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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1884, p. 2

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_____,_ THE CANA. DIAN STATESMAN Ill PUBLISHED 1 EVERY F&IDA.Y MORNING, -BY- M .. A. JAMES, Al' THll: OFEIOB, ~ect~lock, King St.,Bowinanvfile,Onl T'ER. ~ld: ·LllOperaD.nam,orll!l.llOlf patd ·.· advan~e Payment strictly in adv:auce requu-ed .from eubscr1l'>ers outside o~'the,.eounty. Orders to _, discontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by the amount·due, or the paper will not be stopped. ·nbecriber6',are responsible until full payment is " '· , .RA'l'.ES 01' DTE.RTISING I WholeColumnoneyear ............ >$50 ~· ·... ilalf Column one year ............... SO oo-" " Half year .............. 20 ooOne quarter ........... 12 5 Quarter Column one yee.r. -.. , ·-·--· 2u oo" .. Ralf year ....... ---. 12 50 " " One qui;rter ......... 8 oo-5 Slx lines and under, first insertion. - $0 60 Ea.oh subsequent insertion...... 0 25 _ from six to ten Jines, first insertior., 0 75 _ Eaeh "ubseque~t insertion .. -.-·- 0 35 -10 Over ten lines,first mseruon,per hne 0 10 ... Each subsequent insertion, " 0 Oil _ 'The num !Jer of lines to be reckoned by the space occupied,_ mea.sured by a scale ol IJQlid Nonpareil. -16 " " llo.lfyear .....·· ·.·.. . ao 00 ~~~ One quarter...... ·· 20 00 Cl.> z::; 00 ~~..; ~g = ee:::= - ·~ L. POTTER, 11.D, - - - -- - --- G R.ADU A TE of Queen's College, Kingston; an<> MPmber of 001: ;11:e of .Physicians and Surgeon t, Ontario. 17· . - O uce and·Residence, Enniskillen. Dr. A. BEITH, ---- ... R.A.DtJ.A. TE OF l'Hlll 'l'ORONTO UNIVER· SIT Y, i'hysician; Surgoon,&c. Otlice K.1ng G Str&et, MOHH18' l:ILOCK.: l:lowruanville,, B. A., B, Se., Jiii. D., ().H. , ICENTIATE OF THE CuLLEGE and surgeoi.s ot Ontario. LO:r:rw11: RmsIDlllNCE :-,-Main St., Orono. of ·Phyaician~ .AND L lCEN'l'l.A.'l'E OF 'l'Hli: ROV.A.L COLLEGE ot Physicians and member ot the 'Roya.I ()ollege o! Surgeons, h]dinbur1d1. Ofiice: MORRI8' BLOCK King-et., Bowma.n'Ville. ' DK. .J. (). MU'tJllELL, "· W. JleJ.augbUn, -¥-· B., J:JdBER OF COLLEdli: OF PHYSICIA.NS and burgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. M 7'· Office and Hes1dence. Ennia)l.illen. D. BIJBllE 8UIPSON, B B B R ARRISTER, SOLICI'l'OR, &o.. MORRIS BL00.1{, up st&il's, King ::ltreet, Bowma,nUe. 8olicitor tor the Ontario Bank. Private 1l.aney11 loa.ned at the lowest rates, .l·.lul &eUb Galbraull, ARRI::; TER, SOLICI'l'OB., NOT.ARY PU.tlLIC, &c. · Otllce-J:teed's .Bloc&, over T. BattinKa store, King Street, Bowma.nville. J\lpney to lend , ST· .JOH!ll B.BllT()HESON. ARRlSTER, & ATTORNEY. &c. NO'l'ARY PUBLIO. MoNEY. TO LOA:N· o....ICB-OVER STATES/II.AN OFFICE. JtOBE'.RT AJUlov'"'u=-,----- J!:GJi:;T RAR, WES'.r DURHAM ISSUER ot .M.i.rriage Licenses, Barrister and ..>.ttorney a.t Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Money oaned on Real Estate. Otlloe on King street, Bowmanville. :d.. T. PHILLl)'l!i ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County ot lJUl'h&ro, Sales promptly attended, .Address-Hampton P. 0, 69. ----·-R. HIJT()HISON. AUCTIOJ\EER, CONVEY.A.NL ICENSED CElt ,and Oommssioner in B. R. Sales a.t*ended ~o promply and at reasonable ra.tes. IJI'Acldress..:Ennisktllen p_ 0. "'" I OBN. H)JGlIES:-L1censed AuctiontJ eer, Valuator an li.rbitrll:tin,.Ffr!l"iind Life Insnra.1we, Notes and Accounts Collecied, Money to~Lend on.reasonable tel'lllfi!. ~<l.dress_ Cartw1·ig11t, _ ~72 _ _ __ Ont. _ GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO every man who buys his Licen~e trom HENRY SYLVES'rEll, Enniskillen. 198tt. L .A. Bil. W. 'l'lLLSON, Over HiJ.rgm bot.ham's Drug l:iture, King Street. Bowman ville. 2. E.ACHER OF THE PIANOFOR'l'E, T OltUAN and SINGING. 'l'ERMB:-$6and $10 per Twelve Lessons of ONE hour each. Pianu!!!I J. n111e'1 & .lte paired. - - .. P ARTIES'WISHING THEIR PIANOS Tuned or repaired can have attended *o by le ..ving WOl'd at the DOMINION ORGAN Co's Ot'"'ICE, l3owruanville. .A. flrst·claa n1an !lO'W' oeill!'; in their mp!oy c.·- - - - - - - RUF. T. L . DUYLE,Planist,Orgamst and teacher of Vocal Music is to take a few more pupils. 