STATESMAN JS CATARRH. FARMER'S CORNER· made to yield a very large profit ov:er land not so treated..-It\w<U New Yorker. Sweet oil and whale oil arc absolutely safe agents for the destruction of lice on cattle. Mercurial preparations are more effective, but are attended with a degree of risk. Rubbing with any of the follow· ing is regarded as non-injurious, and rep eated at intervals should get rid of the parasites : Sulphur and lard or oil, water and petrol&um, or sulphuret of either potassium or lime-four ounces to a gallon of water. Clean the buildings with petroleum, or carbolic acid, or turpentine. P. Stelle, agricultural editor of the Mobile ~ister, thinks the Southern States admirably adapted to raising hogs, and that by the new refrigerating inventions, pork may be saved at the South as well as anywhere else. The long-continued warm weather is favorable to rapid fattening and cheap pork, since hogs cannot be kept up and warmed by stoves and wood fires in cold weather, and ib is expensive to warm them by heat-producing food like corn and peas. He thinks pork can be made at less cost in the South than in the North. ' CA.TARRH,-A. new Treatment wll·reby a cure le effected In from one to thre· Irrigation. El'ERW FRIDA.Y MORNING, permanent treatments. Particulars Alld Treatise frea ..., 1 -BTte!JeiIJt ot st.amp. A. H. DIXON & SON,Pf/7 Irrigation, that is becoming so promKmg Street, West, Toronto, inent in comiection with Western farmM. A.JAMES, WIIAT· THE REV, E. B. STEVENSON, B.A.. .A. ing, is no new thing under the sun. Its AT TBK OFEICK, CLERGYM'.AN oF THE Lo~moN CoN1·.11:R&Neii: us in the production of useful crops goes 011&omeemoek,H.tnc!lt.,Bowmanvtne,Ont OF TH!t M.!tTJilODIST CHURC!I OF C.A.NA.DA. back farther than authentic history carHAS TO SAY lN REGARD TO .A. H. DIXON &; h al So:s's N&W TREATMENT .lfOR CATARRH. ·r ies us. Taking the hint from. t e annu TERJY.J:S: OAKLAND, ONTARIO, CAN., March 17. 1883, o_verfl.~w of. th~ Nile, the Egyptians, in $&.110 per annum,or 1111.oe tr paldin uclvance time immemorial, constructed elaborate Payment strictly in advance required from Messrs. A. H. Di.:ron, cfh Son. subscnbers outside or the county. Orders to DE~RSms-Yoursofthel3thinshmttoha.nd. . systems of canals and ditches, by which seems almost too good to be true that I am the waters of that river were diverted to dll!i:mtinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by It of Catarrh, but I know the.t I am, I have 111e amount due.or the paper will not be stopped. cured no return of the disease and never relt those not roached by the natural overflow subeoribera are responsibleuntil full payment la had better in my life. I tried so me.ny things of the stream. As a result the granaries m:Mle. for catarrh, suffered so much and for eo many f h f 11 'd t t that it is hard for me to realize that I e.m o t e country were u , an grea moun years. RATE!! OJ!' ADVEllTll!lING: i:S~ really better. ains of grain might be seen piled in the . . Whole Column one{ear ............. $50 ::'.:: <f.; I consider the.t mme was a yer:p: bad oase: it vicinity of the chief cities while neigh" u 4 Hal year ............ 30 00 ::i Ne.e aggravated and chronic, mvolvlng the . . . ' . " " ' One quarter... ... . .. 20 00 "'z: .... throat as well as the nasal passages, and I bormg nations were m great distress from llalt Column one year ............... 30 thought I would require the three treatment& famtne. " " Half year ...... ........ 20 O~but feel full; oured. by the two sent me, and I l Cl · k bl l"k f th " " One qu11.rter ... ........ 12 51> am thankful that I was ever induced to send n una, remar a e a .1 e or e Qoarter Column one ye~r ..... , ...... 20 00 to :vou. . . density of its population and for the fact " " Ha.Ir year . .. . . . ·.. . . 12 50 - 0 You are at liberty to use thlll letter stating that the count"rV produces its own food " " One que.rter... .. . . . 8 00 t.hat I have been c'IJ,1"ed at two treatments, an.d . . · ·-r . h" f I shall gladly recommend vour remedy to 11-0me supplies, irrigation la one of the e ie ifuc lines and under, first insertion.. $0 _ subsequent insertion...... 