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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1884, p. 4

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CORRESPON:E>ENCE. -Call and sec tho- KIRBY. · !COLUMBUS. · KE VSTO NE & .BOSS COLD WATCH c:A s:Es, ~·A The best y N.A c make ))')ii. in 1110 world at nm .JR1Vl;J,J,P.)t. I ·mae annual soiree o'f !fl~ C. P. ·church was helcl here on Fliiilfyy :night.Jastllt'lnd > ··was .a big sucooss. ,lr,h e members of th;e lG~mbus'. 'lit~ary ~ >Soli.iety intend giving~. «lonccrt 01il·Fl'filay l ~ne£t-, Feb. 15. A SUIJ'tftl:JW and ' lengithy ~ ]Wllgi:mnme is lieing pt:0.V.ili!ed and.. a ·gt.od itinte may be expecte1L J f3.:i.siness looks rather .&tn here· in:titie ' modlien line, as both f.a.dtai:ies are closdd. ' illeal & Bro. h ave ';lill!.Jn busy la~ ,.Y italfo1g stock. j ,Qrir energetic townsnta"r~;::Mr. C. Allem~, : ~s. :gristing an<l c~oppi[~g ;e.way 3:15 fast ·l/;ll ltts~a~er wheel will rnaqy for more. l1.C88 .m the from all 1iarts to g,at·,their shoeii)_g'. nately J()lµi'sis near by and i,nforms us of ·Plements. etc.: do~. CITIZEN. ~ cihe coui:se ,,'.We are to travel, tvrhich is~aa HOlt~.~:llf'Tf,E; SHEER· & HOGS. 1 ? f<'S lfows: ":Y~!. go on the road, again now 1 Span Ma·reth-IJ years old. 1 Span Mares-8 ENFIRLD. ::·u rft.ilyou .- get.over the bridge. Then ~o yearsold.1Mare-6yenrs ol<l, l Bay Horse. 2 M1.'8 .". W. Martin, Sen., .iiis seriously "" : ;j: n ti:; E:t;'lf ji~~&_ down there . li-:Ollow the 2·year·old FllJ.ic~. l l-ycar·o!U Filly, 1 Mnre"' l ti d · l 1 years old, 1 !li:larso~lO vears old, 1 Sucking · · m . t "-- d agiti.n. : r:J.~~ au 3i'~~t1_ 11 , cr_oss 1e roa ~~am ~me .1!'01J.l. ii Cow&-in .Calf. 3 Ht·ifers- 3 years old l\fio;,£: .B. H:.tig, of Baltil'lllQl:e, has been .go : lU~O an,o_tl. , -~"'-' JJeld and come. out JUSt old. l Steer- 2 )"ears old, i r: ~""" 1te B· s · te L o0l t f tl Bull-ll Y.ettFS old. ! Steers-l year old, ' ou · . or. IC 2 IIeifers- l yea.r -old,, 2 Bull Cal't"es. 5 He1fer .. ... "". Brn.y, ut "Br.aei;ide. " ·0 I? "· « ;::;; · ·· visitingJ\fiss l\fr. 1E<lward Niddcry is at 1"m·t with his p1tehJ10.l~lHt,Hd~ guess you'll be:u.;1 ngl~t. Ca.Ives. 2 F ...t St.eerh3 years old. 20 Ewes-in "Oliffo:ied colt," but we fear IJliiford's ner~ But~W!l \fere ,~~ot.. Our horse ha .d i,the m_1s- lamb. 10 8p1·ing :LMnbs, 1 llrood Sow-in pig, 9 ~ t t t """ t h h I :!"all Pigs. vousne.& ;nvill be a disadvan~ to him. : ~ o~' >JJl o .. e;ir'¥.' wo s ocs ;v i We d.(!aire to congratuhite ,.eur friend, ~wm~w~rd cbou~ teams. '\11- hene1iPass~11g _ wj,ssmg JlllPl,EJrnNTliJ. illA.\l'., FIJUNITUHE,·ET<:. Mr. Jai;;. Gallager, on his in·~;ntion into mt . o ;Et. _ .!:f; fi~ld -.,.;i.v.e , caught t _lie cutttti_ · on a 2 Iron Axle \\"a,g{}na. 1 Putent Arm "Wagon l ~ '""" 1 l"· k ·· f th k o Three Spring Single Buggy.lSulky the .M. D~hip. In this new -tq>here J as. :ai~i ruro e' 1><WG~ ,.., · . e nees, ~Til>(~,1} ?3 P 2 ()utters,,2 Pairs _Bob-sle;ighs.l Superior'l'hresh'. has alre.:li~y evinced a great pal:Aence in 11 th e ·.clnµii;.'C, ~cwt. o~u· mittens wlule 1ligmg mg Mach me, 1 .Pitt's Horse I Combined ·· -- ·- · - .. \ - ---- ---~to extricl(i;e it -NQ1t1' who should f~"" fhc Se1Jd Drill, 1 Superior Seed Drill. 