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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1884, p. 5

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SHOPPER'S GUIDE. A paneful accidAnt-hreakjng Stott & OUSE TO RENT.- Pos~elll!ion can Jury's window. be f\'!ven at once. Apply to F. M.A.l:\ON. 20 lbi'l. raisins for $1 at Murdoch Bros. FOUR DAYS EXCURSION TO ROWl\lANVlLLE STA'J'ION AND 1'lME. Considemblc correspondence and other ENERAL SERVANT WANTED:= . Belongs to STOTT & JURY and We s.,ll 11ood white Shirts at at·75 cts. matter crowued out. TORONTO. Highest wai;:'es will be paid to a suitable ' d f (IOJNO JMS<r OOINO WES'l' Ellioon ,iv, Cu. .Pttrium. Enquire at D. Davis' boot and shoe ·c~nes advertise .are or~ ' ~~~preuH .......8.52 am · \Local.......... 7.21 am Persons wanting. pasture for cattle read all Medl · 21. Girls beet Kid Gloves at 12! cents Arr11tngon1ents ha\·e beem mttde to rui1- store, next door to the Expre·s Qillce. le ~ by the ~ m. r·~ · ·'. Mixecl ... .... . .4.05 pm Express ...... 8.17 am Mr. VanNest's advt. 1.,ocal .......... 7.10 ll m Mixed ..... . .. a.3~ ll D· Elli@on k Co. an excursion from Cobourg and intermeA'rTLE PASTURE.-O~od pasture Port Hope will cclebmte the Queen's F:.Xpreas....... 9.30 p m Exnrese ...... u m for 4.0 01· 50 head of oattls ir Ila.ts where We offer Men's Tweed Suits at $5.00. diate stations to Toronto nnd return, on Birthday on. Monday. i~ . a running stream of water. ·rerms there FRIDAY, MAY 30. Tickets gooa to r eturn reaeonable. JonN VANNES't'. Solina. 21·3w· Geneml servai1t wanted. · Highest wages. Ellison & Co. on any train up to Monday evening, June Boys and youths Tweed Suits at $1.50. A good chance. See advt. 2nd. Time of starting and fares will be : 'l'RA YED.-Camil i uto the premise11 of Over $180 was realized at tl1e Siwed Ellimn & Co. the undersigned a yearling heifer. Owner NewtonYille,6:57 a.m., UOcts.; Newcastle, Large stock of coffins and caskets at hy provin~ and paying can have same Army concert in Port Hope. 7:1.5. a .m., 85 ets. ; Bowmanville, 7:27 a. expenaei!. AUTHUR W. p_ropArt.y 20·3w. BURK, For steamer Norseman and Mail Boat Levi Morris'. m .,"80 cts. ; Oshawa, 7:415 a.m., 75 cents. BowMANVILLE, FmDAY, MAY 23. Port Darlington Harbor Co. Pure Maple Sugar and·Maple Syrup at Tickets at t.110 station on morning of Tickets call on 'l'. Yellowlees. excursion. This being the cheapest and WEDDING P.1tESENT8.-A fresh line of , Quick & Wrights. -~ HE A,lS'NUAL MEET ING OF We never allow our.&wvea to be under· best excursion announcocl this .season, Plated ware just received. T. Yellowfoes. the shareholders of the Port Darlington sold. Ellison & Co, ' of tlte everyone should avail themselves Harbor Company for the election of Directors Articles written for the STATESMAN on · · To Empi1·e Horse and' Cattle Foo(J Co.' only opportunity. to serve for tho ensuing year, and for other Wall papers very pretty :tnd very cheap the Scott Act,campaign must not exceed Reform meeting to clay. pur1>0ses connected with the Company will be at Cheapside Baza:ir. half a column. held at th& Compa.ny'K Office, Port Darlmgton, Mit~he!l. B. C. church reopening June lst. on Mon<lay tho 23rd of June. By order, We offer rare value in Shirtings at 12}; Our readers must bear in mind tliat GENTLEMEN,-! have been using y'lur VITALIZED AIR. J. MILNE, Secretary, , Farmers say they have hacl raiu enough. .· 2ltd. Bowmanville, May 22, 188,. tom01TOW (Saturday) is a pubhc holiday c1mts Ellison & Co. High School en trance ex:aminatio11 food for sooie time, and can recommend -·--·------------~ and stores will be closed. · Y011 onght to try one of oar $5. 00 Tweed Of llll the wonderful inventions of the High School Examinations. it to everyblldy. For calves, it ~eats any· July 3. 