0 251_ of my friends who art: sufferers. sources of the fertility of the soil. 'l'his from six to ten lines, first insertion, 0 7~ Yours with many thanks, great empire is cut up with a perfect netR11:v. E. B. STEVBNSOX. ijUbsequent lns~rtion .. ..... 0 35,-10 ----work of canals, that are employed not J'ver ten lines,tlrst insertion.per line 0 1~·· subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ TORONTO, A.pril 2t, 1882, only for furnishing water for irrigating A. H. Dia:on, Esq., 305 King St., West. the fields but also as water ways for conThe number of lines to be reckoned b l he space occupied,.measured by a sea.le o ..::_11; DEAR Srn,-We take pleasure in eta.ting that our junior partner, who had tor years been veying the products. to market. Tie 8')1id Nonpareil. troubled with Catarrh. was successfully cured Grand Cana\, from Pekin to Canton, is by three treatments of your remedy. Th& 1 th d il 1 · w·th ~---------- Cattarrh wasmuch aggravated, with continual near Y one ousan m es ong. 1 :r,. POTTER. U.D. >!. dropping into the throat. accompanied by lose out irrigation it would be impossible for R.A.DU.A.TE of Que~n's College·.K;ingston; of voice, hawking ande~itting and blockin~lllil China to furnish even a bowl of rice to a net M<'mber of Ool.1o>N;c of Phyaicians and of the nostrlls, all of winch we are please to lier teemi·n" milli"ons of consumers. Sa.rgeon e, Ontario, . . say almost immediately after the " 11!/T Otoce e.nd Residence, Enmskillen. 17. remedy was applied. Your remedy is certainly In India, even with a considerable rainan invaluable on'e and we hope all who ina7 be euffermg fromthis disagreeable disease will fall, the very existence of both governDr. A.. BEITH. give it a trial, e.s we are satisfied they will :find ment and people is dependent on irrigaRADUA.TE OF THE TORONTO U)<IVER· it a complete success. tion. Within a ve:rv Sl'l'Y, Physician, Surgeon,&c. Office Kmg Yours very truly, -,, few years past exStreet, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. WM. Norrnrs & SON, tensive districts, containing millions of Wholesale Pianos and Organs. inhabitants, were almost entirely depoNo. 8 Adelaide St.East. J. w. llleLaughlln, M. B., pula.ted by famine, as a result of a failure ICENTI.A.TE OF THE ROYA.L OOJ,LEGE of rainfall. To meet the wants of the PORT PERRY of Physicians and member of the Roye.I country in this respect the British GovOollege of Surgeons, Edinburgh. ernme1:.t has expended some $200,000,000, OilllIB: MORRIS' BLOCK King-st., Bowmanville. · and is annually adding millions more in The above works are ·running full blaat io works of irrigation. The great Ganges DB. J. C, MITCHELL, keep up with orders. Some very !Arge orders Canal is 10 feet deep and 170 feet wide and EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS have been l'eceived. lately, including a· and surgeons, Olitarfo, Coroner, etc. , 'Monument for Isaac Best, Clarke, AlaX about 1;000 long. It was built at a cost 7,.. some Office e.nd H.eaidence, Enniskillen. F. Carsca.dden, Clarke. WE EMPLOY NO AGENTS of about $12,000,000, and is calculated to e.nd are selling Tomb Stones, Monuments, etc., carry from 7,000 to 8,000 cubic feet of at lower prices in c.onsequence. Our c11rto· In this country it D. BmtKE SDIPSON, mere get the commission themselve~. It will water per second. pa.y any person who intends erecting a 111onu- would doubtless have cost $100,000,000, .A.RRISTER SOLICITOR, &c., MORRIS BLOCK, up'stairs, King Street, Bo·vman- mcnt to the memory ot .a. departed friend to for wages in India are extremely low. writfl me or see me personally before plael~ l\ille. Solloitor for the Ontario Bani!;. their order. I guarantee first class werk at This is but one of me.ny extensive works :Pdvate Honeys loaned at the lowest rates. lowest possible prices. that have been recently built or repaired for the purpose of irrigation in that conn·J~hn Keith Gal1>rattb, try. The government has either built or MARBLE WORRB, A.RRI8TER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 251-tf. PORT PERRiil' bought nearly all . works for irrigating PU'BLIC, &o. Office-Reed's Block, o.ver purposes