MONEY. {The Highest Price in Cash for EGGS at QUICK & WRIGHT'S~ · ' \ . Success9r~.:.:to,:. ;!Y.[qClung~)~,tO.~·J I"· . ·- MONEY ~· ~ · ·' Rev .·J. Dvke and Mt. T. Hoar at.ten· ded the :bisti·ict nweting of the P. M. church in Toronto on Tne.-d ·y. ~11 M~a~nes Rev. J. Dyke will preach a Special yP' sale by them. ~ Sermon next Sabbath evening in the P. M . ' ' .... . ........,...._,.._.-....,.....,,....,.,.. ... . . ......,,-.....,-..._,,..__................. . church, subject- " Full Salvation;" · · The UnitedGenenil Toronto Conference BowMANYILLE, FRIDAY, MAY 16. of the Methodist church meets' in the FARMERS, :wel~ ~xamine Elm-Street church, Toronto, June 19th. Complimentary Concert. The conference Qf the P. M. church The Bowrurnville Orcliestral Union, as- meets in Brampton, May 27th. Mr. 'r. sisted hy local t.'l:lent wpl giye a cornpli- Hoai· is a delegafte from .BowmanCviJl.,. I n1tmtary concert to Mrs. F. Sc<uff in the . He is a member 0 t 1 le Stationing ommittee. tb '.J.\)wn Hall, on . Wccln!Jl'\day,i._l\1ay . 21st. The Ga1'ad· Presbyte...;a1· tl11·s weel' co11Durham Teachers Convention will meet inst. Admission, 35 cenb'. lYlrs. Scarff, ' ~ " ' ~ · Po t H J 13tl1 14tl1 taim a red hot communication corrd·e mn- m c· · rd ope d · ·u ne l Ii 1 d · l To Bmp'ire ·Horse at~d Cattle Food ' Oo., has rewlered valuable assi1 stanc~ at· several l -· · . · " the Salvat1"on A 1·n1y. Men sl1oulcl S or wooCl! is c e vere at · Os iawa " concerts, cIiurcIl and society musical en- i"11. 12.' t i · 1 · t tl · ba very civ·efttl what they say about any tation at ' 1 !' 5 25, uot $4.25 as stated. · Tqwn Ha.11 Bu~dings, Bo;wm~nville. "M-itchell. "· · · '· t ert ammen· s, anc we. 10pe o see us concert woll imtronizecl by ou:t citizens gen- meam of grace. Tlie Inst Bible Christian Conference GENTLBMEN,-I have been uaing :f.'lUr erally. Tho progrf\m is not complete as · The annual missionary meeting 'tmCler will f>egin in Bowman ville June 4Lh. · food for some tin1e, ·'and ' can recommend we go to press; but we can gu11rantee a . the auspices of the young people 0£ the C. Oi1 Monday last Mr R. H. Turner sold .13.ounsall is M. church will be held in the Metho'cTist · eight carpets, and still there is a big asit to·everybrldy. For calvea, it beats any· first·<;la$S concert. .. M~'. E.~R.. conductor, and Mes~rsfllogers, McKeown, church of this. town next Monday c,v ening, sort~ent. l;o select from. thing I ·aver tried, .......they will do· equally Meath, and '.M.orrisdn, art:i ·the managing the 19th inst. An interesting programme For Coughs and Colds, use Allen's as well on it and akim · milk1 as on· new com'rnit.tee. Programmes will be out on will be rendered ; among tl\'Jse expected Lu~g Balsam. Relief ia warranted or Saturday· to take pa1t are Rev. Messrs. Bartlett and morfay refunded. See advt milk without,it. I tested it on milkmri Ferrier. Everybody welcome. Collec· \~ool wanted at Hainpton Woollen gives as .good value in BOOTS and SHOES tions fur missions. oows and find . it not only incroa11e11 Jers13y Cattle Notes. Mills . Clotl1, blankets, flannels, yarn, for Uash as can be obtained at any other At the 'of!icial meeting of the Methodist etc.. for sale or exchange. R. Taylor· & Co. , store in town. the quantity of milk, but gives th'e butter The thoro-brecl J ersey bull "Pansy church in this town, held on the 6th inst., A new organ from Bowman ville factory a richer color. For horses and colt~ it Pedro"the joint pi·operly of Messrs . Port- a resolution was passed r equesting the has been put in the PresbyteriaJ church, firsit . year's business lrns been a p 1·onounced success. cannot be beaten by anything in the er, Rice and Jeffery, is only 10 months approaching conf\lrence to por~t the Rev. Bethany, and gives the b~st of satisfaction. . ' old. ::lfre, "Pedro · Thornton"; his . E . R. Young to remain on this sb<ition for \Vednesday Glolic says a Bowmanville J.M. JQNESS. market. sire "Pedros" sold for $10,000. Dam· of the comiiig year. 