. ,, County Councillors Carefully Oriticised. -Call and sre the- IN JllK'10UY Ot' SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID. / Augusta Griffin. RtPph. Dobson. FREDERICK JOHN MAYER. l!'rauk lluse. Mrs. M. Powers. A correspondent furnishes the G1vicle 8. M. Ril!ings. G. W. Cr:twford. with a personal criticism of the following H. lt. Rowe. ,John A. wright. B11 Ellie M. Coll acott, M. S. Thornton. \Vllliatn Blewett. well-known gentlemen, from the Counties' WATCH c:A S ~ES, William Ba.II. 'l'hoA. Epplett. How calmly sleeps our loved one now ; Council chamber : The best m:·l<e 111 the world . at William Allin. Da.rhy, .loeeph How still his pulseless breast ; Thomas Griffin. :Mrs··John Brown. j " That genial and gentlemanly person JI A y "N" 11 11·s. THE .rnw1;1,LEU. No tender words or loving tones Geo. Alexander, l'l.,NrY Middleton. We are cutting down the prices of our entire stock of who sits at the right of the W 1trde11, is ,J. Samuel Gilbert. Roger .AIii n. Can break his })e<weful rest. J". 1~obson, the popubr Reeve of New· J. 'l'. Rymone. Sam. Shortridge, John Kydd. .1. P. Belfr~y. castle. He occupies the seat unfortunately How softly lies the clustering hair William Cox. \Vm. Snuch. v:icated by James Fowlds, Esq., who is John Winter. Gpon his snowy brnw; Itev. J. Litt.le. Thos. Bingham. physimtlly unable to represent Hastings. Within the shadow of God's love Mrs. Ranson Clarke. Rawson. Uich. 'l'. H. Spry. Mr. Hobson is <t painstaking member, and In peace he's resting now. John Lamell~. J. Rowe. is very often upon his feet. In address· William Martin. W. Ha.lfacre. ing the Council, he rests one eye upon the When hope her bright smiles freely gnve, John Rodd. And we intend to offer extraordinary bargains \-Varden, and tho other upon the ·warden's And dreams of life were fair ; chair. Next to Mr. Robson sits the Reeve Then de:itJi in mournful robes drew near DID SHE DIE ? of Cavan, George Campbell, an old Hope Aud left his arrow there. "No; she 1ingcred and suffered, pining boy. He is aquietand unobtrusive mem· "away all the time for years , the doctors her, at present Chairmitn of the County The fondest. love that e:uth cai1 give doing "hit- no good; and at last was cured \Vas o'er his pathway shed, Property Committee. '.l'hc next man is by this "Hop Bitters the papers say so Mr. Parr, wl10 wears the mantle gr:icefully And from each tender, clinging tie much about. "Indeed ! indeed! how thank· His spirit upward fled. and well, of the late Attomey-Gtiueral of ful we should be "for that medicine." the Counties, R. B. Spinks, Esq., of Cart- Oh empty arms and tired hand, wright. Mr. Parr is one of the most The cross :ilone we soo ; prominent men in the Council. Tlmt boy Beyond the sorrow and the pain, with the :iuburn hair, near Mr. Mallory, The waiting soul is free. is the Reeve of Hamilton, Mi-. Ea.gleson, one of the would-be most active members Oh heart, be still ; it must he well ; of the Council. He is upnn his feet most God's love can never fail ; of the time, and is very like Pete1· Pedlar's "~ e trust, but cannot understand, magpie, peeps knowingly into every marNor draw aside the veil. row bone and chatters incessantly, and he No more the struggle to endure ; has the reputution of being able to ta.lk Life's joys and sorrows e'er; longi:r and say less thau auy man in the job. Immediately behind the Reeve of No hopes, no fears, no w:e1iry doubts, Can e'er disturb him more. Hamilton sit1> Mr. Carvcth, the Finance - - - - - - - · ---------- Minister of the Counties. Mr. C. is ::tn Beneath the burden and the cross, indefatignble worker, ever on the alert, Faint not ; peace com.cs at last ; ' . _ _ and is never caught napping. In front of 8 J\ir. Carveth Bits the H.eeve of Bowman- AL01re the clouds the sunlight shines, ___ "°" ___ And doubts aml fears are pa.st . ville, Mr. Prower, one of the young and rising men who will take iin active part in , rnunicip>tl matters. He is :in industrious SCHOOL REPORTS. person and has an indomib1ble will. Near the Heeve of Bownmnville sits the exTYRONE SCHOOL. W arden, Henry Elliott, Esq. M:r. E. is CLASS V.