throughout that 11J.nd, believing '1. Be.ttlltlgs store, Kfng Street, Bowme.nvill_c. :Money to lend that the management is· more efficient and successful under Government control We beg to announcA to the public that we ST, JOllN B, UllT4JHEl!lON, prepared to do a genera!insurance bus!ue~s. than in private hands, ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &c. representing e.s we do a number of first In Italy irrigation has bee.n in "ogue Companies we shall be gloid to give prompt atNOTARY PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAN· tention toanything in that line. We re:presont since the early days of Rome, as Cato, 0ll'Jrl0:&-0VER 8TATESHAN 0F'~'!CE, also the Ontario Loan and Savings Co.· of the earliest Roman writer on rural affairs, Oshawa, and accept ·deposite on !ts behalf al- gives 'u s to understand that i t was pracROBERT "'RlllOUB, lowing 4. & 5 per cent interest from date of ticed in his day. More science is emEGI8T.R.A.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER receipt. of Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor- Parties requiring loans will find it to their ployed in the construction of irrigating advantage to get our terms. tl.BY at Law and Solicitor in Chance;i-y. Money works in Italy than in any other country '111a.ned on Real Eetate. Office on King street, on the globe, and as a result there is in Bowmanville, '\Ve are agents for a number of first cla!s that country the most perfect system of n. T. PDJLLlf"!I llnes, among which is the Wbtte Star Line the irrigation in Europe. The whole busi· ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County best fastest and best. equipped Ste.amship en ness if regulated by law, and government 1 ti tte ded. the Ocean, and Oar tickets to all pomts at low· of Dnrhsm, S a es promp Ya n est rates. vVe also represent W, D .Mathews engineers superintend the construction of 69 Address-Hampton P, 0 , ..:._ of Toronto, and are prepared to pay highest all works for such purposes. The en· prices for Barley and all kinds of grain. tire system of irrigating canals in Italy is ICENSED ~~~~·~i~· CONVEYAN-I TBayrdEeslilp.OteWreslteEdEwSi!l pleWase nFote tAhel~elfEacN'ts. estimated to furnish an aggregate of L OER and Comrnss!oner in B. R. Sales at- · · ·. · · 24,000 cub,ic feet of water per second for tooded to promply and at reasonable rate~. irrigating ' purposes. About l,60C,OOO a-.ada.ms_.:.Enp.U;kllle:P.o. Paid acres are supplied with wa~r for irrigation by this system -0f canals. Some of JORN HUGHES.-Licensed Auctio.nfor an ua.ntity of these works are on a gigantic ;scale. The Ticino Carial in Lombardy was built in the twelfth century, and has from that &y q <:e.rtwr1ght, Ont. 472 1 date conveyed a volume of water equal to 1,800 cubic feet per second. This water A FULL SUPPLY OF ,l GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO supplies, and to a great extent makes the .ft. every man who buvs his Llcen~e from country over which it S);l'eads one of the HENRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. 198tf. richest and most den~ly pepulated in the world. The Cavour Canal built in quite A.T BOTTOll PBtCES, R. YOUNr, V. Y!!.s removed to recent times, i.s 131 feet wide, six feet the residence directly opposite the Drill All kinds of farm produce taken deep, and 55 miles long. Through enShed, forl)lerly occupied by P. C. Himes. His -Odlce will be in Mr. John McMurtry'e Grocery in exchange for goods. gineering blunders, it bankrupted the S'tcre. Hours from 9'to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 company that built it, but it is doing ·p.m., Sundays excepted. 228-tf, great things in the country it covers. One Bowl.WUlville. cubic foot of ·wa,ter per second is said to ONEY TO LEND.-Loans can bs 74.2 obtained through the subscriber upon be sufficient to irrigate three acres, and ll'a.rm Property at e.n unusually low rate or as an eyidence of the benefits of irriga· interest. Fixed charges for Solicitor's fees. F. tion the meadows about Milan are cut -OUBITT. Bowmanville. 