Cold, ain't it 1 \ McClung Bros' Great Half-dollar Tea, Bulk or Can Oystel's at iho Gran<;! I " , t Central. Mr. Thomas Si>ry is ill. How does McClung B ros · a d vert1semen MAI'tlll-seven next Spring- good, free. re'k 'l A1rrwr,Es for presents at half.-price, at Where -is that open winter, Prophet? st n ·e you Mrs. Kovs'. liable drh'er-wlll he sold cheap for ciisb. Apply at this oftlce, ·y l\'ru1·d(>ch Bros'. 50 cent Mixed Te:\, Mr. H. L. Banbury, of Pickering, hns B t tl G d Tr ·~--- · --- --~ J. bmm visiting friends here, A Nrw1,;L'l'Y.- an:mas a JC ·ran . Mr. Titos. Snuirns, of Toronto, is visitCentral. Cnll and get some. ., Hon. E. Blake's address in reply to the ing Mr. John Percy, Jr, speech from tho throne was a m:~storly The ladies will notice the Spring Minutes of Clarke Council have not ar- effort. Read it in the Weekly Globe tlus Needle advertisrnent on ·ur first page. rived in time fm; this issue. · week. w.ANTED !lny qnl\utity of Fat 11og$ oith. Bf\rgoin~ in Hair Brnshea at, STOT'J' & JlJHY's Miss Louisa Stephenson, of Oshaw11, Mr. It. FI. Henry's Photo Gallery is er dt1ad or alive fur which ti.ea hi~best :Meclical Hall. 80 cents will buy a good $1.00 · hn.s been visiting friends here. now in full go. H:tve you seen those price will be pRid in cash. J. B. Martyn. · .' and all othere proport.ion~tcly low. Mr. and Mrs, M, W, Williams of Co- beautiful pictlll'es he is making 'I Call ancl A meetin.., of those favorable to the for0 bourg were in town on Monday. inspect. mabi011 of a Gas Compm1y, will bo held in Dr. ·McLaughlin is attending to 11is Still the one-fifth off in McClung Bros' the Council Chamber , on Monday evenJJadiamentary duties in Toronto. Fur department, The stock is shrinking. ing, the 28tli inst, at 7:30. Citizens are A. c·orrespond~nt writes that tho License 'rhe weather is p1'opitious and prices respectfully invited to be iiresent. We Aell our Brushe.~ 80 cheap is that we~mport Inspector is wanted in Cnrtwright. irresistible. IN D1xm's LA... '<D.- J, Kennelly, deaki tbem ftoom France 1md can therefore 1tfh>rcl to S ·.r. P Aur,,' 's CIJuncn· Rev. Mr· '.a.essrs, p roweranci 1~· 1ggott arentt , ;end ·. · , -'I'lte . .. . in clru.,s, "' ,l\::.c., Dixie, Ont11rio,recommends l\,r 11ell them at ve1y low pricee, an<l we ha,~? th~ fineRt aaaortme11t ever shown ~n town. S IOTT ipg the Counties' Council in Cobourg. Little will flrcach a sermon on Sabb1ith Hagy:n·d's Pectoral Balsam to his custom& JURY. the Reliable Drngg~--. t 1e· .,,..tl1 i"nst ., 1'm1>r·ov1'11·Y crs, it luwing curod his wife of a bad cough, ,.- Cartwrirrht Council Minutes and some mornmg, ~1 ,, the ~ <, ·Il l1ave t'lce11 r)lace in It is tho safest and surest remedy for all cones1)ondence crow<led out of this issue. many <l e:tti is w1uc 1. . the congregation lately, Tlu·oat aml Lu11g Lrnubles,such ;is Asthma, Mr. W. J. l\fcMurtry has been in town Bronchitis, ·whooping Cough rind most . this week insi>ecting the Ont:trio Ilank. Erskine Church, Toronto, of which Itev. John Smith, late of St. Paul's, is pastor, pectora1 comp1 amts. "A Granger's" lcttte1· is not newsy, WPS dustroyed by fire on Sabbath. ']'he 'ts non-appearance. S end 118 nmYS ' minister · ~ Pr.~asnc mu.n 'l'III~.