4 · . : Dr. Harnden has introduced that won- Suits at Ellison & Co. age for the relief and preventfou of- huTrentons _whole assessment has beeh derful discovery, Vitaliziid Air, .for pain· Our Prints at o, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 cents are man suffering, perhat)s the most woncTerful rrHE INTERMEDIA'l'E AND THIRD thing I ever tried,-they will do equally appealed a~inst. . less extraction of teeth into his piactioe. extra cheep. Ellison & Co. is that of vitalized air as used in connectCL.ASS Non-professional Examination begins at Bowman ville High !lchool JULY 7th, aa well on it and akim milk, e.a on new 1'he G. T. R officials arerearranging the Cobourg had its usual weekly fire on We are selling off our wall papers very ion with the pmctice of Dentistry, The at9a. m. most eminent dentists bf England _ and Satun1ity morning. Mr. Harvey's stable, cheap. Tait & Morrison. The Second Class Examlnatlen begins JULY milk without it. I tested it on milking train service again. Europe generally have found by repeated 9th. at 11:05 a. m. St. Geor{ie's church, Oshawa, has or- span of horses, harness etc., were.burned. A fow hundred. samples Hose at job trial that this is the most painless method. 'l'heEntrru>ceTI:xam!natlon takes place JULY cows and find it not only increases ganized a lloy c}/oir. _ Rev. J. Dyke, and Mr. John N. Kivel prices,.at the Star House. 3rd and 4th , be11inning each day at 9 a. m. . of extracting teeth. It is being adopted Candidat<l· should notify tbcCouutrlnepector the quantity of milk, but gives the butter Messrs, Quick & Wright keep a very are artenrlin g the Provi~ional Distrir.t Our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing by the leading dental smgeons of our or the un dereignefl br J\:NJll !st. Meeiing of tho United Methodist Church is complete. · Ellison & Co. W . W. 'J'A11HlLYN, M. A., s richer color. For horses -and colt!! it clean a!ul tidy Btore. large cities and we are pleased to learn Bowman \·ille, May 15, 188.>, Principal. Potato S' are more plentiful· in town at Whitby t his week. that our esteemed and popular dentist Mr. All wool T1veed Suits made to order cannot ba beaten by e.oythiog in the since sei;i.~ng ended. Dlll'ing a thunderstorm at Port Hope from $12·k up. Ellison & Co. Chas. H1trnclen, has introduced this wonmarket. -J . M. JONESS. · Cows must not run loose on the streets htst week, ·lightning struck the steep!~ of Handsome and elegant Pulor Suite~in derful Uiscovery in his practice i 11 B owthe Baptist Church, completely demolishtill ~unday June 1st. manYille. The public can depend on the latest styles at Leti Morris'. HE NEXT MEET ING OF TBE proper applicatwn of this thoroughly pamMr. WJ H. Higgins.has gone to Quehec ing the roof and, doing slight damage to Municipal Council· of the Township of Hall and Dining-Room furniture of all le!s agent, and the Dr. is to be heartily Olarko the 1rickwork. will be h<Jld at the 'l'own Hall, Orono, as an emi.g rant agent. l:itest styles at Levi Morris', on TUESDAY. the 3rd day of JUNE. 1884. for We have great faith in Shaker Blood congratulated for - introducing it in this holding 1> Court Oshawa has more business changes than of Reviaion tor revising the We give great atte'ltion to tl1e Tailor· seetion. -Syrnp, because the l)roprietors pay cash in Asses~mcn t Holl of the 'l'ownshlp, and other any towµ :Known to us, advance for their advertismg. By all ing departmeut. Ellison & Co. general buslnoss. All int1weated will please ' <;fhe Salvation Afmy is making good means give it a trial ; your system needs · We ofter a special line of all w0ol Tweetake due notice. \V. L. RHOAD, This food contains nothing injurio.1s and · Township Clerk, progress in Brockville. , TIN WEDDING. a " shaker " at this season. ds at 50 cents. Ellison & Co. 20·td. Orono, May !I, 188!. is fed with marvelous su11ce88 to all · Brighton Blue Ribbon society now numX cu1tSION TO RocHESTER.- On 24th Fashionable Upholstered Furniture of A very enjoyablo time was spent last bers over 700 mep;1.bcrs. Elggs for Hatching from first class May, Norseman will. leave Port Hope at latest designs iit Levi Mol'l'ie. breeding stock. Friday evening at the residence of Mr. Mr. Albert J. Snrale, Wi11i1ipeg, has 9:30 Saturday mormng and 10:30 SatU!'