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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1884, p. 8

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Bonnet stl'ings are very sh0rt. THE P RESS. 'l'~e Canadia.n R oyrtl T e'.mpw.;: No.'-;: Sailor lmts of straw aro the conect , - published at Watford, Ontario, by W. W. country wear for little boys. Demorest s M~nthly for J ~me sl:ows all :13 cha.nan, at $ 1.00 a year, '/'"'efJ lland. It st:c and l_1ter:oiry merit winch has 1s sta ted with t lie expect-II, ~{.()'( becom" Hub', Cough C1Jre. Safe, pleasan t th e art1 BOWMANVILLE, FRID!.Y, MAY 2:cl. and quick, cheaptJr tha.u coughing. 2,';c . plitced tlus. pu blication lu~h up on t he ing t h offioild orgalfo£tlw' -----==,,,.-c-=---·- ·---·····- · - -- Ask Stott & Jury. roll_ of aspnant s for pubh~ favor. 'l'l1e of 'f empe1·ance, but the pui.;rri!"her wi:l'l find JY-[ -CLARKE COUNCIL. The warden of H11.stings county has v~r1ous departme~ts contam much t hat some difr1culty in securing subscritJtions: w1ll 1 ?roye u~eful m the. ho~sehold. The at $1. 00 a yc11r for a mont hl. v jo'lll'ua.l heen unseated. Regular meeting M~y 6. Members all fron1 1sp1eco is a fine 011 prnt.ure of the worth about 25 <.-ents. We think a great F or Br.. uchitis and ,Asthma, try Allen's Quee~1 of hhe ~arden, present. After routine a petition asking · mi~ake has been made in starting an0tl1er tlsam ; t he b,·st cough prescripcoutinuancH of aid to Mrd. Hays was . Lung B1 Tins collection of Essays upon E thics temperance paper, tliere being already too tion known. See adv t, granted. Thos. Little was granted leave forms No. 55 of the " H umboldt Library many. Then to suppose. t he Templlars. Where our fricnde and customers will find everything to do statute labor between lot~ 22 and . I<' ew or no fashionable dresses are made of l'op ular Science." B esides the Essay are going tu support n sheet printed in a:11 23, 'con. 5. Mr. Renwick was deputed all of on e k ind of stuff. named in thi;i,title, it contains three others out -of-the-way liamJet like Watfot·d i 11 3ill --aS llSUal i l l .to let JOb for repairillg bridgo JOil lot 30, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has such concentra- namely, " Right and Wi'ong the Scientific assumption that will never be realized. . con. 4, if deemed nece1.1Sa rf. Messrs. ted, curati:ve power, 1 ,hM it is by far the Gronud of their Distinctl.on ;" "The E th- We prefer a weekly paper such for inStark and Mill~g_an weN_ also_ depu t ed to beot, cheapest, and surest blood·puritier ics of Belief ;" and " Tl1e E thics of Re- stance ns The Canula C-ilize~1 of Toronto · · _ , ) report on cond1t10n of side !me, lots 14, kllO\Yll . ligion." F or sale by R . B. Andrew. as the organ of t he Order. ' ' and 15, con. 1, at next mee ting. Mr. Toronto's rate of taxation for 1884 is · · The American A11ricultnrist for May, With the J une number, Jie American l Long was depnt.ed to \lscerta~n condit ion- 17 u-6 mills on the <l.ollar; . 1884, contains uearly ninety columns of Agriculturist completes the first half of of beat No. 100 about Apr-1 1 10!1) last The Elegant little plated scre w top on origimtl reading matter, 'with one hundred i ts forty-third year , Over 3,000 congrat. from pathmasr.e r. Me~srs . · Stark and pleasing and instructive en"ravino-s, '.!.'h e ulatory letters from subscribers within a L :mg were d~puted to examine "roa.ds and "Tea.berry " miikes it the cheapest, most n umber abounds with " "O_ oa"thing; i a sea- f ew wee]{S afford me>st grat ifying assm·1mMADE TO ORDER FHOM THE bridges referr ..-d to in pc,tit iou .frc;m J as. perfec t, and most Recherche of all toilet son for evory one in village, city or coun- ces that the steady improvements in t his r ' Robinson 1.111 <l others . Mel!lsrs. 