- -1·he writer IK Mr. \V. 0. Dy using 'l'ho Ex<'elsior Oough Syrup. l~ver:v 1ienee 1 aud congregation have the sym- Lathen ot Plympton, N. H.I commenced co11R'hw:rson says 1t is the beRt, thing they Pver nHeil, please. i>athy of their many friends. !1111: and riilsinic blood last sprinli' and consalted it i1as no N)nal. Tr.v it, 8TOT'l' & JUilY. , M ,u' J> f 111 t l l two doctors ann took thfllr n1et\icl11es, but obsole man11factnrers, 'l'own Hall Block. r. " · .. orter, sen,, e ns wee l anc J, Uuebottom, Es<],, of tho Ruebottom tained no relief. I was iireatly alarnlecl; .the - -- - - - - - - - sustained injuries that laid him up. for House, siiys: "McUhmg 13ros' Toa well more so becauRe "It my father'· f1unily clied of some days. _ desei·ves t lto iianie llf ( '· 'l.'n,A'r. I ll"n .t conomnptlon. I am now well. 'l was cured by 0~ 1 Dr. \Vihou's P11lmorar1 Cherr7 llals10.m, Good Farmers · wantii1g.· cheap mid reliable regularly in my house and get 110 other teathmm/' reply 1<ive11. '!'hero are hundreds like Fire Insurance, should apply . :J.t the tcii to com1)are with it in ':'ualitv and It. .I n al Cases of coughs, colda l\Ild t.hroat d111·1 J "'"·"·an1l lnnudioease·, includin1puch1t1n,bron. STATESMAN otfico, flavor." chit,ils and all their tribe, Dr. W 1lson'· Pulmo" '.['] t0 l1Mr ' w:esscr, 1. · · l s] iavmg and t onsorm Ayer's S:irs.'1parilla, being highly con- Cherry Rnlsam is lnYaluable>, · Jt haa neon found by exp11rienee that th" .qufokest and best remedy for chl\pped bond~. boudoir controlled by that skilful artistical centrated, requires a smaile1· dose, :i.nd is AllR'l'fCr ]'bl~ flllC~Uon,-Wlly do BO m11ny sore lips or roul'!hneu of the "'"" 1s the Or1- clipper- \V. E. Pethick and his wide- more effective dose fot close, th:m any oeople we 86e around us. sucm to preror to ent11l Hoso Bairn. S'l'OTT & JUH.Y. the Re- awake assistant, is a favorite resort fur other blood mediciuo. It is the cheapest ·uifer an(. be nindc mi!lt'racle by Indij!'eBtion, liable Druggl~ts are sole mannfacturera. Dixzi110PM, Loss or Appetite, ComOonstipat.ion, those in quest of prime Cigars and 'l'o- because the best. Quality and not quan- ing up of the Food Yellow Skin, when for 7ac. baccos. tity should be considered, we will sell them Shiloh'K Vita)izer, AUar11nt.oed to cure them. J.lligginbotham & Son. WholeGRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Ayer's Pills cure consumption, improve Mr. Eel. Scarlett, son uf School Im;pcct- sal-0 and Uetail aJ1:c11tti. the a1)petite, promote digestion, restore or Scarlett, Cobourg, is agr1in to the front, BOWMANVILLE STA'l'ION AND 'l'IME. 11ealthy action, and regulate evry function. and figures as an hm-.01· man at the last They are pleasant to ti~ke, 1 gentle l ·in thoir l ex(tmination uf the . Ontario School of 1 ', G-OING JCAS'J' . <JOING w1es·r . " a t1 10roug Jt~resa ....· ... 8,5~ 1.1 m \ J~oca.l, ...... ·. · 7.,7 . iu 011erat1011, f 1 · yetbd · 1·I, scare ung, anc Pharmacy. At 11 former cxamirnition dur. Mixed.,.,. ·· ,,4.0<> pm J·,xpiess ...... 8.17 am powe1·:u m su · mng useases. ii1g tho term this candidate headed tit, -'l'HE GENUINE:Rev. K R. Ymrng <ind Mr . .A, J,, Van- list in chemistry. ·, __ ~ . . , ,..~-· .-rt ., Local .......... 7.10 Pm Mixed ~ . .,.·· :tao P Express. .,.,.,9.30pm J~xvrees ...... SA5pm 11 t tl G lD'.. ~ or.NI' J1hnliuwkrns dada~ ~r ~-=-=======:":'.""