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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1884, p. 5

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. - '"its 0 uaIt I JI Its Cost. sefu ess, In ItsU '13 I I ItS R Big auction sale On February 2Gth, 1884,, When the farm stock aml Implements of the estate of .T. W. Harnden and the late Ralph Ifaruden will be sold. Look mit for posters :ind advertisemeutin theS'l'ATE8MANnext week. Makes the best cup of Coffee Farmers wanting che:tp and reliable you ever tasted. Fire Insurance, should apply at the ·n·EfJ" . . ,.., ' ." offi'ce. -Superior to anything you ST,., .·· ·11 d The Toronto Relief Society w1 en' eavever tried. or fo provide 11eedlework for WOJlloll in ueed of employmeut. -Less than common Coffee. 1'here is a iwospect of a coal famine unless the weather J11oder:i.tes. The supply -No w11ste; no boilin!'( is not at all equal to the demand. required ; DO trouble; JOU We regret to announce the decease of can make just tho quant· · Mr; Jas. S. }"owlds, ex-Reeve of Hastings, ity required whether it be half c upful or ten wluch took place on Sunday week. gallons. f l ~' l't -Try it and if it does Our_LittleOnes_hasb~eu re~eived romt10 0 I If pubhs~1ers. . Tlus bright ht~le monthly 1 1 · lJ I JI ~o: ;;~er!~~~~~!f:O~~; . ~'.£1~~~: t~e :rf~c~he best magazmc we lmow 1 cl l Where it can be procured: The Grnncl Trun' 11as consente to run hains on the Whitby Division to make connections morning and evening with Toroutu tra~ns at Whitby. ' L -Y-~..A_N""'S COFFEE l·'arm by tender. See advt. Mr. W. Mitchell, 'l'auuton, is ill. Pu!'c nmple syruµ at !II ur<loch ·Bros'. :Fresh salt water herrings at Murdochs', Rev. 0. A. Simpson preaches at Scugog next Sunday. Miss A. Lavery has been visiting friends in Oa.rtwright. M rs S . y anst one 1s · rocovering · · Iy nice from her rocent illness. Mr. A. E. Barber, Oobourg, has been gazetted a Notary Public. Mr. Albei-t Abrah:nn, of Michigan, is visiting his home near Solina. Mrs. Symons, of Welcome, is visiting at lier son's, Ml'. 'I.'hoa. Symons. Mr. nncl Mrs. J. Burn, of .fonetville, were visiting friends here recentlv. Your a.ttention is directed to the new advts. of Mr. Henry and Mrs. Keys. Rev. Mr. Ha~·ris and Rev. E. R. Y~mng exchanged pulpits last Sunday rnormng. . · . . . . Miss B<;,lle. lfa1g, of J?~l~1more, and Miss Bnty, of Enfield, arc visiting Mrs. M. A. .Tames. M w ff D l J p R ·ci ·n r · . · · oe.' · · ·' iversl ~·. ~Vl be the JUdgl:l at the .Poultry Exhibition lrnre uext week. We were favored with _a friend_ly . call froi.n Mi'. 'r.h~mas Lamnuman, 01 Woodstock, on FuLl.ty. Mr. H. G_ordon, postmaster at Port Peny has resigned, and Mr. J. W. Burnham succeeds him. llev. S. T. Bartlett will occupy the pulpit of the l'. M. church, Bowmapville, on Sabbath moming next. Go aud see t,he combination tea and .dinner sets at Murdoch Bros'. 'rhey. are ve1y pretty and the price is low. Just as we :ue going to pl'ess we have received a li8t of six n_ e w su]Js_ c ribers from M_r. C. J 'l'hornton, Kuhy. Many tha.nks, friend. llev. .J. Dyke will preach in the B. C. church in this town Oil Sabbath morning next, and will occupy h is own pulpit in evening. Messrs. D. Haig, jr., and Franklin Staples, and Misses Umlerwoo(l, Haig and St:tples, of Baltimore, have been visiting friends in this locality. Nearly two hundred barrels of Vanstone's family flour wa.s usud in town last month, and gave geQaernl s:1tisfaction. Ask your groce1· ior it . Sacred coucert in the B. 0. Olrnrch to-night Ullller t h e auspices of the Y. P. A., which promises tn be of a highly iuterestiug character. Admission, 10 cts. A grand