Formerly known aa_the "Soper Mllls. ') Caledo.nian Mills. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. z. P. Wilds, well-known city missi onary in New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wllds, of the Massacb.u110tt11 Supreme Cou1·t, i'·rlles FOREIGN ~OTES. A. PARISIAN SCANDAL] Cards of Thanks. Spring & Summer MILLINERY. 'THIS MILL HAS BEEN THORUGH' i renovated and put in order.under . onl' 0\11'.D ~ "11t\ supervision. for the purpose of .arle'ting 11.n "]lanutJ>.etal'ing'Gat Meal and Pot Darley an .Ne are now to reot>ive orders 'trom all our old CUiltOmorB and Others for work and we gurantee to give them who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction, · Oats and other grains taken in exchange for Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow· 227, manville as follows :· GET YOUR LUMBER PLANf D, MATCH fO,MOULDf D&c. -AT-- Morris & Joblin's PLANING MILL, Liberty Street, Where you can also ·. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door Frames, Plain and Ornamental Fence Pickets, Cisterns, &c. CARPENTRY IN ALL BRANCHES. Bowmanvllle, Februarv 21,.188!, 8-tf, PHOTOG RAFHY. ------HENRY'S New Photo Rooms . o...._.\RE NOW OPEN. c laa4 foraneJl:l7 oecupletl b;r the J"o11t omce. -, ".l.IN~ STREET, Last 'vinter I 'vas trouhled with :i. most uncomfortable ltohing humor affecting more especially my limbs, which ltche1 I so intolerably at night, and burned so iuteuseJy, that I could scarcely bear a11y clothing over them. I was also a sufferer fro:1t a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough; my appetite was poor, nnd my system a good deal run down. Knowing the valne of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, by ObservatioJl O! mimy other ctaaes and from perso11al nso Jn former years, i' began taking it for t he above-named disorders. l\lly appetit~ i:nprovcd almost from tho fl l'st dose. After a short time tho fever aud itching were allayed, and all signs of irrit!.tion of tl1e skin disappeared. My catarrh nud cougl1 were also ·cured by the same means, a nd 1 ily general health .great)y improved, until it is now excellent. I feel a hundred per cent ·Lrongcr, &ud I attribute these results to the use of the SARSAPARtLLA, which I recommend \Yith all confidence as the bes.t blood medicine ever devised. I took !Ind it in small doses three times a day, " used, in all, less than two bottl.,.. 1 place these facts at your service, hopinl{ their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. WILDS." The above Instance is but one of the many constantly coming to our nottae, which prove the pe_rfect adaptability of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA to the cure of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood, and & weakened vitality. ME~J~s~J~~~l~nf~O~~t·~:,{i~~,~~;!:S · 2 0 Ayer's Sarsapari I la cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, ·t!mnlates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resiat and overcome the attacks of all Scrofu. lous Dueaaes, Eruptiom of the Skin, Rheu. matiam, Catarrh, Gwer«l .Debilit31, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupte(J blood 11ond a. low state o! the system. PREPARED IlY ::BC>""1C"1\l.r.A.N"V"XX..X..E. Dr.J.C.'Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottle{" for $5. The Gallery is first-class in all its appointments, and furnished in a comfortable manner. There will be no poor work allowed to leave the rooms, and these who favor me with a call can rely on being pleased .--.The instantenous process only will 'be used for Phot.ographs. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. - Con1tipation, Indigestion, Heo.fulche, an~ cure all Btliou1 'Disorders. $old everywlun..., .Always reliable. Best Purgative Medicin'l Oome in and see me. R.H. HENRY, Orono Pump Factory._ Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever, ------W~C.TYLER, DOW"MANV.ILLE, . PUMPS! With or without Porcelain Cylinder, of CARPENTER 'VORK. the Best Material, on the shQrtest notice · Sllop opposite Treleven'& Shoe Store. Bowmanville, March 26. 188,. · 13-6m. and ~t the !owest prices. PUMPS OF. EVERY DESGRIPTION, Manufacturer and Dealer in Pumps · of -all kinds,The Subscriber having built a large new RUBBER BUCKETS, J Punip Factory in Oronn, is prepared ' WIND MILLS, I· - to furnishWINDOW SHAI?ES, and General Jobb~r in Cistern 'l' ' sand J?.umps supplied. WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. -Orders by Mail promptly attended to. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand, R. FERGUSON. (ITHE FIRED Has lllade lllany Changes. --(o)-- This Great Household lYJedicine ranks amo!lg-st the leading necessaries of.Life: These famons Pills purify the BLOOD, and most powerfully, yet soothingly, &ct on the ....--'""!"'