'Renwick" exquisites. Get a eaniple. Over a th ousan d immigrants arr ived [J,t try. P ublished by t ho Orange J udd Co., Journ:i.l arc everywhere recognized. Th<l ~ ~ · (~ ~! £(}o ~ ~ ~ ·~o ~ ~..5? and Stark aru to report ou condition of 7?.l B roadway, N. Y .. Pi:ice $1,QO per year; present owners aud publishers who, six t;Q) .:>~ ©J 1 ~~ 'W l'S · tQ) ~ 'W \S:tl ~o East l\fa11vers R oad iind Gravul Roaa at Montreal Thursday. smgle n u rnber, 15 cents. years ago, a:ssumed control and manage- . H ealth is a duty, Disease a crime. Use · · ~~ next meeting . 'fhe Council prohibits lLLVfioNs.-A Psychological study, by me~t, have freed the American Agricul~ ~!m · _ cutting or daman"inl? tl'ees on r c,ad allow-. Dr . H enry Baxter 's Mandrake Bitterd. . · e '\ , e · ' · l'l"l J:l ,.. : .: · .: : ~ ~ '. : : : : ·.: ~ · ~: -~ : ·. : '. : '\ ~ imces withuut its consent. R oad beat :ind be cured of all biliousness or liver · J ames S ul ley; coinpletc iu , two par 's. tunst from all encumbrance~, aod, eq11ip.· 104 was divided at 10th line, t.he north part trouble. 25 cents will buy a l_ a rge bottle. Part fir-st price, 15 cents, J . Fitzgerald ped with braine and means as never be.P ublisher., 20 Litfayette l'lace, New' Yo!'l/ fore, unhesitatingly promises a paper betIleW to be added to 90, Thos. Rainey to be White pet t icoats are only worn with full Illusions of the senses and tlie illusions of ter and stronger with each succeeding pathma.ster of the la.tier a.nd Alf. Wright dress evening toilet s. d r?aming are here traced to their physiol- issue. Dr. Geo. Thurber, for nearly 'a of 104. Miles Ogdeu's-case was d~Jerre d _zt;ill·It i~ a well known fa.c t! In t he until he be again not ified. Ordered tl1at Diawo1 1d Dyesmore colo1·in \{ is given t haa og1cal causes, and inany of their most quarter of a century the Editor,· and all . .d itficult problems sol ved. The ma ny nara- the n.ble Associates and Writers who have lega.l opinion be had oil Chap. 88, sec. 37, I Con. 8. of U. C. , and on other qllestions in auy krwwn Dyes, aud they give faster tives of ~ingular. cases of illusion contain- rendered material assistance in makin" · THE LA 'l' E ST PA '.J.' TERN S. c. at all ed in this book, while strictly a uthentic the American Agriculturist what it is under · consideration of Council. The t>nd more hrillia. nt colors. l O Clerk was i11structed to reply to Mr. J. drug ~ist. . '.!.'hey a~.. a g reat success. are _"st ranger than fiction." F or sale by day, are still with us. At no period of its existence has this Company been in so Wright's letter re Millson vs. Clarke Wells. Ric ha.rdson & Oo., liurlington, V t. R. B. Andr1,w. THENEwsand Eqstern Tuwrj.ships Advo- prosperous and stable a condition, a.s it F our inches of snow fell at Newcastle, Townehip, i11forming him that the Councate formerly published a t St. Johns, Quo., now is Orange Judd Co. cil will inform hirn of their h1tention on N. JJ. on th e 14th. We haLl ice." _., ... ,41,,,,.,,..,.,.,._ _ __ or betore J uly ht. The following acThe great perma nency of Murray & is now printed and mailedinl.\fontreal where Home I t ems. com:lts were ordered to be paid :-Johu L anman'sFlnrida W"ter gives it 11. wonder- h andsome new offices have been speci'a.lly - . - -~< Workman , boarding P. Osborne, $ 10.00; ful advantage over nearly all other per- Jitted for it. '.!.' he News is unquestionably JJA'VE OPENED .A'.T ( - "A ll your~- '1iult L'>uisa Lee, Mr s. Kels~y, · $3· each ; John fumes; days and weeks after its applica- the best and most ably conducted local Province of Quebec, and it s If you remain siok \./"you can Stephe11, D. Johnston, widows Eglison, tion the hand kerchief or garme ut exhaleE· joumal in the . . Get hop hitters tha.t