239·tf. seven times a year, and yield from 50 to to 75 tons per acre per year ; bqt we are Pianos Tuned & Repaire.i, also told that these meadows receive the sewage of the city in the waters of irrigaARTrns:wrsHING THEIR PIANOS tion. Tuned.jor repaired can ha..-e thorn attended Agriculture in Spain is more depend., b7 leaving word ·at th'e, DOMJNION ORGAN Clo's OFFICli:, Bowme.nvllle. A flrst-clas man ent on irrigation than in any other coun90W being in their mploy. try of Europe. Some of the most extensive works for this purpose were conROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organist structed by the Moors during their and teacher ot Voce.I Music is prepared. to occupancy of the country. A dam was -:13-Ylake a few more pupils. 1'he beat of refer· built across the Guadalquivir River betrice can be furnished Great care· exercised with beginners, and special attention r,ri.ven to MORRIS~ tween two steep m,ountains, that was 273 llllTanoed pupils. Those desirous of taking « fully prepared. to attend Funerals on feet long, 70 feet thick and 156 feet in llniltrnctione should apply at Mr, Doyle's reei' notice, at the lowest possible ratee. heiaht. Lan . d under irrigat1 some ·011 bee, or make it known by ~ directing a few the shortest' e.nd Burial Oases ready on short notice. o taee to P, O~ Box 49. Terms $7.60 tor twelve Caskets l!llll!Ons. 239-tf First-class hearse on very moderate term11. parts of that country sells at $400 to $900 Shrouds an:d Co1flns ·c onstantly on hand. Fun- per acri;i, while tbat not irrigated brings era! cards suvplied at once. Furniture Shop&; Show Rooms-Bounsall'eNew Block. only about $80. All furniture sold by me is by the U. C It · · d th t · S · " th t · Furniture Co. of Bowman ville. I do not bll.T is sax a m pam e wa er is slop furniture and represent it to have been more valuable than the land in the pormade by the U. O. F. Co. ot thle town. portion of 5 to 20." In dry seasons the Also agent for the LI·QUOR 'l.'EA for this town · ·d f t f · · · · "'-" e.ncl vicinity. It is cheap and as good al! can be pnces pai or wa. er or irr1gat1on m tu·· got in the market. A valuable prize giTon . country are sometimes enormous. In the _ _ _ _ _lwith every pound. year 1861 the average price for one cubic foot per second was $11,000 for the whole year. The Nena.res Canal may char!'e $1,875 per qubic foot per , second. . In most cases the iITigating works are conWITH TEETH, WITHOUT TEETH; -H.AS RECEIVEDtrolled by the Government, but in others they are in the hands of private corporaNEW CASHMERES, tions. The old .l\foorish works are gen2.KA.()TI4J.A.L DENTl!IT, NEW BLA.VK O.ASHM&liUlfl erally in the control of the irrigators NEARLY TWENTY YEARS EXPERllcNCE. NEW LACE CURTaINS, themselves, who pay only enough to keep .Jh.Cl'&nsOxideGIUl Ad.ministered for Palnles NEW QUILTED SlI:IRTB, up the necessary repairs on their canals. Operations. NEW FLANNELS. Japan, so recently open to Western e.PDl()E lllCCLIJNG'!I BLo4JK. NEW SH.4.WLS, enterprise, seems to have adopted a system of irrigation at a ·very ancient NEW 'PRINTS, date. That country being· very brokon, NEW CRETOJflllS, the system consists in building dams NEW LADIES' COLLARS, across the ravines to secure and hold the NEW WINOJ:Yl!I, water till used, and in terracing tho hills so t hat their sides may be covered by the NEW MENS' UNDER SHIRTS, water. This is oae of the means by which NEW MENS' DR.A WEllS the donso populati©n of those islands is NEW AC'rOUY COTTON, maintained. NEW STE.AM LOOMS All irrigating enterprises in France are HARNDEN, L. D~ S., NEW FINGERING YARN. in the hansp of private corporations or Graduate of the Royal College or Dente.I NEW O.A.NADIA,N YA.RX, individuals, but the Government exercise, .,, Surgeons, Ontario. a strict supervision over 'Llieir construction and operation, and t hey are inspectOFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORE. Parties buying Goods Will ed at stated periods by Government enGOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. gineers. Irrigation is employed quite exPlate Work executed. in the latest and most tensively along the Rhine and Moselle for improved. style of the Dental Art. meadow-lands, and in t h e south of France, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT P.A!IN it is used in the culture of grass, vege·b :t the use of Nit1·ous Oxide Gas, without injury .bY Buying from tables, madder, and occasiol).ally on wheat to the patient. and vines. Partionlar attention psi· ~ regulation ot In England irrigation is only occasion' 'l:IILDR.P'. ..:ETH. ally employed on meadow-lands; but even S"CALL AND:(su.... '?