musical entertainment and oyster supper will be given in tlrn M. E. church, EnniskiHen on 1\'fonday, the 18th inst. r~ook out for pl'Ogramme and posters. All ;~re invi.ted. '!'he 1'evival sen·.ices in the P. M. church are increasing in interest every night. On Sabbath everning last the sermon by the pastor, Hev. J. Dyke, was specially impressive. '.r'h.e subject w·as "'I'ho Sin of Unbelief. " A very la;rge 11mnher stayed to the prayer meeibing and manifested a deep interest iu t'l~e ,s er.vices. Tho s1mcial efforts will be OO!it'tmued every ex:ocpt Saturda.y da11.11ing next week. OoUNTY Ot~ANrJE iL0·1 ;GE.- The · rngula~· annual meeting ;o[ West Durham County Orange Lodge was held at Williamsburg on 1'uesda.y la.."'lt. .A;bout fifty dole!-::ltes were present. Odfoern for 1884 :M., · T. H. Devitt ; D. 0. M., J. I ,aw ; C. Olrnp., Vi'. Hende;rs~rI., J. P. ; 0. Sec., Dr. Campbell; C. 11'1:1eas., J. ,J. Coulter ; 0. D. of C., A.. C1'l.111rilton; 0. Lecturer, John McKee ; DP.p. G. Lecturers, S. Arnott and S. J. f< ;·eeh:mrn ; P. 0. M., ,J . Reid. The best h alf dJJlfa.i:· :tea in town is at M 111·cloch Bros'. FAitMERS A1Tli:l!i'TION.-35 sets of carriage and waggon Har ness to be sold by priv:i,te sale at W. II. May',s Harness Store, within tl1e next 30 day~. Diilcount from seven· to ten per oonj; for .cash. A large quautity of Sleigh Bells at a very slight advance on c1)'s t. Don't foil to secure a pair of my Wool Stuffed Collars. Something new and warranted safe. Cash paid for any quantity of Bi{les and Sheep Ski111. W. H. ?.fay, King Street, Bowmanville, GOLDEN '\VElDDING. .lllA1t1t11m 1 :Moan1s-'I'oociooD.-At God's Hill churcJ1, I·le ot Wight, Feb. 3rd, lS:ll, Morris, to Jlfartha. T,,oi;oo:i. HOUSE I I - J ST&rf"& Junv, THE RELIABLE DRUGCISTS, Town Ha.ll Block, - Bowma.nVi.llle. lmporta1it Notice. Wit.hont any exception tlbe must reliable and speedy Cougb Cure iu - the ma.ri<et is the- EXCELSIOR C 0UGH SY Rltl P. PRICE, 25 CENTS. S'I."O'TT& JURY. LYMAN'S WINE ot OF BEEF AND IRON. .Extract n~r, Sllc1·1·y 'V·h·c, ·1·roto- Salf <1t· frorL. 'TMs preps.ration .combines to remarkllblo degro<3 the Nourishment ·Of Beef, -lfHE- Stimula,.n:t; of Wine, --AN'D TrIE- Tonic Pro].!>erties af Iron. 1 A great many are s1!l·h scribin" for t he STATESlll.A..c'< just t(') :send W absent friends. 1'his is a4Sensible me¥e. Why pay postage on lette:rs when you 1c:u1send them a paper giving :t 1l®'lOtr.llllillut ·0f ~ocal events weekly for a less SUlllL :tiln.:t111. 'W·!>t.'ild pay the postage on the . 'fhe " wishbone "w·0'.atiFrrig has become the correct thing. The ·C©l1p'le stand beneath a floral wisiub0'.lil:e. :*-£t.or the cereI b ·d ,, · } mony t lC rt e au·u gre(!lm are given t ie wishbone to pull. 1'l11-e ;!mg i·esults in a .' ' . l · · ' b1:eak so mew here, wwnlll. ·.1v'l10ever holds the .So I e ·Age ii t~sr :lf())-r :Bowman'Ville. !Ong piece is abooiw.od f·m m getbing up to build fires in the n;i,o· rJ.llling. One of onr mine&tel's !nm \Weak married a couple at his res~filenoe., ; ~vJien they had been gone so1ime itihne ·O.Re ,,if >iihe persons wh,u listened :to t11c oeQtenwny told ~v~ --~~~~"'-~~~~,~,~~~r him thut h e 11ad deJ)<UL1;ed r£1100ID. rtlie usual: 'BoWM.A.NYILLE, FRID.A.¥, FEJ&R'Y 8. form of marriage an~rdl ilil<~gileciocll rto ,i\sk the ccmtractil)g pa.rties iilf tiheiy1w(.lll.1IJ.ll.t1ike each other to be their -weGlded 1'1mtncr,etc. 'rl1e reverend gelllotfomMl .saw his error, and taking a rig fo'lil0wedl ilhem. ~rrlo the country, where lie :per£N1~1~cl ;the -cereLent begins on :Feb.. .27dfl1. mony over again- F,x. Strayed- a hcife[·. :S.e.e .ad:vt. Mr. Thomas W. Ble;i.ki1ey ; family will leave h ero for ]3(].,wmai;hviil[e, .Clalla<la, teJ1egxll\Ph .office. '.l'aunton wa.nts .a , next week. Mr. Ble:tldey:ha& l~eenfarm The Y. P. A. in :S:t· .Paul's ~tomight. ing n ear town for several _yi.e11.11i;;, .a nd Jms " Eminent ~or ch.e.ap ..go.o.