High School Ex:amination3. "...I.. CLASS Non-prcfoosional Rxaminat.ion mHE INTERMEDIATE AND THIRD Local and Otherwise. A good Thing. Special T ..le~r,.m . Rloomville, N . Y.-I have been nsing your Baxter's Mau drake Ritt.t>rs to a very limited extent. I have t~ke 11 five s1rnlll d<>ses, and it has dona me m:Jregood tha n all the medicines I have takon 111 the last · four mouths. C. A. WETMORE. Special T elegram . Rolland, M ich.-Pleaso send me one dozen butt.lee Dr: lhx tei"s Mandrake Bitters. I never took ·rny med icine that d id mo eo much good as t his. IRA TAYLOR. Price, 25 cts. per bottle. · Oshawa races on July l st. Bl a.in suits t he Hepublica ns. beg-ins a.t Bowman ville Hilo(tl t>choolJULY 7th, BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 13. Blak e r eception uex:t Tues<lay. · -·-· ····-· -= o.\~h~· g!~ond Class Examination begins J ULY Miss Nellie D eacon, of Gesto, is visitiug 9th. at 11:05 a. m. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. 'l'heKnt1·al1ceExaminati.on ta1<es place JULY frie1-1cls in t own. 3rd ancl ith beginning each day at 9 a. m . Candidat~· should notify theCountylnspector 'l'hcrc wore no appeals against the Rev. W. H. Warriner lms been at tcnor the un dersticned by J uNr~ !st. assessment this year. cling the Cougrcgatioual Union in :MonW. W. 'l'AMRLYN. M . A., Bowm1 mville, M"'y 15, 1885. Principal. At th~ regular meetin~, June 2nd, th e treal this week. business done is summarized as follows:Dr. J . W. McLai1ghlin, M P. P., 11ud .Jt...\vas decided not to open road between 1,t. Col Cuuit t were registered at t he 5th and 6th cons., opposite lot 5; $40. 00 R ossin House Toronto on Tuesday. · on easy terms were gr·mted for re-oairs on . ' shonld' try · A II ens · L ung Tlie subscriber offers for sale · ·' R road between d l Consnmpllves 1 of payment, that very desirl\bla groperty 1st and 2n(l cons. ; tie eevo pro ucec Ba.lsa·n. it can be had of any Drurmist . d 't "'" known as Fair Mount J<'arm, hcing t e ,,..,sc. the County Solicitor's opinion re D . Dea- S 11 1u1rt ot'Lot 19. jnth~ 12111 t:on~essl·!11 . 01 '1 ~ con's fence· Mr Spinks w as deputed to l ee a v · TOl1'N!!!llll· Ot' tJ A"\'.lN, and contamrng 1" ' · · d 8 l I D t l 1 dd l' it unlud-y acres ot ·good land. 105 of. which are undet· make necessary repairs on 7th an tl on . pass unt or a a e ' .· cultiva.tion, and tho r eet m ~':'oods. On the l cons opposite lot 18 in the former, and New a.nd rtJcherche. The mo~t "xqmInsure in tho Confoderation Life Asso· ~rg8m1.\168t'hwei,:ethl~c~l~;~nf11Pi"~7~~~gt~1c?u;~ii.~~ 22 a;~d 23 in the latter; the brnss band site little toile.t f,!em extant fur the t1:>eth ciat1011. It is che"per than t ll<l C.m i1dian x · ,e., · ~O feet.,a.nd 06 - x 22 feet,·respeot1vo · 1y,· was granted the use of t i rn T own H au on au d b reat11 ' ts · "'reab errv. ' II lla.ms 51 x Mutual Aid, A. 0. U. W. or any p:o·s aalso,I<'arme StaJ?le~.l.Jrivin g Ho.use, IIay Jlfa~'1" S·1turday evenings fur 1 )ractice · M essrs. Toronto lias 30 mil~s of block r:iavea-nd othe1· ontbtnlchngs. T 1icre is a never· at ~ c · ' . · , ronnd your ha.t insti1t1tio1 ., as the followin~ supply of excclient water at the door,a.nd Devitt and ~foKee were d eputed to se~ if ments. ing e xamples will pro vu : Thos. McClnug it 1s also convnicnt .ti! churches nnd a first- fence opposite lot 16 between 4th and oth The snre effects of Ayer's Sarsap:1rilla has been insured s1 11co 1872 fo1·$2,000,~nd class school. 