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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1884, p. 5

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Pure maple Syrup at bfoClungs. \ McClung Bros' cheap half dollar ~tea.' Report of Progress Club supper next 1 Breakfast Bacon and Sugar cured Hams week. at Murdock Bros. · The best half dollar tea in town is at Last Friday being the fifteenth bil:tf1day Murdoch Bros'. of Miss Maud Mary Lavinia, daughtel' and 1 Miss Hanson left town on Monday to only child pf Mr. _a?d Mrs .. Thos. Blyt!rn, Makes the best cup of Coffee attend Demill College Oshawa. S .. s. No. 2, Da!lmgton, m the_evemng . . ' . . quite a large company of relatives and you ever tasted. Mis~ P. McNeil, of Cartwright, JS 1 intimate friends gaterecl at their residence -:-Sn perior to anything ·you attend mg Ottawa Normal Schb"ol. to celebrate the event. All present evinced Mr. J. Hickey and Miss Haynes, of tokens of enjoyment in sociable chat, JI ever tried. . Cobourg, wero in " town last week. I org:mic and vocal musfo, and many of the T. Darlington's Black Teas at ~Oc per IL. pla.yful pastimes customary on such occas.· -Less than common Coffee'.. · are the best v11lue in the market. 10ns. A bounteous repast wiis not the 1 · _ . All must aclmowledg~ that the STA.TES- len.~t interesting feature of the evening. -No· waste; no boiling MAN is the best printed paper in town. The National Anthem was the parting n sigtml, when the guests repaired to tlrnir ll required; no trouble; you , Seventy mches of snow have f a0tllehn respective homes. 1 can make just the qno.n · 1 eni11g of winter to Feb 1 Uy required whether lt bo hair cupful or ten i \. · ti i,;,-~iould · TheJanuarynumberof theMINNEH.AHAN gallons. - _· , . -' ssessora in 1~ 0 ~ 3 exe(i)·- is well filled with good liternture. 'rl1e 01se more care m gettmg t 1 · Editor, Prof. \Vrn. R . Dobbyn, is not only 1 ,a~'1l'11v -Try ,it a.nd if it does addresses of ratepayers. "<letei:~1ed to give a good mag1_1zine, .but U JI not give y;u ,:"~sfaction Persons who take a paper from the P. as fully resolved to push the circulation. . we will re un t e money O. or receive it regularly from a carrier Besides having over forty agents in tlrn Where it can be procured: are liable for payment for it. field, he now seeks to secure· every sub1'·.aoM About Go members of B(>wma.i1ville scriber to his magM.:ine as an agent, by · u·· Division S. of '.r. visited Osh:.i walastweek offering them half the money. The prico and-wer<n·oyally entertained. of the mag:i,zinc is $2_00 per year, and the · ~ Mr. Chas. A. Massey, Vice-President agent is to rebain half the subscription. ~ure. and Manager of the Massey Manufacturing Any one not a subscriber and desfrous of Company, Toronto, is dead. canvassing may do so by sending their $2 'l'his powder ncvP.r vari11a: A marv"l of for one year's subscription. Then they may purlly, strengt h a11d whol;ioome11ess. More · Mis! Pollard has returned from a four go to. work. Sai;i1ple <;:opies free to thoso economical t.J1an the ordin ..ry kinds and canbe sold in compel;itlon with tho mult.itude Town Ha.11 Block, - Bowmanville. months' visit to hPr, Mrs. Court- who m good faith wJSh to become sub- not of low test. short, woight. alum or phosphate .; "wright, in Pennsylvani 1, U. S. scribers and agentll. No one but :i sub- powders. Sold on~v ;,. can·. ltOl':AL Il.AION'G . Powmm Co., 106 W 1\11-st.. N. Y. - Go and see the combination tea and scriber is entitled to this opportunity. dinner sets at Murdoch Bros'. They are FARMERS .ATTENl'ION.