-====== stono wcro c e egates o 10 ranc ivrnwn. AN Evr.ron's T1unu:rn.-Tl1eron P. Kc~. -·«" r. ' ' ~. ' · "'-- ---- -----------· S' ·0' 'vl1 't f Ft , ,,,. llet.hesdn. on the JSt,h mat,, ·ems o f T em p er:i 11c' e of ()11t'11· ·1 · 1.cl1 t or, Ed J. l or o "iiyne, I n d ,, " Gazctt e " tll\>OODMJ.N-At e wife of 111.r. Juhn Gooc1mitn, or a daughter. 1\ ~· ~, co111me11cecl its 3Gth annual session at writes: "For the past live years h:we al- ----· - ~(B tia,,a~man Ottawa, Oll 'I'ucsday. During tho y(\nr ways used Dr. King's New Discovery, for .MARRIED. thirty-four new subordinate Di,risions have coughs of most seTere ch<iracter, as well SANDERS-BONii-By t.lle Hev. J. Dyke. at been organi~ecl aud eight l·esuscitatotl. as for those of a middle type. It never t.11 o P . M, P>1rsom1ge. Church ~t.reei, llown111,nvi1Je, JHn. 16t.h, Mr.·John s .. ndurs, t.o Miss BOWMANVTJ,Ll·~, FRIDAY, JAN'Y 25. On Friday evening last, a load of young fails to effect a 1peedy cure. My friends s a.rah Jane JJone, ail of u~lum: 11 · people went from here to visit the 'l'yrono to whome I luwe recommended it speaks ·-- - - - - - - · · - - · - - - - - - - Y. .P. A. 'l'he Misses ·wright, Hicks, of it in same high terms. Having been DIED. Tapson, Veale, Nott, Morris, Glover, cured by it of ovry cough I have had for M.nEn- In nowmauvlllo, on the 2ot.h lnst., Mason, Knight, Cotton and l\frs. \ \T , H.use, five years; I consider it the only reliable I<'rederlck John Maye!', eldest son or Mr, 1\1. and Messrs, Vanstone, Cackly, Ruse, iincl sure cure for Coughs Colds, otc" Call M uyer, aged 23 years, 11 mouths and 20 days. More snow. B nttam, · · J ewe11, l~ , l it an cl "' H' · botIian cY>, ·- S on·s D rug .:itore. "' CANN-In Bowmanville, on tho 19~h instant, lk .1.· ox, con- at iggm ane aggic :May. intunt daughter o! William and 81 Clean your ewa ·s. trihuted t.o the program, · The readings !{et a Freu Trial Bottle, Large Si:z:e $1, 00, M )<~ lizabeth Cann, aged 3 months. A case of unusual interest was tried beLANE- In 'l'yronc. on the 18th instant, J'ohn 1.'ry our 50 cent Black Tea- Murdoch by M.iss Nott and sin gii1g by Miss Lottie Glover were highly appreciated. fore P, M. Haines on Saturda.v, when two Lane, aged 71 years. l3l'os. J BAR1'RAMIn Bowmanvillo,on H ada' ies ~me1 B u11' 0 yst ers, a t M urd oc1l l\ir. mul l\'.l:ri:;. Capt. ·Cootes were sur- of our citizens were charged with infring- J a.mes .l:lartram, aged u yearH. the 22nd inst., Bros. prised on Wednesday night by ~he sudden ing the st:itutes of Ontario, in shooting a t W11:nsTEn- Suddeuly, iu St., on The comet is now full size. Have you appeai:,'1.n-ce of 50 or GO of their friends in and killing two birds which came under the Hth inst,, Stephen G., dentist, [,, seen it? tow1l, who met to celebrate their China tho insectivorous clause of the Preservarmerly or Bowmanvllle, aged;-!.) years. V ARCOE-]D Oshawa, the ltlth inst.,. Ethel THE STATESlll.AN is one doll_;tr a, year in ·wedding. Mr. F. M:1son read an addi:ess tion of Bip:ls Act, ( )n the fi rst case being p earl, only daughter o! on Mr. J. H!,Var"oe, ..god The largest Msortment ever sh·)Wn in Bowmunville, &lvance. tf. and presented Mrs. Cootes with a nice called the panel pleaded guilty, and 1 1 fine 11 month~. . including the c!'\lebrated CHILDREN'S cJothing and under-wear, Dinner Set.. Capt. Cootes · a cknowledged of $1.00 and costs imposed. The other ------· ----- --- .