'J'he church is in a sales so far this year ar.e away ahe11rd "Pansy Pedro"- Nettie Powell- gave 3 flourishing condition, the membership and man named McKenzie very foolishly gave . . of those of conetlpondrng months of finances both being in advance of previous $50 to a confidence man on a G. T. R. lbs of butter from 18 lbs milk. , . :. · · year. · years. A. Younie, Esq., was elected as train on Tuesday n ear Osh.. '1.wa. ·who is . At Kellog~ 's soring s.ale of .Jersey cat'lay delegate to the important district he 1 tle held in New York on May 7th to the 11as Spi:ing Goods on hand in great variety. Read .J. Higginbotham & Son's new 10th. tit which four hundred animals were meetin!!s which meet in Whitey. · The busmess qtmrterly meeting of tlie advt this week. They keep a fine stock: of disposed of, ten head contributed. by Mr. This food contains nothing injuriom1 and Yalencey E. Fuller, of Hamilton, includ- P. M. church, this town, was held last everything in their line and can be ·relied will ·continue to sell at very low prices ing calves, rea1ized $24,000. Five head week. The reports on finances and mem- on every time. Just now when ever)~ody · ' ' for Cash. , ·'· l!I. ci. W:ith .Piar:y~lons suocea8 .to; all brought the highest average ever made by hers showed a h ealthy fICrease a1id steady has a cold t.ry )Binges Cough Syrup. Rev. W. H. Butt denies through the promptly attends to all work and any Jersey breeder in an ituction sale,a.n d growth.o'f the chµrch. The greatest har; ·· " breedii:ig stock· .., ..... in consequence Mr'. Fulle1· takes to Cana· mony prevails among the members and Observe1· the report that the remains of the sees that it is properly executed. da the champion cup awarded to the breed- 'officers and many r egr·ets are expressed late Cephas Barker have been taken to has· continually a va ried assortment of er who obtains the ln.rgest averago on that the term of the Past-0r- the Hev. ·,J. Engh:ind. 'l'hey were exhumed and placed Dyke has so nearly terminated. Mr. 1 in a metallic coffin and re-interred in the Trunk:;, Valises atid Travelling Bags. his consignment. · Mr. Jphn P. Rice, Bowmanville, has ;I'homas Hoar, and Mr. Jolui N. Kivell, same grave. says three Jersey cows, all two years old. were elected as lay delegates to j;he Disti'ict ' Star House specialties : 21 'yakds lJeavy Meeting which met Htis we~k . ~11 .:the Factory for $1 ; 15 xards heavy Factory "Martha" is a re,a l little beauty with a The Reliable Druggists, · 3U inches wide for $1 ; Cretonne only 12t head J.ike a dee'r. She is pure bred. Queen Street church, loronto. ;\ ; ' I, · ! AND BEE. The last quartedy official meeting of the cents; 50c Kid Gloves for 25c ; Hoop are Sole Agents for Bo,;manville and "Daisy" he bought fr··m Mr. Carroll, St. Methodist Ohurch of Canada, Darlington Skirts for 25c ; Corsets 'l'hompsons make BOW MANVILLE. KING SlREET, Catharines; she is half Dinham and half '. · vicinity. O'all at their Jersey and is giving now 7 to 8 lbs of but· 'Circuit, \Vas held in Hampton on Saturday, for 35c ·; the best Marble Oilcloth either ;esolutions blue o'r black vein for 40c·per yard. t er a week. She is a handsome cow. "Le May 3rd, when the following 1 Cash for eggs at Murdoch ;Bros. OUSE TO RENT.- PosAession can Noir" is a brown black, seven-eights pure, were passed unanili1ously by the board :Reports come fro~n three or four differbe given at once. Apply to F. MASON. 