TERMS :-$1.50 PER AliNUM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, E DITOR AND PROPRLRTOR. VOLUME 288. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1884. XXX. NUMBER i'i. IT1HE SPRING NEEDLE M~y now find employment, after the Ladies have made their preparatory visit to McCLUNG BROS'. -w-ish to comTo the Ladies .-w-ho ,,. -w-ould say me nee their sewing-that -w-e have recently opened out ,. New Goods in the follo-w-ing lines <: Mr. Mittt. E lliot t, of Kingston, bought from Mr. John Waiu1an, of the 7th con., NEW PARK. Clarke, a three-year-old steer, weighing l\1r. Hugh Byers' barn was burned Jan. 2,300 lbs., payiug $135. He was the best 21st, by the explosion of a stable lamp. fed bullock in Chu·ke. lf the county cttn He saved most of his stock. bent this, tell us 1111 n.bout it. The members of Union Rose Lodge No. 0AT<LANn B ov. 334, I. 0 : G. T. are trying to raise their banner once more. Vv e wish them success. PURPLE HILL. School Section N o. 20, through the inMr. Thos. Freeborn is still in a feeble fluence of our esteemed friend Mr. Miller , has ohtttinecl rt teacher in the person of co1~dition. Miss Ida Bingham. School has commenced. Mr. Thos. Dai:ch , councillor, has been In spite of the snow storms th:tt have very sick. prevailed for the past few weeks, the Mrs ..T. Benson has been very sick :tlso. young fellows turned out with their girls Mr. It. R amm has had a big run of imcl broke a r oacl t o Mr. Gifford's, and threshing this season. · there held an oyster supper and cfance. Prof. A. B. Kent gave one of his pe'i.'We feel sorry for one of the young fellows who lost the attention of his sweetheart. forrnances here on Saturdity evening. NED. WHANG. ---··____.~..._.. CORRESPONDENCE. KIRBY. _ ___ ----· ----~~ ....,._____ . 'TYRONE. The people of our usually quiet town were called from their beds one morning last week by a cry, :md on rushing to the door they found it wits snowing. As soon as the r oads arc ru:fllciently good we expect ta see the s1)ecd of two of onr fast horses tested. Sorne t hink t he 1 vhite horse will win ; others put faith in Scott's Glory. F·Lshionable wedding. Mr. Albert E. Clemens, of 'L'yrone, to Miss Polly Courticc, of South Darlington. Dest wishes, much joy, etc., from home, Albert. This prolific town had anot her of its rising voters given the first requisites to qualify for any office municipal, pttrliament.wy, or otherwise- a name, by the imposing and cool ceremony of clll'istening. Neighbors ·Shannon and Davies have friends visiting themUnion revival meetings of the B. C. and C. M . congregations have commenced and will be carried on by the Revs. Bartlett and Ferrier in theB.C. and C.M. churches. The funeral of the late J olm Lane, who died in this village last week, was well attended. The deceased who was much respected, was buried at Bethesda burying ground. The spelling match spoken of in our last came off as stated. Miss Nelly Bing· ham floored t hem all. Since then she has won t 1vo other matches. 'L'h«;i spellers can't stand her spelling. Why ? Date- Mouday morning. Old man" Good morning. " Youth, hoarsely" Good morning." Old man~" ·what's the mritter ?" Youth, hoarser and cross" \Vciqd dctir, coal ch! ap, but 'absent, hence cold stove and--. '"That'll do. "Lovie sha1·p/ CARTWRIGHT. A ple11s:mt surprise party took place at the residence of Jl;fr. Thos. Werry, Monday night , when about thirty young people of the B. C. church ttml Sabbath School met there ho present Mr. \Vcny, who has filled the position of superintendent for the pitst 13 yc11rs, with a hundsome family bihle, accompanied by a nicely worded address. Tho address was read by Mr. P eter \\Tright, :md Miss ·Agnes Swain made the presentation . .A sumptuous repast was served by the ladies, and a socia evening spent. Rev. W. Down, junio pastor, was present; DRUM. M r . Gainer found his lost heifer, -buf> his fat pig has not returned. . School house th i.eves 'a re hero. Books p ens, pencils are missed ltl],(l tho clock ha; l>een broken, itnd other rnischid done. Mr. Joe. Mcindou is home from Pctcrbol'O'. He has a set ef harness of his own make, made nfter hour s. Good boy, Joe_ Mr . .Aldrecl was i·e-olected trustee. Ho makes ;1 ·good one. Mr. 