-.--. --------~ -~~ -"'.'" . tho donation in :fitting terms . A very case went to tri11l, but he too was fined in cheap, at Mrs. Keys'. ha1JPY time was enjoyed, We leam tha.t th·e same amount with costs, The Statute BOWMANVIL.LJC MARKE'rs. · Where is our January ' thnw? There no less than thirt.y maiden ladies 'w ere has lJeen iu force for years, but has virtuwill be a flood if it comes. invited. ally been a dead lotter in our locality, and aorr~cted up to 1 o'clock p.111. e1'er)/ Tlmraday BY J. &::D. MoDOUGALJ,, Miss Emma Coleman has returned after Another well known face has gone from the gentlomm1 who conducted tho prosea. p1·otracted visit to Toronto. our midst. Mr. Jitmes Bartram died on cution deserves the thank of :ill law- F lour, per 100 lb ...... $2 75 .· to .. $3 00 " Look out for counterfeit $5 bills of the Tuesday evening, of dropsy, at the ripe abiding citizens for his time, trouble and l!'all Wheat, per bush. . . . 0 95 . 1 00 Dank of British North America. nge of 74. He lias been aping for the pluck, in bringing on the caSl?S. It is s pringWheat, per bush. O 95 .. to .· 1 00 Murdoch Bros. have the largest and p1\.St few weeks, and his ill,!less has been lament:1?le the number of. insetivorous R yo, per bushel. .. . .. .. . 0 58 .."to . · 0 60 ooi!t stock of 'l'eas i11 the counti-y. b-o-rrrc witl1 tt-ue Christian fortitude :mil and -agnculturally useful birds that are 0 ats,-per bushel. ·······. 0 30 .· to. · () 32 " Just to hand at Murdoch Bros., 4 Hogs- resignation. His genial face will be much cruelly and wantonly shot. in our. midst in p eas,Blne............. 0 70 .. to .. 075 missed in the South 'Ward where, walking defiance of the law, l~ i~, bes1~es! un" Bhckeyes ........ 0 92 .. to .· 0 92 lieads new China mid Ivory ·ware- latest in an humble sphere of lifo, he bore a lawful to sh~ot a gun w1thm the hnn ts ?f ,, Small........... 0 70 ... to ... 0 72 . And a full stock of all choppers and Lumbermen's i-e1uisi.tes. designs. . . character above reproach. ,James wns J the corporiit1?n. We hoJ?e these cases will B arley, No. 1. ........ 0!'iU .. to .. C1'>5 'l'he stores · were closed on Monday well cared for <luring his long illness, His prove a warnmg to shoot1sts. SEE THE GOODS. No. 2....... , . 0 45 ... to ... 0 50 afternoon out of respect for Mr. Cann and remains were int erred on Wed1 1csday, ' PAI·1ms PROM CALn·o1tNu.-Mr. vV. N, " No.~- ........ 0 00 .. . to ... 0 00 Mr. Mayer. ' A suq>risp party and presentation t ook I~orter has ~cnt us n cop~ of the Siii: FranBY JOHN McNU~'J'RY. W e hear that a detachment of the Sal- place at l\{r. Cyrus Fostcu's, near Stevens' e1sco 11!xamn'ller of .Tan.. .:>r<l, t,hat gives an Butter, per lb. best tabie.· O HL .@ ·· 0 18 vation Army · intend storming our town Mlll, 011 Wednesday night, when about 40 cxte1.1s1ve accou?1t o~ 1 he ag:t'lcultural pro- Lard, ti' lb,. ............. 013 . . @ ·· 014 BowmanYille, January 10, 1884. Wm,LTNG'l'OK Bun,nrnos. during the coming '"eek. young people spent a jolly time. They duct10ns of Cah~orma for 1883. ·we quote E ~ggs, 'IP'Joz;.............. 0 00 . . @ · · 0 22 T he o-nmd carnival at Montre:il on Feb, presontecl Mrs. :Foster with ii handsome ~~hat the E_r r.aim.1: ·;r says of one county:- Pota.toos, per bushel....... 