()f ,.J.NTBD·.._ Bowmanvlll@,, 30, 1813, in that excessively wet climate it has been PUBLl!!BBD Rev. Father Wilds~ EXPERIENCE. The Rev. z. P. 'Viltls, wcll-kno"t\'n ctty missionary in New York, an<l brother of the late eminent Judge \VHd s, of the Massachusetts Supl'enie Cotnt, writes as follows : lliESSRS. J. 0. AYER ,'I;, Co.[ "78 B. IHth St., .Vew York . M((.11 IG, 1682. 0\'e r them. I '"a.s ,~}so a sufferer fro m a. ~eYere cata.rrll n.ud catarrhal cough; 1ny appetite was poor, aud 111y systen1 H.. gooll d t':tl run down. K.nowiug t.ho Yu.luc o f A\·En's S .·tRSAP AlULbA, by observation of intol erably at night, ·~11<1 1.Jurned so int,en,ely," that I conhl scarcely bear nuy clothing ·1 , wintet" I wa!; trou )led wit.ll a most u11co1nfor tablo itching humor affecting more o>peclally my limos, which it.ellecl so Uent le1nen: ,.:':::::? ·=-= ____ ........ ..-.~.._ ..____ The Lawyer and the Thief. Here is a capital story connected with a prominent lawyer who has distinguished himself in the defence of criminals as well as .i n connection with other · trials, having frequently, through his skill, assisted the most hardened criminals to escape from justice. Some time ago, while our friend was attending :court in an, adjoining county, he was applied to by a singular specimen of humanity, charged with grand larency, to defend him. The lawyer inquired what crime he was accused of. The party accused replied that a party had been mean enough to charge him with stealing two hundred and fifty pounds in bank notes, and had got him indicted. "Are you guilty?" "That's none of your business," replied the accused. "They say it makes no difference to you whether a ma~ is guilty or not ; you will contrive to dig, him out of it some way. So don't lK'1lk any more about guilt till you hear what the jury says." "Well, what about the pay~" "You just hold on till the trial is over. Give that K--(the complainant) fits on the crnss-examination, arn.l t hat other fellow he has got to back him, and you'll have no trouble about the pay, take my word." The trial commenced, and proved to be a somewhat protracted and exciting one. The district-attorney proved that the money ii;i question was composed of four fifty pound notes and the rest in ben pound notes, all of which werewrapped 1:1p in a piece' of oil silk4 The jury, 'l.fter listening to the cou1tsef in the case, and receiving the charge of the judge, retired, and soon returned with a verdict of not guilty. The accused, who was greatly elated at the result of the trial and the efforts of his counsel, invited the latter into one of the vacant rooms. He slapped his counsel on the shoulder .when they were alone and said : "Free as water, ain't I 1 What's the use of trying a man for stealing when you are around? Now I suppose you want your pay?" "Yes; have you got anything. :;o pay with 1" said the lawyer. "Lend me your knife and we'll see about that in a minute." The lawyer, slightly startled at such a proposition, reluctantly complied. The accused immediately commenced ripping and cutting away at his waistcoat and soon producecl the roll of notes .for the steali·ng 0£ which he had just been tried, wrapped up in the identical piece of oil silk described by the witness for the prnseeution, and thuowing it down on the table before the astonished lawyer, said:· "There, take your pay oqt of that. I guess there is enough to pay you tole;rq.bly well." · . "Why, you villain, you stole that money after all," exclaimed the lawyer. "Do you expect me to take that?" "Stole that money! Why, whe.t are you talking al!out? Pidn't the twelve men up stairs there just say I didn't, steal it 1 What'a the use of trying to raise a question of conscience after t welve respectable m.en have ~ven their opinion on