20 lbs. raisins for $ 1 at Murdoch Broe. o f t he Pro~ince withi1i the is in· C<}lf to Litchfi'eld whose sire wa:i " Re1wlvec1, That we the members of the e'n t sections · Sl!e ' Good steak, at W. R. R. Cawker's, for " · :and see Testimonials from all the leading the Centenni~ l prize bull. Litchfield's ~flicial board of the C. ~· Church,. Dn,r- past week, to the effect that farmers have dam's 'sist er made 21lbs, 4oz. butter in 7 lmgton. cu·cmt, take , Uus opport~mty of been victimized by agents for lrny forks. 11 cts. per lb. · . breeders in ~he we11t. .Th& days. "Le. Noir" lrns four crosses of the expre~srng our esteen: for our present .It is the old story over again of signing Farmers, buy your Seeds· .at · Murdoch : ' · -. famous St Lambert strain. supermtendent, Rev. W. R. Bnrker, who agreements that turned out to be notes. Bros. THE INTERMEDIATE AND THIRD CLA8S Non-professional Examlnat.ton Mr. W. M Horsey has a handsome has by his exemplarx,christian deportment, ' ~een , M urdoch Bros., pay cash for Eggs and begins at Bowman ville High 8chool JU-LY 7th, thoro·bred J ersey heifer <incl a very nice courteousness, Jidelity, discretion and ear- . Tho Sun~ of Tem1)emnce, of. L eskarcl, ("lont you forcret it ttt ·9 a, m. 'fhe Second Class E:.:aml·natio· n est and eloquent exposition of ·the Divine mtencl holdmg a tea and ~ntcrtamment on 1 1 "" ,· . . . ·b~gina J ULY 9th, at 11:05 a. m. Candidat.,B ' l. ' · high grade cow. He claims that for dairy Word endeared himse!'f to 1iis members the afternoon and evemng of Saturday, · "C. M . Cawker ' ' ' making" this: ~d mo ' ·not onltli'L y e .,es. s due b1ll1i will be taken should notiry the Connty Inspector or tile un· purposes the Jersey is 1 he ne plus idtrai , , , 1~ ~ ,· I as caih itt t he dry goods stores derslgned by J UN'E 1at. · J ersey butter is superior in · qnality a.nd 1111d iained the coiifidence of · the entire May 24th. Tea to commence :tt 4:::l0p. m. . · W. W. 1'AMT!LYN, M.A., -but theFresh supply of th'ose cheap · Raisins Bowmanvllle, May 15, 1885. Principal. commands a price about one-third higher . community. We i'egret exceedingly that ~ft~r tea :m ~xcellent. p1:ogram1~1e, conthan ordi nary butter. From 18 to 19 lbs the rules of our church render his removal s1stmg of readmgs, rec1tu.L1011s, dialogues, 20lbs for 1. 00 at M ur <loch Bros. of Jersey milk , will pro(luc.e a pound of ·imperative, and \v~ pray thai lie niay long v?cal ~nd instrumental mus~~? will be For great bargains in all kinds of t in- Eg2"s for Hatching from first class Brown and White Leghorns. butter, while it takes from 28 to 33 lbs of be spared to his labors as 'tt herald given m the school house. . I1ckets, for ware go to Manning & N o:i. worth.ys. orclin~ry · ·.ui!k. for a · pound bf butter; of the cross.'" Mr. B~rker made a touch- tea and entertainn1ent, 25 cent,s ; children, 'rry the celebrated Climax Horee and their mild and docile disposition make ing aud appropriat e rep,l y · in which he · 15cents ; en.tcrta.inn:iont aloue. 15 c·en~s. Cattle food for sole nt Mnrdoch Bros. r11HES E FOWLS HAYE TAKEN ..I.. th P Jii"ht\·<r. ·prizes wherever shown. A them grellt favorites with all. For ven· r~fel'l'ed to the harmony and peace tlrnt All are cordially mvited. .A. car-load of Am erican H<·rse Tooth had prevtiilecl qn the circuit during the F1t0M DEATJI';,i DooR.-M. M. Dev.,i'ea.nx ?ritir ot ,, "i.;1,;, 3 111ont.hR old, took 2nd prizE) at dors of milk a good spring or convenient r urontr· i """' '"·i· l Exh'\bit.ion In 1 >8:~ i 1st. and Corn for seed just ftrrived at.J. B.Martyn's. pump is a very necessary acc~ssory where three ye>trs his -pastorate. TJ1e increase. ,,f Ionia, Mioh., was a eight to h<'!uld .. 