'l'he ·01l 1s clay loam, and well h ' l d l ·t . adapted to ra.i~ing wheat and other grains. It coms., enc1·oa.c es on t le roa ., anc repo1 , are thorOUl(h an-i permanent. If them ill the last tivo vearo it only cost him $2.55 is abottt seven rnilcs from the.'f? wn of Pet.~r- the Reeve w1.1s instructed to procure the a lurking taint of Scrufula. about y(lu, per aunum on each $1, oo'o to insure. J olin bm·ongll, and .8 miles from ~·!!bro ,k, 'r"t'hth necessary · nurn ber of ruad scrapers · tho AJ ~·er's Sarsaparilla will dislodge it aud McCluu" insured at 1he s1 gravel· road to each place, and 1s m o~~ ·· . e . ,, 'y . _ i1ne t irn .. f.>r the l1cst neighborhoods in the county, I itl., .m- Reeve was mstructed to get W . 1 .C.. ar- expel it f1 om yuur system. same an7ount a nd it ouly cost hi m $1. 74 t~auutable. Further vart{~~;1~1l?ii~ff~8W~n nold, P.L.S., to survey line betdweten . ltots Many citizens visited t he Cemetery per aunnm on each $1,000 to insure, he Peterborough P, 0, 18 and HI, con. 5, r1t an ear1Y a e , 1 1e Sunday. being a litt le younger. ·~--------------- Reeve signed orders on the 'l'reasurer . as We certify the above t.o be correct. Thos. follows : Samuel Henry, work at weigh A whisker dve must be co11veme11t to McCluug, John M.eClung. 0 IC 0 1 S scales and repairing som per , $4.50; J~s. use, easy to awly, impossible to rub off, T HOS. BINGHAM, Agen t . Holmes, work at weigh scales and repair- elegant iu appearance, a nd cheap in price. - OF·------- -ing scraper, $8.75; Wm. Spence and R. Buckin~ham's Dye for the Wiskers unites MARY A1VN I<EYS, of the "Wilson, indigent aid, $4.00 each ; Mrs. iu itself all t hese merits. '.l'ry i t. Home Items. ; Geo. Pedlar, of Oshawa, is moving to town {}j Bowmanvi//e1 · county Loughead, indigent aid, clothing, $7.50 "1160 ; c}ucago. · - "All your fault n yon remain sick o'vn when you can ·wm. McLirnghlin, sa1nry <I~ l\~l!E;lllS<>r, ·w of Durham, merchant. ·H . F. H olland, legal opinion, $2. - Elder S!Jeppard preach~d at Harmony Get hop hitters th"'t never- li'ail. -++-Council adjourned to tho fir st Monday last SabboU1. · 1 'l'h? Wt>akest wom-.n, smallest c_hild, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT in July, at 1 p.m. In Murray & Layman's Jl'Jorida Water t\nd swkesl Invalid can use hop bit te rs the sain Mary Ann Keys he.a madiran - -- - · - - the most debilitated and uervous can find wit h safet y and gre·t good. uf'Signment c,f a.It her property. estate and ef: -Old men tottering around from Rheufects to 'l'homas Henry Vann. of the said town Facts fot Farmers. relief. Used freely in t he water of the malism, kidney trouble or any weakness of Bowmanville, acco11ntantci in trust for the bath, Its effect is almost m11.rvelloue, so will be almost new by using hop bitt ers. benefit ot all her creditors an for the purpose cl l B of .paying all her debts rateably and proportionCash for eggs at Mnr oc 1 ros. strengthening and bra.cing, a.ud withal so -My wifo tmd daughter were made ably without preference or priority, according - Farmers you can save dollars by buyin exquisitely 81,!reeable. . healthy by the use of hop bittera . and I to their rtispecti ve nature,and that all persons, firms and corporations having ela.ima age.inst barbed wire at Manning's. John Gwld, Foley, is visiting his sheep recnmm~nd them to 111 y people.