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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1884, p. 8

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~auadiaa jtatr.smau. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. -T'EEE- BowJIANVILLE, FRIDAY, JAN'Y ~.5. Sm,-Please :tllo1v me a small _=:---=-==-:.::..:.... - . -.. -.. - ·-·-·· ~·~ space in your widely circulated pi1per, tu express my hum hie opinion Oll t1w subject of c:roud beef, which question was Very al>ly discussed by our worthy citizens at· Orillia. hn.s 786 school children. · Being about to Reduce his stock of the gre:tt bM1quet held at the Ruebottom · 111r. W. H. Higgins is home from IreHouse, on Friday evening, 4th inst., hopland. ing no gentleman will feel displease<l with the few rom:.wks that I shi1.ll make. Fifty yeiws ago Cobourg was incorporated 'fhe first sight I had of Bowmanville, as a town. was on the 24th of August, 18(i8. My atI~eap year, and the boyslutve arcstfrom teri tion w:.ts soon atti;n.cterl by the different treating the girls. kinds o.f meats th en in the market, which Offers the whole at a Tremendous Uxbridge has voted to give a bonus of I th0ught wn.s not equal to what I had l $2,500 to a foundry. been accustomed t. u for sixteen years Reduction. Many articles sell at Cost and under. The Port Porry Ob.server looks clean and previously. On the following Christmas I neat in its new dress. Q was engaged helping Mr. l\I. D . Williams THIS IS A GENUINE DISCOUNT SALE. to slaughtet· his Cliristmas cattle. Of The agitation for the removal of Victoria Those i n kearch of Holiday Presentg will save money course t he Xmas clispby had a very diiferCollege from Cobourg continues. ont appertrn.nco from t he nu:mts I had see11 by inspecting our stock, c onsisting of-GOLD and ._ Dul'l1am Lodge Sons of Englan<l, Port on my :1rriv:.d in tho month of August Hupe, had a successful tmnm1l supper reS1Lv1m WATCHES-all styles and makes, GOLD tprevious. About n yoa.r after this, I wss cently. . GuA1ms,CHAINS, Rrnas am~ JEWELLRY to p lease hired with Mr. 'Vill iams, and remained There are reports from various parts of everyone, 8u.v.1m PLAn~DWARE in endless with him for eight years. Mr. W. bepeople frozen to death during the recent, came very anxious to purchase good beef varit!ty, all of whi ch bas been selected with ..._ cold snap. and spared no expense tu get t he very best care and taste. DIAMOND and WEDDING .Two old residents of Hope, Robt. B. 1 cattle that this and (,hu n,djoining town- -.R INGS-excellent val ue. - ~ Marsh ttncl Mrs. Susan Olce died last week ships could produce ; in so doing he provat a l'ipo age. Watch Repairing promptly attended to. All work a.i..i: ed very successful. His fellow tradesmen followcfl him up a.~ close as possible, 1md Geo. M eQuado, of Ornemee, Wt'Ls fro7,en warranted. Prices low-never charging $2.50 11 to-day Bowmauville st>mcls second to no I tu death near .Port Arthur during the when 75c. to $1.25 are regular prices. town tlrnt l have ever seen in Canad.a or recent cold wetither. th o old loved country (.!!;ngland) in which A CALL SOLI:CIT.FJD 1111 rJl The Port Hupe Guide says that Mr. Asa I livod forty years. 1 h::wc frequently Cho1Lte Ime l all his turkoys- H> in number visited. many of the principal market st.