2nd pri ;,,1·.H n11 \,, . 1 itea u.t West Du1· 14.,air, A STARTLING DISCOVERY.-Mr Wm. 1883, al·o l s l. on Brown Leghorns. 1st and 2nd Jerseys are.kept. ]'or farm purposes they .in membership tlus year will be about 50. He says, " I had n o action of the Kidneys on Bruwns. special foe be·t Browns on Exhi· A.11 the connexional funds are in aclva1ice ~nd suffored terribly. My legs were as Johnson, of Huron, Dak ., writes th: .. t his are not large enough to become favorites. t.wu lst prizes on Whites-. special prize of t,h e-pl'eeelliug -ye1u H~thanl-ie~l-thtlm big-as-my....hody and l,DY @lld.Y- a§_big as..Jl. wife had been' troubled with acute Bron· bitiou. HOW TO SECURE HEALTH. They are too small fof.' feeding "for 15rofit. for b.. ~t W it it"", ·n exhibition, and Rpcclal for for the tangible expression of esteem they: barrel. The best doctors gave me tw;· chitia for mauy years, and thll,t .an- re me· best breeding- 1wn on exhlbitiou, at the ·l ate lt is strange that any one will suffer from had given him, as we'll as the kind wprds Finally I tried Kidney-Wort. .I n four 'or dies trird gave no p11rnia.nent relief, until Howmanville P1.>'1ltry F.:xhihitiou. Price reduced to $1.00 P" " 13; R'OOd hatch gnarauteed. derangements lirought on by an impure cir· they had uttered, il.ncl' he regretted that so five days a change canie, in eight or t~n he procured a bott le of Dr. King's New PURELY PERSONAL. . W.J. WOLFE, culation of the blood, when, for a small J..ibcl'LY Street ur at Organ .l<'actory. soon he ,vould have to say farewell to <I days I was OD n1y feet., and now I nm Discovery for Consumption, Conghs, and outlay, the physical organization can be Bowman ville, April 25. 1884. lHf. Mr. Daniel Lee, of Boston, is visiting circuit whose members had treated him co111pl11tely ctired. It was certainlv n Colds, which had a magical effect, and completely l'estored by that wonderful blood Darlington friends. with BO 'n iuch . cordiality and affection. meracle." All drug2ists keep TGdney ·vVort- produced a permanent cure. lt is guarpurifier, Northr_op & ~:yman's Veg_etable Mrs. lVI. . Porter has returned from a "Resolved, That \Ve express our )1earty which is put np both in liquid and dry anteed to cure all Diseases vf Throat, NO"rICE~ Discovery. This medicine acts directly ' approval of our junior minister, Rev. T. form. · · Lungs, or .Brcnchial Tubes. upon the Blood and Bpwcls, and eradicates visit to Peterboro county. ·Mr. 'and' Mrs. Thos. Bridgman, of Otta- !errier. His ca?1<lor'. ~ll"banit;vl punctual· Scrofula, Malaria, Biliousness, &c., from the T he editor of the Gent·ury in the April rJ1HE NEXT MEETING OF 'l'HE ..I.. :Municipal Council of the Township or 15ystem. As a tonic it has a remarkable wa, have been visiting friends in town the ity and unassummg d,ihg!lnce i~ labors for number of t hat periodical dmws attention BIRTHS. Clarke will b~ beld 1tt tile Town Hall, 01·ono, . effect on the weak and brok.en <low11 con- last. week. i Christ we folly appreciate and admi~e ; t.Q the fact that during 1883, 1,517 m\.u·· ·n TUESDAY. the Si·d da:r ot J UN E, 1881, for atitution, restorin~ the appetite, &c. Oue and we pray that ho may be enabled to clers were committed in the United States . llfoGREGGOR-'ID ;East ' 9n' the 9th holding a Caurt of Revision tor revising the .. the wife of Mr. John · :McGregger. of a Assessment Roll ot the 'l'ownshlp, and other who used it says it is tbe most expensive Mr. \V. E . and Miss Pollard sailed from carry the ' glad tidings' to the perishing and 1,266 in the year proceeding. Bnt of inst daughter. general business. All intere~ted will please York on Saturday last for Glasgow, f ti 1 medicine he knows of; since using it his ap· New sons ?, n~en woug 1, ,many prosperot~s these 1,517 there were only 93 leg<tl exe!5TAIN1'0N-.A t Enniskillen, ou the 10th inst., take due notice. .,v. L. RROAD petite ~a.s improved so. much that it ~osts. Scotland. They were well. Bon voyae:e. Township Clerk. ~ years. · ~~solved,, w~ express ;t c\1tions. But agiiinst these there must be the wile or Mr. John Stainton. ot a daughter. him twice as much to live as before. 