0 55. - ~- .0 60 4th to '9th, bids fafr to surpass the one of Dinner Set, :1 friendly address being read · Old St:uus~aus ?Om?s to the front ';1th last year. A number of our citizens are by Mr. Neil McDonald 011 behalf of th e the hirgest yJCld of gram for years- 130,goiug. company. Mr, Foster made a suitable 000 tons. The farmers had a happy and P<trties requiring Mourning Goods will reply. An oyster supper was partaken of ~eason, ~nd at the close of the always find a full assortment of the very with zest after tho presentation_ . The year mchcatwns pomt to another success- SEED PEAS.- For sale a quantity o f best gopds, and the very best value at evening was ple:;i.;::mLly spent in dancing ful tun~, A number of Eastern fa1'.m~rs Marrowfat Peas, warr1i11ted pure and free Couch, Johnston & Cryclerman's. and other ai11useme11ts. All join in wish- moved n~to the county and were satisfied f rg;:;N_::.oxlous s"llUS. J 0 H N V A~~~~.'.I ' s At the Toronto Poultry Show last week, ing tho happy young ,couple long life and to rem'.im. Farm h~ncls and labor .of c.. i ot. l1er were .M.r. Jo1 u1 P' iel'.ce took one 1st , t wo 2n d rn·osrierity. 11·· J kmcls N I' 1 plentiful 1 l :md w:1ges ffan· l BOARD. - A nicely furnished Parlo r · 1~ lie 1 Dc,atli lias bee11 ·1 . · , ·ar ms a M. so sent us ron men willing and Bedroom. with board, tor gent:le and two 3rd pri'.tes. for some p1rc iacl < ,,usy amongst us d urmg CH l' 1 'f · · ,tl10 S ey J. f D to room together, or two ,. 1111tr1·111il showing, Another for Bownrnnv11le. the past week. The bright lftt.le child of ;; orma . an ose · er~1wy 0 ec c ouple .Apply te> .MRS. CH.AS. COLEMAN v On li · .. cl' .1 S t c l 21th ult.- ·a sixteen page Chnstmas Num· S l '! lw The Sacrament of :the Lord's Supper M r. \". ..n1l avm15 ieu on a ur ay , b 1 1 1 '11 t t d . I t , Ontr.rlo tree. - . tl ancl Mr. ]J ' l'Cd J, ]\· f ayer on Sabbath, of . er , ianc l so,mte y it_us T'.I fe ant < .. conbamt H . bb l 1 d S will be administere next a at i, m e tyi)hoid fever, Tioth fmierals on Monday mg. muc l m eres mg n~ orma wn .a ou SITU ATION W ANTED.- AA ouse. P. M. Church. 'fhe business quarterly t] t s ti tei l1se keepor by a reliahle person. Good cook . . large ly attended, that of llfr. Mayer ta OU l-wes 'll par:U, Apply to MISS KLIZ.ABETH GARDINER ' were session will be held on Mond ay evening. being attended by the Oddfellows (of ~everal oth?rs have sent us papers for Bowmanvllle, P. o. 4. The Choral Union will hold their con- which he was a member) and about eighty wluch they will please nccept our th:inks ---cert in t1ie Town Hall, on February 1st. conveyances. The deceas ed was au order_ _ WANTED lMMEDIATELY. - A d Orcllestl'a n1·e '"ell UIJ in Th l vonng ~trl "'" hou·e-mald. Apply t e e c torus an ' u ' ly s:u·geant in the 4.5th Battalion, 11nd an CO . NVE_ R['ATION. MRS. Jt G. BURK," 'l'm~ EVE:ftGUEll:NB," their parts, and a grand musical treat may effort was made to have a :firi11g pa'.rty +be expected. pcsent and also the band, but owing to his "Say, friend, have you :my idea who ITUATION WANTED.- A.11 Hctu11eTo-day (25th) is the anniversary of the hasty funeral 111atters could not bo arrang- the Bowmanville couespondent to the S keeper by a ste11dy woman. Apply t 0 birth of Robe1·t Burns, and all O\'Cr the ed, Fred w:ts a great favorite in town Toronto N ew.q is 1 " ELIZA.BETH GAltDINER, Bowmanvillo. 