· .............._ Brown and White Leghorns. Only $17.00, ocean fare, steerage, Allan and Mrs. J olm K. Galbmith, the object of been ill but is recovering. day evening. Tickets $1.50; good until Line. Y'f. A. Nealls, agent . the giithering being to celebmte the tenth Several new sub.scriptions ho S1°ATESMAN Monday eveuing. T. YlltLOWLEEs, Agt. HE SE FOWLS HAVE TAKEN Great fall in wall papei·s at Tait & anniversary of their maniage. There were tlto highest pri ze~ wherever shown. A have been received lately. The Army officers have decided on erec· Morrison's Cheapsicle Bazaar. about twenty-three couples present. P res- ·-pail- or ch+cks, :l n\ontlrn old. took 2nd prize at . Beech Avenue should be enclosed and ting barracks here and contributions are 'roromo In1lu~t.rial Exhibit.Ion In 1"83; 1st anu. ents both useful and 01n:tmental were Great slaughter of tin ware at M ;mning solicited to the building fund. Persons \ prizeHon Whites at West Durhtitn Fair, then beautified witJ1 flowers. tendered on tl10 occ~ision. The presenta- 2nrl & Nosworthy's ' . Call and see. J88:l, also 1st. on Br.,,vn LcgborM, 1st and 2nd The Reliable Drugg~sjs, Oshawa has a lawn tennis club. Bow- d.:siring to contribute are requested to Browns. special !or be><t Browns on Exhl· Fol' things pretty) varied, cheap and tions, on behalf of the donorll, were made ov ~ aive their 1mmes to Capt. Hind. All sums hit.ion, two l· t prizt>e on Whites, special priae by Dr. Brimttcombc, who kindly expressed manville sh'tiuld have one too. for best, IV hites 011 exhibition, and special !or ~f five dollars and over will be acknow· good call at Cheapside Bazaar. are Sofo Agents --for Bowmanv11le and the congratulations \tnd good wishes of the best breeding pen on exhibition, at the late The Queen ref)uests .t hat her birthday !edged in the STATESMAN. ; Parties asking us for bargl\ins will not friend11 convened. Mr. Galbraith responil- Howmanville Poultry Exhibition. P1·ico recelebration be held June 28th. vicinity. Call at their hatch gnaratttced, ' lt·does not pay to violn.te the FiRhery be ditiappointed Ellison & Co. ed on behalf of hims"lf a11d consort in a duced to $LOO per 13; 1wod W . J. WOLFE. . The· Emerald Beneficial Association Act, as ,the following fines, inflicted in Port We mark in plain fig1n·es. and have few well chosen words, thanking his friends Liberty Street or at Orgo.n Ji'art.ory. J demonstrate in Oshawa to-morrow. Bowman ville. April 25, 188~. 17-tf. Hope last · week ·will show :- Sidney strictly one price. Ellison & Co. fo1· their thoughtful remembrance, and exIntermediate an(l . third class teachers Wammffi aker, fine and costs, $2.~. 95, or Ladies, have you seen Tait & Morrison's tended to all a cordial welcome. Excellent and ·ee Testimonials from all the leading Eexamination July 0th. See advt. one month in jail ; W. H. N eedler,$54.80, pretty wall papers. You should. music was furnished for tho occasion and About 800 persons patronized the G. T. or two months; Edwin Hanna $4.50, or usual amuscme11ts w'e re indulged in till the Ti\pestry Carpets from 35c upwards at , breeders in the ~eat. The ---v.>-i--one month; Chas. Necdlci., $37.00, or R. excul'Sion .to Toronto last week. "wee smitll hours " of morning. Every Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. one seemed to en]oy themselves to the ACREF; OF LAND, CLAY The firemen waiting for the wol:'d three months. Fresh supply of those cheap Raisins fullest extent of their 1 IY SOI:L. in a high statA ot cultiva· ibility. At t he tlon, A cricket club ha.s been organized ii "go." They have had quite a rest. hae nev11r been rented, alway· worked by 20lbs for 1.00 at Murdoch Bros. hour of parting all felt delighted with the tho owner. all cleared except 10 aoreA or wood- . · town with the following officc;rs : Hon. Grand Division, S. of T. hold~ its semiFor groat bargains in all kirids of tin- pleo.surablc lionrs t1rns spent, and hoped li·ml-tuJrd wood, all well fenced with cedar President·:_Col. F, Cubitt; Presidcntmaking this food not only the l:est annual session l\t Uxbridge, May 27t . npls; thcro is flr·t·cl11ss dwelling houses, barns, that there· may he m1tny years of conjugal and W. J. Jones; Vice-clo--A. Leith; Sec,-y ware go to Manning & N osworthys. stables on eRch of the 100 a, the barns ·. Mayor Loscombe fell while pruning - but th~- Treas- A. E. Christie ; Capt- W. R. ~he Great slaughter of tin ware at felicity in store for Mr. :md Mrs. Gall;>raitl~. are new, built only four years &KO; there is no tree last w~k, dislocating his shoulder. waste land on the farm ; the north end of the Years that may bind th11m closer still Climio ; mltnaging committcc- T. Brodie, M~nning & N osworthy's still going on. farm joins Audley v1llaqe; ther~ is a post office, · In bon!{s of love and right good wl:l. A gold watch and $200 wore -stolen F . Borland, ·D. T MorriH, N. S. · Young, blacks mi th shop and etore in said village; only Bedrooms suites from the most,expensi ve from Hemlerson's hotel, Brooklin :May 7. J. l3. Mitchell. 'l 'he club starts witl:_i 40 to \the commonest Jines at Levi .M:orris'. fom· miles from the town of Whitb;-. being Lot ----·---.~··---No. 2, in 3rcl Doncca·ion of the township of A"ricultural reports.from all the western members. l e won d er h ow, we can se!l D ry Pic1rnrin!?. PossedRlou Miven 011 removal of SALVATION ARMY NOTES. this · f eop. yen,.·" (·mp or wonlfl sell this year's crop stai:s are dism:tl, and indicate a short Mr. James Knight of Lt~ke-side fol'm, Goods and Clothing so cheap. Ellison &Co. on the gronml " t a valuation. 1'his is one of · crop. Good meetings last Sunday and 15 con- the cboi<J"'"L ran ns in Pickering. 1'here is also For the newest styles :md the best Yalue delivered to M. D. Williams on ~ucsday, orch1J.1d, .,n.,,., "hoiceHt rruit treea on eaoh of Mrs. Eves and Miss Vernon, of New- ftol ux·bthtrefe-yeaf1·-told .tftalt sbteedrs, sa{df t~ ~e ~n di·ess goods call at Couch, J olmston & verts/ the WO ucn>s. Thu re&eon for oft'erl11g thie market, arc visiting their sister,Mrs, Jesse 1e es our. a ca e re an< . ec )y r derman 's. . Yal11al1le rnru1 f r.eale is that t he owne1· is refhe new cadet ls Miss Louise man m vYest Durham tlus year. Y. VanCamp, tiri n;:·, "" " ')II tWC OUQ.t Of it being clear Of all of Barrie. ald, W«··d ; prefers to sell tha11 t.o rent It· . noxious First class value in black silks, and Mrs. Rev. J. A. Dafoe, of Prince Ed· Their aggregate weight W(lS 5,860 tbs. a11d 1!'01· furtJ1er.11><rLieulare and terms tt!>flf to the Sunday marches do not meet with favor Mr. Knight.received $379 for them. Mr. ,.ear guara~tced at Couch, Johnston & owner. ward Island, is visiting Mrs. H. J. Nott, HOW TO SECURE HI;ALTH. in Bowmar.ville. Knight is-a good feeder and ge'n erapy Cryderman s. SAMUEL IRVING, ~pw n · le. , " 21--lw.. Whitby Poet Oflice "Holiness to the Lord" ie the inscripLion , cantributes sqme goo~l anin\!!'lf!-: If_? ~017 It is=~rimge t~~y ~ne wil) .suticr r~_I TltE largest stock of Black Silks, Black Oshawa must be an'lmchuitable town; derangements lll'ought on by an mipure cu,_ tion eve -y ~ Satirl De L ims; e_ ct ., for mantles, go to on t1ie new drum. 1 · manville's exporta almost every week some of its indigents cula.tion of the blood, when, for a small TomiNAMEN'l'. - The Mail speaks of the . 'the' Star Bsuse. The ·Army meetings should be closed 'l)utlay, the physical organfaation c:m be come here begging. ........ -· v r _night. Newcastle Bicycle Tournament exhibition · There is 110 use in talking, l\fa~r as at~lO p. J completely restored by that wonderful blood Clara Kennedy, Ot.anabee, aged 2 years. of prizes in the window of Ellis & Co., of the biggest an cl most varied stock of hats -OFTlie new dru:n has anived au d Charlie J>urifier, Northrop & ~:yman's Veg.etablc was caught by t . h e head in a fence and 'foronto, as a sight to make the "boys' in ~owmanville. Call and see. , MARY A NN. KEYS, of the Burdeii beats it like a professional. Discovery. '£his med10111e a.cts d1~ectly ' strangleCl to death. · mouths water" . . Indeed this bicycle Opened out this week a new and beau11pon the Bloo~ and. ~owels, aml eraihcates The boys look neater in their ue11"· town o f Bowmanville, county The Hoyal Mail Line of steamers are tournament prorms,·.;; to be one of t~e tiful lot of wool Carpets 90c a yd. and army suits. Ives gave them good tits t oo. Scrofufo., Malaria, Bil10usness, &c., from tlte of D itrham, merchant. .ystem. AJJ a tonic it has a remarkable not running yet, being delayed by a break grandest displays of the kind ever held m upwards at Couch, Johnston & Cryde1·If "Wild Ben" is a specimen of Lindsay Canada, about 150 wheels from all parts man's. mfect ou the weak and broken down con· in the Lachine !Jana!. --H-soldiers we suggest that he be dipped_ a atitution, restorin~ t.he appetite, &c. <?ne Chief Const11.ble Coleman re promised._ The pai:ade, races,. torchPIPES sold at W . E . P ethicks barber · few times in ' soft soap and·. ~horoughly UTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN THAT whp userl it says lt is the mo~t e_x:pe~·~ 1 ve empowered to horse whip light procession, evenmg entertamment shop at cost price, or at 25c. on the $less scrubbccl before being sent here agiiin. tbe sai<l Mary Ann Keys has macle an medicine he knows of; since usmg it. his ap- caught with a catapult. t .nd a b:ass baIJd are ami:mg the tempt'.1· than retail prices, first quality meerchaum a~signment o!all her property, estate and efpetite has improved so. much that it costs The excursionists returned from the fects to Thomas Henry Vann. of th e said town Yennor, in his Almanac, predicts t10ns offered to ~ur p_eopl~ ancl ~he ~ubhc pipes for $2.00 him twice as much to live as bef?re._ Brooklyn Jubilee o·~ Friday. Capt. Hind of Howrna.n¥ille, accollntant, in tr11at for the ' for the Queens BirthclayS«tmclay Th C d' p .fi R R · C d' " wari'n and windy weather" fo1· Saturday benefit of all her creditors un ll for the purpose It banishl'.s pain and weakness, rnv1gorates Ma 24th - Advt e ana mn aci ic . . vm re it being uowell remained at her h ome in of paying all her debts ratea.blr and proportionthe brain and nervous system, and rouses tho May 24th. "'I'ht\nd~r-storms and _haj l- . Y · · . . Valley division is the finest route to any Torcmto till Monday evening. ably without preference or p1'iority, according; dormant muscles into new life. · storms fo1· l\fonday 26th. ' Next Sabba~h Mr~ . Watson, Evangelist part of the Western States, Manitoba or to their rtJspectl ve nature.and that all pel"Sons. A bout 1000 soldiers ·and citizens went firms and corporations havlnit claims a.Ra.inst. Tor~mto, :W~ll asstst. t he.Rev. J · Dyke British Columbia. W. A. N en,ds Agent. The 45th Battalion, Bowmanville, has the said Mary Ann Keys Al'e requested to send , special reltg10n services m the. P. · M. . . ' . to the station t,o " welcome h ome" Cnpt. in been 1nYited to participate in Toronto's their names residences and addresses and church of this town. The rpornmg serJust receive~ at.the Star House anothei Ada' on Saturday night, but illness pre- pa.rtic!llat·s or tbeir claims, tluly verified, andsemi-centennial celebration. vice will have special r eference to Christian lot of our special lme French Wool Black vented her coming and there was great ·pecifying t.he nature of tbe sec1nity (IC any) . John Dodd's little boy, Oshawa, "·as Fellowship, and in the e vening there will Cashmeres. 