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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1884, p. 8

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~nuatlian j'tatt~man. BowM.ANVlLLE, FRIDAY, FEBR'Y 1. Plain TrnID~ I The blood is the foundation of life, it circulates through every part of the body .and ui:lefs it is pure and rich, good hci<.l<h is imp·Jssiblc, if disea~e has entered the system the only sure and quick: w:iy to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. These simple facts are well known and the highest medidical authorities a~ree that nothing but iron will restore the Llood to its natural condition' j ::nd also that all the Iron preparations hitherto m:1<le Llacken the teeth, cause l1eitdache, and :ne otherwise injurious. SULPHUR AND IRON BITTERS DR. SCOTT'S CLARKE COUNCIL. Opened out this week at PREPARED SPICE For Horses, Cattle, Sheep&. Swine. MoRE VALUAJJL1>1 'l'ru.l!I' '1w1m.-We call our readers' attention ' to tlte v1\lue, usefullness and direct profit of supplying themselves 'this year wil,h the American Ag1·ir-ult111·fot, the che;ipest as well as the ,most ,·aluable journal in the country. Every .number contains 011e hundred colums of original ..eading matter, by the loading writers of the country . . up?n all topics connected with the Farm. Garden an<l Ht:msehold, and nearly one ·h undred engravings made sp~oially for the A ~er-i. ca1~ A gric-ultiiri$t. l'he paper, 11ow m its 43d year, is unquestionably more valuable · then ever · before. Each number brings fresh evidence that no time or money is considered where tlie interest of the paper is at stake. Its House Plans and improvements, profusely illustrated, are worth more then any costly architectural works. Its persisLeut antl fo1trless exposure of Humbugs and swindling schemes, is of great value t o the whole country, particularly the farming com munity. .short it has sometliing good and val uahle for e1'erybody. .no equal i~ curing Horses of the seve;al a1!1~1e11ts to which they are subject. For COUGHS, COLDS, ROUGHNESS of the HAIR, BOTTS SCURVY, &c., it is inva· luable, and adm inistered in smaller doses, acts as a Tonic, resulting in a healthy condition and fine appearance of the animal. Is also equally benetici:tl to CATTLE SHEEP and SWINE. For sale everywhere: SOLE PROPRIETORS : will thoroughly nnd · quickl7 ~ssimul:ite ·with the blood, 1mrifying and strengthening it and thus d:·ive disease from any pan of the system, and it will not bl::tcken the . teeth cause head:ichc or constipation and is pcsit'.vc1y not injurious. St. J~hnsbury, Yermont Oct. :ut 1 SS:. For ~ix years '1 h<we bC'Cn it grooe !!tttferar from blood .fo;ease, dyspepsi~t :u\d constip~tio11, and became so deblLtated. that 1 could tiot retain nnythin~ On. my stom:'lch, in foc:t lifo had almo;o[ lu.~me a bmdcn, and when hope h11J. .almo,.t left me, 1 wa5 induced. lo gh·e: In J"· C. :K:E::r.v.r:J? & CO. MONTREAL, P.Q. Salt will remove ink stains. Saltpetre and o!ive oil cure corns. Port Perry races Feb. Gth aml GLh. Health is a duty, Disease a crime. Use Dr. Remy Baxter's Mandrake Bitters and be ctired of all biliousness or liver trouble. 25 cents will buy a large bottle.[J Four Orillia constables weigh 812 lbs. SLEEP PEACE_FULL. " Huh " Cough Curo will cm;e you quickly. For t.hroab and lun~ troubles it is the quickest and surest remedy extant. Ask 8tot & Jury. Try Murdoch Bros'. 50 cent Mixed Tea. Tram}> snow around fruit trees. A Good CosMETIC.