'l'he best of reference can be furnished Great care exercised with beginners, and special attention given to advanced pupils. Those desirous of taking Instructions should apply at Mr. Doyle'{! reeldence, or make it known by _directing a few lines to P. 0; Box !l9. Tel\l'.llS $7.50 for twelve essons. 239-tt P So Ho? Gentlemen oCFasl· ion, not so Cast. · I have written these few lines And all I have to sayThat you ca.u find me still at home, lam not gone a.way. . So all my kind old riends may come, And all they oung ones, too, And get their garments nicely In fashions that Where old and young, d6ar friend sfmay meet DimNA:;isTEREY ' ed with a two-horse cultivator before planting. The seed is planted quite thick. ·. A. Farm EsRay. ly in drills, by using a two-row com CATARRH,-A new Treatment whe~ebv a .. planter with small holes, moving the permanent cul'<l iB effected in from one to threo 'fhe R1ool Ne:w Yorker has been offer· dropping lever quite fast, so as t, drop t.reatments. Pa~'ticularH ·wr.1 TreaLise rrne on A }{i.rge ,proportion of \hQ C:~ise-.aea "t'bich ing prizes for the beat farm essays, and ·he seed in an almost conti11uous stream. receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON, 3u7 J~l.UHe hu1li""-ll "uiferiug l'tJlfoUlt frOlll dcru11geh f 1 f h " King Street, West, Toronto. .h ment of t..l1e ~to1u~u., b<nvels, ;1.rnl li "Ver. m-pu blJB es t e o lowing as one o t em. Those planters, that have a drilling at· - - -Are second to none in the world. 20,000 inA YEH.'io3 C..&..'£1:1..A.B.TIC Pi.LL~ :a.c~ directly upon It is certainly short and to the point, and tachment, are very convenient for doing WHAT THE REv. E. B. STEVENSON, B. A. .. A ~trume_nta now in UA"e. Demanrl so great that these organs, auu are ~·peciall y ue·iguetl to well worth reading and remembering:- this. At least twice as much seed is CLERGYMAN OF 'l'HE LmmoN CmnrmRRNCE it. reqn¥"e· nyo of the ,largest Factories In the cure the diseases caused by their dcral!ged d ' OF THF. MF.THOIHS'I' CHURCH OF CANADA Dowm10n, with cap11mty ror turning out TWEN· U n er ram. planted as is expected to 'grow, about six 11.&s ro BAY IN REGARD To .A, H . DIXON & 1'Y ment, ilwludlng Constipation, In<ligouP~r day..For purit.y and sweetness ot tone, tiou, Dyspet>sia, .U.ead.acho, Dy.ientery, Keep a dia.ry. or seven pounds per acre is not too much. SoN's NEw'l'REA'rMTrn'l' FOR c .n'Al<R»-' e.last1c and hght touch, beaut.iful and perfect an,i a. l1.0st of other ailuumts, for a.ll of Keep accounts. The most common mist~ke is to plant 0-AKLAND. 0NTARTO. CAN., March 17. 1883, finish they are unrivalled. which il1cy are a Hafe, 11ure, 1Jrv1n11L, a11d · d d h d d h MeMrs A.H. Dixon,&'· Son. The most skilled labor.the very best materta!e Weeds are robbers. ' t 00 eep, an muc care JS nee e w en DE-.RSrns-Yonrsoft;he13thinstanttohaniL that money ca.n procure are a 1<uarantee to pur· plc'a..sant re1neJy. 1'he exten~ive uise of these a horse-planter is used; to avoid this diffi- rt Reems almost too goocl to be true tha.t I am chasers that ~hey are buyin11 no shoddy. but · ·.Pu.LS b'y cmi116nt physicia. ns in t·egular prn.cFirm the seed-bed. culty. If the ground is moist, half an cured of Catarrh. ·bnt J know that! am. I have drat class article. Sold wholesale and retail by tice, sllOIVS unmistalrnbly tlle estimation in · h · had no l'et.nrn of the diseict~" and never felt J. P. RICE, Bowmanvllle, which they are held hy tile medical JJrofesStick to your busi~ess. me is deep enough, to even less will do. better in my Ji!P., J hl\ve triecl -~o many things · ~16. J. S. DONEY, Tyrone, siou. " Give stock salt regularly. As soon as it is safe to do so without cov· for catarrh, sufforecl so mnch and for M mBny '.l'hese P1LLS are compoundell of vegetable ering the young plants, go through the yPars. that it is bard for me to realize that I am Rotate a variety of crops. bette11. eubstn.nccs onlyf cmd o.rc o.baolutcly free fro1n , field with a straddle-row cultivator, taking really I consider that mine was a vflry bad caRe : it calomcl or anx other injurious il.gredient. Keep sheer d. r y underfoot. care