· ::M: · o '7 E D- -:-.:--:-:.- BOWMANYILJ,E, FRIDAY, APHIL - ·-.-.. .-. ··-·-..:-::-:.: -::-· 25. .2 DOORS WEST, NEADS' 'BLOCK Where our friende and customers will find eve~·ything --as usual in-·- · CORRESPONDENCE. ORONO. ·were the following : Dr. Tucker, Mrs. '.l.'ucker, of Orono,· Mr. and Mrs. Charles l McPherson, Miss Nellie McPheJ·son,Master Frank McPherson, Orillia, Mr. Sam'! Staples and daughter, Miss Minnie Staples, London, Hev. Mr. Simpson and wife, Mr. Geo. Davey, Whitby, anrl Miss McPlrnrMADE TO ORDEU FHOM THE son, Orono. '.l'he bride was nttire1l in sapphire satin. The bridesmaids were Miss Minnie Staples and Miss Nellie McPherson, aud the groomsmen Mr. T. L. Staples ancl Mr. R G. Diwcy. After the ceremony the com1mny partook of a ' )' J :t'f> . ·. · ·~·I J;'(l · . · · ·. · ' ' · '· , .. ' ' '\ · ) · ·~ .... ~ w lBBrrJJ · ·· ·. · · · ··· . . . . ,, "!· . . . .. .. . sumptuous dinner when the bride w:ts made the recipient of the following gifts : Set of jewlery brooch and earrings, gold set with euwmkls, preserited by Mr.Chas. McPherson ; beautiful silver cake basket, presented by Messrs. Staples :md D:wel' ; silver pickle stand, Miss Milmie Staples ; THE LATE.ST PATTERNS. silver butter cooler, Mrs. McPherson ; silver cruet, Miss McPherson; toilet set, Mrs, McPherson, senr. : set of hand-made cushions and beautiful lamp, N ellie McPherson ; pair lovely vases, Miss Stalker ; complete set silver knives, spoons, forks, Mrs. 'l.~ucker; set heavy gold bracelets, A. A. Tucker. After ·tea the happy couple accompanied by their friends were escort1iIAVE OPENEb AT. ALIQUIS. ed to the station. Miss Florence Reid, a former teacher of ' ' our school, now attending the Model School,Toronto, has been spending Easter with her parents here. · ' ' . . We hear it rumored that G. FL Carveth, . rand-new Stock ,of Fancy· Goods, Books and· of B . A., M .'D., sonofhisfathcr,theNeeve .'A B Clarke, having just completed his ,Stationery, Wall Papers, F.in:e ·Art Goods, Baby medical course is about to hang out. 11is . ' A ND ' BOY' s GE NTS · · }'ASHIONAllLE WEDDINO. Mr. A. A. Tucker, and Miss Vioht Staples, both of t11is vilhge, celebrated their nuptials on the 15th inst. Assembl- ·~~riir:~~b;s H,~~~ ~~rx~n~~~~p~:~i.~~'(:i~~ CLOTHI·N G lS3 ~ ~ ~l @ ~ ~ T@ «l ~o \, . l l£ & £DSA'l l 'S DIETZ ' Is it true that the Young People's Prayer Meeting is being neglected 1 The Messrs. Brown are building a wire .J enee from Kirby south. . No more snow shovelling Sever~! residents of K irby and vicinity have lmcn out to he11.r the Salvation A. r my. One gentleman was deeply and visibly :i.ffccted. F01' the benefit of those wl10 wish to know where Orono is, I would remark tlmt it is a little hamlet about three miles south of Kirby. · Clover is not ·at all winter killed. There is very little roll wheat sown her o. Seeding is progressing. Hoacls are good. . · .Mr. R. .Ruddock will build i t large barn on the farm occupied hy Mr. ii. P. 'Linton this summer. On dit that a young gent from Leska.rd vicinity will settle with his spouse. in tl1e frame house on the hillock . A eow belonging to Uncle Sa.m. Dillings fell over. a bank and br oke her neck the other day. Mr. W. Clemence has got a beautiful ·carriages, Violins, Genuine Oil .Paintings, . (25 cts. sh~~!01l1~t°~:r~:J~f spring flowers were new Dominion Orga.u. · each) Jewelry, etc.,, etc. opened out on Wednesday by our enterMr. ltuse has a large m usic .class in this prising druggist , Mr. C. B. · B orland. vicinity. Scoc;T. ~A.LL ~ They are veny fine and reflect credit unon ~ ~ the grower, Mr. Mitchell, of Port I-Ior;e, ENTERPRISE. For Sale and Subscriptions ta.ken for ·a ll Newspapers & Magazines. Mr. R. Ferguson has erected a new and commodious pump factory on Church St., Business dull. Roads are drytsg up. in rear of his residence, and has mn,ny Sprmg work has commenced. orders ahead. · Mr. A. Wright is building an addition In ·s tock ; also Bibles, Hynm Books, Envelopes, P~ncils, Pens, Inks. Mr . · T. Cuttle has removed his printing to hie house, and Mr. Grifliu is intendiuu Fine '.Assortment of Toys, Dolls, Vases, Fancy Baskets; office to Chester's old stand, ono door t o build an addition to his also. . · " · · · also ' Confectionery. south of D. A. Gamsby's store. "Vo ~ VIOLIN STRINGS a Specialty. ~~ C. Kelly, who has been visitincr Mrs. understand that C. E. Cuttle, the former in this vicinity, returned homa o~ business manager of the firm, intends re- friends moving to the Queen City, to enter busi- 8aturday. We miss her. On Thursday of last week a load con· ness as a groce1· and produce dealer. Sucsisting of Mr. W. J:t. Allin and fam\lv and cess, Charlie. At Grai1ds' sale in Toronto this week, Mr. b. J. Thornton and family, ·Mr~. CONTINUED AS USU Mr . H. Davis, of Clarke, got 1st prize Kelley and Miss Hughes went to Pouty· ($20) for best carriage horse. Where pool to s ee t he steam shovel at work. l t abouts do Jimmy and Dick come in with is a l'lranrl &ight indeed. their bloods 1 Mr. B. Gre1111wood's· ~ow strayed into Mr. J. T. Raco,· an experienced man, the hay loft and undertook to faed the has leased the Orono Cheese factory for a horses, but unfortunately fell through ·PICTURES ENLARGED. into the horse stable and slightly injured. term of years. Mr. J. Allin ha~ a beo for cutting stove Mr. Geo. L. F etgusot1 has· bough t the grocery business formerly C.'l.rl'ied on by wood on the 10th inst. We cordially invite the public to call und see us. his brother Thomas, and ri:ts got in :·good D. MORRISON. stock of new goods. H. C. TAIT. ;.;1 KENDALL. Seventeen horsemen hove eng:tged staJls On the ·14th inst, Mr. '!'hos. Patton Jr. at Coulter's hotel for Fair Day,- Saturday to Miss A. J. Cathcart, daughter of the - CALL A T next. We expect a big fair. late Wm. Ctithcart. All of Clarke. Messrs. E. 'l'aylor & Son luwe been doTho Methodist Sabh:ith School opened ing calcimining for some of our leading on Sunday 13th inst. and the Presbyterian citizens. 'l.'hey give good satisfaction. School on the 20th. A large attendance is requested. Mr. Wm. 13anks is the happy father of RISING HOPE. a bouncing baby boy. Mr. Editor, as we consider your paper the best family paper in West Durham we ::;~rs. Frances Stanton, mother of. Thos. · hopa you will put this in the advertfs. Stam ton, Esq., merchant died on the -AND EXAMINE THEHith inst and was buried at Elliott's cemment column and mention no names. The people ure now preparing to start etary on t11e 18th inst. Sacrament will be served in the Prestheir spring's work. . byterian chm·ch next Sunday. Mr. Benson Gifford is slowly recovering . ~\n;ir P.erson 0 1: persons ~ound t resr-assfrom t.he severe hurt he received last fall. mg ptckrng herr;es or fishmg on my proMr. Thomas Bradley is getting his buggy rel'ty, lot 14, con. 7, Clarke will be proprepared for another drive. We wish him secuted according to law.-S. ALEXANDER. success. - ~~N!81' RN!, ID· · N ·~ , · 1 in great variety, all new and choice. ..LADIES' U LS TE R GOODS, IURBY. We hope nothing will;occur to "Marr" the happiness and j oy iu t he stone house. It is :1 girl. With " Enterprise·" to the nort h of us and ente1·prise ii:i our midst we must pmsper. Messrs. James Bl'Own and H. P . I.Jinton h;we been busy drawing stone for the erection of uew cattle stables. These gentlemen not only h>tve "eyes to business" but they· keep them open. · The field mouse is 110 respecter of per sons or places, he hns completely spoiled several of the beautiful trees in t he schoolya1:d. Post Oflice business increasing under the ,management of the present popular P. l\'L A batch of four emigrants arrived here England last Sat urday, having come from _ per Steanior Oirca.:1wiwn. As they are men who ·seem to .really wish for work, they find no troublc in getting places. rr hese are uot the men whom Government may fear t o bring out by assisted passages. Does a M~tsoni c goat require much exercise and feed 1 One not far from here some times keeps its uttendants till a late hour. NEW GOODS I S. Mason 4-·Son. JUST ARRIVED. Ne:V . Dress Goods in Black and ·Colored, Cashmeres, Fancy Plaids, etc., New Tapestry Carpets-11.:lw designs, handsome patterns and very cheap, New Prints, C1·etonnes, Shirtings, New Cottons, Lace Curtains, Edgings, etc., New Embroideries, Laces, etc., New Pa8samentire Trimmin gs direct from Paris New Counterpains-whiteand ·colored, New Cloths & Tweeds. T...A.ILORIN"'G_ ' (SUITS TO oRoE[(FIRST·CLAss CurrER;) ' FITS GUARANTEED. ~N. B.