'r mimbly 11:.1.~ retumed to Quebec with his family. St imd ing in order of merit of t he pupils. in Drnm School ; · 4.1·n CI.ASS- Ella MeRobcrts, Della McIndoo,Robe1·t A r g-110, Andrew McRobert s. 3Rn SF.NIOR-Alfred Arg ue, Mode McIncloo, Willi11111 Byers, ,fames Goheen. 3RD J G NI01t- R obe1·t McCullough, Fred Goh een, Albert Scott, Thomas McCullough. 2ND CLAflS-EnunaGohcen,SarahChambers, .Addie Chambers, J olm Scott. 2ND P AM' Frn,;T-Sta.nley McCullou<Th J oseph B yers, John Argue, Charley Go~ heen. 'fABLE'l' LESSONs--Sanrnel Chambers, honrns Aldred, Matthew Aldred, William 'cott. Average attendance 20. GUUR'l'IOE. Owing to the severity of the weathe1· t he missio111~1·y meeting in connection with the Methodist church, announced to take plitcc ltt Ebeneze1· on the 16th ult., wa.s postponed. This is the secontl attempt tlmt ha.s been made, but :t little persever· anco, etc., etc. ']'he Y. P . C. A. tea at Ebenezer on Tuesdity night was a g1 :1md' s11cces~. 'J'he weather W>tS all that could be desirecl, so tha t tl~cre was a large tum out. After parta.kmg of one of the teas characteristic of tlus place, all repaired to the chul'ch, wh ere an excellent programme was .rendcr cd. Receipts, over $62.00. Our mayor is complaiuing that there is a sciircity of water in the village. 'vVe would advise his worsl1ip to melt snow B~N · ANNUAL R EPOlt'L ' oF D ARUNO'r oN UNION CHEESE Co. FOR 1883.-Milk received in Mny, 20,082 lbs. ; ,Tune, 140,330 lbs. ; .July, 180,445 lbs. ; Angust, 174,llG lbs. ; September, 141,111 lbs. ; October, 110,866 lbs. ; November , 2G,538 lbs. 'fot.tl for the season, 811,407 lbs. Cheese made in ·ty, 2,598 lbs., sold for $294.08; June, 4,012 lbs., sold for $1,340.80; July, U,8021 lbs., sold for $1,685.88 ; August, (i,682 lbs., sold for, $1, 714.82 ; Septemer, 14,06() lbs., sold for $1,662.88 ; )ctober, 12,13!1,} lbs., sold for $1,427.87 ; ""ovcmbcr, 2,880..; lbs., sold fol' ::'320.18. 'fotal nurnl1er of lbs. m>tele for t he sea.s on, 7!J,1802. 'l'ota,l receipts, $8,45u.41. --White Cottons, Lonsdale Cambrics, Swiss Check Muslins, Jacconet Check Muslins, "White ]ifarscilles, Swiss Embroideries, Insertions, Cambric Edgings, Linen Edgings, Everlasting Trim'gs, · Irisha:'rimg's, &c. 'l\!e call special attention to our ~WISS EMBROIDERIES-all new patterns, an exter1sive assortment, probably .the nicest stock ever shown in Bowmanville. NEWTONVILLE. Mr. W . Andrus has charge of the public · school here, in place of Mr. Geo. \ Vilson who is waiting on J Hrs. Wilson in her m'. ness. Glad t o say she is gaining fast. . ,: . , , .. . . T!te l,ist au~vitl ~ (b,iby) cluld· m th,e fanuly of om. esteemed pastor,. R ev. S. Salton. \Ve wish. parents ancl clulU happ1· ness and pn~.spenty. . . . Mr. C. M1tchcll, mail c:trr1er, is a man qf llluck ; otherwise he would not have attempted his trip in such s torms as we Ji.ave recently had. Business is m thsr dull. Fuel is on the decre;1se in quantity. PHI os. :i ENNISKILLEN. MCOlU.NC BROS. FOR.ALL- , ENFIJ!JLJJ. A fine company of young friends gather ed at Mr. Dyer 's last ] 'riday evening, when af.tel' regalmg themselves with oys· ters, a gmncl programme W1\s rendered. Music by Master H :mnan Pascoe, followed by a concert of songs ; then came the orchestra- Miss Maggie Dyer, or<Yan,; 0 Thomas Myers, with his accordian ; Mr. Jno. Dyer, on his banjo. (Great applause.) The banjo solo by Mr. Davey took well. All were £ea.steel on enjoyment up to the time of parting. A serious loss occurred on the premises of Mr. W. H. Hobbs, by "Buck's" death; choked himself with a t urnip . Mr. John Storks, of Pickering, f<~rmorly resident h ere, is visiting friends in the village. Mr. Williamson is making a prolonged visit to his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Reatoi.l'e. . Ex-councillor D:yer ~eceived u. friendly VISlt lately from lus friend, First-Deputy R eeve Hancock . Mr. J ohnston N iddery purposly shot his b.r other Edward's dog recently because 1t fmled to catch what he did not shot. Neel hopes to recover damage. Miss Mary Ashton has gone to Taunton to be· absent for some time. M ary 's ready smile and cheerfulness will be much missed, as will her voice in the choir . We regret much the coming departure of our friend, Mr. Thomas Myer, who leaves for t he west in a few days. Tommy is a fo.untain of wit, mirth, and pleasantry, and lus place can not well be filled. He has the good wishes of numerous friends. 'L'he usuitl series of winter entertainments are in progress at Nicldery Hall. Let me ad1 ,ise t he proprietor of our genernJ store (East King) to prohibit the suifuc,-ition of customers by the smoke of loungers, and oblige the public. GRANGO. CURE FOR C1inm,A1Ns. - Bathe t he feet for ten or fifteen minutes in water as hot its can be borne ; then apply Hagyarcls Yello' I'. Oil, and a cure is certain. Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Deafness, Lameness, and P;tin generally· 11nd intemally cures Colds, Sore Throat,Croup Astluna, and many painful affections. A LONG Tll\rn.- Fifteen years of suffering from the tortur;;:s of Dyspepsia is indeed a long time. A B urns, blacksmith, of Cobourg, was t hus afflicted, but it only r equired four b,>ttl es of Burdock Blood Bitters to compl etely cure him. Binges' Cough Syrup is beginning to sell very rapidly ag"in now the time of 1he yMr for con~hs and colds has arrived. Prep&red H11d sold by J. Higginbotham & J. HIGGINBOTHAM & 8011, SUBSCRIPTIONS Pure Drugs and Medicines, ~tanda1·d Papers & Mag3zines PUBLISDED, AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES. Patent lUedicines, Dye Stuffs, Hait· and 'I'oolll Shoulder B1·aces, Sponges, Pe1·nune..-y, &c. ..A.G.::ENTS FOR THE B1·ush~s, CLUES LIBERALLY DE.ALT WITH, T. Yellowlees· . Cards of Thanks. 7'o the Sovereimi Fire Insurance Co., Toronto. I hereby return thanks for the prompt and ltberal set.tlflment, throu&"h your agent Mr 'l'homas Bingham, or the aamage done my barn in Clarke by lightning. Yours truly, JOHN lWDDOCK. 280. Dowrnanv Ille, to TUCt<ltl statNC PAtJ TltU88. Prescriptions and Recipes -Carefully compounded with. absolute purity and COrrectneSS. ' CARRIA . GE "'tTTQRKS. VV HA I NE S --«n--- To the President, Manager and Directors of the Fire In111<rance .AssociaUon ·of London England. ' I hereby return thanks for the very prompt eettlemen·,through your agent Mr.'1'. Blngllam, for my two horses k!lled by lightning in my field last thunder 11torro. ROB'r. F1ELDING. Tothe Ffre PrtsidentandDirectorsoftheHart/ord lnsiwance Company. tn I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay· ment by your agent, l\fr. 'l'. Bingham, for loes ful~ to of my effects, caused by the breakmg a household coal 011 lamp, lrnviug received cash check as soon as my claim was presented. 279. MOTIGAN DAVIES. GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, - -MANUFACTURER OF- - CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C .. KING STREET, BOW.MANVILLE, To the Manager and Directors of the Sover· eign Fire I11sura11ce Co., Toronto, G EN'fLEMEN.- l beg to acknowledge the prompt settlement, through your agent. Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham, of my claim in full for the lo~s of my bu.m in .Mariposa by lightning. JACOB .POLLARD, Bowman v illc, SeJJt. 22. 