3-lw· '11\0 td "brither Scots" will be eele bmting and well liked by all who knew him. l~oth " ·well, yes; while watching things very the memory of Scotias immortal Bard. families have the sincere sympathy of th e closely for some time I have gleaned suffi STRAY.- Came on Lot 22, Con. 8 And quite correctly too. · community. · cieut evidence to warrant me in saying it ' Darlington, two YOUNG CA'l"!'LK. OwueJ' Ml·. S. F. Dr1nlo1. ), o _ f· G·reenwood, has fl i's J G You J·no'v wl10 I n1e"11 " requested to prove property. pay expenses &n d Tho rst masquerade carnival of the ' · '· ·· · take them away. LUKE PO'l"l'EH. !-3w*. been appointed station master at Cl~re- present skating season, was held at the " J. G, ! You're sure you're right 1 " mont, on 0. & Q. R In the meantime rink on Friday night last. Quite a large "ycs, quite sure." HEEP ASTRA.Y. - One Ewe and a Mr. Dunlop will act as repe ating operator number of citizens availed themselves of " ·well, I'm surprised that a man in hiS 1 Lumb styayed Into the premiaes, lot 3, COH in the Despatching office of 0 . & Q. R, the opportunity of witnessing tho mirth- position would ·intersperse his letters t 0 2, Darlinp;ton, In .August last. Owner mns,. t - .ALSOprove property, pay expenHes and take then in Toronto. Good boy, Fin. ful cnjoymerit of many young people 0 11 the N ews with so m any mean, unfounded .. way. It. H. SOUCH, S-3w. Btoon RKLATIONS.- The best blood re- the ice in their various representative cos- pe~·~onal insimrntions. " . . lations consist of a porfod circulation of tumes. The pleasure of the event was · So n:n1: I ; really surpn~od. , He is alAW MILL OPENED.- The old Smith l1ealthy, vital fluid- pure blood :md proper much enhn.nced by lively selections of ways dnvmg at a fcll~w m Lmdsay. I S S&w Mill havinp; been leased hy the under circulation may he ei:;t11.blished in the sys- . music from the D, 0, & p_ Co's band. ~now who tI:at person is, ~oo, a1~cl the first signed, he is prepared to do cnetom sawing a t owest rates. Patro:11ago solicited. UUB:RJRT tem by the use of that gra,ucl blood puri- The interior of the building was for the t1!lle I see 1~1m m town Im gomg .to t el1 lCL.ARK. 2-3w. first tilile illuminated w. i th gas-light. The h~m ~ho wntes so much mean stuff abou t ficr, Tiurdock Blood Bitters. The Rev. ,J. Dyke will commence following were awi.irded the pri<ies: Lady's hu::;. . , ONEY TO LOAN ,-A few tho11s1md special religious services next Sabbath, in Costume--1\>Iiss Irwin · Gent's Costume. Yes, do, :mcl thell wo ll see some fun. " dollars, private fltnds, to loan on first form securlt.y, at the lowest current ratM class the P. M. Church, and wi11 continue them Mr. A , Lambert; Gi{·l's · Costume- Miss lfor particulars a1·ply lo H, BEITH, Bowmanevery evenin_ g during the w e?k ~xc_ept Hattie K eys ; Boy 's Costume- Master J, A Good Cosi\l:E'.1 :IC.- The best cosmetics ville, or lt, lt. J,OSCOMBE, Barrister, S·tf. Monday and Saturday. A cordial mv1ta- S , Climie ; best skating, Lady- Miss E, are good soap and water, to obt1'in purity ----··--- - - - - -- - - -tion is extended to tlw Christian public to Hoar; best skating, Gen t -Mr. C. M c- of the skin; while for boils, blotches, ob -U·OU SALE.