20-td. W01"1'EN- Near Enfield, on the llt.h inst., the J Orono, May 9, 1884. Rev. J. E. Betts, methodist rh!nister, as our ?Pillion_, th!l't m view o~ the placed 118 lynchings. That is only about !t banishes pain and weakness, invigorate~ wire of M . Wm. Wotton, ot. a daughter. - - -···---··---- -·- - -..- ·..--..··-·---·---thli bniin and nervous system, and rouses the formerly of N ewct.stle, died ou lhiday last &pproaclnng ~mon, it would ~c . wise to one out of fourteen suffers the penalty of at Richmond Hill, aged 60 years. He hact have an enti~·e ?ha1~ge of numster/! at the law, and there are 25 per cent. more dormant muscles into new life. MARRI~D. . ·b een in delicate health for some time. ~resent on this c1rcu~t ; and we als_o be- . probabilities that the murderer will find Mr. E. C. McDowell, formerly of Bow- lteve it would b~ desirable and. advisable justice meted out to him by the m?b th::in ,MoTAGGART- PEAUN- On May Hth, at the BOWMAN VILLE. 1 resident of the bl'ldes.father, l1y Elper E Shepmauville, s uccessfully lJassed his · final to :~;i,ve a meetin.g of the o~cials of the by the m agistrate. · pard. Mr. Archibald R. Mc'l'aggart ,to Mlss medical exantination this spting an<il: now u.mtmg ~on.g~egatious to ~onsider the ques- · THE CH.ANCB OF ·A LIFE-TIME.--'-Dr. Mc! Pearn. all o·f the town of Bowmanville. NOTICE ·is hereby given that the Court of Revision for tha town of Bowman ville will take writes M. D., C. M. after h is name. He t10n o~ m:v1~!ng a superJ.ntendent for the Laughlin is offering to sell building ~cits off place at the Collncil Room. in said town, on was in to\vn for 'it felV clays last week. : · new imcmt. · his property fronting on Beech 'Avenu e DIED. Wednesday 28th of May, instant, at 10 a. m., to1· adjudicating on all appeals We congratulate Mr. R. M. Pascoe, o ' and Lowe Streetin t his town. The whole JAMES-In Darlington, near Maple 'Grove, There is nothing equal to Mother Gra.against assessment, and finally revising the Om:ru.ARY.7"Miss Honor Oke James, property will be sold, inCl1:1ding house and on the 9thMay,Honor0ke James,agcd 2G years, assessment ves' Worm Exterminator for destrying 'this town, on his success in his university; roll. By order, At t11e recent con vocation · at hird dauahter uf Mr.. Jo11i1 .Tames· , who, outbuildin0crs. 'here never were a . nd there 3 mos., 7 days, third daughter of John and R, WINDATT, worms. No article of its kind has given course. Elizabeth James, and sister or M. A. James, . Bowmanvillo, May, 15, 188i. Town Clerk. C ,ob ourg of Y ictoria University th e degree · or the past ten years, h as ' lived · on · the )'re n ot such desirable building sites off'"recl proprietor otthe s~'ATESMAN. auch s11tisfaction. of B.A. wiLs conferred upon him: He won McGill Farm, just outside of this town n the tow11, tor as soon ns a man erects a' ~===============~ ' honers in 'm etaphysics: on the north-east, died Oil Friday evening wuse h e has a comfortable and beautiful~ BOWMANYILLE MARKETS. Pr. Geo . A. Bingham has gone : . a- last, after an illness of over five yerns. · ome in the best part of the town without nilla to enter upon his professional career. She contracted a severe cold while teach- waiting a life time for ornamental trees and DARLINGTON. We are pleased to see t!:iat he passed a ing in the school a short clistancA west o shrubbery to grow up, and the n eighbor· Corrected 'Up to 1 o'clock p.m. every Tkureday Every observer who walks the streets successful final exa;mination in medicine Dem\11 College early iii the spring.of 187..