-35 sets of CIU" HICK WOOLLEN MIT'l'EN LOST vti~-y pretty and the price is low. riage and waggon Barness to be sold by on Sundav 1 1\st. Finder will obllge by We shall be pleased to hear from su1>- priv'l.te sale at \Y. H. May's Harness Store, leavi1111 Wi1hout any exception whateverJ_he most it at this ofiicc. 7. within the next 30 days. Discount from scriben·s wanting changes in their addresses reliable and speedy Cough C-uie in· ~- ------- - - - - -- - - - this week. We- arc revising o.u r mailing seven to ten per cent for cash. A large OON ROBE LOS'.l'.:......On Friday, 1st - .the market is the-" ~ -qua11tity of Sleigh Bells at a very slight :.lists ":' inst.. a Coo~ Ho BE. 'fhe finder will oulig,i advance on cost. Don't fail to secure bylcavh1g it at JNO. Melli U R1'H Y'S Grocery We crave tho indulgence of our corrcsG ·3W. . Sttre. a pair of my Wool Stuffed Collars. Sorrna1 pondents. Your letters will appear next week, The .Editor has been away from thing new ancl·warranted safe. Cash paid for auy q uautity of Hides and Sheep A GENT WANTED -A g(1od .reliable . FltICE, 25 CENTS. home. ~ Skins. W. H. May, King Street, B01Y- .1:\.. .Agent wanted to sell the nuudaa Cord ,,-· Tlie letters of "Corn \Job" and "Citi~en" manville. llfrd~rs, Heopers, .Mowem a11d Hakes, man· ufilcturec i by the Gu1·11ey Manufacturing Co., · 8 l10T & JURY. ofLeskard have .gone mto our spacious The Milford Chronicle says: A young In tho townships of Cartwright and Manverd. waste basket. writers did not sign real Nmc but those who ca.n give a good rloal or lady from Mtiry lang is visitind in Cedar name. fitlcntion to S?lling n<·ed apP!Y· - 'l'o I-he right N eek and last Sunday night her young a very liberal comn11Re1on will ht" glvon. Geo. Kerr, 8th con. M'anvers has sold lady friends played her a practical joke. m~n A~ply by letter t.ow. SANDEitCOCK.Gcncral 6 3W* his 3yr-old "Prince Royal" for $2, 000 .One of the young ladies drcssecl herself, Jlowme.n\"i!IC. cash to go to Ceder Rapids, Ia. Good price in men's clothes and called on the visitor. for horse flesh. HUR,Qff FOR SALE. - That frame lt hall been pro"lri.ously arranged for the · Chm·ch und Sheds Jat.el:r ueed by ~he. no· The socfal in St. P .a ul's church on Wed- successful consummation of the joke, and Ex&rnc& or Geer, Skerry "\l'lne, -l~roto· h~both P. M. cOn>!re.gatlon on the N. . Sl\lt of Iron. ne~day night was attended with success. the unsuspecting victim was left to enter- c<11 ner of Lot 5, 2ud Unncessi<>n of llarhngt-011, This palatable preparation combines to re- A good literary and musical programme tain her young admirer, who grew quito 1'\e church ia iu good rc1.1air, being newly and painted. . was wdl received. earnest in his (her) conversation. The shingled .markable degree the CONDl'l"IONS 0.F SALE ;- Cash lllURt be paid beto10 the bulldinM: Is moved, and the purclock kept on registering the hours until Little Lizzie Dobson, daugl11;er of Mr. Nourishment of Beef, must Jenvc ~he fences in as good repair Geo. Dobson, ·celebrated her 11th birth- 12 o'clcck, when tho eavesdroppol'S "lot cba~er as they are at pre~nt. Tbe church and sheds - TilE·day last Saturday with a select company the cat out of t ·e bag." The young lady may be tendered for separately or Jointly, bu~ Stimu}ant of Wine, says it's real mean to serve n. girl so) and all tcnrlcrs must he sent in on or before Feb. of her little friends. -ANO 'l'[IE18th, lSM. Address BOX 131, How)IANVILLE, - Nearly two hundred barrels of Van- we don't blame her either. If we were TOlliC Properties of Iron. JOHN HOAR., } Trustees stone's family flour was used in town last courting a real nice girl, and'had all of our J, DYKE, Minister. RALPHDOWeON, : , Jt has Qlo Glll'lllJJlOJ UEliF FL"-TOJl so month, and gaYe general satisfaction. · tenderest feelings