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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1884, p. 7

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I So Do? . Gentlemen oC.l)'ash ien, not 10 flut. I written these few lines And all I have to sayTha.t you can find me still at home, lam not gone away. So';all m,- kind oid r rlends ma.y come, And all they oung ones, too, . .And get their garments nicely made In fashions that new: Whore old and young, d&ar friends, may meet A welcome1Zrfletinll. bv R. PE.A.TE A FEW .HINTS J if f ·"s J.l'p 0 J ... NEWS IN A NUTSHELL· Snmmary of Foreign, Domestic and War Items. UNITED STATE.'!. There was a decrease of $109,501,956 in the national debt last year. Cotton warehouses at Augusta, Ga., were burned last week, involving a loss of about $200,000. Serious damage has been done by frosts to young orange groves and pineapples a.long the Florida coast as far south as Manat ee. San Francisco people are making pre· para.tions for the holding, in 1887, of a World's Fait- in that city, on a regnlar California scale of ma.gnifience. Miss Frances WilliM"d proposes to try and get one million signatures to a petition asking each National Convention next summer to put a prohibitory plank in its platform. The new Park Theatre in Cleveland, Ohio, was destroyed by fire, the property loss aggregating $200,000. The Presbyterian Church adjoining was damaged to the extent of $20,000. The four hundredth anniversary of the birth of Ulric Zwingli, the great reformer ·of Switzerland, was celebrated on New Year's Day in nea.rly all of the Reformed Chu.rches of the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvarua. Colonel Dudley, Commissioner of Pensions, has informed the House Appropriations Committee that he will require $4.0,000,000, and the unexpended balance of the year, £or the needs of his office next year. The PostmaBter-General has decided to place labels, patterns, photographs, playing and visiting cards, address tags, bill and letter heads, and some other articles on the fourth-class list, doubling the rate of postage heretofore paid on them. A.LL .F()R A NICKEL. . .·.J FOR THE USE OF ~s ~.·a: DOSE, -To move the bowels gently, 2 ro 4 Pillt; thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pill·. Experience will decide the proper dose in eacli case. Formerly known as the" Soper Mills. ') HIS MILL HAS BEEN THORUGHLY renovated and put in order.under our own special supervision, for the purpose of grlsting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot Bab)ey, and we are now prepared to receive ord11rs from all our old customers and others tor work, and we gurantee to give them who intrust us with the entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken in exchange for ~lour Oa.t Meal, &c. H. &. J. TOWNS, Bowmanvillo. 227, Caledonian Mills. T THE BARBER SHOP. When'er you want .an easy shave, As good ae Barber ever gave. ;ust call a.t Pethick's Sa.loon, At morning, eve or busy noon. He'll cut and comb your hair with grace, l'o suit t.he contour of your face; His shears are sharp and raizors keen, His shop is neat and always clean, And everything, we think, you'll find, To suit the taste and please the mind. For Constipation, or CostiveneH, no remedy is so effective as AYEn's PILLs. They insure regular daily action, and re. etore the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia., AYER's PILLS are invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart-burn, Loss ot Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Headache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cured by AYJ::R'S PILLS. In Liver Complaint, Billous Disorder&, and Jaundice, AYER'S PILLS should be given in doses large enough to excite the livor and bowels, and remove constipation, As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, the110 PILLS are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Piles~ the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the use of AYElt's PILLS. For Colds, take AYER'B PILLS to open the pores, remove inflammatory ·secretions,' and allay the fever. For Diarrhrea aud Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, e\c., AYER'8 PILLS are the true· remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciati~, often resulL from dlgesti ve derangement, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of AYER'S PILLS, Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, nnd other disorders · caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by AYER'S PILLS,· Suppression, and Painful Menstruation, have a safo and ready remedy in . --- . . . WILL CURE