-1, Ed. 1'. Hoidge; 2, W. too well known here to require more than McCormack ; 3, .Frank Manning. ARE NOW OPE~. a passing notice. In his <1uiot and unobCLASS IV.-1, W. Emmerson; 2, J. .StiuHl fo1·me1·ly occupie(l by the Post tUDec. trusive 1rninner he is <tblo to wield a great McFeeters ; 3, Arthur Doney. tleal of iuflue11ce, and he is universa.Jly KIN'if.: STJU:ET, CJ.A ss Ill, SNR.-1, Rosa Cade; 2, respected by his follow 1111:nnbers. Among Laura Bell; 3, Wm. Gardiner. BQ'\i'\Tl.v.C-A.N""'U".J:LL E~. the new membe1·s the Deputy-Reeve of CLASS III, Jn. - 1, Noaman Bell; 2, Bowmanville, Mr. Goo. Piggott, is per. The Qallery is first-class in all its ap- haps the ablest man in the Council, and if Minnie Hancock; 3, Wesley Doney. Cuss IL-1, L. Cade; 2, Thomasine poiotments, an<l furni1il\ed in a comfort- he t<tkes kindly to his work will iirove a able ma11ner. Ther!) wilJ be no voor work most m1eful member ; he has the reputa· Hoidge ; 3, Cora Gardiner. This powder nev.·r varfos. A marvPl of purity. st.re11gth e.11d wholesomeriess, Moro allowed t.o l.eavt:i the room~, and t.{iese 1~ho tion of being one of the best business men ORONO SCHOOL. eoonomica.I t.han the ordinary kinds and cnn· favor nl<l with <~ gall can rtily on being in t11e Province . . Mr. VanOamp, of Dar· 11ot be sold in compr.tition with th.- lJlultitude CLASS V.-Ad:i Linton, Robt. Watson, lll{l!.\~~d lington, >ilthough a new member in a of low test. short. weight. ulum or phosphate 'Vm. Henry, Herbert Knott. powders. Sold only hi can.!. ROYAL BAKING ~The imtantenoils process oniy il.l ! tc.phui?al sense, lrns b.eon in tho County CLASS IV.-Jennie N ewsom, Horace Pown1m Co., lOG W1tll·st.. N. Y. be used for Phoro!!raphs. 'l!ou:'.'cil before ; he is a. shrewd m:in Knott, Samuel Clemens, Madison Ball. and will n1. k a useful legisln,tor. Mr. f0.L113 I.:;-Ethel Simpson, Edith Come in and see me. Long, of Chirko, ~the1· new membl)J.~ ~impson, Beil:i. ~~dgfJU, inn!e. Jtfuton. R H HENRY will, after ho gets intd Ji.!ie harness, prove Average attc:n danco of 1st divlll~Pll-1 3G J · · \, · to be worthy of trust reJ:'Olled m . hirn by -~..TICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM 2nd, 29 ; 3rd, 28 . l =~---------------- the people of Clarke . We lUL1s.t..J!.Qt over· WANTED by young man, witli. or with· W. C. ALLIN, Principal. out boaril, iu contra! localt,y of town .. 'GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. look our young friend, Rosevea1: ; he is a Address, Drawer 7, BowuianviUe P. O. ----·---4 ...... ~-·---l;opular member, ancl being ~t ·son' of his --·--------BOWMANVILLE STATION .A.ND TIME. father, was welc01:,ed to the Cot1ncil. A OON IWBE LOST.-0!1 Friday, 1st Boys, if you want profitable amusement <lescription oLOilt·County Councillors wit.h- for tlie long winter evenings, send 10 cents linst.. a CooN Holl~. The finder will oblige GOING EAST GOING WES1' by leaving it a tlJNO. McMUR1'RY'S Grocery l·Jxpress .......8.o2 a m Local, ......... 7.27 a m out m~;,ntioning the veni:il Clerk of the for 'l'he Yomtg Sdent'i&t, 294 Broadway, Store. 6·3w. blixed ........ A .05 pm Express ...... 8.17 a m ~oil.itcil would l1e like' the phiy of Hamlet New York. Local .......... 7.10 p m Mixed ........ 3.30 n rn wiLh the part of Hamlet omitte<l by par· ARCEL J!'OUND.-ln B owmauville, Express. .. .... 9.30 µ ro Exoress ...... P ..