-Olen one 11ight lately. towns iu Devonshire ; on the north was E---J An Ottawa subscriber writes: "We1 louk Tordugton, Bideford, B<ti'nstaple and anxiOL1sly each week for the S'l'A'.l'ESMAN l Ilfracomue ; to the west was 1-:folswurthy ; and feel disappointed when it is late. ,, ~ to the south w:ts Hatherlcigh, OkclrnmpTOWN COUNCIL. VM!SUS At the Port Hope high school entrance Lon, Tavistock aud Plymouth ; to tho east Peddling and Credit. examination five pupils from Mr. D. is Orecliton <Lncl the city of Exeter, which Statutory me.etinl( Mo.nday 11t 11 ~t" rn. I Hampton's school, Milbrouk, passed with is the capital of Devon. ln those <liffor~ernbers took ~"elarat10ne of rprahlic~- I We having been solicited by a ent t.-Owns, l have seen the best beef that good sta.nding. tlon llnd of office. Mayor Luscnmbe s , . . . For a short time before or up · to tho inaugural addro.~s. Adjourned to 7 p.rr1. \ ~umber ot our: ctt.1zcns to·commence th o country could produce. I have had New Year, there were ten prisoners in the! on the above system, we have now the pleasure t wice of visiting the Bath <111d County Boarding House. They were al EVENING si;;ssroN. Hecided to fall in with their request. vVest of England Agricultural Shqw, where from Port Hope. the best cattle nre shown that England This plan will enable us to sell TWO can hoast of. In the city of Exeter 1 December number of Acta Victuncma, cents per pound cheaper. As you ltavo seen quarters of bcief at the st:ills of an interesting periodical issue from Victorit U niversity,Cobourg and vroves quite cqua will see by the new Rystem we Mess.1s. Chamberlain & Smith, marked, to the November number. 3hall not require half a dozen horses "Suld to Her Maj est.)'." And J do S<LY today, that I have seen as good beef in the 'l'wo farmers saw a couple of dudes on .i.nd rigs and men to rnn them, for town of Bow!llauville, 011 eu for any one to the street one d:ty the past week, and one which the public have prev i ousl y buy, as I have seen in the city of Exeter, of them exclaimed, " Gosh ! what things paid. We being the first to intl'o- h-..b clled, "Sold to Her Majesty." Tho we do see when we don't have guns. ,duce this grPat saving :u~k your butchers of llowmanvill1:1 have struggled The Kingston Wh.iu celebt·ated its :fiftieth lmnl to make their bi1siuess s uccessful, fo1· anniversary by issuing a semi-centennial liberal s upport. · which g1·eat credit is due to them . Aml number, in which was contained a sketch Yours truly, to-day the consumers of meat i11 Bowmm1of itself in particuhr ancl journalism in ville, nrny feel assured that no town in tho general and a history of Kingstun during Province has a better assortment of meats the past fifty years. l\_....,..,-,,mit:ffi'il"rorliiITTi'i5i!WiiBreJ'0rirecl~OI M11.1'ket Square. set before them from the first day of JanA LONG 'l'nm.- Fiftecn vears of suffer- · ..-. r- -·· 011 ror lnmpe wus r ererrea to N. B.- All Ol'<h~rs prornptl_ v at- uary to the thirty-first cl.Ly of December ' Property Comrnittl:le. Several accounts ing from the tortLU'GS of Dyspepsia is in- wen1 r.-ferred to Finance Committee. tended to and M1·at Jeliv1·red to all lhan they have. Our last Xmas display of <leed a 1011" time. A Burns, blacksmith , W . .M. Horsey was re-Appointed H. S. meats taken as a wh9le, surely has sur· of Cobourg, w:is t hus [tff\icted, but it unly trustee. T. II. Vann and CharleR Keith parts o'f tilt' town. pt1ssed all former occasions. Last'. spring i·equired tour bottles of Btm-lock Blood were appointed Auclttors at a salary of "' We also pay .Cash for Farm and Mr. M. D. Williams retired from the conHitters t.o crnnphltely cure him. $15 ··ach. test, and sold out the contents allll goodDairy Produce. will of his business to Mr. W. H. l{. CawThe Po>t says t.he boys and girls of the Other preliminary matters of the y ..a·"s -A'l.,ker, who has sp:ired no expense to mainLindsay p ublic schools will have to brace bnsinesR we· e considert!d when the Coun· t:~in the reputation wo11 by Mr. 