- Metho· the said Mary Ann Keys are requeste1l to send H' 1 t · 'cl f 11 k ' d ff dist Clergy men . in the~r names residences and addresses and 1 g ies pnce pai or a Ill s o arm ranohe i n Kansas. pa1·tlculars of their claims, duly ve.rifie!l, and produce at Quick & '\Vright's. __..All ladies iihonld know t hat hoods, Ask any !(Ood doctor if hop specifying the nature of the security (1t any) B 1 l 1 b ·b d , · t R S scarfs, ribbons and all fancy art icles can Bitters are not the hest family medicine held bv them by lotter to the said 'l'homas uc ct iorn stee ai e Vi ire a · · On earth. Henry 'vann. a.t Bowmanville, on or before the Manning's for $5t per 100 lhs. be made any color wan ted ~ith D iamond - Malarial fever, Ague and Bilions2lth day of June next. given that after do.Id As a rear cut mowe1, . tl10 I· · Dyee. All the popular colors. lOc. at ness, will · leave every neighborhood a s And notice is hereby ion CJa cl lS date the said'J'homasRenryVa.nn will proceed [the "boss." See it. F. H . Mason, agt., drugj!'iats. None equal them. Wells, soon as hop bitters a.rrive. to distribute the assets of the said Marr Ann H' t " - My mother drove t he pnralysis and RichaTdson & Co., Burlingtou, Vt. ICers among the parties e~tltled thereto, lu~v,~mp on. · . Messrs. M11ckie and Drew Oshawa have ne11ra lgia. all out of her systHm with hop ing regard only to the claims of wltleh notice Eaas taken at the high est Market shall have been given, and that he will not be · ,.,,., R H T . M ' Cl a B . ' imported· 40 Hereford cattle. bitters. "-Ed. o~wcgo .S'Un. . · urner, c Ull o IOS Uable for the a.mounts or nny part thereof so prices. Siok or nervous Headaches are easily - Keep t he kidneys healthy with hop distributed to any person or persons, firms or old stand. :r · b . f \. corporations of whostl acc()uut he shall not and certainly cured with ZO' PE.SA . bitters and yon need 110'1: fear eickness. then have had notice. :No mistake a out it, arme.rs. i ou can It stimulates the Liver aud Stomach to - Ice watter is rendered harmless and And further take notice that the creditors or really buy steel barbed wire at R. S. aot10n, thns relieving the head, on the more refre11hi11g and reviving with hop said Mary An!1 Ke~s are notltled to meet at the Man~in..,'s for .u,5 50 per 100 fils. o61ce of thesa1d ase1gnee 011 'I'omper~ncestreet, o 'II' · sa.me principal it purities t he blood a.nd bitters in each draught. in the town ot Bowmanville, on SATURDAY, 'l'he Iron Duke mower took 1st prize at t he U rinary. A 75 rnmt 1>ottle of Zopesa. - 'l'he vigor of youth for the aged and, tbe 31st day of MAY, 188·1, e.t the hour of eleven ... [ I t . d ( T b ·'d F . t out o'clock ill tho forenoon, to receive a statement u ane ies e1 ::in X II ge. . Ion · may save you much s11ffering and many infirm in hop bitters. of the aft'airs of the said Mary Ann Keys e.Dd Call and see it before purchasmg. F. H . dollars II - -- - - - to consider the best means of _Proceeding to· Mason, agent, Hampton. Tl1e egg h arvest is eggst raordinary th is SAVED FRO'.lt 'l'HE SoALl'EL -A Toron to wind up the estate. · l' · cl d l il't Dated this 20th day of l\lay, A. D., 18&1. .i\. model of sunp 101ty an ura l 1 y. year. J:'rices a.re also good . lady, Mrs. Berkenshaw, cohtracted a disTho Sawyer No. 3 reaper has less parts T. H. VANN. A F.