to have the inside shovels turned so NaP aggravg.ted and chronic. involving the OLD_ AND RJ,"'.LIABLE ·1 f th 1 t r.hroat as Wflll a~ the nas1tl passa:<'eS, anil J A Sufl'erer Ci:om Headache writes: GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. '1.S t 0 throw the SOI away rom e P an s tho·11<ht I would rnquirfl the thl'ee treatments N o man can f arm b Y proxy. '".AY:cn's Pn~ r,s are iuvaluub;e to me, and Plant a few trees each year. By setting them in this way, you can go but fPel fully <'urecl by the two sent me, and I TRADE MAllk..Tbe Grell! t!ng· TRADE ar e lllY <..:Ou~La11L cornpau iOH. I lune Ueeu lisbUemcdy,fl.n Keep everything in its place. much closer to the row than otherwise, ~gi"~~~nkful th~t I was ever induced to send a sovore satferer fron t Headache and your unfailing cure for PILLS >tre t!te only tlling l con!(\ loQk to Enough soil in any case will be thrown Y01i. are at. liberty to nae thi· letter i.tRtinl? Seminal Weakfor relief. One llose will q u ick ly move my Keep manure nea:r the surface. towards the plant, while you will the ·bat I havP bPen mired at two t,-,atnients, and ness. Supermabowe ls ::t11tl free my hen.d from ])aiu. 'J'llcy 1 shall gladl_y recommend vour remedy to some torrhea. I1npoDon't sign a paper for a stranger. soil close to the youn"' plants. After cul- of are tho most. ett'ectivo aud \ho easiest vl1ysio "' my friends who are sutf.-rers, tency, &all disI have ever fouud. ] t is a J1lcasure to rue to Quality is as important 118 quantity. tivation is completed, cross-harrow with Yours with m·m thanks. eases tbatfollow apeak iu tl1eir pra.ise, a.u - 1 al ways do so · 1 alb k d any good harrow, going over the ground REV. E. B. STEVENSON. as a sequence of wht~t_pccas io1 1 oJ:lers. R ead agricu tur 00 s an papers. 1' T 1 , Self-A bum; as · . w. L. PAGll, o! w. L. ·PRge & Bro." twice. This will destroy a good many. of --;pORONTo, April 2!, 1882, B elOre alilllgJoss of Memory.After Taking. J<·ra11kliu St., Jticlrn1oid,Va., Juue 3.1~82. Feed the soil with the food it needs. the plants, but as they are planted thick A · .,,-_ Dixon, Esq., 305 King St., We8t. "l !uwe u~ed AYi;."R'S PILLS in numberConsult -experienced, successful far- with reference to this treatment no harm DE~R l;'IR.-We takA pleas11··e in stating that Universal Laesit.ude, Pain iu the Back Dimness less insta.11ces as recon1men<led by you, and 'l h h .. h ' l f ! our ,111n10r nartner. who h·.d for Vf\A,rs b11en of. Vision, Premature Old Arze, a.nd many othBl' have nevA 1 . · k 11ow11 tl1em to fail to a.ccornplish mere. occurs, w h 1 e t ose w lC are e t are t.rouhled with Cat.a.rrh. was succ.,ssfully curen. Disea8es that lead to Insanity or Consumption the uesired result. We ooustantl;· keep t!Jem Neither a chronic lender nor a borrower thoroughly hoed, and the soil mellowed. by thrM treatments of your remedy. Tho and a Premat11ro Grave. on lamd at our hmne and prize tllern as a. t2lrFull particulars in QUr Jl.amphlet, whicli b The whole surface ridged by the corn Cattai:rh wasmnnb a11:gravated, with, contfnnotl we pleasauh saf~t a11d reliable family rnediciue. desire f.o eencl rree by maT l t?reverv one.e. _ . _ . dropping Into the throat, accompan·ed by loss .FOB DxSPErSlA they are inva!ualile. 1 . ' ne Specific 'Medicine is ~o !d by all <lruggiets Paint will cost less than new boards and plow, is leveled down and JS put m fine of voice. hawking and Rpitting and blo<'kinR'UP J. T. li..l.YJ.:S," at $1 per packnge, or six pankaizfls for $5J or ·ms. condition for the next plowing Should of the noatrils, all of which we arp, plPa.sed to Mexia, Texas, ,June 17, 18il2. bew th h · t th" · 'th l ~ay disn.ppeared almost immediately after thA will b" sent frPEi-by mail on the receipt qr the e cross- a.rrow1ng no in e Pants remedy wa· applied. Your remedy is nertainly money- by addrP.sRin!(' The ]{EV, FUAXCJS B . lJARLOWE, writing 11 S e when your produce is ready for enough, the land may be harrowed the an invaluable on'e and we hope all who mity THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., from Atlctnta Ga., says: "For some years market. · same way as the rows run. In ordmary b!J ~u!ferin!