~o P m " Tropical History of England," by J as. a parcel conta.ining sundry articles from ticular request ; Mr. Macnachton has the a saddlery. Apply to CHAS. COX, or at McL. Hughes, Inspector of Schools, Toronto. lmppy faculty of m11king himself useful CLELLAN & CO'<$ office. fi·2W. to new members, an<l he is one of the cen· '.!.'his is one of the series of Gages exmninURE BLACK-FWES. - A quantity tral fiaures and a fixture in the Council ation primers, and will bc:i found m ost 0 of gooil. and clean Marrowf&t Peas for ~ale. clrnrnb e1c. The m.em Lers not e111;iQ11eLl useful to stut1ents preparing for the now· S. LE.A.CH, Lot 15,Con. 5. EaatWhitby,O·haw3 M'e <tll gentl~men worthy of tho position, numerous examinations. It is complete, P.O. 6·6w ' . ·.·. ............. ....... .._,,....._,...._,.._..-..,.-.. ...... ....... and in small space covers the concise, ;incl taken as a whole, will compare favor· EED PEAS. -l<'or sale a quantity of leading points in the history of the nation"".BowMANVILLE, FmDAY, FEBR'Y 8. ably with the like body of men in any part . Marrowfat Peas, warranted pure anrl free W. C. Gage & Co., Toronto, ttre the pub. of the Queen's dominions." Heeds. JOHN V ANNl<~S'l', from noxious lishers. Price 30 cents. Sou.~A. 4-iw ' . - ,-'l'RR town council m eeting on Monday HARPER'S MAGAZINE for February is a COUNTIES' COUNCIL NOTES. EIFER STRAYED.-From Lot 32, night haLl to be postponed in consequence strong number in both its artistic ai,d Coo. 1, Clarke, a Bed lfolfcr, 1 year old, of the Reeve luiving to go to Ottawa. Council dicl. not meet till 11 a.m., 'Wecl- literaty featuroo. The two serial novels, with some white spots. Jnrormation leading her recovery thankfully received. J. M. 'Vould it not be a good thing for him n esday, 23rd ult., owing to momhers being William Black's "Judith Shakespeare," to O·lw*, and the Rev. E. P. Roe's "N:iture'sSerial COBBLEDIClC, Newcastle. when there to ask Sir Jolm why instead late. Story," have a commimcling interos~. The TOCK FOR SALE.-22 head of Fat C. A. Mallory, Percy, m1dDr. Willoughof tall chimneys rising to the heavens, Catile; also a Fine Young Canarlfan Bred by, Coll>orne, were candid<1tes for Warden. frontispiece engraving, iromAbbey's'clraw- Cli'c1esdalo Rntire Horse, fnalPd in 1880. Apply belching forth their smok~, and the arti- The latter was elected. incr, "The Bible Reading, " is an illustraJES"E 'fRUf,L, Lot 32, lst Concession Darlto :r.ans witli steady work :md good pay, as 5;2w. Tho Warden's address referreLl to the ti~1 for Black's novel ; and both Dielman ington, Oshawtt P. 0. The success that has attended omw·omiscd by Sir John, that rna.11y of Olll' he;dthy condition of the Couutios firnmces; and Gibson have done their best work for GEN1' WANTED.-A good reliable "N aturo's Serial Story." . J efforts in the past to give the publie he appointment of a committee to factories are closod,somo running on three urged L Agent wanted L o sell the Pundas Cord watch municipal interests ; taking decided In LippincotCs Magazine for February, Binders, Reapers, Mowers and Hakes, ma,n. -AND-~ g0od and cheap Boots and Shoes quarter till)e, wages reduced, workmen steps on the equalization question ; to enI ' among other attractions, Alfred M. Wil- ufactureil. by the Gurney Manufacturing Co.. and Manvers. in the townships of Cm-twright rnaming tho streets in idleness, :incl living couraging wire-fence building ; to consider liams, who has travled extensively in the -r::_:r are fully appreciated by the crowds. None but those who can give a good deal or g~eatly iucreasod in cost'! Surely this is with great cnrcf uluess Lhe Trent Vitlley Reservation, gives an interesting descrip- attention to selling need apply. 'l'o the right ..J::::L. - t hat are daily flocking to our store. man·~ Yery libera.I commission will be glven. 11ot what the N. P. promised. 'Yonder Canal scheme ; R. 