-, hood is decidedly inBowmanville. . .. BY JOHN Mc?fU~TRY. . NOTICE Is herebv · given that the Court ct of a great nity, and scans with intelligent Big 20, Bowmanville, 'the past two Flour, per 100 lb ...... $2 75 . . to .. ~3 00 ReAision for the Township of Darlington will eye the colorless faces of more than tifty at ..the University of Toro.,nto in addition from ' wl1ich she never recovered·; and take place at the Town Hit!J. Hampton, 011. to tho 11onors noted .in the . ST.ATESMAN a Which eventually resulted in consumption. weeks hf\S been quite a centre of attrabtion F~ll. Wheat, per bush .... 0 95 .. to .. 1 00 per cent of the people fte meets, can east· Sa.turday, 31st of May, instant:, . Sh~. \va,s a gre~t s~~~rer tliiting muc ll of to those interested in sewing machines. SpringWheat, per bush. 1 00 .. to .· 1 07 at 1 p. m., when all appeQ,lsagalnstassessments 1y agree with us in the 11ta~ement;· that few weeks agQ. the ~m:~e,, .but .she . never was known , to Besides being agent for several first-cla~s Rye, per bushel. · · · · · · · · 0 58 ... to· · 0 60 will be hea.rd and adjudicated upon. this age, which makes such drafts ' upon " The followin~ 1nen1bers of the Salvatio By order. ' . the working energies of the greater part Army left for J.$rooklyn, N. Y., on M;on- pomplai!1' h er pa.tience .w~~ tnost relilar~· machines, Jos. R use has been appointed Oata;pAr bushel.···· · · .' 0 33 ··to. · 0 35 R. WINDATT, of ini>n in the·intense pursuits of busiriess day : Captain Ada Hind, 'Lie tit. Minnie ap~e. She h.a d been an exemplary Chris- acrent for 'the counties of Durham_ and Peas,Bhie. · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 70 ··to· · 0 75 May 15th, 188i. 'l'ownship Clerk. .a:i for . several.. ~ears, 'a nd was oft~n I Ontario foi· the New Williams, one of th e " Blackeyes. · ·· · · · · 0 92 . . to.· 0 95 hairdeatroyed in a proportionate dtlgree Milliken, Happy Geo. Ross, Hallelujah 1 the animal health and robnst constitution. Drummer Rich. Mutton, Thos. B lack, W.. .!Slt,~<i by her num~t~rs and ?ther, Chris· most popular sewing ma:chines in the . " . Small. · · · · ". · · · · · 0 70 ... to .... 0 72 Nature, in this stage of exhaustion,' can- Pooley and W. James. Mr. Geo. Piggott t).a~ peoplelwh?se visits were always m~ch world. Th'e two first shipments having! Barley, No. 1. · · · · · · · · 0 65 . ·to.·· C 68 ~achine No. 2. · · · · · · .. 0 55 ... to ... 0 60 not be restpred of itself, but requires went to New York on business at .tl1 .l)I~Joyed . Sh~ was a general fav;?nte arrived, ·p eople came in crowds to examin e ,.. " with all who knew ~er! and her friends them arrd nearly all expressed surprise or " No. 3. · · · · · · · .,0 50 ... to . .... O 55 some stimulating tonic, t'o strengthen and same time. AGRICJULTULAL AND Mr. J . N. Bienvenu, late editor of La. wer~ n}any. , About · six weeks ago .the astonishmen t at the wonderful perfection keep the system in regnlar OFder, ,and in · Northrop & · Lyrnan'.11 Qnin.ine Wine we Patrie, Montreal, is dead. · His kiiiclly f~mily ID? a farw near Bowman v~lle, 'to which sewing machines had arrived. Butter,per lb. b est table .· O Hi . ·@ .· 0118 hav~ the exact remedy required. The attentions to members of t he Ontario Pres~ . smce wlu~h time £he grew w~aker. daily' These machines are made in Plattsburg Lard,~tb . . ............. 