( from this disa11:r.eeable dlsea~e will past I been subject to constipation, Toronto, Ont .· Oanad'& d give 1t a tri1tl. as we are satisfied they will find from wlliclt, in spite of tbe use of mediI nsure your property m some goo com- seasons and on moderately clear land, it a complete sncMss. cines of. various kinds, I suffered increaairH! pany. this method of treatment will usually enYours very t.rnly-, incouvcnience, uutil so.m e monthi:! ago '.f began taking AYElt'S PILLS. Tile)' have ·11 f h bl t . -t·h t WM No1rn1s & SON, Whole·ale Pianoa and Organs, N ever b uy 1and ti you are.sure o t e a e, a grower o raise a c~op Wt ?·u ree11tirely corrected the costive lrnb1t, nnd title. , .sortmg to the hoe.-.J.m.erican .AgricuUurNo. 8 Mtelaide St. East. have vasUy improved my general he:..lth." Continues to do a Geneml Banking Business at A YER'S C.A.THAll'rlC PILLS correct lrroguRncklyn's Arnica Sahe.-Tbe best Salve its BowmanviJJt, B1-anch. Sow rye between crops for pasture and ist. larities of tlrn bowels, stimulate t!Je appein the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers manure. tite and dige·tion, and by their prompt and Use pure seed carefully selected, in sea- The Northernmost Garden in the United Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped tl101·ongh action g ive toue aud vigo1· to the Randa, Cbi!bl&ins, Corns, and all Skin jErup- Receiveil in Saving$ Tl>n>k DPpartment a.nd o:a son. wltole physical economy. States. , tlons, and Poaitiv"IY cures Piles. It is guran- oall a.nd interAst allowed. at ctHrCnt ratetl. No Do all work at the very earliest seasonteed to l!'ive perfect sacisfactlon, or money notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposits PUEPAR.ED BY In the summer of 1883. a small explorable moment. refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by p!lyable on ·temand, ing party,-under the command. of Lieut. J. Higginbotham & Son. J.C.Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Have well and wood-shed near the kit. EXCHANGE Schwatka, of the U. S. Army, crossed Sold by all Drugglete. chen door. the coast range of the .AJnsJrnn Moun· Rl!8T °'"ND ()OMFORT TO THE SIJFFl.:RING Rought and sold and Dra,fts issued upon Europe The best bank in wh.l'ch to deposit is a tains from Ohilkat,' and reached the head ··Brown's llousehold Panacea" has no the wonderful equal for relieving pain, both internal aud ex- United Rtates n.nd Canada, also GoIii Silver and YOUNG, ..1..11 experience bank of earth. benetlcla! eifecLti of of the great Yukon River, over two thou- ternal. lt cures pain in the Side, Back or Bow- United Sta.~es Greenbacks Mu1<ht a,i{d sold. OLD, AND Ayer's Sa1·saparilla. Swine plague is not "at home" in a sand miles long, and there built a raft els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, 'l'oothaohe1 clover field. and floated down the stream over one h1mbago and any kind oft.he Pain or Ache. ·-It MIDOLE- c11udren with Sore J~yes, Sore will most surely quicken Blood and Heal· AGED. Ears, or anv scrofuious or syphHave the 'least possible fencing, but al- thousand three hundred miles, exploring as its acting power is wonderful." "Brown's Promptly made ·a t rates upon all pa.rtll Uitic taint, way Ile made healthy and nrong ways substantial. ' and surveying it as they went alonJI'.. .At Household Panacea," being acknowledged as ot Great Brittaiu, the United States and Do 11.- kl k d the greot Pain "Rel)ever, and of double the minion of Canada. by its use. The doctor will ride on if he sees you J..' !1 a ·ayet, _ some seven hundred o, d st.rength of another Elixir or Liniment in the Sold by all D.ruggists; $1, eix bottles tor ~ a good garden. mile~ from. its mouth, the first white world should be In every family handy for use Telt~g1·a1Jlt T1·a11sf'er~ . tradmg statwn was encountered, although when wanted, "a.a It really is the beet remedy the world tor Cramps in the, and Made for large or small sums on an pflrte or The roost profitable acres are the deep· a few abandoned oues had been met be· in pains and aches or all kinda," and ls for s11Je by Canada, 'l'his is especially advantageous to O ENFIELD LADIES.