~ls.."'-M!i01ung made himself very popular iio.a this,eommu :Bros. nity. Both Mr. :tnd M:11S. !Bie.~uklley :are 'J;he Salvation Army ~·110:wt 1 t© fbu.11.a well known, well liketl and ~¥ill be greatly a barmcks in Port Hope.. missed. ·w c wero in hopes 1t!l~a.1; ,an0ther Cobourg would he a. d1 un · !.ixt~Jliit1ess foi\V:ll farm could he found that w.m.11d >11miit .the~ll but being unable to obtain 01ie t'hieyrntmm ,if Sam. Clarke was ntJ-t ·t ltere. A lad munecl Hill wits acei~l~.M<ta.Hy- :Sb~ to Canada with t he kind wishes .0l ~uli :w·h0 knew them.- Smyrna.(Del. )Record. in the hand at Saintfield iais;t week. Those who h eard Mr . .J. Gilfillan deliver .All winter goods at reduced p1ice11., :aJ.Ut Furs at net cost, at Couch, J ,0Ja.nstooa. .;~ his masterly address on "The Origi.11 and Growth of the B ritish House ofComa:i;wns" CJ;yderman's. to t h e Young Men's Progl'ess CJul) on (()rows have been hovering ovei.· i!his 1t0:wl!l Monday night were very fortunate. 'l'he ()f late. Are they after the "i1oittell ""' subject is ono of great iHte1·est; and in COMncil of 1883 ? <lea.ling with it the speaker manifested a V.alentines have made their appearM!l:o.e, i thorough knowledge of English hi.story. aml ,some of them arc hideous lookin:g He spoke \vjth ease and fluency, combined "cluromos," indeed. with t hat degree of eloquence which drew At 1th e recent lmnq uet given to S11eri!lf forth the aclm,imtion of his hearers. As Pa;xt.All, at Port Peny, he was presented English !foster of Bowmanville High '\~11 lit purse of $500. School, Mi·. Gilfill:tn is certainly the right Van<1tone's family flour is gaining pub- man in t he right place. lie fava.r. It may be had from any of the' On 'I.'uesda.y week Mr. John Miller, of leading ,groceries in town. 'T renton, a brnther of Mr. George S. MillFor er.amps, pain in the stomach, bowel ~r, of Brighton, went on t h e track of some complaint or chills, use Perry Davis'Pain person wl10 had been robbing his hen roost Killer. See advt. in otl1er column. of its choicest stock. He follow~d a man's Friend Hougl1, of the Oobourg Wo!'ld, track direct from his barn to a block of is chairman of a cemetery committee. woods n ear and there foun<l a rascally Rnther a.n uncornforta.ble poaition for such looking fellow in :1 hut, with evidences of a fmmy ma.n, ell'I h is guilt all around. He clmrged t h e sin upon the man, who instantly resented and Has your wife seen the new stock of denied it, and raising a loaded gun threatca.mbrics, muslins, embroideries, edgings, onccl to sh oot Mr. Miller. Tlrnt gcntletrimmings, etc., now being shown at man promptly and very properly knocked :Ak-Olung Bros' 'I down his assailant, arr ested him :tnd he A couple of contemporaries in these now fea;;ts on brencl and w:tter in Oobourg counties have been dunning their sub- j ail. BCribers to pay up for tJ1e last three Bl1.AINA.RD'S M USICAL vVoRLD begins the mont~1s. Our S\lbscril.iers pity without new year with a most delightful number. dunnmg. · The engravings excellent, and are one Rev. E. A . 'ronkin lrns btcly been re- of the leading features of the n u.1.gazine. ceiving tangible tokens of the generosity '!'he miscellaneous matter is very entertain· of his Fleetwood and Franklin congrega- ing and instructive, while the editorials, tions in the slmpc of donations of eggs, corresponden ce a.nd news clepa.rtments are butter, flour, meat, potatoes, oats, etc. all up to the ustml high starn).arcl which The P. H . Times claims to have a circu- h:ts made t h e WoRLD famous. 