'Williams, up and put in some steady hard work this cal adjourned. in keeping meats not to he excelled by year. They have been badly left at the recent high school entrance examination, any butcher in tho Pi·ovince. At the reW.Asm:NGTON. D. c. May 15th, tsso. cent Xmas market, Mr. Cawker liacl a They passed -only six pupils, and these GEN'.l'LEMEN--Having l1ee11 a sufferer ma1111ifieent clisplay of men.ts of difieront took :t low standing, fur a loug time from nervous prostration kinds, headed by that far-famed heifer, '!'he Diseases Of The Will, by Thribot, and ~eneral debility , I was adivised to try " Princess L ouise," to which many of us "Humboldt Library of Science," No. 52. Hop Bitters. I have taken rme bottle, felt loytil at the suppor held at- the RuePrice, 15 c(m t s. .1. Fit:lgerald, Publish er, and I have been rapidly getting betLer bottom House. '!'he stall of Messrs. 20 Lafo.yette Place, New York. Every one ever since, and I thknk it the best m edi·Young and Cawker deserved much credit. is from his own experience or from his cine 1 ever used. I am now gaining stren}'l'heir vareity was a good one, having for reading familar wjth the principal phases gth and appetite, which was all gone, and their topper, " Alderman Baxt er, " weighof mental disease iu the form of intellectu- I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. ing 1,820 pounds. Mr. ,J. R M;n-tyn had al insanity, or disorders of the intellectu- I am now well, able to go about and do a large display of meats that would flo al faculties. In the present work the phe- my own work. Hefore taking it I was credit to any butcher's stall in T oront.-0, or nomena of will-impairment fnlly ex- completely prostrated. any other city in C1mad11. The stall of plained with a.bund:tnt illustrations from MRS. MARY STUART. Lyle & Co. was well represented with difthe history of those and many other celeferent kinds of m eats. The flower of his brated cases. The untidy, dirty appearance of a grizstall was " 'f he Queen of Darlingt.-On," Cu&E FoR CmLDLAINs.- Bathe the feet zily beard should never be allowed. Buck· b1·ecl and fed by J . Bussell, Esq., weighfor ten or fifteen minutes in water as ingha.m's Dye for tli'e "hiskers will readily ing over 1,500 poun<ls. If we turn our hot as can be 1 vruu ; then a11fij .l:fa_;,prds change their color to a brown or black, This Cut represents .t.he popular Victoria. attention back to fifteen ye:trs :1go, (of ·Yellow Oil, and a cure is certain. Yellow at discretion, and thus keep up your re- Wave. It is drAssed with the hnir fulllng on th<" foreheacl, and the ends meet in Montt\gues. which I just mentioned), we shall :find Oil cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Deaf- putation for rwatnPss and lo{ood looks. It ii exceedingly becoming, and is huviug a th:it 110 such cattle as we have referred to, -FORness, Lameness, and Pain generally; and large run. ceLilcl be purchased at that time, for the · internally cures Colds, Sore Throat,Croup The tlbove .style. wit.It a large number or farme·r was not interested in raising such Those having any dyeing to do, shonld, other equally bt>c:omln( styles, are by Asthnu1, and many painful alfections. c11ttle, but since that day the farmer is in order to ensure brilliant and lasting MRS. A. DAVIS. 