _ ===========~=~==========~.JI privilege of demonstrating what we say. - · ···· ... --- -- ---- ----- -- · . _ ,. I t We are reducing the price Parties asking M. TRELEVEN. - - - - -- 1 A. FANSON & SON, 301 Jarvis St. Toronto, Ont., wishes to Inform breedero of Heavy Draft Horses, that they are now prepared to buy Canadian-bred Stallions and Fillies, such aa are flt for export, and would be plooeed to recelve communioationa fi·om any who may llave auo!). for sale. Ste.to breedlng, age, height, of ~very article in stock. us for bargains will not be disappointed. MARRIAC E LI G ENS ES JSSUED HY ELLISON&CO. ,··--.... A. J. LOCKHART, ORONO, ON'l'. w. H~ PIPE~ Gra ,1 ·n crush · BOW ~AN VI LL E ·1 · ~ AC}'""NT FOR ·u er~ Onty 1 wo Dollars. siae of bone, color&. price. ·we have a number of Imported horses for se.le and are open to take Can!!.dlan-bredStallions in excha.nli{e. (27Hf) A, FANSON &; SON. ALL SIZES, AND a ~ Chaff Cut ters:i