'I.'he lllUsic la.tion "more than double that of any two ?,onsist~ of som~, heau,~iful vocal pieces, papers in these United Counties " :incl Bonme D eal' and A B ird rn t h e gives 2.000 as its actual circ1{lation. hand, "and a .mel odious new wal~..: and Friend 'rrayes, do you belong to any liar- m ~rch. Now is the time to subscribe for ticular church 1 Are you not aware t h at tlus old and world-famous monthly. Only the circulation of the STATESMAN smce $1. 50 per year , or 15 cents per copy. Nov. 1, '83, ha~ excee<lecl 2,000? Address S. Brainard's Sons, Cleveland, 0 . At a pigeon shooting match at the resiA~ OPJ!'N LETTER.- Messers. T. Milburn dence of Mr. Vv: H. Osborne on Tuesday & Co. Dear S·ir, - I can honestly r ecom . WE1ek the .followi11 g score was made :mend Hagyard's Yellow Oil as the b est '°1'1lA111 l - J. Lyle, 2, · w. Hoar, 6, J. Sando, r eliever of rheunmtic pains of aJl t h e numy 2, Sam. Mitchell, 5 ; total, 15. 'rEAM 2~ specifics offcrd for s:1le, and as ,. sufferer W. H . Osborne, H, ,J . ·B . Milne, 2, R. for y ears I tried evet'y known r emedy. Osborne, 6, D.S. Weir, 5; total, !V. A n Iremain,respectfullyyours,.JonNTAYLOR, oyster supper wciuiHl up the game. 190 Parliament St., Toronto. 1nodifled with 1\ Reei.liv Goo/l 'JJliine as to adapt it to the most delicate -diizrntion. Eachtiint.containstbe.solublema.tterofT1VO rnllNlts OJ? 1n,,E'I!' free from fat or bone. It is an Unequalled ReAtora.tive in a.11 .if Impaired 1'j tltrition, illlnfeobled Digestion, PovArty of tbe Blood, \Veakness, :Lan11:11or. General Debility, '.l.'huse . who suffered from fevers and other '"a.sting diseases find it MosT Y .AJ.uAnr,e:. . Physicia.ns, in prescribini:l', should specify Iil'lll.t.N'S in order to seeur·i for .their pa.tierrts tho best aiticle a:f,tlie·~lnd to be had. lt only requires to b., once tasted to ensure iits preference over all imitations, It has the -.F.NlllNI~ umw FJ..A"\'Olt so The business men of Oshawa lmve prPsentecl Mr. Wm. Cotter, bus driver, with a coon-skin overcoat. as arecocrnitiGm of his courtesy to the tr~vellirnr . . !)t~blic. This week the representatives of the different bodies of Methodists assemble in Port Perry to arrange the plan for the union of the various circuits arnl stations on this district. The .Bowma.nville S'.L'A'.tESl\JAN appears.ijn a new/ dress. It is u good local paper, and we :we glad to find it prospering under the N. P. which it so rnuch deaoui1ces..Colborne Express. It is a gmnd good thing when gives np his course of clissipa:tion and seri<Jusly settles down, -but it is :an equaPy grand thing when ft man 11as a:strokc .o f conscientiousness and honesty !&Cttles up.. An excha.nge, in spe::lking of · one of the citizens of his town s.i,ys:- Firs:t he stopped advertising, then he stopped his paper, and now the sheriff is seUing 0ut h~s business. 'Who will say it <lloes not pay to use printer's ink 7 There will he a tea m.eeting music:tl entertainment in tlrn Ca1mcla Methodist church in this town IC)J1·1 Fr~day evening, Fcu. 15th. Remember t11e .dai'te, and get ready for one of tlte litlH!>st eJll,j.oyable even ings of the season. In reporting a leap year party, ,r eporters will say that the gentler11<ei!il w©Fe toilets of surpassing richness '~m~l ·elcgrunce, tha.t they shone in all thei.·1· ~ov.ely andl radiant beauty, and themselves utterly and entirely irresistible. 