'l'he members of Old England Lodge, colors, buy their dye stutf11 from J. over M. Mayer's store. beginning tu see that he has to improve No. I:>, Port Perry, presented Mr. T . Da.n- Higgiubothaw & Sou. his stock in order t.-0 kei::p pace with the caster, of the Mansion house, recently with times. Some years ago C. 1.ttle with two a very handsome silver cup and address " When you leave your measure with us large kidneys, was the order of the day, as a mark of esteem on his leaving Port you are always sure of getting a perfect but now formers arc become better cn- Thirty days from to- day we will commence stock-taking, and from now Perry. Tom w< is a general favorite in the fitting suit. Couch, J'olm.ston & Cryder8 ~':::!~~!~6.C.:'~~~ 0 <1t0~~ ~~~~nw:~~1f.,1r ·:~!.~u:'!.'.!l\~ lightened aml are trying t.-0 get good thick lodge, ancl th ey all wished him auccess in man. until then we will sell all goods at a Great Reduction. ~~1F'il.tiJJ'~t3i¥i't£i1!1~1~'.~~~'::".~~%i.TSd..1'!r~:r:!; b.eef w~ll mixed, nnd in or.der to get the in hi~ new home. He has gone t.-0 Port remedy to cure tho wont c ..... Because 01no~~ bdav~ rwht kmd of beef we have first to ge .t the 0 fi\lledtsnoren8 onforn·uow roeel v\u g a.cuu. ~n " . d 0 f Cattl e ; and WC CILU fi.11d PROF, '\.'1LSON l1as r esumed liis classes Ho1>e to take possession of the Royal hotel vnoe ror a. troatl·· ant! a Freo llottlo oC my lnfalllblo r ight bree rumedy Give lhc pr··· and l'o·t Otllco. IL co1u JOll · tl · t ]le D evons and ] The in thtit town, where, no doubt, he will in vocal and instrumental music. See ibln~fot'~trlRl undlw·\11cure)'OU. \ u~m Ill · D ur1ams. 1 meet with lots of the Sons of Merry card. .., A.ddreu v r: u. o. HOO'l'; uaPoarlSt., NewYorll. old native breed of cattle are fastly wear- ---- ·- - - ---England, as there is quite a strong lodgo ing out for Leef, mid farmers arc beginFresh Salt Water Herring at Murdoch 'f'O A.UVEK1'l!llmS.- Lowest Ile.tea tor adin Port Hope. Bros. vertising in 9:0 gootl newspap,.,ra sent free. ning to see that it pays better tu r aise AN 0PFN LE'l'rER.- Messers. T. Milburn Address GEo.P.ltOWELL & Co.,Spruce St.. N.Y. good stock tlum to give t heir feed to cattle Try our 50 cent Green Te<L- Murdoch & Co. Dear .Sir, - I can lwnestly recomfrom which they have no right to expect Bros. mend Hagytircl's Yellow Oil as the best any remuneration. reliever of rheunuitic pains of all the many Hoping tho farmer nnd the butcher may B11eklen'H Arnlea Sahc.-The best Salv a specifics oft'erd for sale, and as a sufferer in the world for Cute, Brmses, ::1erea, Ulcers, work together harmoniouscy, and that I 11:1\"u a 1 w:.l t l\'O rcmml.Y fat· l h o ahovo lltseaKo; by tu 1 1"40 rh 1 .111 ..; u1HI~ or en.sos o( thM wur Mt kind and or Jonte for years I have tried every known remedy. Se.It Rheam, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped they will cont inue to give us good beef , u · 1 l l111 ~ !1:iv11 b~t·n curRtL 111doe'1, 1110 s tronirb my faltt.i I remain, r espectfully yuurs,J OHN TAYLOR, Hands, Chilblaips, Corns. and all Skin Eru.pI n ;~,. ufn!.!1tcy. t hnt I will sou tl '1'\\·0 BO'l "l'LES )·'HEl~ and let there be no grumbling. t'1~~ ·the1· " ·it)i 1l V) l.UAJ:LR TltEA'l'I SR on this tllaOa&IJ~ tlons, and Poslti ""'IY· Piles. It is guran100 Parliament St., Toronto. S. W . SANDERS. \ o 11 uff,·l'Or. Oh·e J~:iq1r1t ~U 1u11l P. 0. 1 uldroas. JH~. 'l'. A. tU..Ol.llT. U . 