&.CT. -There are oils white, and oils ea~e of the k ne!" j<>int and was advised to 21 .Assignee· .than any other r eaper made. F. H. black, put up in bottles short and tall, submit it to a. surgical operation by the - T ::S: -E -._ -_ - - - - - Mason, agent, Hampton. but Hagyard'11 Yellow Oil, fur paiu, is best physician attendi ng ; a.ll other treatOur Due Bills will be taken the same the ve1 ·y bt·st oil of ..n lt cutes r heu ma - ment having failed, when H agyard's Yell\S cash at any stoi·e in town, anc l th e only tism, n ep1 algia, dedfrtess, sprains, bm ises, low Oil was tried and speedily effected a ones taken the same as cash at R. H. co11tracttid co1d;1, sou1 throat, frost bittis, cure. It is the unfailing rem<1dy for acTurners. Quick & Wri ght. burns and all soreuess of the flesh. It is cidents and emerge,ncies, and is for external and internal uae. 11 If you want t he best. Sulky Rake in t he for exterual and internal use.II . market and the Mower that pleases all Mr. John Cowie, of Litt!~ Britain REMARIUULE RESTORAl'ION.- Mrs. A. · is the best place in town to get who use it place your order with W. H. dropped in to see us this week. · O'Brine, 372 Exchange Street~ Bnlfalo, Piper, agent fo_r Patt erson & Bro., Whitby. Nothing succe'edll like success, is as true 'l'he Whitby Ontario Harvester 1s the in medicine as in anything else. By t he was supposed to be <lyin~ with consnmp. tion and ab·ndoned by he r physician. reaper every farmfll' wants. I t is a fi ve wondedul eflect of Dr. Vau Ilurneu's rake ma.chine, strongly built and warrant· Kidney Cur e in promptly alleviation t he She suffer ed terribly and was reduced in to nmety pounds. I11 this condition eel to do first-class work or no sale. ,V. su:fferings o;xp ~rtence d in kidney troub les ilesh bhe 1·esorted to Burdock Blo<,d Bitt ers, H. Piper, agent, .Brooklin. aud producing a permanem cure if these and no1v enjovs perfect health and weighs Farniers, you can buy th e Buckthorn distressing aliments, He · fa.me has been one hundred and for ty-s ill.. S he will gladSteel Bar bed wire fencing for $5.50 per carried over thefourquart~rsoftheGlo be. 1 1 dly answer enquiring sntt'ers on receipt of AND DONT YOU F01WJDT IT. hundred pounds at R . S. Manning's. The :Mrs. Isabell Farewell, aged 54, died at U. S . post age st amp II best feac~ng ther e is , and certainly tlw Harmony June 3rd. AD'Vl<:E T O !UOTHERS. cheapest.- 17-3w. CAN'T GE·1· IT. Diabetes Bright's DisArn you disturbed at nigh t and broken of Farmers give the . Queen Mower and ease, Kidney, Urinary or Li ver Complainyour rest by a sick child sutfering and crying Ontari6 Har vester, Whitby, a good recom- ts cannot be contracted by you or yqur with pam of cuttinfli'_ teetb l If so, send at once W's SOOTHING m end. These machines may be seen at W. family if Hop Bitters are used, and if yott an'd get a bottl e of MRS. \'V'I NSLO Fott CHILDREN 'rEETH!NG. Its va.lue is Hoskin's, DM·lingt1·n, or Wm. Yoeman's, already ha.ve auy of the~e. disl'ases H~p SYRUP incalculable. It will relieve the poor little o· 'Raynes Farm, near Bowman ville. .W. Bitters are the only medicine that wtll sufferer immediately. Depend upon It. mothers, H . .Piper will be th rough the t ownsh ip t o positi vely cure you.