'Tlhe young ladies were very attentive. Another of those happy events thttt so J very few people are privileged to enjoy came Monday d evening-a Golden · w · 11'off onTh , cc c mg. e sons, aughters and other me..mbers of the fa111ily of Mr. ;m<l Mrs. Levi Morris, sen., met at th eir rosideuce; Ontario Street, to congratulate the honoreel couple on this auspicious occasion. Among those present were Mr. aud Mrs. ! ~ficah Morris,_ Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morris, ' .]l'. ' Bowmanv1Ile ; .Mr. :uul Mrs. James Clarke, East; \Vl11tby ; Mr. and Mrs. A?rnm Morris, Purple Hill ; Mr. and J\irs. Richard Peate, town ; Mr. and Mrs. I Leonanl Smallocombe, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Osbome, Reach ; Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, tow1t ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos. Hubbar d, Shirley; Mrs. J. Pi11d1 ~md M B p · J M' K 11 r. · me 1, iss . · e s, of Mitchell, several grand-children, and some others. Mr. Rich. Peate read an excellent address, embodying the choicest expressions of goocl-will and esteem foi.· the aged couple, and wishes for lllany more yearn of golden happiness. 'fhe presents made (l!r.o in · 'ii') ~fi goId pieces, · were '~" a nc1 severa1 [ useful and appropriate articles. Mr. A. Morris repliecl to t ho address in :t neat speech, on behalf of his pa.rents. The evening was ple:tsantly spent in music an d other social pastimes. The company adjourned at an early hour, after singing and prayer. Has Removed (TWO DOORS WEST FROM OLD STAND,) IN NE ADS' BLOCK, where W8 0an do bUSl·n8SS as usuaJ. '¥ Our stock is complete for the trade. CLOT:H:INGVery Cheap for Cash to meet the dull times. I See our correspondent triecl McClunrr 0 'Bros' great half dollar tea. WANTED auy q1rnutity of Fat Hogs either dead or alive for which tl.o hi~hest tJrice will be paid .in cash. J. B. Martyn. ')'hose having auy dyeing to do, should, in order to ensure brilliant unrl lastiug colors, buy their dye stuffs from J. Higginbotham & Son. ---- - - - · - - -- - - JOS. JEFFREY. Cross Cut Saws. - THE GENUINE- Lance Tooth Saws, Champion Saws, Lightning Saws, Diamond Saws, Butting Saws. wuv Tim The imnroved "IW'l' AJ. .. 1s urn np1)11 1rns'f. STOTT &. JU Ry By t.lu1 proc~ss herewrore genet·ally employed, it has been found 11npos.~ ible t.o remo1'e nil impuri ties, more particularly the linrtrate of lime. which remained t.o such an extent as to >>;reatly the quality oft.he cream of tarc11r, and to interfere seriously with the strength and wholesomeness of the b11king oo"·ders into which it er.t.ered. . In tho new pt·ocess, which i· cnvned by the Jtoya.l Baking Powder Company of :-<ew Yor1r, and exclusively employed in its e:deusive tartar work·. the imported crude grape acid is so t.rcntecl as to remove all vesti~o of tart1·a.te of hme or other impurities, givinl( a product before unknown-a. chemically pure cream of taru:ir. . :By the employment of these superior · ncilit.ies. the Royal Buking Powder Compa.ny has made the Hoya.I liakinK Powder as t he 'chemists ull certify, or tbe high.est 11ossible degree or stren1<tth... ab!iolutely pure" and wholesome, and with an always unifor m leavemng 11ower. It is for these reaoons that the "Hoyal " never fail s to produce brea.d, biscuits. cukes, eto., that are light. sweet, digest1:0te, and wholesome; the eating of which is neve r followed by indigestio11, or any of. those physical discomforts attendant 11.pon tl·<1 pa.rta.klng of improperly prepared t-ood. lu rendering possible the production of a bakiug vowder possessed or th~se qua.litleatfons. the improved method of refiuine:. cr~n· ol tartar becomes at once a matter of material importance to t.he culiria.ry world. hn.s hu.d u.n irnpor1 .,.in t h· ~ar1ng fact1ire of bakinK puwll·"'. me1hori by which it b>IS been made po··i!