013 .. @ ·· 014 Y . and Montreal Canada. · ' Eggs,~Joz.............. O 13 .. @ · · 0 14 peculiar operation ·of this medicine, tn Association on the occasion of their visit and on ]'riday last, after tak.m g f.arewell N. · the several mem.b ers of her family, she ' ' ., , cases of general debility and nervous to Montreal last.summer won for.him their of quietly p~ssed away, triumphing in the T.HESE ARE SoLIDFAcTs.-1h e bes blood Potatoes, per bushel.. ..... 0 50 .. @ ·· 0 55 We are now doing eve ry clas' of ENGINE, prostration, has ·undergone foni;?; and close highest respect. The ranks of j aur1ialism faith of the Gospel of Christ Her fun - purifier and system regulator ever placed MI:J:L, M.ACHINE,FOUNDRY' A<lRICULTUR.AJ., observation ,and it is believed it will never "in Montreal lose a worthy member by the eral on Sunday was one of. the largest withii: the re:i-ch .of suffering. ~u.manity, 1 CARRIAGE and WaooN WORK. fail, 1f properly and judiciously ad minis· deabh of Mr. Bienvenu. ever ·seen in that section there beincr truly is Electric Bitters. InctlV!ty of the 1\T.Cttl · 'Jl(lucrtigemtnts .' ·, tered, Prepared by Northrop & Lyman. - Call and see ourDr. James Bray, who successfully pass- over 130 carriages, besides' a large con~ Liver, Bilio~sness, Jaundice\ Constipati· ........................-..................i ... ...............:.... ..... .... .. Toronto, and sold by all druggists. eel the examinations of Toronto School of course of citizens of Bowman ville on on .. Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the '· j · TRAYED..-Oame into the premi!les of the undersiR"ned a' yearling heifer. Owner Medicine last year arid obtained a license foot. The interment too'k place in Bow- uritar_y organs? or .w~10evei: r equires ~n ' can have same hy proving property and paying It is the machine every farmer wants- Light, ana diploma, fats· t his ·s pring' passed the manville Cemetery. R ev.. Geo' Webber, a)?petiz~~' tom.c o; mi.Id stunulant, . ~111 expenses. AltTHUR W. BURK. 20·3w. examinations in medicine of the University of t his towil, was the officiating clergyman. always fin~ Ehctric Bitters the best 'and Simple. Durable and Good- none better made. of Toronto, taking honors in all the A large number of our citizens were also only certa:m cure known. They act sureERY.ANT' GIRL · WANTED' at once N . McRae, :Wyebridge; writes:" I have branch es.' His many friends will · be pleas- present - Oshawa Vindicatoi· - O U Rfor general houl!f)work. Good W!!.ges. Ap· ly ·and qmck ly, ·every bottle guarnteed· to sold large quantities of Dr; Thomas' Ec- ed to hear of h is· splendid succes:o. He · ·· · give entire satisfedtion or money refunded. :ply to MRS. J. MA YNAHD, Centre St. lStf. , !ectric Oil; it is used for colds, tore throat, has been practising his profession during Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J HigginENERAL . BLACKSl\;II TH ,-wanted A la.rge stock, 'Their merita recommend croup, &c., and in fact for any .affection the yca'r in Toronto, ·his surgery being at Wall papers very pretty and very cheap bot ham & Son. ' ' immediately. 'l'. J ..CLARKE, of the throat it works like magic. It is 3~7 Padinme.nt street. - them. Cheapsicle Baz. ' ,A few hundred samples Hose at job Hampton, P, O. 18. a sure cure for bul'nA, wounda,and bruiges. ,We are selling off our wall papers very prices, at the Star Honse. .' ' OR SALE OR TO RENT.