· Don't forget this, there is no mistake about it, Jt cures dysentary and diarrhcea, regulates the stomach and S~rsaparilla take orders. and don't get some puffed up stuft that bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and FARM · n y AucnoN.- Th e Executors of will only harm you. energy to the whole system. MRS.WINSLO W'S the late Archibald :McFeeters will sell th,e SOOTHING SYl!U l' l· 'OU CHILDREN 'f F lETHIN G is The first h eavy thunder shower of the ARE THE BEST to the taste, and i~ the prescrip~lon of pleasant south half of lot 13 , con . 5, Darli11gton, season fell h ere on M on day afternoon . one of the oldest and best female nurses and containing 100 acres, 75 cleared , by auctphysicians in the U nit.ed Stat.es, and is for sale PHOSPHA'l'INE.- .An almost certa.incure ion on the premises on Satunlay J une 21st, by all druggists thmughout t.he world. Price at 2 p. m. This fi ne farm is 4 miles north for Pulmonary Consumption and all 25 cents a bottle chronic and wasting Jisease. The greatof Bowmanville. See bills for full p:uticest medical d iscovt ry of the ninteenth ltES'l' ancl t:0111'01U' to U1e Slll' l·'JU'NG. ALWAYS KEPT ON ICE AT THE ulars. H . T. Phillips, auctioneer. cent ury ; a scit ntifically prepared remedy, " ni·own's llouschoulcl 1·nnnc"n " has no Any person who cont emplates purchas- f t ee from q 11ackery; pure, delicious, nat- equal for re.lieviug pain, both internal and ex· ternal. It cum Pain in tile Side, Back or ing a reaper thi.s season should examii;ie nral and permanent in its r esul~s. l ts Bowels, sore 'l'hroo.t, Rheumat ism, Toothauhe, the Sawyer. No. 3, either at R. 0. Sh orts, efficacy something wonderful; discover· Lumbago a.nd any kind ef a Pain or Ach1;1. "It is l!owmanville, June 51 ~8G4 . near Court.ice, or at H . T . P hillips, Hamp- ed· by P r of. \~ . Lowell A ustion, Boston, will most surely quicken t.he Blood and Heal, as its acting powers is wonderfal." "Dr own,s ton. It is undoubt edly the best r eaper in Maes. Pric~, $1,00 per bottle. For sale Household Panacea," bemg n.ckn()wl'edged as the .Dominion, and took the 1st prize at by all d r uggists. II the great P u.in Heliever, and .of .double tho sti:ength of any other Elixir or Liniment in the W eston, Manchester , Uxbridge and CartA Brooklin Grit writes t hat lie is com - world should be in every fu.mily handy for use. wrigh t against all comers. F. H. Mmion, in rr dowa to ride on horse-back in the · whon'wanted, "as it really is t he best remedy agent, Hampton. " in the world for Ora.mps in the Stomach, and in consideration of tlie 11ard times and Blake procession. Pains and Aches of e.ll kinds, "and is for sale Sawyer 's celebrated gr3'in saver thresh er A GREA1' D1scoVEitY. - Mr. ·wm. T hos. by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. to enco~ra.ge 'the Cash system, has is unsurpassed for durability, workman- of Newton, fa , says: ' 'My wife has been decided ou giving a ship, perfection of par ts, light running, seriously affected with a cough for twenty A CELEllRA'l'ED CAsE.