-M1ss JuLli . fore-and the raft exchanged for a civil- all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. l8HY. persons liv;ng in Mamtoba or thll ~orth-we8t , O'LEARY has returned from Toronto, est, not the broadest. as it 'Dakes t.he funds available a.t once at t~ &nd bas begun Dressmaking in Enll.eld. Special Mothers! Jtlothel'e ! r ltlothers 1 r ! _Better go to the lumber yard and the ized boat. Nuklakayet is near the juncplace of payment. attention will be given to cutting and ftttmg. crib than to the "cattle-doctor." tion of the Yukon and Tanana, in you disturbed at night and broken offyour Call solicited. 281-tf. For further ca.II at the Bankinc The man without a hay·mow ia not tude 65° 08' North, and therefore· eighty- rest by a sick obild suffering and crying with House. fi h' the excruia.ting pain of cutting teeth 1 If so -h wit out a hole in his pocket. v:e geograp ica:l, or ninety-eight common go at once and i<et a bottle of MRS. WINS· T. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, Accountant. Manager. Nature declares tha.t to breed immature ~1les from the Arctic Circle. The sta- LOW'S ROOTHING. SYR~P- It will relieve 2o7·1y. · 1 . t1on was kept by Mr A Hatper and the poor little suffer immed1a.tely~depend upon amroa s is poor po1 wy. , · ' · · it ; there is no mistake abou·t it. There is note OF CANADA. F d · ( h ) d f here he raised a garden of vegetables.' It , mother on earth who has ever used it, who wt i ee gram except W eat etc. an or· is the most northern one in the United not tell you at once that it will regule' .ne ()Al"ITAL, $1,000,000. REST, $140,000 age to stock on the farm. States within a day or two's J"our~ey of bowels, and give rest.tC> the mo.ther: ar relier -ooo1 th t l th f ' . . . and health to the child, opera.tmg hke magic. This Bank Is prepared to do Legiti- ', Ra' ise arge crops 3: eave e arm the Arctic Circle itself. The predonnn- tis perfectly safe to use in all oases, and piesa, Inllte Banking in all its branches. rwher than they found it. ating vegetables were turnips the largest ant to the t.aste, and ls th. e prescripHon of one I h h d f h" h · d la -· d fl of the oldest and best remale physicla · sand F·irmers notes discounted ; Deposits ave never ear a man complain that lo w 1c raise st year we1g1 ie a tri . e nurses in the Unit,ed States Sold everywhere received and Interest paid on amounts of he ~has tilled liis land too well. over six pounds. A few other hardy plants at 25 cents a bottle. , 18~-lv. $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department. Money spen_ t to make the home and make up the small, but int~resting"Hun" CouGH CURE, 25 OENTs.-PresDRAFT~ farm attractive bears good interest. · ~eu. . The greJi~est obstacle m gardenmg cription of a Boston Physician, dispensed Color the butter before it comes from m this valley, is the dense swarms. of yeara by a Boston druggist. ONlll DosE Issued and Collections made in Europe, United and Canada. the cow w~th clover (green. or_dry) and ~osquitoed. that abo1!. ndhfrom ~he tun_el will a.n·y .ordi. n a. r y cough. It acts co n - me~l mush. e snow i~appears mt e sprmg, 1!-ntl most magi.cally. Ask Stott & Jury for a OF_ FICJi=::nln.doeh ~rci8.lllock, late B~nk· ~ _ fros~ _ comes '"1Il the-fall,~ arnd m_ akes ltfe.a 25 cenft~bottle ef ··ItW - ~Gti Gu RB~ hag omee of .roues d: Dobbie, · , Shelterfarm imple_ ments. Ru~t.~nd rot buraen for all kinds. of animal existence. and don't be ut off with an other~ ' W J. JON . ·y;y,Cf ..ea.t faster than we~ r and-tear; _ · . Another almost equal, is the char:ictcr of : · - , .. p ... ,: ,0~ y - - :____,.. ' · · · £Jo, 27 Agent. 1 OlllE OF THE BEST 'Jf' ' Plan and work a]lead. Bright brams the ground. In winter -with the ther· and brown hands make15he:-iat:lll pay. rol'l.meter at 50.0 , to 60'- to>elow zero, tile , ;,,.; r f , . FOR TEN llllLLION PEOPLE .ARE IN Keep out of debt. When the farm 1s soi r zes to six or seven feet m depth, Minnesota North·Dakota Montana ' ., ·. INVESTIGATORS IN once mortgaged it is· already half lost. a.nd in t e s art hot summer it thaws Washington and orl:,gon, ' ·· It is a specitlc in the c11re of all diseases s f . - rk . . I l"ttl but two or thre~W,_ leaving a substra.ALONG TRll LINE OF '!!Hiil ' 1 of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostatic Porleaks~tu~r::gpi:o~t: :i~ :;~th~o~g~. e tum of ice that ,ho!