1883. Has now on band a number of vehicles (and is mu.nufaoturing a great many more) of the newest patt&ns and best finish, which I am offering for sale "t the lowest. prices consistent · with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following is a llst of the principal vehicles mam1ractured by me: Double Covered Carriages ...... ..................................... , ........ $200 Upwards. Single Phootons. ............. ... ........... ............... ...................... 100 11 NOTICE to LADIES. ...,., __ _ I __ 270-tr have now opened the Best and Largest Stoek of , Ever shown in Bowmanville, $1,000 worth of OS'l'RICH l!'l!:A'l'HERS just opened, .A large Democrat Wago11........................................................... ..... 65 of 'rRIMME ll HATS and BONNE'l'S stock Lumber Wagons ......................................... .............. : . ....... 55 " always on bau!l. Wo have also u. large stoclt of VELVETS, PLUSHES, SILKS. SATINS, of all Light \Vag-011.... ... ...................... .......... ........... ............ ... ..... 40 ·· Shades : a large stock of RJBBON8, FLOWERS, Express Wagon .... .. .............. ,... ....................... .................... 75 LACES and 'rRIMl\IINGS of all kinds. Skeleton.. .. .... . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . 50 11 Please call and inspect our stock before purSulky... .................. ........ ........ . ....... ...... ......... ................... 40 11 ebasing elsewliere. You will fiDd our goods the eheapeet and best in town. Pos11es11ing superior faoilities for manufacturing carriages. I intend to sell verl cheap for cash .rHBeaver and Felt Hats Re·sbaped In all the or approved credit. and by so doing I hope to gre~Uy increase my number o sales. Would latest stylea. sell the wood parts only, or the geo.rlngs of buggies ironed. Rli:lllE!llEER 'l'HK STAND:- ! doors west of J!.fa1·~yn's Grocery Store, ~~;nB~;:;~:::::::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::.:: ::::: ~g :" WINTER MILLINERY... A{J Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I At the Sho1fost Notice, Pa.inted and Trimmed if Deliired. Mrs. DONNELLY. S'm. . Anotlicr old r esident has.passed over to the great majority. Mr. J ohn Taylor died on tho 25th ult., after a short illness. His remains were interred in t he Hampton cemetery on Sabbath last, when R ev. W . R. Barker preached his funeral sermon. Mt·. 'L'aylor was a native of Ireland, and settled on the farm whore he died, soon after he came to this couutry ; so that he has resided within a mile itnd a half of this village for about forty-five years. He leaves it widow and several grown up sou , Cobom·g harbour will be furthe1· exand daughter s. tended . Tenders are invited. Thei·mometers. registered 24° below 'L'he oflice of the Hamilton S1Jectato-r· was on t he morning of the 18th ult. burned last week. Loss heavy. Every one he~·e was highly d -ight ed Mrs. ::VlcBride, milline1·, Cobourg, has with your last week's issue. Cor inue to pnblish s uch a paper n.s yom· an er to all compromised at 30 cents on the $. One thousand dollars were snatched the accus:itions of your enemie . from a man last week in Toronto. On Sabbat h week 33 new members ORONO. joined the C. P . church, Cobourg. CARD OF 'rHANKS. - we take this method D1·. Rae gave Oshawa Cotlncil and town of returning our sincere thanks to the officials an oyster ·s upper last week. church and our many friends for the glad Central hotel driving-shed, Oshawa, colsurprise they made us on 'l'uosclay evening, 22nd ult.- the 25th anniver·sary of lapsed last week. 