1 Fleury · f l 1 . '· .. t · : · · · ' "°""""' Hu1·vestor, 1 Buckeye M.ower, 2 Cultivators, 3 pel'f.!t)tua1-'l.Wmg o t IC . GRAND TRU.WK RAil,.WA Y. Either t!i.e cold weather 01· leap-year bi.Il,, ,eQml.()l.l, W\tll)l){;lf, te1., or Sots Iron Harrows. 3 lhng Plows. 5 Single S cou1·tl Plo'9's, 2 Sulky Hakes, 3 Fanning Milla. 1 Chalf BOWMA.NV ILLI~ S1'A'I'ION ANID TIMI~. ])lots luis a,~<.msed the needles, lbl'ld ~i perCutter. I Root Scutller, l Sa winll Mnnbine and feet deluge :0f quilts from all .parts and ,,,,......-~ -'"" - .,., _,. ,...,._ + .- ---· Power, I Roller. 1 Loum. 1 CheeRe .Vat Press GOING EAS'r QODlG W EST dresses froJJ:t .Miss O'Leary's f~hionable i/!NN1SJ(if£LEN. and outfit. for makini' Cheese, 1 Pair Phnforrn 7 · · . · l k· t bl' l 1 · Scales. 1 Pair lleam Seales, J Root Drill. 3 Seta JJ:xp1·ess .......S.52 am \ T,a,cal, . ........."t.27 a m c ·A gr:m(l ;mu~ic1tl .e~tertainment ai,l! Heavy Harni·ss. 2 Sets L;ght Harness. 5.000 ressma mg -~ ·a 16 unent are e1l:Ve opmg Jlllixed ...... . .4.05 Jl m Expreos ...... K:'l.7 a m J,ooal .. ........ 7.10 p in Mixed ........ s:so p n· .. . qe _g~\\f,11 . ," . Cedar Poets, 3 Hay Racks, l Pea Horuester ~I -~ ·~ L vilhge t .1 t n lJ:1.: f oyster Sllpp5jr 1W~ll JU the M. E, I I1'01·ks, Hoes. Rakes. Cha.Ina. Neckvokes. Whir: Exoress . ..... _9.30 p in l·:xnl'ess ..... . 8.'1.3 p m our yom~~ p:: ~l~ £ ~~~~ ~· i a~dasS:~~a:ffi:t ~t church, En.rl'i~ki.llen, 011 .'Monday evening, i ;tlotreee. etn.. also a qu11nt.i ty o'e Ilouseholil ~ " ' ~ · ' · . _ .~-_~-: _ . . .r .; 1 101 ~--the residence .of Mr . Thomas P;!lScoe, February 18.. "§]~e ft-~~lo.Wi'!;ig persons have ~~~~lture.10 tons Elmothy Hay. 10 tons Clover .~ . . .where after doi' ig duty to a sumptuous consented to :a!l.$JSt Ul :the programme, table a most excellent programme was which will ·00TM~~t of ,nll\Jl~., recitations, IA npHlered. Vocal l!-lld instrumental iwsic and readings : ~Mr. and ;i\1_~'.ll, 1. L . Brown 'fERMS :--Fat Cattle, Pigs and Cedar Posts by the Misses Bt!rtha Hogitrth, Maggie and children, Mi~ Cry der:n.w.n , Mr. R . ond .a.II sums of $10 and under. cMh ; overt.hat. We are cutting down the prices of our en stock of ::: Taylor, Hampton; Miss Dyer, ]Hiss Brn.y,, credit wUI bo given to llrn tlrst day of 130W) [ANVILJ,E, F l\JDAV, FEBB'Y 1.5. Dyer, Manning, aud .others. Enfield; MisR V.anN est ,' So;Hna; Miss Ocl o~r. 1884, on approved notes. H. T. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. Craige, Picton ; J\11·, JJee., :Eilluiskillen. ~====================== DarllnSfA>n, February 12, 1881. 8. ,Admi11sion to entertainme nt, 15 cents ; Bcholcl ! in the sei;:ond month on the children, 10 cents. Oysti;;ra..:.