'V. Phipp's recommen· tion of An Indian Cattle-Town. The s~c .Apply by letter toW. SANDERCOCK.General 1 We can justly claim the lead in <fations anent forestry ; and lastly, woman ond instalment of" Sebia's Tangled Web," Agent, Howmanville. G·3w* who are flies-on-the-wheel now. Come, suffrnge. j showing the largest stock and the by Lfazie W. Champney, is very au iniated, ]fr. Prower, put that poser to Sir John, Members from vV est Durluun :tppointed and thel'e is a strong thread of interest in HURCH FOR SALE.-That frame 1 best value in town. This we mean, Cnurch and Sheds lately used by the He· and bl'ing us an answer. vVhy this on committees are : FI.NA:'.\'CE-Carveth, the story, while the miseelfaneous departl1oboth P. M. congreg11tion on the North-eastchairman ; I'arr, Langrn:iid, Prnwer. ments are well filled, and the whole numthusness? c0111er of Lot 6, 2nd Concession of Darli11gton, Sc1rn0Ls- Itol>so11, VanCamp, Hancock, ber is, as usual, thoroughly readable. The church is in good repair, being newly -AN D Ii shingled and painted. Long. ROADS AND Bn.rncrns-McKee, ----The Gmngers arc taki11g up the quesCONDITJO~B OF SALE :-Cash mn11t be paid have only to compare our goods and beforn the building ls moved, and the pur· tion of the requction in size of Couuty Renwick, Piggott. CoUN'r.Y PROJ.'ERTYHow does a person expect to eat eveJ·y- chaser must le.ave the fences in as good repair prices to be covvinced. Cluimcils. A petition which is beiug cir- None. CoN'l'INGENCrns- None. thing, at all times, and have a strong, as tboy u.ro o.t present. 'l'ho church a.nd sheds Messrs. Robson, R. Ol:irke, and the may be L\lndered for sepuratoly or jointly, but culated through the Provincial Grange, ·w:irden were appointed to watch the responsive stomach. Yon say, "I am care- all tenders must be sent in on or before Feb. The throng of buyers on the sots forth that in their opinion one-fou1·th Address BOX 131, legitohtti n of the Dominion and Proviuce, ful wlrnt and when I eat. but am troubled 18th, 1881. T.r mal.·cb towards the i,.ign of the" Big <~f ~he pre~en.t represent1.1tion would )erBOWl\!ANVILLE. with constipation, gas on my stomach and the intel'est of these Counties. JOHN HOAR, l TrusLees .&a. Boot drawn by two Horses" is a. form t!~Ci work ifi 1Vit\6l'I': satisfactory man- in The a bad taste in my mouth, ancl I don't J. DYKE, · :Minister. RALPH DOWSON, I Warden and Messrs. Prower and ner than it is at present done. '.!.'hey ask ]mow why it is." Dyspepsia and Bilious· 6. positive proof that our prices are \Vebb were appointed a committee to go -ANDtne Legislature for the introduction of a to Ottawa, with the deputation from ness may cc,me from many causes and approved by peop le who use their bill providing that no County Council should be attended to in time. If your In the Surrogate Court of the Petorboro, to urge the government to probrains in buying. shall be composed of more than twelve head is heavy, eyes ache. If you feel tired United Counties of Northumceed with the early construction of a por· Every person who is a; friend to members, and that the basis of tepresenand sleepy, you ar«i) · bilious. 110 doubt. cerland and Durham. tion of the Trent Valley Ca1ml. tation shall be the assessed vtilue of proNow for the remedy. ZO-PE-SA is a his own pocket-and who ·is not ?- Tho following officers were a1>pointed : perty represented, and. not .tlrn number of 1 Auditors- R. Hurlbut and J. Hughes. prescription of an old experiencd cloctor realizes t hat we are a friend to him. In the matte1· of the (J'Uardianship of GEo. ritkpayers m the elective d1str1ct. Auditors, under the Law Reform for just such troublea. It is chaap, speedy It is the prices that tell, and people a.ncl effectual, at 10 and 75 cents a bottle. MILLSON, ARTHUlt MILLSON, and EnAmendment Act-R. Cla.rke, Orama.he, do appreciate low prices. We sell Mr. Houde's Action in intro<lucing a <tml S. Durden, Bowma.nville. :MUND MILLSON, infxnt children of EDER -ATA highly connected lady of Colborne, bill to repeal the J\'.lcCttrthy license act is too low to suit the envious, but not. Tho \Varden. and Messrs. Prower, A. who has always taken a very prominent MILLSON, of the Township of Darlington, taken as an imlic1.Ltio11 that tlie Dominion R. Eagleson, and Elliot were appointed part n,a member of one of the churches too low to suit the buying public. in the County of Dn rlwm, Y eoman. Covennnent do not intend to enforce it. the Gaol a.nd l~egistry Ofiice Committee there, lrns beon discovered to he a kleptoThis is tho field we occupy thi8 Before being enforced in Ontario it must in for the year. maniac. She stole $38 worth of jewelry. season;' bring on your critics. Come auy event be amcndeLl, for no municipal NOTICE is hereby 11iven that after the High School Trustees for the ensuing \Vhy is it that kleptomania never develops officer nnder our municipal law cm1 act year: out of curiosity ; we only ask ths expiration of twenty days from the first nuhll· itself in poor people of lowly origin 1They cation '.lf 1his notice, application will be made £.s license commissioner. privilege of showing you our goods. Bowm:inville-F. Cubitt. m;ty be theivos, but they M'e never kelepte- to tba said Court for the appointment of t-he Newcastle·-Hev. H. Brent, and Wm. ma.uiacs. Kleptomanh-1 seems te be r1 sort said EnmR MILLSON as Guardian for his infant Strangers will please grant us a A peti(;ion lrns been fyled against the re- Mcintosh, in place of A. McNaughton, of al'istocratic theiving.--Toronto News . . childre11-Geor11:e Millson, Arthur Millson and J<~dmnnd Millson, all of the Township of Darl· privilege of demonstrating what turn of Mr. Hammil (conservative), mem- resigned. · IN Drxrn':; LANlJ.-J. Kennedy, dealei ington aforesaid. wc say. ber for Cardwell. Charges of bribery and Dated February 5tb, 1881, The abo\·e is a snmmtuy of the work in dmgs, &c., Dixie, Ontario, recommends corruption aro set forth. McGEE & JONES. Oshawa., dotJ,e by 42 stalwart men in five days, for Hagyard's Pectoml Balsn,m to lus customby Solicitors for Eber Mlllson. 63w. which these United Counties have to pay ers, it having cured his wife of a bad cough. Conductor B:irber, whose neglect of :i good i·otmd sum of money. It is the safest aud surest remedy for ltll ortlers was the cause of Lhe Humber acci& Throat and Lung troubles,such as Asthma, OLD AND RELIABLE dent, has been acquitted o.f the charge of (Successors to Agency o! Dominion Bank). \Vu)];; AWAKE DRUUGISTS -Messrs J. Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and . n10st · manshiughter. · Higginbotham & Son are always alive t o pectoral complaints. BO'WMANVILLE, It is understood tliat Mr. .C. ,V. Bunt- their buisness, and spare 110 pain·a to se· Peterboro' County pays ~~160 for adveran(l tan ~lanslon Jlou~e t!lfamber1>, 10NDON ing will he called to the Senate in the cure the best of every rrticle in their line. tisin11 the list of convictio11s, being $31 ·lO ' I>NG LAl\'D. -HAS REOEIVEDplace of Hon. "i"fif. H. Dickson, whose seat They have secured the agency for the more0than the amount paid for all the printTransact g,enernl Banking B wsimess ttpon. celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for is vaca.nt. .1111 i·ec1u1°r'ed by the County of Ontario New i'll11$li·"· New ·~ml·rnhJ.,rlH. 1 the same 'l'erm.~ ancl P1"mciples ctcl1>pted :-, .NC\V Lact~~. Ne'1' r1 rlnu11tugs, Consumptiou. The only certain cure ~c'w Hr1111b. NewRrnhb,wovl!l. by the Joint Stock Banks. A witness who, refused t~ a.t~encl t~ie known for consumption, Coughs, C(>lds, under contract. For toothache, bums, cuts and rheum · LADIES' AND CHihDH.EN'S Court at the Nortn Ontq.no Election tnal Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, B1·onINTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, withdrawal on demo.ad. at the rate of FOUR ' ·was commtted to the county goal for thl'ee 1 chitis, or ;iny affection of the Tlu:oat :and atism! use Perry Davis' Pain Killer. See per cent. per annum, .FIVE and SIX per cent. and J.Jungs. Sold on a positive gua.rantee. adv. mother column. days. M p TT ER NS ' allowod on time deposire. HANDSO E A · ' . . . ack Dimnel!S 1 · With tho thermometer sinking,- away Trial J31)ttles free, Regular siw $il.00. Universal Lassit.ude, Pain in the NOTES DISCOUN'l'ED. Rills received for The i·at o of rnsane per 1,000,000 among t :5 W dding Presents mttnyother collection in England,UnitedStatcd andCanada Vision, Premature Old Ago. the poor is 3,4VO; that among the well-to 10 rna.meFn ·S orA ti~ &c ' of 1 oosnmption and e,dva.nces made thereon at moderate rates. that lead. to Insanity. Diseases 1 do is 2,f-i70. . · anew ~ c es, . ~~~ ~ e t~~'.ti~:~v=:~~~s~~:~l~i~~~oe~~~.;~~;~~ 1'iagaziue for Feboc·Qa,ry is a and a, Premature Hrave. DRAFTS ISSUED, j'._lavable at all points iii --·-- ..- - - - -- - - · ·very strong nuinber, in hotl1 its artistic WFull particulars In our )1llmphlet, which Canada and the United States. 1 we desire to send free by malf to every:on~. An aver:ige of 450 persons per day ifat- and literary features. A Winter fa C.ana· STOCKI:!, BONDS, DEBENTv:RES, &c,, &c. l 'he Spocillo Medicine is Pold by ull dru_ggi.sts roni:rn tho Toronto soup kitchen. How cla is a close study - of .CanadiMi cotmtry Salt Rbe11m. Fever So~oee, 'l'ette1', Cha.p·pod ' at $1 por paclmge, or six packal{CB for :ill~. or bought and sold, · t lus, · ]'IC c ' V B t' o with ·t graphic illustrations,,.1md will bb sent free by mail ·on the recei1>t of the Q 1s , lifo ~ t cl tl '.vtll be Hands, Cliilblains, Corns. a11d all Skin ErupNO TI t! 't:.--Denosits heretofore made with _. u r. . ' . un mg · t1 l<i ravon e paper o re:;i, ·ers m . ns seomoney b)" addressing tlons, and Positiv~Jy cures Pile~.; It "is .g t'lra;nthe Dominion Banlc, cu.a be wittdrawn at any Fme, Fat and Fresh served in all styles. 'l'11e Election Courts have decided that tion, who will also find much to e~ijoy iu teed time upon demand and without charge, at the THE GRAY MEDIOINE CO., give perfect sati,faction, er meney premises lately occupied by the Ua.nk, now the n-c1m1·ciclot or '(,'onl~cti11n11ry ahn·YS iln , free rn,ihvay passes to elc<.:tors in election the other contents oft hi:; ·g uand old maga- refunded. Price 25 con ta ;per ba;g;. Fe'r ·Sale ·~ Bankl!1g house of Codd & Co. Toroliltio. Ont., Canada. ~ancl <nt .MRS, JU)l'S' Il-0.staurant. times are legitimate. zine. J. HigginltGt· b.a;m it Son. / 6tf. I KE YST ONE & BOSS COLD REDUCING THE PRICES. f MEN'S, OUTHS II AND Bovs· C~THING2f~ FROM THIS DATE UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAR t· We mean business, and we never allow ourselves-;. to be undersold. We are reducing the price of every article in stock. Parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. ELLISON & CO.. PHOTOGRAPHY New Photo Rooms · POWDER Absolutely Pure· -4Klf4G MUIRIDIDICIHI BRIDIS'.f New Advertisements. .1.,. TEAS I C P ijfqe(~~~~r:i.~lan$t~t~ama.n ~--""-...__....._. - P ,,,,...~~..._. ~~-'-'~ S H S 0 A B 0 0 T S Q I S E S I I C SLIPPERS RUBBERS. ~:i:~n:!~~~:~i:m:~! i!~~!~i ~~! T R U N S V" A.I..J.:J: SE:: S VERY CHEAP TRELEVEN'S. N ew, Ladies. MRS. KEYS 1 1 -- N. B.-Ordered Work receives special attention first-class workmen. M. TRELEVEN. Codd Co., Bankers, a NEW UNDEROLQTH I NG 1 Harper's ln~:: ~:;~~ r:/·~~~:. ~~1:~~-;,T!!r!~B~~~~:. Knitting& Sta]p.mg done to or~Br. Y S "T E R S,