- The remarkaule ease of m anagement, sirnplioity of con- five years, and this spring more severly .ca.ea of W. A. E dgars, of Frankville, who DISCOUNT. OF 10% ON struction, fast and clean work, saving t han ever before. Sh e had used many suffereu from disease of the li v~r o.nd kid ALL CAS H PURCHASES grain, bearding barley, threshing wet r emedies without relief, and beiiig urged neys so badly that a.11 hope of r ecovery grain, threshing p eas. The best steam t o t ry Dr. .K'l.ng's New Discovery, did eo, was abandoned. He remained t en and OVER $ 1.00 thresher made. E xamine t he improve- wit h r esults. The first thirteen da.ys without action vf t he bowe· gratifying men ts for 1884. Wrought iron· beat er , bottle r e lieved her very much, and the ls. Four bottles of Burdock Blood Bit' adjustable grate, grain sp~mt i n fron t of s econd bottle has absolutely cured her. ters restored him perfect health, which - Grey :uul ll'ltite tJoUnus except e d. wheel, shoet iron extension over the shoo, She has not had so good health for t hirty he had not knownfortw eu ty years before. II adj ustable concave, etc. Send for illus- year s.' Trial bottles free atJ.Higginbotham His stock i,s complete in all lines, and tmted circular to F . H . Mason, agen t for & Son' s Drug Store. Large 1;lize $1.00. How TO Ou RE A CoLD. - Take · eome prices are low, so that this is a eplondid D arlington and Clarke. Di~ectors, what do you . s ay to getting gentle opening medicine, ha.the t he feet opport11nity for those rquiring of up a bicycle to\lrllament as one of t l10 iu warm water, addine: a apoonfol lh Hereditary S crofula. attractions at our Fall Fair. mustard ; r.omain indoors ; equa.1 tze e circulat ion with warm bath a.nd frieti01l ; Al,'e you aware t hat in yonr blood the The Saddest of Sad Sights,- The g rsy · drink warm ginger tea, and takeHa.gyard'11 tai11i. of ecrofula hae a. prominent plMe ·? hairs of' age b~ing brought with sorrow to P ectoral Balsam, the most perfe1Jt and t he This is tr ue of every on e. It is liable at the grave, is n o \\', we are glad to t hio k, safest cough cure that ca.n be procured. II - REMEMBER-any time, on t he slightt>st prov!)ca.t iou, to becoming rarer every year as the use of develop itself in some insidious disease. Ctn galeae Hair Restorer becomes more - - - - - - - - · Consumption a.nd many ot'her di~eases are general. By its use the scan ty locks of outgrowths of this impurity of the blood, a cre once mor e resume their former color TEE MONTH OF JUNE, Shaker Blood Syrup has a wonderful a~<l the hair becomes thick and lllxuriant ·will this splendid offer be ope n, and every· power over all scrofulous troubles, as th0 as ever; with its aid we can now defy the one should t ak e advantage of it. remarkable t estimonials we have received chan~e of years, resting assured that no unm istakably prove. grey hair at any rate will come to - 1882· , 11 We refer by premission to Mrs. P . E l - sadden us. Sol d at 51) cents per b ottl e · Owll!ANVILLE. o N T., Dec· "· DON'T FORGET T HE STAND, . Messrs. SETII W. FOWLE & S ON, Boston. liott, H a nover, Maine, who was cured by by Stott & J ury.1t Dear Sirs:- Wo suppose it is no new thing Shaker Blood Syrup of 11 Scrofula. Sores, C. K irk, dealer in boots and shoes, tor you to receive congratulations on the sucthe severity of which confined her t o the formerly of Oshawa, is charged in Guelph cess of your valuable c()ughramedy, Dr. ·w1sthouse for two years. Six months, previ· with inoendi:\rism. ni"~ nntsam or l'fllcl tJl1erry ; but perhaps at ous to t akina Shaker Blood Syrup, she AllOllT SPRIN<d-WATBR. - The surest, tll.is time a word or two from us will not prove could not g~t about her room without 224w. Dowmatville, May 29, 1884. most effective, least costly remedy for out ot place. Although the Balsam has not crutches. Her friend says I did not habitual Coativeness is Z.