181 1~uarl St. ~ N~w York.. give perfect satisfaction, er money PETEu>ioN's MA.OAZINE for F ebruary teed - - - -- - - - , Chapter. II opens with one of the most charming steel refunded. Price 25 cents per box, For Bale by · en"r:wind!! we have ever seen, called: " J ·.Hlgginbotha.m & Son. ! "Mt\lden, Mass., Feb. 1, 1880. GenT'~o Little Customers." Hesicles this, how' I t.le111en - l suffered with attacks of sick Rememder w e will Cut Down the prices of all goods between now and ever, :i1·e several other bea.utiful embellishh1:1adache" nion ts, among them :i spfomlid colored pat301 Ja.rvis St. Toronto, Ont., Neuralgia, female trouble,for yearB in Stock-taking,- 30 days from to-day. tern. There is also another cngravingthe most terrible a nd excruciating m1\nwishes to inform breedere of Heavy Draft "Hom!lless and Blin d "- illustrating a p<t· ~All ov.erdue accounts must be settled e ither by Cash or Note Horses. that they are now pre,P.ared tn buy ner. thetic little story 'l'he double-sized colored Canadi&n·broid Stallions and li'1llies. such e.s No medicine or doctor could give me 1Lre fit 1'or export, and would be pleaeed to re· relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. before the 1st day of March. fashing-pbte- a. specittlty of t11e maga ceive commuuic..tioa· from any who m&y llave ·:.1ihc - is even more beautiful than usual. .l:lowMANV·lLL&. 0N'l'., Dec. 5, 1882. '"The ilr~t bottle ~uch for sale. breedina-, &Ke, height, silla or bone, oolor Sc price. '..Ve llavo a 1rnmber er this is a very superior number. :Messrs. SETH \V. l<'OWLE &. SON, Boston. Nearly cured m e ;" s&lo and are u;: u m to o! Imported hors"" tor '!'he second made me as well and 11tronli! t .,.___...____________________'!'!"-.!!""!"!!"!"!"'!""'_ _ _ __ ·w e do nut see how any lady can get along Dear Sirs:- We suppose it ' le 120 new thing take 011.aadlan-brcd St&lllonAin e:rchana'e . without " Petei·3011. " The terms are but for you to recel ve congratulations on the suc- (t7Hf) . .d.. FANSON l!G SON. ss 1 vhen a. child. two Dollars a yen.r. Specimens are sent cess of )our ve.l·111ble cough remedy, »r. lVbl· "And l have been 80 to this day." gratis, if written for, to persons wishing ar's Baliiam of lVlld Ubury; but perhaps at My hnshuud w11s an inva.lid for twenty to suhscribc or get up clubs. Address this time" word or two from us will not prove yea rs witha se1.fons Sbouldauld a.cquaintancebe forgot, PF.TERSON's MAGAZINE,300 Chestnut Strnet out of place. .Although the Balsam has nett ' 'Kitluey, Ii' el' und urinary compbiut, And never brought ~o mind, 1·011 ·1·EN!llLLION l'E O!'I.E AllE JN been e.dveriaed to any extent In this locality. Philadelphia, P11. · ·Pronouncerl by Boston's bt'st physicShould folks no gie their Photographs Minnesota, North-Dakota, Montana, BOWMAl\IVI LLE, our sale of it ii very large and the demand la 'l'o triendso .A.uld Lang Sync, Washing ton and Oregon, ie.nsA $20 BrnLICAL PRIZE.- The 1mblishers incre11Bing. which is due to the universal sat'l'hen come aw&, frens. ane and a, ALoiso ·rnE LJNE ol' THE AGENT lWR "Iucumble!" of Rtitl~dr1e's Monthly offer twelve va.lua- 1 lstaotlon which it gt,,.es to our customers. Sev"n bot·le11 of your bitters cured him blo rewa1·ds in their Monthly for February, we· have never had a slngle complaint, and I/:~t~t~~ipJg~~r~=~o~~gur fr.ins, For H. C. 