----~ $ DAV~ "" ---------·------~~- DAVIS ~ BLOCK~ Liver, .S'tomach, K£dnP.11s, and BOWEl,1:3. gtvmg tone. ener<ry. and vtgor o th-ese great MAIN SPRTNGS OF LTJ<'E. They confidently recommendeil as anevPrfailtng r emedy in all oases where th A conetitntion, from whatever ce.use, has become imnaire>fl or weakened. They are wonderfullv efficacious !n al' ailment.Ainciilental to Females of all a,Q'AR: anrl as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed. G"TDE J"OPllLAR""l!Sti BOOT AND SHOE MAN HAS RESUMED BUSINESS - -IN- - Holloway's Ointment. lti Senl"eblnl!' nnil 1Jenltn1< Prnpel't.les an kn1>wn thr1>111tl1011t the W nrld, For the cure of BAD LEGS. Bad Breasts, lt is infalltble remedy. If eft'ectually rubber! on .NEXT DOOR ·To THE EXPRESS OFFICE. the neck and chest. as salt into meat.. it. cures SORE 'l'HRuAT,Dinhtheria,BroMhit.ia, Oongh (o)- Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, .Abscesses Piles Fistulas ta" My Stock comprises all lines ot Ladies Rheumati'sm, &; Gents' Fine Goods, Overshoes, Rubbers, &c. And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it hae w Ordered Work an!l, Repairing will as never been kown to tail. The Pills and Ointment are ManufarturP.d 111.sual receive prompt attention. only at 533. OXFORD STRF.lllT. LONDO\J, and are sold by oil Vendors of Medicines thronghou lltlT Mf customers and the·public generally the Civilized World; with directions for using most every lan!<'nage. are invited to call and secure unparalleled in.«arPurchasers should look at the Label on thP Posts and Boxes. If the address i~ not 533 'bar~ains in Boots and Shoes. Oxford Street, London: they are spnrious. DAVID DAVlS. re The Trade :Marks of my said Medwines & Jeld,stered in Ottawa.. and also at Washington. Bowmanville, March 6, 1884. ::NEADS' Old Wounds, Sores anrl mce1 s, Buckwheat Flour His Groceries are Fresh and Good. and Graham Flour. JAMES ELLIOTT TryElliott's 30c. TEA.· Farmers' PRODUCE h. oice Maple Syrup taken in exchange. and Sugar. · Due Bills given. I ment in full, through your agent here,Mr.Thf;IA. A l'aris telegram to the London DaiVI/ Bingham, of my cl11im againat you from the min11ter, &c., &c. LEWIS QUICK, Has much pleasure In announcing to the ladielil News says : The .Parisian event of the ate ftre, George Eliot, after meeting Lord, then hour is M. Lamy's attempt recently that she has received a complete stock of Mil· linery and Fancy Goods. Sir Garnet, Wolseley, thus describes him in a fit of marital jealousy, to shoot M. To Hartford Fire Insurance Company: Flowers, Feathers, Ornantents, Rtbbo111 in o.1e of her letters as "or.a of those men Savary, an ex-deputy, formerly member I hereby return thanks to your Company for the prompt Aettlement ot my claim, through "Yeiltngs, I.aces, Berlin 'Vool, Andalnslun0 who have the power to command by of the national assembly and director of your agent Mr. Thos.Bingham.:.,of Joss sustained Beatie, Braids, Canvass, J:'los1, means of gentleness of character, calm- the Banque de Lyon Pt de la Loire. M. by fire on the 12th inst. ;LttWIS Q.UICK, .A call is kindly eoliciwd. W. WOR.F'OJ,K. ness of bearing, and inflexibility of reso- Savary is the person who was chiefly inMRS. ANDERSON, King Street, lution." strumental in getting Orleanist and legit· To the President, Manager and Directors of ne:x:t door to Buckler's Jewellery Store. the /"ire lnsurance .Association of London, The Australasian Medical Ga~ette says imist votes for the Wallon constitution. England. that the natural increase~exuess of births It is said that the Tunisian finance was MISS BURDEN takes pleasure in in I h"reby return thanks ror the very prompt over deat.hs-has been very great in South worked by him in order to create a ma- settlement,throngh your agent Mr.'l'. Bingbam. tlrnatiog to her friend.~ and customers that she for my two horses killed by lightni_ng in my "'ill be found at MRS. ANDERSON'"' STORB, Australia, the average for fiTe years hav- jority, and that his report on the ·Bona- field last thunder storm. ROB'l'. FIELDING. where she will carry on the Dress-Making. ing been exceeded in the last quarter of partist conspiracy had not the great effect outsiders imagined. 