the subJect ~ Tall:e your pay out of .that and ask no questions. I got it easy enough, and you wurked hard enough for G nbove-named disorders. ll'f~ appetite im· provecl almost from the first dose. ,\fter a sltort time the fever nnd i tohi11g allayed, and all signs of hrit,1ition of tho skin dis1tppearecl.. M:y ca t""rrh :cui.1 cough were also cured by the sarne rnerL11s, m1c i my general health greatly improved, until it is now excel lent. I feel a lrnadred per cent stronger, aud I attribute these resnlls to the use of th e SARSAI'A1UL LA , which I recommend with all coulidcncc as the best blood medicine ever devisml. l took it in . sma.l l doses three times a llay, aud. used, in >lll, less than two bottles. l plnco these facts at your service; hoping theil· publication nrn.y do good. Yours respectfnlly, Z. P. WrLOs." 'l.'be above instance is but one of the many constitntly coming to OUl' 1 10tlce, wlllch prove the perfect allitptability of a >ER'S SA.RSAPAJUI,LA to the cure of all disea·es arising fwm impure or impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. nun1y <,>thel' cases, and from pergonal u~o in former, l began tnkh1g it for the Farmers Please Consider This. IIE PERRY DAVB PAIN-XILLER a.ts with wonderful r"1ricli111 and never /ala when t:i,ken at tho commencement ofa.n att~ll to cure Cholera, Cholera Morbus,111 well as all swnmcr eomplaint~ of a simi!At i:.ture. T li'or Sudde:1.1 Colds. Soro 'I'hroa.t, ~. A tea·poonful of PArn-Jl:rr,i..1m t.<Lken a,t tb bcginnin>?ofnn attc> clc ' ni l provo an a.\mQt never failing cure, ui;d S!l.VO much suffering. . :Ji'o: '.t'ootha.che. :Burns. Scalds, Cutr. l3ruiiaeei. &:e. sicinn re:vly an,l nble to rclie>e ro11r mlferiDl without delay, and at a verv insigllifica.nt~ the PAI:l'·KlLL'Prn will be fo·i nd a wil!in!l' phJJ! 1n :S:orsos the !'or Colio, ~d :cvsente:i:iy Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, alld stre11gt,hens the blood, stlmulatcs the action of tho stomach and bowels, aud thereby enables the system to resist nnd ovet·come the attacks of all Scrnfi;, lons lJiswses, Eniptions of the S/,in, Rheu, matisin, Catan·h, Oener1tl Debility , and all disorders resulti11g from poor or corrnptecj G P.ux·KILUlll. has no equal, and it bas never been known to fail to effect a cure in a single insta.nce. It is used in some of the largest livery stnbles and horse infirm· aries in tho world. · r o rosuscit1tto young !a.mbs or other stook chilled 11nd ng fr·m cold, Ill little P..i.1x·KILT,ER mixed with milk will :19' ,store them to health very quickly. ~e Pain-Killer is for snle b:v Druggist& Apothecarie~ Grocers and Medicine Deoi.leirs throughout the wodd. L THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to do a General Banking Businees a its Bowmanvillti Branch. MARBLE WORKS blood and a low state of the system. PREPARED llY Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bot tlci for S:i. DEPOSITS M AYER'S Receiven and interest allowed. thereon at rate of FOllll per cent per annum.· No aotice of ·withdrawal necessary. All deposits p! on demand,· t._ R B CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine cure Constipation, Indigestion, Head:iche, an~ all Bilious Disorders. Sold evel'ywhere, A.lwa;ys reliable. EXCllA.NGE Bought and sold and Drafts issued upon EH.rcpe, United States and Canad.a, a.lsoGold.,Silver an41 United Staves Greenbacks bomzht e.nd sold. Promptly made at current rates upon all 1lAl'U of Great Brittain, the United States aiuf Dd· minion of Canada. . W, SHAW AGENCIES. Telegraph Trausf'er· W. BELL'S B PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS I GUELPH Are second to none in the world. 20.000 instruments now in ~e. Demand so great it requires TWO of tile largest Factories in the Dommion, with capacity tor turning out T"\VENTY per day. For purity a.n d sweetness of tone, elastic and light touch, beautiful and perfect flniah they are unrivalled. The most skilled labor, the very best materials that money can procure are a guarantee to pur· chasers that they are buying no shoddy. but .a first class article, Sold wholesale and retail by J.P. RICE, Bowmanvllle, 2!6. J. S. DONEY, 'l'yrone. for lari;:e or small sums on all pa.rUI ot Canada. This is especially advantageoull ti persons living in Manitoba. or the North-wet& as it makes the !unds available at once &t t1* place of payment. For furtker particulars call at the Bankma House. 