~lso be sixth day 'of the montl1 a great wind aro· t1erved in the basem e-Ut t-0 all w hO{les1re -OF. :lt is uot very credi t11ble to our .county se from the east, carryin~ clouds of snow th.em, at very reasonable i'ates, This is · from the 'g reat sea which' blocked up the expected to be one of the gi·eatest treats And we intend to offerextraordinp,ry bargains ofl.g:cicultural society clfrectors of htst year stage road between Newcastle and Orono of the season. Doors open at 7 p .m. ,t;J.11·t both Clarke imd Cart wright t ownship so that it was impassable for man and Enwrtainment to begin at 7 ;30. Go eo.dy ~so,ui eties have a llluch larger membership beast; and tlie tmvell. e rs said one to :ix1·- and get a good seat. All are invited. - SfTUATE lN TllE,thr·ll the· county society. Such a sta.te of ther verily we cannot journE>y on this l'o:\d SCHOOL REPORT FOlt JA.NUARY. Township of Darlington, in the let us pass through this vineyiird. Whe~ thi11gi; ought not not to be, and must not the master of the vineyard rose betir.oe11 Clas3 IV. - 1st, John L ee, 2nd, Li.7..zie County of Durham. be, if ·t)ie society is to be continued. There in the morning and s~w what wa.s done lie Dean, 3rd, Albert Hutchison. i s no re~son why the membership should wa wroth and calling his men se!'lrants }J,.e CJass III, Sen.- lst, Rose Brown, 2nd, Under and by virtue of the power of sale COtl· 110t be lf()O or 500 if a special effort were fastened the gate of~ his; vineyard with I.dl.J. Brovmta.ined in a. ce1·tain.Mortgage. there will be sold nmdc ii~ thi~t direction. Our 'socict.. v is wire that was barbed and st ood at the ooate Class III, Jun.-lst, Albert Dean and by Public Auction. at. tbe RUED O ·r 'l' OM thereof so that no traveller could pass ;Mhmie Rogers, equal, 2nd May Virtue, HOUSE, in Urn Town of Bow~LANVH,LIB. in the said County .Qf Durham, on WEDNJ<JSDAY, burcl~ncg ~' de11t, and we would suggest through. Lo! at the ninth hour there 3rd, Rich:i.rd Moyse. in Tiii£ 26'J'IT DAY OF MABC~ 1881. at the hour of t o the < lirecw rs that they umke 11.n effort cometh six travellers from rt far country Class JI, Sen,-lst, Alf. Mitchell, 2nd, ONE o'clock p. m.. by lIEN'Rl'J'uu,LIPS, Auctioneer. the followmg Landa "irn<l Premises, t o p11.y it o:ff 1'o be plitin, there has no who seeing the master of the vinevard Willie Potter, 3rd, Lottie Rogers. Cla,as II, ,Jun. - lst, J 'ohn. Virtue, 2nd, being all a.11rl singular the south-west quarter enter·prise belH} ;;;Jwwn by the directorate offered him .fifty cents- a great sum in · rn . · _ . those days-if he would let them pass Ada Moyse and Ho)l1er Ferns, equal, 3rd, for im,uy ye:~rr;, .Lhcy luve follo'\\·ed m through. but the master of the vineyard James Moyse. · thee same- oM i>qts, ;,ml rHJ iww plans h1; w e_ J1ardened his' heart a11(l wot1ld pot let · Class l. Sen. -lst, Joe DcM1, 2nd, Ettio 1he south part ot the east ltalt of snid Lot, ap, ~ parently now owne<l by one Duncan 'l'aylor). · b een tried to increased inteiest, in them enter, so the weary travellei·s ,had Gifford, 3rd, Osbert Byers. . ., The said portions of said Lots eonintise one the exhibitions. ThQ niembership should to journey bnck many mil'l8 il.lld come t\· Cltiss. I'. J un.-lst, May Steph<)11son', ft.rm containing about eighty-six and one-half - -- - -·TM - - - --- - --·--~ - -- -- - - --- --·- ·· C!!2d . " · .. round another way. 2nd, ¥V1lhe Rogers, 3rd, E thel P otter, acres, ot wliich eighty.fnur acres cleAred and 1 11 1 1 i Ei: e cm 1 p n :>:<)S ~~j<jl,!.iC ~· Q l.I\<)!'e(l,SG( JC ' ' ( · · · tho rtmainder timber lands. 