'l'ait takes them ftne. Through the Great Whent·llclt of A.merlea. · and I kuow ·,f the among which is the following: We will give husbands tell us their wives will not keep Jtlillion acres of the best o.grloultural, "Lives uf ei1'(ht persons" $20.0l) to the person tellin,~ us which is house without it. We would like you to do e. .An' when :rou get a soor~ or twa, mineral, forest and gro.zinp; lauds in tb6 ALL SIZES, .AND . lu wy neighborhood that lia\'O been Let o them be mme1 United States are now open for settlement. the lo1west verse in the vld Testament little more advertising m this country, for we ~O Jtlilliou acres of railroad lnnds for sale at Tae mind ane a the c.i.ntie ao.ys eaved by ) our bitters. Scriptu~·es by February 10th, 1884. S~ould believe were your b&laa.m . better known, Its We had in Auld Lang :=:yne. $2.00 to S4 Pl' acre, ou 5 years time if desired. "'l'hey almost. two or more corr ect ans wers be received, sale would be inoreaeed ten-told. ~O JU1llion acres of Government~ lands open We're growing auld. and nearln: fast to settlers Ji'.Rl!:E. Do mil'i>oles1" - Mrs. E. D. Slack. Yours truly, the rewaFd will be divided. 'I:he money hame that's yours and mmo ; Tlac Nortllern Paetfl.c Country possesses Thti S'l'OTT &: JURY, will be fOl'ward ed to the winner February p;reat and rich natural resources relldy to bo daThsn let our trens see how we looked, "The Druggists." 27~ Shllob'sComs11niptl1J11tJ11re.- 'l'his is btyond ln the da1s of .A.uld Syne. veloped into profitable industries. 15th, 1881. Persons trying for' thc r eward question the most successful Congh 111.edieine For IDllPS and pamphlets address and mcntlan must send 20 cents in silver (no postage LOURING MILL in tlie to1Vnship of we h11ve OV>!l' ~old, a few do·e11 invu.riably curn l<'or mu rely JOU'll be your Physog, this pa.per. Clarke. Known as Adams' New Mill. the worst cases of Cough, Uroup, and Bron· stamps taken) with t heir answer, for which Dead~ An' surel:r I'llf be mineh , looked - CHAS. B. LAMBO~N. .Applv to AR'fHUH CODD, Esq., or St. JOHN chiti~, while its wonderful succes in the cure An' we'll let our reus see ow we Land Commissione1· N. P. R. lt., St. .,!" .hl, lllinn. for which they will receive the March H. llU'fCH.K80N. Barrister-at·Law, Bowman· or Consumotion is without a parallel iri the In the days or Auld Lang Syne. "" ENTLEMEN, if you have grease, Monthi-t1 iri which the n:ime :md address Tille. history of merl1oine. 8ince it's first di s~ov0r1 . f 1 To reach the aboYe named lands or any pol11$ 8 1 ed l descrIP t ion, Jr pAint 01 dirt on your clothes I can clean It has beeu sold on a ·!(urantoe, a t~st which no Plcturea of every urn n on the Northern Pacific H. H. buy_ yom· tickets ' ·-----of the ,~inner of the rewarcl and the cor- them and make them look like new onll!I. from Chicago to St. Pllul via tbe Cllicqo .A; ether medicine c"n sUIAl<l. It-you bi.w e a cough the best st1le of Art, at moderate prlcell. r ect answer will be published, and in which LIMl.ies· Ostrich feathere clea.ned and dyed, O ENFIELD LADIES. -Mu111 J'l7LU. we earnestly ask you to try It, Price 10 cente A very large stock of Fancy J!'rames always Nortll-Weste1·n R'y, It run~ into theNortbO'Li:..1.11y hae returned from 'l'oronto iO cents a.nd 31.00. It your Luu gs are sore,Uhest onp?