'r oo mucl1 snow. The Marquis of Lorne and Princess our wedding-in presenting us witl1 valuable presents, consisting of a silver cake Louise want the viceroyalty of India. basket, butter cooler, and sugar bowl ; and llev. P. D uncan's congregat ion, Colespecially for their kindness and good-will borne, gave him two cutter robes lately. manifested on that occasion. In accepting Ask Stott & Jury for Hub "Congh he same, we do it with feelings of un· Cure. I t acts so q uickly as to astonish worthiness upon our part. However high you. 25 cents. Ask Stot. & Jury. we may value the present.'3, we look upon The population of Silver City, near the love and sympathy of our fellow-beif1gs far superior. The occasion will evef be Calgary, N . W. T., consists of 237 men~ r emembered by ns while life lasts as one 7 married women, 5 girls and 2 hqys. Children playing wit.h matches set fire of t he bright spots in the history of our to S . \Velsh's dwelling in Port Rorie on lives. Friday. House and contents burned. D. A. GAMSDY. l\fas. D. A. G.u.i:sBY. Ayer's Sarsaparilla wonderfuHy improves the complexion arid brings to old. and young t he bloom of health. As a MANVERS. · purifier of the bloocl, it l1as no equal, Miss Egati;il h.is·.abcl?ehpted ta fposMitioGn in Mr. C. G<trclner, of Oshawa, hits sold ao. th · l ow-fasteners. R e1mercan p ti e cswt 1 is men t b o t l r . . eo. l arge numb er of h ancly wmc , ic ge, ~n ypoo ' vacan Y ie resigna- in town at 25 cents and 30 cents each t10n of Miss McChesney. ' · Mr. Thomas W inskill, of Lifford, has THEY ALL DR. IT. - Everybody uses sold out his blacksmithin<r establishment " T EABEltlW" for t he teeth and breatl1, and business to Mr; J . l\iulligan, of Lotus, the newest, brightest , consists little toifor $850, cash. let gem extant. Try a sample. wol'k on the 0. '& Q. R. n. has been KILL THE BLUES, -eat the best, sleep stopped for the winter owing to the heavy sound, keep away Headache, keep your snow falls . L ivur active, cligest your food, make good An enterprising Bethany mer chant pr e- blood, be cheerfvl all day by keeping ·a botsented our deputy-reeve with a handsome tle of ZO-PE-SA in your room, and take briar-root pipe and a package of cut plug a dose twice a week. on the eve of his depart ure for Cobourg. J. Ruebottom, E sq., of the Ruebottom Another foot of snow would make im H ouse, says : "MclJlung Brns' 'rea well improvement on getting around, as it deserves the name of G1tEAT. I ~use it would obvbte the necessity of travellers r egularly in my house and get n o other alighting to t h1·ow the top i;ails off the tea to compare with it in quality and fom.:es. A.B. flavor," Pet.erboro' is being treated with hicrh0 TuousANDs SAY So. Mr. 'r . W. Atkins, way robbe1ies with violence. Girad, Kan., writ es: " I never hesitate to recommend youl' Electric Bitters to my WASHINGTON. D. C. May 15th, 1880. customers, thoy give entire . satisfaction GEN1'LEMirn- Having been a sufferer and are rapid sellers." E lectric Bitters for a long time from nervous prostration are the purest and best medicine known and general·.debility, I was advised t o try and will posit ively cure Kidney and Liver H op Bitters. I have taken one .bottle, complaints. Purify t he blood ancl regn- and I have been rapidly getting better fate the bowels. ~o family can afford' t o ever since, and I thknk it the best medibo without t hem. T hey will SllVe hun- cine I ever used. I am now gaining strendreds 0f dollars in doctor's bills every gth and appetite, which was all gone, and year. sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. Higginbotham & Son. I am now well, able to go t\bout and do I my own work. Before taking it I wa~ Get Americ:tn \Yater 'White Coal Oil completely prostrated. from Murdoch Bros. MRS. MAlW STUART. At tfl.e Factai;y I also do Pl~ning, Matching, 'l'urnlng and Sawing with eti:ole, Band or Scroll Mantles and Uleters made to order at Saws, and p.i·epare 1tll kmds of lurnber tor carpent11rs and others for btulding purposes Ornam.lllltal and Plain Pickets for fences in evei:y style 1 ·eQuired, made to order. · 248 S, Mason & Sons. CHOICE stock of fancy gooiis, wooli, SOUND advice-go to Mrs. Keys' for a Try 'our 50 cent Green Tea- Murdoch laces, etc., at Mrs. Keys'. choice plate of oysters. Bros.