OR RELIEVE .BILIOU8NE88, · J)Y8PEf'81A, . JNDIGE8T/ON, ' JAUNDICE 'ERYSIPELAS, .SALT RHEU!lf, HEARTBURN, DIZZINESS,..,,. DROPSY, FLUTTER/N(J OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE BTOMAOH, DRYNE88 HEADAOHE, OF THE SKIN., /Ind every spedes of disease arising _fro,. olaordored LIVER, 'KIDNEYS. STOMAOtBOWEl..S OR BLOOO, T. MILBURN & ~m., ProprtT~~ WAREROOM.; Wf7lD Hf!l ·~D nm i BIG 20 , ~'11. ~ "111/ ~ ~~ ~ 1 ---+-+ ' · B0 W M A N V I L L E· Jlaving bought Mr. R. SYLVESTER'S MA(JHINE SHOP and FOUNDRY we are pre "'{Tl ared to do all work in this department in a. . VY · -satisfactory manner. We shall continue to DOMINION ORGAN & PIANO Co,, The frost during the early days of Jan· uary was unusually severe in the Southern States and ia consequence it is reported Full directions, in various languages, ac- that great damage has been done to the orange groves. The loss in Missouri a.lone company each package. is estimated at two million dollars. PREPARED BY The increase in cotton manufactU>ring Pr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lpwell, Mass. at the South, during the last three years, has been remarkable. In 1880 the value Sold by all Drugglstl, of the manufactured cotton wa..'l---'~ little - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - over twenty-one million dollars ; now it is between thirty-five and forty millions. AY·E R'S Pl LLS. RUSE ' Agent. stock. The discovery in the dissecting room of the Chicago College of Physiclans and Surgeons, a · few days ago, of a body which and shall spare no pains to keep up their pre _ .ha4_been_[tolen from its grave in Syc!l,' sent reputa.tion. more, Ill., liifa led-fu the discovery of a Q well-arranged system of grave-robbery in the towns around about Chicago, and sev.long" and favorable known- will be carried on have just arrived at the eral students have been arrested. ~Gild with the assistance of our Machinery we hope to la.rq'ely increase the business in thig Delmonico, the well k~own restaurant iepa.rtmentand give our customers Increased keeper of New York became insane recentinducements to purohase from us. A large TYRONE, ly and wandered away from the city to -stock of Carriages· and Ploughs now ready. boyond Newark, New Jersey, where hia All work warranted se.tisfaotory, Speofol at suitable for fall and winter wear. dead body was found. It is supposed ~ntion given .to Engine. Mil and Agl'ioultura ~Great Bargains will be given for Ca~h that after leaving the street cars he ·~rnlk lrachinery,R f ed into a by lane off the road and perished of cold and exposure during the night. Tyrone, November 1, 1883. 275 He was missing for some days and a dilihas had a large experience in .; · gent search was being made for him. ],lachine,Agricultural andGarriaqeWork, ~ -GR A.NDbving worked in the largestestablishmen,tsin I II n_ ~.n E l ·,,_ 1 II ~ll1_n At Detroit a fire occurred in a seed the Domimon, whicb will add largely to the ~ \W f"" [I,. (I ~-~" store. A boy in the upper part of the interest of the new tlrm. building dropped a piece of burning paper - A 'l' THEin a pot of shellac, which VI' as instantly in .i;iTGiveourHARD METAL PLOW POINTS a blaze. This created consternation a trlal. among about forty girls employed in ·the room who rushed about almost frantically. Three of them jumped through a window . 241 Bowmanville. March, 81888. --~ to the ground below but miraculously esCall and see the Cloth that will be made per caped serious injury. The fire did Mt '- cause much damage. your order for $10 the suit. 0.A.NADI.AN. Call and see our 19 ounce Underclothing- All Mr. William Tweedie, a resident of Wool Ribbed at 80 cents for Ladles· and Gents' wear. Stoney Creek, near Harnilt on, recently got up in the night to take some medicine - Call and examine ourand unfortunately got hold of a bo.ttle of liquid ammonia in mistake. He took a teaspoonful and died in great agony a day Boys' and Gents· in endless variety. or-J;wo afterwards in consequence. A choice stock of C manHur .AaotMurePMlrO.sNylv_ estepr's oellebOraWtedS, ·Lo oK, BE Ho LO I ES Sign of the Big Boot, An express train ran into the special car of the Yale College Glee_Club at Charlestown, Indiana, on Saturday night, and all the studenos were more or less injured, necessitating the postponement of a concert they were to give in Louisville, Ky. Professor Wylie, the Chemist of t he Agricultural Department, says the chief product of sorghum is Dot sugar, but molas.