TERMS ~ --$1.50 ( , PER ANNUM. OUR TOiWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THiil: WORL]])· .AIF'.lllim:;\¥ARDS. M.A. J AMES, E DITOR<Aml,PltOPltIJi:TOR. VoLUME NEW S®RIES, NUMBER 306. BOWMANVI LLE, ONTARIO, F RIDAY, J"Q'NE 6; 1884. XXX.. Nur:MBEn 23, CARPETS! CARPETS Bought in transit, which will be·sold at .,. I CORRESPONDENCE. ENNISKILJJ,EN.· Di!: ,T. C. Mitchell~ ancl wife are m, Ha1 wlton. Dr. is attel'llding the Medical, Asst,>dation. TJnion is fast becom.ing·an accomplished' fM;t here, The Sun~iy schools · met Ml ' (;)ll\.e last Sunday, 1l un ion service, was·. : lkeld in the evening by· bi'r. Il>uber.. I TA UNTO~ .. The /lion S, S. anniver~ry: WM' hel<l: EIGHT TONS S U GAR - H AVE AR R IVE D AT- Two Bales Dutch Wool Carpets, 10 PER C: ENT LESS .THAN WHOLESALE. PRICES~ QUICK & WRIGHT'S Persons b:uying from 100 lbs. t o a, bbL w ill get big reductions . . Q U I CK :& w ·RIGHT have 't he agency for the GREAT HALF DOL LAR TE ~ Thousands of pounds, a re selling. THEY PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR 1'.J.L,FARM fRODUCE. 250 P I E C E S Scotch~ En.g1ish - · -AND-- la, s t Sunday 1tnd Momhiy.. O.u1 Sunday excellent sermons were p;11e~wh~d by Revs .. .T. Dyke and Young, of Bo.w!Ui.·nville, to. large and inJerested cougnegations. o~ Mon~l:ly a !3ublic lneeting was organized; at 2 p.m, Rev:, W. R, B arker, pastor of the churoh, presid,ed, aml appropriab'c and instn wtive addresses were deliverQ~i by Reve,. P11ttyson, Sl~o:rey, Fer~·ie11 a1 1d Rowe. · Excellent music was furntshed by the school, under th e direction of Mi:S& Byrom. A sumptuous tea wa::i ser ve.cl! a,t 4 :30 p.m. P1'oc~eds, about $8,0.00, _- -- · -- - · MAPLE GlWVJiJ. The M . E . Sii.bbath School will hold thcit- anniversary on ,June 15th and lGth. On Sunday Rev, G, W. Stevenson,pnstor, will preach at 2:30 p,m. Collection at the close. On Mondn,y, at 2 p .m., ser vices will be resumed, when addresses will be clelivered by Rev, J. Dyke, and other ministers, Capt, Ada H ind, Lieut. Minnie and other members of the Salvation Army will take part in t he exercises. The scholars will give dialogues, recitations, etc. Music by the choir. Tea served at 4 p.m . Tickets, 25 cts. ; children, 15 cts. . The people in the neighborhood of Maple Grove :ire holding cottage prayer metitings twice a week-Tuesday and Friday nights. They are well attended. 1'YRONE. I I TO SELECT FROM. : R aving made arrangements with the well known .. Canadian. T-w-eeds AND A,{ CUTTER, W. PEARDON, ·we can furnish suits which cannot be surpassed for Style_, and Cheapness. S -.LEE .&EDSALL · I .· - AND i ( TUBULAR HOT BLAST) connection with the school , and the service was one of great interest and profit. t , The singing of the children reflticted credit on. t heir leader, Rev. S, T. Bartlett. P roceeds, upw·trds of $100. Rev. J . Johns, of New York, delivered one of the most thl'illing and eloquent lectures that has been heard in this place last 'l't1esday evening, The C. M. church - . CALL A T was erowdtid with an appreciative a udience. The subject was, "Peter Cartwright, the Backwoods Preacher," The proceeds of the lecture were about $50, which will be The undersigned having rented t he ;i,pplied to the parsonage fund of the en Mills, H o.rnpton, beg t.o inform the Tyrone circ\1it . far mers and public in general tli°at they .:_are prepared toCARTWRIGHT EAST. EXAMINE . T H E Mrs. Fallis itlld Miss Frances Take Wool in the lt,leece Mahood David have left fur a few weeks' visit in - an. d make it u p intoHarriston. . Mr. W, Philp has arriv~d at home af~ YARN, BLA N KETS, FLANNELS, trying his first examination ;tt 'l'oronto TWEEDS, &c. University. Have also on hand a good .~tock of WHITE Mr. Will. Earle, of Port Perry, spen and GREY BLANKETS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, couple of days in the township lately, &c., which we will sell among hi!pnany friends. Mr. A. l\IcBrien, who taught in S , S. Cheap for Cash or No. 1 a nm,nber _of years. ago, ha~ been bitek re1rnwrng Ins acquamtances m t hat Excha nge for Wool. district. Parties h_aving Cotes of Wool will find it Mr. John Goggin, of Huron Cou~, to their advanta2e t,o sell here. father of Mr. D. J. Goggin, of Winnipeg, has been visiting his old home in the south .of t he township. done as usual in firBt class st yle. Work is being pushed on the railway, Sohciting your favors. and p~ople are anxiously waiting for an excursion to Toront o, 'rhere have been We are your obedient 1ervants, r umors of such a thin~ happening, and no doubt it would be well patronized. Cadmus Methodist churc!l choir has H ampton, May 23, 1884. been reorganized, and the members meet 21. :&l:AVE OPENED AT fo1· practice Saturday evenings. 'V c hear that the 01·ganist failed to put in an appe:trm1ce last practice night , F athcr early for members to become irregul ..,.._ their attendance. There was a merry gatherincr . at .A Brand-new Stock of Fancy Goods, Books and The undersigned having leased agai~ the ·!ohn Whitfield's on tl~e 29th, A quilting ;Stationery, Wall · Papers, Fine Art Goods, Baby m 1'he afternoon, and ~n t he evening, after the gentlemen had arrived, a dance. The Carri a es, Violins, Genuine Oil Paintings, (25 ct s. party broke up about 4 o'clock a,m., just each) Jew elry, etc., et c. m tune to get home by daylight. Two of the yqung gentlemen appeared in knickerbockers, but they will havti to be excused PAPERS ~ is prepared t o do all kind1 of as t hey came straight from playing ball. "{!'or Sa.le and S ubscriptions taken for a ll Newspapers & Magazines. Cartwright Di vision S. of T. p:iid a ,Custom W ork, friendly visit to the brethren and sisters ~ ALL: REQUISITES ~ Crystal Spring, May 27th, They do Roll Ca rding, &c. at not seem to have arrived very early, yet .In S tock ; also Bibles, Hymn Books, Env elopes, Pen cils, Pens, Inks. IN GOOD STYLE. they found no signs of life about the hall. Fine Assortment of Toys, Dolls, Vases, Fancy Baskets; · However, after a few minutes delay 'the also Confectionery. Have on hand at present a quantity of lrnll was opened and about 9 o'clock things ~ VIOLIN STRINGS a Specialty. "a TWEEDS, were. considtii'ably straight ened up, the room well filled and order called. An excellent programme was rendered by th@ visiting Division, after which refreslunents were served, All seemed to enjoy themwhich l will sell tor CASH or exchange sel ves to t hti ut most. Ex, F. CONTINUED AS USU AL. for WOOL, · · · 'R H Tu RN ER , ": \ ;· .. ECCS ,TAKEN AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. The 11.nion S. S. anniversary was held on the 24th and 25th of May. On Saturday, the 24th, tea was served in t he B. C. church, and a public meeting was held in the C. M. church, when suitable addresses were delivered by Revs. Harris, Ferrier, Bar tlett, and Barker. On Sunday Rev. W , R. Barker preached an appropriat morning, and e aud Revs, eloquent Ferrier sermon. and Bartlett in the ~ conducted a scriptural exarriination in McCLUNG BROS'. OLD· STAND. WOO~ANTED Wo~ DIETZ OIL STOVE. u~ T fl.A ROLL .,.,.ST t~t Ttt~ M · .., tl'""T. .o.a ,. n... A.A,J\.,a, CARDING TAIT & MORRISON Robt . Tay lor & Co. · cHEAPS I DE SCHOOL BAZAARWOOL1 ___ wooi. LES KA RD I g ALL TORONTO WOOLEN MILL FLANN~~NK'i':RNs,&A. I Photograph Gallery First Class Pho tos at Lowest Living Prices. PICTURES ENLARGED. Any o~ the a.hove supplied at BRIGHT'S DISEASE, D rABETES,- Beware Wholesale Prices to those stores. of t he stuff that pretends to cure these Give us a call and see for yourselves. ,PICTURE FRA MI NG done well and II. 0. TAI'II. We cordially invite the public to call and see w;. cheap~ D. MORRISON. J. SIMPSON Leskarll, May 3D, 188.t,. 22-iw. diseases or other serious Kidney. Urinary or Liver Disease, as they only relieve for e. time and makes you ten times worse 1afterwards, but realy solely on Hop Bit· ters, the only r emedy that surely and perm&nently cure you. It destroys and .removes the cause of disease so effectually . never returns. that it I HO ~ FARMERS, H O I . LE~K.ARD. · Mcehngs are 1>emg conductecl here by ' Mrs,.. Harnion, of Liverpool, Eng. S'J1e is EASY '.L'IME;;: ]'li>R YOU NOW,-HA.RD waRK an expori1moell revivalist, tind conducts TU~NEIJ. I1'TO PLAY, the services much after the style of the / Salvatio11 Army. · J Darlington, June 4, 1884. Mrs. D. Bell is 0 rrrowma weaker daily .· j Wti, tlie u11dersigned, witnessed the 0 · working of one 'of Sargent's Load Lifting ORONO. Machines, operat ed by R obt , F . Ward, the agent for Dar lington , in the barn of Mr. Mr, W. Staples and Miss Louise John D. Hoal', Jot 5, co1i. 2, Darlington, Lyness were married in Wednesday, and testify that it worked to our entire The Salvation Army meetings opened satisfaction. An average size load of hay on Sat urday night l1ave been densely was easily and quickly tllevated to the r oof packed every night. Good order and of the bal'll . 'vVe consider it t o be one of good work. The program announced last the best labour-saving machines yet; week will be continued. introduced. 'l'Hos. G, CoLWILL. JOHN BUSSELL. Our fire company has bought 100ft of J, M. JONESS. J , D . H OAR, Maltese Cross hose and like it well. R ICH, 0SBOUNE, W , D OWNING. Some of our citizens have the mumps R.H. SoucH. JAMES SANDO. badly. · JoHN WRIGHT · JOH~ SANDO. S, FRAYN. THOS, E. HOAR. OSHAWA. J os, WIGHT, F . BORLAND. Mr. 'l'hos. H . · lohns has returned to .p , .T. RowE, GEo. H. LusK. Oshawa after a lengthy visit ot Owen s. ALLIN. I T. J, McMuRTRY. Sound district. G. ,H. Grierson, Esq., has resiguell the F acts for Farmers. Police Magistracy of Oshawa. Gibson & Felt's jewellry store, Oshawa Cash for -eggs at Mnrcloch Bros, was burglarized on Saturdo,y night week F armers you can save dollars by buying and $100 worth 11f goods stole1\. barbed wire at Mann ing's, Messrs. Daniel Lick, Thos. Conant and Highest price paid for all kinds of farm Dr. McBden are in England. produce at Quick & Wright's. Buckt horn st etil barbed wire at U. S. SOLINA, Manning's for $~per 100 tbs, MasterWillieMontgomery is recovering. As a rear cut mower, the Iron Clad is So also is M iss A. VanNest....... " The Mountains of the B ible " was the sub ject the " boss. " See it. F. H. Mason, agt» of a very interesting lecturn delivered H ampton. E ggs taken at the highe8t Market.. here by Rev. S. H. R ice ... ... Mr. William 'Werry has been visiting the stock men of prices,-R . H. T urner, McClung Bros' Whitby and Pickering, and his herd of old stand. No mistake 11obout it,farmers. ). ou can Short H orns will probably be enlarged in consequence......The church here should really buy ~teel barbed wfre at R. S~ be known as Solina in future instead of ManniMg's for $5.50 per 100 lbs. Eldad. ..... ,Mr. 'fhos. Baker wishes us ito The I ron Duke mower t ook 1st pri:r.e at say there will be a public metiting in Manclrnster and Uxbridge. Front cut. Bradley's School House on 'fuescfay next Call ancl see it before purchasing. F. H. at 8 p. m. t o a1'range for attending the Mason, agent , H ampton, . Blake Picnic on the 17th , Every Reforiuer A model Of simplicity aml durability. in tlrn polling di vision, ple<1se attend. The Sawyer No. 3 reapel' has less parts Dradley's School Romie will be heard from. th m1 any utlrnr reitper made. F. H. Mason, agent, Hampton . DECORATION DAY. Om Due Bills will be taken the same as cash at any store in town, and the only Srn,- At the last meeting of the Town ones taken the same as cash at R. H. Council a resolution was passed, appoint- Turners. Quick & Wright. ing · weclnesday afternoon, June 11th, a If you want the best Sulky Rake in the Decoration Day for our cemeter y. 'rhis custori1 prevails in many places, and it , is mark et and the Mower that pleases all hoped .that all interested in the cemetery who use it place your order with W. H. will unite in payinl( tokens of respect to Piper, agent for Patterson &Bro, , Whitby. The Whitby Ontario Harvester is the their dece1ised friends, If nothing more, they can st rew a few fresh flowers ovor reaper every farmf'lr wants, It is a five rake machine, strongly built and warranttheir graves. ed to do first-class work or no sale, "VV. THofl. YELLOWLEEs, H. Piper, agen t, Brooklin. Chairman Cemetery Committee, Farmers, you ca,n buy the Buckthorn Steel Barbecl wire fencing for $5.50 pe1· DISTRICT CONFERENCE. hundred poundis at E. S. Manning's. The The closing. meeting of the Whitby best fencing there is, ancl certainly the istrict of the Methodist Church of Can- cheapest.- 17-3w. ada began in the Methodist Tabernacle Farmers give the Queen Mower aml ' Ontario Harvester, Whitby, a "'Ood recomWlu'b Iuesday morning, May 20t h. t y, on " The chair was taken by the Rev. N. R. mend. These machines may seen at W. Willoughby, l\L A., chairman of the dis- Hoskin's, Darlington, or Wm. Yoeman's, tX.i<;t,- who opened t he Jlroceedings with on Raynes Farm, near Bowman ville. devotional exercises, 'l'ho R ev. S. C. H. Piper will be t hrougll t he township t() Philp was elected secretary, and R ev. C. t ake orders. T. Cocking sen'ed as his assistant. The , Any person '_Vho contemplates purchasex:tmination of ministerial characte1' oc- mg a reaper this season should examine cupied the greater part of the first day. th e Sawyer No, 3, either atR. 0. Short's, Upon resolution t he Rev. W, J. Biirkwell, near Courticc, or at H . T. Phillips, HampB. A., was regularly transferred from the ton. It is undoubtedly t he best reape1' in Lindsay to the Whitby District. One the Dominion, and took the 1st pr ize at young man having passed successfully his Weston, Manchester, Uxbridge and Cartexamination was recommended for ordin- wright against all comers, F, H , Mason, ' ion, and five others, having obtained agen t, Hampton. s tisfactory certificates, were continued on Sawyer 's celebrated grain saver thresher p obatiou. R esolutions of sympathy were p ssed and sent to the R evs. W. Scales, is unsurpassed for durability, workman· d J . Gould, the former of whom super- ship, perfection of parts, light running. nnuates this year. A very successful ease of management, simplicity of con, struction, fast and clean work, saving religious service was held in the evenin" 0 when the sp1tcious lecture-room was filled grain, bearding barley, threshing wel; to its utmost capacity. On Wednesday grain, threshing peas. The b est steam morning t he laymen gathered at 10 o'clock thresher made. Examine the improvewhen the numerical and financial con- ments for 1884, ·wrought iron b eater:,. dition of the district was considernd, and adjust<ible .grate, gmin spout in front of showed considerable advancement, 'rhere wheel, sheet iron extension over the shoe, is a net increase of 453 members. The adjust able concave, etc. Send for illusRev. W. R. Barker was elected to t he trat ed circular to F . H . l'\fason, agent for , Stationing, and t he R ev. P eter Addison Darlington and Clarke. to theSabbathSchoolCommittee. Messrs. ABOUT STRAINER.'l.- In straining milk J . R. Hoover, and J oshua Wright were or 'any liquid, you are careful to have the also sent as representatives fo the Con- strain1Jr sound and clean. See to it t hen ference Contingent Fund Committee. that nature's strainer is kept healthy. At the close of the 1neeting a resolution The Blood passes through the Liver, was presented, and unanimously carried, which should retii,in and throw off all expressing app1·eciatiou of the services of impurit ies. See t he cause of all yourthe Rev. N. R. Willoughby, M, A, whose troubles 1 ZO-PE-SA acts upon tha Liver, kindness, ability and godly counsels, as hence it is a nat ural and wonderful Liver presiding officer, l1ave served as an inspir- R egLtlator, Dyapeptis cure, Blood Puriat ion to all with whom he has been asso- fier, corrects t he Brain and the Kidneys. ci1\ted. A public t ea-meetin "' was held in Zopesa is a certain cure for Headache t he evening and was eminently successful, from Foul Stomach or Nervousness. A good do~e taken twice a. week will cure. Picture frames full line on l1and any Sick Headache. We warrant Zopesa t~ ' ' size made up. T. Yellowlees. ' do this. Try a sample bottle. b : ,V.