-First Ciass Farm, bein g attend. Cullough ; best skating, B C?y- 1\faster J, st inate humors and impurities of the blood .I: compo~ed of South t Lot 32, 4 Con., 'l'own ship of Clarke, 1" or terms and p11.rtieular8 Bowmanville Poultry Association in- Mitchell. Burdock Blood Bitter s is the best of al1 apply to J. G. IlENWICJ{.Orono P. 0., or HonllliT ARAI.OUR, Bowmanvllle. tr. tend holding their first anuual show on The S'.1.'Al'ESJ\lAN is r ecognized n,s one of purifiers. 12th, lilth & 14th February. An excel- the leading local weekly journals of On- , How do you relish the transition from lent prize list lms been prepared, "vVe t:irio. lt is very gratifying indeed for us furs, blankets, overcoats and heavy un - A GENT W ANTED.- A good reliabl e · .d.. AgPnt wanted to Bell the Brantford Cord Jiope the Association will have tho en- to be iissured of this by jomnalist.s of wide d erclothing , t.o cambrics, muslimi, em- :rJlnders, He11pers and Mower11, in the town coumgement they rightly deserve, by a experience. The Hamilton 'l'ribune, a broideries and everlasting trimmings 1 ships o! Clarke and Darllugton. None bu t OF CANADA. brge number of entries, le1 iding daily, says "The Bowmanville How does this accord with hail-storms those who can give a 11:ood deal o! atton tion t 0 selling need apply. 'l'o the right man a itoo d George Stinson & Co,, the celebrated STATES~UN is one of the most enterprising blizzards, dips below zero and everlasting ' commission will be given. .Apply by letter t 0 CAPIT,U, $1,000,0&0. REST, $J~o.I wish to call espaoiul 11ttention tha t If you Art Publishers, of Portfaml, Maine, un- and prosperous local papers in the pro- .snow 1 Business is business, however C. G, CODY, General Agent, Linds11y, Ont.. want to buy n tlrat-cl o.~s Organ made by one · 2-3w. ol tbe best A fonnfscL urios in t he World, doubtedly pay more money for postage vince." '.l.'hank you brothei·· 1.'ribmie. and McClung Bros. are selling the ne' ' This Bank ts prepared to do Legiti- CA.LL ,\ND SEE MY C llltli\T,tlAl!l STOCK. stamps than any other firm in the worlcl ; May your shadow never grow less. B ut cambrics, embroideries, etc., readily, OTE LOST. - A promissory not 0 mate Banking in all its branches, I hav(I just ordered, a.nd will have in a few for the last five years their postage bill we are not satis:fied with lJaSt achieveA FAIR E XCHANGE. - Will you exchangiven byDRvid Ferp;uson in favor of R days,some first class ltOl'S.l A Sewi ngMachines, has averaged over two thousand doll:trs ments; we are determined, with tho unit ed ge a chronic case of Dyspepsia, or agre e Hutchison, for Forty Dollars due J an. l, 1884, Farmers notes disconnted ; Deposits a lfachirJe that stands A l with the Tory best was losi; on .Tan, 2nd, 1884, between Rnnlsk ii· received and Interest paid on amounts of American or Canadl··n t:ewing Machlnes,P.I~ ;week, making a grand aggregate of aid and co-operation of the cultured people to break up a Bilious T emperment- t 0 Jen While J have nothing to say against a,ny first,and Hs'llpton, The note and SI:> in eash < P° five hundred and twenty t housand of ·west Durham, to make the STA'l.'.