wrought up to the topG. modltled with a Rwl/!u Good Wine as to adapt Ask your grocer ior it. most notch our 3afety valve would carry, it to the most. delicate dil(estion. and then find our nice girl to be a man A Dakota subscriber writes: "We are we would be tearin'mad. Eachpintconlalnsthe soluble matter of TWO rtllJNJl!; OF Bl«Et' free from fat or boae. having uice weather! the thermometer TnousA.XDS SAY So. Mr. T. W . .Atkins, lt la an Unequal\c!l Re·torative in ~11 c~ses has been down as low as 4.4 below zero, or JmJ>a.ired Nutntion, Enfeebled D1geet1on, bµt A FIRST-CL.\SS FAU.l\'l FOR SALE Girad, Kan. , writes: " I never hesitate to we have very little snow". Povt>.i.·ty of the Blood, Weakness, Lanicuor. recommend your Electric Bitters to my -~ in the township of Clttrke, cont.aining 117 General Debility. Those wbo have suffered McClui1g Bros new cottons, new musacres, bolog parts of Lots 19 and 20 in 1,b e 6th :f1:om fevers and other wasting diseases ftnd it customers, they give entire satisfaction being t-he Estate of the late John lins, new cambrics, ·new edgings, new em- and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters Concession, l\fOST V ALUARX.E. Brown. .!farm in !<'OOd state of cultivation: Ph'ysiclane, in prescrlbinJ<", should specify broideries etc, have attmcted much atten- are the purest and best medicine known about S acres good standini:r Timber-hard I.TJIU.N'S in order to aeours for thoir patients tion and s4>ld readily. It is a fine stock. wpod ; gootl D1fok House; out·build Inga first· and will positively cure Kidney and Liver cla~s; two wells hard watf>l' ; two cisterns; the best article of the kind to be had. Mr. W. Sandercock, the wide-awake complaints. . Purify tl1e blood and regu- good orchal."ds- one hundred young trees set It only requires 'to b" once tasted to ensu_ re ita p~ferenco over.all imitations, . gene.ral agent for the .Gurney Manufactur- late the bowels. No family can afford to out laPt spring. , 1"1aled lt'>ndo>:B will be r;ocei.v:ed for the above ing Co., of Dundas, wants a live man to be without them. They - will save hun- up to the 5nr MARCH. prox. sell machines in Manvers,CartwrigM;East dreds of dollars in doctor's bills every 'l'ERMS o .F SALB :-S2.000 down ; balance to run on mortgage at six per cent. and West Whitby. See advt. year. sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. 1.'he highest or any tender not necessarily So I e Ag ants for Bowmanville. accepted. Address · Tlie p1·ominonce given by our town con- Higginbotham & Son. ). JAMF.S BROWN or EDMUND COBBLEDICJ{, temporaries last week to the auction sale 6-tw·. Orono. P.O. of the goods of an Oshawa bankrupt st6ck BIRTHS. must have raised them greatly in the estiIKEWISE will be Sold or Rcntecl VAN STONE-In Bowman ville. on the flth inst., ma~ion of our own merchants. the South part of the North half of Lot the wife of Mr. A. L. Vanstone or a son. No. 111, in the 6th Concession of Clarke, about The unnual juvenile missionary meeting BAIDEN- ln Bowmanville, on the ,10th Inst., 30 acres, adjoining the tarm formerly owned in connection with the B. C. church was the wife of Mr. Geo. Baidcn of a son. by John Brown. dE'ceased. Apply to G-iw·. IlICH.A.RD BHOWN. Orono. held on Tuesday night. There was an :Bow~ANVILLE, FRIDAY, FEDR'Y 15. attractive programme rendered. A social MAR RIED. tea-meeting preceded tho evening service. KETCIIEN- 0LlVER-t1t lhe Ma.nee. Aehbnrn. Last Saturday some mean contemptltte- by Rev. W. Roger, '"' lhe 12th Inst,, Alex, being distributed meat s~turated with )~~e~~b',;}i;~q.. Bi·ooklin, and Mrs, W. Oliver ENTLEMEN, if you h1we grease, Jr paint or dirt on your clothes I can clean dea.dly poison on Silver street, which was them and. make them look like new on9'il. . DIED. The Ottawa Free Press refers to our e~ectua.l i~1 des.troying a very valuab~e and L6di915· Ostrich feathere cleaned and dyed. highly pnzed nnported clog belongmg t Reeve as Mi·. Brewer. Sli"cond hand clothing t,a.ken In exchanii-e. All Mr. Thos. Percy. ;i:A"!'dES- Near Oshawa, on the 13th Instant. work warranted at PEA'l'E'S DYEING JIJSDundas pays fo.r 45 street lamps at the ·. . . · . .. . W11Jmm P ..lames. aged 23 years. 10 months. 'fABLISHM~~T,;, opposite Trelevon'& Shoe '" illmm P . James, tlnrd son of r. John "trother of M.A.James,publisherof the ST..t.TES· Store. Bowm~o, · Ull-tf rabe of $75 ber montli. ~!f;e funeral will take place from the family The commencement of Lent is twenty James, Os~a,ya, and ~rother of M. A. James of tins Journal, died on 'Wednesday, residence. Lot 7. Con.3, lCast\Vhitby,on Satur11 da.ys later than last year. and will b e buried in Bowmanville Cemo- day, 16th instant. Service will b~gin at the Spring ? It will be here pretty soon if tccy to-morrow afternoon with tho honors hon~" at, one o'clock. and th.e hearse will leave J at 1.30, sharp, for Bowmanv1llc Cemetery. ,, Od .1 F ll dry goods m erchants know anything. 1 of tie n ·e ows. -~ Oshawa Fa~mers Olub meets Satur-next ~ ~ There will be a fraternal exchange of day to discuss the "Export Tm<le and pul1)its on Suri day, Feb. 24th, by the Canada A LONG TIME.- Fifteen years of sufferMa~~~nd Dairying." Methodist, Bible Christian, Methodist ing from the torturas of Dyspepsia is in· As paying iar-~:.:;gency in the world. For 'VYLLrn, champion draught pfayer, will Episcopal, and Primitive Methodist minis- deed a long time. ·A Bums, blacksmith, full particnla~ ·a, ..e.addressM.C. TUNISON, be at Dayman' s Hotel, N eweastle, next ters in the town of Bowmanville and of Cobourg, was thus afflicted, but it only Jllnt· PnblJs , S88 Rfohmentl Street, J.ttl\f. 6. week. Particulars in small bills. . Tow11ship of Darlington. Full particulars r equired four bottles of Burdock Blood DON, ONTA_,to · . " Bitters to completely cure him. Mr. Blake's speech in reply to Si rChas. .will be given in next week's paper. Tupper on the C.P R bonds. is a. master· C1tnada was r epresented by Tory polipiece. See Weekly Globe tlus week. ticians as terribly injured by being made BOWMANVILLE MARKETS,. We received the catalogue for 1884 a slaughter market for American goods to the extent of $48,631,739 in 1878. But - - -<-oo- - of the Oakla . tud of Percheron horses Oorr·cted up to 1 o;cloek p.m. every Thursday i1nportedand bred by Mr. M. W. Dunham, how much worse must we have been in BY J. &D. McDOUGALL. 'Wayne, Ill. It contains much information 1883 when the value of American goods Flour, per 100 lb ·..... $2 75 . . to .. $3 00 slaughterecl in Canada w:is 56,032,333 ? to ho1·semen. Fa.11 Wh6at, per bush. · .. 0 95 .· to. · 1 00 D. J. Goggin, Esq., the efficient ancl Correspondents will please bear in SpringWhea.t, per bush. 1 00 .· to ·. 1 05 popular Head Master of the Qounty Model mind tlmt news is what we moat value. Rye, per bushel. . .. · .. . . 0 58 . . to. . 0 60 School, Port Hope, liaa resigned his posi- Jokes, when harmless, are all very well, Oats,per bushel. ····... 0 30 .. to .. 0 32 ARE NOW OPEN. tion to accept a more lucrative one in but are not understood by the general Peas,Blue.· , .......... 0 70 .. to .. 0 75 Stand formerly occupied by the rost om11e. Winn.i.JJeg. We feel sure his removal from reader, and though they may be almost " Blackeyes ....··.· 0 92 .. to ·. 0 92 JUNG STREET, tlti.s county will be deeply r egretted ·by all unintelligible to the editor, may contain ,, Small........... 0 70 ... to ... 0 72 :BC>""'7V.1V.I"A.1'TV'.XX..LI E. our teachers, for his services have been very offencive insinuations to the parties Barley, No. 1......... . 0 l>O .. to .. C 55 most invah:iable. 'Ve compliment Mr. concerned, and to those Iiviug in the No. 2·..··..·. 0 45 ... to ... 0 50 Goggin most warmly uponhis well deserved . neighborhood. The Gallery is fir&t-class in all its ap" N o. 3 ......... 0 00 ... to .. . 0 00 promotion, and w. i sh him unmeasured sucEarly on Tuesday morning the old frame BY JOHN McMU11<1'RY. pointments, and furni&hed in a comfort" cess in his new :field of labor. building next to the STA.TESMAN office able mauner. There will be no poor work SPECIAL SERMON oN T.v.MPElt.\NCE,- The occupied by·D. Davia, boots and shr>e~, 'Butter,, per lb. best table.. O 16. ·®· .0 18 alloJVed to leave the rooms, and these 1vho Rev. J. Dyke will preach a special sermon \V. Worfolk, hairdresser, and Lewis Lard,~ lb ·· ·········· ... O l !i. .@ .. O 14 favor me with a. call can rely on being in the P. M. church on Sabbath evening Quick; hardware, tinware and stoves, and Eggs, f'J9.i: .. ·· · · ··· · · · · .0 00 .. @ ·· 0 22 pleased . n ext. Subject- ' ' The Relation of the owned by Mr Quick, wa.s totally consumed Potatot>s, per bushel. . . · ... 0 55 .. @ ·· 0 60 ~=~ -- -~ --- --------------Church to the Liquor T:i:affic." This ser- by fire. Mr Davis' stock was partly saved, used for inst.sntenou· Photographs.process only will -- be~The m-0n will have spechl reference to the insured fo1· $800. Mr.Worfolk lost nearly N rro '.1loncrti9rmrnts. Come in and see me. action of the 'l'own Council in refusing tu all his 8hop and hom.ehold effectP, insured sqbmit the question. to the electors as to for $300. Mr. Quick's large stQck t otally ·-··-·······-··-··---·····-"······""·····..·--······-··---·-····""···--·---··-····· R.H. HENRY. ·1 ARCEL FOUND.- ln Bowmanville, whether liquor sha.ll be sold in grocery destroyed, insured for $ 1,100. The buila parcel containing sundry articles from ~ - stores or not. Go early and secure a · seat ding was.iusurell for $800. a saddlery, Apply to CHAS. COX. or at Mc· .CHRISTMAS and '1ear a lively discussion on thi-1 burn6-2w. A NIGHT IN .A. SNow HousE.- Quite an CLELLAN & CO't:l o.fflce. ing question. enjoyable evening was spent at the resiURE B LACK-EYES. - A quantity . About 110011 on Tuesday last while a dence of Mr. DaYid"Kilgour on Tuesd11y, ot good and clean Marrowfat Peas for aale. fast express was uearin~ Whitby station, when a number of friends met on his in - S. LE.A.CH, Lot 15,Con. 5.EastWhltby,Oshawa P. 0. 6·6w*. which did not stop there, Mr J. P . .Beal, vitation, to enjoy a few hours in a social I wish to call especial attention that Ir ·ynn ( a COUlmercial traveller, of Montrerl, and way. It being Mr. Kilgour's birthday, he EED PEAS.- For sale a oua.ntity of want to buy a. first-olaes Orii:an made by IMI e I well known to many in Bowmanville, j Jm- took advantage of the abundance of snow, Marrowfa.t Peas. warranted pure and rree ot the beet Manufaoturies in the World, ped from the train and recei\red fatal in- and of the prevailing cold weather, and from noxious seeds. J 0 H N VANNES'l', CAI.L AND !IEE MY ()ffRlilTX.U SToea, ~·4W*. juries. Some of the officials seeing him had erected in h is garden a splendid snow SOLINA. i haTe j uet ordered and will h&vo ha a fe"' days,some first class Royal A SewingM:aellinec. jump, stopped the train, and furnished house, capable of acco1m11odating twenty ONEY TO LOAN .- A few thousand a Machine that stands A 1 with the verr, bed Fullman beddi1~g, etc. , for his conveyance persons, where supper was served , which dollars, private funds, to loan on flrst- .American or Canadian Sewing Maolt 1'108,toWhitby, to hjs.sister, Mrs. J. H. Way's reflected credit on the h ost and hostess. class farm security, at the lowest current rates. Whlle I nothing to say against any Jll'llt· F or particulars apply to H. BEITH. Bowman- claes make or Organs or Sewin,,. M:achillllll. I residence. ~ly lived a few During the evening Mr. Ed. Burfoot, in ville, or R.R. LOSCOMBE, wish the public to please take netlce I do Barrister, 3-tf. sell onl3· Goods, euch a. I oan s11&rafter the accident. He had been on the a n eat speech, ancl in the name of those a11tee to give satisfaction. road seventeen year>. He was a brother assembled, presented Mr. Kilgour with ULL FOR SALE.- A very nice N. B.- I still.aell the world-renowned Walt· Young Durham Bnll, registered in tho ham tO Mrs. C. Lyle, of this town. Wa.tch,-and don't forget onr General a game bag :md a beautiful photo album, New Herd .Book; name- ' Roa.ring Lton.' Dam where we keep a complete a.seortment of , To cure consumption, ulceration in the to which the recipient r esponded , thank- J, adyEdith formerly the property or J.Dryden, Store and Groceries cheap fm: O&eh. Dry Goods got by · lJanadian Framew.ork.' whose lungs must be stopped, the matter mu11li ing the donors for tl~eir good wishes and Esq., The Bell Organs sold by J.P. RICE, Bow· sire was imported by J . I. Davidson, Esq., · be thrown off, the membranes and tissues, beautiful gift. The time was.spent n.gree- PickP.ring. .A. two-year-old Bull may be had if manville, and h ealed and the syst em invigorated.Downs' ably in s01ig and sentiment, and the nov- preferred instead. P rico and particulars on E. ill. DOL"EY, .\ Iloselanrlv11.le application to WM. WEIUtY, Elixir will do all this. Try it. Every elty of a supper iu a snow house was ::!tock Faxm, Solina. P.O. Tya.·one.j 7tf. b:rought to a close at a seasonable hour. bottle warranted.jj . r- L -YJY-[..A..N'"'S COFFEE Its OSt G I I ~t... HOUSE Has Removed IN NE ADS' BLOCK, , _, ualI'tv Its0 · (TWO DOORS WEST FROM OLD STAND,) Iness ItSU Sfu . Its Rell -.· -J ·RV,· STOTT THE RELIABLE DRUCCISTS, ll4K1ffG where we can do business as usuaJ . Our stock is complete for the trade. Very Cheap for Cash to meet the dull times. .POWDER 1 Absolutely CLOT:H:ING Important Nof ce. T JOSm JEFFREY. -THE GENUINE- ·up I EXCELSIOR C 0UGH SYR C Cross Cut Saws. Lance T00th saws ' Champion Saws, Lightning Saws, Butting Saws.. The largest assortment ever shown in Bowmanville, · including the cf:\le brated r LYMAN'S WINE OF BEEF AND IRON. C Diamond·Saws, Farm for Sale by Tender. CHOPPING AXES, American Wetmore Axes. Simpson Axes. " Canadian Western Axes. Orient Axes. " Crescent Axes. " Crown Axes. " Lumberman's Pride Axes. " "Nick of the Woods" Axes. " And a full stock of all choppers and Lum bermen's requisites. SEE THE GOODS. STOTT & JURY, L LEE & ED ALL, Bowmanvill.e, January 10, 1884. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. Dyeing but not Dead. Local and Otherwise. G BARGAINS FOR ALLI FURSIFURS! WANlt D-ATUN~S~N~S ew Superior Canada Charts, puring the X~as holidays I will offer my fine and well assorted stock, consisting of .PBOTOG RAPHY. Mink Muffs, Boas & Caps, S.S. Seal Muffs, Boas & Caps, Persian Lamb Muffs, Boas & Caps, · HENRY'S Astrachan Muffs, Boas and Caps, New Photo Booms AT "WHOLESALE PRICES. -.ALSO- Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. Gent's Coon Coats. Gent's Dog Coats. BUFFALO, Black, -Gray and White Jap ROBES. / =. . . At the LOWEST CASH PRICES. P M. MAYER, Furrier. ...·T:El. y .... P Organs and Sewing Mach~es. S l M MUIRIDIDICIHI 8RIDIS'.I B TEAS

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