'l'he land cleared .. . , .1· . · . · · But behold! there cometh itt the twelfth Mislaid last week . ) fa a clay loam anti in a fair state of cultivation· sses ; smtable bmklmgs hour a aiant in htren"'th a mi<Yht"· man of M J 1 '<T ' t f M ' ~r t ofter ecl iu many c,,1 'J'besaid farm is oituate a.bout seven. miles from , . · " · · o ' o " ' r. o 111 v ir ue, son o r . ~>-. , 1r ue, Town of Bowmanville, accessible thereto s'.wuld 1oe e~·ectet;l rur the st ock; a dnvmg wttr amon~ !us people, who smote .on the was rather badly bruised last week -by a tho by good roads. nng should be made, th:tt horses may be bt1rbed w1~·e ~t the. gate of .the vmeyard saw log which he was trying to load with 'l'hc said farn1 is well watered and 1111.s erectshown to advnnt:ige ; bettor 1n1siness facili- ~ihd bL·oke it m twam as easi~y as though the team. The log w:ts uearly on the e<l thereon the following farm b11ilding_s :-A d welling-house.barn-90x30, horae stable, ca.Ltlc . 'd b . tl . it were threatl. Aud the wire that was sleio-h when the chain broke and the Jo" stables. straw houae, two open t ies sl1erls, also two s1 10u1 e prOl'H1.ec1 '· anL1 . L e prrne b ai·becl w.1s . sc.i . tt eiec , l t o tlie · rig · 1 t I1and , came " down on hun. · · no bones " . 1 Fortunately good orchards, The fa.rm is fairly f!Jnced. h st, rules 1111d r egulations thoroughly re- m1d to the left and the travellers went on were bl'oken. His brother R obert met 'l'ERMS o~· SALE :- 'l'en per cent of tbs pur· visetl. The hot el men, business men, -tJ.;~ ~~~ciug. Bon. with a misfo1·tune by cuttiug his knee with chase money to be paid down at time of sale to the Ven<lor's Solicitors. an<l sufficient with the m anufacturers; and p1·ominent cit izen s -- - ·- --::::-,..;.. : .::-- - - .- - ... . a saw while getting out logs.- A forcible Bl.lid teu per cent to make one third of the pur· HAMJ:'-']}{), illustration of the old proverb. chase money within onP month thereafter, the i;hould be asked to uffor speci:tl premiums, \Jalaace of purcbitse money tCJ be secured ---r.-, ,;J1e . · --,- ~ .. 1, be pleased to do, and FASHIONABLE 'VE11Dll"G.-,-0ne of ~ e by a mortgage over t.he premises, bearing in· which at the rate ot six-a.nd·one-balf per ccnr, terest most pleasant gatherings of the scaso CAR1'WRIGH7'. payable semi-annually. 'l'he property will be thus add new ' interest iu_ !S. t -...__. us de- to0k plac. e here on 'W ednesday, February 'Ye beg to announce that' we have purchased the stock of' The lecture that did not come off on 7th sold subject to a Reaen·e Bid. partmenfa. Some new features should be u:,. the._fesidencc of Mr. H. T. l~llillips, y Dr.Rice was quite a dissappointment to For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Dry Goods, Millinery, etc., late of A. Dickson's Cash House, i ntroduce<l, something that will rb:aw on the occasl<:m ,of the marriage of Melissn, t e people here. MULOC K, TILT, MlLLBlt & CROWTHER, crowds t o the show. ·wake up, gentlemen ; their youngest daughter, to Mr. S . M . Two weeks ago there was a convention and will open on SATURDAY, 16th FEBHUARY. We have Vendor's Solicitors, Clemens, of Brandon, Man. The inter - of the Bible Ch.r istian and Methodist to 9n King Stroot East. Toronto. wh et np your wits; contrive some n e w esting ceremony ,ms performed by Rev. a:rrange matters for the corning Union. Dated 16th January, 1881. 7 also replenished the above stock with a choice · selection oi wrinkles for e:x_hibit ion' 1 1urposes, and West Dr. McNab, of B owmanville. Miss Annie ! hey decided to accept two ministers,· at D urham slull yet hold it foremost position Clemens, sister of the grooin, acted as , an appropriation of $1,250 In the Surrogate Court of tlie Nt:w Goods,' all of this season's importations which has been a rnoug agricultural shows. P erl1aDs some bridesmaid, and Mr· H. C. Phillips, Our merclrnnts complain of very dul1 United Counties of Northum- bought at a margin below th~ ordinary prices, which will brother of the bride, as groomsman. '.l'hc or our r eaders will make som.e suggestions bride r eceived many useful, handso 1( and times. cerland and Durham. Men have been travelling through this therefore enable ns to offer great inducements to those about anent this rnatter. Our oohinm:> are open v~Lluablc presents, among whi,i;:h were the township appointing agents to sell their tor that pur:pose. I .following :~ Silv~r jewelry case and hand- celebrated h1ty forks. 'l'hey found four \Ve earnestly solicit inspection. la the matter of the guardianship of GEo. buying their spring goods. ~;.. ·f'. some -::.htcket, the grooni t /$ilvci· dinner men t o accept the n.gency for the ccl'ebrated MILLSON, AUTHUU MILLSON, and ED~=~~=~=~~=~= cruet., Mrs. IL T. Phillips ; silver gravy forb, two paying $150 each and two $200 aud comparison of our stock before making your purchases,. MUND MILLl'!ON, i?if:mt children of EBER ladle, l\frs. ·wm. Clemens ; fruit dish, each ; and worst of all the forke are useless BOWMAN VILLEJ PO'Q'LTRY (si!Yer stand and china dish) Mr. n.nd Mrs. as the real cost of the forks would not MILLSON, of the Town~hip of Darlingtoii, and we will use our utmost efforts by civility and attention to EXHIBITI ON. Jos. Ruse ; silver pick_ l e cruet, Mr. and exceed $2.00 each. Each agent receives in the County of Ditrham, Yeonian. merit a shate of your patronage. i 'h e officers of the Bo wman ville Poul- Mrs. Levi Annis ; silver cake basket, Mr. ten forks. 'l'hey found J'i.:foiiYers farmers t r v A.ssocitition are t o be collr(ni.tulated on and Mrs. John Phillips, of Brooklyn, N. even sharper than they were. They got NOTICE is hereby given that after the t l{e ~uccesa of their first :111nual exhibition, Y. ; silver spoon-holcler, with bell attaeh- one mau t o accept the agency and give expiration of twenty dayA from the 1lrst publl· heicl in the T own Htill on Tuesday, '\Ved- ed, l\{r. 1md Mrs. A. E. Clemens; one Iris note for $2-00. Some of his neighbors cation !>f this notice. application will be made Beaver Block, I{.ing Street Bowmanville. n esday n.nd Thursday of the present week. dozen silver knives, Mr. H. C. Phillips ; · learning of the fact, pursued the: sharpers to the Aaid Court for tlie appointment of · t.he EuER M11~1..eoN as Guardian for his infant said Under SQlllC difficulties the association-was silver pie kuife, l\1iss Annie . Clemens; and denmnded the note, which for ti time children-George Millson, Arthur Millson and form-ad, itml now _that the project has 80 one doz. silver forks, Mrs. J. B'. Tom, they refused to give but was very gbd to Edmund Millson, all of the '£ownship of Darl· far hcc~1 a success, it rnust be grati[ying New York; library lamp, Mr. and Mrs. give back the note and also to leave the ington Dated February 5th, 1S8i. to tln lH0 concerned. These gentlemen arc L. A. Tole ; one dozen solid silver tea township. McGEE & JONES. Oshawa. the officers :- -John K ydcl, president; J.\IL spoons, in morocco case, Mr. and Mrs. P, Our Division is still increasing in memSolicitors ror Eber Millson. 63w. p 0 1+,er, treasurer; D . Monia, secretory; T. Phillips, New York; handsome sofa bership. Eleven were initiated last Friday T . T. Coleman, J os. _J effm:y, Wm. vVolfe, cushion, Mrs. W. Beer ; silver cake basket, night. ,l1>lrn D utton , Geo ..,. .Wright , \Vm. H 1111, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosevear, Cobourg; \Ve learn that the people of Janetville Geo. Tilt, Thos. Srnelt, directors. The glass fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. are trying to organize a there. citizen:~ of B owmanville tire notc<l for a Mason; bouquet holder ancl Japanese '\Vhat has become of our .license inspector -(o)l arge degree of Jiben ;lity iJL helping for- bmcket. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cryderman ; anyway? war ll any beJief-ici;tl industry. They rccog- silver, brcakfa$t cruet, l\fr. and Mrs. N. Miss Craige i11 visiting at her uncle's n ized the just claims "Of -the Poultry N . Cole, Branrlon ; p:1ir silver egg-holders' - Rev. T. Cleworth. Associntion, and respm1di;d · th er et o· by and spoons, Miss Hildii tmcl Master Percy & I their attendance itt the sh ow. There Ruse : pair silver napkin r ings, Mr. and All winter goods at reduced prices, and wer e lGO pairs of fowl entered for compe- Mrs .·Tohn Fletcher' ; tea pot . and sugar tition , 100 of whi ch were of B owimwville spoon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clemens ; berlin Furs at net coat, at Couch, Johnst on & Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce at production. Messrs. Brown & Hodge, wool toilet set and album, Mr. and Mrs. Cryderman's. Vanstonc's family :fl.our is gaining pubColumb1m, made n splen did display, and F. II. l\ofason; silver card plate, Mr. F. so die T. 'l'. Coleman . J . H . Pierce Field, Cobourg ; haudsome musi? st~nd, lic favor.- It may be had from imy of the a fine show of H oL i.dm1s. W. · wolfe lrnd 1\1r. 9ceo_. Bantle, ; pMr silver leading groceries iu .town. Our worthy contempomries, the Chrison ex11ibjtion :L fi n e lot of brown imd white napkm rmgs, Miss Rose Field, Cobourg; YouNo CAWKER & Co's is the pface to do business, they keep Leghor11s. A .ctise of .Japanese pheasants . pair handsome vases, Mr. F. A. Cole; tian Guardian and the Obser-i;er published ~as n. _gr.? at source of attract~o'.1, sh.own by bo~qu~t holder, -~lrs: W: R Bar~cr ; o.