>pesa. Bett er been adverised to any extent in this locality, think it possible for her to live 1nany tha.n all the aperiants of spring-waters our sale ot it is very large and t he demaad is m onths she was reduced to a m ere skelee ver bubbled, for it is certain, e.ffect- ia. cre~sing, "'.hlch is ~ue to the universal satton. Her cure is hardly less tha.n a meri- that ual and pleasant, acting npon t he Liver lsfactlon whwh It gives. to our cu?tomers. cle. There is no doubt that in Shaker and digestive Organs. It invigorates, We have never had a smgle complamt, and Blood Syrup, wc have the most remarka- strengthens, loosens and r emoves. Keeps hnsband.s ten us their wives. wll~ not keep ble 111edicine iha t as ever b een produced, oft' Ague Fevere Malaria Biliousnesshonse without it. We would like ~ ou to do a and a positive oure for Syphilis and Scrofu. makes A ppetite g~od Sleep' sound Nerves little m ore advertising in this countr y, for we la in their numerous torms. stron Brain quiet B lood pure 'Breat h believe were your balsam better known, its tg, T t d Regulates th~ Bowels sale would be increased ten-fold. Ice c1·eam for parties or picn ics, supp- swee· , as ~ goo ' . Yours truly, S'l'OTT & .JURY. lied at reduced p rices, at th e Grand only by actmg upon t~e Li ver and Dtges tion. Get a sample of ZO-PE -SA. 11 1175 "Tho Uruggists," Central.- 23-2. Farm for Sale. , I have ·now ready a very large stock of Paper Hangings of foreign and home manufacture, and those in want will do well to examine my patterns and prioes. I import my paper direct from manufacturers and give my custqmers the benefit. - No trouble t o show goods. 12. (WALL XPAPEBiJ P. TREBILCOCK. I i "s Cheap Life Insurance. Town Hall Buildings, Bowmanville. Impugn · it! East Shop in N eads' New Block, The Largest·and Best Stock of° Dry Gopds. They do the Fine Clothing Trade. They sell more Black Cashn1eres and Black Silk than any two competitors. 21 yards Heavy Grey Cotton for ... .$1.00. I 15 yds . 36 in. Heavy Grey Cotton ...$1.00. Cashmtires, 25c., 35<!., 45c., 50c. Fear no competition, you will eare money by buying Cush111eres from us. mack Cashmere Shawls.. $1.00 t~ $10.00. I Black Sa.tins . ... ... . 60..~ 75c., $1.00. up. Black Gros Silks, 750 ., $ 1.00, $1.25 up. We buy Silks by the piece and we can sell at the l owest wholesale cutting prices. Beautifnl Soft Kid Gloves ·.. . ...... 50c. , Oro inary 500. Kid Gloves for ...·... 25c. Heavy Brown Check Duck .......... 18c. Heavy Cot tonade .. .. ....·..··..... 20c. A fine assortment of Dress Tri mmings,Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, L ace Curtains,&c. N t· e t Cred·tor :a:: _A_ s N DR[SS ~N. AND MANTLf MAKING BY JY_[~ DU STAN. TAILORING by W. PE.ARDON, The No. 1 Cutter. Satisfaction Guarant eed. B.