1883 by 274. The death rate has also inM . Savary for three years has been in crf'ased, being 15.80 in 1881, 14.08 in difficult pecuniary circumstances and un1882, and 16.02 in 1883, der. a cloud. M. Lamy had been his n- I -OFAbout one hundred stoats and weasels, anoial associate, and after t.he Lyons bank which had been caught with considerable got into trouble, was placed by M. So.vary difficulty in different parts of Lincolnshlre at the head of the Campag11e E Jectrique, by a vermin catcher, have just been senb in the Avenue d'Opera. He used often to New Zt1aland. They have been pur- to go into the provinces on the business chased oy the Government of that coun- of this concern. On returni11g from a try for the purpose of destroying the rab- professional tour he found that his wife, · We have reduced...the prices -of our entire stock of bits which overrun the colony. One a handsome young woman, had run away, thousand' hundred live pigeons have leav;ing two children. He was told that been shipped for the consumption of the she had eloped with M . Savary. Twelve animals during the voyage. thousand francs which he expected to find -We are making-The · Lon<'lon association which offers in his desk was not there, and he jumped prizes of £700 and £300 for the two best perhaps unfairly, to the conclusion that non-alcoholic beverages i~ ready for busi- she took them. His story, on being arrested is, that mad ness. Competitors must submit a sample in every department of General Dry Goods. of not less than three gallons of their ar- from despair, he at once hastened, to ticle, with a statei;nent of its ingredients, Lyons, and with the little money he had and the cost mu sf not exceed £3 per 100 took a third-class ticket to Geneva, where gallons of English measure. It is not he suspected the fugitives were. The stated whether forei11ners may compete, head police officer there told him that Interested parties ought to see these Rare Barga.ins. but the address of the association is 55 they had not left Paris, He was able to borrow enough to come back and buy a Chancery lane. revolver. In going to Geneva he took A recent statement in the .Archives de with him his youngest child, hopmg that Medeci1ie Militaire shows with much force its presence might touch his wife's heart. the influence upon small-pox of syste· The infant caught cold and on the way matic revaccination. Previous to the back died of the ' croup. year 1834 the deaths from that disease in Parties asking us for Bargains will nc~t be disappointed. M. Lamy then went to the police comthe Prussian army had been about 100 missary, M. Barruel, who informed him annually. In 1834 the order for revacci- where the lady was. When he went to nation was made very stringent, and the the house he was told that she had gone figures soon fell to 5, 9, and: 3. From to dine with M: Eyries and M. Savary at 1847 the number was between 2 and 3, a beer saloon in the Rue des Martys. and since 1874 there has not been a single There he found them at dinner in a privdeath from smallpox in the army. ate room. . The husband walked up to M . The Syndic of Turin, in consequence of Savary, and discharged the revolver at the fears expressed that the hotel keepers him. One ball hit a looking-glass, and may ask exaggerated prices for accommo- another, grazing the ex-deputy's hand, dation in anticipation of the concourse of struck a memorandum book in his breast Tisitors to t.he opening of the approaching pocket, which, the powder being weak, arnational exhibition, announces that a list rested it. The reports 9f the pistol shots brought gives as good value in BooTR and SHOE! of 2,500 rooms, at charges of from two to six francs each per day, can be seen at the waiters and customers from the genfor Uash as can be obtained at any other the municipality offices, and gives the eral room. They seized M. Lamy, who store in town. names of ten hotels, including ·some of was afterward taken "into custody and brought to the police office. There he fir£t year's business has been a pro· the best, which have undertaken to charge nounced success. normal prices, approved by the municipal. repeated the story, which he told in the ., cafe, but did not say that he had been authorities. told at the house whither they had gone. sales so fa~· this year ar.e away abea.d Workers in ornamental wood now as- He ins;,ated th<tt he had been misdirected, _ of those of correspondrng months of sert that yellow pine, hard finished in oil, and that he went into the beer saloon beis the .rival in beauty of any wood that cause he saw M. Savary's friend, M. iiast year. grows, not excepting the costli.,st of the Eyries, enter. If he fired it was because has Spring' Goods on hand in great variety. hard species, 1t being susceptible of re- his wife was leaning against M. Savary, ceivin~ and maintai ning as high.a degree and that the image of his dead child came ?f polish as an)'. kn~wn.wo.od, while, "!I' hen before his eyes. , will continue to sell at very low prices impre~nated with oil, it is. '.1-lm~et. m~eWhen M. Savary was asked to give his for Cash. atru~tible. In su 1 h a condition it is im- name, age, and occupation he said : "Expervious to even hot g~ease and oth~r deputy, under secretary of state to M. promptly attends to all custom work and suhstaoc~s t~at leave an me:ffac~able sta111 .DuJaure, and 37 years old." At this M. sees that it is properly e;.ecuted. upon white pme, maple, and vanotrSOfilier Lamy cried : "He is 4'0, but, my wife woods. bfling here, he makes himself out three has continually a varied assortment Drs. Ungar and Bodlander of Bonn years younger." Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags. have recently been engaged in examinaM. Savary declares that Mme. Lamy tion of meats preserved in tiµ cans, and did ,not elope with him. She merely llays 1eport that "a not inconsiderable quan- quitted the conjugal domicile becaµse her tir.y of tin passes over int.o the conserve." husband had a violent temper and made Experime.nts on d ogs and rabbits ~howe~ her life in~olerable. She had to go to M. COME AND SEE. that the tm was absorbed by the mtesti- Savary to implore him to obtain employKING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. nal muscous membrane, and it was d<:l- ment for her as a clerk in a bank. He tected in the secretions, h eart, liver, kid- appoin ted to see her in the eveninoo alone neys, spleen, brain and muscles. They with M. Eyris at the beer-saloo~, and think that the reason so Ji_ttle is yet heard they were ~iscussin;,. ht>r qualifications for of tin poisoning is because t he introduc- the place she sought wh'ln M. Lamy entiou of the canned foods is comparatively tered and fired tlie pistol. We shall see HAINES~ recent, and their prices so high as to m< wh1., speaks the truth when he stands his the consumption limited. trial at the next assizes. The press takes --M.ANUF.A.CTURER OF-There h ave b een. dwarfs who we··e the part of the jealous husband. heroes. Cornelius of Lithunia, the buf..._...-.,._··--~foon of Charles V., fought bravely in his KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, The Capital of the World. master's wars. A mighty exploit, too, on hand a number of vehicle5 (and is manufacturing a great many more) of the newest London has been, since' t he Oonquest, Has now wa.s the duel with pistols between J tiffrey patterns and best finish, which I am otferin!<' for sale ~t the lowest prices con~lsten t Hudson, the dwarf of Qu~en Henrietta the real centre of Government, of the with due regard to workmanship and quality. 1.'he following is a list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me: Maria of England,-Lord Minimus, as he thought, the growth, the culture, and Double Covered Carriages ...... " ......... ........ .., ........................ $200 Upwards. was called- and the German colossus, the life of t he nation. No other city in Single Phretons ......... ....... ... ................... ; .......................... 100 11 Croft. The dwarf killed th'\ gi~nt, as Eurode has ke pt that prerogative un· Open Buggy................ .. ...... ..... : ........................... ... ......... 70 11 David of old killed Goliah. The last broken for eight centuries until our own Top Buggy................ .. . ..... ..................... ..................... ...... 90 11 royal dwarf, was the baby of King Stan- day. .A.t the very ut most, Paris has Democrat Wagon................................................................ 65 u islaus of Poland, who accompanied the possessed it for not more than four cenKing in his retreat at Nancy. The King turi es, and in an uncomplete manner for Lumber Wagons.... ~············ · ······················· · ······················: 56 " Light Wagon.. ........... ....... ................. ..... ............ ................ 4:0 11 wept when pis dwarf died. Like L ear, at half of these four. The capitals Express W ago11. .... ........ .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .· .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .· 75 11 he said : "Poor fool and knave, I have of Prassia, Austria, Russia, and Spain Slreleton......................................................... .................. 50 11 · one part in my heart that's sorry yet for are merely the artificial work of recent thee." ages, and the capitals of Italy and Greece Sulky......... .. .............. ..... ..... .............. ............. ................... 4.0 u Madrid takes the preeminence among are mete antiquarian revivals. England Possessing snperlor facilities for manufacturing carriages, J intend to sell very cheap for cash the capitals (lf western Europe as a centre was centralized carlier·than any other or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to great,ly inorea~e mJ number of sales. Would sell the wood parts only, or the gea1·ings of buggies ironed. of expenditure and consumption, possess- European nation; and thus the congeries of towns that we now call London has ing practically no producing industries, , and consequently labor on a large scale formed, from the early days of our has only one application- namely, in monarchy, theessential seat of government, At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. building. Duriug the past three years the military headquarters, the