~es, and that the conversion of sugars in the molasses into alcohol and rum, will - prove far more profitable t han feeding to OUR CAitRIA.G.E BU ltlfSS, BQQTS & SH ::a/.I: · :J::> AR C H t w. H. HICKS. FA L McGLUNG &DARGH, ECLIPSE HOUSE! Excelsior Neckties, GOOD~ STAPLE DRY SUNDAY Sl\IILJ)S. Low Crown Felt 'This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the ieading necessaries of Life: Th~ famous Pills purifY" the BLOOD, and ·most powerfully, yet soothingly1 act on the .e,nd BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigo otbese great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are conftdently recommended as a never failing remedy in all oases where the oonstitution, from whatever cause, has become imp~aked or weak· ·ened. They are wonderfully e:filcaoious in lill 11.l.lments incidental to Females of all agea ; and as a GENERAL . FAMILY · MEDICINE, are unsnrpa.ssed, · , Liver, .Sto'»!-ach, K£dnevs, Its ileai·clling and. HeaUug l'ropert.Jes .lll"e known thi·oughout the Woi-1<1. For the cure of BAD LEGS, B11d Breasts, a.ono~ay's Ointment, Old Wounds, Sores and. Ulrm . it 1a infallible. remedy. If effectually rubbed on t.&e neck and chest: as salt into m eat. it cures SORE THRO.A.T,Diphtboria,Bronchitis, Cough Colds, and even .AS'fRM.A.; For 6'.landular Swellings, Abscesses Piles Fistulas Rheumaf'ism, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has ~' xrevcr been kown to ta.ii. The Pills ..ud Ointment are Manufactured only at 533, OXFORD 8TREE'£, LONJJON, and are sold by all 'Vendors of Medicines througbou tbe Civilized Wol'ld ; with directions for using· in most every lan~uage. e-Purchasera should look at the Labe! on the Posts and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oirlord Street, London1 they~are spurious. The Trade Marks or my said Medlclnes are - wegiiftered in Ottawa. and also at Washillgton. The worst of an epitaph is that, as a ~eneral rule, it is altogether too ep'iDerb~ taffy. · The constitution of Michigan prohibits · ha.a given way to a.much Larger Shape: the holding of any religious service in the The Fashionable Hat this season is a Larg legislature, but a street preacher generFull Shape with high round crown. Call and ally haRgs around to get a whack at the 1 - sec them at themembers as they file out. First young lady: "Why, how's this, ECLlfl>SE HOUSE. Dolly 7- in morning gown ! Aren't you going to church 1" Second young lady : "No, l've nothing to wear but my walkng suit, and I want to save that?" A man always finds out there is a hole in the bottom of his stocking. H e makes the discovery when h e takes his bMts off at night and puts his foot down on a h ot r egister to warm. H e rarely forgets to speak right out about it.. · The Texas Siftings sneeringly remarks that "if you want your grave dug in M emphis t hey make you pay cash in advance." There is nothing very wrong in that. Once allow a man to try on his grave and h e will never come back to pay for it. "What are you crying about," asked a kind-h earted stranger of a lad who was standin~ in front of a newspaper office weeping as if his h eart would break. "0 dad's gon e up stairs to lick the editor." "Well, has he come down yet 1" pursued the gent le Samaritan. "Pieces of him h ave," explai11ed t he boy, indulging in a fresh outburst of tears, "and I'm expecting the rest every mmute. " as Cheap as the Cheapest. - The FASHIONABLE HAT- the- W. H. IVES. Mexico is ,the nickel problem. Day after also remember that the litt.le boys in date, still enough has been discovered to day this financial avalanche has been ac- South Africa don't wear any pants, show that an almost l imitless field has cumulating fresh force, and assuming eithe-r." "That's so," said Jiohnnie ; "it's been so faF only dipped.into in a few'places more alarming proporti·ms, until having queer I never thought anything a.bout most easy of excess to the explorer. As: yet thcs~ researohes have been confined r.ea.ched it8 culmination in Ute law just that." passed by Congress and signed by the almost altogether to t he immediate coast Everybody, no matter how rich or how of Southern California and to the cluster Executive ef the nation, it has burst upon the people with all its exaggerated poor, needs all . the kindness he can get of islands lying to a short distance there. , f rom others. propcrtions, if not carrying ruin and de· from. These islandl!l-Santa Rosa, Sant:1 atruction in its path, at least consternaCruz,, San Miguel, and San tion and dismay on all sides. The reason why the i::lurgeons otr the In.ter Nicolas--which are n ow almol!!t or quit_e All other popula.r bugbeal'!! have faded national Throat and Lung institute, 173 Chueh uninhabited, and are only used as ranges: Toronto are making so me.nywondertnl away into phantoms of the past. T11e street, cures of catarrh, oatarrbal deafness. Bronchi- for sheep and half-wild cattle and hogs,. rabid manifestations of that "Yankee- tis, asthma and consumption are: 1'hey ha.Te are known to have eeen densely popu.. none but skilled and b.ualified medical men lated in long ages past, as is shown by phobia," which prevailed after Septem- connectod with the ineti.tute. 'fhey adhere ber 16, have almost entirely subsidetl; strictly to their ipecialty _and they use the extensive remains in the shape of burial the hoar!!e mutterings which threatened spirometer invented by M. Souvielle. ex-side places and debris of former habitations. of the Freneh o.rmy, and Instrument a storm of indignation over the railroads suegeon which conveys the medicines in the form of The exploration of these isolated spots and their accidents have died away in th,e cold inhalations to the parts diseased, which has been confined almost exclusivecy to. distance ; the fever of excitement created is the only wa.y these diseases can be cured. the agents of foreign societies, and large They treating hundreds of patient eTery by the discussion of the English debt and month, having twelve surgeons engaged in quantities of 't he most interesting relics, the American loons has cooled down ; the their work in Canada alonei Send a three-cent have been exhumed and shipped to for .. Rtamp for a copy of their nternatlonal News eign colleges and museums at different horror and dread awakened by that pesti- lJUblished monthly at 173 Church Street times during the last decade. One of thl'f lence which ravaged the Pasific Coast Toronto. have sunk to reat; and now nothing relargest of those islands, Santa Cruz, some mains save the all-absorbing, all-pervad- llE!IT A.ND COMFORT TO THE SUFFERING 30 miles off the coast of Santa Barbara,. " Brown's Bou8ehold Panacea" bas no is as yet comparatively unexplored,. ing topic of the nickel. equ.a~ tor relieving pain, both internal and exThe independent press indulge in con- ternal. 1 t cures pain In the Side, Back or Bow·- though it isknown to abound with numer· tim1al jeremiads over this unfortunate els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, ous traces of a former race. The scene!Jl' and any kind of Pain or Ache, ··It article, and make it t he text for innum- Lumbago will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal. of this island is most beautiful, and er11ble sermons delivered to the govern- as lte acting power is wonderful." "Brown's although bearing evidence of h aving been ment; the populace indulge in howls of Household Panacea," being aokncwledgedaa inhabited ages past, still it presents many the greot Pain Reliever, and of double the traces of being much younger than tho execration over it ; housekeepers and strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the ssrvants grunt'ble and loose their tempers world should be In every famlly handy for nee neighboring mainland, having been pro· when wanted, "as it really is the best remcd:r because it is so · heavy and ineonvenient the world !or Cramps in the Stomach, and bably thrnst up from the sea by some to carry ; speculators chuckle, as they in pains and aches of all kinds," and is for sale by convulsion of nature long aft er the forma· 18!-ly, t ion of the wild and desolate-looking make it the means to further their own all Druggists a.t 25 cents a bottle. selfish aims ; the poor shake their heads mountain chain which here approaches .Mothera! Mothers! I Mothers 111 sadly and wonder how they can manage close t o the llhore of the California. Coast. Are you disturbed at nigbt and broken oft':rour An0ther of these islan<ls, San. Nicolas~ to live with the depreciated currency and rest by a. sick child suffering and crying with the r.ise in the necessairies of life ; the law the exoruiating pain of cutting tee&h ~ If so· some 70 miles of shore, ha.11 been render · givers and law executors of the nation go at once and 11;et a bottle of MRS. WINS· ed fameus by having been the solitary LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will re!leve home of a woman who, having been acci... groan in spirit and ask each other how to the poor little suffer immediately-depend upon remedy this evil, which every day is be- it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a dentally abandoned thereon, found exist· on earth who bas ever used it, who w!J coming more unmanageable. In fact, mother not tell you at once that it will regulate me ence on such miserable substa.nce as was never was there a substance more heartily bowels, and give rest to the mother. ar cl relief afforded by shell fish and wild ro" ts fo:t: despised, abused, reviled, than the ap- and health to the child, operating like ma~ic. upward of 18 years, and until rescued by tis perfectly safe to use in all cases, and ple881, a. sealin" pa.rty in the e&rly days of the parently harmless, inoffensive nickel; the ant to the taste, and is the prescrip1ion of one enly friend that remains staunch to it is ot the oldest and best female physicians and .American occupation of the coast--Scm the Diario OjfiAYid which ~ersists in its nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere Fmnci$co Bulletin. 18'-ly. assertion that if the peGple will only be at 25 cents a. bottle, patient nickel will come out triumphant The Late Capt Webb. in the end. The people, however, with their asual The body of Capt . Webb, the notable indifference toward the future, t.nd sensiHas received her new stock of swimmer, has just been exhumed from its tiveness to the inconvenience of the pretemporary resting place and re-interred sent, will not be patient, but, on the conwith Christian and Masonic ceremonies. trary, lose no opportunity of manifesting It now rest s quietly beside the grave of their lively displeasure at this fresh inno- and invites the Ladies of Bow- the notable Niagara Hermit. It is -welI vation, which, with.childish unreasonablethat there was but little demonstration ness, they at once condemn as useless tnanville and vicinity to call made over the remains of the brave but and disagreeable. With true conservatmisguided man. His death was little and see her Pattern ism, the;>- cling to the battered and deother than a suicide, with no object to faced remnants of their ancient currency, serve for voluntarily undertaking such and the new< coins; with their bright clean hazardous risks than additional notoriety. faces, possess no attraction for them. If Had there been great demonstations over and assortment ot tlacos, medios, and reals served the purthe dead man, the effect would have been pose of their ancestors, . why need the to stimulate a number of other madcap!! present generation discard them in order to unnecessarily hazard their own lives to to introduce a. c. i rculating medium bormake a h oliday for sight seers. The kind STORE :Seeoud Door West of Williams rowed from a neighbor that is seemingly Butcher Stan. of "bravery" that pr 0mpts men to pnt ever on the alert to gain a fresh foothold themselves in positions of great peril on this doomed land ~ merely to satisfy the pu blic craving for Was it not enough to submit patiently excitement ought not to be encouraged. to insolent interference in the good old Capt. Webb's widow has been left ways or locomotiqn ; to quietly allow the poorly provi<led for. She has n ow to ---<-<»--slowly but surely moving diligence, with maintain herself nd her children fiy 1).11 its romantic associations of bandits and acting as bookkeeper in some Boston highway robberies, to be set aside and establishment at a small salary. . Surely replaced by the practical locomotive rush- GENTLEMEN :- I have been appointed agent it looks like a cruel thing for any man,. ing ruthlessly through the land and by TWO of the principal houses in Canada for having given such hostages to fortune, to the Purchase ct F.ARM PRODUCE. I have, there· threatening destruction to the whole race fore, leased the premises formerly used as a toy so recklessly with his life. His of Mexicans 1 Is it not enough to see the Market House and am prepared to pay the full family might have been in quite a differ~ Market Value in Cash for FARM and DAmY old costumes and customs gradually rePRODUCE. I am sure every farmer will admit ent position to-day had the man, with treating befoN the advancing footsteps the adva.ntage8 of a Cash System. you can then Capt. W ebb's energy and skill, but taken of this army of foreign immigrants, trade where you please and will be able to a different course of life. The next man whose coming only serve to increase the SA.TE at _least i o PER t;EN'l' on your pur. who· proposes to jeopardize himself, in or chases. a.m the ttrst to introduce this system. pi:ice of provisions, and produce a gener- Gioe it a trial and you wilt be convinced it is about the Niagara, ought t o be frowned the best and oniy satisfactory way of doing upon severely. ally re&tless and uncomfortable state of · things~ A.nd now, to cap the climax, business. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting there comes this fresh imposition in the a.n increased share of your patronage, Lon is blind, and the young man hug-< Yours truly, sh.ape of ihe nickel currency, with all its ged up to a girl has one ni~h. at tenda.nt inconveniences, and the people ·WM. BBITTAlN, 2 1-farket Square. .4ll soondal-mongers ought to be faicl up resolve to make a stand. Fo1· some time 241. with htfl:o.111matory n1.ffior -tism. · past the lli.scontent has _ been in<:reasing Bowmanvil!e, March 8, 1883. daily ; disturbances caused by the obnox· i&us money are constantly recurring in the barrios or suburbs of the city, while all over the republic this subject has awakened t_b.e great~st excitement. In some of our larger towns, 11uch as Pueblo and Queretaro, opposition to the new coins so decided a form t hat serious fears were entertained of "pronunciation" was heard to occur with unAT THE plea8ant frequency. Even here in the capital, where, as a geilei:al thing, the most perfect calm and order prevail, there are all the symptoms of an impending storm, which might be alarming were not the system of police so thorough and -----~----vigilant as t o inspire confidence. As it is, however, deep-mouthed curses and threats The undersigned being about to retire from business, heard on all sides ; a few days since placards denouncing the nickel in bold is now selling off a.t greatly reduced prices. terms were t o be l!!een on t he walls of the streets, and a. petition signed by a host of The Stock, is 011:e of the · largest in the County, merchants and dealers was printed and addressed to the Government. The indeconsisting mainly of Staple Goods, suitable to the everypendent newspaper are anti-nickelites and take a savage delight in s1D.owing up day requirements of the public, and will be offered at t he unfortunate currency in the most unfavorable lir.!ht, greedily seizing upon any prices giving inducements to buyers to purchase liberally. incident that might increase its bad ;reputation. On every the eye catches This being A REAL CLEARING SALE preparanotices like the following : - "Mas del Niquel ! Siempre el · :N iquel ! Notas tory to the closing of the business, purchasers will find niquelad;i.s ~ Los Efectos del Niquel !" until one is tempted to believe that th e it to their advantage to make an early call. press has become monomamac upon the aubject. Tbe:CltyJ and Republlo of Mexloo on the "Why, my son, do you wish. you lived in All over the Pacific Coa.l!t are to bs Vei-ge of ReTolutlou. South Africa 1" "Why, the mammas fi>und indellble traces of a long-forgotten The question above all others now agi- down there don't wear slippers, you and prehistoric race. While the investi· tating the public mind and tongue in know." "Yes, my son, but you must gation has been of 1omparatively recent " I wish, mamma," sai.<1- little Johnnie Fitzzleton, "that I lived in Sou. t h Africa." Prehistoric Callforniang. ~ISS McTAVISH GOODS., BONNETS, HATS, TRIMMINGS READY CASH! TO FARMERS OF WEST DURHAM! - GRE..A..T-· CLEARING SALE! GLASGOW HOUSE. ----.. ~~·.._ SELECT "V ARITIES. .._ _ _ _ THOS. PATERSON. Bowmanville, July 11, 1883. A. g:cave-digger walking tke streets the GUARAN T EE :- After fair trial, with no relief or c ure effected, your money wlH ~==== Sold by liiTO'lT & be refu~ded. ==== ;;;;ii JlJ Jn". BOWJU.lO'llLEo _ PRICE, $1.00. other day clumctid to turn and n oticed He ·wo doeton walking behind him. !!liopped till they pused and then followed oa be1a.inC!l them. ".A.nd why this 1" irai«. tli.9l. "I know.,- plaM i1 pH· ....t··, ~-et le. ·la.· To love is to make a compact wit h sor row. The great aureole encircles only the brow of the dead. Labor is the divine law of our existence ; repose is desertion and suicide. Time is immeasurably long to h im who knows how to value and use it. · If t hou wouldst hear thy neighbor's faults, cast thine eyes upon thine own. It is not the wisest sympathy, when a man h as a sufl:'e ring point, n ot to touch upon it at all. Good will, like a good name, is got by many actions and lost by one. If you would not cease to love mankind, you must not cease to do them good. . Modesty has great advantages; it enhances beauty and serves as a veil to uncomeliness. GROCERIES. hl Naw~aroat. N!W coons." JAS. EL~IOTT, begs to inform the public that he has leased a store in the Observe-: Block, where he has opened out with a splendid assortment of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Feed, &c. which he offers for sale at low prices for Cash. WFarm Produce taken in exchange, for which the highest ma.rket price will be paid. ~A special line of TEAS of excellent flavor; W Also a choice lot of SUGARS. ~COFFEE in Cans. WCanned Goods in great variet y. WA Call is respectfully solicited.

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