'I.'. BROl>IE, GEO. McGILL, Accountant. Man&llfllr, R L 2oH:r· Ocean Steamships. Highest Price \)~el\~ · . 'OlJ.llti. JOHNSTON'S .:. 1\ t\la Year ll ~:h;~:~itg!::~!::b~~~!i~~-ct£~i~~ IWO 0L s., B 0N ES SARSAPARlttA -:JOB- Stoves & Tinware LEWIS QUICK, D M It he.a been in'use for 20 years, and lias proved to be the best preJ)a.ratlon in the market for SJCK HEADACHE. ::..P.A.IN IN THE SIDE O'R BACK. L!V.!!;.Q, COM· PLAINT, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, and all Diseases that arise from a Disordered Liver or an i:apure blood. 'l'housands of our best people take It and give it to their chi!· c!rcn. Physician';! prescribe it daily. '.l"ho<a who ~e it ouce recommend i; to others. It is made from Yellow Dock, Ho11du. ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stillingii Dandelion, Sassafras, Wintergreen, and othel" well-known valuable Roots and Herbs. It is strictly vegeta.ble, and can· not hurt· the most delicate constitution. It is ona of the best medlr.;inei; in Ul!f.l for Rel?ulatillg the Bowels. for flVe dollars.. Lt'ri! C~MPUIHT, »V~HPIA, And for Purifying the Blood. P It is sold by all r·,sponsible drul!Riota "~ one clollur for a quatt bottle, Ol' siX'bottlea · 1· Those wllo canp.o' obtnln a bottle of thi& ~~~!11!~~1! ~~~d~it! fll~O:.end uaono 'I~ W. JOBNS'I'ON ll !JO., Man-itfacturm, 8 A:mhmtburg, Ont. :Detroit, Mich. P UND·ERTAKINC I LEVI t." WHO~ U NACQUAINTED WITH 'THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COIJN<1 , rn· DENTISTRY·l Our informant did not state how much the lawyer took, but we presume the chap didn't have much change after our friend had satisfied his conscience in the premises. The old question ran, "When doctors differ who shall decide 7" In connection with the state of things we now have in . Canad.a, between the conflicting. claims of jurisdiction of th!ii Dominion and the Provincial authorities, the important question appears to be, "When lawyers differ who shall agree 7" The ready answer certainly of every lawyer is, "The Courts of course !" But there so many of them ; and in connection with each one there is such a sickening delay, and such an impoverishing expense. Dozens of cases have arisen in which the leading lawyers differ widely in rega,rd to a decision given, and of course, the first resort is the Queen's Bench ; then the Court of Appeals ; then the Supreme Court; then the ,Privy Council. Thank goodness the thing must stop there or a first-class paying case would iiow on forever, or so long as the money would hold out to prosecute it. It takes two or three yoars to go all this round, and often longor. The mischief is that in-so many insta.nces each "Court," from the country Squire to the · Privy Council appear to give alternately conflicting decisions. Cannot some means be devised to . make our laws sufficiently clear and well understood that ao much litigation will not be necessary to know just what they do and what t hey do not mean 7 The present state of doubt and uncertainty may be fun for the lawyers, but it will turn out totally ruinous to many a litigant. There is a difference between Christmas and the 1st of July. Christmas comes but once a year, and when it comes it brings good cheer. The lat of July brings three cheers and a tiger, FINE W. M~M U RTRV· Boots &Shoos. MY STOCK COMPRISES: LADIES' KID BOOTS A.ND SHOES. LADIES' CALF. KID BUTTON & L.A.OED LADIES' FRENCH KID, BUTTON & LACED . LADIES' KID SHOES, BUTTON & TIE. LADIES' GO AT & PEBBLE, RU'fTON & TCE A.lso Mens' and Children's of the above goods l\h:If's LONG BOOTS, 00ARBill ~ND FINE. HEN'S LACE.BOOTS,UOARSE ~ND FINE. MEN'S FJN:e: SHOES ANJ) GAlTERB. MEN'S .AND L.AnIEs' SLIPPERS.ill:EW All the above goods sold J.M. BRIMACOM:BE, c. CHEAP FOR ·CAS.H. - - ( 0 ) -· __ __ ORDERED WORK Save from 15 to 25 per Cent W. McMURTRY, REPAIRING receive prompt attention, STORM: One door west SuTESMAN offioe DAVID D