'I~hey are the best, we have disappointment in the ranks. held by them bJ letter to the said 'l'homas. Henry Vann, at Dowmanvllle, oa or before the · terribly burned l<t:i!t week; his clothes ig-' be a Grand Sah-at ion meeting. Mrs. never lost a, sale of these goods to our 2!th day or June next. nited while playing with tire. , And notice is hereby given that after aaicf Watson will be present at both services. knowledge. date the eaid ThomasHenry Vann will proceed There is nothing equal'to Mother ·Gi:aThe claims ' against the Grand Trunk Those who heard h er earnest ministrations PERSONAL. PETHICK, the Barber is selling his P ipes, to distribute tl1e asger.s of the said Mary ABU -ves' Worm Extern,1inator for destrying Railway, on account of the late Humber when she was in B owmanville last will be Tobaccos and Cigars at cost pi·ices, as · he Keye among tho:pa1 ·1ies entitled thereto, hav' · worms. No article of its kind has given accident, have been nearly all settled. ing :regard only to the oluims of wlllcb notice Mr. Daniel F. Burk,HPort~~'thur, spent shall glad to hear h er again. All will be is going out of that line of business. Give have been given, and that be will not be such satisfaction. him a call. It will be to your advantage Sundiiy at " Tc:wm ey ouse. Mr. John Gordon's woollen mill at Balti- welcome. · lfable for the nmounta or 1my part thereof so· uistributed to any person or persons, firms or more, destroyed by fir e some time ago, The annuit! juvenile missionary meeting if you want anything in his line. . ~~ss Addie Lorriman, of ~hathai'n,. is corporations of whose account he shall not has been r ebuilt and will soon be in 'oper- held in the C. M . church on Monday Couches lounges, ea~y chairs, cane, VlSltmg at ~r. G eorge Dobson _ s. then have had notice. And !urther notice that the creditors ot' ation. Mr. J. H;alfpenn)'. (Prett:x 'Joe) spent a said Mary Anntake evening was .attended- by a fnirly large perforatedl md comm!Jnchairs, cupboards, Keye are notified to meat at tho E. A. Cragg, a Kent Co. 'assesso1·; has audience, and the program for the occasion beuroaus, !'ash stand~ cradle.a and every: . !few clays with the g1ris her e last week. offlce of the said assignee on 'I'lm1peranee str.eet, Eve~.y observer who walks the streets Mrs. J. 1!. Hanns, of Art'hur is visiting in the ,town of Bowman ville, on SA.'l' URDA.Y, of a gr~~t 11ity, and scans with intelligent beiin fined $200, with two weeks in jail was o~ a very: inter esting character. Mr. thing.e,lse m the ~urmture lme at ~evi the 31st day of MAY, 1881, at the hour of eleven o'clock In t he forenoon, to rccel ve a statement eye the colorless faces of ·more than fifty fo;r wrongly inserting names on the assess- K eddy occupied the chair, and there were Morris, Bounsall s Block, Bowmanv1lle. Mrs. Geo. McGill at the 'Ontario Bank. also on the platform R evs. E. R . Young, .Allan Line, mail steamships- the Messrs. E . Jewell, J. L ockliart, Ellis, of the affairs of the said Ma.ry Ann Keys and per cent of the people ha mee.tos., c1m east· ment roll. consider the best means of proceeding to F ellow-citizens, I feel sorry t<> say that S. T. Bartlett and T. F errier. Tl~e ,two quickest, safest and best line crossing the and Sipger, .of Oshawa, were, in town on to ly agree with us in the statement, that wind up the estate. latter gave brief addresses to t he children, atlantic · Vessels not being insured inSunday . . Dated this 20th dny of May, .A. D., 1881, , the month of March has jumped over this age, which makes such drafts upon the Sabbath school beiug well r epresented. sures cdreful management. No cattle on ' ! '. H. VANN. May. This is the reason we have cold the working energies of the greater part . . Mr. John Squair, B . A., h as been 21 AesJgnee. Readings, recitations, music, . etc.1 were passenger steamers. Rates reduced ; en- appointed lecturer in Roman languages in of m<'n in the intense pursuits of business to day. ......,J. GAY. U niversity College, Toronto, a position has destroyed in a proportionate . de~ree The S!FATE~I>fAN will n ot give free no· givei~ by W . A . Bu~1~er, Ch\]<rhe 'Ymdatt, quire of W. A. ~eads,Agent. the animal health and robnet const1tuhon. tices of meetrngs where an admission fee Gracie Young, 'Vilhe Bryan~, Thomas Star House specialties: 21 yards h cary h e has lately been filling _ with grea.t R atisNature in this stage of exhaustion, can- is charged or where collections are taken L<'.ckhar t , Miss Bunnez: and Miss J oness. Factory for $1 ; 15 yards heavy Factory faction. Congratulations, John. not be' restored of itself, but requires up to pay expenses. Miss R. ~ayi:ard presided at the organ. 