-Another lot of our Noted Col'd Cashmeres .to hand. J_. JEFFREY_ TAIT .& MORRISON ~ Grocers' Due Bills taken' same as Cash. S. MASON· & SON. CHEAPSlDE BAZAAR TORON:TO PAPERS ~ALL SCHQO.L REQUISITES ~ Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash fbr Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash forPotatoes. Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & ; Sheep Skins. Cash fo1· all kinds of Farm Produce at . Young,Cawker&Co's. Yo UNG C AWKER & Cb's· is the place to do business, they keep -in stock the very- Best quality of Groceries · that can be bought, t he Best quality of Meats, Fresh and Cured, always in stock. Their.Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality; they keep Barrel Salt· American and Carbon Safety Coal Oil. Try their Empi re Horse Cattle Food, t h e b_est manufactured, recomm~nded highly by the Guelph Model Farm ; then· stoc~ of Gla~sware an~....Crockery is Complete.- They do not make any specialty of one article, hut as there is considei·able talk abou~ Cheap 'l'~as, the place to buy the Cheap Tea is at Young, Cawker & Co_s, they buy altogether for cash which eQabltis U1em to sell cheap. Give them a call. Photograph Gallery AL. and 'First' Class Photos at Lowest Living Prices. PICTURE FRAMlNG do!_le well and che· ap. C. M. CAVVKE R. ~-- 1884_ -.... NEW DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. Wo have opened an immen se stock ~f Dry Goods and Clothing, A grand va,ri.ety ·of - New Prints, New Dress Goods, New Tweeds. Our p »ices will be r ight this season, in fact we will offer Extra-· ordinary Bargp.ins in every Department. -stock ofAn immense BDY'S, YlOUTHS A'.ND ME1 N'8 SUITS, Tailoring done in best style. Nobby all Wool Tweed Suits to order, $12.50. :(TUBULAR HOT ·BLAST) ' . < ' . O IL . STOVE. . . , ' W-m · .McMurlry Begs to ~nnounce t.o hi:J many . friends and . patrons in the Town and . Vicinity that, not being able to dispose of his Dry Goods Business satisfactorily, he intends continuing it himself. He has . renewed :his stock in all lines, which is now very complete and everythirlO' is ,marked aw(l.y down to suit the hard times. Read, learn and tak; in the following: He i s selling Dress Goods for ................ $ 20 worth $ 25 Prints ... .... ..... ... ........ .'. . . . 10 " 12 ~ 2 :Buttoned Kid Gloves... . . . . . . . 45 " 70 .4 " " .. .. . . . . . . 50 " 75 ·4 Clasp Kid Gloves-Dents. . . . . . 1.00 " L25 :Factory Cotton . ...... : ................ 5c. per yard, Steam Loom, soft finish, 36 in. wide .. lOc. ". - He has also a fulf line in- .GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHS and TVVEEDS, a ll of which are marked very low. !QTif you want ch~ap Dry Goods ca.11 at the West End House. There is where you get them and don't you forget it. WM. lVlclVIURTRY, 13. · West End House. R A. R E VA I.A UE. NEWTONVILLE. Most of the farmers in this section have Miss Isabella Miller has gone west to begun t heir spring sowing. Several put visit among her friends . We wish her a in the first for this season !&st week. Mr. Wm. O'Hara has sold his property pleasant time. Mr. William Griffin's misses has recov- in this village to Mr, Henderson for We never allow any competitor to undersell us ered from her illness. They have moved $1,000. Mr. Simon Porteous intends 11hortly to. from the house r ecently occupiell by the We mean business this season.i"late 11'.Cr. 