~':i~ea eula.rged to any size at reaaonabt.e em P:wiflc depot at St. l' and Is the best f~ several more vii1uable rewards will be offer- Second hand clothing tallen in exchange. .All work warranted at PEA'J'K'S DYEING E~ &lld has beg un lJresemakinl( in Enfield. Special or Back. Lame, n@e Shilok's Poroas Plaster. J ratau at H. c. & Co's P hoto Gallery, J:low· you to take. Do not buy tickets unless they react ed. Address Ru'.l'LEDGE PUBLISHING COM- '1'.ABLISRMENT, oppoeite Trelevon'a Shoe atte1·liou will be given to cutting and Jltting. Higginbotham &:. l:lon, Wholesale and Reh1 1 Wllllvllle. oyer the Chicago and North·Westem B'y, Swre;~Buwmanrtlle, 21i-tt PANY, Easton, Penna.. A Call IOlici ted ' 281-tt. agents. Dl<JAlt District News. Hampton, Jun. 21st, 1884. The council elect fur 1884, uamely W. H. Langm11.i1l, r· eve ; T. H. lfa11cook, 1st dl'1mty; L. VanCamp, 2nd d~put}_'; T . Is the best plaC'e tn ~et a Good Sm:~le and W. Cryderma1., . co11nc1llora, mer lind havin~ made the doclar.i.tioll of. qnl\iitication and of office took their ae11ts. The collect.or presented his bill of abateCome in and try it. ment, $4.-0 36, which was · on motion allowed. OyHter~ Ill l~ull' or C1111s alway~ ht Ntod<. Mr. Ranry ·w1<s granted the use of tho Town Hall for the sale of gooda at $1.00 ORANGES, LEMONS, per day. Mrs. Charles Runclle applied for damage GRAPES, for sheep killed by dog11, Laid over. BANANAS, The matter of the claims of Hampton DA'I'ES. Cheese Factory was brought up, a11d an FIGS. opinion from the solicitor read. Ordered th11t the clt1im l>·> not allowed. The claim of Rev. Mr. Oke, for in jury to horse ttnd huggy, W!l.B again over. J,·hn Collier applied for aid . $3 per Cigars from two for 5c. week was i,:ranted tempor>Ldly. up to 10 cents each. Mr. Alex. McL1ingt11in was appointed to superintend the Scugog Road from t.he m1ide buard t.o the rear of the township, and t.he be~t stock of ~nd see that it is kept in proper condition riuriucr the winter 111ontbs; and Mr. Isaac Clark: i. similar superintendf.l11t from Hampkn to the gnid~ boi~rd, On motion the reeve was instructe,1 to ~rant orders Ol'I tlrn treasurer for the folIN BOWMANVILLE. lowin~ 11mou11ts; Cvllector, posta~e,, _p~The Grand Central is next door $3; Jessti Burk, 100 l<iadt1 gravel, $5; n indigent person~, $44.50. East of Post Ofilcl·. . Mr. Hancock ga.vll notice of a by-law at vext meeting for the appointment of 1111 assessor. Council adjourned till Saturday, Feb· ---v .n- - ruary 2nd. Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash Grand Contral CORRESPONDENCE. LC. MR SANDERS ON THE BEEF L __ - SELLIN""G OFF_ AT LC. QUESTION. COST PRICE. ·sh of Oysters. Hot D1 L. CO.R. NISH Rings, Platedware, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, &c., &c., Biscuits of all kinds. l~ r3 t:d NUTS OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY ,, I .Z e:: FRESH MEAT. LC . .: ---., L's~R~;I~~.~~i,E_AST . . Jtc. I COUCH,JOHNSTON ICRVDERMAN being anxious to clean out the b'a lance of their F--U--R--S will sell the whole of their ' W. BRITTAIN&Co., Ladies' Furs and Men's Coon Coats THE VICTORIA. NET COST. BO'\\TMANVILLE. CALL AND -SEE ·r HElV1. · One Door W-est of the Post Office, Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash. DAYS BIG BARGAINS I J RE FITS · U IG We will sell FJUR GOODS at and under Cost.. (~ON SUMPTION~ We will sell Men's Tweed Suits for Nine Dollars a Suit. We will sell All Wool Blankets at Two Dollars and a half !)air. We will sell Men's and Boys' Overcoats atwell just give us a call and see. A. FANSON & SON Ladies' Mantles at Cost. CAN'T KEEP HOUSE. S. MASON & SON. THE BEST HOMES NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD W.H. PIPER, AU LD LANG SYNE · I Grain Crushers, Chaff Cu t ters. MILL FOR SALE. I I 40 Dyeing but not F G -~------ -- T ·

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