~ ;vater, and I tion of the Urinary Orga,ns, Irritation of makes even the sides of the hills Q!arshy, . Through the ~reat Wheat-Belt of America.. . , the Neck of the Bladder, Burnbg Urine, Gleet, Gonorrhea in all its st.~ges.i.iµucous J ud1010usly concen~r~te all eff?rts on a and more like a bog than tillable soil. ~illion'-acres of the ~est agricultural, Discha,rges, Congestion of the JUdneys, -HAS RECEIVEDsmall area, economizmg matenals and This marshy character give~ rise to a lux, mrneral, fore.St,and grazmg lands in the Ilt-ick Dust Deposit, Diabetes, Inflammastock . . Umted States are uow open for settlement, New ltlnsllnM, New EmbroitlerlH, tion of the Kidneys and B!add"r, Dropsy : _ _ . unant superficial moss, .that grows every~o .ltlillion acres of rQ.ilroa?- lands for sa.!Q at New I.ace~, New '1'1-lmmtugR, of Kidneys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urin~l Ram .and wmd will not charge anythmg where and makes walkmg toilsome and $2.60 to S.4 Pr acre, on 5 yea11s time if desired. New Rraids, NowBruhls,wool8. Pain in the Re lon of the Bladder, PAI.l'i · · 1 ' - · ~O !till.lion acres ot Governments lands open l IN TIIE BACif, U1·inary Calculus, Renal f or h auling theroanure; b ut theyare d ear cut1vat1on amost out of the quest10n. tosettlersFRl<~E. ' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Calculus, Renal Colic, Retention of hands. Mr. Harper has chosen a . ·southeastern The No1·thern Paei:fteCountrchpossesses · ' Urine, Frequent. Uriuation, Gravel in all ove the ur1'ne and keep the slope on the river bank and here the imgreat a~d rich natural .resour?es rea Y to be deits forms, Inability to retain the Water ~ . , veloped mto profitable mdustries. You Can B particularly i_n persons advanced in life, beasts clean by using sawdust and straw mediate drainage has helped him to raise For maps and pamphlets address and mention IT IEI A KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR that HANDSOME PATTERNS. liberally for bedding. this phenomenal garden. The northern- this paper. _ CHAS. B. LAMBORN, ' restores the Urine to its natural color, Ornaments for Wedding Presents removes the a.old and burning and the Never plant an orchard on undrained most spot on the globe where rye and Land commissioner N. P. R.R., st. l'aiil, Minn etrect of the excessive use of intoxicating Fancy Articles, &c. ' land, or make a mule pasture of it. It oats ripen, is at Kengis, in the Swedish drink. Price $1, or Six Bottles for $5. must be fed and tended. Province at Northbotten, forty-nine miles ·;~I ~ f~. .,~ '(l,l ( \,,'.: !~ Th?":" who r~nnot obtain a bottle . of thlii to the north of the Arctic Circle. The Ill ~ 11 U ~n Fi1rmers should seek not only to in- northermost place where corn matures is :r Has received ner new stock of 0~f;1=~r~1!1 ~lirS:~~r~th~:nd us one Send for C1rculer. Sold by all Drugglots. 4\'JFChoice Jot of confccMonnry always on crease their productions, but to save and at Muoniovara, ninety-eight miles north W. JOHNSTON & CO. 1 'I 1 band at MRS, KEYS Res tap.rant. 6tf. market them better. of the Circle, and is located just the same A?illll!lllS'l'!IVllG, Ont. DE'l'nOI'l', Ji!l~h. The older and larger an animal grows dietanco above, thl!.t Mr. Harper's garden and invites the Ladies of Bow.Agents for the U; S. and Oa.uada. · the more food it takes to make a pound is below it manville and vicinity to call of growth-i. e., gain. '· ll YER'S PILLS~ .,, AG RIC DLTURAL. CATARRH. W. BELL'S PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS I GUEL PI-I THE ONTARIO B.ANK · Dr. T STANDARD BANK d -f New Lad i· e s MRS. KEYS THE BEST HOMES I I I :EE. XD l.'V' E Y' mm 40 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD I 7 NEW UNDERCLOTHING Knitting&Sta:npi g done to or~er. J · " , . C· 1. GOODS., 1 UNDERTAKING I -::B'Y- L EV I