~~ articles from the ST.A'l'.ESM.&N last week -in stock the veryJos. Jci.1ery. T . Bl.Lek exhibited a splcn- doz. vege~n,ble s.~lts, Mrns ~ottie Beer , without credit. did variety of pigeons. D. Morris made crochet. tidy, J.\II1ss Ev11. Wlutlock ; glass McClung Bro.' new stock of splashers a very oi:edi sh ow of Hamburg8 . w>i.ter p1tclrnr, Mr..and ~r~. T . ~· Clarke ; is attractinl{ · the attention of the la.dies ..............................................""""""" ..,,..,.,...... Stenhen · Gor don and ·w m. H 11ll had 011 set table mats, M1_ ss ~ilho ,<>~1ver ; and just now. They are nice pictures, works that can be bought, the exhibition a number of good specimens of of <~11, Mr. ~· 'I:. Phillips." can'.e of art, the useful and beautiful combined. gim1e fowl. The display made by Alfre<l down lmn~lsomely by pre.sentmg ]us An Ingersoll boy hung on to a sleigh, Hobbs in Ho uda11 s and Dorltings is wor thy daughter with }t chec<jue for $500. After then let go and w:ts run over by a team. of special mention. The prize list could a bo1mt1ful r had been ~nJoy~d, the Result-a broken leg. Bowrnanvillc boys, Fresh and Cured, always in stock. n11t b~ prepared in time for publication ?<nn1mny sp~nt 1 1 few hours m social cnt ak e warning. Their Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality ; they k eep Barrel Salt; thfa week, but will h e pr esim ted complet e JO.Ym.ent. 'Ihe happy .couple left the Thos. H ancock, Esq. ,our worthy depu- "_ _ _ _ _ _..,"'"'"______ ' ...,,,..,. American and Carbon Safety Coal Oil. Try their .Empire Hors , and in our next issue. evcnrng for CoboUl'g, followed by the best ty Ree1'e, says : " I find that the purest, wish es of their·111any friends. Cattle Food, the best manufactured, recommended b1g.hly by the Guelph ilfiss E. Kcrsh~kc is attending the the strpngest and the choicest flavored Model Farm; their stock of Glassware and Crockery 1s Complete. ~hey Half Dollar Tea is t o be had at McClung Cmrn F ol\ OmLBLArns. -Bathe the feet Toronto Normal School. Bros." . do not make any specialty of one article, but as t here 1s considerfor ten or fiftcnn minutes in water a.s Mr. Thus. \Varel has been quite ill for 'fhe untidy, dirty i;ppearance of a grizable talk about Cheap Teas, the place to buy the Ch~ap Tea is at Young, hot ti & can be borne ; then apply Ifogyards s<wcral weeks. zily btiard should never be allowed. Buck· -(o)Yellow Oil. and ·~ cure is cerfain . . Yell ow Cawker & Co's, they buy altogether for cash win ch enables them to Miss E. 'l'renouth has been to 'l'oronto ingham'· Dye for the 'llhiskera will readily Oil tJnras Rheu mat ism , N enra.lgia, Dcaf- on a visit. change lheir color to . a brown or black, J1C8H1 L'i.n1 eness, and I>ain general ly ; and 'fhe membership of Rising Star Division a.t discretion, and thus keep up your re8 sell cheap. Give & internally c11.res Colds, Sore Thr oat,Cr oup is increasing. ALI'HA.. pu,ation for neatnes~ and goocl looks. A s(,}lJim, a nd ma.ny ix1inful affections. co~i~g :Mr.. P. H. alw~jlll. .