36 .iriches wide for $1; Cret onne only 12~· Mr. Edwin Mitchen;· of P ort Arthur, some stimulating tonic, to strength~n a~d r ittam, secretar~! ~·ead a very cents ; 50c Kid Gloves foi· 25c; H oop son of the late Zacltariah Mitchell former---o--R ev. Dr· J effers luis retiree! from the HaITy B_ encouragmg r eport. Rev· E · R . Young Skirts for 25c · Corsets Thompsons make · · ' · · keep the system in regnlar order, and rn active work of the ministry after fifty . distributed several valuable 1 1 rizes in books t M bl ti . ly a property l1older m 13owmanville, spent 'fhe undersigned having rented the Woolh b' Northrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine we years' service in the M etlrodist church. . ' for 35c ; t e es ar e 0 I 1c1o l eit1 ier S d . l H · . · fl . bl k · f 40 d un l1Y tere. e is cinrymg on a our - en Mills, Hampton, beg to inform · the ·unong the collectors of last year. A bl havt1 the exact remedy required. The H e will resiclc at Belle ville. ~ollection w'a s taken when t he meeting ue or , ac - vcm or c per YaI' · . ishing butchering b u&hiess at the Port . peculiar oper ation of this medicine, m 'VBAT s IN A :N_All! E .-Scrof~la is so Mr. Martin T. B lain, who has been in farmers and public in general that they The last..issue of the Port Hope Times closed with the benedict ion . cases of general debility and nel'Vous Tambourines at all prices. T. Yellow- called from_ ~he Latm scro.f u, a P1g, from the employ of Mr. R . S . Manning for some - are prepared t oprostration, has undergone long and close is an excellent number- full of n ews; the. suppo_ s1ti,on ~hat the ~1sease c~me f~om time, L eft last week to accept a position in obaervation,and it ie believed 1t will never fresh and spicy. Bro. Tray es has evidently !~es. eatmg swme s flesh. It is often mhented Uxbridge. Both Mr. Blain all{l his esti1 ' fail, if properly 11.nd judiciously ad minis· gone into the harness with r enewed vigor from parents, and leads to abscesses, ul- moble wife will be greatly missed as they NOTICE. tered. Pr;ipared by N orthroe_. & Ly_ m an after a mouth's rest . ·1·t k" ' ·1 d .. ~ and make it up m tod b cerous. sorns, e 1 i y, mg s evi an C_?n· were much r espected by ;i large circle of · · Mr. Levi Morris was seen driving Toronto, and sold by all druggists. Mr . d. M . Cawker's·stor e will be open sumption. .The cae. e of the Rev. Wm. friends: They were the recipients of YARN, BLANK E T S, FLANNEL S, week in t he direction of Providence with · a lo11d of handsome new furniture. P eople tomorrow (S1ttur<lay) from 7 t o 9 o'clock Stout, of Wiarton, who sua:erecl 23 years handsome presents from the S unday TWEEDS, &c. know where they can get the 1 best furni- in the morning ancl from 7 to 9 in the from abecesees, 18 one of the Bchool T eachers of St. Paul"s church. most remarkable on r ecord. Burdock ture for the least money. evenfog for the accommodation of th e Blood Bittel'!I cured him after the best Have also on hand a good stock of W:HITJl N. McRae, Wyebridge, writes :"I have Some chap in· Toronto gave himself public. medical skill had failed. BIRTHS. and GREY B LANKETS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, ~~~~~~ sold large quantities of Dr. Thomas' Eo· away badly the other day by forging a WO'l'TEN- Near Enfield, on the Hth inst., &c., which we will sell lectric Oil · it is used for colds, e.ore throat, Cobourg editor's name to a note. · ~f THE8E ARE SOLID FACTS. - Th e bes blood the wife of Mr. Wm. Wotten, of a son. GRAND MUSICAL TREAT. c roup, &o'., and in fact ~or any. afiectio;ri Course h e·could'nt get any money on it. purifier and system regulat or ever pfaced BJllLL- I'n 'l'yrone. on the 14th inst . the "'.ire of the throat it works hke magic. It 1s We would not ti1ke an editor 's note for within the r each of suffering humamty, On Tuesday evening next, :it half-past ot Mr. John Bell, of a eon., a sure cure for burn~. wounds, and bruises. three cents. truly is Electric Bitters. Inctivity 'of the seven , t he D . 