-Black~ , Great slal:rghter of tinware at Manning ·, '.rapestry Qarpets from 35c upwards iit ch!Jap. · Tait ,& ·Morrison. smith Sho1,1 and D.wellini>: Honse, (nearly new), .in Courtlce-midway l>etween Oshawa So long and favorabl y known need no colll· Grea~ fall in wall papers at . Tait & & Nosworthy's. Call and see. Couch, Johnston & Cryclerman's. and Bowmanville. Wag.on shop adjoininR'. ment. Every'kind of 7 ·Farmers you can save dollars by buying Possession · i n.October .. Apply to WM. ,HILL. F or the newest styles and the best value M.orrison's Cheapside Ba ..aar. THE PROG~ESS OF MEDICAL ENLIGHTEN- in dress goods call at Couch, Johnston & Qo~i;&ice P. o. · · l!l-3w. Lndies, have you seen Tait & Morrison's barbed wire at Manning's. PL.OW POIN,..L1~ MENT has led to Uie abandonment, of m;iny, pretty wall papers. You should. B uckthorn steel barbed wire at R. S. · AGON SHOP AND HOUSE for Used we keep on hand, made from TONSDALE antiquated remedies of questionable value; Cryderman's. For things pre tt~'" viiried, cheap and Manning's for $5l per 100 ltJs. aale, doing a first-class business. Situate First class value in black silks, and ·HAMIJ:ULT. and the adoption of newer and more rain the best farming section in Darlington, Friend have you tried that pickled -County tional ones, Prominent among the latter ,,.ear guaranteed at · Couch, .Tohnston & good c0;ll at Cheapside Bazanr. of Durham. · Satisfactory reasons for We are prepared to supply the Farmer No mistake about it,farmer s. "rou can· pork at R. R. Cawk r's . . If inot do selling. Terms easy. Apply to W. A. TOM. iJi Northrop &: Lyman's Vegetable Discov. Cryderman's. with every impleme11t he needs. Buy your Blacksmith, Solina, P. 0. 18·3w. · · i '"' ' PETHlC K, the Barber is selling his Pipes, r eally bti.;' steel barbed wire at R. S. ·So. ery and Dyspeptic Cure, the justly celemachines at home where you can ha ve them The Canadian Pacific R. R. via Credit brated Blood P urifier, a cc;imprehensive Tobaccos ancl Cigars at cost prices, as h e Manning's for $5.()0 per 100 lbs. G. II. t;Altl'ETB., B. A., B.Sc., 111. D ., U. )I; - repaired.Person'~ wanting pumps, doors, sash, V alley division is the finest route to any · family remedy for liver complaint, ?o.n - is going out of that line of business. Give ICENTIATE OF THE COLLEGE sum ption, indigestion, los? of physic1al him a call. It will be to your advantage etc., are direct ed to M r. R . F ergusom new part of the West ern States, Manitoba or of Physicians and Surgeons Of Ontario. if you want anything in his line. advt. His prices will suit you. British Columbia. W. A. N eads, Agent. energy, and female compl:.i.mte . O~'FICE AND RESIDENCE :-Main St,, Orono. THIS COLUMN W STOTT Local aiid 6 .t herwise. CHURdH. NOTES. Belono-s.. & JURY and advert_ised are form ~ ....._,...,_.........,.. ~. " ~...._, ' ~~ ================= I READ THIS!. Good farm for sale. See Advt. 50d for t]ie S'l'A'l':ESMAN to New Years. S A f Tho avel1 1·my 1 lave 1e t ncwcflstle for the pyosent. dcmonstmCoiwura ., firemen have a ·bia ~ tion ~n the 24th. 01~y $17.00, ocean fore, steerage, Allan Line; W. A. Neads, agent. AU: apprentice to the hardware busines~ wanted at R. S. Manning's. Division Court will be held at N ewcastle May :29; Bowman ville 30th. Ov~r 130 of our citizens joined the ex· cursipn to 'l'oronto on Tuesday. very large stock of Paper :Hangings of f'oreign and home manufacture, and in ::vant will tj.o to my patterns and prices. I import. my paper direct from manufacturers and give my cust6mers the benefit. No trouble show goods . . · t h.a ve no'Y. ready a P· . TREBILCOCK ACKNOWLE OGE DFACTS. J. HEILLYAR J. . HELLY AR'S 0 J. HELLY AR'S POSITIVELY J. HELLY AR J. HELLY AR J.' H:E LLY Ali J. HELLYAR cu~tom STOTT.&J'URY, MEDICAL HALL ·J. HELLYAR COME H Teachers' Examinations, Price has reduced) CHtAPtST IN THE DOMINION. o f . COURT OF REVISION. 1 . COURT OF REVISION. Foundry, CARRIAGE WORKS I S NEW IRON MOWER, S G . F CHAMPION PLOW, CARRIAGES, W W. L McClung & Da r c h·