-The original S tar (the beacon that has d irected hun dreds to the place for bargains) is the Bast Shop in Neads' New Block TO THE LADIES. S. ·dl_ason Son. H ave just received another sl1ipment of their celebrated Grand . Contral BLACK AND COLORED FRENCH CASHMERES Also a choice lot of Lace Curtains and Curtain Net- special value. Also new Prints, Cretonnrs, E mbroideries, Laces, Ties, Glt)Ves, Parasolfr, Counterpanes, Table Covers, Table Damasks,. &:c. CARPETS- Fine, Choice, Elegant P1'tterns. Also Mantle and Dress Silks, ,Mantle Loops, Frogs, Dr ops, Ornaments, ·Gimps, &c., direct from Paris. Plea:;e call and see our celebrated ICE ,CREAM Ginger Ale and MF BAMBOO CO~SETS, warranted not to break. TO THE GENTLEMEN. New Hats, .Caps, Ties, Sbirts, etc. TAILORI N G.- Cloths, Tweeds, Worst ed Coatings, etc ,- large st ock. Sarsaparilla Beer, Lem . on Soda Water, Two first-class Cutters. Can have your choice RE ADY-MADE CLOTHING,-full assor t ment. Pop Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash for goods. S. MASON & SON. Temperance Drinks I GRAND CENTRAL. CashlCashlCashl Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash forPotatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & Sheep Skins. Cash f'o1~ all k inds .of Farm P roduce a t · "' w. MGM u· R:rnv, F JUNE D uRI Nc THE MONTH O Young, Cawker&Co's. YOUNG CAWKER & Co's is t he pluce to do business, they k eep - in stock the very- Best quality of Groceries· · · t hat can be bought, t h e Best quality o f M eats, Fresh and Cured, always in stock. Their Seeds are all fresh and of the b~st' qn,ality; ~hey ke~p Barrel Salt ; American and Carbon Safety Coal 011. 'I ry t hell" Empire Horse and Cattle Food, the best manufactured, recommended -highly by the Guelph Model Farm ; their st ock of Glassware a nd Crockiiry is Complete. They do not make any specialty of one article, but as t here is considerable talk about Cheap Teas, the place to buy the Cheap Tea is at Young, Cawker & Co's, they buy altogeth er for cash which enab fos t hem tQ sell cheap. Give them a call. DRY GOODS. for On e M onth only, C. M. CA\VKE R. ' ACENTS WANTED N"EyWherl X> ivfe~ BURNER. No mo!e trott,bl!l to move wicks. Ji; very family wants it. Fit any lamp. Use same globe. Sells at sight, Lamp ThreeBur burners for $1 to any address, Roller uer Co., 73 Murray St., New York. . CAN'T KEEP HOUSE, MILK PANS 1 WEST END HOUSE, W. McMURTRY, ~OOL! l Highest Market Price for any quantity of Wool. H arla nd's I~nproved M I LK P AN, P at ented J uly 17th, 1883, which iR second t o none of the many inl have a ve r omcdy for t ho nb ovo d leeaso; by ltt use thou1umd11 or ca ges or tho worat k in d an d of ventions now in tlrn · market, in r;,n;:~~~ff~ a~;~ r,i:~1 lu~f11· ·10~~0 ~~~& ~O°.Fi'i~~i~~~ s:mplicity, durabili.t~ ...ad the eft ogot hcr wltbo. VA LUABLE 'l' ltEA. TJSR on t11ls Ub oa.S'\ to u.ny #Uil'..,ror. Otvo Rxpro111 nml P . 0 . ud drcslJ. of separating the fectual mode DR. T. A, SLOOUJll, l el :Pearl S~.. !!·w Todt. cream from the milk, pure and free DVERTISERS! send for our Select Ust of A Loca.l Newspapers. Geo. P . Rowell & Co., from sedimen t. 10 Spruce St, N. Y. The Skimmer and Aerating ap---'--------------- --~ pa1atus is entirely new, and will MILL FOR SALE. separat e the c1·eam from t he milk LOURING MILL in the t o wnship of in 12 hours. Call and see t hem at CONSUMPTION; µo~ lti lon ~ L. QUICK. F Clarke. K nown as Adams' New Mill. Apply to ARTHUR CODD, Esq., or St. J OHN vme. H. HUTCHESON, Da.rrister-at ·Law, Bowman ' 215-tf BllltK'i 01.D STAND, · - BOlVMANTll.1.£. LEWIS QUICK'S,