'l.'hompson to the vacant house remove to Bethany. He has been le11der of the brass band here for yeari and will of Mr. John Gifford. t , Brooks, .Tr., is goin<> to be much mi8sed. Mr. Rooer. Miss Farrow, daughter of Mr. Farrow, build a new brick 110use this sununer~We' sup1Jose he is going to tal{e to himself t he M.P., is visiting friends here. pretty one in the fall. Mr. Chas. E. Stacey, formerly teacher · Mr. Thomas Brisbin has rented the near Morrish, but who has been attendina THE GREAT ~ALE OF THOSE Widow Delahey's farm. She is very ill at ·Trinity School of Medicine during th; past session, paid a. short visit to some present, we hope she will soon recover. ~i:Los. The little butcher of Darlington we hear triends here. says that if the New Park correspon1ent ~~-AT THE~-~ has not business enough of his own he OSHAWA will lend him a hand for a few minutes. Messrs. R. J. Mackie a11d L. G. Drew IRISH GIRi.. have gone to England for Hereford cattle'. Mr. T. Guy sold an Ayi·shire ·cow and L'ESKARD. calf lately for $400 to go to U. S. IS SOIYIE'.l'Hll'fG, ENOR1 , IOUS. Mr. A. Barber, Bowmanville, preached The Masson works will turn out 1 200 sulky rakes this . " ear. ' Tl · F here last Sunday morning. " ieir ancy Furnishing Goods such as Ladies' and Gents' Collars Ties During the past week another little . The good ~ork of.the Salvation Army N k h ' ec ere iefs and Handkerchiefs are the most novel of any 0 stranger visite d onr villaQe and becallle m Oshawa still con tmucs, the hall bein" the guest of Mr. John Simpson. ·packed with people every ilight. good s seen in that line before. · It is rumored that a detachment of the Mr. 'V. I-I. Gonil~, of 'l.'aunton, sold 37 , . . . . Bowmanville S11.lvation Army will besieae dozen eggs on Saturdity in Oshawa, which ' Gentlemen s Sh1rts m t he Fmest Cambric and French Persale from 75e Orono this week. Should our neighbo';..- were al~ laid within two weeks, being the upwards · B races from lOc. upwards· Rubber C t · · dl · t ing village bo so favored, there will doubt- prctduct of 50 hens. . ' ' oa s ID en ess vane y less be a large attendance from this vil'l'he Stelvatioi1 An.my attracts so many m ou~ Hats, Caps and Turbans we have all the .leading styles; in our lage, as · many of the resiaents have people from a church. h ere that the min- Cl othmg Department we have the finest Scotch and EncrJish Vvorsteds expressed· a strong desire to attend t he istcrdenouncesthem munmeasuredterins. f S ·t· _ d C t" W . ,e meetings of the Army. Put more life into your own service, dear or U1 mg an oa mg. e can g i ve you an E legant On Sunday last Mrs. McKnight, moth· Pastor. Get a drum. and tambourines to dr of Mr. John McKnight, of this place charm your people . ' ---·+"Wllt4A-~---passed awa.y, aged 77 years. · All traces of the past severe wintor havo Health is a ·d uty, Disease a crime. Use disappeared from this vicinity, and liter- Dr. Remy Baxter's Mandrake Bitters Overalls, Summer Pants and Jackets for the ally speaking, the farmers seem determin- and be cured of all biliousness or liver farmers, in endless variety. ed not to let the grass grow under their trouble. 25 cents will buy a large bottle. CoME TO BREAKFAST. - J usr AmuVEn feet, for plowing' is proceeding briakly, and several fields have already been sown. AT MURDOCH Biws. - 1 Tierce Pluntation Mr. Aaron Robbins is abon.t to build a Ceylon Coffee; 5 Bitgs Moclrn; 5 Bags commodious barn. The oontract has lileen Java ; 5 Rigs Manacaba. 'B" Coffee taken by Mr. Lawson. roasted and ground every day. Mr. Courtice is building an addition to Men's felt huts in all the newest styles Bowmanville, March 20, 1884. his house. MICAWBBR. at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. 12. Mrs. R. Brooks und her eldest daughter have gone west tu visit among t heir friends. ELLISO N & 00. STYLISH SPRING GOODS FA!! FAMED ECLIPSE HOUSE SUI J[cur ttY THE BEST CUTTER IN TOWN] FOR $8. Call at the Eclipse House for bargains. ~- :S:. IVES.