never- Fail. H ays, Wilhinsr:n, Merill, Sander s, $4.00 a soft, rich frag1ance, agl'eeable, refresh- l arge ancl rncref}Sll1g circulation is richly d e3erved. It has been changed from a The weakest woman, smallest child, and · each ; M. J. Brookbank, $5; C. D ecker, ing, aud healthfu l. four to an ejght ptige sheet , cut and pasted. sickest invalid can use hop bit ters with Amos McPherson, $6 each ; F red. Fligg, The Cadets of Temperance is a juven ile vVe wish Friend Smith the success his safety and great gnod. ~ repairing washout, c(ln. 1, $3 ; Richard ()rder of the Sons of Temper ance. enter f>rise merits. -Old men tottering around from R heub Hocken, drawiog cedar, $4 ; Jos. K nott, Baldness may be a voidecl by the use of The Old Vriends of the Pm-ir-ie Farmer, m:-itiam, kidney trouble n_r any we'l:knesa lumbe,r, n ails, teaming alld work at 'J'~>WU H111l's H11ir Renewer, which prevents the and many farmers ·au over the \Vest, and will be alm_os t new- by n& hop b1tter11. Hall, $14. 23; W . Gerry,- building cnlfalling out of the hair, and stimuhttes it East too, will be glad to leam of the good Garri~ges, -My wife and dt1nghter_ were made vert, $4; John R eid, cedar., $99.20; .Joe. Thomson, work and cedar, $50.00 ; S. J. to r enew growth and lu xurance. It also for tune that has come to this time honored healthy by the use of hop bitters and I restores f ..ded or gray hair tn its original which for nearly half a cent ury (43) years I r~comend them t o my r.-eople.- MethoArnot, work on' road, $4.90 ; J .- M. Jackdark colt;ir,_ and raditally cures ne'\rly has been doi1 w ·"ood ~etvice to an cl for the dist Clerj?ymar.. . son, cntting snow from Newcastll'! to L es· · l I . "' b Ask any good doctor It hop every disease of the scalp . kard, $1 ; R eeve of Clarke, co~ts io suit, agn cu tura mterests of our country. The Bitters are not t h e best family medicine --\.Voo<lstock, Ont., was visited by a number of May 8rcl announ ces th;,it henceFor Sale an d Subscriptions taken for all Newspapers & Magazines. Biglow vs. Clarke Corporation , $45. 58 ; On earth. Robt.. Armo11r, attending court for suit of gcnuiue cyclone last Thursday nigh t. - Malarial fever, Ague and Billiousfor th The Prairie j1'a rmer will be under A friend i11 need is a friend indeed ;' the Editorial Direction and Business Man- ness, will leave every neighborhood aa Biglow vs. corporation,$4.00 ; J . K. Allen, insurance on 'r own Hall for 1 year, $16; and that is jnst what .l\1r. V an Bur0n's agement of Mr Orange ·,Judd, who, after soon as hop bitters arrive. In Stock ; also Bibles, Hymn Books, Envelopes, Pencils, Pens, Inks. H.. J . Rowe, part salary nB Assessor, $60. K idney Cure is to every one suffering more t han a quarter cen tury of service at "-My mother drove t he paralysis and . Fine Assortment of Toys, Dolls, Vases, Fancy Baskets; T he following applications were made for from kidney disease, whether in the fom , the head of the American Agriculturist, neuralgia alt out of her system wit h h op also Cont'e ctionery. payment for loss of sheep killed by doµs : of a Back Ache, Dropsy, or .t\right'e h as left his former field to other hands, bit ters,"- lr.d. Oswego Sun. ~ VIOLIN STRINGS a Specialty. ~ Geo. G raham , half vain ~ sheep killed by D isease, fo r it will cer ta,inly relieve t he and r emoved to near Chicago, a thousand -· Keep the kidneys healt hy with hop dogs, $4. 00 ; Wm . Coulson, do., $30.00. s ufferings, and, if persisted in, permanen- miles nearer to hundreds of thousands of bitters ana you need net fear sickness. · his older enterprising readers who have -Ice water ie rendered harmless and A by law w11s passed to u.:ssess the rateable t ly etft ct a cure. propert.y within t he police v!IU!ge of Orono One hun dred and five high schools are preceded him to the West. The number more refresh ing and reviving with hop ~or the year 1884. main tained in Ontario cities, t owns and befor!'l us gives evidence of the vigor arnl bitters in each draught. e.xpericnce he brings to his new field of - T he vigor nr youth for the age and Council ad jourUf·d to Tuesday, J une 3, vil}ages. work. , All who want specimens of t he infirm is hop bitters . at 10 14.r.o., for h ol~mg a Court of R evisN t·thin g ca.n supply the:. pla.ce of a . iol\, revising· t he aese@~ment roll of the papers "i\s it is, und is to be, and t<> enjoy beautiful silky bead ut M tllral hair. lt is To wnship and othel' general b usmess. its advai'.itages, c'an have The P rairie Fa1·TOBACCO sold at Pethicks barber shop infinitely more comfortable than s witches, ---·· ~~.,..._·---and other pr eparations of the hair of un- m1w, weekly, from l\1ay 1st, up to 1885, at less than cost prices, for instnace, 2 Pale, Pqor, Puny, & Pallid. kno wn foreigners. H air may be retained, l~y sending a single dollar to P rairie Far- plu~s of McDonalds smoking for 5c. or 1 1 150 Momoe·st. l Oc. plug of chewing for 5c. .All otl1er beautified, and actually rest ored by the me~· Publishing Compa;ny D ENLARGED. · l kinds sold cheap. Considel"ing ~II the .ills th t a tack ·little use of Oi.ngalesfl blair R enewer. Sold at Clncago, Ill. children; it JB a wonder ~hat · any-i.,of Ltbe 5°"0.1mhs- per bot-1.le uy Stott-.& J ur.J..._ poor little youngsters live ·to ~row qp. It seems that competition has for ced the There are children who truly objects We ~ordially invite the public to call and seeua. '. price of false teeth rlown so low that it of pity . They seem almost bloodless. D. MORRISON. R . C. TAIT. Their cheeks are thin anu pi11che<l ;. their isn't really worth a body's while to cut h is eyes are hollow ; and their .skin is tightly natural ones. 'l'HE EFFECTS 01>' WHISl.CY.-The effects -CALL ATdrawn over t heir foreheads. There is nothing hearty a.bont tl1em. They do not of whisky are always evil, and t hose wh o enjoy their Ii ves. They M'e suffering from feed upon alcoholic stimulan ~s, vainly the debility t hat leads to mar asmus. endeavorin g to cu re coughs and consumption, but nurse a viper. llatZyard's PecPoor t hings ! Hav e j u st received a n oth e r shipmen t of their celebrated Do a good deed for the pale, poor, toral Balsam i~ a remedy that is al wa.ys puby, p allid child. Hand its mother a reli~bl e for all t hroat, bronchial and lung l:ottle of T he Sh aker Blood Syrnp. Here tr oubles, a ud never does harm to anv one, is life even for the most delicat e, the A fashion journal 'says that "plump most debilitated ; for t he child almost girls are n o longer popular." Correct ; A l so a ch oice l ot of Lace C urtains a n d Curtain Net- special value . given u p for dead. P ure blood is what it's t he slim girl with a plump fortune - Al'fD th e child needs, to bring it up. The lit· that now takes the cake. A l so n ew Prin ts, Cretonnes, Embroideries, L aces, T i es, Gloves, Parasols, tltl digt:stive apparatus will recover. The h rroRTAN T CHANGllS.-There are two pale cheeks will till out- The weary g roan periods in th e life of every female wl1en Coun ter pan es, T a b le Covers, 1'able Damasks, &c. of t he child will be exchanged for the t h e system undergoes great, r.hanges. merry pmttle of mfantile glad ness. Yo nr F irst, t he change from childhood to womand1 ·11ggiste will tell you what wonders 'l'he hood ; next, t hat of womanhood t o old Sh aker .Blood Syrup has d·me for very . age. These are the critical changes of A l so Man t le and Dress S ilks, M antle Loops, Frogs, Drops, Omaments, sick children. Sto'tt & Jury Sole agents life, and t he system should be nourished G i mps, &c., d irect from Paris. P l ease call and see ou r cel ebrated for Bowm11.nville. and reg ula~ed by Lhat matehlesa tonic, ~--~-·B urdock Blood Bitters . It is invaluable ~ warranted not to break. Th e bees ar e humming. in all diseases peculiar t o females. Immigrants are . arriving The reason farm hands are so scarce can 25 cents invested in "Hull" Cough ll Cure saves sweatning under a cough . It be accounted for in the fact that a man stope a cough q uick and sure. 'l'hiuk of can't get a momen t's r est on the barb ed New H a ts, Cap s, Ties, S h irts, etc. TAILORI NG.- Cloths, T weeds, the price for a cough. Ask Stott & J ury. wire fences now m use. Wor sted Coa~ings, etc , -large stock. BLACKVILLE, Oct, 4, 1883. Spring boils, colds, eoughs, influenza. I write w tell yo1 1 of the great and USE LE8S FRIGHT.-'l'o worry about any Liver ; R.idney or Urinary Tro uble, especi· hsting benefits I ha ve received fron D r. . ... ally Bright's D isease or Diabetes, as Hop Wilson's P ulmonary Cher ry Balaam. I . RE.t\-DY-MADE CLOTHING,- full assor tment. Bit ters n ever f&ils of a cll re a cure had disease of the lu ng~ for over t wo years. All t he doctors I t riad considered my ca.a~ is pos&ible. We know this. h opeless. A friend recommended your 'fh e g1·ass is growing green. Balsam. When I began taking it I had · S allow eyes and skin, restl ess sleep, violent coughing tits and strangulat ion wan t of appetite, headache, drowsiness, from phlegm ; my fe1:1 t and limbs were denote a sluggish liver . Use ZO-PE- swollen, and hectic fever had full poseef'SA a t once and save doctor's b ill · Open sion of me. T he Balsam relieved all these t he pores aud bowels, in vigorate the Liver symptoms and made a complete cure of Having d e~ ided to give up the Boot a nd Shoe Busiuess this and Digestion. Zopesa ·corr octs the aystem me. I am desirous of mAkini.r mv c11re known. season, I wiH sell the whole of my stock of through the Stomach and Liver. J. LA'YSON. The trees are beginning to leaf. CURE Fo1 t DEA~'NES:s.-As numerous THESECRET0U1\-Thesecretofbeau· t estimonials will sh ow, ther e is n o more ' , . ty has been at last revealed . WiLhout reliable cure for deafness than Ragyard's Apples~ - · - C>F -- good health, pure bloorl and a fair clear Yellow Oil. I t is also t he beet remedy & skin none can possess looks.blotches }Vhat for ea-r ach e, sore throat, .iroup rheumais more repulsive thangood pimples, tism and for pains and lameness generally. and sallow or pastry complexion 1 Bur - Used externally an internally. ~ . r Cash for all k inds of Farm Produce at dock Blood Bitters reveal the fact that at less than wh_olesale prices, by retail, for all can gain pure blood and freedom from the r epulsive diseases of the skin that result from i mpurities. P lant your pot:atoes forthwith . Or W ill Sell the entire StOcken bliJ.C at a decided bargain. A Sl'AR'l'LING DISCOVERY.- Mr. Wm. You NG CAWKER & Co's is the pla.ce to do busin ess, they keep J ohnson, of Huron, Dak., writes t hat hill - in stock the very+ wife had been troubled with acute Bron· chitis for many years, and that an remeI take plea.sure in cer tifying that I have sold W I h ave the JJARGEST, t h e BEST and t h e CHEAPES'l' assortment of dies trird gave no permanent relief, unt il Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for thirty that can b e bou ght, t he (·.J ' F h K'd G'l F h C lf u he procured a bottle of Dr. l{ing's New years, and know it to be one or the Oldest 11.s W. omen ,'s, M'isses '. and .Cb' l uren s .renc l , ace · ren c a , .I! rnnc]1 Discovery fpr Oonsumptioll, Coughs, and well as the most r11llable preparations in the 011 Goat, Dongob a Fren ch C.alf, 011 Pebbl e, B uff and PrnnellP,- m B u t - Colds, which had a. magical effect, and market for the c11re of Coughs, Ooldll, and ton a n d Lace Boots, B utton and Tie S h oes a nd S lipper s- i n town. produced a permanent.cure. 1t is guar- Lung Complaints. I know of no article that Fresh and Cured, a l ways in stoek. W A lso a very large and varied stock of M en's, Boys' a n d Youth's anteed to cure al.l Diseases of Throat, gives greater satisfaction to those who use It. Having sold Peruvian Syrup for many years, H and -sewed, Machine-sewed a nd Pegged - in Lace and Button Boots; L ungs, or B rnnchia.l Tubes. and knowing that its Ulle has been attended T h eir Seeds are a,ll fresh a n d of the best qualit y; thC?ef ')ep Barrel Salt ; B u tton, Tie :;i.nd Oxford Shoes-in :E'r ene-h Calf, F r ench Gl ace Calf, Garden rakes and flower beds. with gre1Wsucces In cases of Dyspepsia, gener- American and Carbon Safety Coal Oil. T ry their l!Ympire Horse and PHosPHATINE is nature's remedy for al Debility of the System, and diseases origin- Catt le Food, the best manufactu red, recommended hig hly by the Guelph C 1ma d ian Calf, Buff., Pebble, C ordoran and G r a ined L ea t h ers . chronic diseases. ating In a bo.d state of the blood, I am satisfied ~ PHOSPHATINE will benefit consumptives that it ia a remedy of great power and deserv- Mod el Farm ; t h eir stock of Glassware and Crockery is Complete. They ar~ in any stage . es the attention of invalids. I am yet to hear do n ot make a n y specialty of one article, but as t h ere is considerPHO/ilPHATINE cures sleeplessness, nervo- the 11rst complaint against either of the above able tal k abou t Cheap Teas,the p lace to b u y the Cheap Tea is at You ng. usness, &c ., &c. preparations. I consider 't hem articles of groot Cawker & Co's, they buy altogether for cash which enabl es them tn .& l' PHOSPH.lTINE does n ot make fat, b ut merit and hav,e always taken much pleasure in . s0lid flesh, recommending them to parties requiring such sell cheap. Give them a call. PROSPHA.TINE in fem ale weaknesses is in- remedies. R. FOTHERGIU.., vslu!lble, For sale by all druggists. Newoa.stltt, Ollt, Dee. S~h. 1882. HE ~HOUSE)~0 -V E D- I -::a: .A. S ~ DOORS WEST,'NEADS' BLOCK c 0 ' A ·. ND BOY'S GENTS . I G . , ' T · H L 0 ,. · I ' N. - _ !_.. ~N'~ g · mN wr · . · N I · · .._. .._. ingreaf variety, all and Choice. LAP I.ES' U L S T E R GOODS ' .. _ J_ JE.F F RE Y_ TAIT -~& MO RRISON t;; _ CHEAPSIDE BAZAAR B= ALL · SCHOOL REQUISITES ~ Brand-new Stock of Fancy Goods, Books and Stationery, .Wall Papers, Fine Art Goods, Baby Violin$, Genuine Oil Paintings, (25 cts. eacn) Jew elry, etc., etc. ~)\~L· TORONTO PAPERS ~ Photograpb 'Gallery CONTINUE!:? AS USU AL. . P ·I CTURES First Class Photos at · Low,est Living Prices. PICTURE -P.RAMiN<t done well and clieap. .. l££ &.EDSAll'S EXAMINE THE- Son. BLACK AND COLORED FRENCH CASHMERES CARPETS- Fine, Choice, Elegant Patterns. :SAMBOO CORSETS, DIETZ TO THE GENTLEMEN. THE 8!ST ·lN Tltl MAtlt<ET. Two first-class Cutters. Can have..X ".jur choice Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash for goods. S. MASON & SON. a CashlCashlCashl OVER $ 5 000 WORTH B O O T S A N D S BO E S Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork . . Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Cash for Tallow. Cash for Potatoes. Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides Sheep Skins. C A S~ H 0 N LY ! Young, Cawker & Co's. Best quality of Groceries The Stock ·;s all first class, and is w ell assort ed for the Spring and Sum mer trade. SO YEARS. Best q u a lity of Meats, Call at once and secure bargains while they are going. Delays dangerous. ST AND :---N eads' Block, next d oor East of Lee Edsall's .Hardware Store. F. BORLAND. C_. M. CA "\V KE R . r

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