- The best cosmetics are good soap and water,. to obtain purity l of the skin; while for boils, blotches, obstinate humors and impurities of the blood · Burdock Blood Bitters iR the best of all purifiers. Hacklies and Bulk Oysters, at Mui'doch Bros. Grand ball at Codardn,le to-night. Why go on day after day suffering with splitting headcwhe when a bottle of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure you? you do not believe it ask your druggist for a circular, and read what those who have used it say about it. Price, $1.00. .AI~l'ICLES for presents at half-price, at Mrs. Keys'. ·More sleigh-bolls should be used. "Hun" CouoH CuRE, 25 CEN'l'i'l.-P1;escription of a Boston physician, dispensed years by a Boston druggist ONE Dos.E will cure -any ordirrnry cough. It 11.cts almost magically. Ask St~tt & .Jury for a 25 cent bottle of " Hun" Oouo11 Ou1iB, and don"t be put off with ai1y other. t The Lindsay high school commenced the new year with an attend1inoe of 96. FRESH MEAT. ___ __ _ ,,,.., Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash vEmrns Peddling and Credit. I am now t~1king the thm1 bottle a-glf have not folt so well ill six ycilrs as I do at preseut. :MR'i. S. L . MOORE- SLil.l'HUlt AND J~oN E1TTtrn!J a tri:\l SULPTn.:ll. AKD lr:.oN BITTERS effectually cures dys- Jlepsia, indigestion and weak1wss, and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffering from 11uch diseases as kidney and liver complaints, dyspepsi~ Ifj indigestion etc. · J. . Sold hr all Druggists and nt Depot 150 St., James St. West, Montreal, ?!'rice 50c. For sale by STOTT We having been solicited by a number of our citizens to commence on the above system, we have now, decided to fall in with their req ne8t. This plan will enable us to sell TWO cents per pnund cheaper. As you will see by the new system we shall not require half a dozen horses and rigs and men to run them, for which the public have pi·eviously paid. We .being the :fir;.;t to intro~uce this great saving ask: your liberal support. · Yours truly, W. BRITTAIN&Co,, l\'1.ark:et Square. N. B.-A.11 orders prninptly at& J-URY. -T~E- Grand·Contral Is the best place tfl e:et a Good tended to and Meat delivt>red to all parts of the town. We also ptt.y Cash for· Farm and Dairy Produce. ~---~~~------~-~~- THE VICTORIA. Hot Dish of Oysters. . Come in and try it. EXI'Ell.I. ENCE teaches that delays most dangerous. an<l in nu instance is p·ompt Oysttws tn num 01· (;ans nlwnyH ht stod{; action more necessary than when the' first ORANGES, approach of kidney diseases is made LEMONS, manifest. To all who are experiencing GRAPES, _ pains in .the back, .or wfi.o feel tl!at their ldaneys going wrong, ·nr VAN -·....,u ~ll, ~E ~ '~ N,.. Hw'°'_ _.,,__, TIAN ANAS, KIDNllY CurtE is ·n friend indeed, as it DATES. will' certainly reliev-e their pains, and if FIGS. per~isfod in, effect tt permanent cure. Just to hand at Murdoch Bros., 4 Hogsheads new China and Ivory Ware.-htest designs. Cigars from two for 5c. · 10 t h The is thren,tened witli a libel suit up t o cen S eac . for $100,000 damages. Tin} Us.ll 01" HAm by ladies is a mo11t disagreeable practice, for not only is it a.nd the beRt stock or impossible to trace its origin, but also tlrn natural hair ii constantly ohangj,ng while the dead hair retains its color. By the use of Cingalese Hair Renewer on the contrary, the color of the hair is tendered natural and always beautiful, glossy and IN BO 'VMANVILLE. a verititble crown of glory. Every lady p-The Grand Central is next door should use it, and to gEmtlemen \V'l10se hair is growing thin, it is a necessity. East of ~st Officu. 3 Sold at 50 cents per bottle by Stott & Jury. It is now claimed by scientists that a · < branch exhausts the vitality of a. vine or tree to a limited ex:tent, and should be removed. ,._ To cure consumption, ulceration in the lungs must be stopped, the matter must be thrown off, the membranes and tissm_ili, healed and the system invigorated. Downs' Elixir will do all this. 'rry it. Every bottle warranted. [I Biscuits of all kinds. ·U TS Of ALL KINO.S, N CONFECTIONERY . MR;;~~ir':~~·.. , .·· . , ICURE FITS' ·ore. 1 'l'hls Cu~ represents. the popular Vict,0ria. Wave. It 1s <lressed with thtl hllir falllnK on the forehead, and ihe ends meet in Moutagues. f~r~~;;;:ieaingly becoming. and isha.ving a The above style, with a large number of othe1· eq 111~1ly becoutin1< styles , are made by Town Hall, Orono, Jan 15th, 18&1. 'l'he Council met this d11.y, reeve in the chair ; all the mombers pres1Jnt. Minutes re:td and confirmed. '_L'ho collector reported all taxes on his roll collected, except $8.715, for which he was allowed an ab:1,ternent. and the thanks of the council were tendered Mr. Carscad(len for the efficient and satisfact01y nrnnner in which ho had dischargecl his d11ties as collector. On motion the treasurei· wn,s instructed to trausfer balance of dog tax for 1883-$82ti.01- to the general account. The following accounts were pn.ssed : · ' Messrs. 'iVard and C;:1t1ghlin, refunded dog tax, $2; D. Comstock, do., $1; Mrs. · Fisher, do. , $2. ,J. Buckley, pl:tnk for I culvert, $1 . 50. .James Allison, foxes refunded, $1.60 ; Geo. Beer, do., 87 cents ; Richard Baskerville, do., $2.25 ; Andrew Hooey, do., 82 cents; James J;mm, do., $9,05. Indigents. -··Louisa Lee, $:3.00 ; Widow Eglison, $4 ; Widow Hays, $3 ; John Kelsey, David Johnston, $4 each; :I' C. Decker, $fi; NL .I . 'Brookb·rnk, $5; Widow Merril, J-uh11 Stephens; Amos McPherson, 'Widow Wilkinson, Widow Sanders, $4 each ; Albert Ogdeq, $G ; Thos. Ilarvey, $5. Riclrnnl .Tohnston, rep;1iring cuh-erts and bridge, $10 ; J . Blll1ey, re. vairing bridge, $5 ; W. II. Reid, repair-· { · · ing bridge and road, $17; vV. Penwarden, l · l'ej)l~iring .Ii.ridge'. $2; S . .Hollowel\ .re. I .. van·mg bndge, $G; Jas. M1Jler, repairrng I . w:1shout, $ '1 ; Walter Leck, work on: side -c ---line, ~'-5 ; H. l'\1. Seukius, wol'k on Manvors !toad, $5 ; Wm.. Stuart, work on centre li~io 1 $:~; J.Abbott,pL1llingstumps, $2.uO; Hobt. H.obinsou, repairing bridge, $2 ; David 'l 'yreman, repairing bridge, $1 ; illl A111as:i. Fuller, repairing washout, mid for i pfank, $5.35 ; A . Powers, repairing ~-;i· ·~-'~~§;:§~~m~~~!~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~e;:e;;~~~§ washout, $3; ·wm. B:1tten~ workongravel ---1 = l'oad, $'!.87 ; · w .·T. Hannah, work on boundary, $20 ; J'olm Mason, drnwing ,, gravel, $4.50; D. A. Qamsby & Bro., rJl plank and nails, $11.27 ; Curpomtion of 1-7 Hope, lmlf of job on boundmy, $22.82 ; '.l'homas Greenwood, sundries for Town . 1-4 Hall, $2.. 99 ; Samuel B01fand, dog tax Being about to Reduce his stock of collected in error, $1; J. Cuttle, balance pri1~ti11g for 1888, $35 ; Dr. Tuokel', visit ~ to indigent, $1 ; Dr. Gilmour, visit and ~ medicine to Mr s. Stephen~, ~2 ; Gale ~ Bros., Bowmanville, side line, &:q $2.75; Rowsell & Hutchison, stationery, $2:'l.58. J ohu Carveth, Esq., reeve, attendance at council, commissioner, mileOffers the whole· at a Tremendous :ige, selecting of jurors, otc., $61.20; J'. R Reid, do., $72.80; ,John Renwick, do., Reduction. Many articles sell at Cost and under. $72 ; Thomas Stanton, do., $72 ; Solomon Fligg, do., $65 .40; M. M. Tucker, saltny THIS IS A GENUINE DISCOUNT SALE. aud co11ti11ge11t expe11:;1:::;, $140 ; W. L. 'fhose in Rearch of Holiday Presents will save money Broad, balance salary, registmtion of births, marriages and deaths, selecting by inspecting our stock, consisting of-GOLD and jurorf!, and contingent e:ii:p enses, $181.34; SILVER WATCHES-all styles and makes, GOLD John Carscadden, collector, sal!try and GUARDS,CHAINS, RINGS and JEWEI,LRY to please contingencies, $118 ; T. Greenwood, meseveryone, SILVER PLATl,:DWARE in endless senger, salary, $15. ; On motion of Mr. Stanton, se1;mnclerl by variety, all of which has been selected with Mr. Renwick, 'Vheroas, inforu1atiu11 lmvcare and taste. DIAMOND and WEDDING ing reached this council that through --Rrnas~excellent value.-misrepresentation a sum of money was Watch Repairing promptly attended to. All work paid for alleged loss of sheep at its December·session, ther·efore be it resolved that warranted. Prices low-never charging $2.50 the Clerk be instructed to write said when 75c. to $1.25 are regular prices. recipient of money, asking him to refund A CALL SOLicrr11;n. the s11.rne, or otherwise satisfy this council as to the validity of his claim. Ctirried. The following applicatioQ.s were made for payment. of shee1) kille y_ egs_! James Adams, lmlf value p11id, $11.25 ; Wm. F. Tho11ias,- do., $3] .:37, · Simon l · ·liiJ Biiskerville, au., $3.150; 'VVilliani~arrow, do., $23; William Argall, du., $7; 'l'hos. Simpson, do., $G. On motion of Mr. Carveth, seconded by Mr. Renwick, That this Council, now ter' minating its labors for the p>tst year, feel · --FOR-it incumbent on them to mark their high appreciittion ©f the services of M:oss!·s. Reid, Stanton, and Fligg, ,v110 .1iow retire from the Council Board. Their administrative talent and indefatigable zeal rendered for the promotion of the interests of tlie ratepayers generally, demand our warmest gratitude, :ind justly entitles Thirty days from to-day we will commence stock-taking, and from now them to the heitHy thanks of tho entire until then w.e will sell all goods at a Great Reduction. inhabitants of the township. Carried. Council then adjourned .~ine dfo. CQ·UEH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S · New Priri ts, New .B leached Cottons' New Grey Cottons, New Embroideries, New Dress Buttons. We buy our goods for Cash and save the discounts we are therefore able to sell everything at the lowest possible prices. ·G racers 'D ue B ' 'l s ta k en as Cash.} One Do0r 'West of the Post Office. l.C.: SELLIN' G- Q FF_ . AT COST ____ PRICE. _ _______ < CJ "'°"' L . .COR.NISH Rings, Platedware, Watches, Clocks, . Jewellery ' Silverware, &c., &c., L. Q_QBNISH, KINC STREET EAST. l C, 0FF_ THIR-rry DAYS ' BIG. BARGAINS I at and under Cost. 30VEARS. sold Dr. Wiitar's Ilalse.m of Wild Uherry tor thirty years. e.nd know it to be one of the oldest as well as the most ·reliable preparations in the market for tile cure of Co11ghs, Colds. and Lung Comphints. I know of no article that ghree g1·eater satisfaction to tbeso who use it. Having sold Peruvian Syrup for many, and knowing that its use has been attended with great succes in oases of Dyspep$ia, general De'>i!ity of the System, and diseasea origin. ating in a. bad state or the blood, I am se.tlsll.ed tha.t it id a. remedy of great power 1>nd deserves the attention or in "a.lids. lam yet tci hear the first complaint against either of the abwe preparations. I consider them articles of great merit and have always ta.ken much pleasure in recommending them to p uties requiring euok rem1'ditis. R. F01'Hl:1JHGILL, . Ne"'castle, Ont. Dec. 8th. 1882. ha~e J take pleasnre in certifying that I for the working ,class. Send 10 cents for postal{e, 11,nd we will nmil you free, a royal valuablfl box of sample goods that wlll put you in the way of making more monev in a. t'ew day;i thlln you ever thought pflssible e.t any busine·s. Capital not, require<!. We will start you. You can work all the t.ime or in time only. The work is nnlv-ersally adapted to bor.h sexes, young ancl old. You can easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every· evening. That a.II who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled otl'er·; to all who are not well sati8fled we will ~end $1 to pe.y for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., ~ent free. Ful'tunes will be by those who give t.heir whole time to the work. Great success absolutel.v sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address STINSON & Co.,, Maine.·. C 0l D MEETING. At the first meeting of .the new council ~i!!:dr:rn: r:r':.1~~a~0 ra~f:~elf~~~l~g:Cc~r;·1n,:ll?bt": on the 21st ult., after routine business, remedy. Glve l:xpr&H and foet Ortlco. 11. costa yuta. the truste~s o( S . S. No. 19, were empowllOthlutf~:s!rl::: ~~~ ;r~h~~~'f~:~rl .st. ~ow·York.. ered by by-law to 1lorrow $200 to build, a school house. Mr. R. .T. Rowe ~'ts 'T'O A1.»l'EJ~TJ81lllS.-Lowest Ile.tee for ad- a1)pointed assessor at $85 and Mr John vert1sln!l m 910 gootl newspap1Jrs sent freP, . ' . ' ' ' · Address GEo.P.HowE1cL & Co..Spruce St.. N.Y. i Carscadden, collecto1:, at .$~10, for ·- - - - - · - - -· · - -·- ·-1 1884. Mr. \I\. II. Harn~ satrnfied the council that his claim for sheep killed was legitimate. ' Mr. Chn.rles McPherson was allowed $8 grant on 80 rods wire fence. A refund of $10 was made to Mr. John Stalker, taxes paid in erl'Or. Ohler~ere passed for $47 for returning officers' fees ;- · W, Ba~ten, work, $1.50 ; ,John Mason, Rememder we will Cut Down the prices of all goods between now,.,.q,nd shovellmg snow, $13. 75 ; Alton Garrett, · · · repairing culvert, $2 ; Robert Fowler, Stock-taking,-30 days from to-day. ' work, $2 ; Chas. ·C uttle, delivering ballot WAll overdue accounts must be settled either by Cash or Note boxes, $5. R. Moment and Jas. Lock301 Jarvis St. Toronto, Ont., hart were appointed auditors for 1884. before the 1st day of March. , b d .f H Aftt>r passing by-hws and appointing w Ishes to In.orm ree ers o eavy Draft 1 'tt d d · · · h Horse11, that they now prepm·ed to buy · curmn~ ee~ an roa comm1ss10ners, t e CanadiJ!>n· Stallions f\Ud Fillies. such ae I coune1l,1ouraed to Feb. Gtjl1, when p;~tha.r!l flt tor exp<?rt. ~nd would be plt1a.sed to re- masters will be :w1>ointed · ce1ve commumcat1on· from any who ».uty have ' · ench for ~alo. tltate breedin!l', age, hei1o:h1,. size of bone, color & price. We bave a num.ber Chapter. II or I111portetl b.orMua rm- ~ale and are open to take Cana.dian-tlrecl Stallions in iXObange. " "Me.Iden, Mass., Feb. 1, 1880. GenShould aulcl acquaintance be forgot, (m-tfl A. FANSON & SON. Minnesota, North·Dakota, Montana. And never brought to mind, tlemen- l suffered with attacks of sick Washington and Oregon, Should folks no gie their Photographs OF l1eada.ohe" To friends o_ .Auld Lang Syne, Ne11ralgia, female tr. ( 'Uble,for year11 in 'fhen come ~wa, frens, ai;i.d a, · · . ' the most ttirrible aud excruciating mall· Through the Great Whont·Belt of America. An' dlnna lose nae time, Jn gettin!) Plotu1·ea for your frttns, ne.r. :Jtiillioll acres or the best agricultural, For H. C. 'l 'ait takes them ftne. mineral, forest and grazing lands in tbll BOWMANVI LLE, No medicine or doctor could give me United States are now open for settlement. An' when yon get a score or twa., 1 ·lllil:lf or cure until I used Hop Bitters. i!O ltlillion acres of railroad lauds for st\le at. ~QE~'l' FOit Let ane o them be mine, $2.eO to $4 l,lr acre, Oil 5 years time if desired. "The lir:1t bottle Tae mind ane a the oe.ntie days ~O :Mllhou acres of Governments lands opem Nearly c11r1id me;" We had in Auld Lang Syne. .. to settlers Ji'R.,IF Th" second made me as well and strong Tile N ortllern Paciftc Co11ntry possesses as when "child. We're growing auld. and nee.rin' fast great and rich natural resources ready to be deALT, SIZES, .AND The hame that's yours and mine ; veloped Into profitable industries. "And 1 have been so to this day." 'l'hen let om· frens see how we looked, For m:ips and pamphlets address and 10cntl011 this paper. , My h11ahttufl was an invalid for twenty In the of Auld Lang Syne. '- CHAS. B. LAMBORN, - -- - - -- - - -C--- ---- _ years with a serio11s For eurely you'll be you.r Physog, Land Comm!sslone1· N. P. R lt., St. Paul, Mlmt"Kiduey !her and urinary compl!\iut An' surely I'll be mme, . , ' , . ' An' we"llJet our frene see how we looked To re11oh the above n:imed htndii or any point . ·1 ronounce<l by Bostons best physwIn the of Auld Lans Syne. on the Northern i·acitlc R. R. buy_)"OUr tickets lat!~., Pictures of every description, furnished ln from Chlc11go to St. Paul via the Chic-.air;o 41;; North· Western B'y. It runs into the Northf'i F!NTLEMEN, if you have grease, Incurable! the best style or Art, at moderate prlee11. ern Pacific depot at St. Paul and is tho best for ~.Jr paint 01 dirt on your clothes I ce.n clean Seven bot' les of your bitters cured him A very large stock ef Fanoy }l'rames always you to take. Do not buy tickets unless they rea.d them and mako them look like new ones. · · f ·t on hand. Pictures en'l&rg&d to any sbe at rea&ona.ble over the Chicago and N01'th·Western R'y. Ladies' Ostrich feathers cleaned and dyed, an d I . k now " . · ltl Sucoud hand clothing l.aken In ...u ihange. All "Ltvtis of tn11ht persons" rates f\t H. C.Tait ~Co's Photo Gallory,Mark~t work warranted at Pl£A'l'E:S DYEING ESJn my n<iighborhood t,1111,t have been Square, Bow111anv1lle. 'fABLlSHll1Ut:NT, opposite Trelev1m'a Shoe saverl by )OUr bitters. - - - -- - -- - 272-t.fStore, Bowman~ille, 9 :~13.:ll:nfJ~xg1:~1t:S':T1~1-~:~~ff~f1:i.T i ::;~~::~~ remodl to cure tha W()Ht Cll88i!. DQcau91 oth.Gra haT& \Vlloa 1 ··Y cue l (lo no· mean weroly to slop them fr a tlmB au4 then )U\Ve tllcm. t()\urn again, I a r&df .. We will sell FiUR GOODS STATUTOltY .T;., We will sell Men's Tweed Suits for Nine Dollars a Suit. We will sell All Wool Blankets at Two Dollars and a half a pair. We will sell Men's and Boys' Overcoats atwell just give us a call and see. Ladies' Mantles at Cost. A. FANSON & SON S. MASON & SON. ALONO THE LINE THE AULD LANG SYNE. ITH!;R!~L!XEtlS?E~ES' NORTHERN PACIFIC RAllft,OAI · W H PIPER · Grain Crushers, Chaff Cu t ters. Dyeing but not Dead. 40 I I Seeds, Plants, etc. Invaluable to all. Will be mailed to all applicants and to customers of last year without ordering it. l~ co~ns illustrations, prices, descriptions and · d;.-ect-s for planting all Vegetable and Flower FREE D.M. FERRY rr co.w'N:!~ -Mrs. E. D. Slack. wee!!: at ht·me. $5.00.onttlt free Pay u.hsalutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Reader, if you · F want business at which persons of W ANTED any quantity of at ·Hogs eitheithClr sex, younK or old, can make g1·eat pay all the Jt.ime th!'Y WOl'k, with absolutely cer- er dead or alive fut' ' which the highest tainty, writ!' for' pait1culars to H. HALJ,ET'r price will be paid in cash. J. B. Martyn. & Co., Portland, Maine. $66 1t ~~l~fr:~f~~~~ . h h" f · · FLOURING MILL m t e towns lp o Clarke. Known as' New Mill. Apply_to ARTHUR CODD, Esq:> or St. JOHN II. Hl]TCHESO:s', B&, Bowman·ville. · 2711-tf ;MILL FOR -- SALE. !A . PRIZE·which ag~~n~i:',{r~~~~/~f~fe°:t;. I costly box o:f ).goods will help you to more money rl11;ht away than anything else in thi~ world. All, or either sex, succeed from Ifirst hour. 'l'he broa.d road to fortune opens. before the workers, absolutely sure. At once addreBB, TRUE&; Co., AugW1ta,Main0.

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