MORRIS. S- I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on J.11. BRIMACOMBE, the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates C!'skets and Boria.I Cases ready on short notice: First-class hearse on very moderate terws Shrouds and Coffins constantly on band. Fun'. eral cards Empplied at once. Furniture Shop & .Show R~oms-BounsaU'sNew Block. A.JI f~rmture sold by me is made by the U. C WITH TllllllTB, WITHOUT TEETH Furmture Co. of Bowman ville. I do not buy slop furniture and represent it to have been made by the U. C. F. Co. or this town. Except on heayy clay soils, the ground Also agent for the Ll-QUOR TEA for this town ana v!cinity. It is cheap and as good as oan be should not be plowed deeper than it can PRA.()Tl<!AJ. DENTIST, got m the mar,ket. A valuable :prize given be fined ; but al ways the deeper it is fined OTil:R TWENTY YEARS lllXPERilllNCE, with every pound. the better. · tironsOxideG&s Adminhterefl for Patnle~ A pouud of flesh lost to the brute is 'O pera&ions. TH~VICTORIA. ' <vice lost to the owner, for the waste of OFFJ()E M()()J.lJNG'S uio()K.. the body must!tl:>e repaired while it is being replaced. Ventilate, light, at. :vnakewarmpoultry houses, and don't feec:t ;:ens all corn if you want them to lay. Put sulphur in the dust bath. Provide lime. Pumpkins, squashes, turnips beets, etc., do not take up much room while growing. but make a big item in the fe~d and health of the farm stock. A ton of corn fodder is worth for feed as much as two-thirds of a ton of ha.y; straw almost as much. Not only collect but keep (by absorbents and shelter) and apply (fined) manure. Ventilate stock shelters by opening under the eaves. Light them by glass win· dows. Pulverize the ground, for fining aids solu~ion, and plant-food must be nearly or quite soluble to be available. Select crops with reference to the size and soil of your fa1·m, the climate, and the markets. A little ready cash will not wait long for profitable use. Better ha.Ye money io your pocket than land unpaid for. A Model Scholar. The Pall ll:fall Gazette says that a girl named Alice Akermar, aged 14, the daughter of a laborer, has just completed her education at Langley school, Bqcks, She has never mi~sed being present since the school was opened, since Oct. 4. 1875, and in completing her 3.;i51 attendance is said to have walked 6,000 miles. She has passed every standard successfully, and in the three subjects in first-grade drawing obtained "Excellent" prizes in free-hand and model, as also in the three stages of the specific subjects, literature, domestic eeonomy, and animal physiology, and in one stage in physical geography. She ha.s also obtained twenty-six other prizes for good attendance, sculpture, sewing, knitting, etc. and see her Pattern and assortment ot BONNETS, HATS, WHO IS UNACQUAINTED. WITH THE G EOGRAPHY OF' THIS TRY WILL SEE fAMAN av OOUN~ EXAMINING THIS M A P T,.:fAT TH~ TRIMMINGS $TOil~ Rnt,.ltl'r ilt111l. :-Second Door \'fest of \ViU!am· AGENCIES. beg to anno1mcA tot.he public that we are prepared to do a general lnsuranr-e busin ASR r<1 presenting- as we do a nn m ber of f\J·st clas;. Companies WA she.JI be ii:l<td to give pr~mpt attention to ..nyth!ng in that line. Vii e represent ol~o the Ontario Lo 1n and Savings Co .. of Oshawa, and accept deposits on its behalf allowing 4 & 5 per cent interest from date of reoeipt. Parties requiring Joana will find it to their advantago to get our torme. W~ She Was a Down-Easter, "Where do you come from 1" asked the latly, addressing Lhe girl at the. intelligence officer who was a candidate £or a cook's situation. "Sure, an' I'm a down easter ma'am," replied the girl in a ·decided brogue. "A.down-easter; why, I would take you to be Irish." "So I am, ma'am. I came from the County Down and that's east of herA, a long way east, so, av course, that makes me a down-easter." Another of the laborers and sufferers for Italian independence and unHy, Giovanni Battista Vara, died at Rome the other day at the of sixty-seven. He once filled the office of Vice-President of a Republican Assembly, and had to fly from his country. Thirty years later he was a