0. & P. Co. Band will give ;i:>owELL- Nea!' Enfield. ~n the 1n h infit., the . wile of Mr. BenJ. Powell, Jr., of a eon. · A visitor to t own on Saturday wanted Liver, Biliousness, Jaund ice, Constipati- an open air concert in front of their new to know if the n ew band stand was a on, W eak K idneys, or auy disease of the room, Market Square, when the following Parties having Cotes of Wool will find it DIED. hangman's scaffold. A citizen informed uritary organs, or whoever requires an pr ogram will be rendered : to their ad vantage t o sell here. appetizer, t onic or milll stimulant, will COLWXLLIn Darlington. on the 19th instant, him that it was a band stand for t he ben THE PROG RESS O F M EDICAL ENL~GHTEN· Samuel H.Colwill,thlrd son ofMr,JohnCohvill, always firicl Elictric Bitters the best aud March- Concentratin ..... . .... .. .. .... Rollinson aged the convicts. This all comes from efit of 32 years, Nebuchednezzar ...... .. . ···v· Verdi :MB~<T has led to tl~e abandon1!1ent of many only certain cure know~i. They act sure· OverturePolonaise- Mirza .......... ............... Caraffa llntiquated remedies of questionable value, building it near the lock -up door . and quickly, every bottle guarnteed to ly done' ae usual in first class style. Baritone Solo- The Vision ... .. . ... .. ... . Brobka BRIGHT'S DISEASE of the Kidneys, Dia· and the adoption of newer and more r a· gi vc ent ire satisfcction or money r efund ed. Wa.ltz_:_Knight ............ . .......... ...... Beyer N nu 2l9ncrthumtnts. and other Diseases of the KidnE>ys betes Soliciting your favors. tional ones. Prominent among the ~att~r Sold at fift y cent s a bot tle by J Higgin- March- Forlorn Hope ......... ...... .St. Jacome ' ·'"· ·"· -·····"· ' "··' · ··" ···'··":· ··u··. ·'··" ··' ··· ' ··" ·' "·" ··'· . ···· "··· '·>., is Northrop & LJ:man's Vege~ble Discov- and Liver, which yon are beingsofrighten· botham & Son. · We are your obedien t servants, They have fitted up the room at a cost E NDERS WANTE D. - Tenders will ery and Dyspeptic Cure, the 3ustly ce_le- ed about, Hop Bitters is the only thing Reduced Steamship rates. T. Yellow· of $60 and expended $125 in new hats and he received 11p to 'l'UESDAY, 27th instant, brated Blood Pllrifier, a comprehensive that will surely and permanently prevent fer the erection of a. brick dwelling on .kHvision extra uniforms and will gladly receive any s family remedy for liver complaint, ?<>_n- and cure. All other pretended cures only lees. treet. Bowmanv1lle. Plans and f!peciflcations Childr en's Cabs r educed gr e:ttly in price, contributions our citizens choose to give may be seen at the CUSTOMS' OFFICE. The eumption, indigestion, Jos~ of phys1cial relieve for a t and then make yon Hampton, M ay 23, 1884. lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 21. covering this expenditure. towa,rds many t imes wi:.rse · T. Yellowlees. energy, and female compfamts. THIS COLUMN GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. WAIT FOR IT. H G C ~ .~3 FARMERS, S 'READ .['~IS! = ============ Local and Otherwise. T NOTICE. T POSITIVELY 0 ......... STOJf &:-~URY, MEDICAL HALL T A FIRST·CLASS FARM FOR SALE. Price has been reduced, ·>()0 CH~APfST IN THE DOMINION. Notice to Creditors N 1 WOOL WANTED . . I Take Wool ·n the Fleece ICheap for dash or Exchange fior Wool ROLL CARDING T Robt. Taylor & Co.

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