~S.M.AN give your torpid Liver activity, and thu s were in a let ter addressed to Gao. McGill. Esq., $5 upwards in Safings Bank Department. cla6s xuake of' Organs or Sewing Machines, I wish th e pnblio to please titke notioo I do Bank, Bowmanvillo. Persons a re do~ ; this is about the three-humlre~th excel its past successful career , vVe invit e stren gthen your Dige·tion, regain energy Ontario eell only fl Goods, such as I o,.a guary hereby forbidden to negotiate said note, Au DRAFTS pal't of all post<<ge of every description our fri ends to send us for publication n ews comfort, h ealth and spirits, all for 75c7 A ' person ilndln!ll: same will oblige by leaTinr it antee t o give eatiefacLion. · collected by the1 United Stat es govern- 011 all matters of interest transpiring in single bottle of ZO-P E -SA will do this. A wlt.h Rov. G. w. STEVENSON. Enniskillen. or ls11u11d and Collections made in Europe, N . B.- I still sell the worJd,renowned· ham \Vt\tcl;,- and don't forget our General '.4N o1Jl.ce. 2-Sw. rocnt during that time. their r esp ective loc:ilities. W e invite th e few doses surprise those who t ry it, F or at the S1'A'SKSM Store wliere we keep a compll'lt<l a!lllQrtmcnt of United and Ca~ada. If you are bilious or ha\re indigcsti.011, people ot Bowmanville to furnish ns with Biliousness, Dyspepeia, the Kidneys, ~h e Dry Gooile and Gl'Oceries cheap tor Callr1. Jiit, '"· 'VILLSOl!J, OJ!FIC&-Jl·rdoch Bre1. Blffk, late Bank· sick head:tehe or dizziness, try Bax ter's the part~cufars ?f local event s. P ersonal Blood and Brain, ZoPl!il.A is a P anacea, 'l'he Boll Orµ:a1111 arQ sold by J .P. RICE, BowEACHER OF 'l'HE PIANOFORT E, l·s omce of Jo·et ..t DobbJc. mr.nville, an d · ORGAN and SINGING. 'l'll:RHS :-$Gand Mandrake Bitter s, usecl instead of pills ; matter is J?rn·ticnlarly requesbecl, . Tal~c and is war ranted to cure them. It acts $10 per Twelve Lilssoni or ONll hour eao h. I~. iU. DO~EY, they cm·e constipation. P r ice 25e. per an mteri;ist m tho S ·.rA'l'ESMAN and it will upon the etomach and liver. ',rry a 10 ee1 W. J. JONES, lt Over Hlggmbotham'11 Drug Store, :King Street. bottle. For sale by all druggists. take an mterest m your welfare. sample. _ · TJrone, :!. BowmanTill·. A seat.· sn. Horse for Sale. I ...LV..1...0 VJ. 8 · n g · -- I Bargains. s TAR For s . -- a 1e - - a t the-- HOUSE to give room for our increasing trade. The Reason Why MR. JEFFERY will occupy the shop two doors -West, (Andrews old stand.) , that C ough Stop ' 3 0 days ·we will to introduce the change. ' · ·· BARGAINS FOUND. T. C. MASON. JOS. JEFFERY· Cross-Cut Saws. Champion Saws, Lightning Saws, °' ¢ ¢ illli\ltan$·, ·a Lance Tooth Saws, Local and Otherwise. Diamond Saws, Butting Saws. CHOPPING AXES, American Wetmore Axes. " Simpson Axes. Canadian Western Axes. Orient Axes. Crescent Axes. " Crown Axes. " Lumberman's Pride Axes. "Nick of the Woods" Axes. " -· I " LEE & EDSALL, New Advertisements. BARGAINS FOR ALL! FURS!FURS! - . During the Xmas holidays I will offer my fine and well assorted stock, consisting of - Mink Muffs, Boas & Caps, S.S. Seal Muffs, Boas & Caps, Persian Lamb Muffs, Boas & Caps, E S Astrachan Muffsi Boas and Caps, AT "WHOLESALE PRICES. M Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. Gent's Coon Coats. Ge;nt's Dog Coats. BUFFALO, Blac;k, Gray and White Jap ROBES. At the LOWEST CASH PRICES. - M. MAVER, Furrier. STANDARD 8 AN K -~-. Organs ana Sewing MachlNBS. CHRIS~MAS " l N T I