-0f warclswc.- e trampling Oil tlteposscssiuns , ; n .·.,:AV . _ .·., Their Large A . ssortment command"." ~Mi-. R; U :1ghson. But daunted tJl.f.tJ, ~Lilt:; Fmyn is. C:k~~ 11: large blliii-i .~vc still go <!in. Oru:ne,4.t de~'em~n'Ll--=---.,,..---.---,,;,........~-=--~--::-4--~'¥.r.·ten_ tl· ~f t.-ke-~ e-n era_ -l .-P Ubl1"C. blacksnn thmg hne, fanntlllll, .Uhe fann yra'cl of J.\!Ir. J. D oli2.on . FortuThe following ' a uable Farm Stock, Imv ..1..1. V l..l Uti. allO<W., and lS The :roads are in}\ bad condition. The othcr .· C 'i.'ening we had occasion to drive from hime t o Orono. Afte1· going a short distamc~we found ourself in a hush wit h lofty 1 'lUJ~[1lcs on either side. ·we slowly ..,.. procell.dd<l and soon was in a labyrinth, chose. a.<00rtain winding and was again on 'fhe undersigned has received instruct.ions from the str~iiht road. W c glided along for a the lilxea:utors of tho Estate or the late few rods,. but were SOUll compelled to call < R>ALPl'I HARNDEN. and of :i halt ,iui'tl make a square turn. ·we itre now .0 nj'\U\fr. Brown-'s farm. vVe look away .t o::Jlho westem horizon and see a · ·. · · . · · , dozeii ..1-'ons shirting for the benefit of a ·':Jlo eell by Public Auction, on belated b. ·uband or waywMd son. But in a IUQlfle~inore we look aw~y to t,he starry heave11s:im; we emerge from a snowdrift. · · · ~., ' We c~·Li~ly pursue our ~<:ourse again, in ·thw.;Je-quartcrs of an hour nJter®.A:RLINGTON, ON AUGTIO, N __ __ w · ~~~~~~~~~~~S~~A~~Lt---Es.:_~ 1 EAST SH0P · 1 NN EADS' BLOCK. T:S::E . . HOUSE . J & ·IMPROVED HARN DE N RENOVATED Is worthy of attention~ Th . Lot 2·(') Concess1·on 2 eir Prices demand the at ten ti on of the eCQflQfillCa · l. TUES' FEBRUARY' 26 -,, Th · L ·b eir . er a 1 all d s traigh tforward Dealing is approved. They have th e N ewest an-d B est G oods procurable, Bought for- Cash. NEW DRY GOODS: DRESS GOODS, CAR -PETS, TWEE'OS. SU ITS T Q Q RD E R S AT I SF ACT I 0 N GU ARAN TE ED. -- I 1 :::cs_ __ _ R E Du0I c _r:;-. - - r ·' H 'E --p --R ---. . · 1 0Es - T GEQ MASON . ·- SALE TO BE,,IN AT 10 O'CLOCK. .OU R AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. A_UCTION SALE MEN'S, YouTHs JI AND Bovs· Ctore1NG,I VAlUA~lt f ARM PROPfRT~ _ FROM THIS DATE UNTIL THE EHD OF THE YEAR I g.~ifff~fo!?:~:J~{1~:1~r:~t~~:t~h:~g 'ELLISON & We mean business, and we never allow ourselves to be undersold. We are reducing the price o f every article stock. Parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. CO DICKSON'S CASE: :S:OUSE_ PIERCE & ROBERTSON, Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash. 0 FISH. CashlCashlCashl FRESH FISH. 0 Fresh Haddock Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow.. Cash forPotatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides . Sheep Skins. o.·.speckied.·.B~and1Young,Cawker&Co's 0 Fresh Sea Herrings ·. I I - Best, quality Of Groceries 0 Fresh Tommy Cod -Best quality of Meats, 0 Breakfast Smelts Try the Smelts for they Are Excellent. T. DARllNCl'ON.1 ~;;;;l:.Cawker Co.

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