Cabinet Minister of a constitutional monarch, and in him King Humbert laments the loss of a lpyal subject and a faithful and trusted servant. Ocean .Steamships. We .are agents for a number of llrRt clas· lines, among which is the White Rtar Line th~ bAst fast.est and heat Pquipped Steamship on the Oce·m, and Car tickets to all point·· at lowest rates. We also represent W, D .Mat.hew· of 'l'oronto, and are prepared to pay highest prices fol' Bal'ley and all kinds of !l'rRin. . Pa,rdes interested will please note these facte. T YELLOWLEES· · It . . nd s ew1ng M ac h'INDS 0 rgans a I f · ALLEN 1 lJ CflJllAGQ ROCK ISL AND & u PACIFIC R'Y 1 tJ~nt~~ it:11~i~:~i 1?u~'7.~:i~~Jhcea1;'.;~t:11:a~~nge~ Minueapoha aud St. Paul. It connects in Union Depots with all the r,rinoipo' lines of roa d betw~en 1 Callstheattentionoftravelerstothecentra1we10 :rt;hgfti~h9~{f~~i 'i31~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h1fs~n: HARNDEN, L. D.S .. Graduate of the Royal College or Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK~ON'S STORE. FI~LING A SPECIALTY. Plate Work executed in the latest and most improved style ot the Dental .A.rt, This Cu~ represents the popular Victoria. TEETH EXTRACTED Wl'l'HOUT PAIN Wave. It 1s dressed with the hair falling on 'T the use of Nitrous Oxide Gae, without injury the.forehead, and tho ends meot in Montaguea. , to the patient, It is exceedingly becoming, and is having a large run. The above style, with large number of Parifoula.r attention paid to the regulation of OH IL DRE N · o TEE 'l' H. . other .~ally becoming styles, made by GOLD l!"".tJ.LL ~?,BK· W.d:/.lBABTED~-- · ll'.R~.;.!·~1.l,~~u&ore Cultivatimr !Sor~lunn in t,he West. The rapid increase in the amount of sorghum planted from year to year, has stimulated ingenuity to dis cover ways and means of doing the entire cultivati<>n by horse-power; Sorghum is a feeble plant and grows slowly at first, and unless tlHl land is turned up, weeds are apt to ge; up faster than the :crop. The following Sl:l~ms to be the most successful plan :Frank J a.mes is n'.ext billed for trial in T~e land is plowed immediately before ~nting, or if doile earlier, or in the p~e Oooper county, Missouri; ' ·w ith a number fall, Uie entin ·ufaoe ia euhiTai~ of datea ahead .for future engagement.. I wish to call espe.ci11l att,ention that ir want to buy a first·clasR Organ mA,cle by 0 ( , of the best Manuraot,nries in the World. <!ALL ,\ND Sim UY C:HRISTlUS STOCI I ha vejnet, ancl will have in a f· days.some first cla·· Royal A SewingMachim a Machine that srau els A 1 with the very be· Aurnrican or C1 ,n1 td1an ~e wing Ma ohines,While r have to say against, any fi··stclass make cil Organs or Sewing Machines. I wish the public to please take notice I do sell only ftrst-chtsa Goode, such as I can guarantee to givo satisfact ion. N. 8.- I still sell the world-renowned Walt,· ham Watct.,- and don't forget our General Store where we keep a complete assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries cha"'!. for CaAh. The Bell Organs are sold by · P. ~ICE, Bowmanville, an cl DO~EY, E. ~1~:nti~ ~~fv:1~~ :n13 ~~~i1rce~;~b~rng~~i:~~~~ci ~a1:~&c~~f~~~~~he i~~1~~~~t1bYt1a"Raba~~arerr.: yon 1 9 !tY~u:so¥1i5;~\ii~ 1:a~~~1: t~f~r1~~ ·./1~~;~r~:: ··ALBERT LEA ROUTE." ~~~l~:i~~~~e;~m~1!:;ago and Minneapolis and St. b etween Clltcago and Missouri R iver ;points. Two ohs a nd St. Paul and inter\llcdiate poin.'ts ·.r:1dl~~·~rough J:'asRengiars '!'ravel on Fast ':Ei'})resc 1~ai~u1:~~n:i~~at'i~!~~it:: ~;~\~~~ti'a~:M1i~~~:~: A New and Direct Line. via Seneca and Kankakee, ~as recent ly been ope ned between R ich.mond, Nor tol k, Ncwport N e ws. Chattan ooga, AUauta.,A.u .. --· tli~ifi~1~~~0~t~~~~ ~~a1b~~~cf~~a1 Ticke~ Offices in checked through aud ra.t es of fare e.1wa..ya as low as competi1iora that offer less a.dvan- ta~~~· detailed information, get the Mapa and Fold~rs of the CREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE, At l7'0Ur nearest Ticket Offl.ce, or address n. R.R. QABLE, Tyrone~ f:. ST. JOHN, TIH-l'r0&. "GOa'l ll'c'r, CKIQACO- 0-·1 ftL "Pau. .Aal-

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