>Je to lH'<l<IUC!l pure C\'el\1 11 or t,11rt11r the nuinu: CHOPPING AXES, The largest asi'lortment ever shown in Bowma.nvil.le including the celebrated ' BIRTHS. Joeu- On the 29th, in Cartwright, the wife of Mr. Hob1., Jobb. of u daughter. HROWN- lll Cartwright, on the 25th ult. the wife of Mr. 'i'hos. Drown, of twain d1Lught~rs. HOBKRT!ION-At, on the 28th Jan. the wife of Mr. J. S. Robertson, editor of tlae Ch1·01iiclc, i0f a son. American Wetmore Axes. " Simpson Axes. Canadian Western Axes. Orient Axes. " " Crescent Axes. Crown Axes. " " Lumberman's Pride Ax-es. " "Nick of the Woods" Axes. And a full stock of all choppers' and Lumbermen's requisites. SEE THE GOODS . o: Local and Otherwise. LANR- Nenr Tyrone, on t.he 30th ult., the wife o( Mr. George Lane, of a daughter. 'l'ENAN1'- ln Manvers. on the 31st ult. the wire of l\!r. Matllew 'renant, o1 a daughtc~. LEE & EDSALL Bowmanville, January 10, 1884. W ELLINGTON B;,rWINGS, MARRIED. 'l'HOMl'SON-BRADLltY- At Lhe Manse.Orono. by Ilev. A. Fraser, on the 30th ult., Samuel 'J'hompson. Esq., and Miss Susannah Bradley, all of Clarke. CurrEt.1,- Pm1e1·oa- .At Orono.on 31st ult. by the Rev. tl . .A.. l:>impson. Mr. Charles E. Cut.tell to Misa Mary Proctor, all of Clarke. llfoJ,,U]GlfLlN- lIOOEY-On the 22nd ult. by the Rev. Dr. C&rry. at the residence of Mr. J,attimor, Mr. J. G . McLa1.1ghlin, of Darlington ' to Misa Sara.h Uooey,ot Co..rtwright. 80WMANVILLE MARKETS. Co,.,··cted up to 1 o'clock p.m. e11ery Thursday BY J.&D. McDOUGALL. BARCA INS FOR ALLI During the Xmas holidays I will offer my fine and. well assorted stock, consisting of 1 Flour, per 100 lb ...·.. $2 75 .. to .. $3 00 Fall Wheat, per bush. . . . 0 96 .. to .. 1 00 SpringWheat, per bush. I 00 .. to. . 1 05 Rye, per bushel. ........ 0 58 .. to .. O 60 Oats;pllr bushtil.. .. · .. . 0 30 .. to.. 0 32 Peae,Blue., ........ , ·· 0 70 .. to .. 0 75 " Blackeyes. . . . . . . . 0 92 .. to. . 0 92 ,, Small........... 0 70 ... to ... 0 72 ~arley, No. 1. ........ 0 50 .. to .. C 55 ;, No. 2 ......... () 45 ... to .. . 0 50 ,, No. 3......... 0 00 ... to ... 0 00 'l'he Rov..Mr. Little, of St. Ptiul's church, BY JOHN McMU:ijTHY. preached an eloquent disconrse on Sabbath morning last on the Augl:uentation Scheme Butter, per tb. best table.. O 16 .. @ ·· 0 18 which has been submitted by t he General Lard,'ll" tb ............... 013 .. @ .. 014 -.ALSO Assembly of the Presbyterian church. Egge, ~Jo.1:.. ' ........... 0 00 . . @ ·· 0 22 'rhc movement is to give every minister in P a,tatoea, per bushel.. , .... 0 55 . · @J · · 0 60 the church n minimum sa.lary of $750.00 ; and while it does not propose that the churches now giving more than the 2l~nerti.semtnts. amount stipulated, shall give loss, it is ·· · · ~· ·· -·· · · · ·· · ········ · -······· · ···-··"·· · ···· ..................................... expected that the strong shall h elp the m;,ak. The pastor of St. Paul's church therefore, could speuk with more freedom tha11 lll< tny wl10 have to urge the claims of FIRST-OLA.SS FARM FOR SALE the scheme, because h e expected no ben eIn the township of Clarke, containing 117 fit from it, and he did so with eloquence acres, being parts or Lots 19 and 20 in the 6th btling the }'state of t he late John worthy of the object. W e trust St. Paul's Concession, Brown. b'arm In good state or cultivation: church will rlo its duty in this r espect, about S acres good standing Timbor- hard and t hat a scheme so commendable will wood; good Brick House; out·bulldings first; two wells hard water ; two cisterns; receive a fair consideration at the hands elass ROOd orchards- one hundred young trees set out last spring. of those churches on whom success so Soaled tenders will be received for the above largely depends. up to the 5TH MAncn, prox. 'L'ERMS O~' SALE :- $ll,000 down ; balance to .I run on mortgage at six per cent, POULTRY EXHIBITION. O F CA N A D A · 'l'he highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Address J AJIJF.S BROWN or EDMU ND ConBLEl>ICK, 1 Tho first annual exh ibition of t h e Bowli-4w*. Orono. P. ()ArITAJ,, $1,oeo,eoo. JCll!ST, su.e.oeo · I wish to ca.11 especial attention tha~ if vr.m manville Poultry Association will open in 'va.nt to buy a Organ made by <iac the Town Hall on Tuesda.y next, and conof t he best Manufacturie3 in t.ha World. IKEWISE will be Sold or .Rented tinue . three days. A large number of the South part of the North ha.I r of Lot This .Bank 1s prepared to do Legiti- CJAJ,(, AND SEE ltlY cm1tl!§THAS !!Toe::&, No. l~, in the 6th Conces&lon of Cla.rke, a.bout B k' · 11 · h exhibitors from a distance :tre ex1Jcctcd, 30 I have just ordered, and will have in a few a.cres, adjoining the farm formerly owned mate an mg m a its branc es. days,some first Royal .A Se wing Machine.,. and should we b e f;worecl with fine wcat h - by John Brown. deceased. Apply to Farmers notes discounted · Deposits n. Mac.nine t hat sta.nds A 1 witb. the Tery best 6-4w·. RICll.A.llD BROWN Orono, . · . ' 01· there will be a big show of poultry and or Canadtan ~ewing Machines _ __ _ '_ received and Interest paid on amounts of .Amer1can _ While I nothing to say against any 11..St. pet stock. Gen eral admission , 15 cents. $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department. class make of Orga.ns or Sewing Machines I Children admitted 011 'Veclnesday after 0 11 wish the public to please take notice i' do noon from 3 to 5 o'clock, at 5 cen ts each. sell only Goods, such a' I can guarDRA.f'TS antee to give satisraction. · · For any other information inquire of Mr. N. B.- I still aell the world-renowned WaltIssued and Collections made m Europe, ham D.· T. Morris, secretary, or m embers of Watch,and don't forget our Gen4'!'o.l & United States and Canada. Store where we keep a. complete &880rtment of t he committee. Entries may h e maclc up Dry Goode and Groceries chea.p for Oaeh. to Monday, 11th inst. OFFICJE- Unrflochllres.Dloelr,JnteBnnk'.!'he B11ll Organs are sold by J.P. RICE1Bowmn11vllle, and As paying as any agency In the worl;l. For\ iu: olllee of ~ DobbJe. TUNISON JV J, JONES. fullpa.rticulars,rree,addressH.C E. lfl. DO"EY, Oranges, lemons, oysters, hnclclics and ruhliAher. 3118 IUchmorul° Street, J,ON~ " ' ·' canned goods, all new, at McOlung Bros. ' )Intl Ty1·one. DON, ONTA.Itle, 6. '%17. Agent. A contem.ptible falsehood intended to injure the Star House is being a<lverti.ised. The Star House has NOT lililoved, but is l)repared to di@ business as usual in every branch. \Ve firat chose this, which has become popular in connection with our store, and we .s hall not allow an attempt to filch our name, without making the public :nv:u·e of it. New goods aniving daily. See advt. next week. - -'I.'. GlJO. MASON. * Mink Muffs, Boas & Caps, S.S. Seal Muffs, Boas & Caps Persian Lamb Muffs, Bohs & Caps, Astrachan Muffs, Boas and Caps, AT -WHOLESALE PRICES. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. Gent's Coon Coats. Gent's Dog Coats. Farm for Sale by Tender. BUFFALO, Black, Gray and White Jap ROBES. A At the LOWEST CASH PRICES. I M. MA YER, Furrier. CHRIS~MA8 STANDARD BANK 0. 1 Organs an~ Sewing Mac~1Nes. L I _.,._ N ew S uperior Canada Maps and Charts ) WANTE D-ATUN~S~ N~S . ·

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