permanent At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Scroll Saws, and p1·epare all kinds of lumber for carpenters and others for building purposes. there has been a mania for building, both home of the law, the connect ing link be:US Ornamet<tal and Plain Pickets for fences in every style required. made to order. in the town proper and in the suburbs. tween England and t he Continent, and According to the most accurate data, one of the great centres of t he Commerce $20,000,000 have been spent upon n ew of Europe. Hence it has come about houses and new streets during the above- that the life of E1>gland has .been concennamed period ; and with a population of trated on the banks of the Thames more about 500,000 it is estimat ed that there completely and for a longer period th an is now house room ther e for from 600,000 the life of any great nat ion has been conto 650 000 people ctintrated in any single modern city. When we add to t hat fact the happy oir' . · . . The new P'.'rt which has r?cently been, cumstance t hat at lesst down to the memopened a~ Trieste has been m course of ory of · living men . London retained a construction for fifteen years, and has more comrlcte series of public'.monuments, co~t . altogether _$7,_300,000. By the a more varied set of local associations, buildmg of three Jetties, 700 feet long by more noble buildings bound up with t he Takes pleasure in a J!!ouucing the an·ival of his New Spring Stock, con300 feet bro~d, the former northeas~eru mcniory of more great events and more harbor of '.J'nest~ has been converte_ d mto great men than any single city in E ul'ope, sisting of Spring and Summer Hats in F elt and :::;traw, Hard and Soft three basms, with. nearly_ two mile~ of (except, perhRps, Rome itself,) we come Felt,Men's,Youth's, Boys' and Children's Black, Brown, Blue and N eutra quay. As a protection against t he winds to· the conclusion t hat London is a city from the north<J~t, the southeast, aud unsurpassed in hist oric interest . Straw Hats :from the 10 cent Canadian to t he finest Manilla, and in the southwest, a Jetty nearly thrt-!e-quartsizes from the Baby to Grandfather. ers of a mile in length has been built par" Your fare, young lady," said the allel with the coast. It is al!lout 1,000 Tn GENT'S FURNISHINGS I am determinPd to keep to the front. feet from the shore, and is 200 feet broad stage-driver, as a pretty miss stepped from at the base, 60 feec broad at the surface his vehicle, and was a.bout tripping away. In SHIRTS, I offer all the leading styles. In TIER, all the novelties. of the water, and 65 feet high. At a dio- "0, thank you," responded the absenttanee of 660 feet fr< ·m the northeasteru minded little beaut:· ; ~' I think your In UNDERWEAR, the best qual ity kept. In RUBBER COA.TR, I end a pier 250 feet lonir has been run out mustache becomes you real well, too." offer none but first cl~ss. HOSIERY in great ,variety; UMBRELLAS at right angles, thus affording a well-pro- _She got her ride free. and BRACES, a good choice; CELLULOID COLLARS and CUFFS, tect.,d entrance more than 300 feet widtt. The north of Sco.tland recently came in The three new basius inside the jetties for. the t ag end of a shower from Recla or the latest novelties in the line, require only to be seen to be purchased. have a depth of water varying from 25 tu the other Icelandic crater. Between the feet. Orkneys and the Shetlands ash has fallen so thick t hat it had to be shovelled off Though God has promised always to the deck of passing vessels. Wtien S.k apta guid~ H;is inquiring children in the way br<.)ke out viole~tly some years :s~nce~ the that lS right, He has nowhere promised to fine dust fell m such quant1t1es over make this way seen right to their friendll Caithness that it entirely killed the Bowma.nville, April 9, 1884. aad Jleighbora er H ~ 'to. tlu1. .eln1. crops. JUA.RK1JS ltlA.YERl The Britl~b Army-A Singular dence-Higb Steward of Wetit· Murder an Ex-De~uty-11. To ·the Lancashire Fire Insurance!Oo. Colnol· Attempt to Woman in the Case. I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay., MRS. ANDERSON --- Dress-Making. GREAT CLEARING SALE aaanY-ll4ADl CtOTlttNC t Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing~ SVVEEPING REDUCTIONSI We offer Men's Tweed. Suits at $5. Boy's & Youth's Tweed Suits at $1.50. WE ARE CUTTINC DOWM THE PRICES ALL AROUND. EIJLISON & Ce>. ACKNOWLEDGED FACTS. J. HELLY AR J. HELLY AR'S J. HELLY AR J. HELLY AR'S J . HELLYAR J. HELLY AR J. HELLYAR J. HELLYAR ol HAINEr S' CARRIAGE -'WORKS. GEORGE C. Proprietor, CARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WACONS, &C.,. All Kinds of Vehicles .Repaired I SIGN OF THE HAT .TO THE FRONT AGAIN. l My Prices will be found reasonable. Highest Prices paid for Raw Furs. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED.